Yooka-Laylee and the Impossible Lair

>Music composed by David Wise and Kirkhope
>2.5D and 3D overview

Say what you want, but this actually looks pretty good and comfy

Gonna be good while waiting for another DKC game


Attached: yooka laylee and impossible lair.jpg (1920x1088, 498K)

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I don't like the artstyle.

It looks like an asset flip from their failed game into a shitty dull 2d platformer, marketer.

When the game has music like this then i'll be hyped


YL was shit and a crushing disappointment. Why should anyone be excited for another attempt by these washed out cucks to replicate the success they had in the nineties? This is going to be shit again. Most of them developed old 3d platformers, none of them worked on DKC from what I can tell. There's no fucking way in hell this is going to be even half as good as Retro's DKCR or even other 2D platformers like Ori or Hollow Knight. Playtonics has no soul and they're all talentless hacks like the rest of these literally whos who attempt to go back to their glory days through kikestarter.

Looks like an asset flip but the game looks more fun than the original. Though keyword here is "looks". It's obvious they're trying to be the next Tropical Freeze but I don't know if they have talent.

Imagine still caring about that half-assed nostalgia cashgrab lmao

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>posts the actual tranny game


yooka laylee is fucking great. fuck you, zoomers

Explain yourself right now, what's so "tranny" about it?

Yooka Laylee is a shittier Banjo Tooie, your zoomer nature is showing.

instead of cleaning the maps up, refining the core gameplay mechanics and increasing interaction with npcs they go back to 2.5d? and the gameplay just looks so slow
for fuck sake playtonic


This. Looks like the quality is about in the level of Paw Patrol: On a Roll.


Wow I don't like to use this meme but this fits so pefectly.
The game just looks so soulless.
It seems so boring and uninspired.
The generic music playing has no hype or motivation while the simple side scrolling looks so mediocre.
I would have rather had Playtonic take another stab at a Banjo and improve on the feedback of why people didn't like Yooka-Laylee as much.

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>YL is a game that only understands the absolute surface level of Banjo-Kazooie and Collectathons as a genre without any of the insight and depth behind the carefully crafted level design and item placements
>Calls others "Zoomer"
I bet you're one of those "I was born in the wrong generation" underage faggots that doesn't actually comprehend what made those classics work to begin with.

i hate that damn plastic looking unity 3d look. even nintendo does it sometimes. like with the new dkc games. looks almost like that bubsy game from few years ago. hell just checked and there's a fucking bubsy game from this year for some shit reason and from the screenshots looks about the same as this yooka laylee game.

>Say what you want, but this actually looks pretty good and comfy
No it fucking doesn't. The game looks slow as fuck, the visuals do not look interesting in the least bit.

Playtonic is made up of old people who know longer understand what made their works such artistic masterpieces to begin with.

It's sad but it happens to almost all creators of any medium.


Nothing. It's another retarded buzzword for election tourists. Filter it and you'll have a better time.

I guess parents still buy this shit for their kids. I can't see why anyone informed would spend time or money on something like this.

>being this new

>playing a Trans in Time and supporting the Trans flag and rights

>keeps calling everything he doesn't like tranny
>only helps to further dilute it's meaning until it becomes another meaningless buzzword
based retard

>Lazy ass logo
>Trailer looks like the shit you see on mobile phone ad
That speaks volume about the quality of the rest of the game.

Still looks better than Mighty No. 9 and Bloodstained.

they lost me by being virtue signaling faggots over the jon tron shit just because 2 faggots on neogaf cried about while literally the majority of their backers told them to just let it go

this is the definition of a ripoff in every shape and form

They should have made this one before the 3D one.

>hideous unity look
>generic royalty free music playing
>awful floaty movement

This is a hard no from me

>>generic royalty free music playing

It is composed by well known legendary composers

Looks somewhat decent but the voice sound effects are still fucking awful

I'm gonna wait for a stunt similar to Jontron's fallout to re-ignite why i love hating on things. otherwise i never had interest in playing this game.

sounds like they are way past their prime then

true but it's sad when you heard kirkhope you just hear what i would describe bk-core. wise however doesn't get old for me.

And it still sounds like generic royalty free music playing.
What's your point?

Yes it's very impressive how Yooka Laylee has gone from a shitty Banjo knockoff to a shitty Tropical Freeze knockoff

>2000+ 19
>Still playing platforming games
What are you, 5?

Also the soundtrack of Yooka Laylee was unbelievably underwhelming. The work Kirkhope did on Hat in Time was far more impressive

>>Music composed by David Wise and Kirkhope
This honestly doesn't mean anything anymore, fucking everyone hires them it's actually kind of annoying now

All three of these are Yooka-Laylee's biggest issues. Floaty physics make everything feel weightless and cheap, the graphics give everything a shitty plastic look, and the music is not Kirkhope's best work by any stretch of the imagination. I hear a lot more of David Wise's string instruments but it's all too light and inconsequential and thus forgettable.

You could play literally like three notes of any Banjo or DKC song and everyone in earshot will know exactly what it is. Play a Yooka Laylee song and ask even diehard fans to tell you where the song plays, they won't know, it all sounds the fuckin same.

