Does anyone here play mahjong? It's a pretty fun chinese card game.
Does anyone here play mahjong? It's a pretty fun chinese card game
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Default rule set.
even after winning I still feel tilted.
More like chingchong soulless
Well, deserved 4th I guess.
Until I saw webms like these, I didn't even know your emotes turned gray like that, I didn't even know there was a cooldown timer on them.
I also only recently realized that clicking that little ! in a diamond to the right of your hand showed your waits. I knew the ! popped up sometimes but wasn't sure when, and I never wanted to click it, because I didn't know what it'd do.
come join the fun
>could've had junchan if you kept the 1man
1 more fags gogogo
Every fucking time.
The power of the chink server.
I'm feeling so unlucky today.
Every single riichi i get couldn't even ron.
don't riichi then, the rons come easier
just kidding, always riichi
There's no yaku without riichi most of the time.
how's bronze league
nice strawman, but it's been a long while since i play in bronze.
This is why i say i'm unlucky.
My hand is so bad i need to rely on riichi to get yaku.
You probably fled Bronze too long ago.
People aren't that bad in Bronze anymore, a lot of new players actually know how to play to some extent already.
>playing yesterday
>guy riichis
>dude on my left throws a wind tile assuming it to be safe
>gets ron'd on a kokushimusou
I can't tell if the dude riiching a kokushi was retarded or smart.
Good game lads
Majsoul Friends Room 14594(4-Player South):
your hand is bad because you're not good enough to make good hands consistently
your luck is the same as everyone else's
I'm finna bouta gonna fuck shit up
You can spot a kokushi from a mile away given the usual discard pile.
The riichi points an even bigger danger sign at it.
Ready up.
>people can't have unlucky streaks.
Fuck off. Your kind of attitude is insufferable.
Is there a worse feeling than getting 3rd because you're in a room with a retard cat who deals into the other 2 player's hands?
>"some external unseen force is affecting my game!"
except it's not.
Some days i'm extremely lucky and some days i'm extremely unlucky.
I know that it's normal as well, because you can have a straight line of "good hands", and it will tend to be a bell curve graph if you record it down.
But thanks for letting me know you're an absolute brainlet.
Now i can ignore you completely because you're just here hoping to shit flinging with someone, or belittle someone so you can feel good about your pathetic life.
>watching live jp tournament
>dude is in riichi, everyone else already betaori
>other guy has no safe tiles in his hand
>calls a kan in order to get a safe tile from the dead wall
Hot damn these japs are nice.
Being fourth because everyone and their mother tsumos at the first discard row and you get baiman tsumo'd when you're dealer.
Yes, getting fourth because the retard cat gets you in all last because you have literally no safe tiles.
you can't* have a straight line of "good hands"
Gg lads. I had the flow there
The guy dead last that returned his 9 terminal hand... Why? That was a ticket straight to Yakumanland
imagine being this mad
It's not bad luck, it's bad yaku efficiency. The bronze rooms is easiest of all and you can't overcome it. You'll get better once you stop blaming everything on luck and work on your game.
Going for kokushi below 12 tiles is dumb.
Below 11 tiles it's downright retarded.
Going for it with 9-10 tiles is "you're either last with no hope of normal recovery or you should be insta-demonted to novice 1"
let's go again
default rules
Gonna dump G Taste webms, let's hope mods aren't fags over some tiddies.
another brainlet that can't read and try to strawman with "lul you're bronze"
Maybe you will get better once you understand that you literally can't win every single round simply because you have "yaku efficiency".
Otherwise prove it to me, go for 100% win rate, or are you just bad at this game huh?
Going for it with 10 tiles is totally reasonable.
lmao that's fucking ridiculous
Those are not cards
what does this emote symbolize? I don't really get it
>queue melee
>toimen is literally afk from round 1
Think again
more plebs onegai
your bad
it loosely translates to "fuck nyaggers and all other open tanyao chimps"
Where can I figure out Yaku?
I tried to learn it several times but I'm too stupid.
And last one.
Fun game.
*AHEM* Fuck whales.
>second rinshan form my opponent today
>iishanten hell in half of my hands today
With regards for someone above talking about luck.
I'm crying like a baby
Could you beat the legendary Akagi Shigeru at golf?
why do mahjong players always make that face when they walk by you on the street?
It keeps happening
Good game.
Today isn't a good day.
I always wonder if FKMT plan this ending out or just ride the akagi wave.
I wish I can stop throwing my hands into no yaku.
IS it finally over?
Last chapter I read is when he threw away a bag of cash to the sea and then he played some kind of fishing game with a Yakuza or something like that.
Can't remember well.
