Nu Yea Forums will defend this

nu Yea Forums will defend this

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I wonder what the boomers hid in this one.

Did any /v like lootboxes?

Richard Blumenthal

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Only the ones with a gambling problem.

I called my senator on this issue not even due to lootboxes I just hate ironic weeb gacha faggots

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old Yea Forums would have defended it too, microtransactions (which is what lootboxes are) have always been hated here, fuck off zoomie

you do this thread everyday .
anhero already

anyone who isn't a retard sucking corporate cock defends this

What's even the current status of this bill?

I will, fuck those psychos


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Yea Forums hated lootboxes and microtransactions before you were born kiddo.

I dont like lootboxes but this wont stop bullshit
>separate content into lots of different packs
>make sure there arent 2 good things in said packs, only one, meaning that a single purchase is not enough to get what you need
As long as they state what you get in the box its not a loot box, its DLC. This is not going to remove the advent of splitting a game into lots of differnet parts in order to sell it all at individual pieces.
For instance, instead of buying loot boxes for a chance to get a rare skin, you will need to find 4 pieces to get this skin, and this comes from 4 separate boxes with 1 piece in each of them.

>kill off one of the things that is destroying the industry

>bad thing

Won't someone think of the corporations!?

Good thing only localized garbage would be affected and maybe not even then, and even if that shit did get struck jap games ask your age anyway and set spending limits if you're below a certain age

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>shitposting the same old thread constantly like a pathetic nigger faggot
kys and do everyone a favor

I'll defend it. Not for the children.
But content should never be locked behind a paywall that depends on RNG.

Imagine if the same standard applied to high street shops, where you had to keep buying boxes of shoes until you got the pair you wanted.

This practice is pure cancer.

This is why they all need spark systems.

just don't buy them drumphy
hopefully they stay legal here in california

Hell the entire lootbox industry is supported by 0.0127% of players

Everyone else either doesn’t buy or actively hates them


It's a liberal conspiracy with some right-leaning greasy indospics casino owners lobbying. This is yet a tightening of the noose for business owners in a regard to regulations.

I will drink your banned lootbox tears, zoomer.

One on hand, letting government start sticking its fingers into what is and isn't allowed in videogames will certainly lead to disaster and might kill off the indie scene if they start passing regulations on them. On the other hand, I hate lootboxes. Hm...

>paywall that depends on RNG.
Reminder that we don't know how much of it is actually RNG and how much of it is forced scarcity.

>government kills indies and lootboxes
BASED republicans
this is why i'm voting for trump in 2020

>All these lootbox laws about kids
>Yea Forums acts like it affects everyone
Why isn't everyone in this thread banhammered?

Suck a dick faggot, anything that brings EA closer to death or at the least stings them is welcome in my book.

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the absolute state of /POL/ tards, I know you guys leak cancer more than Chernobyl, but please stay in your containment board.

Of course they would, means the fucking end of EA's crappy marketing practices.

At least you'd know how much you'd be spending. Luck could be a bitch with lootboxes and not give you the skin after a million tries

Tell that to the compulsive whales

I honestly think this sounds pretty dodgy, like its a way for certain people to get their hands in something they wouldnt normally have a foot hold in. Why the fuck are laws being made to prevent children buying lootboxes when said games shouldnt even be available to children let alone the children having credit cards to buy them, this is not hte fault of games it is the fucking parent, why is there always something else to blame with shit like this. I cant think of a single childrens game that has loot boxes, it is all fairly "mature" games. Is there actually any evidence to say that there are children buying lootboxes in such a sizeable amount that the fucking government needs to step in and decide what videogames can and cannot include?

I dont like lootboxes, I simply do not buy them, but this sounds like a step towards fucking disaster, if games need to get cleared by government laws in order to even release, like, really think of the implications of that...all to stop children apparently being subjected to lootboxes? What absolute shite, what is their stake in this, really.

Anything that fucks corporations over is good.

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>Giving a shit what someone else spends their money on.
If you're not busting your dick and working their shifts why do you even care?

