FF XIV Shadowbringers

Are you excited for DNC? Isn't the rotation too RNG?

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Other urls found in this thread:


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But it has a skill that lets you do all the procts ever 2 minutes


Roll for your job


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shit job choice it's virtually female exclusive

Why do you not have a girlfriend user?

>Shadowbringers launch will be fin-

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What do I do now, bros?

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The class I play is fun

Savages, who do you think is going to be the 2nd Trust tank? My bets on Gaius.

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Time to become blue mage main

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You have to beat Bahamut synced in an all BLU party

You're queuing for content probably as a dps early in the fucking morning so what the fuck did you expect you whiny incel faggot? Holy shit, the stupidity in this post is astounding

Doubt it. They will have to give Gaius specialized skill set because GNB's animation simply doesn't make sense with him.
My bet is Aymeric or Pipin.
That is if we're getting more Trust members ata ll.

Gaius and high ranking Garleans have a unique Gunblade moveset, he doesn't need Gunbreaker.

No playing until BLU can reach 80. See you in 7.0.

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That gold saucer right? Plus why would that have a queue? Unless a lot of people doing it or it’s bugged

Nah. Needs to be a PLD, DRK or WAR. Also Gaius will be part of the "meanwhile on the Source" sequences along with Elezenos and Estinien.

Either a new scion character, Tataru job changed to DRK, or Moenbryda with amnesia turns up alive on the First.

nice, interested to see how my piecemeal buffs decrease times by like 20 seconds at most!

The Trusts appear to be different to XI. You can only use certain characters for certain dungeons.
Also, Arenvald seems like the obvious second tank.

It's gonna be Magnai going to the First in search for his Nhaama

>2nd trust tank
Thancred is the only trust tank in SHB.


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>Reserving server
He's got a group already, but the instance servers are shitting themselves (again).

what if Thancred is incapacitated or unable to join us?

Funny boy.

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I wish I could.

Why do you comment with such certainty on subjects you don't know shit about? Read the interviews. Yoshida already said Thancred isn't available for the first two dungeons and was there in the media build to avoid spoilers. There's another tank.

Should I actually start playing FF XIV?
Is it good is Yea Forums just shilling shit again?

He very conveniently never will be.

Ha ha time for EXPLOSION

Play the free version and make up your own mind.

No and no.

Hoary Boulder

Yoshi said in one of the interviews that Thancred won't be aviable in the first dungeon. I forgot if it was Frosty or merry

>Alright here's a shitty Moogle system to be able to get shit you should have just grinded for on your own time.
>Not gonna let you buy wind-up Scathach though. Oh and good luck ever getting into Dun Scaith seeing as we still haven't done anything about people just taking their clothes off to manipulate which raid roulette they get into.

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Imagine still not having Scat minion in 2019.

>I don't know how turn this game off
>but I decided best course of action was to make a photo of the screen and post it on subreddit because I know what the game is called, instead of just googling it
I can't help but laugh at retards thinking it's real.

Try it for free up until 35. Be warned the combat is very slow starting but get faster level 50. A some what busy class is monk.

I want to touch Eureka's alien jello parts

Still no Lakshmi weapons.


>not having one of the best minions in the game already

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protip: log out on the least populated server on your datacenter before launch. that way you log in the queue will be small or non existent.

Sup bro, I understand your concern, but I recommend you queue for Dun Scaith on a Tuesday when the daily quest is reset. People will be doing it to get the accessory for GNB and DNC.
If you get in a party with me I'll ask the bros to pass on the minion.

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Winning Echidna took all of fucking HW.

Everyone is going to do this.

Just get a few people and unsync it bro

You need a healer bro?

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>Isn't the rotation too RNG?
If it's programmed correctly it'll even out over the fight. I love the entire design of it, hoping them do more of this

How many do you reckon I'd need?

Of course bro the more the merrier, I'll bring our Bard along and get him to sing Mhigger's Rap for us.

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Should the next raid have Fausts?

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Shit, I guess I can say goodbye to Omega (normal) and Ivalice once shb is released. Since I don't want to rush 4.1 to 4.5 content in less than one month.

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I got Echidna in my first try
But I still don't have Scat

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Imagine being this wrong. It was already confirmed that there is some other tank you get earlier.

