Naoto is trans

>Naoto is trans
>Kanji is gay
>Yusuke is bisexual

Why is the persona fan base so retarded.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Cause Persona is gay

The weird thing about Persona is that the fanbase don't really see the subtext, in a series based around Jungian psychology and social interaction.

>Naoto face actual misogyny in her field and wants to be treated the same as her male peers >durr she wants to be a boy
>Kanji feels inadequate about enjoy frilly things
>durr he must be gay
>Yusuke is eccentric
>hurr he's gay too
These sorta people have taken away the opposite of P4's entire core theme, because representation means so much to them.

There are retards like that in every semi-popular fanbase though. Particularly on twitter/tumblr
>This character is completely asexual/aromantic because they don't have a love interest in the story and aren't total flirts with anyone/talk about sex often
>this character is trans cause they act a bit like the other gender or have some traits of the other gender (e.g A tall woman who is very muscular must be a trans woman)
However I guess Persona is more of a special case cause those examples could certainly be interepreted that way if you only look at the surface level, and in those types of fans eyes the character being gay or trans is "teased"

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The only one that bothers me is Kanji not being gay. Let me romance Kanji damn it

Exactly. Even when the opposite is clearly stated they just outright ignore it.

>the average weeb is to dumb to understand anything harder than muh bonds
not surprising desu senpai

Basically this, it's an utterly superficial and, dare I say, bigoted view of their characters.

To be fair, Persona's writers lost all sense of subtlety a long time ago.

>kanji is gay
>despite him clearly still having an interest in Naoto even once her truly sex is revealed

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but user, Naoto is a trans man. That proves Kanji is gay.

Why is the WESTERN Persona fanbase so retarded.

But it's the normies that insist about the Kanji and Naoto thing that go "ew japanese culture so problematic"

Yusuke is too poor to get a boner over anything

Kanji is the straightest person on the team. Despite Naoto being dressed as a guy his dick still wanted a piece. He subconsciously saw through her outfit and it made him think he was gay.

Naoto is a crossdresser which is a completely different thing.

She had that whole sex change scene. Tumblrinas take away that she wants a sex change and is trans. Instead of taking away she only wanted respect and to be treated seriously and the only way for that in her mind was being a man thus the scene and cross dressing.

>Devil May Cry
What other vidya fanbases have fujos and gays try to weasel there sexual disposition/fetish onto?

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Dante is asexual though
He's a Capcom character

Tales, though one of the more recent titles had a homo relationship as strict canon.

The funny thing is that people thinking Kanji is gay is exacly what created his insecurities in the first place.

Yusuke was originally supposed to be gay/bisexual though. Check the dialogue in the unused social link. Not saying he is, I’m just saying he the character was originally written as one.

Wasn't that also the case with Yosuke in P4?
It's irrelevant.

Kingdom Hearts?

>accepted herself
>gay doubts mean gayness
>low functioning artist

They still play up that joke of Kanji being scared of being seen as a faggot all the way up to BBTAG. It's so fucking stupid.

>>Kanji is gay

Literally says "It's not about liking girls or guys, I'm just scared shitless of being rejected" after the boss. Or words to that effect, can't really get more black and white than that.

Because they fundamentally miss the point of their individual character arcs.

Kanji is at least a prancing La-la homoman, no one can deny that

It's not even the persona fanbase. It's the tumblrina fujoshi girls that latched itself onto the game when they saw "cute anime boys" and started trying to project their sexual frustrations on them.

Final fantasy
Ace attorney

P4Arena cemented that all character growth was non-canon by making the cast retain their original personae. All because it'd be more recognizable to the casual audience.

But P4Arena is a storyline sequel to P4 though

Yes, I'm aware. And yet it defaulted everyone back to their original personae, depriving everyone of their development. Remember that your persona is a manifestation of your psyche, and that the main game doesn't let you just "go back" to your old persona.