That would suck, and I agree that this wouldn't stop the money-grabbing bullshit that infests the industry. But at least in the scenario you posted, you would know what you're getting and how much you're paying for it. I wouldn't spend $5 for a costume, but I'd rather do that than spend $5 for a

Sports games are usually E for Everyone and they've got some of the most rancid lootboxing

They can simply make the items expensive, like, if you have 1 part you have to get the rest, right? Not jut going to buy that one piece for £10, you have to get the rest of them! Its ok, each pack comes with an assortment of profile images for your account alongside the piece you need so you arent getting nothing for your purchase! You cant just get one piece and then not commit!

Cause they facilitate it. It enables paywalls and continues to encourage it.

Oh cool this thread for the millionth time

Post big titty vidya chicks

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>Thinking any industry can be trusted to self-regulate ever

Have we already forgotten about Activision's fuckin player manipulation patents

In a lootbox I can get something good, its a chance, in the scenario I have presented you get nothing unless you mass buy. Like you can buy one lootbox and take a chance at getting SOMETHING, even if it isnt good you get a something of varying worth whereas in my scenario you get shite unless you pay big money. Fill each pack with 1 piece of the thing you need(need 4 in this case) at £10, and then fill it out with lots of useless shit like weapon recolors and profile decals so it doesnt look like you are just getting that one piece you needed and it looks expensive, you are getting a lot of stuff. I honestly think people would go for this, and thats whats fucking stupid, it only takes like 1% of players to be cash cows for systems like this to work, they would essentially be buying the full game every time the want a new skin etc.

then what is the point of you rehashing this thread day after day?
you lost, nobody thinks like you, and you are not welcome here.

stop posting anytime you want.

and why wouldn't we?
so leftist retards love lootboxes now? give me a break

Sure, but that's still cheaper than reaching
even a 51% chance of getting a 0.5% item on a $5 lootbox

>whale buys thousands of dollars in lootboxes
>company sees this
>let's make more whales
>lengthens grind to entice people to buy more lootboxes and create more whales
Its not that difficult to understand pal

>Industry demonstrably can’t regulate itself
>Ignores when other countries challenge the legality of lootboxes
>Anyone surprised that regulations proposed
They have no right to act surprised or like the victim here
>Muh libtard conspiracy

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Yea basically
Vidya shitstorms move at lightspeed

Conservacucks are funny.

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I'm conflicted

One one hand, I absolutely hate liberal authoritarian nanny state policies that tell adults how they can spend their own money, but I also hate cancer loot box shit, even though I refuse to buy games that have loot boxes to begin with.

Loot boxes shouldn't be banned though. Communism is death by a million cuts.

Then get fucked, you're not the most profitable people to market to, this is how businesses work

Did you get a duplicate pharah skin or something? You seem angry

Complete capitalism is just as retarded of an idea as a complete democracy for the same reason. Most people are too stupid to elect worthy leaders and to control the market themselves. Why can conservatives only grasped one of these ideas?

Funny coming from someone that literally just explained he's asshurt that companies would rather to people who'd actually pay for products.
Can't pirate that skin bro?
Can't wait til poorfags are gated from the white man's garden

>regulation is the start of a communist state
god, /pol/tards are so retarded

Wowee zowee keep funding andrew wilsons vacations pal

NPC Conservative

Keep seething since you can't afford vacations pal.
No one buys your commie bullshit except other poor people.
Ever wonder why even rich faggots like Sanders who preach it still will take your money and buy more vacation houses? He's taking your money while he's claiming to help you, you absolute retard

But muh social darwinism, the dumb deserve to be fucked!

Never mind the reason society was formed was to escape natural darwinism.

People are retarded and need to be pointed in the right direction. It's the same reason why not wearing your seatbelt or a helmet is illegal.
How child gambling managed to slip by the gubberment is beyond me

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>Pretending Yea Forums wasn't vehemently against horse armor back in the day.