>money recouping asset flip sequel

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oh snap

Makes sense. Retro has essentially overtaken Rare's title of greatest Nintendo second-party.

i'm not sure if i like this emerging narrative that enjoying things is something you stop doing when you become an adult.

shouldnt have given jontron the finger the guy probably would have shilled it for free to his 5+million audience

When the game is good, then I'll be hyped.

life gets harder when go enter adulthood and often times you end up regretting wasting time even on stuff you liked

I'm happy they're not just giving up on Yooka Laylee but it defeats the entire fucking point to just do a 2D platformer. We have more than enough of those as it is. Instead of settling for something easier they should be sticking with the original idea and doing it right this time. It didn't fail through lack of interest, it failed because they fucked it up

woke, broke, etc.
Also Jon was in hiatus during the game's release so it probably wouldn't have pushed sales THAT much

Yooka-Laylee was good. Fight me.

Attached: Yooka_Laylee_Hivory_Towers.jpg (1280x720, 150K)

there's some really banger royalty free music out there that makes them seem like babies in music.

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he was on hiatus because of the destiny stream where he talked some real shit and faggots couldnt handle it. they retroactively patched his contribution out on day 1 via a patch because the game already went gold

On one hand, they brought back Capital B, who was the only character they managed to get me to give a single shit about.
On the other hand, I don't give a damn about much else on the 'Yooka-Laylee universe' as they call it. I guess the game looks like a decent DKC clone, but I'll have to see more before I decide if it's worth it or not.

bad press is not good business in context of selling video games. it was first the jontron debacle then people ripped apart the game due to how buggy it was. people have been forgiving to buggy games in the past, it's all about not disrespecting the consumer's interests.

They could at least make an original teaser image

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>that moment when Jon took 9 months off to shake the hatemonger crowd and H3 almost dredged it back up immediately the second he had him on his podcast

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>jew backstabbing arab

what else is new

i wouldn't have really worried it would have been if Banjo Tooie started off and Grunty was dead and unanimated so you got someone new and probably not as charming as the original goofy bad guy.

Jon is Persian.

close enough

H3 certainly came out of all that smelling like roses, and don't get me started on Jared holy shit it still cracks me up today.

Isn't Capital B literally not in the game at all aside from the beginning and the end?

Why are people talking about Rares 90s success in 3d platformers in related to playtonic? Playtonics lead game designer (gavin price) did not make any of those good games. He made a number of failed games in the 2000s after Microsoft bought rare. This guy wasn't a part of classic rare, he was a part of microsoft rare. Ironically enough YL is actually his most successful game hes ever made. Sure you have some people who were there during 90s rare, but they dont make game design decisions, they just write code/make art assets etc which anyone can do.

and even the carryovers from classic rare doing all the designs and shit, are not putting their best foot forward here let's be real

>years later
>jon more successful than ever
>no one gives a fuck about playtonic

this is why you dont listen to neogaf/resetfaggots

Jon was smart to go all in on the Flex Tape thing, it's been a major boon for him and their business. Also his recent videos are somehow still great despite being basic couch commentary

looks like a soulless tropical freeze

I was following the game closely, visiting the forums on thier website each day. Jontron had his controversy, and literally nothing happened, no one was calling for playtonic to remove him from teh game. Then after a full month went by some guy from neogaf came on the game forum and made a post complaining about jontron being in the game and no one on the site was receptive to what he was saying and he left. Playtonic could have just continued ignoring it as they had been and nothing would happen, just as nothing had happend up to that point. They then decided to "kick over the kettle" and burn their own house down by needlessly removing him from the game and announcing it publicly such that all of the sudden everyone was aware of this drama and people starting writing stores on it etc, thus causing the shitstorm that ensued. In almost all cases the best PR course of action is to simply ignore something like this, you just end up making things worse when you didnt need to.


while Jontron never trended because youtube fucking their own algorithms, FlexTape trended a few times afterwards, showing how much Jon has influence with his fans.

His new videos are fucking trash.

the day jon stops being shown in subscription feeds is the day i finally move to whichever competitor site he does. bitchute or minds or whatever.

that's a nice thought. keep telling yourself that.

I wish he would go back to video games but honestly I don't mind the direction he's gone in at all. It's like with Pewds, I thought it would be weird adjusting to him abandoning gaming as the focus of his channel but it has actually improved his content significantly.

I filmed people without asking. These are their reactions. Some are pretty funny

Look up ‘CCTV Experiment’ in youtube. A janny wont let me post the link!

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>showing how much Jon has influence with his fans

it already showed during the backer backlash with playtonic over them removing him.

Okay, you have shit taste and the game was a wannabe B&K with no soul.

>terrible overworld
>lame levels
>reused characters for every world
>gimmick is expanding worlds, but not really
>lame transformations
>remember past vidya? Here's a section just for that!
>meh moves
>meh bosses
>quiz! quiz! quiz!

At least the music was acceptable.

yeah i'm only bringing up a positive impact. platonic is the very counter to throwing Jon under the bus.

I am betting they're all praying that Retro won't announce a new DKC game at E3.

he might also have played a part in blizzard making vanilla servers since he openly shat on them after nostalrius private was forcefully shut down via legal threat calling them on being stupid not to cash in on the demand

They're basically reaction videos with a budget, but I think his personality carries it enough.
I did like the New Hampshire video and it'd be cool if he did more things like that.

Retro is in development hell with Metroid Prime 4 there's no resources for them to pull a new DK.

>his personality carries it enough.
His personality, and the fact that he makes such stupid, simple videos with such big budgets.

It's been years upon years since their last game. It's entirely possible that they've already worked on it and that the game is already almost completed.