>Why is the persona fan base so retarded.
Because it's filled with nothing but normalfags and waifufags now, oh and the hateful P1/2 and P3 fags who hate the P4 and P5 fags but each other even more

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So it's just bad writing then. I mean, who gives a fuck it's just a fighting game, but they're the ones who chose to make it a canon sequel so whatever.

P$A was worth it just for those fucking sick new designs of the Persona 3 cast.

The actual faggot is Yosuke

Riku is pretty gay to be fair, though what fujos have done to organization xiii is unacceptable

In a game all about accepting who you are they deadass just had Yosuke treat Kanji like a gay rapist the entire game lmao

I swear most persona fans these days haven't even played a persona game and just watched someone play P5 on youtube.

Hope this wont come across as if im gate keeping but i dont understand how people label themselves huge persona fans and endlessly praise it when they never even played one of the games.

I guess we have smash to thank for that, although the people that cry about no persona 5 on switch are funny as fuck

>Tales of
>Final Fantasy
>Kingdom Hearts
Pretty much anything Japanese and the girl games aren't safe either /u/ fags are somehow WORSE than fujos

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This. What an annoying homo.

Yusuke was supposed to be bi though all the others are tumblr tier head cannon shit. He had cut lines that heavily implied he had feelings for the protag. Yusuke being bi would make him more interesting then just being a horrible Junpei clone.
Also, Jun is straight up gay but no one ever talks about Persona 2 when they bring this shit up oddly, maybe its because the people who talk about that shit are just surface level fans who only are in it for the fandom itself.

>>Hope this wont come across as if im gate keeping

gate keeping/bullying is the only way to stop these people from infecting our communities in the first place

The armchair Personafags came around way before Smash. Persona broke out of “niche” at P4 and became mainstream at P5. Ever since that game released, particularly in the West, we’ve had faggots running their mouths about games they haven’t even played.

In addition to his rampant homophobia, Yosuke also has a super gay outfit(the pink shirt with white stripes) and gets Teddie to live with him so he can dress Teddie up.

He is literally and figuratively a fag

Yosuke, not Yusuke. Proof that people in this very thread don’t even play the games, they just parrot shit they heard.

It doesn't help that a smash streamer gets donated literal thousands of dollars by 1 person to stream persona on top of his regular donations, exposing even more people to persona

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>People forget the most forgettable P5 character besides Haru, so they fill in the blanks with the most annoying P4 character
Sounds about right.

What do you mean by armchair? Never seen it in that context before.

There seems to be a big obession in the persona community lately with "fake" fans, I'm not really sure I follow, the anime/youtube playthroughs should carry the plot well enough, and while I certainly don't care to experience the story that way I'm not sure why it's any less valid.

Do the gameplay mechanics in Persona, external to maybe the choices that carry the social interactions forward, in any way change the way someone would percieve the writing or any of the characters? It feels like a non issue.

I don't remember unironic yurifaggots clinging to FF aside from maybe 13 which is a garbage entry either way.

>i dont understand how people label themselves huge persona fans and endlessly praise it when they never even played one of the games.
>Blames Smash
Smash Bro. is just the end result, Persona 4 had 2 popular anime that brought normalfags into the fandom. Half of the people I spoken to who've heard of Persona got into it thanks to those anime


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yurifags attach themselves to the girl games like Neptunia, Ateler and anything with a majority female cast

>P$A was worth it just for those fucking sick new designs of the Persona 3 cast.

Reminder that Ultimax gave us Risette and Mrie instead or P3MC or Metis

The Naoto thing is doubly hilarious because if she's supposed to be trans the moral of her story is
>"Remember, only men want to be and should be in law enforcement"
What a progressive story

Yosuke legitimately felt like someone I'd want to date and all of his homophobic lines felt hamfisted. I look this up and all the sudden it makes sense. He was meant to be gay/bi but I guess the developers were too scared of backlash

Different experiences i guess, i see most of these types of fans in smash discords, twitter accounts etc.