>How child gambling managed to slip by the gubberment is beyond me
Crazy thing is they probably expected parents to not leave their credit cards laying around, if anything it's never going to be child gambling because they use their parents money, in what discernable way can you prove it was the kid and not the parent gambling on virtual skins? Can you not be retarded just because you're a certain age? I can tell you from thumbing through threads here that that isn't true

The government cracking the whip to protect it's people from predatory business practices is something that use to happen quite frequently. Anybody who thinks this is wrong should go eat a box of tide pods.

>2 consenting parties agree to something
Please don't tell me you're one of those retards that think Twitter hosting U.S. government officials and services makes it a private company

cut babys foreskin off so stacy can get her skin cream then sell the boy fake foreskin when he gets older.this most jewish thing I ever heard off

Dangling a carrot in front of children and people with addiction problems is unethical and predatory. Stop being a flaming faggot for 5 seconds you would probably be able to see that.

This. The tards that scream free market like to ignore the fact that I can't that my business elsewhere when almost everyone is doing the shitty thing. That is a free market failure and a free market failure should mean government intervention, else you get an eventual crash.

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>Kids need parent's card
>Parent isn't being a proper parent is the government's fault
>Addiction problem
>Self control is a government problem now too
You realize that even with as regulated casinos are people still lose their life savings playing in them yes? Should we just shut them all down too since even with them retards still manage to fuck up?

Propaganda cock cumming down your throat every day must get tiring.

Let's remove all regulation on alcohol while we're at it. It's not my problem if the little shit stole daddy's wallet and walked into my store to buy the shit.

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Nah, I just have self control, I'm not someone who got burned because I'm retarded and decide to crusade because I lost a whole 20 dollars.
Sound like a familiar story? I bet it does

>source: my ass

>Making this point when over 21's still manage to destroy their lives with alcoholism and prohibition failed.
Real smart smooth brain

>Booze argument
Oh boy

So your argument is that since some people will still disregard rules meant to help them that therefore there should be no regulations? That no effort should be put forth to mitigate that damage? As you brought up yourself, casino's are regulated for a reason. Alcohol, tobacco, and addictive substances are regulated for a reason. Just because people manage to fuck their life up in spite of those doesn't mean that the Government is wrong for trying to keep it's citizenry from being prayed upon.

And yes, self control is a government problem. There's numerous laws and programs to protect and help those with abuse issues.

Someone posted an EA patent yesterday that basically confirms they've been manipulating players by using their play data to adjust the difficulty of games and stuff to incentivise them to play longer.
Pretty sure it said they were using that data to get players to spend on lootboxes too.

Because it affects the quality of the market as a whole.
We have shit games right now because a majority of the consumers have shit taste.

I'm saying how could you enforce those regulations when an adults name is attached to the fucking credit card and kids lie at the age gate anyway.
We ALL lied when we signed up for sites, I have sites thinking I'm in my 30's because 15 years ago I told them I was 18.
These regulations do NOTHING other than waste money for something a parent should be doing

Yeah I'm sure pandering to a minority of people that don't want to spend money is something a company wants to do because you're not having fun working for a living like you did when you could play GTA:SA for 15 hours straight every day

>projecting this hard

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Stings, don't it, you lost a whole 20 bones, your entire monthly allowance

Yeah, let's start 'em young so they don't even get the chance to be something. Doing this type of physiological manipulation is far more damaging to a still developing brain than it would be someone who's basically done growing, same as alcohol. No one here is going to argue underage drinking isn't damaging as all hell and still being taken seriously.
The shit they do in casinos is designed to affect one's brain and now companies like Actiblizz are hiring the same physiologist's the casinos hire, but I'm the smoothbrain.

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>2 consenting parties agree to something
Loot boxes are a gambling system aimed mostly at children who don't even have fully developed brains yet. The only adults who buy into them are either genuinely retarded or are too rich to care. The latter being like 1% of the audience.

