Baldur's Gate

I cannot be caged. I cannot be controlled.
Understand this as you die, ever pathetic, ever fools!

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Gate:_Tales_of_the_Sword_Coast

Icewind dale is better

Bg1 is better than 2.
2's cast of main characters are terribly written. Cringe enduringly bad at times.
And the over the top OC donut steel bhaalspawn stuff got ridiculous.

The down to earth adventuring feel of 1 is head and shoulders better than 2.

>The down to earth adventuring feel of 1 is head and shoulders better than 2.
I kinda agree with you on this, but I feel 1 is more boring to play than 2.

So what do you hope for in BG3?

>2's cast of main characters are terribly written. Cringe enduringly bad at times.
They are written with a higher intensity in bg2, and suffers a bit from flanderization. I don't think they're cringey though or terrible, but it definitely could've been better.
>And the over the top OC donut steel bhaalspawn stuff got ridiculous.
I don't think I really agree with that.

I do prefer bg1s more grounded adventure to bg2 tho.

I prefer bg1 but they're both great games user


>down to earth adventuring
Walk into giant empty map of nothing.
Person tells you to go to other side of map
Once there you get something and talk to someone
Return to original person

End quest.

Seriously most of BG1 is just boring filler.


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Yeah-ha boi

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>Buhu feel sorry for me, I was a most powerful sorcerer but I wanted more power so I could become a god
>Who'd have thought they'd exile me, oh wow how preposterous
>I will only live for revenge now
What a shitty villain, but with amazing VA.

>I gotta kill things cause my dad likes killing things

Yeah, because Sarevok was so well written.

Exile and ripping away his soul/elfness (which honestly is a public service for all elves), then cast out. The only tragedy is how obviously he'd keep trying to claw his way back, but elves are too stupid to understand there's anything beyond being an elf.

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Where did I say that, they're both the same, but one of them pretend they're something more.

You know if you import/export your characters BG1 and 2 are essentially 1 game.

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In the year of the long counts end
the shining canine shall release a bastardization of our beloved game

so sayeth the wise alaundo

seeing the Spelljammer ship, I kinda hope there's different crystal spheres. Just for the modding opportunities. Like if they include Realmspace, Greyspace and Krynnspace and provide maps of the entire worlds. Modders could fill in some of it.

Who is more useless
Cernd or Garrick

There are four lights.

The PC that allows either to even speak to them. Just seeing them should have you readying a silence spell followed by flesh to stone.

>rebuild customization
>wild magic
>wish spell
>magic system more like baldurs gate 2 and not like divinityDivinity magic system is great but i like baldurs gate style
>pirate lords
>book references (forgotten realms)
>Throne of Bhaal references
>Mindflayer god battle
>Xanathar cameo
>more race options
>solo play through viable.

I mean i could go on. I am just afraid its going to end up a divinity 2 clone.

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I'd agree with everything except pirate Lord's. Pirates, in all forms, are for faggots.

I meant the pirate lords or Waterdeep. They raid the fuck out of the whole coast including Baldurs gate. There is no way they won't be involve or against the illithid invasion.

First time playing, is this a decent roll or should I keep going?

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This is why I don't like larian studios. Game has mindflayers end of the world epic fantasy scenario similar to original sin... Reddit light pub humor EVERYWHERE. mindflayers are silly goofballs zoidbergs

That's the nature of low-level 2nd Edition D&D. You can't have much combat because your characters have the durability of wet tissue.

imoen sex scene

Will Minsc and his new crew make an appearance in BG3, do you think? And if it actually takes place in Baldur's Gate itself, Coran should also appear, since he's part of the ruling class now.

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This. Irenicus is horrible villain.

My highest roll is 96

BG2 is far better game than BG1 ever was.

pure melee is easy and boring. This is warning not a judgement.

thank god beamdog arent putting theiry oily talons anywhere near this one.

I was going to make at least 1 melee and 1 caster

This was my role for my male dwarf fighter I was going to do a female caster elf next.

Modding. 6 member party. Variety of companions.

Boo is mind controlled and been spying for the mindflayers. That why Boo only stays with people below 10 intelligence.

Which class do you play?

Finally, porn for pannenkoek2012.

that it for some reason takes place much closer to to bg1+bg2, so it takes place in the pre 4th edition forgotten realms

Boo is too powerful to be anyone's puppet

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depends on your class a bit, you're a dwarf right?
So 1 more point in dex.

Fighter, Barbarian, fighter/thief or Fighter/cleric I guess are your options.
If fighter/cleric you want 18 wis.

Is it possible to save this roll and back out to the class race selection and come back to it?

Real RP and dialogues with interesting side quests.. Like in Torment. BG is glorified dungeon crawler with Mass Effect tier dialogue system. Torment is great RPG game with horrible combat.
I need best from both.

>yfw you read users suggestions in beamdog forum asking/wishing beamdog to collaborate with Larian in BG3

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>thank god beamdog arent putting theiry oily talons anywhere near this one.
I don't think it really matters that it's beamdog or not when it's a new game, their treatment of EE was poor though.


dwarf/fighter then

Meme spouting fucks.

I replayed BG2 dozens of times i couldn't bear to finish BG1 20% of it because of it's slow and RNG focused bullshit where you die in 2 hits because everyone are level 2. it's just boring as fuck.

>OOF is a meme now
And faggots created rainbows I guess

oof is meme now
like kys and all other ancient buzzwords

BG1 is like 20% story with 80% random stuff. Not bad, but we wouldn't remember it today without BG2.

Take 2 points from wis to put in char. If you're going to use char, there are some char 18 dialogues but 10 to 12 wis won't make any change for a warrior

if they do, hopefully we can kill them and take their stuff.

Baldur's Gate was always garbage. I guess the games are supposed to read like a bunch of retarded teenagers playing a D&D session, but it does not make them any less dumb.

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>Killing a bunch of top-tier waifus and Coran's based bastard.
And what stuff do they have? Minsc is like a 6th level ranger.

might want more int for mindflayers if youre gonna import to 2

If you don't choose that option you're a no-fun without a sense of humor.

fuck of nu-Yea Forums
here are your options.
>i am a fag

better? Maybe a radial choice that all makes you say the same thing?

whew, thanks for highlighting the response I'm supposed to be mad at, I'd never have figured it out without your help

That's just what PC games were like in the 90's.
That dissonance you're noting is due to "nerd culture" becoming nonexistent.
The old Fallouts are even more obvious, with it's blatant Monty Python references and whatnot.

Fallouts have better dialogues and choices. Good part of BG is companions

Because throwing a tantrum like a 12-years old girl is so funny.
Are you suggesting the dialogue options in the games have any depth? You are either the good boy of the realm or a complete jackass, with a dumb joke option here and there.
Not my pic, just googled it.

