E3 starts... right now! Get in here!

E3 starts... right now! Get in here!

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Other urls found in this thread:


comfy eza e3 is back

Where we watching?

studio is looking nice with the monitors

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Jolly vibes



Nah fuck off

>only one month to make the vile game
>during e3
is kyle retared?

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at least its not ben


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I already got mine.

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I want to see where this guy ended up from last year.

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>"Welcome, we are Easy Allies"
>"Dude buck bumble lol xD"

God why

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>Ben's MASSIVE FUCKING FOREHEAD hogging that entire inset box.

>not ben
You cursed us.

No bets are on the line today, right?


post bets

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Brain force is a powerful thing.


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The one where if a character from episode IV appears in Fallen Order.

I haven't really watched EZA in like a year or two. What shitty things has Damiani said or done in the meantime? Last thing I remember was pic related.

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ah, right

Is Jones at the EA venue right now?

Dude. What if we got a Sheik Assassin's Creed game?

so the only interesting thing from e3 is to see the star wars game, right? everything else is just nothing?


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Called people stupid for not 'understanding' his Starlink review

that final bet

don't do this to me user, you fucking degenerate. not even as a fucking joke my dude

I assume you meant EA instead of E3, but pretty much.

I MEANT EA. Not all of E3. Just EA conference.

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Aside from the faggotry, those are very poorly done.

Is Greg Miller the greatest meme to grace this planet

what even fucking is he? he has some beef with kyle or something, can't even remember what happened

Couple that come to mind are when he was obnoxiously trotting around on his high horse saying ""be a better person and don't buy SNK Heroines", saying he'd have to dumb down his reviews when called out for only talking about the nintendo cameo in Starlink, and just in general being unable to refrain from turning every conversation into a nintendo one

the audio is super low on their mics right?


greg going full try hard, holy fuck. shut the fuck up my dude.

their mics are way, way too low. they've blasted greg cunt miller and put themselves down too low

>that framerate

he's always retarded youtube.com/watch?v=1JJFq2ljsas&feature=youtu.be&t=756

graphic looks like shit

this looks so boring

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budget jedi-sekiro

force unleashed looked better

why do I want to watch these annoying faggots?
the only good people are Bloodworth and to an extent, Brandon

Western fags can't on combat, respawn should have done a fps SW cause that's what they know better

So essentially Uncharted Souls but worse than both.

I have no idea why, but just seeing a lightsabre game in this next made me realize something

From software, star wars game

holy fucking hell

At least the ost sounds good

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Ok, that bad guy trying to be resist being force pulled in by putting his purple laser sword in the floor was pretty tight. apart from that, this is very boring

This game already looks awful.
>Animations are absolutely terrible
>No dismemberment
>Enemies not dying immediately when sliced

star wars is a redbox rental

Wish they didnt set it to super easy mode so I could actually judge

Looks completely fine to me. Actually reminded me of Jedi Outcast, although with worse level design.

Not a Star Wars fan, but this looked alright.

imagine one of the greatest universes ever made, and Disney put it in the hands of EA. The fucking wasted potential is beyond anything. How did they make star wars, look like the most cookie cutter, generic, nothing piece of shit? literally just grey walls and dead nothing, in a universe filled with so much planets and cool looking area--

not even worth going into. what a waste.

Its ok when Kotor did it

>one of the greatest universes ever made
Not even top 20

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Just started watching, did anyone there judge the game on how slow it looks?

A sekiro game combat jedi game would unironically be the GOAT, and if they added force powers, literal masterpiece. That would destroy everything.

What shady back door deal do I need to make to make this happen?

All I remember is he was moderating a talk with David Jaffe during PSX. Jaffe was shit talking Kyle because he made fun of Drawn to Death.

The literal shadiest, user.

>Bosman critiquing ANYONE doing one of these events, after the shitshow he's done at them.

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EZA is fucking gay and so are you.

