0 hype

>0 hype
What went so wrong?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Hype is for NPC trash.

I am hyped. Though, I don't know if it will be on Steam. Bethesda is trying to make their launcher a thing.

Even the good arena combat in nudoom got tedious pretty fast.

DOOM is nothing special.

>What went so wrong?
Doom 2016.

Slow ass movement.
Slow ass combat.
I mean QTE executions for health packs? Fucking seriously?
Narrow corridor, arena, narrow corridor, arena level design.
Fuck all ammo.
Crappy directional audio and mixing.

Who cares, it will be on stadia, baby

yes it will be on steam

Its literally just DOOM 2016 but with very little added to it

Finna gonna pass on this, i'll buy it in like 28 months

I'm interested tho
The new Doom was nowhere as kino as the original, but it was fun

Bethesda decided to release three FPS games in the same year and they can't effectively market Doom without canibalising the sales of Rage and Wolfenstein

This. The levels were really cool until the arenas. If they just did what old doom did and make great levels that require I kill enemies to traverse them then they'd be gold

I don't get 'hyped' anymore, but it's a game I'm looking forward to and I will almost certainly enjoy it if they didn't fuck it up horribly or something. I hope they take more level design inspiration from the originals than 2016 did, though.


Fucking retards with your "djent"

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I don't think there isn't any hype from the target audience, it's just the press that's backpedaling on promoting the game after that presentation where they showed off parts of the game with jokes about "mortally challenged" demons or earth being the "melting por of the universe". Journos got triggered, exposure dropped.

>current year
>getting hyped

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Would you prefer regenerating health?

They haven't showed shit since then, what do you expect?

>0 hype

It's an 8 hour long linear shooter, it's a dead genre

Pickups you absolute retard.

Movement is faster look up gameplay. You can skip Glory Kills. So just like the original? You have a chainsaw for ammo and whatnot. Audio was good and is subjective.

I don't get hyped but I'll probably buy it

There hasn't been any info on it in so long I forgot about it.

DOOMers are old boomers. Older people don't get hyped

dodo DADA do DADA do DADA do DADA

There are plenty of pickups. Not to mention some enemies will drop health packs without the glory kills. Glory kills aren’t even mandatory.

Good one

Which Doom 4 has plenty of. Did you even play the game?

>he ran out of ammo
>in a game with infinite grenades/ammo restore on kill + a chainsaw that full refill all ammo types

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Weak ass bait, faggot

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You know, just shit I loved about every DOOM game ever, up until DOOM 2016, the most beloved title ever, which is completely locked down and insulting. Fuck nu-id.

having to rely on hype most likely means the product is shit

Im hype

>hitting f on an enemy that glows yellow is a qte
>even though there are no repercussions for shooting them

in doom 2016 you really gain a lot from playing with the speed runes.

Glory kills are faster
Glory kill from long distance
Speed after glory kill

I too thought the game was too slow but I was playing with the rune that gives you infinite ammo if you have 75+ armor so I was being careful not to take damage and one-shotting everything with the laser gun

I just think glory kills are dumb and the game should be balanced around health pickups only. Not to mention the retarded idea of health regeneration like the post I replied to suggested.

They gave up on that and released Rage 2 on Steam day one because they knew it would fail otherwise. Fallout 76 is coming to Steam at some point too. DOOM Eternal will be there.

>games as a service

adding on - I know glory kills are optional but I feel the level design suffers for it

no way

>adding on - I know glory kills are optional

But to be fair, the glory kills shower you with ammo, health and let you kill things instantly, meaning that not glory killing is deliberately gimping yourself.

>should be balanced around health pickups only
That's basically what Nightmare is. Glory Kills are flat out too risky to use on that mode.
Explain further, please.

Yes, health regeneration is retarded but like I said glory kills aren’t mandatory. You can play the game without them perfectly fine.

But you are gimping yourself both in moment to moment and long term as you won't complete the glory kill objectives. The game would be better without them entirely

There was one mod which disabled the rip and tear gimmick shit, and balanced around not having it, but well you know, no fucking mod support, and a patch broke it.

Sure, it’s definitely more challenging that way and I would agree that the game should've been balanced a bit differently in that respect but the game is still manageable without them.

>Finna gonna

What do niggers mean by this?

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But when you play on Nightmare then going for glory kills at the wrong time can and will get you killed from full HP

''fixing to going to'' in Amerimutt ebonics

>I don't get 'hyped' anymore
Oh really? Imagine this: You've been driving for hours and you have been holding in your shit the whole time. You finally see a gas station on the side of the road and you know that you will soon be relieved of the suffering you have been enduring for hours. Are you not hyped to hop on that toilet?

No, I'm irritated, like my bowels

So you wouldn't be hyped to see that toilet. I guess you could just hold it in for a few months to see what other people thought of that toilet before getting it huh?

>0 hype
this game has no shitty free mp beta to hamper its reputation
id software is highly reputable studio
this is going to sell bonkers well and your tears will be delicious

I hate this fucking presentator

Day one buy for me

There's a ton of hype. It's just people like you and that seem determined to compulsively shit on it, as has been tradition since D44M was announced.

Why? Maybe you're just butthurt that a game you hated for looking so different from the original Doom in footage you watched, ended up being a perfect modernization that went on to sell like crazy, be praised by critics and fans alike, and revive the franchise.
Or maybe you think this is reddit and we have names and reputations, and you can build up some kind of cred by claiming the older games are better, because you totally played those when they came out by the way.
Or perhaps you're just so jaded you don't understand what fun looks like anymore. Maybe you're so determined to look for flaws in everything, it becomes impossible for you to enjoy anything new. Maybe you're so obsessed with finding these flaws that you refuse to even play games, and just watch them and repeat talking points you heard from other people like you.

But I don't know. Maybe there's still hope. Maybe you can open your heart to fun again. Maybe if you just give it a chance.

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I like this dude. Actually had nice idea about what people expect from a Doom story.

the noclip interviews were fucking great

'Are you ready to go? Cuz here's a ticket, and we're leaving right now'

Relief is not the same as hype. Take out your buttolug, gaylord

It's the same thing. When EA takes a fat smelly shit named Anthem people were hyped for it. My analogy is valid.