Fallout uses irony for a reason. BG is just the equivalent of a 2 dollars self-published fantasy book on Amazon.

>"Really, its all about ethics in heroic adventuring."

Is this better or worse? Will 18/89 be a problem or should I recall my 91 total with 18/00. I think I'm starting to wear out my mouse it's double clicking now when I click once.

Dwarf CHA caps at 16

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maybe we can visit different planes
Id like to see Sigil and one or two abyssal layers

Have you even played the games?

I mean their is a genie riddle quest right at the start of baldurs gate 2. And tons of gear is only available if you actually read the dialog.

Yeah that is the best you can get. 18/x is not a problem, when you get the tome to increase str it skips whatever percentage you have and makes it 19 anyway

you probably won't get anything better than that without wasting another 4 hours. protip: there's tomes that bump your stats up permanently anyway so whatever STR/100 percentage you have is pretty much meaningless because it's just gonna be 19 by like 2/3rds of the way through BG1 anyway.

>Larian's making it
I trust them, and I hope it lives up to DOS2 as a decent game.
Also hoping the character customization and shit is good so I can make my girl Mazzy.

you're gonna hit 19 str pretty easy i wouldn't worry about the % by 18 that much. 14 int should be enough iirc and theres tomes to increase some stats by at least 1.

3 tomes are for wisdom, rest have only one

jesus... can you just play the game and learn yourself?

I just don't get holding Fallout up as some great RPG in general, and comparing it favorably to BG makes no sense to me.
What reason is that? Because it left me feeling completely detached from anything happening in the game.
Plus, "lol look a TARDIS" is just bad writing, I don't care what context.

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I'd make every starting stat an odd number because of bonus stats with tomes to eventually make for evens

>That's just gaming in the 90s
>Whaaaaaaaa larian Humor

I hate Yea Forums

I'm pretty "meh" about both, actually.
I don't know if Yea Forums is one person, but whoever he is he certainly isn't me.

You're thinking of 3.X. AD&D stats can have effects on odd stats, they just only start kicking in around 15 or so.

someone give me the quick rundown on bg3. is it going to be 5th edition? will it be turn based or real time with pause?

I think you could just rearrange your stats with your 18/00 no?
Which class are you?

we only had a short trailer

But seeing how D&D is trying to integrate its lore into the books, magic the gathering and pretty much everything nerd culture. I would assume its going to be 5th edition.

5th edition, still now words about if real tiem /pause/pure turn

>comparing it favorably to BG makes no sense to me.
I should confess. I didn't play them on release no PC but I played all "classic" games in 2016 and made big mistake by starting from Planescape > Arcanum > F1 > F2 > BG1 > BG2. Honestly BG games were absolute disappointment. They have great combat but everything else is just average at best. I know Yea Forums will call me zoomer for this but DA:O is better rpg game than BG2. I can replay F1/2, Planescape, Arcanum right now and they all will have same value as before. The lore, dialogues, atmosphere, story - perfect. But I can't do same with BG. I seen much better. though companions in BG were great

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Companions and combat are the main reasons why most people play them though, for me at least. Like in BG2, when you enter the market with Haer'dalis and Jaheira, he suggests selling Jaheira. If you have Minsc and Keldorn at the same party and Minsc frenzies, Keldorn will try to teach him how to control his frenzy
Or take companions like Xzar and Xan. Other games don't have companions and interactions like these

BG1 or BG2 don't have a huge stretch of the game that is suicide-inducingly bad like the Fade and don't have retarded HP bloated enemies.

kind of agree with some of that despite having played the BG trilogy on each of their releases and them being some of my favorite games. BG 1 in particular has embarrassing writing, the overall narrative is solid but the actual writing is like a 16 yr old first-time GM trying to do ye olde fantasy englishe for his high school D&D group.

disagree about BG2 though, it's a massive step up. I liked DA:O but it's got a bizarre tonal shift between grimdark edgefest setting and old bioware's usual goofy character banter, which fits much better in BG2's grand high fantasy adventure type game.

what is 5th edition like? I heard after everyone complained about 4th edition being too tactical they went back to no miniature required combat.

Like 3.5 but with universally smaller numbers except for HP and all of the interesting options stripped out.

Ironically, 4e would be the best edition for a turn-based D&D game, seeing as it was THE edition supposed to be "just like a video game"

I have played D&D all my life and 5th is the most simplified for new players. People have mixed opinions about it due to exploits like eldritch blast. But the game has always been full of exploits. IMO 5th is doing a great job of bring in new players and keeping the game alive, But people always bitch about change.

so it's going to be shit?

Are any of the Yoshimo survives mods good? I liked the guy

It's just that, an entry point. If it were GMing for a group of newbies, I would definitely move them onto another system once they got acclimated to how tabletop works.

so everything is a bullet sponge?

That was my Dwarf/Fighter

Now I'm doing my Elf/Mage but I haven't seen a single 90+ yet this is my best roll so far

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Agreed. But that won't stop people from shitting on it like people did every edition at release.

So the new BG will be turn-based?

You're better off dumping CHA for DEX since you won't be able to wear armor as a mage. If you want a truly OP class, pick figher/mage.

You get multiple attacks and a plethora of math related abilities to crunch the HP. But yeah basically everyone is just holding out for a crit at high levels.

>have keldorn and viconia
>someone gets hit with carsomyr

As someone whose only experience with anything "Forgotten Realms" is the Infinity engine RPG's, what exactly changed after the 100 year time skip? Any big things of note that might impact the game?

>18 wisdom, 18 charisma as a mage
>11 dex 12 con
I really hope you just haven't assigned those points yet
yes you need wis for wish. no you don't need that much. no you don't need cha at all.

>tfw Xan never makes an appearance in BG2 and canonically gets beheaded by spiders in a cave
Why they gotta do this to the best companion.

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Don't worry I'm not settling for no 88, I got so many 90s when I was rolling my dwarf I feel insulted I haven't got anything better than an 88 yet.

5E has been out for 5 years and hasn't fixed a single complaint I've had with the system. 4E fixed the vast majority of what I didn't like within a year and a half.
You got those in AD&D too, but you were still doing about the same or more damage more reliably against enemies with half or less the HP. That is fucking inexcusable.

His quest was doomed

Improved Alacrity, Time Stop and equipment that reduces cast time.

How do you play Divinity Original Sin?

>That was my Dwarf/Fighter
Okay, then you should've gone with your 18/00 roll, and removed wis and to max out your dexterity.

I hope to god they will make an editor tool to make multiplayer persistent roleplaying worlds like in Neverwinter Nights.

There was an extended mod for him (Tortured Soul I think?) in the original game, which was quite good and included a cute Kensai (his waifu). It was very old though and most likely not compatible with EE.