That was like one of the last 3 chapters
>From an edge lord to a chill based old man.
Akagi ended last year, his death is the ending of Ten, the manga Akagi spun off from.
'kay, gotta check it latter.
There better be no chuns discarded, because it was better to go to pon palace with that hand.
Why would you riichi this hand?
The waiting tile is bad for a Riichi, also like said, pon palace would get you a Mangan hand instead of 3 han hand.
why didn't you make the best most optimal choice every time? that's all you gotta do bro.
you mean you're in bronze, don't have much experience, have less than 20 seconds, and don't see the optimum discard choices instantly like we do while we have 10+ minutes to stare at a picture of your game and have years of mahjong experience?
why do you even bother...
Default rule set.
Your run-of-the-mill nyagger grasps the notion of "dragon pon good". Choosing chiitoitsu over toitoi is consciously deciding to build a more difficult hand.
Hell, you didn't even have to make toitoi there.
She has been around for a while.
It's fine user, gambare.
It's hard but try to learn from it and turn those feelings into big dick hands.
>have less than 20 seconds,
Before majsoul, most clients had even lower timers and people learned just fine.
You just need to git gud and stop having that loser attitude.
Majsoul Friends Room 80496(4-Player South):
Default rules.
Majsoul Friends Room 86809(4-Player South):
default rules
>So many default hanchans
Don't you niggers get bored?
One more.
no not really
abandoned I joined the other room
but if you decide to try out playing without red fives, or without open tanyao, or with a 2+ han minimum, even just for one game, that means you're a fucking tryhard who hates fun and is mad that someone ron'd you for 1000 points
I mean that's how you improve. You look at the failures and ask was there something I could have done or not done to improve your station. It's just a bonus you can outsource that big think to random anons and all you need to do is apply.
>Caring about what retarded anons say
I'm sorry you're actually such a try hard.
Does second still give points in the higher tier rooms? Sometimes I’m just happy securing second place rather than attempt some big dick hand in all last to snatch first place
>four riichi
>the game doesn't stop
Not all rule-sets have 4 riichi as a miscarriage draw.
Second with 30k points is enough to pay for the entry fee and get some points.
Below that second gives yoy rank points but you lose some copper.
your ranked points are based on how above or below your score is from 25,000, with an added penalty for 4th place. You can get ranked points by coming 3rd in the throne room provided you have even 25,100.
Will they reveal Mahjong 2 at E3?
Aki best girl
>Guy in the shadow realm
>Back to life.
chinese soft propaganda to make their government-controlled cyber espionage platform less foreign
once you get enough of the ecksdee crowd ironically parroting this, their work does itself for them
>he thinks he isn't already being spied by the chinks
>when you want to go for cheeky chiitoi with chun wait
This game sometimes.
What will Mahjong 2 add to the existing game?
>you mean you're in bronze, don't have much experience
You can bring a random nigger to majsoul, tell him the basic rules in 15 minutes and he'll be able to get out of bronze on the same day.
>have less than 20 seconds,
3-5 seconds is more than enough for 99% people
>and don't see the optimum discard choices instantly like we do while we have 10+ minutes to stare at a picture of your game
Nobody does it for 10 minutes my bronze friendo.
>tfw suuankou tenpai but another player deals into a 2han hand
Based satire poster being treated with poe's law.
now matter the time or day aki is always first or second
What the fuck is going on.
From shadow realm to second place.
the flow
>honba 5
>Some guy Riichi's
>Call an open Kan
>Ruin his Ippatsu
>Across deals into him
>Gets utterly raped anyways thanks to the ura-dora
I'll stop kanning when it stops being funny.
you're right, we should let them do it
Well, shite, my flow was ridiculous here.
>actually managed to get back into tenpai after attempting to fold completely and scored a 3 han win
How'd I do?
bronze 4 lyfe
Not enough body writing
>cat kans 2man
>deals in on the rinshan, riichi only turns into a baiman with the kan and the ura
How is it a mangan with toitoi? It's just 3 han isn't it?
Second dead wall with dora indicator and kaihous.
keep thinking you're safe for not playing this one game if that's what helps you sleep at night.
You're getting spied nonetheless.
Chun, Haku , toi toi... that would be 4 han + Lots of FU = Mangan.
Toitoi/All Triplets is 2 han. Since he had a pair of the dragons, he would have had another 2 han. The way fu works, it would have pushed him up into the limit of 2000 base points, meaning mangan.
>They stop the game
>The flow is over.
Why would they stop the game?
Good game, I love all of you.
t. Nyagger
good game, cat friends.
I played it in FFXIV and it was fun, but there aren't really any rewards tied behind it so I stopped.