>you will stay tuned for apex
>closes stream

The Vidya Gaem Awards are unironically the best presentations in the video game space

Started and then cancelled a weekly clips show of all their streams. He said that it was cutting into his time and none of the other allies would do it for him. Literally all the fat fuck had to do was compile clips that the community made. Meanwhile he streams like 8 hour FF14 streams that no one watches. Even someone in the community decided to pick it up and do the weekly clips for free. So Damiani is just a lazy fat fuck

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>not the real game awards

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I literally forgot Apex Legends exist, and remember there was so much hype when it came out. what the fuck happened? Is Fortnite just too strong?

I still don't know how Pop Fiction ended up having so much content.

That's the one I mean, I forgot that shitty ones people try and make here every year

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That shirt is /fa/ as fuck.

Fortnite has a new update every week, and a huge update every month.
Zoomers need the fast updates, and Apex is slow.

Back at GT Bosman made a joke saying that he found the Kinda Funny guys less than kinda funny. And rat man greg miller lost his shit over it. And yeah he baited Jaffe to go on a huge rant about him because Bosman said how ugly the game was. Then Shuhei Yoshida came out on stage and said how great Kyle was and they all shut up

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There was somebody breathing down his neck at GT.

holy shit, greg miller is an annoying fuck

>what the fuck happened? Is Fortnite just too strong?

Epic grinds their employees to the bone to get the Fortnite update schedule as fast as it is (60-80 hours a week without end). They've pretty much destroyed the concept of what should be realistically expected for game updates

>126K subs
>Won gamer of the year

you just know he bought twitter followers

Papa...I hope.. wherever you are... you're cheering me on

*cut shot to her in gameplay shooting down every person she sees, exploding people and then being killed horrifically*

Good marketing making that sad you dumb asses. it's a fucking battle royale you cunts

So glad they are adding fascism into my vidya!

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Doesn't look like they're going to save their game.

I still can't believe he sincerely suggested this idea in the way he did.

>kyle yelling MY FATHER IS DEAD

I felt really bad hearing that, especially because I was zoned out..

>guys crunch is bad guys
>give fans one month to make a game when eza is putting out the most content it has all year, and only showing the ones voted the best
real gigabrain shit

Wait when did he say that? During Apex? I guess he probably forgot Ian is in the same room

>Wait when did he say that? During Apex?
Yep, at the end of the Apex segment he randomly yelled it

I see they've gotten even more entrenched in retarded politics since I stopped actively following them.

Why are they called "Easy Allies?" I've never understood this name


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Guess its a play on "uneasy alliance"?

I remember them saying they argued a lot about the name and easy allies was the one they collectively hated the least. At least EZA is snappy to say.

Why the fuck do they always have such a tiny window for gameplay, im not watching this shit to see the faces of middleage men get excited over toys i just want to hear commentary.

Ben, Huber, Kyle, and Jones is the best lineup.

Prove me wrong.

Blood also secretly best.

List top 20 now


As with most of these things, it comes from Huber. Back in the GT days, Huber would often say that there was an "uneasy alliance" between them. They flipped the meme on its head and called themselves "Easy Allies" after they left.



It's because they feel they legally can't have it bigger without getting a risk for copyright strike or something. Brandon's mentioned it a few times.

Seems like bullshit, they are the only ones who do this and the way brandon talks about this stuff makes me think he sees "reaction" videos as their selling point. I don't know why I even watch them at this point

Thank you, fuck that's bothered me forever

Oh Kyle, you can't just btfo Ian like that for no reason.

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What a fucking madman Ians dad just fucking died

I stopped keeping up with EZA a while ago. Checked out their betting special for old time's sake yesterday and I still enjoyed it, I just wished they were as good all year 'round as they are during June. It's not even a lack of content considering new shit is always popping off and they could fill the real dead air with more produced content like that video's intro or interesting series like a first fifteen thing.

I might put on their streams for most conferences just because I can't really be fucked to care about them this year outside of nintendo and devolver.