Wild magic is still around but there are better ways to use it class wise.

They did some crazy reincarnation stuff making Drizzts GF a black girl priest now.

Most cities and shit stayed the same that's why Baldurs gate being destroyed is a massive lore change.

Most interesting stuff in Forgotten realms involved races with long lifespans, so they stayed the same essentially.

Some gods died and some were born, but they are all assholes still.

Book wise the world has not changed much and is eluding to a big battle against something that will bring orcs, dark elves, elves, dwarves, humans and nearly all mortal plan creatures to fight against. I wonder if this it what it will be.

17 is max for a dorf

Playing a pure mage in BG1&2 was a very rewarding experience.
You start extremely weak, but later you fight magic duels with (Demi)Lichs.

Wow. Fucking really, Bioware? I can't believe how badly written this game is. It's like I'm talking to a child here!

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Fallout was chock full of pop culture references at the time and nerd humor, stop trying to pretend it wasn't the case to elevate the game you like and besmirch a game you don't.

Planescape has tho.

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Bhaalpill me on playing a sorcerer in BG1

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It didn't exactly show Keldorn in a positive light as he was an unforgiving asshole that didn't believe in repentance or redemption and it comes back to bite him in the ass when his own life takes a turn for the worse.

You are right, but it has only 6 companions. It doesn't have the all the possible party combinations you can have in bgs

Crowd control>damage dealing at lower levels.
Then you get spell sequencer, contungency, stoneskin, similarcrum, robe of vekna. horrid wilting and timestop and things die.

I'll take that easy xp

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So should I start with sleep and magic missile?

Is that good roll for the paladin? First time playing bg2

He's understanding to all other evil companions too. It feels weird for him to attack Viconia

Sleep is amazing at lower levels. I might swap out magic missile for grease since a caster at low level shouldn't even bother with doing damage.

loadsa spells, but less variety and lower level than a mage of equivalent level. not really worth it imo, by the time you can spam fireballs like you'd want to, any decent mage is pulling off way more complex and deadly shit.

i guess it's pretty alright for the first half of BG1 with the ring of wizardry, lvl1 spells for DAYS.

forgot image

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agreed. Magic fights are extremely satisfying.

You should max dex, it gives armor class. Wisdom is useless, though I think paladins can have it at 16 at min?

nagas detected

I still didn't play new Divinity games. What about their companions?

Min wisdom is 13 so I can make dex 15, that's enough?



Mostly because it's low level D&D where spellcasters can't do much besides healing/haste/sleep in certain places.

>you will never throw Imoen on a bed, tickle her until she cries and follow up with incest sex

No you should absolutely 18 your dex as all melee characters. Also if you didn't choose a kit, you should paladin kits are all better than unkitted

Take points out of Charisma to get it to 18.

Finally rolled a 90 for my girl. I'm going to store this one and roll a few more though.

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Now better? Am I ready to smite the evil that roams the realm?

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Maybe he's just racist towards Drow.
Original Sin 2's Godwoken are all pretty fun characters, imo, and you can make them whatever class you need.
Also, did anyone else wish that imps had been playable? I found their God and lore to be the most interesting.

What the fuck happened to his face? I get that he cut his ears off or something. But why is his face all fucked up?

>18 wisdom and cha

>you'll never cuddle with her post-coitus, sharing in the warm afterglow of each other, as she leans in and whispers into your ear: DO YOU WANNA TELL ME A STORY ABOUT TROLLOPS AND PLUGTAILS, PUH-LEEEEASE

More than 16 con gives warrior classes more hp so as a paladin you should 18 that too. Just 3 intelligence man, it won't make a difference except for not being able to use magic items
And companions can use those if you need

>exactly 2 rolls later

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>Charisma is 17 minimum for Paladins
Fucking why

I'm trying pathfinder ee right now and i'm not feeling it.Mostly because of the terrible rest system.
Just let me spam rest for fuck sake

Who is Baldur?

Also yeah, that seems fine.

Sleep and magic missile, yes, that's gonna be your bread and butter. Sleep to put hordes of goblins, xvarts and gibberlings/wolves to sleep and magic missile to disrupt enemy mage spellcasting or finishing off foes. It's not going to become powerful until way later, but magic missile is always effective no matter the level you are at for what it does. Get a couple of charm scrolls too just because, I've had plenty of times when I managed to charm enemy clerics/archers and wizards and put their group into a world of hurt. Then wasted their spells and used the last one to near kill himself to make my work easier.

famous adventurer dude who founded a city and explored around the sword coast. then sailed off and got eaten by furries.

Ok tried some rerolls and I got this

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Balduran was a famous explorer that founded the city.

Fuckin beautiful.
Go out and smite the realms.

Norse god, the braindead hacks who wrote for the forgotten realms setting named some shitty OC character after him and then he founded a city or something.

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What does donut steel mean


Does Wisdom do anything for an Inquisitor? Since they're immune to mind shit and don't get turn undead or spells?

>Dropped Icewind Dale at some point
>Don't remember why since I loved Planescape Torment and both Baldur's Gates
>Have no motivation to pick it up again since going to be lost on what to do or where to go
>Don't want to restart either

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Wisdom affects spell slots for clerics and druids
Does nothing otherwise
Also there is one wisdom check in Underdark but that changes a single line, nothing important

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Life... is Strength

Also a guy who left behind some must have items like
>fuck the beholders shield
I don't know if it is even possible to survive beholder ray spam without it.

No, unless you want some lore. Any Wisdom checks can be passed by downing a Potion of Insight too so it's not worth it if you aren't a Cleric or Druid.

what about intelligence? I've got a BG1 game that I started ages with an inquis and i've got like 18 wis and 3 int for whatever reason

Never liked Icewind Dale. The story was meh and it had too much combat.

I think I'm too stupid to comprehend Baldur's Gate. Whenever I try to play I end up getting my ass handed to me by trash mobs.

These games make me feel retarded.

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GOG says real-time but the co-op and multiplayer features listed on the Steam page could count against pausable.

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What the fuck was even his plan again? "I'm going to start a war by making the iron go shitty for reasons"

I know.
And you had 16.

You need to be careful, that's all. Use ranged combat and consumables, potion of speed notably. Every tool at your disposal exists to be used, if you try and play it as traditional big dick fantasy warrior, you'll get eaten pretty fast.

Beginning of BG1 can be brutal if you take on things you can't handle. Assume that at level 1 you're a retarded 12 year old kid and don't fight a bear head on.

Int affects the chances of learning a spell for mages and how many spell slots they have.
I think you need 9 int to use magical items, 11 int to use the golem summoning book
Illithids drain 5 int per hit and you die if it reaches 0 so it's good to have 11 or 16
Does nothing otherwise as far as I recall

low level DnD is all about getting your ass handed to you by trash mobs. kite shit with ranged weapons, use spells like sleep that incapacitate instead of damage spells, and quicksave/rest every 5 steps until you get some proper hp to not die in one hit to a gibberling sneeze.

