This is Monster Hunter Stories. It was originally released on the 3DS and later ported to Android/iOS...

This is Monster Hunter Stories. It was originally released on the 3DS and later ported to Android/iOS. Imagine a Pokemon game like this...

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Because game freak is incompetent and you will only get a decent looking and fun Pokemon game in your imagination


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The game was fucking piss easy. Literally zero effort required.

I brought Stories not long ago for my 3DS and I'm looking forward to playing it.

I played and beat this and I still don't really understand why anyone would want more of it or like it.
Some of the super attack animations were funny but the story was shit even by kid standards and the gameplay just being rock paper scissors meant there was no skill involved. I just kind of beat the game by mashing attacks at random

Why would I ever want Pokemon to turn into that?

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I played this game for an hour and even for toddler standards it's embarrassingly childish. Glad I pirated the app instead of wasting $20.

sounds like pokemon

Your thread bombed, op

A sequel would be nice.

which version is better, android or 3ds?

He's not OP. I'm OP.

looks about on par with pokemon shield / sword

>random mashing
It wasn't complicated but you really had to recognize the enemy type and pattern overviews to survive larger enemie on iOS version.

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Pokemon has the capacity for depth but I'm dissapointed the story never capitalized on it. It's so much easier than other rpga to just pick the starter and mindlessly bulldoze through everything.

I don't but the excuse that it's for kids. If kids couldn't handle difficulty the industry would have died in the nes era.

>TFW no cute Bagel pet

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But Pokemon is fun no matter how it looks. Maybe you've outgrown it?

too bad the combat was fucking dogshit. literally the monkeypaw of the generation.

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I love this game so much. Never could get into mainline Monster Hunter and dropped the few games I'd played after a few hours but had such a blast with Stories. I'd love another game on Switch but as far as I know, the sales weren't too good. ;_;

I honestly had more fun with this game than with any post gen 6 Pokémon

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Played teh game, beat it but in the end i'm dissapointed in myself. Paying good bucks for a fucking rock paper scissor game

>not having a hacked 3ds
Your fault.

>you can't get Gore as a monstie

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If only we got a second game that irons out the problems with the first

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I'm terrible with hacking consoles ,what about a flashcard?

3DS flashcarts are dogshit and hacking it is pretty much retard proof

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Flashcards work.

DS flashcards on 3DS require hacking

You niggers are complaining about rock paper scissors acting as if the entire RPG genre isnt the same shit but dressed up to seem tAcTiCaL.

Update never ever, sequel never ever.

All I wanted was to have my favorite elder dragon, Kushala.

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>People saying Rock Paper Scissors gameplay is bad

They've never played Dinosaur Kinf DS then. Great fucking game


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Benis, I killed the last boss with it, in fact I killed any slightly difficult boss with it, it was my ace monster.

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This, even optimistically it's such a baby game, which is weird considering the amount of fucking reading you have to do

I want them to make genetics less autistic if there’s ever a sequel. Just being able to move shit would make it so much better than hatching a bazillion eggs hoping a skill is in the right place.

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I want more so it can be improved and turned into a decent Pokémon alternative.

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This shit is why I dropped the game after the main campaign. People act like Stories is so much better than Pokemon but actually raising and training monsters with the skills you want is a fucking nightmare and makes bicycle simulator look super convenient and engaging.

game is boring, battle system is ass

>cutesy spinoff has better music than the mainline games

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may very well have, but I still like RPG's and animals

Next time post a picture of Dragon Quest Monsters Joker 3. You ride a bunch of monsters in Joker 3. Fun game.

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still mad we never got the update

Pretty much this and QoL improvements like saving the binoc observations to a journal or something.

Maybe more interesting interactions in the overworld to give more reasons than grinding to explore.

Does the Android port contain all the recent updates?

Play SMT then.
Instead of animals you capture, fuse and force mythical gods fight

No thanks. I like the simplicity of Pokemon. If I wanted Monster Hunter ID PLAY FUCKING MONSTER HUNTER

MonHun has better designed monsters, though.

SMT has pretty good monsters too, but the mobile game is f2p gacha shit.

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Pokemon until the battle tower or online is rock paper scissors but you can just use rock until you win so it doesn't even matter. You're kidding yourself if you think stories was any less mindless

Can you keep searching for eggs in the nest forever or does it stop after a few times?

Any info on this? Is it better to buy it for android or 3ds?

Best has a limited amount of eggs. You’ll either have to redo the floor(tower) or find a new nest if it runs out of eggs

We didnt get the japanese exclusive content on Android so fuck Capcom
Android has the advantage of higher res and framerate but that's it

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>combat is literally just rock-paper-scissors
>don't have full control of your own party
Its shit
>AI is bad at rock paper scissors, even when they have favored types of attacks
No, I didn't want my strength monstie to make a dex attack when I swapped him in...

>Why... don't you become fond of me... as a male... ?
>You are... lacking some part of the heart...
>A lonely fellow...

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user no

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t. only has played World

Monster hunter are all dinosaur based chicken looking monsters and already borrows other monsters and characters from other properties.
Pokemon have 200+ and try not to overlap the same animals.

People literally buy handhelds for Pokemon. Capcom took 20 years to figure out what console it should put its 50th game on to actually sell mediocrely but great compared to old MH games.
Gee I wonder why Pokemon sells better?

I found MH4U to have some good music.

>Gee I wonder why Pokemon sells better?

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She is perfect.
>update to literally turn into her never.

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>Simone is best girl
>but she's also gay for loli

It's not fair.

Tigrex is cutest monster

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Pokémon sells more because it is bare minimum easy / accessible and nostalgia driven. Also sales don’t equal quality user, you know that. If that was the case, Last Jedi would be objectively good and not complete dog shit.


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>Stories 2
>Now you can make cute armor for your monsties.

>you'll never fly around in a living B-52

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Game would improve infinitely without NotJibanyan

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