Yes. Always.

I remember when they said they'd make you login through Steam if you have a Steam license but that never happened. What's up with that?

>that filename
Alright, we'll gas this poster first.

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No, but completing the corresponding SSS dummy becomes mandatory.

>DRK is fun

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I got Calofisteri on my first. One of few times I've actually rolled well on anything.

A shame this game isn't on the Epic Store, PC gaming's future.

tfw using glamours that show off my Legacy tattoo

They took my {White Ravens}, but they can never take this from me.

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>Just unlocked Kenki Mastery II (when all your weaponskills generate Kenki as opposed to just your combo finishers, and previously that was only if you landed the positional)
God this job is so fucking fast now.
I'm sure I'll get used to the speed, but right now I keep capping my Kenki because it builds so quickly.

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The faust is the SSS dummy.

Rhiki is probably one of the most competent cats in the game though.

I also got Yuugiri with a 99

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Reave in that OGCD that uses kenki.

You can get carried though Faust, not through the dummy. (assuming they fix the chocobo bug)

Spam that Shinten.

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Probably like 3-4 people for each party, you'll need at least one tank and healer

Hissatsu: Shinten Is your friend

>finally clearing out a map of quests
Fucking exclamation marks have been sitting on top of my aetherytes for too long. Seeing the map all clean like this brings me peace.

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DRG is so smooth to play damn.

Meld some skillspeed to go even faster, especially in 5.0 where you will no longer have TP cost.

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So i just cleared MSQ Ravana, why did i find the fight so fun? I wanna go at it again desu.

I did that with Gridania recently. Now the only quest left plagueing me is that treasure hint thing from Western Thanalan.

Do it then.

Spamming Shinten to keep myself below 50 is seeming to do the trick, but it's still building insanely fast still compared to how it used to.
It's nice because I can always Kaiten my Midares and Higanbananananananans, but I do worry about how much faster it'll be when I get Hagakure.


>Minfilia is back, and has gone back to being a qt teenager
>can sort of see Louisoix again via Phoenix
>is no longer old and brown
This expansion is really Thancred's lucky day

>exclusively gaining players
>in the slowest part of the expac cycle


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Did I imagine this or did YoshiP say we'd be able to mix front and back hairstyles at some point?

They did a free ARR campaign sometime ago, expansion hype is building, and WoW is digging its place in the shitter deeper and deeper.
All that combines to bulk up the playerbase a bit.

You imagined it.


People coming back in anticipation for 5.0 I assume and new players coming in, especially wowfugees.

But we're going home in August.

*crazy strings music intensifies*

I wouldn't take his word on cosmetic features. (see Egi Glamours.)

Never played an MMO in my life. Can I jump into Final Fantasy XIV on PS4 is it fun?

Not to mention HW was free for a while, or still is, if you have ARR.

I wouldn't take his word on anything.

no it SUCKS thats why we all play it 14 hours a day

Many people don't give a shit about a 15 year old game and are only looking for a semi-decent modern MMO, and XIV is the only one to fulfil those requirements.

You can, it plays like a single player game for the story and you'll have to play the trial and see for yourself.

i don't quite understand why anyone would even bother giving blizzard money after they were so sure that none of you actually wanted classic until BFA shit the bed

it's fun if you have friends. if you make a character on primal i can help you out.

Yes. Just plug in a keyboard since writing with a controller is on a whole new level retarded


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Well, if Blu and Viera have taught us anything, it's that we need to take his word on anything negative he said about something.

DPS queues suck, will go back when I level my tank though.

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>Night in the Brume starts playing

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Will ShB be kino or will HW still be the only good part of the story?

>HW still be the only good part of the story?
Go away HWfag.

what does the XIV button do

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>fishing 1-50
>DS4 in one hand
>book in other
>lying on coach in different room

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How does hopping from pc to ps4 work? Just buy the complete ps4 version and register to mogstation, then download on ps4? been wondering, since i’m too poor to upgrade pc, but can grab a ps4 for ~$225

That's how I got into it. Only played the free trial before but seeing how I could get HW for free I gave in and bought it. Now I preordered ShB too.

Immediately crash the server.

You couldn't jump in 1.0 but ever since ARR you have been able to.

It's the JP button.

