Pathfinder : Kingmaker

Why did they make Sycamore so huge? This early on the avarage party won't have much sustainability and it's filled with dozens of fights. So weird to put something like this into the game during the tutorial stage WITH a timer looming.

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I'd say they expected you to get good, but seeing as it's D&D, there's hardly any point.

What do you mean there's no point because it's D&D?

>timer looming
Nigger get real, that timer is not even remotely a thing. You literally have MONTHS to do it.

"Oh joy, a spidertrap. Time to AFK for 5 minutes." At least in the tabletop you can burn the webs

I just started yesterd on challanging but Amri is one-shotting normal mobs and two shotting named enemies/bosses. Will it get any harder?

The timers are pretty generous, though. Even the speedrun bonus rewards leave you with some wiggle room, so long as you think carefully about your buffs.

>so long as you think carefully about your buffs.
You don't even need that, just be at least semi-efficient. I got that bonus (sword I remember?) without even knowing there was some in the first place and pretty much exploring everything. Just don't stumble around like a retard.

It does, yes. Barbarians are all about huge, brutal hits, so she's just doing her job.

Because someday Simba: All this will be your's.

The worst thing I noticed on my first playthrough was the dozens of antiques it gives you at the start. Which you'll be tempted to sell as they don't have a use and are worth a lot.

SUPRISE. When you get your kingdom there'll be an asshole asking you to give him any antiques you find.

She's a Barbarian wielding a magical giant's sword. She's the one certain party member regardless of the route you take.

Enjoy her for now because you're not going to find very many more giant weapons.

Why can't I romance Amri lads, she's the only female in the group worth anything

Fucking D&D sucks is what I mean. Getting good at it is in the same category of retarded as getting good at flinging shit.

>You can't sex with linzi

Attached: Cry.gif (500x400, 34K)

D&D has a combat system more built around RP and spectacle than balance. But it's pretty satisfying imho. To each their own, though.

The devs expect you to bully her instead.

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>Not hoarding everything that seems remotely weird or useful
It's like you've never played an RPG with a compulsion problem before.

Fuck it I don't trust that guy though. I'm keeping these in case Nyrissa wants them.

Ok shiteater

>Autist that can't pretend it socialize hates role playing game that relies on imagination and social interaction

No way

high sexual tension. needs romance

I exchanged her later for Nok Nok though.


stfu american cunt.

She's a hobbit, isn't she?

>american cunt
B-but I'm Czech.

Pedophilie detect

The timer is there to give your action weight. The timer means you can't thoughtlessly burn all your castings and abilities every encounter, it also benefits you to be efficient, if you can rest after every encounter your decisions in combat have no meaning because when the next encounter starts everyone would be back at full health and ready to throw out all their best spells. Now you've got to pick and choose, is this a good time to use grease or color spray on these guys, can I make it through another encounter or should I retreat back outside and rest now? Were my positioning and combat tactics optimal or was there room for improvement?

They give you ample time. It's unlikely you'll run out, but there is a reward for finishing ahead of scheduled and it's a pretty good one if you happen to have someone who favors dueling swords in your party.

Yeah. Halfling - whatever the fuck they're called in Pathfinder. She's bretty qt 3.14.

Why are you using Varn's portrait? He's literally your neighbor.

But she's not a gnome.

That's not actually my file, I just keep it because it looks funnier with that particular portrait for some reason. I use this one.

Attached: 405px-PlayerFighter03.png (405x599, 428K)

How’s the infinite dungeon thing? I haven’t heard much about it.

Still haven't tried it since I was heavy into mods which haven't updated yet. Eldrich Arcana specifically.

Why do some of the Magus builds recommend you pick improved unnarmed?

Why did they add NPC portraits as player options then?

True question is - will Varn's portrait change, if you pick it too?

This game is such a piece of shit, why did the devs make it so fucking unbalanced?

That is the whole point you dummy. Finally some game said fuck off to balance meme and it is good.

Does it increase the chance of your secondary touch attack hitting? I honestly have no idea.

= * G I T - G U D * =

>he thinks dealing with bloated enemy stats has to do with skill

If I just want to chad strut through the entire game BTFOing everything solo what class should I play.

Fun. Good for testing builds since you level up pretty fast

Greatest chads are paladins, that is known. But the most OP is probably vivisectionist and alchemist. If used correctly, they are hilariously broken.

>why can't I predictably deal with every situation easily in a nice rubberband flow
>why must I adapt to situation and figure out ways to out-cheese the game
>why isn't this muh bite-sized, just-turn-off-brains-bruh kinda fun like Skyrim?
It's autism then.

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The problem is that these decisions the game demands of you are more suited towards a turn-based system rather than this stunted real time with pause nonsense. Pathfinder is not well enough adapted into a video game format to give the right kind of weight to those decisions.
For all the shit I can give Divinity OS2, it got the basic mechanical combat system very VERY right.

Stop making shit builds then.
Its entirely possible to steamroll the game on unfair if you build your characters right even with the shit party members you get

Because then you get Pillars.
>oh no, this class is too good, nerf it
>oh no, people are doing fun stuff with that class, remove it
>enjoyment? not in my game.

Kineticist facerolls everything, it's the most broken thing in the entire game.

>Why do some of the Magus builds recommend you pick improved unnarmed?
You need it for Crane Style.

You may like Sims more, fren.

What is a good mix of companions for a "balanced" party?

>why do I need kryptonite to kill superman wtf this is bullshit he has too much defense his stats are unbalanced

lmao fuck off you literal nigger.
I've beaten BG1 and 2 and IWD1 and 2 easily and didn't have any troubles like with this game. Stop defending shitty stat bloat.


>not just cheatin your way through the combat
RTWP is fucking shit

putler shills are the worst

I know Yea Forums squabbles about the stupidiest shit but this autistic fit with rtwp vs turn based is fucking retarded.

I only do chaotic runs anymore because I want to let Kobolds join my nation

>Dev nerfs bullshit combos that literally oneshot swathes of enemies on the highest difficulty
>People complain about it

I seriously don’t understand, having to gimp yourself intentionally is not fun.

Best way to build a damage dealing heavy armor 2h fighter?
What other class should I dip into?

Literally just get good dude. You can pause anytime, if you pause every 3 seconds and fiddle with each of your characters in turn you've ostensibly can play it turn based.

Stop forcing this retarded meme.

one level of Vivisectionist and that's it.

The continuous nature of the way the game logic handles time is asynchronous with way Pathfinder as a system is balanced for combat.
That's not an opinion that's a fact.

Baron Smilodon

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Resting is a thing. There are also ways to go up to the surface and rest there if you run out of rations. In summary, git gud

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Why didn't they make the EE a separate game like Divinity OS did?

The game got such bad reviews due to the insane amount of bugs when it first came out, but if they released the EE separately with all the bugfixes, it's probably have great reviews and they could save face on it

>Balanced for combat

because everyone knows turn based is objectively better than rtwp as proven by D:OS2 vs every other CRPG released during this CRPG renaissance

is it really that OP? i see it mentioned a lot here

>True question is - will Varn's portrait change, if you pick it too?
Yes, it does. I used that portrait in my game and he had a different one

>do the Just Reward quest
>reload because I run into 2 trolls in a random encounter
>forced to set difficulty to Story because I get killed in mere seconds otherwise
Whoa epic balance

It’s a small handful of mega autists pretending to be multiple people

>I seriously don’t understand, having to gimp yourself intentionally is not fun
Ever thought of NOT using it? No one is forcing you to use the build. My perfectly harmless build that performed decently on Normal difficuly was destroyed because "one build for that class was too good", rendering the whole class useless.

Nice. I wondered about this for a long time. Thanks fren.

Be more specific because I seriously can’t think of any classes that were ruined by nerfs, just dumb shit like raw damage abilities that could one shot the last boss.

Yeah, the random encounter balance is still sometimes retarded, especially for the handful of quests where you have to ditch your entire party and travel alone. Literally no other way than to save scum away from those encounters if your baron isn't specifically geared to being a self-sufficient nuker.

No. Like any D&D game, it just gets only easier as you go on due to increasingly more power spells and abilities/more hp/more op magical gear available
I've started on Hard this time and the assassins in the Prologue were the hardest part, though I'm already shivering at wererats done early or Fag Lord.
Would be miles easier if I had gone with a pet class however for baron.

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I'm afraid I can't, there is a guy that goes fucking nuclear whenever it's mentioned that goes OH COME ON JOSH CAN DO NO WRONG THE GAME IS PERFECT AND NERFS ARE GOOD. For all I know it could be you.

So you are saying he should research which builds are too good before playing the game so he accidentally doesn't build one?

There's nothing wrong with balancing your game if you do it right.
Pillars is a horrible example of balancing because everything is the same and fun isn't allowed.
Original sin 2 is a horrible example of balancing because it has many MANY things that completely break the game apart and make it a cakewalk, you could pick random things at level ups and you will probably end up with a ridiculously overpowered build.

