Fifa already in legacy mode on Switch


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Oh no it will lack microtransactions how horrible

What new features can you even add to a football game?

If EA was wise they'd ask permission from nintendo to make "mario + fifa players" game. Instant hit.

It's getting Street mode baked in now.

>FIFA on switch
>The ONE reason to justify buying a fifastation is now gone
Oh, the ABSOLUTE state of PSfags!

That's basically just a scenery change. Are they getting custom 1gb switch carts made or something?

more gachashit

Why does EA hate Nintendo so fucking much?

because nintendofags aren't stupid enough to buy EA trash


Pretty much.

Wasnt there a basketball game that had Mario/Luigi/Peach guest star with human players

Nintendo owners won't buy a sports game that doesn't feature Mario

They won't buy sports games period.

>another game that will have cut graphics and audio because the switch is just too weak

Good. The Ultimate team garbage is literally the worst form of lootbox gambling

why would nintendo be ok with that when they can just release a new mario striker game?

Wrong, I will not buy a sports game that doesnt offer even if it is Mario related

>because EA are cheapskates
Not like people were going to buy it anyway though.


How has no one made R34 using these.

Yeah, NBA Streets Vol. 3

Told EA to get fucked when EA asked them to get rid of all their online shit so they could have wiiu using origin only.

>That's basically just a scenery change
Why are nincels so clueless about games that aren't bing bing wahoo?

Says the person who thinks Fifa Street is a whole new genre.

who even plays fifa?

It's this.

You really never played football huh americunt

It has completely different gameplay, faggot. Not just a scenery change.

Good. Fifaniggers need to stay on their containment console.

Attached: ps4-number-of-players.png (2318x1502, 494K)

>It has completely different gameplay
Reducing the player count and removing the keepers doesn't change the gameplay, retard. It's still just football on a different map.

Not him but no it doesn't. The closest thing to different gameplay is tossing in a custom character.

>changing the gameplay doesn't change the gameplay!

are you dumb?

>realistic sports video games

nah bruh

have you tried playing soccer without a keeper fucktard?, it's a whole different thing

t. Nintenfags who never played Street

user, it doesnt add any new mechanics or anything. Using your logic having one party member in a jrpg instead of a full four makes it an entirely different game.

>it's a whole different thing
Go on then, tell us how beyond it being easier to score.

>EA Shill-tards defend FIFA of all things
Who would've though that these user's would be the epitome of human devolution

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Pretty sure anyone who's gone to school has done that at one point but I don't think anyone would say it drastically changes the game. Ultimately you're still just kicking a ball into a goal.

you obviously haven't played the fifa street reboot. its literally just the same
the difference in gameplay went after fifa street 3

Even with discounts Fifa Switch was only at 1.1 million units
Each fifa PS4 sales a minimum of 11 million

Oh noes, it's not going to have loot boxes. Woe on us

Didn't the original have an emphasis on tricks or something? I remember seeing something like that in ads.

Those are sonyfags. All they play is fifa on their child friendly consoles.

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I wish they were sonyfags, seeing a wojak would at least tell me they're doing it ironically.

>5 of the 8 top PS4 games are just fucking soccer
Fucking Niggers I swear

>EA short changing what will soon be the largest console install base
their loss

>Each fifa PS4 sales a minimum of 11 million
It's way more than that.

True I was thinking of the least popular fifa that still sold that much
It’s fucking insane

It's an old image. Fifa 19 is in there too and fifa 20 will be as well.

>he never played fifa street growing up

Too bad this isn't fifa Street huh.

PS4 fifas sold over 120 million total


>Sony not even at E3
>PS4 still get more games announced than Switch
Holy based

Attached: kazhirai.jpg (464x464, 125K)

Meanwhile the best selling Switch game is a Wii U port of a kiddy karting game

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Say it with me, shitch haz no gaems.

At least the kiddy karting game doesn't have microtransactions, Fifatards

from the sounds of it there might not be pay to win packets since EA is in hot water and Nintendo asked nicely.

Instead you're paying full price for literal Wii U leftovers. C-congrats I guess

And nothing of value was lost.

Nintendo could buy EA, and its executives would probably rather every single employee quit than have them suffer the indignity of porting frostbite to a Nintendo platform.

>Fifa 2019 and Fifa 20 are gonna bump Minecraft off the list

it does though

This is gonna be a rough E3 for Nintendofags. Already signs are there they're getting shunned even harder this year than last.

There was also SSX On Tour with Mario, Luigi, and Peach, got that game was a dissapointment.

>Buying a port full price is worse than being nickel and dimed to hell and back with gachashit that's pushed on you every five seconds in game
Fifaniggers so delusioned.

who gives a shit about fifa
if i want a soccer game i'll play Inazuma Eleven? At least that's entertaining and isn't made by EA

>You're forced to play Ultimate Team
No nigger. Most people play FIFA for social offline play. Have some friends, incel.

Why does people pay yearly for a game they could be playing outside for free?

What makes you so sure I'm an incel? I've had sex, user. Besides, I don't like sports simulation games, I like my sports games arcadey and fucking goofy.

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Incel is just the default normie insult of the moment, I saw someone call Kanye West an incel.

Nintendo: *doesn't let EA hook Origin into the platform*

>Buys cardboard

Thanks user. You bros remember shit like NFL Blitz 2000? Now that was a FOOTBALL game.

Niggers only play basketball and mutt football, muttoid