Whenever there is another ninja in my group I wait until he tricks then immediately overwrite it with mine to establish dominance

it dougs

>Only city with two variants for each area, both of which also have a day/night theme
They really went all out on this one, didn't they?

They'll never top HW. Story was peak and most importantly all jobs played great. Paladin was the only job that was boring and borderline useless in HW

>Always wanted the Bomb Palaquin mount
>Too much of a lazy faggot to do beast tribe shit

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buy ps4 version, register on your mogstation account, log in and play where you left off on pc.

>genderlocked, half-finished race
>no fantasia for collector edition
>2 new jobs instead of 3 like in hw
>jobs getting dumbed down AGAIN
>job quests cut for role quests
>new game + as only new feature, more of the same



Are you making the most out of bonus MGP?

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What about BRD and MCH?

Played great. MCH had ammo and procs while bard could drop WM if necessary.

>new game+
How does that even work?

Same for if you buy the digital copy off amazon? not sure how downloading xiv on a ps4 works, if it’s just the launcher then all the other data or not.

This is my favorite.
>XV event
>20 FPS experience

No, I just grab the easy shit and leave because my toaster can't handle this many people and made it hard to do the jumps

>all jobs played great
No need to lie on the Internet

I swear if Ishgard housing plays these themes I will never afk anywhere else.

same thing if you buy from amazon. you may have to activate a code on the psn store or something but it's the same thing afterwards where you just download the launcher from the psn store, patch the game up, and log in.

>all jobs played great
Except PLD, BLM, BRD, and MNK.

understood. thanks, man

You buy game. Enter PSN code if you bought from amazon.
Download. Enter. Then game will ask you to make new acc or login with already existed. Login with your acc.

>Got Machinist
>My current main job and the first one I'm gonna get up to level 70 is Machinist
It was destiny.

It's an option

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Explain how ARR or SB had a better story than HW, I'll wait.

Newbie here, on PS4. I like how customisable the UI and hotbars and things like that are, but I've not found a satisfactory setting for tooltips. If I have them follow the cursor they hide everything beneath what you have highlighted; if you put them in a fixed position they block anything you put in the same place. I know that you can hold R2 to hide the tooltip, but is there a way to invert that and have tooltips only show up when you hold R2?

you can turn them off both buttons tooltips and skill names

Nice. Now Ishgard housing just needs to exist.

>on PS4
You can plug in a mouse and keyboard.

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You cross-classed a lancer's weaponskill, it had less potency but no cast time.

HW BLM was interesting. Keeping enochian up required more than just refreshing AF/UI.
BRD was at it's best in Creator.
Monk was still perfectly fine, weaker than other but still fine. Chakra generation and the tp issues were stupid though.

Paladin was straight up bad.

I don't have FFXIV

The housing will actually be in Idyllshire. You can even find the entrance if you fly west from the zone line.

>HW BLM was interesting. Keeping enochian up required more than just refreshing AF/UI.
Fuck you, that diminishing returns shit was fucking AIDS.

I have it set up where controller doesn't activate tooltips but using keys on a keyboard will activate them.

>Working on WAR ARR relic
>Just want to get to Nexus
>On #4 of these damn books
>Already have my Alexandrite and Superior Enchanted Ink for the Novus step


MNK was bad because the only thing it offered was INT debuff, and DRK had that too.

>i didn't like hw because i was too bad to play my job right
not even surprised yoshi had to make everything easier in sb

Also I fucking miss accidentally toggling cleric stance off and on which lead to interesting situations and lots of rage

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I'd like to still be able to read them if necessary, since it's important to know what stuff does, just to be able to make them appear with a button rather than be on all the time.
I like using a controller for most things, but I do have a keyboard plugged in if I need to chat.
I might just have to put up with them being in the way sometimes I suppose. It's mostly on the synthesis menu that's it's a problem, since everything on the list is an item you have to scroll down to the bottom so you can see everything above the cursor.

I unironically never had an issue with it because I just make my co-heal take care of everything while I dps

>playing this game on KB+M when controller is better

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Summoner had resource management through ruin 3 and dreadwyrm trance was like playing a piano. I miss HW.

>I'd like to still be able to read them if necessary
You don't need them. Icons are enough. Everything builds on muscle memory.

