Other urls found in this thread:
Tag force 2
Yugioh 5ds and short horror films on YouTube
Steel ball run
Burgers it's to hot to cook inside
water maybe some milk tea later to calm my nerves
Honestly just woke up in a shit mood and I fucked up my ankle in my sleep
Some Dead by Daylight, relaxing as survivor right now slowly grinding cheevos
A nice ass.
/x/ and stuff about the SS Ourang Medan
Got some Krispy Kreme donuts from a glazed box.
Muh milk
Nudes from this new age Goth chick i'm talking to.
Pretty good, just relaxing today. Contemplating doing a Bruno Buccellati cosplay for AWA but i'm lazy right now. Maybe later I might work on something I want.
didn't really play anything today, i tried setting up fallout nv but i ended up deleting all the mods and shit i downloaded and the game itself and i'm back to square one
i think i'll play terraria later, or doom
water and a lot of tea
i caught a cold somehow
feeling better than yesterday but my body still hurts and i slept for only 6 hours, could be better
Funfield: Bad Company 2, Dark Souls 1, and maybe the Attack on Titan game.
Nine Inch Nails - letting the drywall punching energy flow through me.
UFC AND GGG BOXING. Moraes is gonna be champion, despite my love for Tony I think Cowboy stops him.
Steins;Gate vn
What should I get for E3/Fight Night?
Pretty good, hope you're all doing well. I'd actually be even better if my friend would come over but I don't see it happening.
Hooked up my ps2 to play the fuck out of Star Wars Episode III Revenge of the Sith (that versus mode is just too fucking good), and Bully. Last save I had in Bully was in 2008. Fuck. Looking for my San Andreas disc too.
Lo-fi/chillhop/jazzhop music. So good.
7 Days to die and wondering if I should get it for the PS4.
Chocolate Milk
Like fapping first thing in the morning because you have morning wood is a really bad idea. Sucks all your energy out when you're already tired. Don't do it niggas.
>What should I get for E3/Fight Night?
Get some Wendy's user, you won't regret it.
>Ye (Dead)
If this doesn't work, shit
do you not know how to cross-board?
Give him time
I guess I don't because if I did it'd be working.
I usually go more all out than fast food
not gonna spoonfeed but i think there's something interesting over at the site's rules page
Then buy a shitton of Wendy's user.
The Greatest Ace Attorney 1. Bretty good.
EA conference, because why not.
Seinfield on Amazon Prime for first time.
Killing Commendatore
Ravioli Ravioli in a couple of minutes
My own drawings. WOW
VERY GOOD! Community day today with my fat fellas.
Horizon Zero Dawn
Can't really watch anything till I get my new PC in about a month's time
Nine Inch Nails
Dead Tube or some other manga featuring rape and strong violence
Fish fingers
Damn good, having a weekly wage feels so liberating.
Striking Vipers. Banjo Tooie most likely
My liked playlist on Spotify
Black Mirror.
Your replies
Not sure yet. A grad party so there's bound to be beer at least
Mirror selfies
Kind of lonely, but I'm going to be social. Going to ask my coworker for a drink tomorrow after her performance. She recently had a break up, and is sort of needing the quiet, but I hope she takes me up on it. first person I've felt a genuine connection with since my break up last year.
PS2 was the last truly great console. Have fun.
My go to is always Chinese or Qdoba.
Feel better user.
I hope you get to hook up with the goth QT soon, user.
>woke up in a shit mood
I know the feeling. I keep waking up feeling like I'm hung over, regardless if I've been drinking or not.
based. enjoy it. I recommend Fraiser if you're looking for a change up.
>EA conference
Can we really even call it that? This entire E3 feels like it's going to be a shit show well, bigger shit show than usual compared to other years. The only one I think will be worth a damn is Microsoft.
What's your favorite nine inch nails song/album?
Appreciated but it isn't that major dude. It was just a webm of Alice Liddel sucking hardcore. Nothing worth worrying about.
Last time I got chinese I got really sick so it's gonna be a while. I prefer Chipotle to qdoba.
>tfw it's E3
>Chipotle to Qdoba
Nah user. Chipotle always has such shit lines and they don't give you enough shit during a rush. The only thing I'll give Chipotle is the Chorizo. Their queso is shit, their chips are shit, and Qdoba just gives me more for the money.