To be fair their names are only different by one letter

All of them.

>all of his homophobic lines felt hamfisted

It's just plain bad writing to have one of the main characters give someone shit for being seen as gay when the entire point of the Kanji part as well as the whole game is that it's okay to be yourself.

>Also, Jun is straight up gay but no one ever talks about Persona 2 when they bring this shit up oddly
Half the people that do bring it up haven't even played P2, all they can talk about it is
>"dude Jun is gay"
>"dude Hitler lmao"
>"dude IS dark ending"
>"worse than dead forgotten XD"
Then stare at you blankly if you talk about anything beyond that

name one non-retarded fanbase

You're just a faggot confusing for signals that aren't there because you're an obnoxious faggot.

I want to take Mishima and tenderly fuck him while peppering his face with little kisses!

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I don't buy it was a backlash issue, Persona 2 innocent sin had a gay romance option, and that was released almost a decade before 4.

More likely they just scrapped it for time, it's a damn shame though, it would have made the characters arc a lot more pallatable, as it stands he's just a weirdly homophobic prick that no one calls out.

Experiencing the story as a passenger through a youtube playthrough gives you a fundamentally different experience and therefore interpretation of that experience and understanding of the characters than playing it yourself.
The same events in different context can lend vastly different interpretations.
If you only watched somebody else play the game, you probably didn't pay nearly as much attention to the character interactions as you would have had the character interactions literally only happened in response to your own actions no matter how railroaded.

“I’m an expert about this series even though I know almost nothing about it”

Like those people that read a few threads on a subreddit about space or something and then think they are a subject matter expert

Because P4 dumbed down the franchise for casual appeal which brought in mass retards who can't actually understand and proccess what they read.

>Remember, only men want to be and should be in law enforcement
Worse it's:
>The only way a woman can work in a male dominated field is to completely get rid of their female identity and literally become a man

The non bay transformers fanbase is really chill and polite, I've never had a single problem with the gundam fandom either.

Ill admit I haven't played it, is Jun being a romance partner significant at all? I guess by that I mean does yours and his sexuality ever come up at all or is it just 'Bioware Gay' level? I'm aware it's a PS1 game so I'm not expecting much.

The post you're replying to doesn't use a typo as an argument, it is about somebody further up the reply chain applying information to the wrong character on accident.
You dunce.

poor guy

Why care what the LGBT say? They like putting sexuality/gender to fictional character. Let them be happy

Very opinionated people with minimal knowledge of a subject.

>Persona 2 innocent sin had a gay romance option
It did?

Gotcha, thanks man

Jun doesn't join until the very end of the game and you get 2-3 unique demon negotiations (of which there are a lot) if you do it and that's it, the game's character designer thinks that Jun is the canon romance but the game's sequel all but confirms it's Maya

Because Western console gamers are fags and trannies.

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P5 and most of all P4 was a mistake, the series should have stayed weird, horror themed RPGs instead of psudo para-Psychology dating sims. Evokers were an inspired way to scare away normalfags

Although P5 is personally my favourite, i gotta admit i love the atmosphere and tone of P3 the best out of the 3 modern persona games

Nigga psychology is a huge part of megaten in general.

Persona always had psychology, it's called fucking persona, the Jungian shit is in the title.

I tried P1 and P2 but couldn't get into it because of the gameplay. I guess the PS2 SMT games spoiled me. I should probably at least watch an LP so I can decide for myself whether the story is as great as people make it out to be.

P2 would have made a really great OVA series, it's a shame that never materialized.

It's not that simple, for one, if it's contradictory to a theme of the character how can we accept it? Especially for a game where it's so important. Secondly, if you tell some LGBT people that Kanji isn't gay, they treat you like a bigot.

