Who's hyped up for Nintendo at E3?

Who's hyped up for Nintendo at E3?

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what the fuck

fags truly are disgusting creatures.

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so if one of those retards gets aids, he'll basically infect a whole zipcode?

Should be able to get some quality time without my girl's kid interrupting

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as a sony fan, I'm not hyped at all

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I hate how dumb women try to copy this stuff when it's literally gay culture

>my boyfriend, his 2 husbands, and their 2 boyfriends
what the fuck

Why did faggots fight for the gay marriage bullshit if they all just wanna whore it up anyway?

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because one is all of them amirite?


I filmed people without asking. They reacted like this

Look up ‘CCTV Experiment’ in youtube. A janny wont let me post the link!

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well you certainly can't say the same for sony lmao

It's like they want shitskins and slavs to go back to buying PC.

Hey, who's hyped for Sony's presenta... oh wait, sorry, they dont have one

how is it thst nobody has stabbed or killed you yet?

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They are probably bugchasers anyway so they won't mind.

Kek. This is gold.

More like Gaystation 5, amirite?

How does Onions actually taste? How does it feel? Like Milk?

Why are you doing this user? Its kind of interesting to see peoples reactions but dont you feel bad for pissing everyone off? Whats the end goal?

And you'll keep that stupid fucking narrative until there's only one that isn't because le community college fallacy

Be honest, do you know 1 (ONE) gay cunt who is not an unapologetic turboslut?
And no celebrities don't count.

Onions tastes awful. Nobody buys the original flavor because you need to mask the shitty bean taste with a shit ton of sugar and flavorings

Video games were a mistake

That nigress security guard telling you, a white guy, to go back to your own country.

Clown world

slavs never left PC though.

>being that fucking autistic
>still managing to almost steal someones girlfriend

How handsome are you, user? This doesnt make sense.

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>Take two seconds to look up Elonnut to realize pic is literally a reddit meme
You have to go back

I enjoyed watching this. Make more

Imagine being such an insecure beta that you don't want to play fun vidya because faggots do too
Who the fuck cares

Most of them are basically afraid of engagement due to how society are seeing gays, so they just have sex very often.

so you completely ripped off surveillance camera man.


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No, most of them are gigantic whores cause that's how men are like.
Look at the amount of sex the average lesbian couple has and compare that to the average gay couple.

I dunno, i think he has got his own thing going. He really has some interesting coversations with the people sometimes. Most kf the time bums, but still

Alright, i havent laughed like this in a while. Keep doing your thing, user,

Is it a stated goal of pride parades to make people more homophobic. Faggots are the fucking worst

I can just watch your videos instead of Public Freakouts whenever I need some massive cringe.

what do you mean? elaborate

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Thread officially derailed

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Are you that same GAY CUNT who was walking round Seattle/Washington doing this a few years back?

No. Thats surveillance camera man or plainpotatoes. Cheers

me in the pink shirt :)

Holy kek. This is retarded

This shit kinda kino bro

americans are retarded

This is not true, the divorce rates among those who do marry are extremely high
They make heterosexual marriages look stable

That was the one. Thanks bastardface I'll check out your videos.

but why?

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