I can sort of understand tanking/dps with control pad but do people really heal like that too?

kb+m is better though. more buttons and customization.

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I have to switch to KB+M when playing Frontlines. It's impossible to target anything in a timely manner with gamepad there.

Yes. In UCoB and UWU too

Just move the menu itself so it doesn't obscure anything.


Didn't Yoshida hint that if we get Ishgard housing, the perma-winter would get "fixed"?

why not use target macros?

He said nobody would want to live in Ishgard because it's too cold.

It just means you can replay past story quests.

If I want to get into XIV now, do I get base game and play through all expansions or just pick up the new one or whatever?

>people thought they'd get comfy snow houses
>it's just Ishgard style housing by the beach anyway

For a hobbyist snowboarder he sure is daft to the appeal.

You have to buy them all separately or get a bundle.

>He said nobody would want to live in Ishgard because it's too cold.
Oh so I guess people that live in Russia, Canada, etc aren't real.

this was back in HW

They really aren't

>Yoshida makes up some bullshit so he has to do less work

You have to go through ARR -> HW -> SB -> ShB. Good thing is that if you get AAR now you get HW as a gift (i think) and SB comes with ShB so basically you only have to get the base game and the latest expac.

Well it's comfortable. You sit on couch and use big TV instead of monitor. Try it. You have gamepad am sure.

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>every single XIV thread and /xivg/ is always filled with people asking questions about ARR or what to start as or where to roll
alive game

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Healing is easier with controller since you can use the D-Pad to target down the list fast.

Base game and newest expansion or the complete edition which includes both. Could buy base game since it's dirt cheap and just get shadowniggers at launch if you end up liking the game.

>people that live in Russia, Canada

Huh, i thought it only included SB, even better then.

You get the privilege to play through 150+ hours of straight fucking ZZZ story just to start playing new content.

Oh, awesome.

Motherfucking HOARY BOULDER

I don't do that GATE any more.
Aside from the fact that it's retarded to move GATEs into an instance you have to queue for, when they're something you're supposed to do while waiting for queues-
When they bridged the instances for it between the whole data centre recently the huge swarm of people buzzing around makes it too hard to see the platforms and properly concentrate on the jumping.

Faster than just clicking?

Russian is not cold anymore. Canada is

Awesome, thanks so much for your help

this is probably a dumb question but how many oGCDs does each class have
I like being active

How do people do THIS with a control pad?

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I'm honestly curious if that's possible
I'm sure the damage to be able to do it is there but I don't know about the tanking capabilities


Buy the starter edition (ARR) for $20 and preorder Shadowbringers for $40, get Heavensward for free off the site. You won't have Stormblood until Shadowbringers releases but you likely don't have time to get that far into the game before then anyway. Starter also comes with a month of game time which means you'll be able to experience ShB release.

Protip: don't rush to level cap, the story is one of the main selling points of the game and is significantly more interesting than the gear treadmill.

>going to /xivg/ for questions about the game
Mistakes of youth. Hopefully they wise up soon after.

I'm still salty they removed the dancing game and now Typhon and Skinchange are the only world GATEs that exist.

I miss raging strikes, hawk's eye, and B4B

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>Not Sea of clouds or Dravania forelands
Hard pass

Machinist in 5.0 will be the most active, if the information that we have now stays even somewhat accurate. Your actions per minute will be around or slightly above 50 if played optimally


Burmecians when?

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/xivg/ is fantastic about answering new player questions though. Half of them are lore autists too.

Shame this is the case, I remember when the /xivg/ Linkshell helped me clear First Coil back when it was relevant.

I keep saying I'm saving quests to level other classes but then I just blow past them with dungeons, especially the leftover 50-60 quests.
At this rate I'll run out of classes to actually level

I forget things a lot, and I like to refresh my memory often. I'll eventually learn things like damage values, armor values, etc. but it can take me a while. Plus I'm still getting new items and new pieces of gear all the time.
That's the probably the best solution, it's just organising the windows for minimal overlap. I'll settle on something eventually.

How do they not? It's so slow you can take a nap inbetween targets.


So with the branches in North Shroud being ghosted and the East Shroud log being patched are there other exits on those maps? Does Shukuchi or Elusive Jump still work for any of these in any way, such as does o15 still work?

Forgotten about in her own game what makes you think she'll be relevant anywhere else?