>co-op and multiplayer
Who plays a story-heavy RPG in co-op?

he is just powergamer and doesnt like shitty weak characters, that explains why he is ok with midget or even transfag, but removes viconia to make space for more useful companion

>iron goes to shit
>accuses group X of doing it
>supply iron to people
>is hailed as a hero and become leader
>starts a war against group X
>kill enough people to become a god

>lost on what to do or where to go
Icewind Dale is not very complicated in that sense, you're not going to be pouring over a quest journal trying to catch up to where you were

>shitty weak characters
Viconia is objectively the best cleric in BG, what the fuck are you smoking?
>50 magic resistance
>High as fuck dex
>18 wis
Sure, her str is low but that is easily fixed by Crom Fayer or draw upon holy might and she doesn't need health as if you're being hit repeatedly by a cleric to the point where you're losing health rapidly, you're doing something wrong.

Well I went with the other one, anons said 18/00 wasn't as good as having the extra stats since apparently once you hit 19 via a book it doesn't matter what percentile you were.

Protip: always max Str/Dex/Con in AD&D games.

it takes place right after descent into avernus, which we know minsc is doing stuff in. So my guess would be "yes"

no where near it.

Why is he 6th level? I know he was turned into a statue, but doesn't he end ToB with 25+ level?

They mixed up their IP's and it's Baldur's Gate Dark Alliance III.

>Does nothing otherwise as far as I recall
As far as I remember stats other than DEX and CON up to 16 are useless in BG1/2 except if your class needs them, like WIS for cleric/druid, INT for mage and STR for fighters.

That's an enemy that is about one step up from BG1 bandits. A Fighter will never be able to kill them in one hit without spending resources or having a Carsomyr-tier weapon, not even at level 20 or on a crit.

Yo, just bought this and the first one. What's a good build for a first playthrough?

I am hoping for ancient evil and powerful artifact.

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Yes. BG3 is set directly after the events of the comic.

Is Fighter/Mage a good choice? Do I dual or multiclass? I want to make a battlemage of sorts (BG1 and then 2).

He is an incel.

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Wtf is this post

even keldorn is aware you are doing something wrong having cleric in bg2 when you can just kill everything with removing its protections and then hacking it to pieces

>giving crom faer to shitconia and not korgan

From what I gather, ranged is good in BG1 and melee or magic(or both) in 2

Fighter/anything is usually good as long as it actually compliments the fighter in some way and isn't retarded. Fighter/thief, yes. Fighter/mage, yes. Fighter/cleric, yes. You multiclass if you want to play solo and dualclass if you have a group that can carry you through content when you enter new class levels because you'll be weak as fuck then and won't get your previous level abilities until your new class reaches the level of the old.

It works but takes a while to get going and a lot of prebuffing before each major encounter. You're essentially stuck in robes and at the beginning have little in the way to defend yourself, you also have to split your stats up so need a good roll. But mid-late game you're pretty much near enough the strongest class possible.

Berserker/Mage that duals at 7 is strong in BG1 and gets off the ground running in BG2.

>Party banter
>Bhaal is back and made a lot of new little Bhaalspawn, the protag is one of them
>Interactions with Bhaal Daddy
>Turn-based 4E with a bit of 5e sprinkled over the top

>using Korgan
I don't need any more melee in my party lmao.

Paladin as Cavalier or Inquisitor or Fighter as a Berserker

Any decent mages in BG1 for a good party? I'm currently at the beamdog oc donut steel Neera at the moment and wondering if she's a good stopgap until I have access to someone else

Thanks for all the replies. I wanted to pick Kensai since I wasn't going to wear armor anyway, but from what I'm reading, Berserker seems like a better choice.
Does it matter for which weapons I drop my pips in?

There are no decent good mages in BG 1. Edwin is the best mage character in the game, even better than the player. It's what makes his obnoxiousness somewhat tolerable, he has a reason to be riding a high horse.

dual classing is too complicated if you don't know the mechanics of it.
Gnome Fighter/Illusionist is fine.
Elf Fighter/Mage is fine too.

you dont need cleric in party at all

Just finished my third playthrough of BG1 within a month. Minmaxing it is pretty addictive, pic related. HP rolls are not maxed out for aesthetic reasons. Also, in hindsight, going Fighter/Cleric would be better for BG2.

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he'll just fuck off if I'm good aligned though, right?

It does since it'll refine what your "end-game" weapons will be. If you want to be a minmax asshole and import your character to BG2, pick flails, because flail of ages fully upgraded is the best weapon in the game. Whatever you like otherwise.

Xan and Dynaheir? IIRC Xan can't learn destruction spells, or whatever school that has fireballs is called though

Yes, to be honest unless you metagame and know what the best weapons are you're going to miss when choosing weapon proficiency. All I can say is figure out what party members you're going to get and figure out what weapons they're good with and get different weapons to them. So if you find a flail and no-one else uses flails, you could use it if you had points in flails.

Wizard, or sorcerer if you know what to pick form other games.
>Berserker/Mage that duals at 7
wasn't kensai 7/mage the old cool shit

that's odd because i feel like baldur's gate has too much combat, and i think there's actually less encounters in icewind dale compared to bg1

Cool, Pallys and Barbarians are my favourite classes in 5e.

Also how's Sorcerers?

nah, he's evil so he don give a fuck

He will unless you mod it out, yeah. Dynaheir and Neera are your go to choices then. I'd pick Dynaheir, because wild magic can frequently put you in a position where you have to load game.

Arguably the best class in the game but bad very bad for a first timer

Everyone call that you are a discordtranny, you know

just grab Dynaheir, she comes with Minsc anyway and surely you aren't doing a good party run without ya boi Minsc, are you?

baldur's gate 1 and 2 had multiplayer.

It takes a while to get going and she'll still be kind of shit at the end of BG1 but Iomen dual classed into mage kind of works. I forgot what level I switched her to mage, it's a lot of hassle to do.

Not if you're good aligned, if your reputation goes above 18. You can kill some random NPC in a building without anyone watching to lower it down if it gets too high.

BG has a better mix of story&combat. It also has unique NPCs, each with a story and interaction.
Icewind Dale was just combat after combat with a full self-made party.

Xan, can't cast most damage spells but fireball wands make up for it by the end. Most low level damage spells are pretty meh anyway, except for Magic Missile and Fireball.
Dynaheir, although you'll have to get Minsc as well, unless you want to do some exploiting.
Dual class Imoen into mage is also a good option, as long as you get another thief. Waiting for her to get her thief stuff back is an arse and a half.

and there's too much focus on combat in BG1

More complex. You have to know which spells you'll need.
Paladins just need to know that two-handed swords are a necessary pick for their specialization. Berserker's rage is good because it give immunity to most annoying statuses along with the other buffs.