>The same events in different context can lend vastly different interpretations
It dosen't help that, while a lot of the choices don't actually change anything. being able to make them yourself and seeing the results is an important part of the game and opens your mind to many more possibilities, watching some streamer make the choices ends up codifying the choices as "cannon" thus causing the viewer to think that thats how the scene plays out with no wiggle room for interpretation due to different choices. Streaming turned the series into an even worse anime than the actual anime

The last month of Persona 3 does a lot of heavy lifting, especially when the last month of P4/5 are so poor.

Because they won't let you be happy if you express your own opinions on the very same matter.

Only gay shit in Persona is Tatsujun and the insane overtext of Goro Akechi being in the closet. Everything else is fujoshit

My mistake, I typed the descriptions wrong but I still think they should have went more weird instead of making things less creepy

This. I tried to start a discussion about this topic and twitter and was endlessly barraged by people who all had something similar to joker cutout on top of a trans flag for their profile pictures.

No one them even wanted to discuss it and just come out with all the labels in the book.

Kanji has a thing for guys probably. When Yu puts on drag in the dungeon, Kanji mentions that Yu is beautiful and makes him feel confused. He's not gay though, that's for sure.

Even if he does it doesn't make his storyline and dungeon about his sexuality.

I like the idea that his entire dungeon was directly caused by Naoto cross-dressing an confusing him and giving him other issues.

Naoto isn't trans
Kanji is pretty fucking gay
All Japanese are bisexual, look at their declining population, check out those fucking QnAs with the Gachi guys, it's entire stadiums full of young men who "totally not gay I swear"

I do agree, the horror has been lost, but I do enjoy how stark the tonal contrast between 3,4 and 5 are, Persona Q actually makes a point of discussion how much darker the 3 content is.

5, I think, has a lot of very dark content, maybe not the same sort of lovecraftian horror darkness, but a social pressure that suffocates everyone in the game, that them of rebellion is very well integrated into the plot.

4 is just straight up an anime mystery story, with fun offbeat characters, it's very good at that, but is probably my least favorite.

, I think, has a lot of very dark content, maybe not the same sort of lovecraftian horror darkness, but a social pressure that suffocates everyone in the game, that them of rebellion is very well integrated into the plot.

P5's theme is the strongest I think, I doubt there's a person alive out there who hasn't been fucked over by the system.

Kanji is just confused because Japanese men look very effeminate. He is into girls but Japanese men look like girls in boys clothes as proven by Naoto.

From what I understand the Japanese script makes it a lot more clear cut that he is attracted to men, so it's not a clear cut issue, but it's definitely worth discussing.

Personally, in the material that I played, which was 4 and then golden, I think it's very clear that he is not gay, I haven't seen the anime(s) but I've heard it's absolutely terrible.

>I haven't seen the anime(s) but I've heard it's absolutely terrible.

I saw most of it and stopped it was decent but so close to the game that I wondered what the point of it was. Take out the gameplay and the story really isn't that great. Didn't watch Persona 5 anime for the same reason.

P5 apart from Kamoshida felt like they were just dipping their toes into the deep end of messed up shit but were to afraid of alienating the player base that they refused to dive in and actually commit. Ryuji is a good example he only looks like a trouble maker and is a good boy even though everyone is telling him he's a delinquent

we don't need another intrusive Mary Sue
but she's kinda cute
even though i want more Makoto screentime

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The anime is just ok. The fights are kinda eh but all the SoL/social shit is alright. It also gives Yu some good characterization and some scenes like the hospital ones are better than the game honestly.

Unironically I do feel Mikleo and Sorey had a bit of the gay going on. I never completed it though

Haru needs more relevancy

But the point is these kids aren't what the adults are saying they are,that's the whole point. It's why you're labelled a troublemaker by people who haven't even met you when you start your new school.

Ryuji was more of a throwback to P4 than any other character in that regard. Everyone figures he's a bad kid and after a while he just goes with it because he's tired of fighting the overwhelming perception.