Housing in the Sea of Clouds would’ve been too comfy. I loved that flying sky pirate town.

>played great

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He said as recently as 2 weeks ago that Egi Glamours are still being worked on and you should see something in Shadowbringers.

If Skinchange is still in the game, I haven't seen it in weeks.
I know the pot carrying one was outright removed; dunno about the dancing one (I'm glad to see it gone though), and the ones where you rescue the chocobo chicks are still there, if very rare.

They should really just bite the bullet, plagiarise Mario Party and add a dozen (or more) new GATEs, and put them on a 5 minute rotation.
There's no reason there should be a single moment where there's not something to do in Disneyland.

>slightly above 50 if played optimally
i doubt. If MCH go into 50 cpm zone NIN will go too thanks to new skills. Now fuma is old and busted. Raiton is our new friend.

you're honestly better off asking /xivg/ than Yea Forums desu, same answers but with (somewhat) less shrieking about trannies


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is it realy a tranny game or its just a meme?

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F1 through F8 target your party dude
Or just move your party list halfway to the center of the screen

Skinchange is still there but rare.

>you're honestly better off asking /xivg/
>asking /xivg/
You better not. Yea Forums has top quality xiv threads. Especially outside of US weekend times. We had two threads of lore discussion yesterday.

Avoid the Crystal data center and you're good.

Skinchange can only appear when it's 40 past the hour, every other GATE has at least two windows they can spawn on.

but what if I dont want to avoid

Don't play healers but can you soft target on KB+M? It's like focus macro in WoW

>Still assblasted about Minuet

>an entire district built in the same fashion as the sky pirate town
>random boards and pieces of machinery holding up entire houses with giant propellers attached to the bottoms keeping the gardens and houses afloat
>gotta walk planks n climb stairs n shit to get to other houses
>no real layout theme, just randomly thrown houses here and there

I want the battle arena from FF7

Then you should kill yourself.

Just don't play on the same datacenter as Balmung

That should be the next deep dungeon.

HW BRD can eat a dick.
I'm still mad because while wanderer's was definitely tacked on, MCH was made with the barrel cast time in mind and felt better at the time, before they changed it in SB because they had to match for some dumb reason.

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I want to see them add a rhythm minigame that goes against boss fight music with custom animations playing in the background. Most of the work was already done for the winter event, just put this shit in Gold Saucer.
This is all I want.

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Well I guess it's time to go back to my early SB main.

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You overheat twice a minute during which your GCD will be 1.5 for 12(?) seconds and every action reduces the cooldowns of gauss round and ricochet. You have to weave between every GCD. Add to that wildfire, automaton queen and what little other ogcds you have and there's your fastest job in the game.

ARR and Heavensward seems like plenty of content for the time being, but good to know it's so easy to pick everything up, thanks!

Yeah? You can make focus target macros. I typically set my Focus to the boss when I'm healing though so I can see cast bars for incoming tankbusters/party slamming bullshit and precast heals though.



FF IX OST was Uematsu's masterpiece

Beast tribe. They'll be taller, white Qiqirn.

Yeah, it did, you couldn't run around like an autistic jumping bean, but it was basically the same shit as it was in ARR but with more buttons
the castbars were unnecessary and shit, but people acted like they broke the job on a fundamental level, despite playing just fucking fine.

What will be your go-to mount for Shadowbringers?

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Legacy Chocobo.

Yes but use keyboard for chatting and the marketboard (auction house). Gameplay is comfy with a controller. Better in some cases (jump puzzle in gold saucer, fishing) worse in others potentially? (scholar I've heard is rough on controller but still doable) Anyway yeah it's fun. The start can feel a bit slow gameplay wise but this is one of those mmos where you get stronger, faster, have more fun the further you get.

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The collector's edition horse until we get the first shard griffon equivalent.

I went there to ask where I should start and got told to fuck off, came here to ask and got 5 straight and informative answers so I have to disagree

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>Yea Forums has top quality xiv threads
>the two autists shitting up virtually every single thread by fighting about Tornado Kick
>scholars whining
>jesus christ so many scholars whining
>XV-kun dropping in from time to time
>autistic data center wars
>that one Yea Forumsnigger screeching about Soken constantly
I dunno dude.