Banning loot boxes will be nothing but beneficial to the customers. Kids and their parents don't get taken advantage of and the too rich to care whales can still buy skins through microtransactions. They just won't be as artificially rare. Plus, devs will have to go back to focusing more on making good games instead of good gambling systems

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Okay, so how do we regulate it smart guy, when the goods are digital, no need for someone to bring it to the home, and the method of payment has the parent's name on it.
Go ahead and tell me your big brained scheme that isn't going to waste virtually everyone's time because some dipshit """"""parent"""" couldn't be assed to watch their kid or keep their CC on their person

incredible how programmed you are, blind one.

But if the parent is buying them it's going to be exactly the same as ESRB ratings where parents buy rated M games for their kid anyway, kids can't buy this shit without their parents, all of this is a moot argument, you're all retarded

The only peoples' time wasted will be companies pushing the retarded loot box shit

good riddance to jew garbage

Sane individuals would defend this. It's a knife in the gut of EA, Activision and Bethesda. I can only foresee good outcomes

>Sane individuals would defend paying tax money for something that can't be regulated

>Neo/v/ will complain about this

You're actually a fucking moron if you believe this.
How do they enforce the rules, if you can't answer this, such a bill is a waste of tax money

Old Yea Forums Sounds pretty retarded

>what are whales

Have you read the document?

ocean mammals that cant buy lootboxes because they live in the ocean

Government regulations are bad wait why am I getting banned from twitter oh no somebody should tell twitter they aren't allowed to do that

They enforce it by enacting a law, and then enacts penalties based on the penalties spelled out in the law
are you mentally incapable of reading laws?

That's right zoomer, keep buying luutbox

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I don't care how burgers waste money. I'm just happy when the 3 most cancerous companies suffer.

(1) GAME PUBLISHERS.—It is unlawful for a
game publisher to publish an interactive digital entertainment product that is not a minor-oriented game (or an update to such a product) if—
24 (A) such product or update contains pay25 to-win microtransactions or loot boxes; and
1 (B) the publisher has constructive knowledge that any of its users are under the age of 18.
Yeah I mean, who lies about their age on the internet?!

Keep reading

Yep let's ban crime.
Fuck you're retarded

What the fuck are you talking about?

Bruh I'm not reading this fucking bill full of retarded boomer antics.
>"Hurr people won't lie on the internet"
>"Hurr the kid somehow has his own credit card"
>"Hurr CoD that obviously is rated M will get dinged for marketing to kids"

Oh no bros... My Fifas and my Maddens...

Yeah everyone else is retarded but you, kid

>Yeah I mean, who lies about their age on the internet?!
Ever setup a paypal or anything else online that deals with money transfer? Pretty hard to fake that stuff at 14. If they don't want to bother with this verification, no lootboxes. Simple.

How old are you?
Serious fucking question, how old are you to think that laws do ANYTHING if they're not reasonably enforcable
And, NO, passing a law doesn't make it enforcable you mouth breathing dick ape

>choosing to remain ignorant

Yeah man don't paste your argument and pretend to have one, I'm sure that'll get you far

>pls spoonfeed me

>Bruh I'm not reading
Imagine calling other people retarded lmao

Rule of Thumb:
>If you pay for the game, no lootboxes.
>If the game is free and indie devs need funds to help maintain the game, then lootboxes will be allowed for cosmetics only.
>If the devs break any of these rules of thumb don't buy/play the game anymore.

OP is saying nu Yea Forums Supports the ban on loot boxes, implying old Yea Forums somehow liked them

Do you think that kids doing it already are direct depositing their salaries into a bank or asking their parents to do all this.
Serious question

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You faggots remind me of those people that would sing song that bullshit EU "Study" that "proved" piracy helps sales and literally all it said was "If there is a pay wall people will buy it" Like piracy isn't meant to circumvent it, or "People only pirate free games"
Being this pedantic because you have no argument is pathetic, and this bill will do nothing, seethe more

Idiot. Now their parents have to set this shit up and most people are going to look over this shit when giving out that kind of info.


Watch as the /pol/tard explodes and shows his lack of knowledge of the law

Oh yeah NOW they'll care about their money
Jesus the delusion

Its like 15 short pages, user. You can do it. I believe in you.