Majsoul Friends Room 34029(4-Player South):
room 34029 standard hanchan
ranked is too fucking stressful, I feel like the chinks in gold are cheating somehow.
I have the login issue again.
Fuck's sake, how hard is it to keep your login servers running.
>that crazy oya hand
>Aki furiten iishanten
>yolo kokushi
>lol nope just draw your furiten garbo chun bro xd
I won't lie, it was intense as fuck.
That kokushi wasn't happening either way. I respect the attempt, but it wasn't happening.
1 more
Such a great game.
I really wanted that guy to get the first place but they killed the flow.
Come to the chink side user.
You actually use an username + password to login instead of needing a sns account.
too many burgers on weekends. they need to lose some weight.
>Toitoi/All Triplets is 2 han.
Oh my bad, for some reason I remembered it being only 1. Maybe I should go for it more often.
>The way fu works, it would have pushed him up into the limit of 2000 base points, meaning mangan.
I don't suppose there's an easy way to explain how this works?
Well, it was rather obvious but still add some charm to this last hand.
I have a pure e-mail login though? No SNS involved.
room bump 34029
need one more
Still need 1 more, there's room for you, yes YOU
I'm trying to join but majsoul is stuck here
No, but I'll dump copy pasta
Here's how the scoring chart works in Riichi Mahjong
When you win, you look at your hand, and award points, called "Fu". It starts with
20 - For winning
+ 2 - Tsumo
+10 - Closed Ron
Then you look at your wait:
+ 2 - Anything except an open or dual pair wait (You have two consecutive tiles waiting for a tile on either side, like a 34 waiting on a 2 or 5)
Then your pair:
+ 2 - If the pair had value (what they mean by this is if you had a third tile, would you have a yaku? If yes, you have a value pair)
Finally, look at your sets:
+ 2 Pon of simple tiles (2-8)
+ 4 Pon of Terminal/Word tiles
+ 8 Kan of simple tiles
+16 Kan of Terminal/Word tiles
x2 bonus per set if you did not steal any of it, not even for ron.
Add ALL of that shit up, then round up to the next 10.
Then you double that shit for every single han you have. Then the Japanese double it twice more for literally no reason, and those are your Base Points. For you math nerds, that looks like this:
Base Point = Fu x 2^(han + 2)
Everyone then pays you the BP rounded up to the next hundred. East pays and receives twice the BP before rounding. If someone has ron'd, the person who discarded bears the burden of every single player at the table.
EXAMPLE: 40 fu, 2 han = 640 BP.
Winner of the round is a Non-Dealer. The dealer pays 640x2 which is 1280, then rounded up, making it 1300. The other players pay 640 rounded up, making it 700.
BONUS ROUND: Honba (round continuation)
For every round that East wins, he stays east, and a marker is placed on the table. For every marker, each player adds in an additional 100 points to their score. This is included in the payment for the player ron'd.
Example from above, but there are two honba: Everyone pays an additional 200, or the ron'd player pays 600 extra.
This is also how Pinfu works. Pinfu means "No points", so it's 20 points, waive win condition point, and then all runs with an open wait and valueless pair
Yeah, but you need to validate it every time you want to log in and don't have the cookies.
That's not needed in the chink side.
You just log in like any normal account. Hence, there is no need for independent log-in servers that keep failing like they're failing you now.
New to mahjong, what's do you mean default rule? is there a non default rule?
Something I didn't explain in here due to character limit: If the BP ever hits 2,000 or above, it resets back to 2,000, making that the limit. This is where Mangan kicks in. A non dealer would get 2,000 points from the two non-dealers, and double that from the dealer, making a total of 8,000 points. After that, the other limit hands just increase based on han.
There are. When you make friendly lobbies, you can change the rules up a bit. So default rules means they are just not changing any of the settings.
5+20 red five
You can change number of rounds, starting points, bonus tiles and other shit.
There are optional rules that change the game.
The riichi stick is the flag of Japan
p-please join, 1 more. closing in 10 minutes if no one joins
cursed room ;_;
I would but it freezes when I try to log in
>han + 2
I nearly failed highschool math, where does the +2 come from based on this explanation?
>Turn all my gifts into dust
>Waste a bunch of copper buying shit to get enough dust
>Finally 50 dust
>Blue gift
This is abusive holy shit
woo started
If my internet doesn't fail I'll join.
It's a fixed rate.
It doesn't come from anywhere, the japs just decided to always multiply hans by 2 in the equation.
Any time you double a number, it can be represented as a power of 2. So if I say, double a number 3 times, as in 2, 4, 8, I can represent that as 2 to the power of 3, or 2^3.