Kingmaker is actually decent in that regard, there are completely broken things that ruin the game but they are pretty specific and you have to actively pursue the builds.
Not to mention that there are silly themed builds that are still pretty powerful so it allows some fun too, i love my trip focused melee mob.

>what are invisibility potions
>linzi literally tells you to stock up on those

Casual fags who want everything braindead easy is why we cant have nice rpgs today. Based Owlcat are the saviors of the genre.

BG1&2 are rife with instant death scenarios if you don't know the meta - the same cannot be said about Kingmaker.
Kingmaker has certain enemies with high stats, yet you seem to ignore pnp numbers don't matter shit since you have a party of fucking SIX and enough magic gear to make ToB shit blush.
LITERALLY git gud and learn the mechanics.
Even starting with something like Dazzling Display + Stinking Cloud already trivializes 90% of the game.

Literally get good. Can't stand faggots who play these games and then cry because it isn't easy as dirt like Skyrim.

>Casual fags who want everything braindead easy is why we cant have nice rpgs today

First level gives you
>Mutagen: free +2 AC and +4 to any physical stat at the cost of -2 to any mental stat, which isn't even a drawback for a melee character. Lasts 10 mins per Vivi level.
>Sneak Attack: 1d6 extra DMG
It's pretty damn powerful.

>Casual fags who want everything braindead easy is why we cant have nice rpgs today.
I think he's talking about the random encounters mid-way. The ambush area itself is balanced so you can just fuck off, but that doesn't really apply to random encounters midway through while you're traveling.

If it is too hard for your little brain then play on easy you massive pussy.

It probably is me desu, you’re the dude that whines constantly that his melee support class doesn’t do as much damage as Monk aren’t you?

>lol just get good and magically kill 2 trolls and 3 trollhounds in a random encounter by yourself
Unironically kill yourself.

The game is honestly really expecting you to break it, as indicated by many bullshit encounters and inflated numbers. But it does feel satisfying to overpower it. Because of that, you can have situations when you just brap a cloudkill in a generall direction of your enemy and it will kill everything in its way untill it dissipates after several minutes.

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lol just quaff an invis pot and literally flee since you are allowed to do so when outside of combat and mobs will stop chasing you once invis after a while
You know, the pots Linzi tell you to get.
Or you could actually choose to ignore such an obvious trap alltogether, it's not even a quest needed to progress the story.

Pretty sure he is talking about random encounters not the chase sequence.

And you can still quaff the pot if you run into a random encounter, and you can still flee the area if outside of combat which will trigger after you go invis for a while and just run past the enemies so they stop chasing you, while untargettable.

pillars of eternity 2 is quite a bit the better game if you liked the infinity engine games

>I exchanged her later for Nok Nok though.
As you should. Small Dex martials are reliably the best martials.

Utter nonsense.
Kingmaker manages to capture the feeling of IE far better than Deadfire, nevermind the fact the setting is literally notD&D

Druid or Sylvan Sorcerer?
Who is a better caster?

How does having an animal companion work? They can be pretty broken but what happens if they die? If they die in the tabletop you have to mourn the beast for like a year before you may tame another one

Completely untrue, sad that you actually have this dumb opinion. I see it repeated a lot by people like you that don't know what they're talking about.


Though between the two druid is 1000x more OP than sorcerer.

Sylvan Sorc

Has anyone tried doing Mystic theurge with Druid+the sorcerer that benefits from Wis rather than CHA? I’m curious if it’s any good, being an omnimancer sounds fun.

Is it possible to break druid without fucking mercy in this game like in the tabletop?

>Sup, i'm a giant sized bear with hundreds of HP, untouchably high AC and 6 attacks that destroy everything and everyone

Pets auto revive when you take a rest and have crazy stats, they’re pretty broken especially with all the animal buffs you can give them.

It's possible but bear in mind it means your cleric will get spells 3 levels later than the norm, while the sorc 4 levels laterthan a pure wizard/3 levels later than normal sorc.

I'm interested about this too, playing on rolling druid in my next playthrough.

>Oh and I can cast spells in bearform too.

magechads and other arcanes like magus or even alchemist are the only ones who can turn into a dragon this time around.
Druid wildshape isn't that good compared to the third dragon transformation spell.
Druids at most get elder elemental forms

Yeah, that's true. That other user is silly for saying POE2 is closer to the IE games of old.
That being said, I honestly found POE's setting to be more refreshing than Pathfinder's. I like Pathfinder because it satisfies that DnD itch I get occasionally, but POE was something new, which is nice too.

no fucking way!

Which is better to play kingmaker or poe2?

That can't be...

Kingmaker if you're looking for a slower-pased adventure. PoE2 if you want better graphics and more action

The problem i have with PoE's setting is that it's mind-numbingly fucking mundane and miserable and filled with blatant dnd creature ripoffs with changed names to sound more pretentious.

PoE2 is trash. Those two are incomparable, Kingmaker is far far better. I wouldn't be afraid of saying that it is best modern crpg out there.

Can I sex Lizi?

No. You'd probably catch halfling aids and die anyway.

you can also just change your party from the map, there's no reason to fight random encounters alone. Just take your full party to the event location, tell them to fuck off, do the solo event, then regroup when you get back to the map.

B-But you lose about 3 days that way!

Hey, brainlet here. Can someone explain to me why I can't equip the longbow on Linzi? Where do I check the requirements for equiping stuff? She doesn't have martial profficiency, so how is he capable of equiping the short bow in the first place?

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Can you finally use UMD to equip class/alignment based gear

Why do games like this always insist on forcefeeding me their awfully embarrassing OC donut steel characters as party members?

I wouldn't have as much of a problem with it if there was some way to have a reasonable party composition, or the party members weren't absolutely insufferable, or the writing was actually passable, but holy fuck it's always really bad.
It seems like they never just let you pick up some reasonable party members, they always want to try and make you run with some botched party comp and make the characters mildly unusual in the blandest and least interesting ways that you can't even pin down into an archetype, but pretty much every game like this is suited towards standard stereotypical party comp and has the fucking MOST cringe inducing writing in any genre of video games.

What kinda was it? I recognized that the armored agent guy comes to inform you at Old Sycamore about Tartuccio was using one of the portraits available for the player as well.

Bards are proficient in simple weapons and get a few martial weapons (including shortbows) as a bonus.

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fucking toad in the first tiefling quest. I can beat two, but three is too much for me poor lv4 sorc.


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I disagree. I was instantly hooked on the setting, wondering what's the deal with the Hollowborn, the Wheel and the Gods, Godlike, etc. There's definitely enough there that makes it different from DnD. Far more than Pathfinder, for sure. I don't think anybody would argue that particular point.

Neither game compares to Torment: Tides of Numenera though, if we're strictly comparing how unique and interesting their settings are.

Thanks my dudes. Guess I'll need to read every single tooltip avaialble first

>chapter 2
>lvl 4
What the fuck did you do?
Regardless, Kaessi can just delete them solo. You haven't even gotten to the hard part.

Because non autists don’t feel the need to always run with a min maxed party.

>many things that completely break the game apart and make it a cakewalk
This is how the game is meant to work you FUCK
What, do you think teleporting enemies into deathfog is some kind of unintended exploit? Did you think that ridiculous effect combos are some kind of broken mechanic? That's called fucking GAMEPLAY you retard.
The only actual combat balance issues in the game are in regards to the physical/magical defense disparity when choosing a focus.

Just respecced and tried going to sleep
Game threw me back to main menu with a dumb error

>Torment: Tides of Numenera
Which is a massive and absolute downgrade from Planescape Torment. It's sad to see how much are games degenerating into crap.

“But there’s not cartoonishly evil magic nations and soul magic isn’t used for mundane tasks so it’s boring”

>Cast grease on group of enemies
>Kill them
>Can’t continue past the grease without slipping
>Have to wait for the effect to end to keep going
Is there a way to make effects like this end once combat finishes? Huge pain, making me reconsider sorcerer

I don't want a min maxed party, I just don't want to be stuck with two wizards a barbarian and an archer bard who are all obnoxious as fuck and seemingly written by 5 year olds you absolute double nigger

Can you turn off the Inquisitor hat that they suddenly added to the game?

Dispel(area version)

Short of mods, no.
Stop abusing grease.

>Not wanting the Inquisitor hat

Yes, it's called casting Delay Poison Communal and then gassing all the enemies with Stinking Cloud and Cloudkill via sorcerer.
Forget all other lingering aoe spells, they're garbage because of this, they linger forever later on and it's annoying to move past them.
Meanwhile you can make the entire party immune for 1 hour of real time to poison, nevermind the fact Stinking Cloud and Cloudkill are also extraordinarily powerful spells, far better than Grease, and also have synergy with each other as they rely on the same save and Cloudkill slowly saps at that save away even if they pass the save.