A literate post on Yea Forums? Pic related.

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>I refuse to read the law to find out what it actually is please spoonfeed it to me in a bite sized package
>You faggots remind me or retards lol you have no argument you're pathetic

i'd rather buy some small physical merch or just donate directly to the devs instead of having microtransactions in a game. microtransactions just immediately decrease my enjoyment when i see them every time.

The fact you can't bother to actually paste the excerpt you seem so confident about tells me you don't have an argument, or worse, you actually believe you're being ebin trolls.
Either way, you're proving to any onlookers you're being pedantic cocksuckers, because they're not reading this bullshit either

I support this bill because it makes underage ancaps seethe hard.

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I'm an onlooker and you look like an absolute tard lmao. New IP out.

Do-Your-Best Beam!

What the fuck is wrong with your brain?

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What life scenario would even lead to an underage ancap?
They'd have to be rich because kids are incredibly idealistic, no way any middle class or poor kid would align with an ideology that would tout "Financial might makes right"

>Read it for me pedants, I don't want to take the time out of my busy cocksucking and shitposting schedule to read the actual details of the Law I'm shitposting about
>Spoonfeed it to me now, slaves

Christ, you are dense. It puts the responsibility on the parents.Your son spends 1000$ on skins? Well, you agreed to the terms, here's all the info you gave us to verify it was you who read and agreed to the terms.

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You realize with Yea Forums X it actually points out new IPs? You and you discord (Boy)girlfriend aren't fooling anyone

Hand me some of that shit you're smoking.

fella has a point they did create the tradition of cutting baby dicks and made it the norm in the USA, creating the market for both products.

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No, but retards will pretend to get (you)s.

So... it stops kids from gambling... by making the money non refundable... and people are going to suddenly read terms at step 4 instead of 1?
Flawless logic

He’s right though

Look towards the US south, where they shill for corporations and billionaires because of delusions of "I'll be rich one day!"

Unironically loads of NEETs are like that for some reason. I don't know if they're being ironic or not but they're always the ones arguing against unions and/or improved worker conditions.

>gamers LOVE government overreach now
Ugh... well I guess this is marginally better than last when you were /pol/ nazis but still not great.

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>WTF why am i not allowed to sell toys with anthrax? i thought that it was free market
that is not how it works fucking commie get dabbed on

American libertarianism that preaches things like
>the free market is a real thing that exists
>if there are no rules then companies will stop exploiting consumers for profit
to middle class teenagers or NEETs who have never needed to get a blue collar job

Based mommyposter

Hey man, they're gonna pass a bill to stop kids from paying for digital goods with their own credit cards...oh wait... it'll make them confirm their age before buyin- oh wait... it'll... it'll... be passed as a law, that will stop them

>companies would rather to people who'd actually pay for products.
Gamble for products.

>EA's annual games will all fail and cause them to crash
I can't wait to watch them burn

Unlike in videogames, when you enter a casino, you need to present evidence of being over 18. You cannot do such a thing in videogames and children constantly steal their parents money to buy fucking lootboxes. The safest route is to get rid of it as they are shit anyway.

>all regulation is overreach
don't you have some child slaves to be buying and selling, libertardian?

google 'penis facials' or 'foreskin facials.'

Grow up in PA
You either live the child of a fat white coal/oil baron or a braindead mud farmer's living off government bailouts every year but too stupid to realize it

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>paying money to look like a peasant
This truly is a clown world

nu-Yea Forums will unironically defend this once they come for their waifu gacha games

NEETS and children
I.E. People who don't work.

Sheltered kids who've never had to actually work for a living.

>All regulation is bad

Remember when the government forced car companies to make and test seatbelts, fucking commies ruining my freedoms.

Anyone with a fucking brain and healthy lack of gambling addiction will.