Understatement of the century. It's full on love. One of the (canon) side books that expand on the lore has Sorey talk about his teammates. While he gives maybe one or two cursory sentences, even for the girls, he waxes poetic on how beautiful Mikleo is for a few paragraphs.

>Mikleo and Sorey
The shitty anime pretty much made them gay, it also paired up Alishia and Rose for attention since the anime was a flop. Fuck Zestria was a shitshow in everything they tried

>watching 100h of gameplay on youtube instead of playing them yourself

Haru needs to be introduced earlier in the game, Makoto unlocks late as a playable character as well, but she's in the plot fairly early, Haru is just dropped in last and gets very little screen time, mechanically he is just also pointless, her Social Link mechanics are so late game that I doubt most people even use them, and you've already built up your party at that point..

So you just keep pretending to be one even if you're not one

They rarely do that, they watch the 9 hour movie videos made of all the games cutscenes spliced together instead.

>Everyone figures he's a bad kid and after a while he just goes with it because he's tired of fighting the overwhelming perception.
But he never does anything actually "bad" he just dresses up like he does, that's the problem, Ryuji is just a poser

That's part of the plot, too. Did you sleepwalk through Persona 5?

What the fuck is wrong with Rise.

Haru was doomed to continued irrelevancy the moment Kasumi began existing. It's pretty clear Kasumi is going to be integral to the plot in all of the early places Haru could've been put into and is going to have far more impact on it as well.

But then, Haru was screwed from the jump by the weird insistence on only having one new party member per dungeon, and she just happened to draw the short straw and join up last even though she's at Shujin Academy from before the beginning of the game. It's unfortunate, but that's how Atlus decided to roll with her and they seemingly have no intentions of altering that.

Wow Rise.
Way to be a cunt to a teammate.

Riku held a girl's hand by the end. If anything, Axel is the turbo gay.

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Never said he wasn't. He's playing into what people expect him to be because it's easier than trying to alter the communities perception of who he actually is. Subverting those expectations was the biggest theme in the entire game, in case you missed that part.

Her and Kanji.

Kamoshida's writing and general groundedness and relatability was so fucking on point it made every villain after him flat as fuck.

I guarantee you these are the same "people" who drummed up a shitstorm about the leotard.

Kamoshida was, like, shit, if you didn't know about something like that happening in Highschool you'd have heard stories, it's such a real, grounded thing, and at the same time horrifying to watch play out, the game never quite topped that.

Yosuke is gay
Kanji is bisexual
Yusuke is pansexual

>Hope this wont come across as if im gate keeping

Came from resetera or reddit, huh?

For real. Starting with Kamoshida was the best thing the game did but was also one of its biggest flaws. The party has no real attachment to Madarame (aside from Yusuke) and you don’t really see him do bad shit, it just gets dumped on you that he’s a scumbag and you’re like, “oh, okay”. Kaneshiro and everyone after aside from Futaba feels like a Saturday morning cartoon villain. Futaba was also pretty good, but I feel like it only really resonates with you if you have had experience with mental illness or extreme anxiety.

What is this supposed to prove?
They have some joke options in a persona game.

Madarame is like 'this guy is scamming people nd forging paintings...oh and he totally let Yusuke's mother die!"

>>Kanji is gay
t. People who missed the entire point.

Kanji isn't gay. Shadows exaggerate a person's insecurities. Yukiko and Rise aren't sluts. Kanji likes things that are labeled as feminine so his shadow manifested as LOL GAY. Not gonna bother with "Naoto is trans" because that's just retarded headcanon.

also Yosuke is gayer than Kanji ever was. HAHA SO HOW ABOUT THOSE GIRLS, BRO? HAHA DON'T TOUCH ME, KANJI. YOU MIGHT MAKE ME GAY. Then there's his "That's for girls" social link cutscene. If someone at Atlus told me Yosuke is closet bi I would believe them.