If I say, double 6 3 times, then I can do the same thing, just adding a 6 x in front of it. 6 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 6 x 2^3 = 24.
You can represent it like 2^(1+2) in the same way, because you do everything in parenthesis first.
Thus, because Japan randomly doubles all of their base points two additional times, it can be represented as Fu x 2^(han + 2). Savvy?
Is there something wrong with mahsoul servers? It's really slow and verification keeps failing
>6 x 2 x 2 x 2 = 6 x 2^3 = 24.
Yeah, got the same issue here. They had that a week ago, too. It's frustrating.
Is is manzi/pinzi/souzi or manzu/pinzu/souzu? I've seen both used.
never heard of -zi, always heard -zu
>+ 2 - Anything except an open or dual pair wait
by dual pair wait do you mean double tanki wait? if so that gives 2 fu
how about you play because a game is fucking fun.
even this game has some progression on this site. i played tenhou years ago.
now if you say you dont like it, thats fair.
Personally I like -zu more.
"Pinzi" sounds kind of off.
I can understand why you get more fu from a shitty wait, but why does ron give more fu than tsumo? Isn't ron easier to get?
that fucking little shit that followed him that actually took the cash with him, even though akagi was planning to leave it because he found it to risky.
love it
-zu, but you should just call them man/pin/sou
First ones are chink's pronunciations latter are japs'.
Like Pon/pung Kan/kong Mahjongg/Majyaan
Double tanki wait is a meta concept, not an actual wait. It's just a tanki wait on either side. Dual Pair is a common translation I've seen of shanpon.
>chinese spy
You're literaly metanlly ill with clinical delusion.
Btw, you already are spied by US govermen's cyber espionage platform for decades, and this weebsite you loved so much called "Yea Forums" is part of it, Yea Forums is on FBI's watchlist for years:)
It should be noted that 'zi' is pronounced 'zu' in China anyway
Honestly? Kinda depends. On skilled players, a lot of people will argue ron is less likely to happen even though there are three other players dealing out potential wins because they're remaining cautious of you. But even still, the Fu counting system is the same way in Chinese Mahjong too. It could just be simply that the Chinese saw a concealed Ron just being more valuable when the game was being ironed out, or they may have actually high skilled players who remember what people have discarded.
tl;dr It is a mystery.
Yeah, I should have said romanizations, not pronunciations.
Is the game not loading up for anyone else?
I just get the the torii gate loading screen
You're the third one to have this problem.
Seems to be a regular occurrence around this time on the weekends.
Yea Forums 40 fu is mangan and pons=fu, pons of dragons=more fu
Posting on Yea Forums is a yaku now?
i always knew we were worth something bros
This thread reads like a King of the Hill:Online thread, which is very strange for a number of reasons.
>Dab on them Nyaggers
>Take a censored selfie of you and the person who dealt into your riichi after they called a kan
>4 han - Closed only
is abema stream over already?
Baka gaijin can't watch it anymore.
>East pays and receives twice the BP before rounding.
I know dealer pays twice on tsumo, but do they also pay twice on ron?
No, if ron, the only condition that matters is whether the one who completed hand was dealer or not.
As someone who knows basically how to play, the tutorial is a fucking joke, it'll only confuse people who don't know how to play at all.
Oh right. And if they were dealer you just multiply the final points by 1.5?
let me in
I lost it at the kyuushu kyuuhai nyaa.
Do yourself a favor and save the 4000x6000 version (which is too large to be uploaded to Yea Forums though).
Eh, sorta. It's more like because East receives twice the base payment from non-dealers, it just winds up equaling the same as a dealer x1.5
So basically yes. Just not technically.
As someone who mostly plays Paradox grand strategy games, this sounds perfect for me.
south get in
I didn't know how to play and the tutorial got the basics into me just fine. Worry not.
The only thing that is unfortunate is the lack of introduction of yaku.
There is a list of yaku with explanations when you are in a table.
Sunglasses man in Ten is a pretty based villain, even if the stakes are laughably low.
Sure, but it's hard to keep peeking at it mid-game.
finished worst than the guy who disconnected
Thanks for the game
ggs you thief ;_;
Is Sanchahou an abortive draw in Majsoul?
Nope. Pay up, fag.
Is that a fucking 9 gates?
How do I change my Majsoul background like some people seem to do?
I'm extremely sad
I went for the four concealed triplets every hand when I got 4th with that point number ;_:
>9 gates
Be thankful you didn't get one, you're supposed to quit mahjong altogether when you do
It's not even atamahane, you pay for all the rons
He saved your life user
>not being willing to die for a 9 gates
>wasting your 9 gates on a Yea Forums Friendly
The table color or what?