Awwwww shit, best thread of the week.
MLB The Show '19, Modhau. I also bought Uncharter 4 and Spider-Man real cheap for the PS4, fairly hyped to play both.
Lots of Zeppelin lately.
Chernobyl. Fucking great, hope it wins a fuckton of Emmy's.
If I Die in a Combat Zone by Tim O'Brien. TTTC is one of my all-time favorites and while this isn't as great it's still enjoyable. I also ordered a huge book about the original mob in NYC and Watchmen so I can finally read it before the HBO show.
Just ran out for a quick sammie
9/10, it's summer and I'm seeing a buddy for dinner tonight. Otherwise it's going to be a solid day of gaming with the pals online.
but i wanna fucking see it
>Feel better user.
Gato Roboto on the Switch.
Nothing in particular.
Might pirate Chernobyl and watch it today.
War of the Worlds. Really like it so far. Wish more games would draw influence from the big tube monster things.
Chicken, rice, broccoli and carrots. Brocc and carr are raw but the chicken is baked.
Already did and I'm not planning on doing it again
Great. Life is good as of right now.
spiral tribe and freetekno
just finished black mirror, was ok didn't exactly blow my mind or anything
flowers for algernon but not rly feeling it
chili w/ uncle benis rice
my imagination :^)
i am going to be alone and unemployed forever
Alright, let's see if thi'll work otherwise I'll be the one sucking hardcore
What the fuck?
>my imagination
Bravely Default or Rimworld
instrumental hip-hop with rainymood in the other tab
Kerbal Space Program lets play
Yea Forums
just had pasta with dried tomatoes and olives
pepsi lime and beer
massage porn
>Chicken, rice, broccoli and carrots. Brocc and carr are raw but the chicken is baked.
T-thanks /fit/
Ey my dude nothing's better than a crisp cold glass of water on a temperate day.
That chicken and broccoli is gonna get you gassier than Jupiter though. Don't know about the carrots.
Ye boi
>Ey my dude nothing's better than a crisp cold glass of water on a temperate day.
I can't say I agree. I just have a 1.5 gallon/6L container beside my screen so it's always room temp.
Company Of Heros and heavily modded New Vegas run
Some game osts, some good country, 70s-90s rock
Thunderstorm outside my window. And E3 of course.
/k/, /out/
Making some flapjacks, eggs, and bacon. Going fishing later so will eat what I catch
Black macnut coffee. Daniels later
Hopefully to girlfriend if she sends the nudes
In pain. Centipede bit my leg last night. Might go to the hospital since it's the worst bite i ever got. Other than that, feeling comfy. Enjoy your e3 weekend guys. Hoist one up for me and I'll do the same to you.
>I hope you get to hook up with the goth QT soon, user.
Thanks user, she's pretty cute and if she likes things like Siouxie Sioux and the Banshees or horror movies then i'm set for life.
>hatin on a comfy meal like this
>bad company 2
My nig, what server?
Fuck wish i had mine still. Enjoy
>MLB The Show '19
Holy shit if this it that Twins poster what's up dude
>new Vegas
Fuck don't make me reinstall it
Idk yet hopefully I can just find a vanilla server of Rush, but I haven't looked yet
Not the user that you're replying to but there are a couple servers up. Away from my computer atm so i don't know for sure.
>centipede bite
Where the fuck do you live? 'Nam?
>Holy shit if this it that Twins poster what's up dude
Joke's on you, there are multiple Twins posters in these threads. I'm not the guy you're probably thinking of who plays Dota and shit fairly often, though.
Well any twins poster is a friend of mine. The guy I'm thinking of always talks about his e cig and mlb the show. But great taste all around in your post friend. Glad your twins are doing good Yea Forumsro
just watered the garden and mowed the back yard now drinking H2O
Thanks brother, who's your team? And this year has been insane, truly never seen an offense like they have right now in all my years as a fan.
I'm still pissed we didn't sign Keuchel or Kimbrel, if they don't trade for at least a closer at the deadline I don't like our chances for a deep playoff run.
Replaying BOTW, the startup is slow but I'm getting into the swing of things now and it's pretty comfy.
