Cyberpunk 2077 is now SOULLESS!!!!!!!!!!

How did we go from this..........

Attached: Actual Cyberpunk.jpg (1920x1201, 187K)

Other urls found in this thread:

... to this

Attached: cyberpunk.webm (1920x1080, 710K)

to THIS??!?!?

Attached: elephant-fish-mouth-1.jpg (467x350, 36K) this

Attached: oo.jpg (2016x763, 601K)

To this?????????????

Attached: Literally GTAV.png (917x456, 594K) This!1?!?!

Attached: Soulless.jpg (1926x1078, 1008K)

Attached: cyberpunk.webm (1280x720, 2.81M)

Attached: cyberpunk.webm (900x506, 2.93M)

Attached: cyberpunk.webm (1280x720, 2.83M)

Attached: cyberpunk.webm (900x506, 2.99M)

Looks like GTA for PS2.

to this ?

Attached: silhouette-yellow.png (931x560, 15K)

... to this?

Attached: vr.jpg (1217x958, 472K)

>wait until night

Where's the population density? Fuck this game. If the traffic isn't crazy it's gay.

sun is blocked by pollution in the universe this is based, dumbass faggot

is this dark enough for you guys?

Attached: qkPNoU3.png (630x685, 679K)

>Empty roads

needs to be 10 times darker. i want the socioeconomic disparity to be palpable

It's being made for consoles, isn't it? Shit happened with Watch Dog (also Anthem), trailer was full of people and the actual game was almsot empty

It would be pretty funny if a game like this didn’t rely on driving, but had it available except the population density is too high and there’s too much traffic for it to be viable transportation. Our hero uses public transit

>high technology
>no self-driving cars

Attached: 1460195571480.jpg (368x253, 14K)


Attached: applying makeup in cyberpunk 2077.jpg (3840x2160, 3.29M)


Looks good to me.

Attached: Cyberpunk2077-Outnumbered_But_Not_Outgunned_RGB-2060x1159.jpg (2060x1159, 219K)

Is this English patched?

It’s sad that a Unity tech demo feels more Cyberpunk than this:


Attached: reeee.jpg (486x482, 26K)

>all that pop in
>tech demo

Attached: cyberpunk what we wanted.png (2000x1000, 2.16M)

to this. Just one day bros until cd cucks massive BTFO just one more. Can't wait.

Attached: 1529327481525.jpg (928x669, 94K)

Attached: the sun is literally being blocked out.jpg (2011x1087, 162K)

>clean energy punk

Attached: 1554989734708.gif (150x150, 1.22M)

CDPR has only done the witcher, i would actually much rather them continue doing the witcher until we all die. I'm not really that excited about this game desu. obviously though it'll be much better than any GTA ever made, that's too low a bar.


In 2077 they voted my city the least cyberpunk place in America
Main issues? Sky high levels of sunlight and more non rainy days in a year than anywhere else

>No neon

Attached: cyberpunk vick.png (2011x1096, 2.64M)

isn't cyberpunk supposed to be souless though?

One thing I'm legitimately concerned about is over-reliance on HUD elements. I hated having to look at the blips on the map to find where I'm going in Witcher 3. I want to find my own route in the city but I don't want to just stumble around aimlessly. Why can't every game have Morrowind directions

Attached: 4e5a638f.jpg (861x929, 167K)

Attached: 1530303766734.png (1600x1200, 2.57M)

I agree, but I'm also much less bothered since it would actually fit the theme.

>mfw people bitch and moan over one certain screen from game trailer
>whereas the 48 minute gameplay shows quite decent cyberpunk setting with gameplay similar to deus ex, apart from car driving sequence which felt meh

Attached: 16.gif (250x188, 1.76M)

>no hype at all

Imagine ripping on population density without seeing even 5% of the outside world, and when you do see it, especially when walking around on the streets, there's literally dozens of NPC's, on a PRE-ALPHA stage of the game. Okay sage posters, try harder.

Attached: Screenshot_17.png (1908x962, 1.87M)

Blueray release fucking when?

I know it's June 23.

I doubt car driving and city layout was still clearly in works
I for one wonder how much it changed, but i doubt the date we got is real, i expect it summer next year not at start of year. Weird release window for such a big title.

>there's literally dozens of NPC's, on a PRE-ALPHA stage of the game
Meaning the full game will have only about 5 at any given moment.

Hush, don't post that here, these losers need reasons to complain about popular shit

>Despite the fact that CDPR has been known not to downgrade, but only upgrade from what they originally show.

women and faggots are working at it

>he doesn't know
bring the witcher 3 pics lads


Attached: NPC.jpg (636x773, 32K)

Do it, im waiting.

Leaked city footage.

Attached: Fhv8c3d.jpg (1920x1080, 358K)


fuck off poletard

Reminder that the art director literally said this. You couldn't make this shit up.
>I visited LA for the first time this year and it was very inspiring, especially walking along Venice Beach. We want to bring some of that vibe to the game.

This is Yea Forums we’re talking about. They shitposted on TW3 even post release too. That means Cyberpunk is going to be good.