Every year I end up watching the E3 betting special like five times before the results show is out. Damn they're just so good.
>mfw sony crashes the party

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giving me gametrailers vibes

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>Ians dad just fucking died
lmao that's fucked bosman
didn't huber do the same thing about ian's dead mom once

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I wasn't expecting the mario maker tournament to be this fun.

He's just really mad that Bosman got to plow playboy gamer girl pussy.

guys I really need MS to not mention Nintendo directly during their press conference this year, I got a lot riding on this

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why did you just showed me a funny clip

Yo what the fuck are you serious?

Yeah this run was great

Yes thats the reason hes been gone for like 2 months. Dad was in hospice and just died maybe a week and a half ago
Yes he did

I feel like that's some really fucked up shit.

It’s more fucked that nobody on the table was like uh oh and instead all laughed. When Huber did it everyone was like what the fuck and all he did was be like “have your mom watch some tv show”

>vargskelethor twice as many viewers as eza
Also. They aren't covering Splatoon and Smash?
What if Smash has a new character?

They will be back for Smash, which makes me think why bother taking a 2 hour break.

who Yea Forums? yeap it gets worse and worse.

So they're covering everything, except Splatoon in particular?

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Fucking whaaat. Anybody got a clip of that?

unless steve/banjo leakfaggotry comes true there's not a snowball's chance in hell we're getting any info on a new character until the direct and even if one of those two did happen I could see them holding off until the direct anyway.

Damiani did a half face palm

Ian didn't want to cover it because "Only Blood has played Splatoon anyway." EZA is sometimes exceptionally unprofessional knobs.


Also Ian's father was pretty cool:


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Life moves on, man. He wasn't saying it TO Ian and it wasn't ABOUT Ian, so who gives a shit?

can i get a quick rundown on Easy Allies? I passively watch them, but I don't know anything about them. Who are the good/cool guys, who's disliked/'reddit', any based members Yea Forums roots for, etc.

I am feeling pretty confident, but we'll see.

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That kinda sucks desu.

Ian's dad was pretty cool.


not watching ezallies until they get rid of the long haired liberal closet homo faggot. literally ruins every show.

you don't have to hivemind, man , you're better than that

Jones is based.
Bosman is pretty funny.
Ian does the tech stuff but should spend less time on camera.
Don has bad stage presence but is a cool guy.
Everyone else is bad.

>who's disliked
They all are in a way.

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>Bosman is pretty funny.
How? He's a jaded fuck by now.

Do these lot talk over the showcases like faggots or between them like based boys?


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>Not putting everything on Doug Bowser not making a Bowser joke

which ally is going to be the first to say nigger on stream and why is it Brad?

Yeah but that's part of his humor.

then why do you watch them
Don is really funny to me, I root for him.
No, I need to fit in and understand these threads as we go into E3.

that's just begging to lose donbucks

Kyle said Darky McNegro once does that count

I wonder when the patreon bux is going to dry up for them. It really feels like they put out little content outside of e3 and none of the stuff they put out is particularly good. Who wants to watch them playing fucking D&D. Only the reviews and E3 stuff is worth it, I just don't see how they survive full time.

Fucking answer me.

Someone's gonna make a Bowser joke, but not Bowser himself

>Don is really funny to me, I root for him.
Me, too, man. I root for Don, he's like an underdog. He has a lot of unique opinions and interesting perspectives, but he gets nervous on camera and doesn't think quickly on his feet so he sometimes goes underappreciated which is unfortunate.

I need a hard R, baby

Answer me right fucking now.

>then why do you watch them
Because I still like Brad and Blood.

shut up nerd

ian is cancer. brad is unfunny but somewhat less harmful to the dynamic of the show. blood and damiani are the most clued in and bosman/jones are the comedic elements. the other guy is le epic zany random

They only make occasional quiet comments during the presentations, especially when anyone is talking. They save the bulk of their opinions and reactions for silences and breaks in the presentation. I never miss anything because of them talking over someone.