BOTW's "soundtrack". Which works fine ingame but is pretty minimalist.
Nothing really, considering rewatching Legion.
French on duolingo, I guess. I'm on greetings and I keep mixing up à demain and à bentiôt.
I had oatmeal for breakfast.
Water all day every day. Will be drinking some beers while watching the E3 stream tomorrow.
Kingdom og deception.
I want more shifts at work, I'm gonna need the money when the school year starts again.
My nuts kind of itch, too.
I'm a Piratesfag. And yes I thought you guys were picking up Kimbrel. But, your playoff chances are looking better than ours. Enjoy your day m80 and goodluck to the Twins
Divinity Original Sin 2
Might have some salmon
Water, maybe some sparkling flavoured water
Not in the mood
Like shit, wish I was dead.
Feel better user
Ah shit, I think we've talked before, my Bucko loving friend! Pirates are so weird this year. Either sweeping everybody in sight or getting swept. Hope they figure it out. Bell is a god.
I'm not really into sports but I hop you have a great time watching them
Gemini Rue
Weebshit and Rammstein because of Dah trailer
re watching death parade and death billards
First Witcher book
whatever is at uni
the ea e3 is so fucking shit I bursted out laughing,
>tfw when Ea made you feel better
These threads are dead cause of e3. F
Fuck, i know. Inconsistency is our thing here in the Burg. And Bell is so good, I can't wait for upper management to just whisk him away and fuck the team up next year.
Thanks for putting up with us. Its an easy way to identify people I've talked to in the past in these threads. Enjoy your day m8
Age of Decadence. Pretty sick but I am getting tired of being bamboozled, and then murdered all the time.
Bonny Tyler songs
OK KO episodes. They are wholesome, ok?
I read a textbook on weekdays, leave me alone now
Combine soup
blessed water
not feeling it
Sword of Destiny or The Last Wish?
ESO, just wrapping up saving all of Morrowind
then VtMB
Tim Ferriss still cant tell if hes a total hack or not
UFC tonight! champ shit only
all sorts of marketing stuff
Ill have chicken and broccoli later
Ive gone a week without it accidentally so might just keep that up
Gonna spar my friend in the park soon and that should be a lot of fun. Comfy gaming. Great UFC night. No complaints. Im this close to buying a awesome blue tongue skink but Im really strapped for cash and shouldnt. But I probably will. Hes great.
Dope fappan my man but for some reason I fucking hate your .png
I dont see how Cowboy can put him away. I understand the pressure but this is Tony. Hes gonna do some bizarre spin out of a clinch and elbow TKO. Also fuck Cejudo he just gets cringier every week cant wait for Moraes to shake it up.
what is a community day with fat fellas?
good luck
great gif and listenan
>tired of being bamboozled, and then murdered all the time.
wooo boy have I got some bad news for you then
the last wish
>Dope fappan my man but for some reason I fucking hate your .png
I don't understand what's wrong?
I dont either user
Maybe its her smug look and thicc mom body
Maybe its that overabundance of that trash wonderbread
It has done something to me and I dont like it
Don't know yet, might replay Zelda: LttP or OoT3D.
KingK discussing Majora's Mask
KingK channel on YouTube. MM retrospective
This thread
Orange chucken and mashed potatoes
Arizona green tea
Glad its saturday. No work and I can fuck around all day doing nothing.
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe and Smash
Alternative rock
Yea Forums
Chicken noodle soup
Comfy and relaxed
Tony gets knocked down in every fight and Cowboy is a patient finisher. I love Henry's cringe, it's entertaining, but Marlon's gonna head kick him when he's in that Karate stance.
It's a dude from Yea Forums that constantly gets commissions done like this, his kink is rich white women deforesting and being more industrial and buying wonder bread. Sometimes chainsaw or chainsaws with a wonderbread decoration. I'm not joking about this shit either.
Dawn of War 1
Death Grips
Book of the New Sun
Tyskie and Black Coffee
Going to an arcade with some friends later
Nothing right now
Nothing right now. Stanley Cup Finals and the Reds later.
Any FFVII news I can scoop up.
Not sure yet.
Diet Pepsi right now. Yuengling tonight.