It's a dead series, Bethesda literally had to pay youtube for they to shill the e3 reveal trailer as an ad in other videos. Also a quick reminder, arena shooters are dead, no ones cares about it anymore.

Marty Stratton said they’re working on making Eternal’s code more flexible for mods in a Q&A.

Just look at his million dollar smile.

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I’m excited for it.i want to see the the demon with the Doom 64 chainsaw for an arm in gameplay.

Based and Doompilled

4/10 troll got responses

what are the odds they do some sorta special deal at the conference for Doom like they did last year?

halo mogs doom
simple as

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just install sigil

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>babbys first fps

>posts a DLC map
As much as I think Painkiller 2016 is overrated its still better than Gaylo if even only because the movement speed isnt snail like

>too retarded to remember GoldenEye

>Slow ass movement.
>Slow ass combat.
Oh, its one of those "Slower than old Doom" faggots
>I mean QTE executions for health packs? Fucking seriously?
You dont know what a fucking QTE is
>Fuck all ammo.

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Yea Forums only cares about the things they hate
why do you think even normie shit like fortnite gets that many threads?

I dont see any fortnite threads on Yea Forums

2016 was garbage, and hype is cancer.

>oh no! He's saying truths I cannot repel! Stop him!!

You can skip them you mouth breather.

The you're a fucking idiot. The only reason they added glory kills was to speed the gameplay up and keep you in the combat. In old DOOM, and nu-doom without glory kills, if you need health you have to stop fighting and try to find a healthpack, probably backtracking. Glory kills were added so you could trade a temporary slowdown for health and keep fighting.

>>oh no! He's saying truths I cannot repel! Stop him!!
Nice try

>let you kill things instantly
If you can glory kill something, it means even if glory kills weren't a thing a melee attack would kill the demon.

go back

>Human emotions are for machines

Fucking based

I think the level design suffered from not having a ton of resources and DOOM 2016 being a fairly large bet. If you listen to the devs you can tell that their main concerns were not shitting on the originals and making the gameplay fun, and it sounds like they just didn't have a ton of time to flesh out all the levels to the degree they wanted, hence some literally locking you in a small room. They've acknowledged it was a weak point and one of their goals for Eternal is making the levels bigger and more seamless.


lmao, Doom is shit

African IQ shows.

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They didn't hire a bunch of Yea Forumstards to advertise for them on Yea Forums


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Not to mention, they're addressing the weak points of 2016's level design, are adding optional pvp into the campaign, hinted at co-op, and are developing the multiplayer in house (2016's was outsourced to, and I shit you not, a studio that does a lot of work on COD multiplayers) with the goal of honoring the original.

>Narrow corridor, arena, narrow corridor, arena level design.
name one (1) original doom level that wasn't comprised of arenas with hallways.

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>Yea Forums complains about how current games are for fags and söyboys
>DOOM Eternal, a game that LITERALLY mocks liberals on the face with packed violence and fun gameplay

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I sure love threads that start with made up premises and then ask what went wrong.

Imagine being this unfunny faggot

They’re going to take it out of the main game. Just watch.


>let me get mad about things that might or might not potentially happen in the future or not

nuDoom is for limp-wristed faggots who can't handle more than a dozen enemies at a time, nor can they handle finding their own health packs.

Stop projecting.

Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.

>using WORDSWORDSWORDS man as an argument

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Again, stop projecting.

Exactly. And these same fags are the ones who’ll swear up and down that it’s a perfect game with no flaws.

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This is the best argument for why DOOM 2016 is inferior, but it never gets brought up. Why? because nobody actually thinks DOOM 2016 is a bad game, they just parrot contrarian bullshit and bait until all doom threads are ruined.

Zoomers pretending to be boomers shit on current doom. The game is great only thing lacking is mod support.


>everyone who doesn't like a game is just a contrarian troll

Get a grip.

>And there are no cutscenes
Painkiller 2016 had a bunch of cut-scenes though

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When you grow up with Halo, having faster-than-crawling run speed and more than 2 weapons is hugely revolutionary.

I have really been hankering for a shooter with some fun guns that rewards being really aggressive so I'm pretty hype for this. Enjoyable first person shooters don't seem very common these days.

>enemies spawn in and do nothing because they're not preplaced and all don't get active from the start.
But keep posting this webm niggerlips

>painkiller 2016

Last I recall, the most recent Painkiller was H&D and it fucking sucked.

meant to reply to

You can play without runes and glory kills and chase after health packs
No one here says its a perfect game just a good and fun game, no matter what your assblasted brain perceives. And lack of mod support is a legit con which apparently will be addressed with Doom Eternal.

not even the point of the webm, but okay retard.

Enemies bleed magnetic health packs regardless of you using QTEs.

>faceless marine
Doomguy has a face in the orignal
>no cutscenes
except the ones at the start, the end, the glory kills, and when you're standing around doing fuck all in haydens office and watching the skeleton dyke do science stuff.

you have never played the game shitforbrains and you are getting your asshole horse pounded left right and center this entire thread you pathetic troll

It was definitely a scam but it wasnt that bad if you didnt pay money for it since its just Painkiller with new graphics right up to the auto strafe-jumping

Seriously, how is a melee attack a QTE?

I didn't read any of that but just the two guys standing there and the logo designs is one of the best examples of:
Soul vs Soulless

doom 3 was good get fucked zoomers

When does Doom 2016 get good? I got to some guys office I think. It's not a fun game.

Its still not fast because your shooting enemies that arent even moving or doing anything retard. Switching weapons fast doesn't equal fast gameplay fuck nugget

You have a limited window of opportunity before the enemy wakes up again.

Hype is not an emotion, it's a coping mechanism for the emptyness in one's life.

They managed to fuck up rocket jumping

Movement and combat in Doom 2016 is great, what are you talking about? You're correct about the level design and QTE kills though. It definitely narrowed the gameplay down and made it more repetitive than it needed to be. Does the new Doom game appear to be solving these problems?