>Under the river, dora
The entire background image. Streamers and the like seem to have custom ones. It was easy enough to do with the tenhou client but I have no idea how to do it with majsoul.
>TFW too stupid for Mahjong
I wana play with you.
It is physically painful playing with someone who gets tenpai five turns in every round. Please ends this agony.
No red fives, no open tanyao, 2-han-minimum, final destination.
Just press the shiny buttons
You'll have plenty of opportunities for chinitsu hands in the future, don't worry!
1 more for south.
Thank god its over
No, i like it
That's honitsu, dumb cat
nyagger, you serious?
Imagine a game where you have to call your Yaku after your Ron/tsumo a list of Yaku is displayed and you have to pick which ones your hand have, if you do it wrong you have to pay a Mangan penalty.
>have 30,800 points
>First has 32,000 points and is the last dealer, if I tsumo pretty much any hand I get first
>make a pinfu with 1 red, don't need to call riichi
>FREE SEX anyway
>3rd place gets a direct hit on 1st, because of my riichi stick though we go to west
>dumb retard cat deals into the former third place in West 1 to push them to the top
>get 2nd place instead of an easy first because of a riichi stick
Is there a mahjong version of that "I"m a genius" "Oh no" pic
someone make a room
>As someone who mostly plays Paradox grand strategy games
I hope you pirate them as everyone should.
Just join a Melee room so you can help me get these quests done faster.
Majsoul plus.
2-han-min lets go nyaggers
>mangan penalty
It's called chombo.
But that's a great idea for a training game/program.
>2-han min
this is going to be painful
Triple ron.
>1 south off from thirteen orphans
>They've all been discarded
Well it was worth a shot.
>It's called chombo.
Thanks. I'll try to remember it.
1 more, get in here
No. The fully rape you in the ass.
mods please fucking delete these generals
/jp/ doesn't want us; we don't fit in. They're all ranked tryhards and we're trying to have fun.
Go complain about Smash first. At least we regularly pull 70+ unique posters.
I made a joke about that once and then some faggot went on an autistic spree about how I don't understand how chombo works
Why is Kana such a bitch?
>saving the emails from the idol girls
fuck I deleted and discarded them the moment I claimed the rewards
>give you free games
more like mahdong
They get automatically deleted once they're past the timeframe for claiming.
I wish I could keep Kana's mail forever.
>taking other people's property and giving them to (You)
Like making an open kan when you're in riichi
I am tired of orasu mahjong.
More like making an open kan when someone *else* is in riichi.
Well how else are you going to suukantsu?
But they don't.
>Like making an open kan when you're in riichi
>making an open kan
>open kan
>when you're in RIICHI
>nikaidou gives ichihime a shiny stone to give you so that you can give it to back her to increase her bond
>please don't draw this winning tile that turns my hand into shit
>Cat has iq below average
It’s not fair
>give it to ichihime instead
Actually, isn't that worse? If it's dangerous, they can steal the kan and get an extra han. If you just discarded it, you would get 4 turns of safety it passed.
Were you the paypig that got shit on?
You're in riichi and Kana-chan makes an open kan for you from someone else's tile
Is that too hard a concept to grasp
>100 points from expert
I've failed here before Yea Forums so I need advice
Do I do a south or an east
Which yaku are closed only? Pinfu, iipeikou, ryanpeikou, any more?
its been 3 minutes. what do?
You should go fap first
Menzen tsumo and obviously riichi.
tfw not enough luck for a comeback
You can't steal from closed kans, only from transformed pons. Unless it's Kokushi, then all rules go outside the window.
Same rules 2/4.
How's SIXTH place treating you retard master
Wait it's seventh lmao even worse
You need to
I refreshed, and went from 24000 points to this:
So what happened here?
No one liked the local yaku?
Or is it just because it's unranked and has no rewards?
you had no chance against a paypig
No real reason to play it, no rewards.
>weird ass mahjong with bronze plebs
>no ranked points
>no chests
>no gifts
At least make a daily quest for a random purple gift.
No points in going for the local yaku when everyone pons on dragons and winds to get 1000 points wins.
Majsoul Friends Room 90885(4-Player South):
One more, get in here
Not enough new yaku that really change the game. The only fun one is full retard calls.
I tried, but I sat in queue for like 10 minutes and still didn't get a game.
Try it right now. There's room for one more in East.
>when you don't know how to build 2-han hands
300 replies
76 posters
so everyone is having a good time making 4-5 replies, people asking for help, people playing together, people having fun with memes and images
Why again do people want to move this to /vg/?
You play ranked to raise your rank and gain items.
You play friendlies to play with your friends.