I killed Stag Lord in 25 days to get a useless sword.

I guess I will. I just started, what’s another good level 1 spell that doesn’t leave a mess?

Is it a good idea to always keep everyone on light load?

No way, fag. That game was pretty good and captures the same feels as P:T. I'd put them both in the "Pretty Good" CRPG tier for gameplay, and top tier for setting/story.
Don't tell me you were one of those guys that found T:ToN to be "too SJW"?

Claiming Pillars's setting isn't compelling is retarded but claiming the things that it does with its setting are compelling IS retarded.


>wanting a hat that covers your entire character model

Thank god someone still knows how to make a proper CRPG. Each attempt Obsidian makes to create their own universe rather than simply deconstruct a setting made by others, has been more disastrous than the last. Aside from the outdated gameplay and lifeless cities, Pillars of Eternity's only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of combat mechanics, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Sawyer vetoed the idea of making anything at all innovative or original; he made sure the game would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable nostalgia pandering to ageing Baldur's Gate fans. Pillars of Eternity might be anti-casual(or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Divinity series in its refusal of spontaneity, fun and excitement.

>a-at least the writing was good though


The writing is dreadful; the narrative was terrible. As I played, I noticed that every time I engaged in dialogue with an NPC the game presented me with a Wiki-page style infodump instead of anything resembling actual human conversation.

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time this was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Sawyer's mind is so governed by obsession with pointless minutiae of the lore that he has no other style of writing.

Later I read a lavish, loving review of Pillars of Eternity by the same David Gaider. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kiddies are playing Obsidian games at 17 or 18, then when they get older they will go on to enjoy Dragon Age II." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you play "Pillars of Eternity" you are, in fact, trained to shill for Bioware.

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EE update lets you turn off class helmet and backpack, so yes.

Color Spray is isntant win against anything low level if they fail the save, which isn't hard at low levels as it targets Will.

>two wizards
You only get 1 though. Eldritch Schion is a frontliner class. And in chapter 1, you have two full clerics, 1 wizard/rogue, 1 bard support build, 1 Tower shield fighter, 1 Inquisitor and 1 scion.
Even without counting the fact that you can create custom NPCs after the prologue, what class do you play that you think you cannot build a proper part with?
Curious, really

Color spray is incredible.

These posts are hilarious to me because they're the exact opposite of what I usually hear people say about Kingmaker. I swear half the people who play this get BTFO by spiders in the first few minutes and cry about how hard it is, pull complaints about stats out of their ass and so on - while the other half breeze through and recommend higher difficulties. No inbetween.

You guy just hire six mercenaries for dirt cheap at level 1 right after you nap at Oleg's. The first 2 are free I think if you do it at level 1. Then you can just play like Icewind Dale. Just remember not to level up until you've got all six else the price skyrockets.

It's optimal (except for you heavy armored guys, they can be in mid till you get some belts/raise their strength)

The real questiins why is the endgame such immense bullshit with the wild hunt stunning your entire party and their archers using abilities to kill any of your charachters un only 3 shots?

Unless you played before 1.1, I will brook no complaints.
Git Gud.

You're expected to rest when your party needs its resources replenished. The difficulty of the game comes from the timers preventing you from just infinitely resting between every single fight. Because most limited resources are per rest, if you could rest every 2 seconds it'd be like having cheats pretty much.

Just bought the Enhanced edition. Is it really as hard as people say it is, or are the naysayers just casuals who can't into efficient character building?
And what class should I start as, being a gormless noob?

>entire party
>he never got blind fight
>he didn't consider using freedom of movement

>captures the same feels as P:T
No, it doesn't you tasteless pleb. It is watered down dummified version of it. It would like to be that game, but it is not. It's like comparing original stuff from some European hand-made manufacturer from little town in Italy and Chinese copy of that thing made by some malnourished kid in huge ass plastic factory. Not saying it is inherently a bad game, but to even compare these two like they are even remotely on the same level is travesty you should feel bad about.
>muh sjws
You need to go back.

Divos2 is a golden turd of a game

Because by that point you're fucking level 20 with the most absurd gear possible and 1-9th spells available, nevermind literally being able to buy 99x Heal and Mass Heal scrolls.
Holy shit user, Wild Fags are annoying but they're more than doable at that level, from the looks of it you're one of those cunts who never prebuffed and doesn't even know Freedom of Movement lasts forever and blocks their paralyze, nevermind Blind Fight doing it as well.
The only true annoying thing about Wild Hunt is that their Crystal attacks target touch AC and hit for untyped damage so no resists

What is the best sorcerer build?

Any class except Arcane Bomber, Sensei and Crusader.
Start on Normal.
Classes not covered by NPCs at all(by any archetype): Druid, Monk, Paladin, Sorcerer, Slayer

>DnD game
>immense bullshit
For the enemies maybe. You can have a level 20 wizard by that point dude, the game is over you're a god. Even with limited spell selections compared to tabletop you can btfo anything

Sylvan Sorc, pick Memedon companion, Conjuration and Enchantment focus

It's hard, but for all the wrong reasons

Most of the naysayers are just doofuses that play on Challenging and are then surprised when the game is then challenging. You should be fine on Normal - Paladin's a lot of fun.

Yes and no. Just start on normal difficulty. Chapter 1 on hard is actual, genuine bullshit that more than lives up to what the shitters say.

>what class
Depends on what you want out of your character. If you want magic, I'd suggest Wizard. It's not as easy to fuck up as a Sorc and it's every bit as good.

My point is that the premade party members with all their own stories and quests in these types of games are always completely fucking retarded super special "unique" deviantart garbage written by hacks, and are very infrequently have standard character biographies. They all feel as jarring as author self-inserts in both combat and general writing.
The fact that they're forced upon you in the first place like they are in every one of these kinds of games that I've played in recent memory, and that they're all patently awful, is total nonsense

It's not hard.
Stop playing on Unfair. Anything below that is mostly easy besides the Prologue Mansion on Hard depending on your chosen starter class.

Arcane bloodline, no matter your spell selection because of Expanded spell list and +DC on ANY school. Has some nice basic free spells and feats.
Sylvan Sorcerer is the second best choice, good selection + pet.

Other decent bloodlines are Fey, Celestial and then most of the draconics, I guess. Undead/Serpentine/Abyssal are a bit gimmicky.

Do not Pick Elementals/Infernal.

Is the kingdom in pathfinder an annoying mechanic or enjoyable?

Sure man, whatever.

Instead of waxing poetic to make some poor analogy about Chinese knock-offs, why don't you tell me why you found the setting to be watered down? One of the game's major hub areas is literally a massive living organism called "The Bloom" that people live inside of, and it randomly opens portals to kidnap new people. How is that not on par with what is found in P:T?

go back to playing fortnite zoomer

It's a nothing mechanic, it's mobile game tier, I spent maybe 1 hour cumulative on it in my 400 hour playthrough.

I liked DOS2 a lot, but people try too hard to compare it to other CRPGs.
Whether turn-based is better than rtwp or vice versa is decided entirely by the execution, in my opinion. Shit rtwp will always be worse than good turn based, and shit turn based will always be worse than good rtwp.

>other CRPGs
>implying DOS2 is a crpg

The difficulty complaints stem from 3 main sources I think:
1. People who can't deal with mechanics that require them to pay attention. The classic example is the spider swarms in one cave in the early game. They (basically) cannot be hit by traditional melee and must be attacked with lit torches, or projectiles and spells. But this also includes people who are used to modern RPGs and expect to be able to play on autopilot, never having to buff or debuff or use utility spells or do anything but autoattack and spam fireball.

2. People who can't into character building autism. They either don't feel like bothering to, or don't have the attention span to figure out how to build characters well, compose a party, an so on. So they just slap whatever on their characters and they're gimped as a result. They don't take advantage of synergy between features, or between characters, they don't assign new classes to existing characters and just level to 20 with whatever they already have. They don't create custom characters and their player character is probably just a basic fighter. Their party is so weak that they can't keep up with the balance of the game even on normal.

3. People who played the game very early while it was buggy. There were several bugs early on that made the game bullshit, for example bonuses from items could stack repeatedly so enemies could end up with 60 AC from one piece of armor, or maluses on your own characters could stack and fuck them over. These complaints were loud early on and created a narrative that the game was broken and unplayable, and this narrative was then picked up by people who never played the game, who continue to parrot it today. This is no longer the case, the game is fine now.

It's innovative, but still pretty annoying. Having to return to the capital to level up your guys, spending 2 weeks game time to upgrade your kingdom's stats just so you don't fall into an arbitrary game over.

I loved the Bloom, really need to replay that game and tame it properly, instead of abusing Tides at every opportunity.

Oh, and I forgot one more source, these kinds of people, who pick harder difficulties because they like the idea of being hardcore, then they suck at the game and can't win, but instead of admitting they're bad they call the game unbalanced. Though that exists with pretty much every game.

