Why don't you speedrun?
Why don't you speedrun?
I don't have autism.
Why do you want attention so bad by making this shit thread multiple times?
I can't believe they allow the moth glitch in official runs
So stupid
Why is Legosi such a FUCKING RETARD?
i have sex
I'm not transsexual.
I'm not autistic.
I'm not an autistic tranny.
It honestly just deosn't seem enjoyable.
>take skin from the forearm
that seems like a terrible place to take from. Why there?
Speedrunning turns people into trannies
jesus christ
Must really fucking suck for FtM trannies. It's easier to take away a dick than it is to make one. Plus the thing is going to look and feel like it was made out of coarser forearm skin, not like an actual dick.
were do you think is a good spot? and it cant be a spot were hair grows
It's the only place that is can really be taken from without leaving you bed ridden. Take it from the legs and you won't be able to walk, take it from your back or anywhere else and it will be a pain to sleep, take it from the arm and you can just treat it like you would a broken arm.
Don't they usually take from around the thighs and ass?
I have run MGS1 PC for a bit. Never submitted it tho.
>fundraising total
>23000 yen
>200 bucks
I don't want to be autistic and I don't want to be brainwashed into turning trans
As an autist I've never really enjoyed nor bothered trying to speedrun games.
hair grows on the thigh
maybe you could take it from the ass if you dont have a hairy ass, but then you couldnt sit down or lay down for months
The skin around the thighs and ass are used to create the artificial prostate. The arm is used for the dick and balls.
The vast majority of trannies don't get genital surgery which is why the shit seems super weird and mad scientist-like, there's only a handful of doctors who do it.
That's not the word you're looking for
Oh yes, the artificial prostate gland is important.
I don't have enough free time. Even if I did I'd be doing something better.
speedrunning is fucking autistic
no surprise tranny freaks gravitate towards it
Damn shame. Speedrunners get a lot of pussy. Boi pussy. You could have been one of the greats.
I miss the time when you could put the slightest amount of effort into something without being labeled Autistic.
From an outsiders perspective it's just strange as to how somebody could tolerate playing these games that generally don't have much replay value for thousands of hours.
cringe af as fuck
>Hair doesn't grow on your forearms
Excuse me.
:joy: :ok_hand: :fire: :100:
It doesn't grow in as heavy as other parts of the body. In general. Of course there are some people with hairy fucking arms, but their legs and other parts of their body will be even hairier.
okay, you're pretty based senpai
Image should have been called "GDQ.png". Missed opportunity my dude.
I'm willing to bet most people have less hair on their thighs than their forearms.