You already missed it.

Only if you stand on them, sure.

That’s not a QTE.

? you don't have to be a zoomer to hate doom 3, it was slow as FUCK, level design meant it was a corridor shooter, it was more like a horror game with jump scares than the arena style game that doom has always been, and you had to switch between a fucking flashlight and your gun all the time

shit game only made good by vr, maybe also bfg which came out waaaay after release.

you're hopeless

>arena style game that doom has always been

They shoot into you from a pretty good distance. You need those anyway, because higher difficulties nerf the health packs you find on maps.

the only thing they got wrong in doom 2016 is that there are only a handful of monsters on screen at the same time. in old Doom you had to deal with dozens of barons, imps, shotgunners etc. at the same time. in the new one there are max of maybe 10 enemies present at once (not counting those useless zombies)

OG doomguy design was pretty soulless on its self desu

>being full of enthusiasm

In old Doom 2*
Remember that Doom 1 didn't do that shit besides in Thy Flesh Consumed, which was made after Doom 2.

You're so hungry for hope that your innate "this game is going to be trash" radar gets turned off. That's hype.

Failed attempt at being a good half-life clone. Now THATS nuDoom.

Doom 2016 was fucking good and none of you faggots are ever pleased by anything.

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>0 hype
And that's a good thing, means no shills to be had around.

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Mt. Erebus wasn't in Thy Flesh Consumed.


Doom 2016 was a mega-unoptimized shitheap that took my computer ten fucking minutes just to get to the god damn title screen.

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it was good but it got boring fast because of how directed your combat actions are and it'll take more than a map pack to get me interested again

>Crappy directional audio and mixing.
he's right

>What went so wrong?
DOOM 3 and following games killed the franchise, it is impossible to be hyped about something you fully expect to be a total piece of shit that will rape your childhood memories.

It’s was also 100 fucking gigs

Bethesda fucked themselves into being one of the most disliked companies around in the years since 2016.

Tried replaying DOOM 2016
You move super slow
You can only hold 20 shotgun shells so you have to melee every single enemy
You only ever fight like 3 real enemies at once
wtf I thought this was supposed to be a power trip

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DOOM wasn't a bad game but they are not going to address the problems it had in the sequel so I really don't care. The best they can do is shit out another mediocre game that people will forget about in 2 weeks.

Nu-Doom in no way was even good to begin with. It was overhyped and full of shills shilling it. Eternal just looks like a more polished better version of an already overhyped game.

I mean, Id hasn't given us any news on the game for over a year. Hype will probably build up again after quakecon, but I'm pretty hyped up.

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just wait until someone posts the webm

They've had multiple reviews praising the AI's complexiy you braindead cunt. And Old Doom was known for having absolutely braindead AI anyways, so I don't even see the point of your complaint anyways.


You mean tomorrow? Bethesda's E3 conference is going to be mostly Doom Eternal stuff since Bethesda themselves have nothing to show.

The shooting in Rage 2 actually made me 'a little' hyped that Doom Eternal's shooting might be worth a shit.

Attached: rage2.0.jpg (1200x675, 143K)

Are you gaming on a potato?

If it doesnt ill just pirate it.

Well, shit I forgot about e3 (considering much of e3 is forgettable). Hopefully, Id can shed some more light on what the fuck is going on with this game and how they made improvements from the last Doom.

soul vs soulless

wheres my sequel ;__;

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At least keep it accurate.

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I hope they make more sexy enemies. Buff hunks like the Baron of Hell. Fat corpulent daddies like the Mancubus. Twinks like the Imp. All glistening, fleshy and slimy thanks to the graphics. I'm gonna make my rule 34 folder even bigger.

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Classic Doom > nu-Doom

Is classic Doom really so good? Someone asked me my favourite game and I said Doom II, and he said "isn't that just more of the same of Doom 1?". What if he's right?

That map tool argument is wrong.
The fucking hexmap thing is less usable than Halo 3 Forge, compared to the whack shit people have done with the OG doom tools.

Is Rage 2 actually good?

tough to get excited when they don't put out more gameplay footage

the shooting vs. the bandits camps is good
everything having to do with the vehicles is red hot dog shit
the rest is meh

Fun combat once you get more stuff, but you won't be using much of the gimmick weapons probably. Problem is that all the battles are super short and then you're stuck doing open world shit that isn't at all remarkable.


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Never seen harder projection in my life. Get help, legitimately.

mediocre. with all the crap you are sick of in "open world games". They should have dropped this open world bullshit and go with levels with maybe some smaller hub area like in the first one. Not that Rage 1 was a really good game, it was ok and this one feels kinda low effort.

What I really don't like about Rage 2 is that they ruined the art style of the first game. Thanks to megatexture there were a lot of really neat details and no repetition in the levels (yes it was all low res). In Rage 2 everything looks generic af, especially indoor areas are barebones or downright ugly/low detail. Also all the enemies are the same and the guns are boring.

>snapmap doesn't exist

zoomer pls

looks like more of the same, it's like DLC content honestly, this too will flop like the original game and will be 10 15$ in a month

What does this have to do with mods?


its the kino setup

It's more of a wonder and curiosity than hope.


Please tell me we are going to link up with /ourguy/ Hayden in game and revive VEGA, he was so pure.

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If Doom Slayer meets up with Hayden again he'll be tearing off his robot head.

oh come on I'm sure Slayer will make up with Sammy and go on to fight the demons together, I kind of want to see what hayden can do when fighting some demons directly I assume he is pretty damn decent seeing as he survived an expedition to Hell.

No, that's expectation. Hype is a stronger word, leaning more towards unreasonability ( also known as NPC behavior )


Doom 4 wasn't that good.
>Bethesda launcher exclusive

>Doom 2016 was a mega-unoptimized
negro, that shit ran on literal black magic.
you either got fucked up drivers or playing on 2012 integrated graphics

>Bethesda launcher exclusive
I thought they weren't doing that for Doom

another fucking shooter?
there's literally hype for shooters?