Not sure yet, Most likely though.
dragon quest probably next
some dnb tunes
e3 in the background
need to go grocery shopping, tad hungover and just don't want to get up
but tomorrow's sunday and the next day is a holiday
water mostly
already done
okay-ish, texted my ex yesterday while being drunk, just something regarding her work as a cop but still, hate that i did it and hate the fact that i don't mean a thing for her
other than that, looking into some vr games maybe, dunno
Sounds like fun, user. Sorry about your ex
Trust me man, keep your ex as a FWB if you ended on decent terms, made things 100x better for me.
>good luck
Appreciate it user. I hope you get your new pet friend.
cheers user, no biggie met some people from the US in a bar and just drank with them until like 6 am, that was fun
the whole ex thing is just some leftover stuff i have to deal with
oh boy, we did try it as a fwb, ended in a shit show, got back some time after unofficially and stuff was just fucked
fwb for me doesn't work, because i'll always be worrying that i'm not her number one guy
you silly goose, you don't text your ex when drunk. this user has a point though
Hope it goes well
What are you hoping for this E3?
Cowboy has lost to every top talent he has faced, even if it was at 170.
>lawler, Till, Masvidal
Then he gets flat footed Perry for a gimme, newbie Hernandez, and Iaquinta which I will admit was a great fight and phenomenal performance.
Tonys record is an absolute whos who of killers. ANd lets be real, Cowboy has no chance with Khabib. Only Tonys crazy ass could pull that off. Sure he never protects his chin, might get picked apart at range. But thats basically Pettis' strategy too and he ended that in under three rounds. Course Pettis has shit decision making. Cowboy has a strong chance but Tony at his best is the top 155r, and he has an extremely low percentage of absorbing strikes
And people on this board get upset over gays in games...jesus how does someone even develop that fetish
Thaks hes cute and fun
Sigil, and sillness ither wads
Sarah Rae
pretty comfy
had a good streak of like 2 months not texting her drunk, was nothing big or awkward so that's okay
also no fwb
honestly? something new death stranding looks nice because it's just something fresh, hoping for some good rpg
waiting for cyberpunk until then
All I’m doing right now is watching the pride parade outside my window
and some other wads
in the end everything will user, thanks
What do you think of Sigil so far? I played it last week and was letdown by it. E5M7 was amazing though.
>hate the fact that i don't mean a thing for her
user, it's easy to be hung up on it, but the energy is not worth the hit it takes to your mentality. My ex left me suddenly last year. After a relationship of over a decade. She publicly started seeing someone else shortly after and it destroyed me as someone who sacrificed so much over the years to build a future.
What I'm trying to say is that I spent a lot of time feeling sorry for myself for not meaning anything to someone who wasn't worth my love. In doing so I'm positive I missed out on new opportunities or experiences. Granted, I'm not going to lie and say it's easy to get over someone. Lord knows I still have issues, particularly with trust, but I wish I had someone there for me to push me away from my own feeling of worthlessness in the eyes of someone. So, your ex should be a nobody to you if she (or he) can't be adult enough to treat you with any sort of empathy. I know in time someone worth your energy will find their way into your life.
hoping for news on
- DOOM Eternal's release date
- new Yoko Taro game
- "Babylon's Fall"
- Astral Chain
- Bannerlord
- Todd to make a fool out of himself
- From Software's new ((souls)) game
Are there any cute traps?
thanks user, appreciate it
I haven’t seen any cute traps only trannies
>girl acts like a cunt all the time
>cut her out of my life
>feel lonely
>try to stay strong and avoid contacting her
Video games will keep me safe right bros?
I'm thinking about replaying MGR or buying something like dying light
Sea of Thieves, goddamn this albino Wreckers are hard to find. Also they need to let us make a backup pirate, I want to be pic related
the TV
JoJo, rewatching Regular Show because I never got to S8
It's a shame One Piece is gonna suck till Wano, they're really shitting up the Reverie with all these flashbacks
Yea Forums
Dew Kickstart, Budweiser later
gud, off this weekend so I get to enjoy E3 stress free
Paphologic HD. I played the original ages ago but never finished it. Now that the sequel's out I thought I should get around to it.
Nothing today. Recently I've been liking What we do in the Shadows though.