Can I somehow make Imeon "finding traps" automatically?

True. You could cut 2/3 of BG1 without changing the main story.

Xan is the best bro so pick him. Just pick up Coran early via the mod that lets you visit the Cloakwood early and watch him kill everything before your fighters can even reach the enemies. His personal quest does have a 14 day timer on it though.

And Neverwinter Nights, all with RTwP but the Steam page is listing shared/split screen co-op so no idea what direction they're taking it now.

Alright after two hours of rolling I can finally start playing.

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You created your whole party for the first playthrough? Not many people do that

it was 9 or 13

not if you keep your reputation low, like 15 or so, but if you have minsc in party, they will eventually fight

there are powerful weapons for any weapon class, also Im not entirely sure, but doesnt free movement from flail turn off boots of speed and improved haste?

bros I did not know that paladins can eventually summon deva's
that's pretty cool

There are two open slots but yeah I got the core 4 in there to go along with the NPC portrait mod.

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Bad idea. The NPCs are half the fun.

>neutral evil

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You can only have one deva type summon and IIRC a mage's that summon type is better but still that's way better than tracking rangers get

At least Sarevok was cunning and was pretty smart (considering this is Forgotten Realms and all) even if his motivation was solely built on his birthright

Character customization
I want to do things like adjust height and weight and hair style

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Never trust an elf.

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Please post Dungeon Meshi portraits in this thread.

Well, yeah planetars will always be better as it should be but I thought it was neat

>DnD character creation
>elves get +1 DEX, -1 CON
>half-orcs get +1 STR, +1 CON, -2 INT
>females don't start with -2 STR and -2 CON
When will we get a proper realistic DnD rpg that acknowledges the physical differences between the 2 sexes?

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don't you have an entire board dedicated to that question, /tg/?

This dialogue option is the game literally taking the piss out of itself, not that a double digit nigger like you would understand.

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Play the Goldbox games for that. As a bonus you will also get to enjoy non-humans being unable to reach high levels in a high level campaign spanning multiple games.

Attached: DM2.png (420x660, 497K)'s_Gate:_Tales_of_the_Sword_Coast
That site does a good job of explaining a lot of the mechanics of the games in depth, and goes into NPC overviews, class/kit overviews and recommendations, what stats do specifically, etc. There's plenty of other resources around for BG for people in the thread to look into as well if detailed help is what you're looking for.

Wow it's just like different people have different opinions

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So, what's everyone's go-to alignment in these kind of games?

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>15 STR on an elf
>Marcille with that high of a WIS stat

If you want to make more this is the page I used as a base

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Well where else was I going to put those points? It's not like she has high Charisma she's dumb as shit and has stupid fat ears.

Is this good for a berserker/mage?

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I'm always on the edge between lawful good or neutral good
I can never decide which I like better

If you have no intention of using the wish spell yourself, yes

You really, really, really, really don't need to minmax to properly enjoy BG


This. Unless you try a solo run.

>Well where else was I going to put those points?
You don't have to use all the points.

>Chaotic good
All the good karma from the good options except when there's some serious gains on the line.
>Permanent +1 to my WIS as a fighter? Sign me IN! Those Priestesses didn't do anything with their lives anyway.

Neutral evil. I like playing the sword for sale archetype and personal gain comes first, but in no way I want to destroy the world to reach it.


Chaotic good. Being a hero who plays by his own rules, breaks the system, is cheesy but fun.

Shame that playing a Pally in BG forces you to be a lawfag.

Perhaps in 3 that will change if they use 5e since paladins don't need to be lawful anymore

Thanks 4E for slaying that stupid sacred cow

Also let me play whatever goddamn race/class combo I want.

Where would you place someone steals other group's loot and uses forbidden blood magic?

>>half-orcs get +1 STR, +1 CON, -2 INT
half-orcs were a dumb idea

Playing the Deities of Faerun mod, clerics worshiping to different gods and because of that having different spells, equipment restrictions etc feels so satisfying. Hope it is in bg3 too

Is there any gamebreaking cheese shit in 5e that I should be wary of?

Lost my BGII save when I got a new computer, going to try multi-classing for the first time, was thinking Ranger/Cleric. Any combos that are better or is that fine?

I heard Kensai/Mage is very strong.

Fighter/Mage is the most OP multiclass in 2 but Cleric/Mage is great too if you don't want to bring Aerie along.

Generally speaking, Casters rule and Martials drool. Pretty much all the caster classes are broken endgame. Probably the most meta build is to combine Sorcerer and Paladin for smite spam, good HP, AC and proficiencies while still having a fuckton of spells to choose from and meta magic giving you flexibility.

>Having to remove your armor and put it back on after every spell cast

Just don't wear armor

I'm hoping for a choice between real time and turn based, like PoE2.

>he thinks he needs armor

The Kensai kit is a natural fit for FIghter / Mage btw

You don't need armor and it's only disadvantage for a Kensai is no armor.

That does also mean no Robes either, or any bracers as well for Kensai.

>Playing the Deities of Faerun mod,
That sounds cool

Armor doesn't mean shit late game. You won't even get it after you buff yourself with mage armor, mirror image, displacement, etc.

Dual or Multi?

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Not like you need them when you have Mirror Image and all your other spells.

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Multi. Dual sounds like too much work keeping EXP tables in mind.

If the combat's core ends up being pretty good and they release decent mod tools I'll be happy no matter what because somebody will make something decent eventually.


why is berserker not a kit of barbarian

After playing Kingmaker I really hope there are a ton of character building options. I'm not sure I could go back to something as basic as AD&D 2E.

Never liked dual or multi classes.
Playing pure classes adds replay-value.

How would you fix Monk?

Halflings with hairy feet

so for a fag who has never played any of these Baldur's Gate titles before what is the best option for doing so in the year of our Lord 2019? I've heard to avoid EE like the plague.

Because a number of classes were added as kits to the base classes that already existed.
Barbarian didn't exist previously.
Barbarian was supposed to be a kit class of warrior among the others iirc, but maybe they made its own class because they didn't want it in multi/dual classes.

No robes means, no robe of vecna and no instant cast of any spell up to level 5.
Time stop, alacrity and exploding skull spam for like 200d6 magic damage was fun.

Nah EE is fine itself

Enhanced Editions are generally fine as long as you ignore the Beamdog written NPCs

I just got Baldur's gate. Never played this genre before, and i've only ever played 5th edition DnD.
Is it a game you can play completely blind and ignorant? Or do need some pre-understanding of certain things before your go in i.e. that some classes/set-ups are just plain terrible.