You'd almost think Carmack was still working there

Not other user but snapmap was very limited compared to OG doom, hammer editor, creation kit, etc. It didn't help that 2016's multiplayer was halo-tier garbage. I've heard rumors that the executives at id have been pushing the programmers to include mod support in eternal, but we won't be seeing it until after the DLC is finished.

What the fuck are you talking about? DOOM '16 was, if anything, optimized out the ass. It even runs on the fucking switch. Stop gaming on a Pentium 4, loser.

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Truly Bethesda captured the essence of classic Doom

Tiago Sousa former Crysis graphics programmer

the publisher ruined fallout so badly that the disappointment has radiated to all of their franchises.

They showed some quite compelling gameplay. Almost a full year ago.

Snapmap exists, sadly, but it doesn't offer custom maps, only preset copy paste function which is severy limited.

fuck this webm
both nu-doom and old doom are kino

Doomers are really really mad they real gamers care more about the Master Chief Collection

They're not. 76 destroyed their reputation so Todd will just be hiding behind id software the whole conference.

user... His name is Samuel Hayden.S. Hayden. Satan. He's the villain dude. Doomguy is gonna tear his arms off and beat him to death with them.
VEGA is dead forever.

>What went so wrong?
Skyrim level deseign

>glory kills aren’t mandatory. You can play the game without them perfectly fin

Except when EVERY SINGLE ENEMY glow in red for "PRESS BUTTON FOR WIN " bullshit

>team up with a guy who he knows is going to keep fucking around with hell and getting people killed

Based ebony American, dont buy on launch

Is Bethesda doing thier conference today?

You know if you just shoot them, they drop health anyway?

So you've never played it

instead of just dying they go into a stupid paralysed state that really doesnt do anything except make fights take longer than they need to.

they will regen health if you let them live through it

You know, you could just
Keep shooting them.

he just said you shoot them and they drop health anyway
Can you understand now why the vast majority of people loved this game and it got a sequel so fast? All the criticism of it is retarded and nonsensical nitpicking like yours.

>His name is Samuel Hayden.S. Hayden.Satan.
And I'm gonna say it again as well, thats stupid as shit and makes no sense. He said himself that he was not the villain and I believe him, simple as that.
>team up with the guy who has the will and fortitude to challenge and overcome a strong enemy for the greater good of his people
sounds good to me

I am SO hyped for this game!

>He said himself that he was not the villain and I believe him, simple as that.
You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies. (John 8:44)

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>He said himself that he was not the villain and I believe him
I am the President of the Moon, user.

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He is right unironically.
Taking out controls from the player for glory kills utterly annihilates the pace, and it is slow enough without it.
The retard who designed core mechanics should be fired the fuck out and never allowed to make videogames.

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Satan was a fallen angel for a reason. Good intentions do not void one's responsibility for their actions, and Samuel is all too likely to be going beyond even the lack of ethical boundaries this time around.

the problem with that is that Hayden has a credible background, you're an user.

I agree, but that's not the point. Carmack's intention with DOOM was that fans could cut custom caps easier. The picture implies this wasn't a goal for 2016, when they in fact did expend resources to ship a map editor at launch, even if it was shitty. But it's important to remember that Carmack's DOOM wasn't a real 3D game, and games have become significantly more complex, meaning that level editors are significantly more complex than they were when DOOM was released back in 1993. It's possible id doesn't even have a cohesive level editor internally, and just relies on a complicated, disjointed toolchain. One of the reasons, the main reason actually, BGS is so reluctant to leave Creation Engine is because the Creation Kit is so familiar to them, and easy to use, they don't want to move to a different engine that, while probably more technically capable, would make content creation much more difficult. So while everyone would love id to drop a full blown level editor and documentation for how their engine works and what format data needs to be in, it's not as simple as it was in 1993. The process they use internally could be too convulted to package and release to the public, tied up in third party IP they can't license for fans to use, or some combination of both. They are saying they're trying to get the engine back to place where they can release mod tools, so hopefully that happens soonish.

>Edgy teenager gameplay
>Color palette is from bright yellow to dark red with a hint of brown and gray
>No mod support, way too low enemylimit
>Serious Sam tier arena combat
>No proper map exploration
>Has story and pretends that the Doomslayer doesn'r care, but you still have to dance along the story through the game
>Uses name"Doom" rather than "Doom 4"
>Soundtrack is horrible and basically bass boosted noisecore, no tension or good metal


You forgot the DOCTOR part that works with the Anagram

Oh holy fuck now I want to see Doom parody version of Alex Jones. Though I guess humanity is so fucking dead and the demon cultists are so overtly insane it wouldn't really work. Maybe something in reverse, like a talk radio host who rants about anti-demon maniacs lurking in our midst, trying to turn your children against the glory of Hell.

Yes a robot that may or may not actually be the ceo of a fictional company that wants to steal Hell energy and allows Olivia to turn most of the UAC into Hell worshippers is trustful.


No news for nearly a year so not really much to discuss.
Easily one of my most anticipated titles.

Yea Forums's taste will forever remain unpopular with the vast majority who played Doom 2016 and thus their autistic tantrums can be safely ignored. God damn it feels good. I hope Eternal improves even more on the reboot.

>Good intentions do not void one's responsibility for their actions
Samuel is aware of this and knows he will be hated and held responsible if and after he does succeed in his cause and everyone is looking for someone to blame.
Again, irrelevant. but if one insists on silly anagrams, el in samuel means of god or something like that, right? good guy confirmed

>>Edgy teenager gameplay
Based and true to the original.
>>Color palette is from bright yellow to dark red with a hint of brown and gray
>>No mod support
Only genuine problem with the game.
>>way too low enemylimit
It's fine. The enemies have actual AI and pose a threat to the player unlike the originals where they were just poorly drawn sprites that bumble about to be BTFO'd dynasty warriors style.
>>Serious Sam tier arena combat
not sure what the problem is here, if you're complaining about having to shoot demons to progress instead of being able to do a pacifist run I don't know what to tell you
>>No proper map exploration
There is but I'm sure you think it's not "proper" since it belongs to a game you've already decided you hate.
>>Has story and pretends that the Doomslayer doesn'r care, but you still have to dance along the story through the game
you literally don't, the story is the excuse for the game's levels to occur, you have it backwards. The story for doom 2016 was finished after everything else.
>>Uses name"Doom" rather than "Doom 4"
calling it Doom 4 would make it the sequel to Doom 3, no thanks.
>>Soundtrack is horrible and basically bass boosted noisecore, no tension or good metal
the genre thing is just personal taste. Saying it's horrible is however objectively wrong just so you know.