Kamoshida really fucked with me because my high school’s music teacher was him, to a tee. He had sex with a few students and he made them keep quiet by either threatening to fail them, threatening to kill himself if they told anyone, or both. He eventually got caught and sentenced, but fuck man.

I had such a visceral reaction to Kamoshida’s arc that I had to put the game down for a couple days. It was that good, and that real.

Why do people want Kanji to be straight so bad? There are so many scenes throughout Persona 4 and the spinoffs where Kanji is shown to be aroused by the thought of men. Like him getting aroused at Akihiko. He's at least bisexual. He leans toward gay though.

He's straight tho.

>Wants to ravage Naoto’s big fat tits since she first appeared, literally can see her femininity through her disguise and want to obliterate her coon
>Leans toward gay

I think it's more the case that with Kamoshida it was personal, and it was personal because you saw his evil play out in real time and it affected you directly. Madarame was a shitty guy to be sure, but his only real beef was with Yusuke, and it's hard to get too upset about some guy who's biggest crime until the reveal is taking credit from some paintings. Kaneshiro was just some asshole, quickly introduced and just as quickly forgotten. Futaba's mom was personal for her but had no impact on you, which is understandable, but still. Okumura was just another asshole whose crimes we don't even see; we're just told he's a shitty person and that's that. Shido is the only other villain with a personal connection, but he's too distant to really get mad at, and he doesn't even remember the protagonist until he explicitly takes his mask off which lessens the personal connection as well.

So yeah, people thinking Kamoshida was the best villain isn't surprising. It's not so much that he's great in and of himself, he's just the most hateable because he's aware and actively acting against the Thieves. Everyone else is just kind of there and usually doesn't even have a beef with the Thieves themselves.

Madarame was Mementos level let's be real.

My thoughts too. No straight man acts like that, he’s definitely a closeted pansexual or something since he does find women attractive too

I remember that beign kind of an issue. I never had a chance to hang out with her because most of the school is locked off during the last part of the game for plot reasons, so I never really went to hang out with her. And by that point I was already committed to maxing out other characters and waifuing Futaba, so she never really crossed my mind, to the point where I didn't realize until the final dungeon I never even got Baton Pass unlocked for her.

Pansexual? Naoto was dressed overtly masculine (at least diagetically, as a viewer she's obviously a girl), he seemed mostly to be attracted to her for her masculine traits, he didn't really know anything about her, he's bisexual if anything.

All fanbases

The anime for 4 was enjoyable enough for me just because it had a Yu that took all the wacky and full chad dialogue options.

Im not sure what the deal with 5's was, I just remember it being boring as shit.

He's insecure because he enjoys feminine hobbies. This is pretty blatantly spelled out in the game.

How the fuck is Persona 4 too smart for some people?

Yousuke was the removed gay option. His social link has an alt in the files at rank 8 like all the girls.

Persona is a Japanese psy-op to turn the west into little limp-wristed faggots by making it seem like homosexuals and the transgendered are socially accepted, thus destroying their culture.
The transgendered and homosexuals run rampant more than ever and the government are succumbing to their will.
Japan is destroying the rest of the world and no one can see this.
Stop playing Persona and have sex.

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Ikr, whenever i discuss topics like this with other people its almost like were not even talking about the same game.

>Yousuke was the removed gay option.
That explains so much.

>persona will never go back to 2 and 3 tier writing
Now it's all just anime bullshit.
If SMTV is a disappointment I might actually hang myself. Its my last bastion of hope for Atlus.

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Fuck off you faggot, jesus. I hate persona elitists.

>P1 and P2 weren't anime bullshit.
Okay, ironic weeaboo. I know you've never played them.

This is a shit take and people only think this because he's the first bad guy. The rest seem less good because you get used to the formula.

>The rest seem less good because you get used to the formula.

No, Madarame is worse because he's just fucking scam artist, Kamoshida was an abuser who walked amongst the place you studied.

This. Kanji saw dat ass and deep down he knew it couldn't be male.