Just don't buy Siege of Dragonspear.

Lower armor class and thac0 are better, and shapeshifter is garbo unless something changed with it.

Did you think Edwina still alive ?

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EE is fine, just don't recruit these guys and don't buy Siege of Dragonspear if you don't want Beamdog's OC.

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Edwina is tavern winch now

You're going to be disappointed.

Though you can recruit them if you just want to steal their stuff and leave them in a ditch. Neera brings the Gem Bag in BG1.

>good old times when it was still ok to gender-swap as a joke

Ok what is the deal with Dragonspear?

sjw ridden bad fan-fiction

I think Edwin as a mage is powerful enough to survive for more than a hundred years. Though I also think he's powerful enough to reverse that spell

>OC donut steel vampire has tons of OP abilities and a 98 total stat score with 20/20 STR/DEX (!!!)
they weren't even trying to be subtle were they
mod that removes them

Beamdog's shit writing at its finest. Even discounting that, it's not a very good campaign in general, far too linear and restrictive, especially in regards to things like the amount of NPCs actually in the campaign, and where you can go.

>amazing VA
ironic 80% of VA was not irenicus

all he needed was a pointy hat...
and 2000 years..

Baeloth, Wilson, and Rasaad are fine.

Only Dorn, Hexxat and Neera are cancer.

Aside from the SJW nonsense:
>Writing is mediocore at best, painful at it worst
>Characters barely have depth
>Plotholes and dialogue makes no sense
>Butchered personality from original BG companions
>Very linear
>Main antagonist makes zero sense
>PC responses are 1. good 2. neutral more info 3 evil in an asshole way 90% of the time

He'll be in BG3 as a pro-trans character.

I'm tempted to do do the Hexxat shit on my next playthrough. I avoided Beamdog's OC on my others but I can't deny my love for bambires. Is she really THAT bad?

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>minus on all Will throws

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Baeloth is hard to find anyway because you have to jump through some hoops to even get him to show up, and you have a limited period of when you can actually do it.

true neutral

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will doesn't work like that in baldur's gate

So happy I got the old versions before they stopped selling them.

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fair enough i just might be a dumbo, is been a very long time

you're not the dumb one, baldur's gate is for not implementing everything

Imagine if all the shit from the manual was actually in the game

>Buying games

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The little I played with her she came off as a frigid cunt.

I don't have any specific hopes except the one to be pleasantly surprised.

>5e (I guess)
>pause-based (fuck you I'm not using the zoomer phrase)
>reused stock assets from D:OS2 (they look nice and it saves dev time, giving us more varied locations)
>PROPER BG1-2 style equipment. I don't want a "light agile pick" unless it is named "Eskimo's vengeance" and has a text blurb about how some fucking dwarven serial killer was making a jacket out of orc fur using said light agile pick. I want fun, unique items.
>Not Imoen, but an Imoen-like stepsister! Who is cute!

Pathfinder:Kingsmaker has the right idea, but used a shitty engine and had a limited scope because of budget issues, not to mention it used an inferior ruleset. That shit just need a bigger budget now, and we will be golden.

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Yeah it said wisdom affect will saves in the manual right?
Did it say so somewhere in baldurs gate within the game too?

I know it didn't though.

Don't forget them trying to build up Safana as some strong female lead when she then tries to kill you because she's actually just a greedy cunt.

>Mages disrupt their own casts and suicide rush mobs to die
>My weapon has no effect! Better keep smacking them a few more times just to make sure and waste apr :^)
>Enemy kobold spotted on the other side of the map? Better sprint through all these petrification traps just to meet him
>Trying to sneak through a mob of demons for scouting? Better try to backstab one with your shitty dagger :^^^^^
Why is the AI so shit

>>PROPER BG1-2 style equipment. I don't want a "light agile pick" unless it is named "Eskimo's vengeance" and has a text blurb about how some fucking dwarven serial killer was making a jacket out of orc fur using said light agile pick. I want fun, unique items.
>>Not Imoen, but an Imoen-like stepsister! Who is cute!
Now these are good ideas.Also make the Imoen-like stepsister a romance option.

+ retconing characters because the writers thought they were written "sexist" in the old games

>I want fun, unique items.
Talking swords!

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Enserric > Lilarcor

I'd honestly prefer if they made up their own system over using 5e

What about turn-based 4E

That's the dream but it will literally never happen.

whats wrong with 5E. Apparently that neverwinter mmo adopted 4E and I thought that sucked.

Neverwinter was 4E in name only.

Eh, 5e isn't too shabby. It's better than the mess that is Pathfinder, and that still adapted fine in Kingsmaker.

The kingsmaker combat engine is really good in my opinion.

Name one thing in 5E even half as interesting as the Magus.

Enseric got real annoying after a while


i think it affects them only in the + figures

blood hunter?

Magus is fine:ish (ignoring the base mechanics in Pathfinder that cripples the whole system, magus can't be blamed for those) for normal tabletop playing.

I think the class has too much micro for a 6-man single player game though. That's the problem with a lot of these games. Pause-based game systems doesn't play too nice with classes that should be pressing buttons every round. That's why BG works but PoE doesn't. In BG, you are mostly managing positioning and aggro, while lining up the occasional spell. In PoE you are constantly pausing the game to check cooldowns. I notice I have the same problem with the half-orc and the undead elf in Pathfinder. I underutilize them because they have too many abilities.

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I thought the combat was the weakest part of Kingmaker.

Especially after D:OS2. If I'm being honest I hope they make it more like D:OS2 than core DnD.

RTWP or bust


Not official and it's boring and uninteresting to boot.

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The armor system in os2 was so bad because it encourages you to create a party using one damage type. Which is boring but optimal. I still played it with a mixed party. They should of kept the saving throw from the first game or simply make the armor system slightly better.

Why is Minsc a ranger again?

Nootral Good like Khelgar from NWN2. Kind of a dickhead but will have your back and buy you a drink if you're not a big cunt.

He befriended a giant hamster



Pathfinder's problem is that it's an overly complex, unbalanced mess of a system that is slow to play. Half of that problem doesn't exist in video game format.

How does that mean 5E will adapt well when it's a game that took the opposite approach and pared everything down for speed of play at a table?

can't you multiclass a fighter wizard in 5e? Magus was whatever. its a fighter with spellstrike gimick and illusion spells.

Pathfinder's problems are more than just being hard to play. On a more fundamental level, it carried over a lot of gameplay flaws from 3.5 that significantly impacted on the balance. A good starting example is the fact that fighters only get to full attack when standing still, while hp increases every level, making them less and less able to actually move in an encounter.

Or how touch spells become more and more effective as the game progresses as touch ac barely adjusts but caster BaB does.