I dunno, a bunch of retards here think an age gate is going to stop people just like it did in 2005, namely not a fucking soul

Yeah, it's really fucked that children are using their private credit cards and spending their hard earned money on dumb stuff... wait a minute, kids don't earn money and don't have possessions their parents don't give them. So isn't this really an issue for fucking parents? Unless you're one of those retards who think the government is supposed to be some sort of super-parent to us all, I mean.

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Kid comes up and asks for not only your credit card, but your ID, your social, two bills with your name on them and you don't get up and look at what's going on? Most reasonable adults are going to look at that for age verification and nope out.

Actually I fucking hate lootboxes.

>t. seething cutfag

nu Yea Forums seems more likely to defend loot boxes existing. I remember when Yea Forums used to hate that shit.

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This is exactly why eurotards that look up to their nanny state shouldn't be posting here.
Just look at the guy with the booze argument, he obviously didn't know what Prohibition was because he's a euroslob meddling in the affairs of men

If you've never worked hard in your life you probably haven't seen just how aggressively people with money will try to fuck you over at every single opportunity so they can make more money.
The people who complain about unions and workers rights are either shills or people who have never had to argue with their boss over straight up not getting paid for when you got called in off-schedule last wednesday and saturday EVERY TIME it happens.

>lootbox good!

Honestly, now that I think about denoting does sound better than just having microtransactions in a free game. Plus, its a lot less shady, too.

Oh, won’t someone please think of the poor multi-millionaires who can’t buy another expensive house they don’t need!

How will they support their extramarital affairs and frivolous luxuries if they aren’t getting eight digit pay checks every year?!

>Implying you won't like some account to do all that quick cuz no one is going to be assed to post that shit more than once.

>can't be regulated

Gambling is heavily regulated though. All they need to do is add lootboxes to that oversight, as they should, bingo bango problem solved.

Most parents aren't buying lootboxes for their kids though. Their computers/consoles/tablets/phones have their credit card information saved and the kids use that to buy them. Usually unknowingly too. Apple, Amazon, and Google have been court ordered to pay back millions to parents specifically because of this.

>Google penis facials

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Autism or just shilling?

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Didn't you make another thread like this with the exact same OP?

Yea Forums REALLY is a hivemind.

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Parental control retard. Either the real thing or use the systems built into the consoles.

You can't regulate a digital good the same as entrance to a Casino.
You'd think most faggots here would understand this since it's the reason why they love piracy so much, the perceived difference of a digital good over a physical one

Same shill company that defends EGS, it's why both went quiet on June 4th.


FUCK videogames and FUCK gamers

Please do tell me about a service that keeps all that info and does what you described.

No you don't get it, if the government would just fuck off already then the free market would handle literally all of it.
Cars would be way safer than they are now because the invisible hand of the market would direct auto manufacturers towards cars that are cheaper, higher quality, and safer than everything else on the market.

No, you're not allowed to ask me how or why corporate entities who are only concerned about quarter to quarter margins with absolutely no real long-term planning would choose to increase manufacturing costs forever rather than to simply try and convince people that they don't really need seat belts anyway.

You're also not allowed to ask how a market with no rules couldn't ever be exploited by anybody for any reason, it's just not a question you can ask me.

Leave it to some retarded racist libertarian to think that any idea that defends consumers from greedy companies is a 'liberal, non-white conspiracy'.
Fuck off bootlicker faggot.

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>this entire thread

we're now in an age where Yea Forums agrees with Reddit...I wanna die...

>Nothing will adapt/change to meet laziness/needs
Okay buddy, we live in the digital age now, keep the fuck up

It's not hard to say "remove lootboxes from this game for kids or it gets taken off the shelf/digital market and if you refuse say goodbye to your tax breaks, pay these fines and no more lobbying for you". There's also jail for doing something strictly illegal. Don't act like the government will get boxed out because "lmao digital".

This was a liberal idea at first.

Did you know that every single reddit user uses the Internet and breathes oxygen?

I'm sure reddit also breathes and is alive, so you know what to do

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Yeah, I thought so.
No one does that because it opens them up to lawsuits by the way.

>from this game for kids
Name me some "games for kids" and if any of those have metrics where most of the playerbase is 20 something men mostly playing them will you stop posting?