Dumb threads
Kronenbourg and cheap cider
I just downloaded Koikatsu yesterday. I still need to tweak some setting to get it to run properly but
Call of Chernobyl? I haven't really looked into Stalker mods. What's good about this one?
I kinda feel like playing Borderlands 2 but I also feel like it'll be pretty shit on my own.
Otherwise I want to play a good rogue-lite or looter, but nothing good has come out in a while
you really out here "watching" OP?
a bit frustrating at times, I feel like I rarely had enough ammo, though I played on ultra violence so maybe I should've lowered it?
But I still thought it was a pretty good wad overall
>fapping forst thing in the morning a bad idea
>already tired
Are you the same guy who said that on /ck/? I really don't find that to be the case. Also, if you wake up tired, you're not sleeping enough.
>replying with anything but WATER
But I thought they were putting something in the WATER to turn the frogs GAY.
You're not homosex, are you user?
Call of Chernobyl is basically a huge free play mod that connects the areas of all 3 games, lets you choose a faction and a starting location and you can spend however long you want trying to survive in the zone, taking different missions from factions to increase your standing etc.
my brown brother, favorite ween album/song?
Yes, it's not the same unless I hear GOMU GOMU NOOO. Also you gotta admit GEAR FOOOORZAAAA was pretty good, plus they nailed the Snekman fight.
Additionally I heard they're hiring better animators for Wano
Time heals all, my man. Stay strong and every day you go without her is going to make it easier.
Nope. Don't really go to /ck/, but yeah, I did hit the sack at about 2am. Not enough sleep. I've read that getting off tires you for a specific reason (citing multi orgasmic man here), but in my case especially so because I fapped last night - or this morning. Tank's empty when I wake up, I was gassed out, but I'm still trying to rev the engine you know?
>own place
>new job pays 40% more
>all that vidya
tfw no gf, had gfs but i really thought with 30 i'd be on my way to wife house children but guess not
dying light is pretty good
just don't make the mistake of getting invested in the story and you'll enjoy it
Those with know not what they hav I guess. Don't see why you'd want that package deal when so many others regret having it, but good luck dude.
This awful ea e3
Nothing at the moment
Making a chocolate syrup for shakes later tonight
Energy drinks
Gotta take a break
I pulled on it so hard, I ripped the skin
Good. Going to my buddy's place for drinks and warhams
started playing persona 5 but got bored after the first palace, does it get better?
because of this i decided to watch the anime
date a live vol 1
fried eggs with tortillas
thanks for the blog!
pressure i guess
no problem
Being alone can be better. Depends on the person. Seems like you got your shit together and don't need help. Keep focusing on yourself and if you feel lonely or feel the need, you'll probably find someone for you. Don't rush into or else you'll really regret it
thanks user i'll try but that god damn hope man
modern warfare 2 *sips*
EA shit
pizza night, cant decide what kind of doritos I want
gonna go get a pink monster. rum/beer
giant black asses
like a piece of shit, im gonna waste another weekend and I cant do anything about it.
i just sit inside all day except for 30 mins to go to hte store
t. butthurt NEET posting from grandma's
Live it up while you can, user. 28 isn't old by any means, you'll figure it out and land a keeper. I'm a bit of an oldfag myself, married with a kid, and while I love my family there are times I pine for the freedom of my bachelor days. You'll make it, stay positive.
when did you meet your wife?
yeah i'll stay positive about life and all
Lofi hiphop
This horrible E3 snore fest
Clash of kings
Fish supper
Earl grey plebs
In my gfs pus
Bored, lonely and horny
I'm a 31 khv, fat, small dick, manlet and still live with my parents
>modern warfare 2
Somehow I posted before I finished writing
Alright. This week I picked up my old hobby of making woodblock prints. It's been about 5 years since I've done it and it feels good to be doing something artsy again.
Mollusc will always be my favorite because it's one of the first albums I ever bought. Ocean Man becoming a big meme song makes me feel conflicted. Recently I've been liking 12 Golden Country Greats a lot more than I used to.
Probs tropico 5 later if they let me out of work early
This site
Anime ass
My job is killing me. At least I have some nice cigars to look forward to after work.
I'm having trouble wrapping my head around this.
