ITT characters who you could beat in a fight
ITT characters who you could beat in a fight
What sort of fight?
>"That" scene in "that" set where monkey red beats her in a fight.
Pretty much any character that can fight, I'd be fucking worthless in a fight unless I'm being attacked by a 12-year-old girl.
What about kissing her?
monkey business
Don't lie to yourself.
She's stronger than you think by playing the games.
I'm a fucking moron and read that as "characrters that could beat you in a fight".
*licks feet*
All I have to tell Sakura is that if she beats me up, Ryu won't put a baby in her belly
Can't beat the cock
Sayaka is such a pretty girl
imagine the anal sex
Rock Paper Scissors. I win, I kiss her.
what's her problem?
I really like this webm
she stayed up past her bed time
Heh, easy win.
She would beat me 24/7