>final boss is defeated with the power of friendship
Vidya tropes that you love
Other urls found in this thread:
>you can fuck the final boss after defeating her
>Team up with enemy faction to take down even bigger enemy
>MC is not "The Chosen one", but someone else in the party
>Replacing the main character with a cute girl makes the game better
>final boss theme is the main theme
Game? Game?
>character keeps fighting even while mortally wounded
>female final boss is defeated by the power of dick, changes her views and marries the MC
Corruption of Champions
I actually like
>Go out to do menial task
>Village gets fucked while you were gone
This one's fucking kino
>Final boss is a 1 on 1 duel
>He uses the same moves as you, but way beefier versions
>The battle theme is the game's title theme remixed
>Boss becomes ally after defeat
>final boss is defeated by the power of prayer
>Villain was completely right about everything in the end
And short
I thought for sure the camera man was going to ask her to place the lolipops on each side of the worm
why though
This is how FEAR 2 should have ended
Papan of BOF4
>final boss starts using attacks or gimmicks belonging to major bosses from earlier in the game
>sequel has a different protagonist
>the original protagonist appears as a badass grizzled veteran
>Start game with best gear
>Lose it right away
>God is dead
Too bad that it turns out that Granas and Valmar were no real gods and used sufficiently advanced technology, though.
>lose best gear from the previous game off-screen and start with a steel sword instead
Damned shipwrecking has made Adol lose so much great equipment to the sea.
Nice that they actually acknowledged this in Ys VIII and you start with the Isios Blade.
>do easy task for a character
>they swear their undying loyalty to you and join your party for the rest of the game
>enemies start fearing you and run away from you.
>kill them anyways
>villain talks trash all day and never gets around to actually doing anything evil
>final battle
>both mc and main antagonist are at max power and are going at one another full tilt
>they beat each other down to base level
>villain joins you to fight the even bigger villain
Not a common one, but
>Everyone thinks that villain is insane and does the wrong thing, but in reality isn't insane and does the right thing
>final boss theme is the main theme with vocals
>Chosen one dies but the MC is good enough to get the job done
>current antagonist gets btfo by the first one
>final boss dies doing heroic stuff to save the day.
Is the pic related as she is earthbound?
>Funfair Level
>one of the segments is a Rollercoaster
>There is a secret behind the waterfall.
>there isnt a secret behind the waterfall
>There's an item under the staircase
>Enemies have personality and talk to themselves and each other, making them more than just grunts or monsters or whatever.
>there's a dancing gremlin behind the waterfall
>final boss refers to you by your Steam username and not the character's name you're playing as
There's a pile of shit behind the waterfall
>hidden from the camera, of course
>the boss pauses to monologue
>you can interrupt them
Skip to 17:15
It's still excellent all these years later.
>mc isn't the chosen one but everyone pretends he is so he can do their bidding
>team up with the final boss to defeat a bigger threat
>fight the final boss right after said threat is defeated.
>boss is a demon girl
>if you lose she femdoms you
>lose on purpose
Why even fight to begin with?
>Rival / Antagonist has their own party members opposing yours
Anyone got the Demi-Fiend edit of this?
Elite female soldiers have nice butts
>you can drink alcoholic beverages
>drinking too many will make you pass out
This makes my penis become the big penis
>tfw you accidentally uncover a hidden passage
>you wake up to being raped
>final phase of boss has a remixed BGM of the main theme
What game?
>enemies can't open doors