100% Orange Juice
Prolly some Hotline Miami music
maybe renting a movie to watch with my parents
Homework, notes, and other school shit
milk fish
raspberry iced tea
pic related
Quake 2
Lucid Dreaming/Meditation ambience.
Boring E3 stuff. This fucking sucks.
Yea Forums, Yea Forums
A stick of pepperoni
Big girls, for me
jokers on ebay keep asking about an item I'm selling then reply back that it's too expensive FUCK THE HELL OFF I'm not a store I'm not here to give you discounts
Thought about starting up some MH Woirld, not sure if i can handle
right now stacman
this thread
right now nothing, before some MH porn
bit in the middle of melancholy and happyn, aka a normal weekendss
kys youreself incel
why is her game so bad, bros
it's not fair
We were both 24 when we met, slightly after college.
alright i'll try to not lose hope then user
I know it's cliche but take chances and force yourself to get out there. If you're in a small as fuck town it can be hard, but look for clubs or social events or chat with coworkers or simply get out and do shit. Hard to meet somebody at home nonstop.
i do, i go out drinking with friends, talked to a bunch of girls in the last 6 weeks but honestly none striked my interest
made out with one but she was meh
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Explorers of Sky.
Really enjoying it. I wish you didn't have to complete the game to evolve your pokemon though.
I wanna finish Yakuza 4 though but I don't feel like doing it.
Joy Division, New Order and The Cure mostly.
Might watch that new Demon Slayer anime
Might start Norwegian Wood
Water with lime taste.
Absolutely awful. I fucking hate my job and when I'm off work, all I can think about is how much I'm dreading to go back to work.
So I can never relax and its killing me.
I don't understand how people can waste away their life like this. I fear that the rope just looks more and more tempting.
Nice, keep at it man, shit will pick up.
i will just not yet ready to lose hope for good
cheers user
You'll find a way to make it work user, I work at a movie theater that doesn't hire overnight cleaners and primarily caters to blacks but I'm still surviving.
What do you do?
>New Order
>The Cure
>Joy Division
the girl i had a crush on for three years, who was in a relationship the entirety of that time (and still is) and that i willingly broke contact with (as in not text her or try to spend time with her, we still see each other occasionally through mutual friends and whatever, its been like 8 months or so though) told me that she also has a crush on me yesterday. initially somebody texted me "i love you." from her phone (actually, i spoke with the person who did) as part of a drinking game and after not replying at first i kind of coincidentally met her at a party that night and after being a pussy while she was there i sent her a shit wasted speech text thingy telling her that that shits not cool but that im not mad or anything because i hid the whole thing pretty well afaik and just asked her to not something like that again because it makes me uncomfortable and she replies with a wasted speech text thingy herself, basically apologizing and then saying "i dont really know why im telling you this right now, but i kind of had a crush on you this whole time too, but i dont really wanna change the situation either desu"
man what the fuck i feel like im in fucking puberty again this bitch has had a bf for this whole time why the fuck would she even tell me this (based on the assumption that she was telling the truth)
Elder scrolls online
Just watchan
Was watching EA at e3 but it's fucking awful so I'm switching to the Nintendo invitational
Dr pepper
Like shit, sleep deprived. Family member died in a car accident. Hearing my mom and aunt cry is destroying me.
mgsv, IWBTG fangames, Probably some paradox shit
mahoujin guruguru
E3 threads
banana bread
nothing really
on nofap til the end of the month
could be better. been in a odd mood as of lately.
I'm working as a receptionist at a hotel during night
Gonna go back to MHFU for old time's sake
Pyramaze, Linkin Park and other bullshit
My backlog of anime
The Shield Hero LN
That fucking PIZZA
Beer and PEPSI
Good ol'chicks with dicks hentai
Might start F/SN
Not today
Trying to accept being homosexual. I dislike the term "gay" because of the connotations it bears.
Injustice 2, Portal, and Outer Wilds. Though I might put in ESO after some anons reminded me of it in this thread
Titans, Initial D
Batman: The Long Halloween
Chicken nuggies and fries with honey mustard
Miller High Life
Sex tonight ideally
Hangover had me feeling like shit earlier but I’m a lot better now that I got some food in me. Just landed a teaching spot at my number one school choice. Got a call an hour after the interview so that was cool, especially since I just graduated
>banana bread
That’s rough man. Hang in there.