The game has incredibly inflated enemy stats on higher difficulties, that's not even up for discussion it's a fact.

The thing is you get 6 party members and the game is riddled with high quality magic gear so eventually you outscale them but at the start, on unfair, the difference between your AB and the enemy AC is so high that you need to cheese encounters right from the start.

There is a pretty big RNG factor.
I've seen Amri onehit people. Then I also saw her get critted for 40 damage on level fucking 2 and instantly sent to -20 HP ded.
The enemies can have some pretty stupid bloated stats leading to savescumming or disabling core death rules.

I don't know man, it feels like the difficulty comes from stuff like enemies killing a paladin in fucking 2 hits or priests spamming Channel Negative energy like an assault rifle

>muh le wonky example
>How is that not on par with what is found in P:T?
If you seriously can't see the difference in depth in these games, you should really not talk about their inherent value. If you consider the main thing of the PT it's setting, you are straight up retarded.

Again, Numenera is not bad. I liked it, will probably replay it soon. But it is absolutely incomparable with the Planescape on every level - even that setting of yours.

Thanks, Anons. I'm starting a playthrough on normal with my Paladin Orc waifu.

Every bullshit thing enemies can do to you, you can do right back but 6fold.

It gives the game some character and sets it apart from the other cRPGs. And honestly it had to be in the game no matter what, because it adapts the Kingmaker campaign which is about building a kingdom. They'd have done it a disservice to not even try.
That being said, it's not really enjoyable or annoying to me, it's just there. Pretty much all the stuff that happens in the kingdom management affects stuff in the kingdom management. The actual RPG gameplay itself has little to do with the management portion. I suspect they built them in parallel and so they had little do with each other until the end. The fact that you can disable the management completely and set it to autopilot kind of confirms it's just a little side feature.

how is paladin in this game
if they have it, that is

So you fail to give a single example of how the game is watered down, and instead resort to name-calling and attacking my taste? Sounds like you don't have much of an argument. What makes it feel watered down?

s'good man.

hell yes
good to know

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Why don't they let you establish a postal service so you don't have to travel back to the city anytime you want to manage something?

Hell that tv show Game of Thrones is much lower magic and it's got magically well trained birds doing all the mail services.

This pretty much. The thing about Pathfinder is that while there may be some bullshit the enemies can do, character builds are so freeform that players can simply unleash a portal to the plane of elemental bullshit in response.

This is the first game with an actual Lawful Good alignment instead of the usual Lawful Stupid, paladins are actually proper paladins in this instead of doormats.

If you enjoy being a fanatical crusader it's great, if you expect a goody two shoes hero you will be extremely confused.

Pretty fucking good and can be built in various ways (two hander dps+intimidation Standard Paladin, ranged DPS paladin Ranged+Support Divine Hunter, Sword and shield tank +extra Healing Hospitaler).

All about purging evil, has unique dialogues depending on deity choice.

When you claim a region, you do not have to travel back in the city to do basic management(can't establish postal service in lands that you do not own).
And for matters that require you in the throne room, there is now teleportation circles.

Solid. Basically a warrior that gives up weapon specialization for limited divine magic and unique abilities.
Even has 3 archetypes (subclasses) you can optionally choose that mix up the class a bit.

What's the strongest merc you can recruit early game right out of Oleg's for the first Chapter?
Possibly any class that has access to Memedon at levels 1-2?

I like this
I might try to build around a 2hander like that one user mention when I get the game

Pets are easy mode, but a second tank that is not hindered by stats the way valerie is can also help. Cleric if you do not plan to get Harrim and Tristian fast (or at all for chapter 1) also.

I thought lawful stupid always meant super insanely strict on their law rather than doormat

I already told you, EVERYTHING. Story, writing, companions, design, npcs, music, lore, setting and most importantly and above it all - philosophy of the whole thing. That is the thing I miss the most, it's just absolutely different levels.

Nigger did you even played Planescape? Especially when it was released.

Basically, yeah.
Animal companions chew through low level enemies on their own.

a)For 2 hander, the key aspects are:
Divine weapon bond means that any weapon will end up being pretty effective, so do not worry about which weapon type you focus on (though Greataxes are the most popular type with many secondary effs).
b)It's a charisma class, so do not neglect it. You can be the face of the party, and with high strength, you can use Intimidation very well.
Also, you get a bonus on saves from Charisma.
c)Wisdom/Int are your dump stats.

It goes both ways
super strict and super lenient
killing the thief who stole bread would be too much while letting him go with a slap on the wrist solves nothing

thank m8, i'll screenshot this as a pointer

Attached: easy mode.jpg (3840x2160, 3.08M)

Time to roll my custom party again

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What makes them the best pet choice?

What i meant is that lawful good is almost always portrayed as the stereotypical good guy that helps everyone, shits out mercy, always smiles and generally everything he does is charity and a good deed when Lawful Good is supposed to be uncompromising, fanatical , driven and merciless towards evil.

Genocide, innocents and children included, is perfectly lawful good if the race in question is inherently evil.

Not that user, but also if you like less frequently used weapons in games, like spears, glaives, warhammers etc., then they are very viable. Especially glaives, I think the best holy weapon in game is a glaive.

But I only got 2k gold for a single hire, user.
Thinking between either Druid or Sacred Huntsmaster, on Hard mode and Amiri is already Druid 1 for more memedon fun

Reminds me of Anomen in BG2 who spergs out when you kill an asshole in his quest

my favorite weapons in fantasy

Shouldn't have leveled up, when you hire at level 1 you get a discount on your first two for whatever reason. You can hire all five for 3000 at level 1

I asked for *specific* examples, and yet you've given me three posts with zero. I've given you an example of how the lore and setting are similar to P:T's (The Bloom), but you shrugged that off as
>muh one example
and yet you can't even articulate a single *specific* example of how it's watered down. Have you ever considered that you're just getting cynical in your old age?

Memedons have 5 base attacks at level 1. That's insane.
They also get Pounce at 7th meaning they can use Charge and benefit from all their natural attacks at once so they attack lightning fast (by default Charge only lets you attack with 1 attack the entire round).
Also they gain Power Attack so their damage becomes even more insane as it's added to all their 5 attacks.
The only other animal who can compare is Leopard - they get free knockdown on their first attack and have 3 base attacks, also higher AC and AB than Memedon but have far lower damage later on.

Any of the other Paladin archetypes worth using over the base for a melee build?

By the way, if you want more of a melee/magic hybrid you might also want to look at Cleric and its subclasses. It's similar to Paladin with more magic and less melee, but with selfbuffs it's a completely viable frontline fighter.

Buffed dogs are also great because of trip(with strength buffs and size modifier, they can land it on almost everything).

>magically well trained birds
The only fantastic part of that is it's ravens and not postal pigeons, and maybe their infowlable ability to avoid predators.

lmao fucking retard

Can’t centipedes instant kill paralyzed enemies that fail a poison check if you want to go full meme?

Wolf and Dog are the best Trip bots.
Bear has that unique weapon synergy going for it.
But yeah those two are for specific builds/parties, leopard and smilodon are better generics.

Why cleric when Inquisitor exists, it's a much better divine martial class.

No. One make better them healers, one makes them a limited buffer, one makes them a better ranged fighter.

Because "specific" examples is fallacy here. Do you require a three-pages long essay about how the main thing in Planescape is original and very naturally defined, yet also extremely well-implemented in regard to real-life philosophical/religious thesis (hence the meme "best way to graduate in philosophy is to finish PT") and how Numenera is just a cheap copy of it, bent around the same ever-repeating transcendental re-incarnation circle and the way of breaking from it/misusing it/effects on consciousness of it?

Hell no. Nigger I have this growing feeling you didn't even played the PT. And that is me being optimistic towards you, because the other explanation is way worse.

That’s what it seemed like, thanks

You can literally do the same with any character since you have Coup de Grace now.
Also centipedes only have a single attack and you're still relying on the enemies to fail their save.

Real carrier pigeons aren't anywhere near as convenient, those fuckers seem to have entire fleets of birds you can direct to any given location which is certainly not how that shit works. You have to train each bird to travel between two set locations. Not sure if the books go into more detail in it but in the show at least they only seem to have a couple dozen birds in their cages yet are able to send any number to any location they want and it arrives seemingly the next day no matter the distance without fail.

It's nice that you can now see all the spells you'll have eventually.

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Death spells are just damage spells in Pathfinder?

meh, it still works well.
attacks of opportunity and flanking are where it gets weird

Yes, that's a change from 3.5
It's untyped damage, they basically wanted to reduce the save or die shit

There are still save or die spells, though.


what the fuck

Friends, I'm thinking of Inquisitor or Magus over Wizard this run.
Wizard 7th-9th spells feel all pretty underwhelming
You might think dragon shape is fun and sure it is but only for the cool factor since you soon realize the size is so big it's not fit for the small corridors of most dungeons at all

>sleeping at the tavern is bugged now, your character will be stuck in the fifth dimension without being able to move
>you can sleep till kingdom come though
The fuck man, anyone else get this issue?