Kyle: actually funny, but has shit taste in games
Jones: Normalfag, but puts effort into shit and is always enjoyable to listen to
Blood: Weird skeleton guy with clever insight and weird jokes

Huber: Shit taste and gets overly excited about games, but cool on everything else
Ian: Literal faggot that will annoy with feminist shit and only enjoys From Soft. But when he isn't doing any of the previously mentioned stuff he's cool
Don: Creative guy that tries too hard. Doesn't do a lot but the things he does are great.
Brad: Literally the most boring, but never shit. If he was gone nothing would change

Ben: Tryhard in every regard, annoying as fuck and is always repeating what other people have said
Damiani: Ninteyearold fat autist.

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Shut the FUCK up and answer me you fucking queer.
Thank you friend. :3

wrong. Ian is cancer tier always no exception

>Sims 4 is getting gender netural bathrooms

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>Kyle: actually funny

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ian's alright when he keeps his politics to himself (which admittedly isn't often)

either way he adds enough from an editing/technical/work standpoint to justify his existence in the group unlike damiani

Nah, just look at his commentary jokes with bosman or his final bet.
He's definitely cancer in some regards, but not always (like ben and damiani are)

>never watched a tetris stream

Ian has gotten a lot better in the past year or two, honestly. He keeps his political opinions to himself now and even when the discussion turns to politics for some reason he keeps it a lot more low-key.

Watch his streams, he's a lot funnier when he's just talking to himself and chat on a stream because he's more willing to let loose.

>pro strats only, please
what did he mean by this?

Doesn't The Sims take place entirely in peoples' homes? What the fuck kind of home has anything other than gender neutral bathrooms? Who are these cunts installing public bathroom-style urinals in their homes?

When's the last time you played the fucking Sims if ever? You could go out to places in the very first game's expansions like Hot Date.


Tetris kyle is kino as fuck

i love u ian

Pro strats only was a great idea for a bit that was absolutely ruined by the shitty patrons. Everyone just submitted binary yes or no questions or "Should I do X or Y?" If the patrons had actually submitted OPEN-ENDED questions (you know, similar to REAL strategy questions) then it would be a great chance for some fun improv from the panel.

But instead, literally every question was just "I'm playing [goofy game name] and I'm at [goofy location name]. Should I do [goofy thing A] or [goofy thing B]?" And I think that's why Jones started his bit of shooting down the questions by saying "Yeah, OBVIOUSLY it's [goofy thing B]" to encourage people to submit more open-ended questions, but none of the braindead patrons ever caught on to that.

>When's the last time you played the fucking Sims
Vanilla Sims 1.


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Reminder that boomer Jones is best boy

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would it be problematic for you if someone made one of these for words you frequently used, summer child?

It's a shame.

Kyle's Tetris streams unironically got me back into Tetris.

Is Phil buying people switches?

Me, too. Without BozvWoz I would never have gotten Puyo Puyo Tetris, but I love that game now.

I can't fathom how retarded Ian was being when Abdallah was just jumping for momentum during the Mario maker tourney

just give me a jones, blood, don show


Why does Jones's Phil Spencer sound like Texan Barack Obama?

True, unfortunately Damiani has gotten worse in order to balance things out.

Is this a recent eroanime?

I would genuinely not miss Damiani if he left.

well, that's exactly how kyle told the patrons to phrase their questions. pic related.

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Welp, then I guess it was Kyle's fault all along and he didn't listen to Jones' wildly obvious hints that the format needed to be improved.

Never got to post mine in the thread yesterday. I think I've got good odds, even though I did have to pick that fat fuck Damiani's final bet...

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Don's final bet is the most likely imo

You don't get it

Why does everyone hate Ben? I'm really into classic Monster Hunter and fighting games so we have similar taste in games. He's less one dimensional than Ian/Brad tying everything back to the souls series. Damiani talks a lot of shit but you can tell he doesn't mean any of it, and he apologises if he goes too far. I think people take this stuff too seriously.