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nature man who's in tune with the wild side of nature

i'm 3h in pathfinder and shit is so boring, i think BG2 ruined crpg for me

Not even 10% good enough to count and you're an idiot if you think that's all a Magus is.

Not to defend PF, but the only thing you need to know about PF is that that you need to cheese the fuck out of it to be effective. Min-Max like an autistic motherfucker and you will be fine.

what am I missing out on?

Rassad, Dorn and Baeloth are fine. And even dumbass Neera isn't that much out of place with the other dumbass quirky Good characters in Baldurs Gate.

Try their entire spell list and arcane pool.

Played through BG1 as a Fighter with pips in Bastard Sword and Shield. Should I edit my save for BG2 or is dual classing F/M with Bastard Swords and a Shield going to work just fine?

Because he's a wandering good guy like Aragorn instead of some wageslave Fighter cuck.

if you are a mage you don't need shields,you get stoneskin,blur,mirror image,protection from magical weapons,etc.

>Do you wish me dour and sour like most others? No, I say not. The animals run and play without care, and I would too ... if such a thing would not squish Boo flat.

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I know it's not minmax efficient, but will I still get the bonus against missiles and will it affect any if my spellcasting? And are the endgame Bastard Swords any good or should I edit my proficiency into another class?

I just love the Prince Phillip look, with Bastard Sword, a kite shield, plain clothing and some magic bullshit going on in the background.

>I know it's not minmax efficient
then just do it,know that with late-game enemies AC is irrelevant and they will hit you no matter what,that's why the mage protections are very good,and you would rather have a weapon in your off-hand than a shield at that point

Why is everyone playing this again all of a sudden? It go on sale or something?

Because BG3 got announced, so some anons who didn't play got curious and played.
Also GOG sale.

3 was announced

Oh, I didn't know. I didn't see any mention of 3 in the OPs and just figured it was a sale.

I guess it was a sale and the new game announced.

Other evil companions aren't from a race that's almost 99.99% universally evil.

Mage duels become hilarious once you get the staff of magi and cloak of non detection. Just bait out a spell and click the staff and oops, their spell has failed. Repeat until they run out then smack them down in melee.

Go back to /pol/.

I can accept you prefer bg1 but to call it better than Bg2, nigger please

>min/maxing in BG
I base my stats on Imoen's: 18, 17, 16, 16, 11, 9. 18 is my primary stat, 17 is the secondary for dual/multi-classing, 16 is for charisma and constitution, 11 is for whatever mental stat or dex I have left, 9 is for whatever physical stat or strength I have left.

My current character is going to dual from fighter to cleric at 7 and has the following stats: Str 18, dex 9, con 16, int 11, wis 17, char 16.

you're so awesome

Man I've tried to get into Baldur's gate so many times now and I just can't fucking do it. Theres something about the combat that I just can't get to grips with. I know everything is taking turns and rolling dice before they do something, but the fact it seems to happen all at once without any clear indication makes me feel like i'm barely in control of anything. I've experimented with the script stuff and It feels like I can either set it to "micro these 5 guys" or "the game plays itself, poorly" with no inbetween.
I've got a feeling i'm going to be insult for it, but I much prefer the true turn-based system divinity:OS 1 and 2 have since it actually feels like D&D to me, or I atleast feel like I know whats going on and can plan.
Am I just missing something, or is that just how things are in BG?

You are not missing something.

Will we team up with Boo's bros to take out the mindflayers in BG3?

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RTwP is really like that. That's part of why I don't like it as much.
I mean, things are basically happening 'all at once', and you pause anyway to check the logs and scroll up if you ever missed something OR you pause every 1 second, which makes the whole system moot at that point.
Not to mention everyone getting mashed together so at times it's hard to target specific spells when someone is in front of another one.

It's really fun with a wild mage where you constantly have to pause and check to see what the fuck just happened when the spell surges and you don't see the effect.

I want a new Ultima gaem.

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Man why are paladins so ''eh'' in roleplaying games
They're generally just a crappier fighter in these type of games and it makes me sad.
Carsomyr doesn't even make up for them imo.

because they're situational fighters
but situational always sucks

I think it's more to the fact that games always lazily implement paladin
the only game I played that was fun to be a paladin in was diablo 2. And that is noway near tabletop.

BG2 is a quirky monty haul campaign

Elder Scrolls is basically the spiritual successor to Ultima

Lie down and die and never get back up again.

god I wish

it literally is though,you retard

my brother from another mother

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Yeah, except it's not, mongoloid.

>huge world to explore and interact with,most items you can interact with
oh noo you can't bake bread in Elder Scrolls,give me a break you retard,also the writing and combat in Ultima are fucking dogshit,the Ultima setting itself is also dogshit and most characters are self-inserts of retarded nerds

I don't get why so many people have hurdles over it, what it boils down to is just a more flexible turn based system.

Just pause every time you want to cast something or some enemy seems to be breaking through the melee engagements, for most tough fights you want to pause almost every action, but if it's a group of trash mobs and you can just have your warriors roll through them. Use the numbers on your keyboard to select characters, and you're good.

the entire body of Elders Scrolls writing that doesn't come from Morrowind is about a million times worse than the writing in any ultima game that isn't 9

Now I wonder if Edwin would be a good waifu, after coming to terms with fact that Elminster's spell won't be broken.

>uhh what should we call the monarch of this continent
>uhhm...let me self insert as LORD BRITISH
>and the continent itself?
>but wait...let me self insert as one more extremely important character to the series,I am le peaceful ranger that loves nature and shit,just like in real life!!!

Turn based is superior in every way and always has been

The shittiest throwaway book in TESO os better than the entirety of Ultima VI + Underworld. But I don't expect your cookie cutter eyes to see the truth because the CRPG community is built on blind nostalgiafaggotry and arbitrary gatekeeper hipsterism.

Didn't Infinity Engine had turn base mode? Never tried though.

Oh yeah, it's so great wasting my fucking time after the key enemies are down and you're just mopping up trash for minutes. Or when you get another throwaway mob encounter and have to micro the same warriors, rangers and wizard to attack the same targets, watch every animation, etc, when in RTwP you can just have Misc and Clean wrap up the kobolds and move along with your party.

There are literally no downsides to RTwP besides the higher entry barrier, turn based is for brainlets and chink games.

fuck you niggers,rtwp is great,nothing is as great as putting improved haste/whirlwind on your melee fighters and have them swing like 5 times a second

*Minsc and Coran, fuck phoneposting

What are some older games like baldurs gate that have proper turn based combat that are just as beloved? I'd like to play the genre's classics

>tfw playing through the entirety of BG1 and IWD and then importing into BG2.

God that was such a fun ride I wish my dude could have continued adventuring like that forever.

