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>gears of cover shooting
nah senpai. shit was trash from the get go

The sales will fall when this game tanks the series with SJW bullshit

Did they make her face more masculine? It seems like her face is now too long and the eyes are too small

>main character voiced by real life’s best girl
Looks like this’ll be the best gears yet.


They should have her period blood dripping down on people walking through those doors to show solidarity with the hardships women go through in the west.


Imagine turning one of the most grimdark turd-person-shooter franchises, to a fucking period simulator.


>being THIS assblasted because the main character is female
Based microsoft making 4channlers seethe

People still like Gears of War?
Like the first time time it came out it was a huge thing cause Microsoft didn't have many exclusives and the grim setting looked neat but by the time 3 came out I thought most everyone stopped caring.

Based soiboy licking a corporation's boots

>mystery meat mutt girl instead of dudebro football players


>Yea Forums is legitimately triggered that a western game has a female protagonist

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First they came for Halo, now they ruined Gears. Why did they change Kait so much? She legit looks like a MTF tranny now. Her face got much wider, she gained the chin and jaw of Chad, and her lips/mouth became wide af.

Legit looks like androgynous

Nah, the trailer I watched for it last year was cringe and harping on about how difficult this character's life and shit was, I don't care that she's female but it looked shit

>Why did they change Kait so much?
She looks the same, just without a beanie

It literally wasn’t.

Oh noes... a new game has a woman/brown person in it! Now it's my gamer duty to go online and scream about it like an entitled brat every fucking day... I guess. Or, maybe I could just... not? Yes, that sounds better.

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>western game
can I get some yikers in the chat bois

>stronk womyn character is now the main character and the cover character

What happened?


The whole point of this series has been huge as fuck bro dudes fucking shit up. You had better damn believe the fanbase will be irked by hamshoeing GIRL POWER into this

Gears of war should have never been rebooted, the trilogy finished its story. Instead, Microsoft should have established a team to take the general gameplay concept and put it in a new, yet slightly similar setting.

Perhaps something more alien like Lost Planet, or slightly more grounded, whatever. But gears of war feels done, and it has felt done for about a decade. These superfluous sequels/prequels and "franchise establishing" games are entirely unnecessary.

The choice to make a woman the protagonist isn't a bad one at all, but it is in the context of a new gears of war game, as it plainly obvious that it wasn't done for any real purpose other than to earn good boy points from the games media, which is basically telling us that the developers are literally scraping the barrel for interesting ways to develop the franchise.

Gears of War is done. Halo is done, and for goodness sake Cortana's character arc is done. Do something new Microsoft.


You dickless freaks sure love dick sucking.

This, I'm interested in Halo Infinite, not this trash.

But Master Chief is the main character of Halo again.

This but Halo was nowhere near done and fans wanted a Halo 4. No one wanted a Gears 4. Also, shut up about trying something new, I like that they act like Nintendo with this because if Bleeding Edge's trailer you'll understand why it's better to bank off old franchise instad of making new ip unless you're interested in that tranny pile of shit. Plus, new ips suck today and are not iconic in the least but forgettable.

This whole "this is not what Gears fans want!111!" mantra reminds me a lot of the pre-release criticism of God of War.

God of War wasn't pushing feminism and kept Kratos as the main character even if he's a soiboy.


>be snoygoy
>no games to play
>no e3 conference to look forward to
>no state of gay to look forward to
>just another movie by Kojima that will be shorter than GZ
No wonder they are antishilling so hard. It’s summer, no school, but they have no games to play.

Point isn't that they are exactly the same but that the that gamers don't know what the fuck they want and it's therefore pointless to ask them.

They know what we want, we don't want identity politics in our games. This isn't hard to understand.

You know what you think you want but that's not quite the same. Rather it's a different thing altogether.

*you've seen


Shut up tranny and focus on bringing that 40% suicide rate to 80%.

People saying the chick killed Gear's are just projecting over the fact Gear's was never good to begin with.

Alright, who honestly cares about gears anymore?

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The fanbase hasn't existed since 3. Judgement killed the series like Reach did Halo.

Looks like a YA movie poster



Who ever cared about Gears, it was as generic as you can get?

A mediocre and outdated game series that has only gotten worse with each new entry and has never had good multiplayer. The MUH FEMALE PROTAG shit is just the final nail in this irrelevant franchise's coffin. Horde mode was fun and the campaigns in the first three games were alright, but beyond that this series never mattered.

why no specific date? fall is so close

Drumpf btfo

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>tranny post
>anime picture
Yup, it checks out.

No Cliffy B, no party

Hope when it fails, the Coalition gets shut down and the Gears franchise dies with them.

>company alienates core audience

yaaas queen