Doom 3 had a fully integrated, full fledged editor built in. Just type editor into the console. Then with Rage (so after zenimax bought them) it went all downhill, with lame excuses not to ship an editor at all. (botched down "dev tools" came 2? years later or whatever when nobody gave a fuck anymore).

>if i swap weapons this often maybe they'll think there's a lot more happening than there actually is!!!
>let me also speed up the vid to 1.25! that'll fool em

I like the two Doom's (recent and old). But that webm is biased. Play Doom 2 in Ultra violence.

>credible background
>wants to continue opening portals to hell to collect energy after unleashing a demon infestation that decimated the Mars colony
>uses doomguy as a pawn to close the portal to hell only to backstab him and lock him up so he can continue irresponsibly tampering with Hell
>sequel to Doom exists, no doubt Hayden's fault
>credible background

Do you not know what NPC means?

Yes, a drone who just follows trends and what corporations tell him to do.


He also killed Doom VFR’s protagonist, that yellow torso that Doomguy uses to get the BFG in D44M, Dr. Peters.

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fuck you faggot boomers and zoomers alike

People always complain about the 12 enemies limit, which I can understand, but the thing is the enemy AI is way smarter than original Doom. It's harder to fight the imps jumping around and leading their shots than the retarded imps from Doom 1993. And new enemies usually spawn in as you kill, so there's consistent action.

He didn't open or kill anything, he allowed olivia to do so by letting her do her own thing, for whatever reason

NPC meme goes both ways. Being a kneejerk contrarian who constantly spouts the same image macros about "muh sheeple" are just as much mindless drones who can't form their own opinions

>After obtaining the accumulator, Dr. Peters uses it to destabilize the Hell portal and manages to shut it down. However, as soon as he accomplishes his goal, Samuel Hayden interrupts the protocol sustaining Peters' activities. Stating that Dr. Peters has "caused many problems," and then bidding him goodbye, Dr. Hayden executes an Omega Subroutine that ultimately terminates the man's consciousness.

Ironically the people who spout the meme are too mindless to realise this.

Oh I guess I was wrong about that then, where is that from?

>mfw romero one mind any weapon
i always thought buckethead was more slow-paced

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He's the head of a company that's best idea for solving energy crisis is to literally open a portal to literal Hell and siphon literal demonic energy and deliberately putting our entire dimension at risk of literal demons invading and literally slaughtering everyone. And that's not even mentioning the accountability for the people you employ that comes with being director of the whole operation.

The VR spinoff game

Yeah but money


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>Comparing late in game with early in game

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>muh glory kills

good thing they're optional.

you're right they suck and were added to make the game easy
>infinite free health with no downside
babby fps

>no downside

didn't play nightmare mode then I see

If you could just poke them for the kill it would be fine but those stunned enemies can take some real damage before they go down unless you use the cinematic 2 cool 4 school kills

Is that really Peters?



doctor satan?
i don't get it

Alright i'll be honest I haven't played any of the doom games despite being born in 1990.

I've been looking at DOOM 2016 the last two days because of the Eternal threads and THIS thread itself is putting me off 2016.

Can I get some opinions?

>money is the root of all evil trope.
old but a good one.


Its a good early 2000 style FPS like Serious Sam or Painkiller, most of the complaints arent so much that its a bad game but that its not a Doom game


It's better than most shooters produced this decade. Lets put it that way. Multiplayer is shit though.

I'm excited, it's just there's not much to talk about until another trailer gets shown off or I can play the damn game.

There's an upgrade that speeds up QTE kills, but it should have been the base speed. Besides that it's fine.

what? (you) want this? well nah f am you ain't getting it feel free to seethe about my trip tho.

>Slow ass movement.
>Slow ass combat.
>I mean QTE executions for health packs? Fucking seriously?
>Narrow corridor, arena, narrow corridor, arena level design.



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I'm replaying it right now with the classic weapon pose on Switch

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>hud not disabled

I beat the game before that was patched in.
It works wonders for the shotgun, but the heavy weapons have weird clipping issues.

People spent too much energy pretending Doom 2016 was good.

doom 2016 is probably the best single player straight up fps you can get these days

but it's still flawed as all fuck

wait wat


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this is correct
i dont know how you cant possibly see this
sure you can ignore it and play anyways but its still a bad game
i have a feeling people only like it because it makes them feel like a real gamer due to doom being "the classic" but they cant deal with old games

Good or bad is subjective, and if a game has a good "feel" to it and isn't horribly paced, it's usually seen as good by most people. QTEs are the only real smack on the pacing, and they're mostly avoidable and/or able to be shortened via upgrades
>w-why do ppl liek this game D:

how original

D44M is worth 10 bucks, which is what I paid. It’s not worth a penny more. It’s ok for two playthroughs, because you have to unlock the actual decent difficulties which is bullshit.

For the record, I’d pay 20 bucks for a good wad pack. I mean a GOOD wad pack.

>i dont know how you cant possibly see this
i played the game and movement was slow early on but once you start getting the right runes you can play it pretty fast and the fights have a lot more action

how fast do the fastest enemies move in doom1/2??

Anyways don't you have some pre-ordering to do?

Nudoom is very good in spite of its flaws. However, classic doom is also very good.

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not that fast but its still a faster paced game

That's such a reasonable opinion, bro

post more art.