Is it true that you need to dab on the fey bitch 24/7 to not break the tieflings romance?

>>sleeping at the tavern
W-Wait, what tavern?

Indeed in the books the ravens only go one place and have to be shipped back to anyone wanting to send swift messages later in wagons. There's academic talk of extremely rare birds that can be trained to fly between two locations and once-in-a-generation ones that can go between up to four. But for the most part the convenience of being able to send messages anywhere is that there's hundreds of birds in every messenger rook. Even then maesters have to sometimes send birds to nearby keeps and have riders go to finish delivering them if they've out of those specific castle's birds.

Fuck, meant the trading post

It works just fine on my end.

Thinking of getting this game, is the season pass worth getting as well?

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Not really

All late level summons, finger of Death, Legendary Proportions, Frightful aspect, horrid wilting, Mass I cy prison, Mind Black Communal and late level Evocation ones (like Tsunami) are good.

Besides, if in doubt, fill them up with Heightened Sciroccos

How the fuck am I failing that stupid 15 Cha check at the cart with 21 charisma?

>plays UNFAIR
>complains about the game being unfair
I wonder if some day retards will learn to read.

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The balancing was kinda somewhat all over the place when the game initially released, with super inflated mob stats and random encounters from the fucking lategame as soon as you left the first location.
With the EE, they streamlined shit into being less crazy and I guess it's not so bad anymore. The tutorial enemies are certainly not so deadly as they initially were.

What’s a good deity/domain for an evil Monster tactician inquisitor?

The check is based on your ability modifier, not the overall value
21 is +5 so you still need to roll 10 out of 1d20 to reach 15

The Cha check is a dice roll + your char modifier. So it'd be 5+1D20. You got sub10

Oh right, I see

Animal domain for maximum body count, other than that you pick your deity mainly for the favored weapon so you don't waste a feat for proficiency since inquisitors are martial hybrids and not pure buffers/summoners.

It depends on your build and difficulty. Normal is fine unless you fuck up builds really early or don't use consumeables.

Challenging is challenging.

Con someone help a brother out? I plan on replaying the EE version, and I want to marry both tieflings. What should I NOT fuck up to achieve this goal? Gonna play a LG Paladin btw

Gozreh it is, thanks

Can you fuck yourself over by going with some alignments?

Just pay attention to what they say, be thirsty around Kalikke for years and don't explicitly fuck over either of them. It's not hard at all.

Does enhanced edition add any more party members? My autism makes me want to have my PC be a class not covered by existing companions

Also is Slayer fun/good at all? Of all fucking things to add a rogue/ranger hybrid is not what I expected. What's the best favored enemy to have, humanoid?

I've restarted like ten times since buying the game a year ago since I'm constantly indecisive, what classes have the most unique dialogue options?

Where can I read about bonuses? The fuck is a morale or insight bonus?

>normal is too easy
>challenging is too hard

>What's the best favored enemy to have, humanoid?

Fey. Fuck fey.

Fuck Kanerah.
Be kind/flirt with Kallike.
Do Sweet Tooth Tasks.
Do NOT let them die. Do not use either sister as bait. Do not let demons get their way
Bring them a lot with you so you can get a few extra affection points.
DO NOT HAVE NYRISSA ROMANCE FLAG or it ruins it at the last second.

Attached: breakup.jpg (407x914, 196K)

No, it's challenging that's too easy, while hard is too hard. Even then, that only applies to the first chapter.

Some classes have required alignment ranges, if you leave them then you lose your class abilities.
So if you plan on picking chaotic options a lot don't play paladins that require lawful good alignment.

And no new companions.
Just different type bonuses, so you can know that is a spell and an item offer Insight bonus to dexterity, they do not stack.

>haha mom, look how many questions I can ask!

Slayers are good archers and great strength based dual wielders, notably they are the best at shield bash based dual wielding.
Best favored enemy is fey.

I dont know if they fixed it, but touch spells hit twice with flurry of blows.

>New: mercs (custom characters) can now be assigned advisor roles.
So how do these work exactly? Patch notes aren't exactly helpful in that regard.

Do mercs have their own set of responses during rank ups or other kingdom events? Or do they pick one of existing NPCs' dialogue sets depending on their alignment? Do they get any dialogue at all? What about other limitations, are their roles limited to what class they are or something or can you give them any advisor role?

They're all essentially the same thing apart from the fact that bonuses of same type usually won't stack. F.ex.
>+1 morale bonus to attack roll
>+1 morale bonus to attack roll
won't stack, but
>+1 insight bonus to attack roll
>+1 morale bonus to attack roll

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>fuck fey
This. Obnoxious shitters.

Chaotic evil usually means "kill everyone who would help you, skip all quests and lose EXP, fuck it kill your own party members as well". Evil characters in general will have a much harder time finding advisors, like the system is so shit that often good-aligned choices net you more evil advisors than evil choices do.

>wanting the demon thot twins over objectively best girl

Can a custom character be better at shield bash dual wield than the premade Fighter character that has a roughly 32 point buy and is shield bash focused?

Right? Why bother with Kalikke, when you can give all of yourself to Kanerah, best girl?

i feel like the game was written around a chaotic character

>you can romance the thot Octavia
>but not Amiri
Ugh what's the point?


Attached: thetrail.jpg (1920x1080, 373K)

>best girl
Dumb smelly foliagefucker. Kalikke is only true patrician choice; chaste, shy, pure, gives children.

If a fighter wants to dual wield they need TWF feats, which means getting DEX high for requirements, which means it's not a STR dual wielder but a classic DEX dual wielder.
Ranger and Slayer are STR based dual wielders simply because they don't need DEX for the TWF feat requirements.

Mind you DEX dual wielding will always be better, STR DW is for flavor if you want to use specific weapons that don't work with weapon finesse.

You can have your cake and eat it too though, there's no reason not to go for both

If there’s anyone that should have been romanceable it’s Jaethal

bought the EE, I'm like 10 hours in, playing on story difficulty with auto level on everyone and auto kingdom management.
I have like 78 days left for the quest and I exlpored a good chunk of the map and killed the gnome faggot from the beginning and he got revived... should I just keep exploring the map until I have 12 or so days left?
do the quests and encounters disappear once you get your kingdom?
are there more quests with time limit?
when do i get the arcane trickster?
having a lot of fun so far

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On that we find an agreement.

>Oh my god this virgin wizard is hitting on me fuck fuck fuck

I need to go for a walk sorry ttyl


>X days left
You get bonuses if you resolve shit quick.
>do the quests and encounters disappear once you get your kingdom?
No, more like the opposite, games really opens up after that.
>are there more quests with time limit?
Yes, many. Time limit is however very very plentiful.
>when do i get the arcane trickster?
Read the what you need to unlock it.

Is Beneath the Stolen Lands best played with a fresh character or is it meant to be done as part of the main story?

Yeah, but Hedwirg starts with 20 str and 15 dex. That’s max strength, enough dex for the dual wield feats, and he’s human so he gets bonus skills. I can’t see any downsides to picking him if you want to bash

There is a reward if you finish before am onth passes, but nothing too special.
You do not gain extra time. The next timers start the moment you enter chapter 2, regardless of how long it took.
Yes, there are timers but they are lenient and VERY OBVIOUS. You will be under costraint only if you want to do EVERYTHING possible with kingddom management (get all stats to 10), but still not that hard.
Arcane trickster is lv5 minimum(you need 4 ranks in the skill and the sneak attack, check class description).

Main story is a set dungeon, if you do it separately it's infinite module roguelike.

Attached: feyshitters.png (695x900, 942K)

> enough dex for the dual wield feats
Hahahha, no it's not. Greater Two Weapon Fighting requires 19 DEX.

eh, i'm with zoom zoom on this one, I beat BG 1,2 Icewindale 2, neverwinter +expansions, and DnD is not fit for vidya, which would be okay if the campaigns where designed around exploration and role playing, not combat.

Irl audible kek. Blessed picture.

If only the game was turn based.
>use sickened entangle
>screen fills up with 80 text

There's a mod

How bad is Blight Druid? Feel like losing the pet is probably not remotely worth it but I like the idea of being a mystic theurge with a death aura and nature magic.

Garbage because losing pet is akin to willingly exposing yourself bare naked to a nuclear reactor core that's been blown up
Also MT is suicide as well unless you know the mechanics well since you delay casting progression by 3 levels, or 4 assuming sorc

the balance in this game is completely fucked. you can make a fighter that's 100% focused on melee combat and still have like 30% chance of even hitting similar level enemies. non-casters are already fucked over in pathfinder and the game made it even worse by inflating enemy stats so a non-magical fighter is basically completely useless without a caster holding his hand.