I guess they wanted to really have p3mc stay dead but now they brought him back anyway in the dancing game and stuff

Well, he is a literal criminal that takes part in targeted mind rape heists, as he would love to remind you.

Madarame let Yusuke's mom die so he could steal her art and take credit for it, and so that he could become Yusuke's guardian to further exploit him. He was arguably worse than Kamoshida, ethically speaking.

That part felt so fucking thrown in just to make him seem evil.

The dancing game, and Q 1 and 2, are set in between 3, Shinjiro is also in them, so.

Lads, I love Makoto.

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This only started when P4G followed by P5 gained attention for being exclusive to Neogaf's favorite company's machines in a time of dry releases.

That was literally (LITERALLY) told to us at the last minute. A throwaway few lines just so the game could be like “look guys, sure he was a scumbag before, but now he’s definitively evil!”

full of stupid western normies who try to push their dumb shit on characters to make themselves feel special. they could just promote jun, who is actually gay, but they don't know p2 exists.

Because no one would care if he was just an artist taking credit for shit he didn't do

Not really, it was pretty clearly thought out. The fact that he has Sayuri and tricked Yusuke into thinking it was his work proves that they carefully thought out the whole "he exploited his mom, then yusuke himself" thing. It was there from the beginning.

>That was literally (LITERALLY) told to us at the last minute.
... and?

Hence why he's a flat villain.

>Not really, it was pretty clearly thought out

Sae is best villain. Getting redeamed at the 11th hour doesn't change the fact that she's the active antagonist throughout the game.

>>Not really, it was pretty clearly thought out
Yeah, that's what I said.

>the ppl claiming naoto, kanji and yosuke's sexuality are the same who whine for assuming their genders
the irony

those people aren't fans they're just retarded letsplay watchers.
don't pay attention to them.

>wipe out 99% of the warrior caste
>wonder why nips only make gay stuff

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The op called him yusuke. Not that anyone cares, we have the same thread every day.

>could certainly be interepreted that way if you only look at the surface level,
that was literally kanji's case and turned out to be something else.

>genders are a social construct
>but i also definitely feel like man though my body is a womens


Yusuke would fuck males or females if it were for the sake of art.

>he doesn't know
Warriors used to fuck young boys, user

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People undersell the shit out of P5's villains beyond Kamoshida and I don't know why.

Ruined the lives of dozens of aspiring artists by having them sink time and money into works of art that they never got financial compensation for. His art gallery is literally a giant showcase of every single individual life he literally ruined. Yusuke himself is poor throughout the entire game because he spent his life under Madarame's influence and, through the course of the plot, never bounced back financially. He's literally poor up to the end of the game, a victim of Madarame's influence.

Legit abducts Makoto, has her pinned to the ground by a grown man, and attempts to blackmail your entire party if you don't all become his slaves. Tells Makoto that he's going to induct her into a trafficking ring, and use her as leverage so that he can do the same thing to her sister.

The one villain I will admit is underdeveloped, just because Haru is also underdeveloped. All he really does is treat employees like dirt and he essentially uses Haru as property for political gain. An asshole for sure but not as egregious as the other guys, and not as personal because you barely know Haru at this point in the game.

A character that you know will eventually end up on your side, and you know has a soft spot. She's the sister to your party member, who is very well developed by this point in the game, so her dungeon is very unique in the sense that you don't really want to be there, but you have to be there so you aren't arrested. It's similar to Futaba's dungeon in that sense, and everyone sucks that dungeon's veiny cock 24/7 so I don't see why Sae's should be any different.

He's fucking Shido. The whole reason you're even in Tokyo doing the shit you're doing. The most personal a villain can get.

3/10 needs more buzzwords

Schizophrenic danger to himself and others begone

How about you work for it, user? Why don't you come and change my heart, nijima-san?

Atlus is too retarded to realize they could have just had non-canon fighters, they even came up with a stupid plot reason for Shadow Labrys to still be around