>vidya fps move back towards doom for the first time in years after moving more and more towards halo and cod
>boomers first instinct is to cry that it's not doom
You deserve FUCK ALL if you nitpick Doom 2016

I think my problem with the Doom reboot, despite liking it so much, is that it felt hodged together. The troubled development and even reappropriating the game from 2014/2015 due to fan feedback resulted in a product with shit like collectibles hidden before points of no return, inconsistent storytime periods, and shit like the Runes breaking the game so damn hard like they had no playtesting. The ending in particular being so abrupt and somewhat anti-climactic as well, since the tether allowing for lolwarps with reused in the end game got pretty lazy.

That's why Eternal has me hyped, since it feels like they actually have a vision in mind from the start this time instead of slapping shit together and hoping it works with the previous game.

i agree
us new age gamers are just as badass as the old ones
we play doom too

Am I supposed to praise Bethesda for making a Doom game that wasn't CoD or something?

I love and hate Doom 2016 at same time, i love that game has powerups, no reloads but hate glorykills and floaty slow movement.

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Doom is ID, Bethesda is the publisher

samuel hayden
sam hyde

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>people seriously complaining about a 2 second kill animation that's entirely optional

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>why does he wield the crucible

Slow regular movement was the only big issue I had with it mechanically. If they had made the regular movespeed around 60% of the haste speed it would have made the game much better. I would have also liked more open style levels than the temporarily closed arenas.

Looks like eternal is adding some form of directional boost that use stamina charges. Levels also look more open this time, but still appear to be arenas.

Gotta reach for reasons to hate on something new for that hardcore "boomer gamer cred".

The people who complain about the glory kills are the biggest fucking retards ever. Criticize nuDOOM for legitimate reasons like the arena style combat encounters or how linear the game becomes halfway through, not the optional fucking melee finishers. Glory kills are such a non-issue.

Oh fuck I can't believe I didn't see that before, mind fuckin blown

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no advertising

>entirely optional
aiming down the sights in CoD is also entirely optional as well as sprinting in modern Halo

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Terrible fucking comparison. ADS is required to kill anything in COD, while glory kills get you murdered on nightmare and the health recovery isn't even worth it.

Maybe actually play the game and not parrot other shitter's opinions, friend.

Daily reminder - Doom 2016 and Doom Eternal are not, and never will be, DOOM.

He didn't play it at all


You're right, Doom came out in 94.

it's the only game i'm hype for.

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>Slow ass movement.
>Slow ass combat.

its slower than any other FPS from ID ever ... IDK how you faggots can defend this mound of infected horse shit. The original HalfLife was faster than this, and it was crazy slow.

Fuck all you fan bois

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I liked D44M but Eternal looks like more of the same and I was pretty tired of D44M's formula by the end

It looks boring.
This is all Bethesda will talk about.

>ts slower than any other FPS from ID ever

Why are you talking about DOOM 3 all of the sudden? This is a DOOM 2016 thread.

if you are average at games then you need to play on nightmare.

yet both of them try to be reinventions of the same games DOOM and DOOM2
They are like really well created fan projects from someone that only heard descriptions of what DOOM was like and never saw it once.

>tools to make custom maps
if you mean snapping pre-made rooms together and only being allowed to spawn like 8 enemies at a time, sure. The AI is litterally designed to go easy on you as it has a dynamic "cost" system, where the enemies need to ask the director if they can have a turn at attacking you, and since they rely on the nav-map being well tuned for muh verticality there's zero chance of actually custom levels.

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us boomers dont "hype" things, we wait patiently

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>every enemy starts flashing colors when they take a bit of damage
if they had an option to turn it off I'd be a lot less keen to hate on it

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Nu Doom is trash.

it does

>Movement is faster look up gameplay
Are you saying Eternal is faster than classic? Because 2016 Doom sure ain’t, you can see for yourself when NuDoomguy is in the classic themed secrets.

>being this slow
>typical Doom 2016 fan-BOI

Pretty sure the sactum is like the 3rd or 4th level

>It takes Stadia an 1/8th of a second for the input to respond
Totally viable
Maybe if I'm playing minecraft.

Also here's some mental gymnastics to defend myself from people calling me what I am: a mindless consumer NPC!

the thing that bothered me the most about doom 2016 is the music cutting out whenever you run out of enemies to kill or go into a glory kill
glory kills also suck dick and get old real fast

also the movement in doom 2016 could be faster i guess, it felt a bit boring until you unlock double jump and even then it was still too slow

eternal is lookin good though

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Didn't when I played it, but I'll take your word for it.

I only ever played the demo, but it seemed like glory kills were intrusive in that 70% of the time shots that should have put enemies down would instead stun them for the GK set up, meaning I'd have to waste another shot or go for the glory kill instead of just being able to move on because they should have already been dead. Is it like that in the full game?

>all the cool playable characters use npc as an insult
>what do you mean be more original?

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>ADS is required to kill anything in COD
prone hip fire is perfectly effective across all CoD games and in CoD2 still standing hiptfire has an 80% accurate cone

I call things by their name. Not my fault there's so many of you.

nobody has that fuckin gun in the 3rd and 4th level retard
I was stuck with shotgun and sjhitty machine gun for the first couple of hours of gameplay
dont forget how little ammo you can hold

>statically exploring elaborate detailed hallways
>opens up into conspicuously large area
>jumppads for some reason
>combat gets turned on
Way too predictable. It’s the same pacing as Gears of War.

The only objectively bad thing that will seriously undermine eternal if it copies it is the repetitive map design from 2016

doom3's sprinting was faster than doom4's "sprinting" depite being much more craped
so on that merit alone doom3 is faster lmao
also enemies die pretty quickly from anything above machine gun (minigun and up) unlike nu-doom

Getting hyped is silly, look at Halo 2. So many people were hyped for that and it turned out to be a disappointment.

