ITT:great games that actually came out of early access hell

ITT:great games that actually came out of early access hell

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looks great

looks great

is the game actually good? steam says it is still in early access btw

I hear it looks great

I haven't finished the entire 100 days yet,I still get destroyed by day 70, but I still can't wait for it to drop next month

Great looking game.

It's coming out next month user

What game is this, phoneposter?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

They are billions. If you like stronghold mechanic wise,you'll love they ate billions.

>they ate billions.

Fuckin kek

Still one of my favorite JRPG-like games of all time.

Attached: CrossCode.jpg (500x500, 66K)

Does this have jolly co-op?

Ain't this that upside down platformer?


It's a topdown action RPG mate.

Sunless Sea/Skies
Grim Dawn
Dead Cells

shoppe keeper trash
Slime rancher
slay the spire
Atom RPG
pretty much every switch indie game.

They are billions is great, punishing as fuck if you make even a little mistake. Funcom just released a Conan RTS clone, but it's slow and shitty

Streets of rogue isn't out of early access yet but holy shit what a great game. That and Sword with Sauce but it's fucking ded and will never be released

It's closer to being an Alundra-like than a JRPG

I meant it tried to emulate a japanese RPG style game, rather than that it tried to be something like Final Fantasy, but you're absolutely right, Alundra is a much better comparison.

Sunless sea is dope, haven't gotten far in enough to say im ready for sunless skies
Crosscode is a new recommendation for me so will check it out
Grim Dawn and subnautica are too big for my potato PC
Dead cells is pretty damn great
Rimworld annoys the crap out of me.especially when we've run out of food during winter and someone decide to go on an eating spree

Is FTL actually good? It always looks like shit in the images
Dafuq is slime rancher
Atom rpg is way too slav for me. You want me to fight that thing with my bare fists?? Dafuq is wrong with you?
I can't beat the final boss in act 3 despite using poison waifu the silent

You should at the very minimum do the Merchant Venturer's quest in Sunless Sea before trying Skies

Didn't The Forest get finished? Why does nobody talk about it?


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Eh. Funcom should stick to working on mutant year zero dlc or it's sequel at least. Just cause people love Conan exiles doesn't mean games with the similar titles will work as well. The only thing that sold Conan exiles from launch was the balls jiggle physics and that's it. It barely got as much attention as it did in past so going overboard with title is kind of a naive move.

The Long Dark

Attached: TLD myster lake oil painting.jpg (2048x1383, 449K)

slime rancher is a game where you raise cute slimes, you can explore and it's still getting good updates

Attached: slime.jpg (1920x1080, 494K)


Where the duck is that? On the surface?

This looks interesting

This is pretty damn good once you know how to not freeze to death