The best order for ranger is Human > Undead > Fey, that way you are able to get most enemies in each chapter.
You only miss trolls from giant humanoids but trolls are easy as fuck anyways even on harder difficulties and Ekun the nigger shoots literal halberds vs them

Can Aasimar fuck the twins?
That sounds like some forbidden love shit.

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Is Sensei any good? Seems like a Bard Monk with Wisdom fists which seems kind of fun.

user's character is Venom Varn.


>names his settlement literally VARNhold
Chad much?? What the fuck is wrong with him????

Yes he can. I'm playing Aasimar paladin who purifies those devil pussies with his holy meat lance.

You want to start with fey so you can stack the additional bonuses on fey since they are the most dangerous.
If you fight a tough non-Fey battle just use Instant Enemy.

>lawful good is almost always portrayed as the stereotypical good guy that helps everyone, shits out mercy, always smiles and generally everything he does is charity and a good deed
no way man, that's chaotic good; the alignment of the generic goody-goody player character who always does The Right Thing

and when people say lawful stupid, I think they usually mean something more like the guy who casts detect evil everywhere he goes and swaggers about murdering shopkeepers tavern patrons then gets extremely upset when the local authorities throw him in prison for it. this character may also do things like kill himself if argued into seeing things from a new perspective that makes his earlier behaviour evil and him now thus someone in need of purging

Extremely basic and lucklaster team support with a watered down bard skill and less effective than the other monks on attack and defense.

Do you think we will ever see a Pathfinder: Kingmaker 2 with all the piracy?

>Dragon style Does NOT effect natural attacks such as claws gained by the dragon disciple/sorcerer.

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>fey since they are the most dangerous.
Fey only start appearing en masse later on, literally past the humanoid, troll and undead heavy chapters
Fey also all have garbage Fort meaning they are gassed to death in Stinking Clouds.

Noknok best companion so its fine

What's a braindead class for a beginner?

How do you like a Druid Harrim?
It seems to fit Goethus inevitable decay shenanigans + memedon access
I also made him Sacred Huntsmaster before as the thought of a dumb beast following depressed Harrim around is too precious

Attached: Kingmaker 2019-06-08 14-54-47-02.jpg (1920x1080, 294K)

Most definitely, especially love his interventions in "STOP TALKING" style into various 100% serious dialogues.


Any with pet at level 1
Sylvan Sorcerer, Sacred Huntsmaster, Druid

Is the turn based mod compatible with the enhanced edition?

Buggy as fuck


Don’t forget Mad Dog barbarian

Does Sylvan Sorcerer lose a lot in casting ability compared to Arcane?

>No male barbarian portrait

You lose 1 DC or so at most
Memedon more than makes up for it in spades, especially as its gained from fucking level 1 the arcane sorc dc buff doesn't even come into play before 10+ level

Depends on how much you like twin tiefling waifu threesomes

The difficulty settings is a bit misleading. Normal is easy, Custom half Normal/half Challenging is normal, Challenging is hard, Hard is very hard/'impossible', and everything beyond that is munckin save scum mode.

If I want to play it anyway how do I build it? Specialized in combat maneuvers to take advantage of the Wis conversion stuff?

Fun fact
Items bonus help qualify for feats
Which means a +4dex belt will make the standatd fighter able to pick all duol wield feats

Does this allow you to for example take Trip with only 9 intelligence or can you not trip people anymore without the int bonus if you do that?

Alright thanks.
I'll tell Nyrissa to go fuck herself during the first dream then. The rest seems manageable.

Need to get back into this game now that the update dropped, but the quality of the writing kind of bugged me. It wasn't bad, but I didn't really find any characters likable yet.

SInce I've somewhat flirted with Nyrissa before the "Betrayal" Am I fucked with romancing the twins?

Can companions\advisers actually leave you?
I've been playing a lawful-evil cleric(necromancer) and most of my decisions annoyed the "good" characters of my barony, characters like Octavia, healslut(male) wannabe short stack, captain of the guard and that priest furfag with his elk-god, all of them are my advisers, yet none of them ever decided to leave because of my bullshit, and its been 2.5 years in-game now.

Theoretically youd need to keep the item on
Except its bugged so you can remove the item no problem lol

Is Defender of the True World just a straight upgrade for Druid?

For Kingmaker, yes.

Your need to go all the way with the leafslut

I was flirting with Nyrissa for the whole game and Kanerah never cared about it.

>aasimar inquisitors can't get rid of the hat

>venture off
>main character gets a debuff that reduces his movespeed
>get to part where main character has nightmares and can't sleep
>moves like a snail

They only leave if you refuse to listen to their advice repeatedly during the rank up kingdom events.

My Slayer is 18 str 16 dex 14 con, is that fine or should I go full minmax to 20 str

Since I'm wearing medium armor and shit like combat reflexes scales off dex bonus I figured pumping it some was good

>nyrissa romance flag
Can you see it somewhere or is it hidden? Think I sorta flirted with her in the first meeting since my character is charisma-heavy and it felt appropriate.

Calling the naked bitch hot in the first meeting isn't enough to trigger romancing her iirc

Help me out here lads. Animal Domain Cleric or something else for a Melee+Pet user?

I see.
Well, since most of their events don't even have a lawful-evil option it will be fine.

Mad Dog Barbarian

Since your AC will never be that great (you can;t wear heavy+shield, get armod focus etc) and you are not full dodgetank with bracers, dex 14 may be just enough (since you cheat weapon feat requirements).
Or maybe lower con, but that may be too much glass cannon.

Yeah, fuck the Fey.

Are there enough Nunchaku in the game to actually use them now or is my Monk still SoL?

There are tons of things you need for that to trigger(not just her affection meter which can be seein in log files), you can just sink it later on.

I’m not far but there’s a fancy pair in the intro vault if you point all statue swords down

Might be fun.

The best overall summoner would be Monster Tactician with Animal Domain (Erastil), however you only get the animal pet at level 4+, but you gain access to all summons with far bigger duration and many uses/day for free

Friends, remember Reach is your friend.
Remember to dump Amiri's Ginormous Garbage Sword as soon as possible and give her a Glaive.
Remember to give Harrim a Longspear.

Attached: Kingmaker 2019-06-08 15-15-33-84.jpg (1920x1080, 313K)

Not looking for a summoner build, just something with an Animal Companion.

I need harrim to trigger shield wall, sorry.

Mad Dog or Sacred Huntsmaster.

>be true neutral chad
>help some guy
>say you want no trouble
>explain your actions in a pragmatic distanced way
How do they justify the alignment system? At least the game doesn't seem to take it too seriously.

>implying I'm not playing Paladin with glaive for maximum reach for smiting the faggots

It is almost impossible to actually change alignment without repeatedly doing actions in a single direction, you're probably playing "neutral" but refusing to fuck anyone over ever.

Remember reach on a weapon itself is pointless because enlarge person exists.

what game are you playing? it can't be this one because I've been trying to change my aligment from neutral and it takes fucking forever

How do I find tartuccio? I didn't side with mites or kobolds

Except with enlarge person, you now threaten a 15-20ft radius.
Imagine how that works with multipel Attacks of Opportunity.
Imagine how it works with an Intimidation/fear party that gets them to scatter.

THat's not that spammable early game, but later on, yes.
And it gives them even more reach regardless.

Also what the fuck niggas I ain't fighting a manticore at level 2, I don't recall this map back when I first played last year

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You need to kill the leaders. The room he is holed in is near the mite throne room

New addition.
And you can come back later. Is it not nice they actually warn you instead of springing a mature leopard on you?

I chose to spare the queen bc I thought she would give me the key.

i played lawful evil and picked mostly good options and never had an alignment change, the alignment dialogue dont mean shit

All the antiques literally say they should be sold to a collector. I was smart enough to figure that out in my first playthrough.

I got u bro

Attached: Fulllength.png (692x1024, 1.26M)

>Play game at release
>Some guy summons a leopard in my town to attack me
>It doesn't spawn as hostile and just chills for the rest of the game after I kill the guy

Gee if only you could figure out not to sell them from the description and the fact that "offer" doesn't add them to being sold

Anyone got a good site they use to find portrait art? Trying to find shit.

>Even has a Smilodon
Literally perfect

Pathfinders Nexusmod page has a ton you can download.

That was not fixed for 5 months, amusingly enough.

You even played the game? It takes concentrated effort to actually change your alignment. It's only remotely an issue for paladins and that's a class feature.

Is the following stat line alright for a melee druid? I’m only playing on normal and just want to summon and shapeshift (using scimmy and board until then though).
S 16
D 10
C 10
I 8
W 20
Ch 10

Fuckin A, saved and will use in next playthrough. Got more?

Charm or Air Domain for Sacred Huntsmaster? Going Shelyn for dat Glaive. Also trying to decide between Tripard or Memelodon.