I couldn't think of much this year, but the betting special was great. Kyle really is at his best when writing bits for the rest of the allies.

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Ben is kind of a phony, but I still don't really dislike him.

>le easily triggered user

He is a massive bandwagoner

Are you saying the intention was to turn a promising concept for a creative improv bit into a awful, limited binary choice waste of time? I guess I'm just too much of a brainlet to understand the genius of ruining something that had such great potential.

Ben isn't that bad, he's just kind of there. The worst thing he does is bring the most cucked out braindead take of the week into every frame trap.

Damiani is an autistic charisma vacuum though, there's no defending him.

It's because Ben is incredibly fake. He will suddenly pretend that he was a long time fan of game franchises that in reality he didn't play them a lot. I'm guessing he may not have had a lot of friends growing up so maybe he is just trying to be as close as he can be with someone like Huber. But you can tell a lot of times that he is just being fake to get people to like him or just copying Huber. Like when Resident Evil 7 got announced Huber stood up and lost his mind, so Ben did too. Then Spider Man got announced and Ben jumped up immediately and no one else did. Also his jokes suck since it's just him repeating what someone else already said

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>first level: wacky advice question from patreon
>second level: get jones to shit on it and ask him to do better
>third level: insist it was a good segment, ahead of its time

nigga on some 4d chess

>Damiani talks a lot of shit but you can tell he doesn't mean any of it
That's not remotely why people hate Damiani. You must be as autistic as he is if you don't get why people dislike him.

Needy, pretends to like things because he wants to perceived a certain way, not funny, constantly uses way too many words to state simple concepts yet is somehow called eloquent by the fanbase and other members of EZA.
"Duuude DMC is greatest action get series of all time!"
>Didn't know that 3 was called Dante's awakening
"Duuude divinity original sin 2 is GOAT"
>Didn't finish it
"Duuude I love fighting games!"
>Routinely gets cooned by other members of EZA during tournaments

>Like when Resident Evil 7 got announced Huber stood up and lost his mind, so Ben did too.
His little jump when he asked if the demo was tonight, despite them literally screaming it seconds before, was hilariously pathetic.

That's most of Yea Forums though.

I'd rather have had a good bit. It just makes me mad that he chose to do this shit on a bit that had genuinely high potential.

If you're into classic MH and fighting games, you do not have the same tastes as Ben.

Yea Forums is mostly bloods, Brads and damianis. Ben is a uniquely cringey specimen.

Apex Legends was paying top (Fortnite) streamers to play their game on stream for two weeks, once they stopped being paid, the game started dying.

>constantly uses way too many words to state simple concepts yet is somehow called eloquent by the fanbase and other members of EZA.
Because low-IQ normies literally can't distinguish between eloquence and pretentious fluff wank.

Still with that shitty stream layout. The bigger picture should be the conferences, not their big fucking heads.

Just copy the giantbomb layout.

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Someone in the thread said earlier that Jones has said before that they can't make it bigger due to copyright strikes or some shit. I've never heard him say it but.

This looks fucking terrible though.

>"Duuude I love fighting games!"
>>Routinely gets cooned by other members of EZA during tournaments
Love and skill aren't necessarily directly related.

Yeah, I've read that and it's bs. Jones said multiple times that this layout brings in the views/money after the fact on YouTube. It just works better for reactions.

Thinking of going back to Jeff's stream since Damiani is back.

unironically the best video they've ever put out.

>Damiani hour
Oh boy.

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He barely plays fighting games anyways. He tried to stream fighting games every week, but gave up after like a month.

Who's your favourite Ally, and why is it Don?

Ben is a poser autist who can't even finish a sentence.


Yeah, but he can still love them even if he doesn't play them enough to get really good at them. I love playing fighting games, but I don't have the dedication to play them anything more than casually.