Who the FUCK is this Bill guy and why does he not like Loot boxes?

How much does Reddit Gold cost? Just asking

>to children
so all they will do is prompt some "are you over 18?" box that everyone checks yes to no matter what age you are.

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If you think for 10 seconds anything is going to have you put up as much I.D. as a fucking job to give them money you're actually insane

make like a tranny and self-terminate

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The bill covers that, it's anything marketed to kids (including M rated shit like CoD that they like) would just get banned from doing it outright.

Now you're catching on to why people support this. It's not a ban, but the hoops one needs to jump though are a deterrent that will lead to them dying off.

Based spoonfeederbro

In a practical sense isn't that basically a ban?

user I say games for kids because that's what this bill is stating specifically and what games the government targets is for them to decide. Stop being fucking stupid and acting like the government has no sway here. They can and will buttfuck anyone and anything can be policed if they so choose.

Exactly. It's not a flat out ban, but forcing them to acknowledge that lootboxes are gambling by giving those games an AO rating and making the companies jump through a ton of hoops is at least a mild deterrent to putting lootboxes into games.
At least, for as long as retailers refuse to sell AO rated games, but if the ESRB ratings lose that kind of influence the industry is going to have to either get their shit together or deal with the government developing a state ratings board. I really hope things don't get that far, but they will literally only get to that point when the industry demonstrates that it WILL NOT maintain its own internal standards and needs to be treated like a gaggle of fucking infants.

Hahahahah oh my fucking god
>Targetting gamers
It's time to rise the fuck up

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We truly do live in a society.


>now he's reddit posting

Gonna be a YIKES from me dawg.

>Sticking up for gamers is "Reddit"
This is why we can't let bullshit like this pass gamers, because of people like this

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It's basically forcing them to be AO like said. A long time ago the federal government wanted to rate games, but the industry said "We'll be good boys and do it ourselves" and founded the ESRB. If the ESRB does reclassifies anything that meets the standards for AO to M, they've lost credibility, now Uncle Sam is going to start rating games and that's the last thing anyone wants. This was a huge deal, I'm willing to bet they'd be willing to part with lootboxes to avoid having the government rating their games.

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>using the term gamer unironically
Fuck off reddit

Forgot to give you a (You)


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Thank (you).

and Yea Forums also loved communism and government intervention?

>muh unchecked capitalism is fine

Who the fuck makes these? Jesus christ.

government intervention is not communism

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>comparing hating loot boxer and microtransactions with being a communist and wanting a policing government
Fuck off libertarian bootlicker

Organizations who only exist to try and sell me something aren't deserving of my respect, especially when the thing they're trying to sell me is crap.

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In essence, this is a game of chicken because they know what happens if lootboxes are forced into AO and the ESRB changes the rules.

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Im neutral about boxes,if its all cosmetic and I have the option to purchase the box loot from the shop with ingame currency then im okay with it.

There's a cabal on reddit that unironically thinks this shit is hilarious.

Does anyone have the one where it says that gamers are literally the most persecuted people in the history of mankind?

There's a cabal on Yea Forums that posts them to get exiled redditors to seethe

The market will change to support whatever loophole allows the selling of lootboxes. And there WILL be double talk that allows for it. They can't just ban the sale across the board, that's unconstitutional.

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kek fuck reddit faggots

>they can't just ban the sale across the board, that's unconstitutional
That's not what they're doing, not at all, but yes they totally could just ban sale across the board and no it wouldn't be unconstitutional for them to do that.

Yeah, that loopole is the AO rating, but retailers, Sony and MS won't sell it. It also risks the credibility of the ESRB, which is the only thing keeping the a state run ratings board from being a thing and the really don't want that.

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Is he the gayest burn victim of the senate?

It would take some seriously bullheaded laws to do that, and would meet with all kinds of resistance on the ground it's unjustifiable if they tried. "Gambling" is not banned across the board. So why would "digital gambling" be banned? The hook is that it is aimed at "children." And that's why it's getting bipartisan support. But once you start trying to keep it away from adults too, that support dries up.