Only thing melee has are the local yakus. They are cool but it doesn't really change much about the game. There's like 2 yakus to go for, the others are extremely luck based and situational.
Oh you mean closed kan. That is smart then.
Gaming is forbidden on Yea Forums.
>9 tenpais in game
>won only one hand
>deal into ippatsu penchan as oya even though you had double ryanmen few turns back
>other tsumos fuck up your points entirely
>get send into shadow real because you 3rd player would escape regardless even if I stopped my push
Is it possible to get something back when game just decide to fuck you over and over again or should I just accept it and git gut next time?
All good reasons.
Still, it seems a shame. Hopefully it won't stop them from adding more alternate rule sets in the future.
nice discards bro
I feel like shit right now.
Get a nice cup of tea and listen to the nyagger for a bit
>no open tanya
what the fuck are those pussy rules?
>what is a yaku, I go by instinct
I love my cat, she's just like me
managing a hand of 13 cards sounds like kind of a pain
I'm sure these are made for chinese mahjong where you just call everything anyways though
Standard South
Majsoul Friends Room 33626(4-Player South):
He fears nyaggers
Based Hanada-senpai
Maybe I'll get Tenhou if I do my hair like hers too
The idea is to punish people more for dealing in.
This has happened to me nearly 10 times in a row. It makes me never want to riichi, ever, even with double ryanmen or better. The ones that didn't go like that were just as bad like one game where it was the 1st round as dealer and opponent gets 4 turn tenpai and riichis, all honor discards in everyones piles so I can't even think about considering suji or employing kabe. I'm also their shimocha so I go first, and only thing in my hand is tanyao tiles and immediately deal in with baiman and then being unable to catch up rest of the game and even get past iishanten with ridiculously good shapes for getting into tenpai. Then the one hand with doras I got, and even got to tenpai, someone rons with yakuhai 1k in 6 turns. All while concentrating at 100% to not deal in to any more hands which I didn't but still end in 4th place due to getting bled by other hands. That was just one game too.
I'll probably just play friendlies with anons once in a while to spam emotes and that's it. I've accepted I'm most likely cursed AND shit at this game no matter how confident I am that I know the basics like the back of my hand. Just pray it doesn't happen to you as well. On the bright side at least I proved that theres nothing fishy going on with gachafagging or else I would have won like crazy like some people do.
The fuck happened to Taco?
learner here
why did I not win this?
It's a Chantaiyao, isn't it? I have prime tiles in all my sets, and 2 are wind sets (honour)
why am I not winning?
All mahjong hands (that aren't chiitoi or kokushi) are formed with 4 sets of 3 and 1 set of 2.
You have three sets and two pairs. If someone played the 9man or the 1sou or you drew them you would win. But right now your hand is incomplete because it has two pairs.
i don't know
have free sex.
ok I understand, I ended up getting another 9 man and it won me that game like you said.
you said 4 sets of 3 so what happens with the kan, as it's a quad?
thank you for your help, I promise this is my only question for now
A kan is counted as a triplet for the purpose of your hand's structure. You can think of a kan as taking 4 tiles and turning them into three.
A kan is treated functionally as a set of 3, which is why you draw an additional tile when you kan something
Kan counts as a set of 3(+1) don't worry.
You win off 14 tiles, not 13. You make a ready hand with your 13 tiles, and then the win comes from either your draw or someone's discard. If a 9 character or 1 bamboo comes up you'll win.
Default rule set.
>the match is started
Fuck this game for taking forever to start up.
Oh I forgot I quit this shit game.
She's currently in Goddess mode.
Yuuki's gonna make Teru Time look like a fucking joke.
>play 3 matches in melee room
>6 online
Damn, we actually got to the South game.
>melee room
What a fucking failure holy shit
Regular rules
It's fine, this graph is a fucking meme.
All these 4th aren't though.
One more needed
I don't get it. Was it really obvious or was I just really unlucky
Just unlucky. I didn't have either of those in my hand, so I know that I wouldn't have dropped it for you.
>5 out of 8 winning titles already out
>pinzu being dangerous as fuck
Maybe not obvious but chances for tsumo were on tanki level and they had to try risk very high to deal in. Also don't know if you call riichi before or after those pinzu calls, but if later I would rather drop dora and try worse but way better 124 wait.
What a fucking meme game.
Before them, which is why I was wondering if they knew I was waiting for it, or they were just going open retard tanyao mode. This whole game has been very frustrating for me
really wanted that full flush to get revenge for the embarassment of those deal ins but fun games
Does this have the fake call wait time when you discard a tile that Tenhou had?
You already had 3 dora, should have dropped the red 5p and gone on a 1-2-4 wait instead.
We read the flow.