>A stick of pepperoni
Power move
>Clash of kings
Probably the most underrated book of the series. That or Feast
Can you play handhelds? If I was lazier at my job I could get away with playing 3DS in the projector booth
I also smoke weed on my break but I'm a HF aspie so it doesn't impair me, wouldn't reccomend it for others.
About to go online in MH Gen
and many other's 90's shit
had lasange earlier
hate to admit it but whiel browsing /animated/ tag i foudn somre furry artist and got a bit hooked there so yeah
Kosaken ha ha hebt die gläster!
>Sex tonight ideally
i want a gf too user, can i cum inside of your gf once?
No because she’s my fiancé
BotW, Smash Zelda a cute and Xenoblade 2, enjoying Xenoblade the most so far
nothing yet will likely grab a burger later
later, probably to AL
Pretty comfy, I do have to go to work in a bit for like 3-4 hours which is kind of shit but at least it's not long
well damn congrats user
please cum hard for me inside of her yeh?
Pathologic 2
Nothing at the moment.
Prone to Violence by Erin Pizzey
bear x twink porn.
Pretty chill actually, but a bit lonely
any user listening to drum and bass while gayman?
persona Q2 has some of the best combat in megaten thinking about getting etrian
shoji meguro
lupin the 3rd
Doujins or xvideos
all right
That’s fucking legendary
>not drinking orange juice
Don’t know
Blazblue Centralfiction, UNIST, Touhou 7
Death Metal backlog
Senko San
The Sound and the Fury
Turkey burgers and pesto pasta
Whiskey and coke
Haven't decided yet
Decent. Had a good run today, but then had a rough UNIST set
Gunvolt on Switch
The instructions to install the HEN hack on PS3 so I can play some Hatsune Miku shit
I just ate a some steak and oven baked fries
Tap water
I don't feel the need to fap anymore
Pretty apathetic
bear x twink
I wish I could bebear or twink
>tap water
That’s disgusting at least tell me you have a private well or something then I can get behind that
Sometimes I do that when playing action heavy games
Waiting for Octopath Traveler to download
New Skepta album
Randon shit on youtube
pretty good and high as a kite
I'm the twink, you can be the bear
Octopath Traveler
Mac Demarco-Chamber of Reflection
Stardust Crusaders
At the Mountains of Madness
Probably just going to end up eating a salad or something, really don't want to cook tonight
Honestly, feeling like this evening is going to end in sex
Depressed, my fucking pharmacy is refusing to let me refill my meds because of a computer error so I've been sickly for a week
What the fuck is that thing in the youtube preview
Swapping between RDR2, RE2 remake (hardcore is a blast), and WoW
Not sure
Deadwood and the Sopranos
Been a while since I’ve read anything used to be an avid reader.
Not sure yet
Coke Zero
A lot of omorashi lately
Feeling alright. Got job interviews next week little nervous about it, but feels good to relax this weekend
confused, i thought today was sunday. just woke up.
nothin rn but i do some overwatch to kill time
a bunch of good rap song (love Vs. hate - brand nubian rn)
random videos on youtube
i just ate a pork chop w/ fries
comfy, i draw time to time and feel pretty cool
Tap water is fine here, I'm not a thirdworlder or american.
well I'm 6'4" and hairy
One day user. One day. I will find you.
Looks like bovine judging by the small flat teeth.
>mfw BBQ /ck/ing shows have made me immune to butchered meat
Path of Exile, new league is pretty good
Future Funk, mostly Macross
LEC Summer Split
Orange Juice
Good my dude
I'm 5'3 and hairless
One day user... I'll be waiting
A butcher with a pig head.
Heard the song, It's basically the opposite of what you're seeing
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow
80s Metal
Korean history books
Nothing atm
Dr. Pepper
Asian porn
Like kms
Anyone play that Fire pro wrestling game on free trial this weekend? Looks kind of weak but has good reviews.
Deus Ex
Meat Puppets
Maybe a sandwich
I'm kind of looking forward to E3, but for some reason I'm not really feeling it that much this year. Hopefully I'll be into it tomorrow.
user with good taste.
Go away boomer
Boomers know better then to drink sugary sodas at their age.