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You can set it to auto-pause after every action, seems kinda pointless.

Temple of Elemental Evil is pretty much bootleg BG but turn based.

Why not both?
It is not like it is impossible since arcanum and might and magic series managed to have both turn and real time, and a bit of skill was to know what system to use for this fight.

Yeah no, feature creep is a dangerous thing and I really wouldn't use Arcanum as an example for combat. Not settling on one system is probably the single worst thing about that game, Might and Magic feels really janky next to other dungeon crawlers too.

The only game that made the flex system work is Deadfire, and that's because it was just one weird dude in the office with very little to do overhauling the entire game from the ground up, and you have to choose which mode you're going to play from the start.

temple of elemental evil

Speaking of CRPG, I'm starting PoE2 for the first time. Is turn based or RTwP better?

I just hope it sells well and can get a console release since they're planning multiplayer, desu. Hanging out local co-oping in Divinity was fun.

Both are fine. If you like RTwP I'd take priority because RTwP games don't come around as often.

Even Deadfire and Icewind Dale gets consoles releases nowadays.

>Beamdog will never be able to get their hands on IWD2


If d&d rulesets have taught me literally anything in all my years, NEVER go pure melee unless you want to press 1 button and fall asleep on your keyboard

I don't get why people are so triggered over MC fighters. Even if you want to RP as a brute, you're still casting spells with your party's clerics, wizards and Goodberry fabrics.

What's a beamdog?

>tfw get shit on for liking fighters in fantasy games
one of my favorite aspects is a ''regular'' (fighter can hardly be called regular at high levels) person using magical artifacts and weapons to get by. Kinda like iron man with his suit or batman with his gadgets

Although, BG is perfect, and can´t be improved by any source short of Steven Spielberg getting involved, there exists a subtle racism vs gnomes and dwarves. We must believe dwraves to be greedy and evil and gnomes perverted. Sad.

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A bunch of weird fetishists who like magical realming people by inserting their shit into classic games.

Since this is going to be based on 5e, can someone give me a quick rundown on the races and classes that can likely be expected?

I dunno, what's a beamdog with you?

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I really want to get into baldur's gate brehs...but I just can't stand this kind of gameplay, the lateness of response of my actions makes me mad.

Sounds like it's not for you

Although BG is perfect and no game will ever come even close to it, there is some discrimination vs. gnomes and dwarves that needs to be addressed. Dwarves are not all greedy and gnomes are not all perverts. Deal with it, stupid humans!

it's just not for you
so many people have this problem too, they keep trying to force themselves to play baldur's gate because they hear it's ''so good''
you needn't play this game, do what you enjoy my guy

So you play Bards?

shoo little zoom zoom not for you

Chaotic Neutral.

t. brainlet

I hope they have Lizardmen!!!!


It's just low quality filler and totally inconsequential for the rest of the games. Besides a couple of unmemorable items, it has zero impact in BG2.

There might be rioting if Minsc and Boo don't show up... eh? I hope they bring back Vicky. She's sooooo hot.

Wait for BG3. Just like Fallout 3, it will be made with your kind as primary audience.

Garrick is awesome. Saves a fortune on identify spells.

fixed that for you

>excited when I heard about IWD/IWD2-in-EET
>Faggot author force you to play SoD to use EET (it because is official canon!)
>IWD not release and probably never will be since the author tends to dissapear and beamdogs patching (or not patching) ruins everything
I still don't why i allow myself to feel any kind of hype

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Ah Yea Forums you're awake. Its time for more experiments. Don't worry you should survive the process.

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inquisitor paladin with carsomyr breaks the game if you get the right gear

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Cernd. Garrick is bad but still, being BG1 you at least have some an unique class and can be useful in some way. Cernd feels unnecesary since you can meet Jaheria since the beginning and the werewolf thing sounds cool... but it gets boring pretty fast.

What the hell is this gay font

I can argue that they implemented in a better roleplay? way in IWD. Which it's a pain in the ass with the "No, I'm a faggot and cannot accept rewards for my deeds".

And fighter was better imo.

You know I have been a console gamer for years now and I know how to use one but... playing Baldurs Gate with a dualshock?!

Planescape works though its a VN with minimal fighting.

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carsomyr's dispel makes some of the more annoying things in the game go away and the 20 charisma is fun for role playing. maybe the fighter is slightly better in combat but i think it would be a close call 1v1

Yeah, I know. I've completed a playthrough with a cavalier. I just felt fighter was better, even with cavalier + carsomyr. But my point was that games basically implement them as generally weaker fighters

Is there mental saving throw like in 3.5?


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i think 5e is pretty balanced though and isnt that what theyll be using for bg3

Hopefully. I've had a blast playing paladin in 5e

I would like to have incest with you beautiful sister thief mage.

Hey it's me, the much needed thief/mage spot filler who is super underleveled by the time you rescue me!

I was expecting the romance to be less dramatic and more... naughty

You have to be a chad to be a paladin.

In BG2, my PC sorceror is just casting damaging spells. Should I use more crowd controller spells? But they all have + saving throws, which the high leveled enemy can easily make, except spook and slow.

How does one get this image pack?

in bg2 I didn't really make use of crowd control spells and I got by easy enough on hard difficulty. For a long while until I got them nice high level spells I basically just only used minute meteor's + defensive buffs
I didn't even really have to strip defenses that much because of keldron

i hope time stop will be available in bg3

was really disappointed pathfinder didnt have it

You are based my friend.
Should also start with a feat that does the following
>+4 CHA if whoever you are talking to has

Hm, possibly. I can see them not having it because it'd be too OP.
And that's implying we'll even get to that high of a level, for all we know they might do a bg1 and cap us at level 8-9

100% agree.
Adore both games, but 1 had a charm to it that 2 cannot beat.
ToB was absolutely terrible and I had to force myself to finish it.

I'm surprised you even had to force yourself
everything was over so quickly that it left a ''is that really it'' feeling

Is the harper elf any good as a cleric replacement?


i really hope this game doesn't just go from levels 1-8 that would kind of suck. late game spells should feel OP but the enemies should be OP as well. BG2 did this pretty well so they have a road map for it

Jan is in my team every time.

Thanks good user.

Tips for monk? Looking to powergame.

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Rough it out until like, level 14

I'm going to play BG2 for like the 5th time.
Any big content mods I should use to mix things up a bit?
Does any of them add quality content?

This -> You'll be shit for the entirety of BG1. But you'll get pretty crazy good later on.

If you are using BGT/EE is kinda hard or just annoying in BG. In BG2 you can't still be a full frontliner but at least you can start be more useful. Remember to ally with the mad king in underwater city.

lurk moar

Lawful Evil

I was kinda dissapointed that you can't get her pregnant like with aerie

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if 500, Saeri in BG3!

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