>first time kyle swears in eza content
>its slowly increasing since then
the dam was broken, he's going to have a heated gamer moment any minute

He talks way too much during frame trap or any podcast he's on, trying his best to sound smart, yet incredibly inoffensive, and ends up saying nothing of value. His words have less depth than the worst filler episodes of Naruto.
He never let's another ally finish a thought without butting in to explain a game mechanic asnif he wrote a thesis on it

Honestly surprised they've never had The Completionist on EZA or Vice Versa considering Jirard has stated he wanted to work with them and The Completionist has more subs than EZA.

When the fuck is smash, I thought it'd be an hour ago

It should be starting about now.

Forgot to add, I mention this because Kyle said he is a big fan of his.

tfw you think you're a brad but you're really a damiani

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Thanks user

Youd have more of a point if Ben didn't try to be the big swinging dick of fighting games e.g. buying a fighting stick, analyzing how other people are playing as if he we're a coach. Kyle is the one who loves fighting games for their aesthetic, and he does in a way that doesn't involve skill.

>Damiani and Ben
good thing I'm going out with my girl friend and won't be around to watch this shit

kill yourself faggots, not just for making eceleb threads, but for watching these particular ballgargling nu-male wastes of oxygen.

Yeah hearing Kyle swear more and hearing Jones say fuck during the betting special was a breath of fresh air. Probably because they are sick of pandering to the tumblr/resetera audience who need it to be a safe space. I mean there was that one tranny girl mod that lost her shit over some event that I can't even remember and left for good.

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I hope your mother gets hit by a car user.

You have Nintendo on the brain, force Nintendo into everything possible even if it has nothing to do with topic, and when no is talking about Nintendo ask why you aren't discussing Nintendo?

>That MVCI tournament where Damiani decided to look up autistic frame data while the others played and Huber beat him with just a single combo with Nemesis, causing Damiani to have an autism fit

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You weren't kidding

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>analyzing how other people are playing as if he we're a coach
Okay, fair enough, that's some mega cringe. I didn't know he did that. Buying a fight stick is something a lot of easily-influenced casuals do, but trying to coach people when he's not actually that good is bad.

It was this

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>hearing Jones say fuck during the betting special was a breath of fresh air
Absolutely this. I've never been more excited for the future of EZA as I have just watching that opening bit for the betting special.

I remember Kyle saying "shitty" alot in a podcast a while ago. What else did he say?

That's some sick haircut Kyle has

He's not wrong, though.

What's this from?

>the Ben hate is still ongoing

You're aware half the time it's him baiting Huber into half of HIS interests, right? Huber would never have touched games like Persona 5 unless Ben and Brad him up to it. He did the same thing for that Gundam OVA he likes, he has casual written across his face half the time.

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That Mario Maker tournament was so good.

Wasn't it last years E3?

E3 2017, Nintendo i think

I just hate the way he talks. He's always grandstanding and sighs a lot and I can't stand his fucking stories of how he played some shit as a kid. He tries to joke non-stop and nothing ever lands, but he can't take a hint and continues. None of the allies want to tell him to change attitude and chill out a little because they all treat him like a their kid "tsss let Ben wants to say something, let him speak"

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saying fuck doesn't mean they've stopped pandering to the soft boy clown crowd. You don't kill the golden goose that gives you 50k a month for lazy content, even if the goose if fucking insufferable.

At best we have to wait for one of them to slip up, get canceled, and take the group with them into fun town.

>Might depend on where Jirard is based. I mean if he lives on the East coast then it's not worth driving/flying all the way down just for a smaller youtuber's podcast that he isn't getting paid for. It would have to be while he's there for other things and has enough extra time to schedule a day or whatever (remember Max's frametrap was like 5 hours).