If you want to wildshape and get into melee, you need better dex and some con. Get wisdom to 16 and a race that gets +2 on Wisdom plus other relevant stat (dex, strngth or maybe con).
Wisdom does not need to be so high if you are on melee.
You will not be overcoming dc checks and you will be raising mostly strength.

Attached: asd.jpg (538x281, 49K)

You need some con and even some dex mate. Max Wis is only for casting focus druid.

Are there any effect of INT/WIS to dialogues? Or is Pathfinder purely CHA based dialogue system?

A slightly minor shift retard. Look at the actual chart in-game and see how long it takes for your actual character alignment to change.

Just tell me what you need and I'll see what I can do.

Attached: Fulllength.png (692x1024, 1.25M)

How strong is the Druid casting in this game?
Is it like a Baldur's Gate where vast majority of spells are shit but few are absolutely broken?

Are you pretending to be retarded?
Do you not understand what the word shifted means.

20 at char creation is a mistake.
Go with 19 at most (+5 from levels =24 at 20_
Plus it saves many points.
It helps to always have CON at 14 for everyone.

look at your stat screen, did it really change dramatically or just shifted a bit in that direction? I did so much good stuff trying to turn to good and I'm still neutral, slowly getting there in the chart

Male barbarians, druids and mages. Exactly the style already posted, more to the realistic side.

Knowledge/Lore skills that use INT/WIS modifiers come up quite often. Along with race cases of perception Persuasion is the most common overall with some ridiculous xp opportunities, but your party should cover everything

Not him but got any clerics and paladins?

That really fits with the style of the game.
Is there a list or compilation of portraits that fit with the overall artstyle?

It's skill based, your stats affect dialogues as far as they affect your actual skills.

Thing about cRPGs is getting to learn what all these fucking numbers mean.

>shifted TO
If they wanted to imply that it went towards it but not completely there it would have to say SHIFTED TOWARDS

Got any Monks with straw hats?

Nice, love that one

what numbers

Male priests?

Is this game less shitty than PoE?

Something like, Strength - 16, what does that mean? And weapon damage 1-10/1d10. I didn't come from a D&D background.

Guys, please.

the hard part for me was learning that control is just as important as damage, game started making sense once I began using stuff like Hideous Laughter and pre-buffing my party

So how about
I’m trying to be human for the augment summoning feat.

From what I read there is a chance the tiefling twin romance gets bugged if you flirt with Nyrissa
A _chance_
If you're willing to risk it D&D is exactly for you!

You can dump cha (no point in any skills or intimidation build with druid). Raise dex to 14, and you are fine.

Won’t that ruin my persuasion?

That guy is posting good portraits that fit the game's style. You are linking gigantic lists of portraits filled with trash with 1 or 2 gems. If we wanted that we could just google.

>5-14 damage when equipped
why, how does that happen? isn't it supposed to be 1d10?
Strength - 16 is just how many points into Strength you have. Every even point affects attack rolls, max weight and some other shit I forget.

1d0 means one 10-sided die is cast everytime you attack with that weapon. If the die has 10 sides, it means the outcome can only be between 1 and 10, hence the 1-10 damage. D&D attack and damage rolls are all done through dice rolling.
Much the same way, 1d6 means 1 6-sided die, 1d12 means 1 12-sided die, etc, etc.

Another thing that will probably help you, there' are two components to any attack - an attack roll, which will determine if the attack hits or misses; and a damage roll, which will determine the damage done.

Attack Rolls are compared to the target's AC (Armor Class). If attack roll > target's AC = hit, if attack roll < target's AC = miss.
Every attack roll consists of a thrown 1d20 die, the result of the die gets whatever bonuses you have from feats and buffs added on top to produce the final attack roll. You can see these bonuses in the combat log by hovering over any line.

Sorry I fucked up a bit in this part
>Strength - 16 is just how many points into Strength you have. Every even point affects attack rolls, max weight and some other shit I forget.
I meant to say that every even point into any attribute (Strength, Dexterity, etc) will affect that attribute's bonus to your rolls. In the case of Strength, it'll affect the bonus you get on your attack rolls.
This bonus is the number you see after the STR - 16. It should be a +3 IIRC.

Everything he posted is on the nexus mod.
It's a 'curated' pack, so to speak.
But if it's too much effort to browse through that too, I guess you can keep being a faggot who needs spoonfeeding

5-14 because it's base 1d10 + 4 STR, Amiri has +3 STR bonus from 16 STR but when two handing you add 1.5x your STR bonus to damage, thus 4.5 instead of 3, thus 4, thus 1d10+4 = 5-14

A cha 10 character with no inherent bonuses and who cannot spare feats to boost it would not be doing much persuading in the first place

It must be seriously horrible to not live through the pen and paper games childhood. Zoomers are truly cursed creatures.

oh yeah I forgot about that. my bad

Fuck that encounter
fuck tartukk
fuck the entirety of sycamore
and fuck fireballs

>why, how does that happen? isn't it supposed to be 1d10?
It shows the total damage with bonuses.
1d10 from the weapon and +4 from other bonuses.

So putting skill points in persuade (and having it as a class skill) while having base 10 charisma isn’t good enough? Guess I’ll have to rethink this character from scratch then

I'm starting the game and i dont really like it because of the resting system which takes too much time

Gonna start first playthrough tonight or tomorrow. Is it possible to be viable as a 2H warrior without gimping my dialogue options, and if I play a girl are there any good dyke options?

Let me see if my brainlet brain understands, I got the part of the dice roll pretty good. You telling me that the game will calculate your strength, your roll and the enemies armor class?

Let's say I have a weapon that does 2-12 damage, and a strength of 20, what damage will I do then (depending on enemies AR) or how does the strength attribute apply said bonus to your damage?

It's not the worst part in act 1 and is far from the worst part in the whole game. It's a bit boring and long but that's it.

It's a bit limited.
But unless you want to make an Intimidate build, you can just have a companion be teh face of the party

Thankfully Color Spray is still great on Hard.
Cant wait for level 3 so Val gets Dazzling Display online

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So which characters can I turn into less of moralfags? I know you can do it with the elf chick, but any others? Don't suppose I can corrupt the fucboi priest.

Lower charisma is alright for the face of the party if you have other feats boosting Persuasion to compensate. F.ex. the regular skill focus feat gives a rather notable boost that gets even better later on, as do wizard familiars, or the strength feat and Vivisectionist teeth mutations that specifically boost intimidation checks.

Not the same user but you're not very smart, are you? Admittedly the explanation from the previous user is a bit dogshit too.

*casts protection from fire*
>nothinn personnel....tartuk....

You will roll 2 six sided dice and then add the strength modifier (+5) to what you rolled.

It IS the worst part of act 1 and even 2 for me for the sheer tediousness of it.It's not hard.You can just let everyone on autoattack and you'll clear everything but the skeles and tartuccio himself, rarely the big spider could fuck you over as well I guess

Check your STR modifier, that's the + number you have next to it.
That's how much damage is added to your physical attacks, or 1.5x it in case of 2H weapons or when you are two handing certain 1H weapons like Longsword, Bastard Sword.
This damage might be reduced based on enemy DR, certain enemies need certain weapon types to pierce their DR like most werecreatures ignore 10-15 damage if you dont attack them with silver weapons.
Armor Class just serves to check if your attack hit or was a miss
Check the game's tooltips, they are very descriptive besides status ailments which really should lead to hyperlinks like in Pillars

If you have a 2d12 damage weapon and 20 STR, that means you're getting +5 bonus to attack (determines if you hit or miss) and damage roll (determines damage).

So if we're assuming you hit, you'll deal 2d12+5 damage, which means you'll add +5 to whatever the outcome of the 2d12 (two 12-sided dice)

Armor Class does not affect damage. It doesn't reduce it. It only determins if the attacker hits or misses.

Hopefully that answers.

no need to worry about the time limit, it's really hard to get fucked by it

I actually really love that encounter because he always ends up roasting his kobold minions. No fucks given, it's perfect.

Why is this game so difficult? What am I missing?


>It’s a Regnogar dies instead of being knocked out because of his pointless fucking feat episode

Is Scrolls Savant viable?

That's only if the weapon is one handed, show me a one handed 2d12 weapon, i dare you.

Hows this?

Attached: Fulllength.png (692x1024, 1.03M)

Knowledge of ingame mechanics, their synergy, strategies.
Not even shitposting.

>bumrush all melee to tartukk
>he either fucking blasts his own ass into oblivion or gets amiri's twelve inch female cock of oppurtunity
No other way

I'm not grabbing teamwork feats. Is that it?

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I think I got it, thanks. Another question, these rules are all the same for all D&D versions or what? What's the difference between First Edition D&D to say 5th Edition?

No, I got a dorf with a pipe tho

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>low level sorc with 8 strength
>must do 2 quests solo
At least I had Invisibility for the flower cunt quest

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Oh wow, I was literally just about to post it as well. Orc Ferocity just ensures characters die in combat instead of getting knocked out.