>shows the first level of a game made in 1993 that was meant for arrow key aiming and casuals (first level is supposed to be easiest)
A better comparison is doom episode 4 vs doom4, doom2 vs doom4, doom64 vs doom4 or the final doom games vs doom4

Halo 2 is the best Halo faggot

not as many monsters in the early levels
of course its going to be easy more so if you're on an easier difficulty

The two games play very differently. And the artist for this game is a bitter fuck who hates himself and everyone he perceives to be like him and lashes out like mad at it.

look here retard doom3 is faster despite being made in 2004


Fuck off, I've had it with "remastered" versions of old titles. At least id changed it up a bit. Better would an original IP, but the less recycled rehashed "AAA" titles, the better. AAA now means it's shareholder-encouraged safe, unoriginal, bland crap with a large marketing budget.

I played on the hardest difficulty available since they lock off the other2. Nobody wants to play a game twice just to play it on the hardest.
Also, in traditional doom sense you're supposed to play on the 2nd hardest, not the hardest since there's always some bullshit like respawning enemies.
Also this doesn't excuse only being able to hold 20 bullets for the shotgun and only like 40-60 for the machinegun. It should've been much more from the start.

Not to mention trying to remake the original doom would be close to impossible since it has such an innate graphical design with it's low resolution textures and sprites for enemies


bro this is pretty fast

>At least id changed it up a bit
By copying Quake’s gameplay, and “sprucing” it up with perks.

Any stupid nigger who uses "waaah" or anything mocking a baby as an insult usually is a stupid gorilla nigger.
Id did not change it for the better when they put ammo caps of 20 shells as opposed to 50 and limited how many enemies could be put on screen at once.
To top it all off we can't mod the game to have levels with more enemies and/or enemies that don't spawn in but rather are within the level itself (look up 100,000 revenants in doom4).

i can agree somewhat that the game has a slow progression, but you'll never run out of shotgun ammo unless you're wasting it and not doing glory kills or using the chainsaw

>crazy low intial ammo limits
It was without doubt the clear level-up choice.

>being fast at the game means spamming at spawn points

*doubles speed and removes locked arenas*
wtf bros i just fixed doom 2016

>Also this doesn't excuse only being able to hold 20 bullets for the shotgun and only like 40-60 for the machinegun
Your chainsaw acts as an ammo refill, use it instead
If you upgrade your ammo capacity to maximum, ammo will NEVER be an issue. If anything it works better with a lower ammo cap. It's like how in cowadoodies you don't have a lot of base health because you can regenerate it. Here you don't get a lot of ammo because you can refill it with the chainsaw at any point as long as you have fuel

it means killing enemies quickly

I can assure you, all of those weapons are available by the time you get to that level. Why? Well, for starters, I've actually played the fucking game.

If it uses denuvo or requires a bethesda account I'm getting a used console copy 2 years from now.

doom used locked arenas all the time, it just hid the fact better so nobody noticed
locking you into an arena is one of the base requirements for a good encounter so you can't just back off like a bitch and bottleneck all enemies through a door
if you played sunlust.wad you should understand how easily breakable the levels would be if you could just backpedal infinitely

>movement too fast for analog sticks
>console hardware melts after unlocking arenas

How does this make it "modern doom". Why couldn't they just place a bunch of backpacks instead of those level up orbs? I don't like feeling like i'm always low on ammo for such a long duration (at least first several hours of the game).
In doom episode 1 I can get a backpack as soon as the second level that doubles the base ammo count (50 to 100 shells) which is great but in doom they only increase in increments of 20. This means that it will be a very long time till I can hold 100 shells for a shotgun that is weaker than the original shotgun (imps and basic grunts don't die in one shot at anything that isn't point blank range).

Glory kill system ruined Doom. It literally makes shooting enemies to death pointless.

this pretty much
I never understood what the appeal of this new soundtrack was, the music never "kicked off" when I played even in the big intense fights
the game itself was fun though

You mean that if I shoot an imp directly with a rocket launcher, I still have to Glory Kill him?

>having to use a chainsaw (which has its own ammo count that you need to worry about even though neither of the previous doom games made this a thing) to get ammo instead of ammo placements
I did too just not more than a couple of hours because of how fuckin slow it was to start.

You know what I meant you fuck.

So it's not "literally make shooting enemies to death pointless", but just "figuratively"?

No, rockets will always gib imps in one hit.

The mortally challenged """""""joke""""""" is just so gross and trumpian I literally lost all interest in the game


Are you one of those retards that cries about remakes "destroying the original" too?


>>having to use a chainsaw (which has its own ammo count that you need to worry about even though neither of the previous doom games made this a thing) to get ammo instead of ammo placements
The majority of combat happens in arenas where exploration is not a factor, unlike in Doom where running out of ammo means you had to retreat and find some more ammo
Ergo an alternative means for regaining ammo had to be implemented, which came in the form of the chainsaw. The chainsaw is limited by fuel, but knowing that it refills half the ammo for all weapons, to be the most efficient you have to vary your weapon usage so you can get the most out of each chainsaw use, as abusing it means you will run out of ammo faster. Alternatively you can use the Chainsaw as a means of killing enemies instantly, but at the cost of forsaking some potential ammo, especially if you use it on higher-tier demons which require more chainsaw fuel to be chainsawed.

>doom used locked arenas all the time, it just hid the fact better so nobody noticed
>locking you into an arena is one of the base requirements for a good encounter so you can't just back off like a bitch and bottleneck all enemies through a door
There’s a huge emphasis on fighting enemies the same time you’re progressing the level in the originals that’s just not there with the current reboot. Most likely hard to have consoles ‘keep up’ with constant fighting, because NuDoomguy is insanely strong and needs to be fighting at least 5 guys at a time to be interesting
>if you played sunlust.wad you should understand how easily breakable the levels would be if you could just backpedal infinitely
Funny enough NuDoom made me realize how easier and safer combat is without hitscanners.

have sex

>Most likely hard to have consoles ‘keep up’ with constant fighting
stop pushing this meme
the engine is plenty capable of supporting more than 12 enemies on screen as they've shown here, the problem is that having 20 guys shoot at you at once turns the game into an incomprehensible Touhou clusterfuck

You get the Plasma gun and HVG on the second level and the Rocket launcher in the foundry level(third level?). Rekt a shitton of demons with no issues since then since I upgrade my ammo capacity to level 3 and got 40 shotgun gl rounds, hmg with missles, plasma gun for cc & nade, rocket launcher detonation for the splash & dot shrapnel for group kills. Never had an ammo issue as well since maps have ammo boxes which iirc show on the map and using chainsaw on lesser demons(although could be used to instakill annoying big ones). Chainsaw ammo increases with ammo cap too which is neat.