I kind if like the somewhat clean things are for the most part. It's somewhat refreshing to not hear f bombs and whatnot every 15 seconds from a gaming youtube channel. However there are times where they tend to overdo it, where the obvious attempts at avoidance of swears/nsfw jokes in a situation makes it really irritating.
Like when a dude is REALLY trying to not peek a big breasted woman's tits as she bends down in front of him. The pretending that he doesn't want to look is more offensive and eye-rolling than if he just too a quick, semi-innocent peek.

according to their schedule, the Mario Maker tournament was about the same length as the Splatoon one, that can't be right, can it? The Mario Maker one flew by, the Splatoon one feels like it's taking forever.

They're both based in L.A.

Are these the spergs I see on YouTube after every E3 with a bunch of shitty "reaction" videos where they all start screaming and standing on chairs whenever a new game gets announced?

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>Probably because they are sick of pandering to the tumblr/resetera audience who need it to be a safe space.

Are you kidding? They may not say "fag" or "retarded", but there's plenty of media personalities who cater specifically to that audience while being incredibly vulgar.

Which EZA guy will leave the crew first (Fired, quitting, mental breakdown)?

Hardmode: No Ian

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no thats giant bomb


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I lost a lot of respect for them when I think it was Huber got buttblasted and called kingdom come deliverance misogynistic when the blacksmith slapped his wife's ass in a playful way and she was cool with it, obviously. What the fuck is wrong with California and their attitude towards sex?


On one hand I genuinely likes how Ben gives attention to niche but golden franchises that deserves it, but then it naturally hurts when it turns out he doesn't actually know anything about them.
Like I do genuinely like that someone has the balls and or the care to bring them up at all instead of just ignoring them like everyone else. But to realize that it's hollow hurts every time.


Jones gets noticeably annoyed at him sometimes and I get the feeling they all tolerate him more than like him.

death from auto-erotic asphyxiation

In California, free-flowing sex and degeneracy is welcome unless it's a man initiating it.

Well they did mention they had some big guests (other than kinda funny folks) lined up in the latter e3 coverage so you never know. Would be a good time to do it now actually seeing as Jiard'll be doing the e3 shit, but his channel(s) doesn't really do much coverage for it. So meeting with them so he can do a proper discussion about it would be nice.

Basing on their PO Boxes, they are 49 minutes away from each other.

one day Don will just disappear into the aether, that nigga mysterious

He would still work for funhaus though, talking about 3D tv's.

It's you projecting though.
Jones might be the first to retire. He's getting old.

Damiani without a doubt since he does the least amount of shit and isn't a founding member. Even Jones wants to pull the trigger

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Damiani will leave in a heartbeat if he can go to Treehouse
The others will never leave I think

why would Nintendo want that creep for Treehouse?

Unironically Ian, Huber, Kyle, Jones is the best lineup. Ian counters huber constant hype & plays along with kyle’s bits.


I imagined his fat ass getting stuck in a real treehouse winnie the pooh style, so thanks for that.

>janny finally stopped deleting these threads
what happened?

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he's busy moderating the smash panel right now

They usually let them stay up during E3.

funhaus is a fulltime job (with the legal benefits that come with it?) where when he's on screen he gets to talk about movies. Then all he has to do is some editing on the side and stream once a week for a extra co-owner paycheck. Dude's living the dream and probably making the most out of all of them.

Jones sad aaaaaggess ago either in a cup or toy box/castle stream that he wanted to slowly start being on the screen less and become a behind the stage person more. Don't think he so much wants to retire as he doesn't want to have to constant try to act like he hasn't had any sleep in the last 3 years.

They finally understand that we're having fun

Fuck, I thought it was my pc

Actually pretty cool.

Based jones

>white ink

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Every time the chat complains about the audio they change it because they're spineless and unprofessional.

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>Giant Bomb
>reacting to anything with excitement ever

anything cool today? did nintendo or EA showed something good?


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Someone needs to get Damiani off the stream. He's really getting on my nerves.

Holly shit Ben got so fucking fat

Vidya culture boomer

Star Wars looked like AssCreed/Uncharted
Apex Legends went full Jeb
Battlefield V was ehh...

