Nintendo Direct E3

I know you will not believe me, blah, blah, blah

>Luigi's Mansion 3 gameplay
>Fire Emblem: Three Houses video
>Super Mario 3D World remaster
>Link's Awakening video
>Mario & Luigi new game video
>Ninten indies: Hollow Knight:Silksong, Crystal Crisis, Shantae,
>Tetris 99 video
>Astral Chain video. Includes boxart and Special Edition
>Third parties support: Doom Eternal, Fallout 3 and NV, The Witcher 3 and Kingdom Hearts 3 which links with
>Sora as DLC character for SSB Ultimate
>Metroid Prime 4 teaser

Attached: nintendo-e3-2019-logo.jpg (900x506, 24K)

fake and gay

>Metroid Prime 4 teaser

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it's so boring it could actually be true

Everyone knows the Square rep is Erdrick. Try again tomorrow.


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why do i believe this

>Metroid Prime 4 teaser
Jesus, we know they delayed the shit for a reason.

Hey Guys, my insider contacted me.
We will only get one character reveal at e3.
Banjo confiremd. (not available after presentation)

>Banjo confiremd.
No it's not. They will be the fifth and last character n December.

And that's the exact reason I fear Erdrick won't make it. Cause everyone IS SOOOOOOOOOO SURE its going too be him no matter what. Once the bandwagoning starts insiders leakers ect.
Erdrick rumors have been going on for what almost a year now? He is possibly the longest running leaked character in Smash history which in itself is a feat.

I'm just going to say this every time the smash fan base is SO SURRRRRE a character is going to make it it usually ends up blowing up in everyone's faces since everyone so confident about Erdrick basically tells me it's a sole reason that it's not going to be him and square successfully played a 1000 IQ chess game. Even Verge himself said Square throws fake names around how the fuck do we know if his most trusted Source wasn't fooled?
it's all up to the fans to believe in that. The moment of truth is almost upon us we're pretty close now..

I actually do believe you. It's so boring it probably is what Nintendo will do.

>prime 4 teaser.

Be game was recently cancelled and given to a different team to start from scratch. They’ll have absolutely nothing to show.

I trust my insider more than you pal.

i know that you are wrong and also full of shit.
do you know why?
it's because porky is the dlc fighter

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They showed a logo 2 years back, they can do it again.

>no animal crossing

This is disappointing enough to be true.

Over ten years ago, many of us were pissed that Reggie's "big game" he teased at was simply cityfolk baka

Now I am clamoring for a new AC

AC is boring shit anyways.

>Metroid Prime 4 Teaser

Attached: tenor.gif (480x270, 1.17M)

>>Sora as DLC character for SSB Ultimate
>>Metroid Prime 4 teaser


>They’ll have absolutely nothing to show.
Oh, like two years ago. And they showed it nevertheless.

>no Animal Crossing when it comes out this year

Regardless of how well Witcher 3 would run on the switch, would the game + dlcs even fit on a switch game cartridge?

Pokemon will not appear either. AC will have its own Direct this summer.

>Mario world 3D "remaster"
The only plausible thing on your list user and even then I reckon it'd be a quick 30 second mention.

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Imagine a fucking mother collection for the 30th Anniversary this year and Porky getting into smash...... ultimate fucking curveball to the smash leaking\ Insider community. I would lose my absolute and collected shit.

You’re right I don’t believe you

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yes because vergeben, who didn't know about banjo until two days ago and didn't know joker at all, is definitely correct on his 10 month old claim of DQ3 that had every possible detail proven wrong besides it's existence

I doubt the Switch can run KH3 even at 30fps