I want to play some pokemon, which should I get a 2DS or a 2DS XL
All things considered. Price, etc.
New, used, refurbished?
Thanks in advance for the advice
I want to play some pokemon, which should I get a 2DS or a 2DS XL
All things considered. Price, etc.
New, used, refurbished?
Thanks in advance for the advice
Depends on your hand size. Make sure you get the new as in brand called new with the improved CPU as 7th gen is borderline unplayable on a standard 3DS.
Is the blocky slate 2DS considered a "new" DS? can it run USUM in a decent way?
Who the fuck even is this girl I keep seeing everywhere?
>heart eyes
>slobbering dog mouths
lewds are boring.
New pokeslut.
No, just get the new2ds XL
>ass mist
What did they mean by this?
god I hate all this trashy loomis porn that desperate shit artists scribble in 3 hours to ride the hype wave
>neck mist
I just don’t even know
Why not 3DS? Also that guy seriously needs to make 3DS hentai qr of Sonia
>Passably attractive female character
>No personality or spoken lines
>Tidal wave of porn anyway
That she's hot?
>owned several 2 and 3DS
>always end up selling them after a few weeks
I like the concept but my hands keep cramping up after 10 minutes of use.
Thinking of buying a 2DS XL with a grip now.
I hate how predictable this pornbait of the month is getting. Glad to see other artists point out the soullessness of it all.
artists rise up
I’m gonna go draw porn of characters I love
I absolutely love the age were living in
Based Salt
That’s the spirit.
Does 2DS play Pokemon ultra sun/moon as well as 2DS xl or not?
imagine the smell
Hell no, when I was doing multi battles in the battle tree, my friend had the old 3ds and I had the new, the difference in the framerate was astonishing
passably attractive female character is all you need considering entire games come out with blank slate characters who get just the same amount of porn. Look at half the fire emblem characters.
>Passably attractive female character
>Make her thicc
>Yea Forums
I want to caress Sonia's fingernails
black niggers
>mfw making porn of mere concept art