Nigger it’s in the options menu.

that and classic weapon view were added after a ton of people finished the game

kek. God, there are people who actually think this way though, what a fucking ride.

time to settle this v


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>1 minute ago
>70+ votes already
Why rig it?

>stop pushing this meme
I’m not talking about the “multiple enemies on screen” shit. I’m talking about how much more boring the level exploration is in the remake. You’re fighting enemies consistently in the originals, not so in ‘16’s game and for no gain in gameplay.

that video is clearly sped up, and the guy is just jumping around really fast, the game play its self is slow AF if you're not jumping around or running forward like a maniac

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it's not rigged. just an old poll.

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>all these artificial complaints

dudu DEET doot. doot doot doooo dududu.

The gameplay was decent in the other one, but the bullshit ending really killed it for me.
Best thing was the soundtrack, so pretty interested in how that'll turn out.

I liked 2016 quite a bit, but for Eternal, I'm really hoping they speed it up, let more enemies spawn, move away from the linear maps and arena design, and let people actually mod this one (inb4 snapmaps comparison). I know it won't all happen, but I'm hoping some of it does.

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Doom 3 is the best Doom, the movie is good too

>the game play its self is slow AF
I think the problem here is you. You're supposed to go fast.

>I'ts not a visual novel/JRPG/Gacha
>"Why Yea Forums doesn't like this game?"

>the movie is good too
It's not good.
It's fucking great.

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Bethesda is what happened.

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Don't need to type all this shit
Just say fuck boomers

Shut up, EA. I'm still not buying BF V.

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>the movie is good
It was a really shitty horror movie with 5 minutes of demon killing. Even if it wasn't supposed to be Doom, it'd still have been dogshit.

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Randy go back

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They've expressed the idea of mods, and with no returning Snapmaps they would basically need them. The big limiter with previous games and Doom 2016 in particular was megatextures and having to rebuild entire maps just to alter shit or something like that, but they ditched megatextures now.

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I'm hyped and so are my friends. It's just not getting a lot of attention because it doesn't have trannies or fags.

agreed, i'd sooner read the books than watch that shit again

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>b-b-but i wanted my pointless point and click shitfest waah
Times change, nigger.

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>complaining about amount of shells

learn to aim faggot if you miss 20 times


Except the pussy director couldn't even get that right. Too scared of upsetting Christians so he made the demons into resident evil zombies instead. What a faggot.

I just wanted a good movie

I wonder if invasions will be as throw away as From's system.

My only complaints about D44M is that the grenade mod for the shotgun was OP and you never needed anything else really.

Also I disliked having to have a power up to speed up GKs. GKs should be fast to begin with, unless you are playing on nightmare where the risk/reward is more apparent

What does it mean when an enemy turns blue in D44M? What does it mean when they turn orange? Are they different?

this guy gets it

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Imagine unironically defending this bad Aliens/Resident Evil movie knockoff.

Why would Christians be upset with killing demons?

The grenade wasn't OP so much as the shotgun was just kinda shitty otherwise.

you did not play the fucking game
you are such a good damn fucking liar holy shit kys

A better comparison would be to Quake 1.

explosive shot, turret mode and siege mode were defo the ways to go

i never used stunbomb but i assume its better than the shitty aoe plasma gets, and the machinegun mod didnt even matter


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Ask the director why he was retarded enough to think that. That was literally his reasoning for changing the monsters into lame genetic mutants.

You got one. It's just that your first Doom was Doom 1/2 and you live in nostalgia so you reject it. The movie was kino, not a good horror movie but in general the story etc. was really cool. And Karl Urban

the stunbomb is fucking broken with the quick switch upgrade
you can quickly whip it out and stop a pinky or baron of hell dead in its tracks while getting off free damage, and the cooldown is pretty damn short too once upgraded

Get laid.

I can definitely say I'm more hyped for this than 2016. 2016 Doom was a painfully mediocre game in every way. Eternal looks like they actually listened to fans with new enemy and weapon designs, map layouts, making glory kills not a necessity, and adding in some other new ideas of their own.

the movie barely resembled doom, you're wrong

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Why would I need to cope when anybody with actual taste will agree that movie is fucking garbage?

Event Horizon is a better Doom movie, even with the lack of guns and action.

>free tools to create custom maps
fuck this image

Learn to cope

Karl Urban was the sole good part about the movie.
>The story was barely better than a sy-fy original.
>The visual design was shit and basically just DARK.
>The sewer portion (-points for having a fucking sewer segment in the first place) highlighted the poor editing.
>The characters were all either awful and boring stereotypes or Karl Urban
>The demons weren't demons
It was a crappy, Aliens-wannabe that took on the Doom title to boost sales. And now we're getting a second that looks about 10x worse.

pretty much this

cry more, the movie was dogshit


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>while glory kills get you murdered on nightmare
Not really.
>and the health recovery isn't even worth it.
It gives you much more than the on-map health packs that get nerfed on higher difficulties.

>not really
confirmed never played on nightmare

I've beaten the game multiple times on nightmare, but nice try. You're literally invincible while doing them.

>jews think they can just add faggot to an argument and win

that's not how it works

>you're literally invincible while doing them
and what about when they finish and you're slow as fuck for half a second

Imagine wanting the exact same game from 1993 where you couldn't even look up and down. How embarrassing.

>It gives you much more than the on-map health packs that get nerfed on higher difficulties.

No it fucking doesn't, dipshit. You're confusing the health explosions enemies do when you're low on health, and you don't need to glory kill to trigger it. Also it doesn't matter if glory kills make you invulnerable since you'll immediately eat all of the projectiles that are coming at you when you come out of it.

Swapping a lot is just smarter use of your ammo.