I went full retard that game. But I thought the 4p was very dangerous because the xenia might have a 35p wait (or the less dangerous 45p) due to the 8p 7p discard in a row plus the early 2p, the other cat was fishing for for some pinzu tile too and you were clearly looking for pinzu tiles too.
Anyone have a guide on how not to deal into a riichi? I'm playing the Yakuza minigame and do it all the time to the point that it's basically luck whether I do or not.
It doesn't though, the turn indicator immediately changes over if nobody can call anything. Tenhou pauses for a moment even if nobody has any calls so it's less blatant when someone could use a tile unless they sit and wait for a long time
Discard tiles that are either in their discard pile, or ones that other people have already discarded after the riichi.
Almost, but not quite.
>finish the last melee match with two pure skill ura-dora hanemans in a row
>new daily quest is 3 matches in melee room again
Sometimes it does have a small pause but I'm not sure if that's lag or built-in
Yeah but is that really all I can do without going into card counting levels of autism?
This actually saved my skin once. Thanks whoever.
If there's a small pause then someone had a call and clicked pass.
If three of an honor tile are gone and you have the fourth, that's 100% safe unless someone's going for thirteen orphans.
You can also look into suji, but it's possible to set up traps with it. I doubt the Yakuza AI does that though
No, sometimes it pauses even when someone drops a wind tile that are already all in the discard ponds
Well if that's the case it's some kind of lag or something, it doesn't have a coded delay like Tenhou does.
>only just today noticed you can tell whether someone does tsumogiri or discards from their hand
Huh. The animation is a little more subtle than I'd like, I kind of have to focus on their hand to be able to tell.
Very cool life hack for anyone who has the melee room quest.
Just turn on autodealer/no chi/pon/kan and afk!
I thought about it but it's pretty fucking rude
>Youtube tutorials for building the walls stop before showing you how to properly set up the dead wall and dora indicator
Fucking hell, I swear I saw one that showed it once.
During the animation of their hand physically discarding the tile, you can see their draw still separated as a single tile to the side if they discarded something from their hand. If they do tsumogiri, the single tile disappears instead.
It'd be easier to see if there were a quick little animation of them sliding their tiles together after dealing one from their hand, but it just happens in an instant so it's difficult to catch unless you're staring at their hand.
Could anyone link the updated version of gifts needed for ascension of every girl in the game?
Don't bother if you haven't played 10k hours or aren't a paypig
Take my daisengan, I take your life
It depends on how the computer behaves. If it behaves like a human and tries to create good shape to wind up on a good wait, you can make predictions based on what it and other players have played. If it just speeds into tenpai and mashes free sex on anything, it's harder to predict and you should just stick with tiles that are statistically less likely to wind up as a wait (e.g. honors, terminals)
Read chapter 8 of this book:
Nadeshiko the besto
That's literally what that post says.
>Can't turn items into stardust.
can you get wishing stones for free?
Reg rules for basic nyaggers
The only way you get them is from summoning, so you get a pittance stone every once in a while.
You can exchange 1 faith for 1 wishing stone.
I really wanted the yakuman, but I had to accept this.
I don't know what faith is
You get one every time you summon, then go to redeem in the summon screen to trade it for a wishing stone. Keep in mind you'll be dead before you get 10 without paying up.
Fucking no balls.
As expected of a tarot bitch player.
Why do they angle the wall?
san hanchan total sucore
They push everything closer to the center so people don't have to reach as far, and angling it is so the player to your left can more easily see the end tile in your wall
Why do events ever use tables that can pre-deal hands but just not use the setting for it?
The sound of tile shuffling is ASMR-ish, they want to keep that in the broadcast.
Can you actually be in furiten if you go for the 13-wait Kokushi Musou by discarding a pair ?
There's no shuffling though, just grabbing tiles
I am rooting for Hinata, i like her youtube channel.
link pls
same, she's a cute and I like her enthusiasm
I mean in the background while they're making their hands.
I mean, you still get that from sorting the pre-dealt hands. It's not like grabbing sets of four tiles from the walls really makes much sound
Going back into the logs, right had a pair wait for a chun, he was never going to deal that into me. I made the right choice I think.
Yes you will.
Guess that's also why 13-way kokushi is not double yakuman on tenhou, since you can put yourself into furiten and just draw the tile anyway
Even if he didn't you still did the right move.
>fell back down to 800 rank points in Adept 3
Someone kill me
>tfw you only now realize ryanpeikou has a chiitoi structure
Why would you do that though? Is a single yakuman not good enough for you bastards?
I bought a set of tiles and a junk mat just to have around.
how do I make friends to use it with?