Again, like I said, they're not trying to do that. Not at all. I really do not know what you're on about.
But the implication that they could not ever possibly do it because it would be unconstitutional is silly and wrong.

How much were you paid to make this thread EA shill?

>Again, like I said, they're not trying to do that. Not at all.
That argument was focused on your claim that
>they totally could just ban sale across the board and no it wouldn't be unconstitutional for them to do that.
It is unconstitutional. Once it starts dictating what adults can and cannot do with their money.

Of course I will. Whales, while being a small section of the player base, ruin it for everyone else.
I lost the count of how many games I dropped simply because the good equipment is locked behind some rng bullshit.

>a molester cut my wiener off
Imagine ignoring millions of years of evolution to get you dick cut off.


It's not unconstitutional, not at all. I don't think you understand what the word "unconstitutional" means.
Your entire argument for how it would be impossible is that is would be difficult to get bipartisan support in the legislature, and I do agree that a flat out ban would be hard to get through congress. That said, a bill that is politically disadvantageous to support is not automatically unconstitutional, and there is absolutely nothing unconstitutional about a law making certain products or services illegal to sell.
Your claim and continued insistence that a law banning a good or service like that would be unconstitutional is so incredibly ridiculous it makes me wonder if you're retarded or something.

You seem like the kind of person who really likes to hear himself talk.

but they can't bother protecting right of free thought

Not an argument.


I don't like to hear myself talk because there's a lot of shit I know nothing about, and I really don't like to hear people say stupid shit authoritatively.

iirc steam doesn't let you advertise your patreon or take donations through the game. google play and the app store certainly don't. so devs are severely limited in their options of how to monetize their game if they don't have a hardcore fanbase that will seek out their patreon or crowdfunding campaigns.

Child gambling is illegal already. Try to walk into any casino game area with someone under 18 and see what happens.
What lootboxes are taking advantage of is the lag that exists with new technology and laws. Hopefully this law passes without too much bullshit and we can all get back to vidya.

Begone from this place lootshill, your time is drawing nigh. Get thee hence back to the office.

>It is unconstitutional. Once it starts dictating what adults can and cannot do with their money.
lol, wat?

Wish i could see all those whales faces when they get their shit pushed in and cant pay to win. They will probably switch to cheating hahaha. Which is great, Pc will turn into a even bigger unplayable hackfest than it is now. Everything is going according to plan.

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retarded gambling, if you put the fucking items on the cash shop straight for a price people gonna buy it (including me because wageslave), Refine for +99 equips or Mount whatever, but NO FUCK YOU, here get this box where you could get what you want but instead you gonna get 1000+ useless items.
Then the fuckers say that the game don't make profit and close it.

While I'm (generally) against lootboxes, I'm more against government regulating shit it doesn't need to.

Kys lolberg

I disagree, I think the government should regulate lootboxes.

Yeah dude the market will fix it, it's not like the ESRB has already failed to do anything about it.
The government having to regulate this shit at all is only a thing because the industry is unable to regulate itself in the slightest.

We gave them every opportunity to self regulate they refused so yeah I'll defend this.
Gambling is already illegal for minors, lootboxes are gambling that's not just opinion gambling regulators in European countries have already commissioned a study on wither or not they are and their conclusion, it is. You can have your gambling in your game if you mark your product for Adults Only.

Then nu/v/ and I agree.

imagine being so naive that you legitimately believe that multi-billion dollar companies would lose anything legislative in AMERICA

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>against government regulating shit it doesn't need to
Wow, that's really convenient, I'm the exact same way.
Shame though that the videogame industry has proven time and time again that they will not regulate their own greed, so now the government needs to step in and try to disband the illegal gambling racket they have built up.

i think lootboxes should be banned but they aren't strictly the same as gambling except perhaps in some secondary uses for them like csgolotto. they're comparable to pokemon cards where you don't know what specific cards you're gonna get when you buy a pack.