Attached: 2115A7BA-ED3B-411A-9E78-F069726D8F06.jpg (1242x1186, 98K)

It even has that purple neon you faggots keep jerking it to.

>Using in-engine showcase scenes from 3 years before release as a downgrade excuse
k buddy, as if it looks any worse than it did then.

they said it's in-game. stop shilling for your cuck corpo

Literally the only difference is the horrid sweat texture filters and the awful lighting choices. Try harder niggy.

okay, faggot

Okay faggot.

Based and redpilled

>install the cocksucker 7000 to up your whore game

No, it clearly isn't retard

>trusting scripted bullshot over ingame footage

Well LA's a nightmarish shit hole so...

Someone explain this augmentation to me
what do you gain from getting to swap out your mouth

Fuck off

Attached: Clipboard02.jpg (2560x595, 261K)

What do you get from chopping your penis off? People will do whatever society tells them to do.

Looks like gta v....on ps3.

>what would you gain from making yourself look like someone else?

Yea Forums hates w3 too, that means this will be very good.

Maybe she has a special sexdoll mouth and a normal mouth to wear while cleaning the cum out of the other one

do you guys still remember watch dogs?

You become Kirby by replacing your mouth with a vacuum mechanism

to this

Attached: Khezu.webm (450x253, 2.72M)

Sunfags please go

So this is how gay sex works?

Attached: 0 (1).jpg (480x360, 33K)

just like my hentais

>Lighting is better
>Colour contrast isn't washed out
>Textures aren't as good
>Less traffic
>Distance LOD is in effect
I hope you don't honestly believe your computer could handle the bullshot footage. The only legitimate complaint I can think of is all the ?'s on your map are filler and amount to dick, and the ocean waves went from being dark and wild to cool and calm.

It's easy to imagine that's it's not only her mouth that can be swapped, you can swap any part of your face and look like anything you want.

what's this from?

how do you know that the cars can't drive autonomously?

>i-its ookay that they lied, you w-wouldn't be able to run the demo version anyway
yeah no fucking shit, we're arguing about them downgrading, which they fucking did.

Attached: darksoulsdowngrade8.png (800x448, 743K)


Easy dental care. Teeth are the biggest weakness of human evolution

PC exclusive.

just stop eating candy nigger lmao

But my stupid lizard brain evolved to crave sweets

maybe it was ugly or her jaw got mutilated somehow

This one was a travesty, especially the mirror knight hallway.


Attached: 1541817774771.gif (500x394, 973K)

Actually, pollution would never cover the sun. It would make it brighter as the ozone layer would be thinner thus letting in more sunlight. But the air quality would take a nosedive and the place would be more foggy as smog would be all around you.

>obviously though it'll be much better than any GTA ever made, that's too low a bar.

Attached: CD Projekt wants to emulate _the Rocks_.png (963x212, 22K)


>cars are literally boxes
Don't bullshit me with "b-but it's futuristic"

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This is what darkfags want

Attached: darrk.gif (630x685, 52K)

i still have some hopes for Cyberpunk 2077 to be honest, but i have have feeling this hopes will get crushed tomorrow.

Attached: 1511257274635.jpg (640x627, 58K)

made me laugh

Pretty sure dental health was screwed up by modern agriculture rather than human evolution.

There was something about teeth only really becoming fucked once we started eating softer foods and carbohydrates. Wheats/Grains etc.
Before that people had nowhere near the problem with crooked teeth or rotting that we have now.

How is this even Cyberpunk. It looks incredibly mundane.

So you got what you wanted.

actually better

But that exact scene was in the gameplay demo...

What's wrong with the rockstar "quality over quantity" model?
Do you prefer ubisofts "shit out samey game out year after year" model, EA:s "nickel and dime any way you can" model or perhaps bethesdas "let's keep using our 100 year old engine" model?

Absolutely nothing user. That other poster is fucking idiot that has a vendetta against rockstar and refuses to see their quality

Attached: Insecure Jap Dev.png (621x482, 78K)

the polacks shouldve made their own game set in the polack shithole like oshiis avalon

they went greedy and have lost themselves.
i dont need hollywood/cookie cutter mutt trash full of stale garbage cliches.

By other, I mean the one I quoted saying "GTA is a low bar".

Attached: Red Dead Souls.png (882x863, 339K)

>implying it's not your intestinal flora mind controlling you into eating more sweets

Based and absolutely underrated.

Crooked teeth must had been always a problem, our mouths are too narrow to fit them all

jaws have actually gotten smaller over time due to processed food.

Nope. Back when we ate primarily meat diets and harder carbohydrates (earlier breads) our jaws were larger and could fit all our teeth. Look to the Eskimo of merely 50 years ago and you will see perfect rows of teeth because they ate a 100% meat based diet. Orthotropics is serious business. Modern soft diets reduce the strength of the muscles in our face and jaw regions which leads to skeletal drift. Harder and tough foods are what we were designed to eat

the nigger who made it wrote like that and all the art shows that, so eat shit

console master race