Yeah, that's why it's a double. 13-way kokushi is pretty much tsumo-only because the odds of you not having to put yourself in furiten to get the 13-way wait are next to none.
Hi Meido, nice Uumensai you have there.
Start smoking and hang out with old asians
Sprinkle a few loose cigarettes around, and it will naturally attract some older Asian gentlemen.
Do you have no friends interested in mahjong, or just no friends?
So who the fuck won the official Mahjong tournament?
I did
I'm scared to play against other people, so I just go against an online mahjong cpu, but I still feel like I get fucked over by luck way too much.
I understand like the most basic parts of what to throw away and stuff, but I don't think I can properly read ponds, cause I still lose a lot.
Just now I riichi'd on like turn 4 and then the cpu Rons on the next draw.
Next turn one of the cpu's tsumos into a 13 orphans.
>ended on literally last tile
The normalest rules in all of cat land
throw yourself into playing with others, at bronze especially they will not be as good as you are thinking
I can't tell whether I win/lose because I played well/poorly or because of luck.
Post stats, nyagger.
Despite what Yea Forums tells you, the true display of skill comes from tsumo.
Efficient, fast play with a good wait on top of that is the best way to determine if someone is skilled or not.
Aiming for ron is looking for other people's mistakes. Getting a good hand is luck, but after lots of games that luck is replaced by your real skill.
yeah whatever you say fag
i applaud your efforts to create more posts in the thread
Never give up, not even in the meme melee room.
Discord tranny
thank god for playing with retards who cant help but kan
>not aiming for RON purposely and building your hand according to your opponent's discards
>not picking a target at beginning of the match and RON only him till he hits negative
Do you even think about mental damage ?
What do you say if luck is a stat and some people are more naturally lucky than others?
Dumb paypig.
What a dumb piece of shit holy fuck
He wasn't even in tenpai what the fuck
Wait a second...
I believe it
Somebody come please
Why would you do that?
Just played my first game against people and you were right. It's less intimidating than I thought.
The game told me I could riichi and I couldn't figure out in time what it was on, so I just accepted it like the smart boy I am.
Luckily enough my opponent was nice enough to play into my closed wait.
>only reward is copper
Yeah, no thanks.
Still need someone
Oh, for fun obviously
still need someone?
I don't mind a casual stress free chi/pon fest
Is it possible to rank down from expert 1 to adept 3?
Let's play a match!
Majsoul Friends Room 36482(4-Player South):
Standard South
So it's safe to just give those blue mail gifts to whoever, right? Since they can't be broken down or anything, and don't seem to be the bond gift requirements.
Fucking clipboard.
What did you mean by this user.
What the fuck nigger
I sincerely sincerely fucking hate mahjong so god damn much.
>Can't start a room now because everyone would know my fetish
I didn't want to play with you guys anyway.
Who gives a fuck dude I'll play with you
What did I miss?
I'm at work, what was the exhentai link
South 5+20
I jerk off to femdom porn who gives a shit
/fit/ saber.
why the fuck would you care user
I like league of legends kemoshota let me join your game
Good shit. Better than the other one.
>Is 4th
>Makes a hand worth 2000 points
>Wins on it anyways
Majsoul Friends Room 67496(4-Player South):
I'm a novice, in b4 I get another ridiculous hand outta nowhere
I was in a position a couple of nights ago where I made a crap 2000 point hand in all last because I was more than 16k behind 3rd and a mangan tsumo would put me negative. It wasn't a good game.
>>Player in first place
>Get's Yakuman'd because he discarded the Dragon Tile
>Now in 4th
>Quits in the middle of the game
Glad that wasn't me.
Well, that was the first time I've ragequit on this piece of shit game.
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck Mahjong
Stupid shit game. fucking piece of shit
I was slightly tilted myself because of the constant bad games I've been getting but seeing that in action made me feel better.
>do a dumb open kan twice in a row
>cat fucking dies because of them
I'm laughing my ass off over here
3/4 again
Hag teamwork is strong. Thanks for the game.
Damn son, you seem PRETTY FUCKING MAD.
Unless there are only a few draws left, wouldn't it normally be better to just throw the kan away? It might be dangerous, but if it goes through, you just created three safe tiles, whereas by kanning them, you only created one safe tile in the best case and you just made his hand more dangerous.
Anyone else have that connection issue where it says "waiting for opponents" after a hand, and the only way to continue playing is to refresh the browser? After I refreshed one opponent never reconnected so I am not sure if he was the cause, or if he was the only one who didn't refresh and kept waiting until it was too late. He ended up fourth.
GG on the Melee
God damn do I love Uumensai or what
Majsoul Friends Room 26723(4-Player South):
regular rules