Mario Maker 2 Tourney was good
Splatoon 2 Worlds went to Game 6 in the finals and they announced their final Fest (with implications it will effect Splatoon 3)
Smash just starting.

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He came up with that response awfully quick.

Star wars looked promising, Nintendo announced the end of splat2n

That's Huber you blind user

I'm talking about the video he linked dumbass

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What, I thought that was Terry A. Davis

He's woeful.

>Star wars looked promising
Except for how slow, empty, linear, and nonthreatening it was.

>Damiani whinging that Samus wasn't going for it
>Samus was winning
>"I knew that all along"

He's a fucking retard.

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Brad brings literally nothing to the table though. Blood is boring as well, but at least he makes a goofy joke once in awhile, and is one of the ones in charge of something. Brad could leave today and nothing would change except they'd have one less reviewer.

He's such a tool

If you pay attention, Brad has spent a lifetime of keeping Huber in check...imagine what Huber would be like if Brad left.

Blood is probably the most insightful of them all on games. It's just he's autistic on camera.

>He's always grandstanding and sighs
I haaaate when he does this. He'll start a sentence with a sigh and then say some shitty joke.

> I don't know what Game Jams are
Some are like 2 days. That's the whole fucking point you domofus.

their stream is pretty shit, they put the events so fucking small, its pretty ridiculous

Why did I bet for Animal Crossing characters roaming Nintendo's show floor? That's obviously not happening!
They've got too many games to show off to theme everything after Animal Crossing.

I think they nailed it

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What were you expecting, old bf2 but single player?

Blood cracks the whip, the rest of them wouldn't do shit without him

>you know... Sigh... I THINK TERTRIS IS A GOOD GAME! It- ugh... Sigh... Like- you know?

yeah i said that, essentally

This is EZA's fan base we're talking about

autistic question, I imagine if they want they can fit more than 4 people at that desk, correct? or will easy allies only be 4 people now reaction?

Up to 5 people in the studio, the rest can sit in the streaming room (all mic'd up)

There'll be more during Microsoft I imagine. At the least, everyone mic'd up.

That's the way they've done it since gt, so I guess when they bought and setup the desk, having more than 4 never crossed any of their minds.

So is Kyle not there because of Keighley again?

they did a test stream where you can see it: twitch.tv/videos/436004227

MS is buying another studio.

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He'll be there for every conference but Nintendo

ben has the lamest jokes

Ben has the lamest everything

Damiani: haha Sonic movie bad hahaha :-)

Have they talked about the stuff that leaked at all yet?

They won't talk about it so close, they'll just ignore it and pretend nothing happened

they're gonna talk about it in the pre shows. like always.

tomorrow kyle will bring it up and half the desk will sperg about "spoilers" for a corporate press conference

What is the odds of Corey In Da House 2 bein announced 2morrow?

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Why are Blood and Don so fucking based? They have such a unique and mysterious air about them

Elder God tier:

Great tier:

Good tier:

SJW tier:

The Gods have forgotten us tier:

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Big Christian/Gambling Energy

Blood loves god and Don loves to gamble. They keep the dumb shit out of their mouth when they talk about anything and simply try to talk about games.

Eurofag brainlet here. When does E3's Microsoft conference start? I keep trying to understand but just keep getting more and more confused.

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easy way to find out is just go to EZAs website. all their schedule matches to your time zone

How many snoy screams will there be?
Will kyle stand on more chairs?

Haha he get excited for product he scream!

no one cares about your eceleb garbaege neck yourself you sbuhuman ape trolodyte retard

>almost 400 replies
>no one cares

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Post ally dick sizes

What the fuck happened with that Harry Potter game, I haven't seen any news on it since the first trailer

I'll try to rank them (really not sure though)


Pic related

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>Damiani talking about this fucking cuckoo
How do they tolerate this man?

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He's West Coast's Bob Chipman

>dat rng
>Dat rng

Fuck's sake damiani. It's smash bros. It's the entire point of the game.