It helps but it won't save you from everything. What difficulty are you playing on?

It's pretty easy to explain. People who don't know D&D/PF besides the name get rekt. People who actually played tabletop versions consider CRPG variant a breeze as you get to rest much more and enemies do not get any interesting ideas about killing you in the night, poisoning your food or doing a shitton of other underhanded things. Or just running away and coming back with reinforcements. It all depends on your GM.

Is there still that bug that increases the spell chance failure by 50%?

Made me quit after 12 hours.

>What's the difference between First Edition D&D to say 5th Edition?
There's plenty, you're better off not knowing them.

Basic things like rolling dice to determine success are the same. But otherwise they can differ greatly. For example Armor Class worked backwards in earlier versions of D&D, having 0 AC was the best case scenario and armor/shields would lower it.

feats are important, but it depends on your build, your team's builds are important as well, make sure your playing on normal difficulty or lower until you have a good grasp at how the game works

what's your class, what are you planning to do with it and what's your party?

This guy looks kinda monkish, no hat tho

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Yeah but I'm giving him the basic gestalt. The beginner's take. The "two handed" modifier doesn't really do anything for someone just starting out.
But yes he'd get the 1.5x bonus from STR instead of 1x.

Pathfinder is basically the same as D&D3.5. It started out because people got butthurt about D&D 4E and decided to branch off from D&D 3.5. So in a way, they are the same.

Editions of D&D are all completely new and unique rulesets. They're independent from each other. D&D 1E and 2E are very archaic. These editions have old mechanics like THAC0 instead of AC (Armor Class), and in these editions the less armor you have the better it is.

D&D 3E and 3.5E is the start of "modern" D&D. It's basically similar to Pathfinder.

D&D 5E is the most recent ruleset and it's a simplified 3.5E/Pathfinder. Despite the word "simplified" carrying a negative connotation, it's actually a very good edition and trimmed a lot of fat from 3.5. It's very easy for newer players to understand too. And I wish we had a D&D 5E game.

TL;DR - no they're not the same

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Good ol' TAC0, glad it's dead.

Are wizards still shittier than properly minmaxed sorcs?

Normal customized for core rules.

I made a party with no cc or debuffing spells and the difficulty is through the roof even with enemy difficulty set to "normal"

That's mostly because kingdom management in the module itself sucks dicks. As in they even improved on it in the game.

Huh, well shit. I'll check out 5 Edition then, as you can tell I've never played D&D, I guess it's a good thing Baldur's Gate 3 has 5E.

Technically, yes because the game is all about combat so learning utility spells is out and metamagic being slower for sorcerers is mitigated with metamagic wands.
However, the spell list has expanded a bit and now EVERY SPELL is available as a scroll eventually , so you can truly mix it up.

Not even a simple grease spell?

Druid, level 4, just going elemental lord type of guy. I picked the specialization that allows me to do that but I forget what it's called. Weather Specialist or something.

My party is generally Valerie in front with tower shield, Barbarian woman, myself with a spear, Blonde cleric dude "healing"/buffing, Olivia and bard midget.

Everyone is still using default weapons-

I made a party where everyone fights unarmed even if they are not fighters or monks and it's hard even on story mode.

If you're trying to find a party to play with that's ideal, most people play 5e, many still 3.5, but never 4th edition since it was weird, they tried to turn the system into something closer to mmos and no one even talks about it

Did they make a mod to remove the time limit so the games actually playable now?

i mean it takes around 1min every rest because of setting camp>choosing rest lenght>unskippable dialogs

You're just a masochist.

You need to learn about prebuffing, overall class synergy.
For example, starting the battle with Valerie using Dazzling Display already greatly shifts it in your favor due to enemies recieving -2 AB/Saves in a wide party friendly aoe. If you give her a Thug level, this translates to Fear which is great, and she can become your party face/persuasion/intimidate cow with sneak attack to boot.
You want to prebuff with AC and damage/ab buffs: Barkskin, Shield of Faith, Mage Armor for pets, Bless, Aid, Heroism/Good Hope, Bard Song
You want to prebuff with spells that give elemental DR against enemies that have elemental damage like alchemists, wisps
You want to CC the enemies with your casters with spells like Glitterdust, Color Spray, Sleep, Hypnotism, Stinking Cloud
Note that most of these things are already accessible starting from level 3 or so, some even earlier depending on your main character.
>What's the difference between First Edition D&D to say 5th Edition?
A fuckton of things.
IE games are 2e
NWN1 and ToEE are 3e, NWN2 is 3.5e (which are basically the same except 3e is really unbalanced)
Kingmaker is Pathfinder which is basically 3.5 with improvements but basics are the same as 3.5

You could have prevented this by going sylvan fag with memedon


They don't have a kit that gives access to a full scaling companion, however, they have faster and easier access to Arcane Trickster which is very powerful.

>with no cc or debuffing spells
So basically you willingly made the game harder for yourself and then realize its become... harder?

but why

The time limits are generous as fuck, nigger.

Basically the quick rundown is:
1 and 2 are old, no one plays them anymore but older cRPGs can be based on them.
3E, which is typically called 3.5E because it received a major update partway through, isn't played that much either, however there is an offshoot/remake of 3.5E by a different creator, called Pathfinder, which people play quite a lot.
The reason Pathfinder even came into existence is because of 4E, which sucked major balls and no one played for more than five minutes.
5E is a return to form for D&D and is more similar to 2 than 3, it's much simpler to play and the rules are easier to understand. You're best off starting there though grognards would insist you play Pathfinder. I like both for different reasons.

>they brought back the infinite stacking AC from natural armor
1 more year for patches I guess.

Did they ever bring in Alchemist as a proper class? I want my bombs

Every person I've talked to has said they've had their save made useless because they try to do all the content and explore so they either instant lose to one timer or the one after it. Hidden timers don't make a game more fun.

It's literally been in the game since it came out you know.

What do you mean?
Alchemist and grenadier are already in and are near top tier classes

Yeah I got that bug too

Your friends are retarded then.
You get at least 3 warnings per main quest about how 'Terrible magics make our advisors shit their pants' or 'Trolls rape everything, they will ruin us soon'.
And it takes like 4 months ingame.
They are fucking useless players

Newbie here, I've been trying to plan my character, I feel like those spells with "HD" term in their description are not worth it, like they will work at lower levels but eventually just stop since monster late game will probably have a lot of HP

So I guess it's better to pick stuff like Hideous Laughter over Hypnotism for example?

Why do devs insist on so much descriptive prose?
I skip through most of the game's dialogue because the writing is so fucking drab. Just stick to writing dialogue for fuck's sake you're not fucking Dostoyevsky. Only Planescape Torment even had this prose and no other game managed to pull it off, how are devs so fucking stupid fuck.

the only cc I have is obsidian flow. my party is alchemist pc who is actually strong, and then crusader, invulnerable rager, stormwalker, sword saint, and arcane sorcerer mercenaries. crusader is supposed to be ac tank and heal/buff caster, but I can't stack ac high enough to be effective. invulnerable rager is supposed to be melee attacker but doesn't have high enough hit modifiers and dies in 2 hits from anything even with high con. stormwalker and sorcerer are ok I guess but sword saint is pretty much useless.

Most of the time, yes.
Though since chapter 1 can be hard, having sleep early on to take care of a mob may help

And they are lying.
The game is built in a way that if you do the story quests of each chapter when you get them instead of ignoring problems like your peasants exploding into owlbears, you actually gain a huge timeout between each chapter do deal with kingdom and shit.
Hell, some have a downtime of fucking in game MONTHS

>sword saint is useless
It's one of the best dodgetank builds you can make with extremely high damage ceiling due to how his crits work.

Depends. Some sill works against higher HD enemies. And HD means hit die meaning a creature's level, not their health.

>how are devs so fucking stupid fuck.
We're in the age where no one is allowed to say "that's not good" IRL and where everyone wants to be a Jack of All Trades. So of course devs who are terrible writers will think they're amazing.

is the new DLC any good, it looks shit

it is shit

Spells can be swapped out at certain times in the pen and paper, so taking stuff like Sleep or Color Spray makes sense at level 3 or whatever because you can replace them with better spells like Gliterdust or Black Tentacles later.
I have no idea if you can do this in the video game though.

bit new to this
how to best build a mad dog barb?
do they need charisma at all, or just dump things into strength, stamina, and a bit of dex?

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>combat focused DLC in a game with shit combat
take a guess

Pathfinder writing is okay, stop being a bitch. It's not amazing, nor bad, it's solid 7/10 with a few bright moments when it gets real good.


that's what I was intending but it wasn't working. even with ac stacked as high as possible I would still have like 20-40% chance of getting hit which was usually an instant kill, and the spellblade shit never did as much damage as I expected.