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The T. Rex from Eureka

SDS Fenrir on the ground
Magitek Sky Armor in the air

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Quests aren't even any good for leveling. I just do them while waiting on DF queues.

But Faerie isn't on Crystal and it's the dedicated pride parade server, I don't understand.

CE mount and Sleipnir. Cloud Bike for my GNB.

>unmodded toes

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That nightmare horse thing from all the trailers and advertisement art.

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No I mean it works like
>cast damage spell
>while you casting damage spell use dpad to pic target for heal
>cast heal
>you cast heal on dpad target without changing main target
>cast damage spell

Whisper A-Go-Go baby

Bomb chair, I'll be repping for my niggas the Kobolds in the First.

>XV-kun dropping in from time to time
Jesus, even here? And now i'm wondering if there'll ever be a KH/XIV crossover.

Still the Shiva horse, as always

This will be the DNCs performance actions

are most of the mounts I see people on like magitek armor or the fucking whale possible to get ingame?
I mostly just assumed most of the crazy ones were cash shop only

Why do FCs and groups in general so into discord, literally what's the point

>Yea Forums has top quality xiv threads
>rate my bun
>muh rotation
>muh performance anxiety
>a gorillion edited copypastas

>not respecting the dev's unmodded intention

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You guys got room for one more?

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Because that board is literally all trannies.

Bunny bard

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>autistic data center wars
/xivg/. And shitposters form /xivg/ shitposting in Yea Forums xiv thread. They're cancer


Why does this disgust me so? It reminds me of insects, ants or termites or something moving around. Absolutely disgusting.There's a lot of cats so there's plenty of fleas too.

You should fucking hope not.
Tying Disney into XIV at all will become a licensing nightmare. Just look at how EA is sabotaging SWOTOR because they want to stop paying the fees to Disney and just let the game die.
They're probably paying more than they make out of the game at this point.

Easy hub for communication outside of being in the game as well as voice chat while playing the game.

Check the mogstation store.
Anything not visible for purchase is otherwise only obtainable in-game.

Which is most things, actually. And some of the more ridiculous ones like are in-game acquisition only.

Is there anything in the game currently that looks somewhat similar to Freya's garb?

Attached: Freya_Crescent_character.jpg (944x1025, 206K)

Does the bike have wings or some shit when it's flying? Or does it just float in the air?

Now check /xivg/.
>100 deleted posts per thread

I might use Grani for a bit, but I love the Shiva horse and its mount music too much to stop

Only the new cooldown move reduces GR.

>muh performance anxiety
Speaking off, i finally tried tanking and it's going better than i expected. Although i still mess up during my first runs, if i run a dungeon 2-3 times i get used to it.

There are two Magitek Armors on the cash shop but they're just recolors of the one you get from the MSQ. The whale, motorcycle, flying carpet, flaming wheels, and fatter cat are cash shop only. Everything else is ingame.

Arrhidaeus and Adamantoise

Floats in the air and bobs around looking retarded.
It looks great on land, but holy fuck it's an eyesore in the air. That's when I default to the Sky Armor.

The whale was the easiest passenger mount to get for a while so whales bought it. The car has obsoleted everything although few use it since literally everyone got it and gotta be special snowflake somehow.

What job you tanking as?

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Voice chat, you fucking antisocial sperg

I want to use the bike for GNB but I can't bring myself to spend $25 on the damn thing.

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Yeah, i always tend to forget about the licensing issues with that franchise.

Good to see that nobody plans on riding the tranny marble around.
I'm proud of you all.


Which is the button you'll be smashing during overheat.

The Regalia.

>Senor Sabotender is lala in costume

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Which trailer are they showing during SE e3 presentation? I wonder if there's going to be a new one or if they sticking with the CGI one.

>fatter cat is cash shop only

I’m starting to like Guild Wars 2. Warrior is dope.

>Pose: Bitch
I thought nips were supposed to be nice people?

Sup senpai, come along bro.

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Is it ever explained how Thancred can even be a gunbreaker. I thought he lost the ability to use magicks and y'sholta was blind.

DRK. Just finished with Stone Vigil, so it's not like i've tried any hard dungeons but i do think i'm getting better at it.

It's been done.

It's only been over an hour and you're still retarded.

Unbarded company chocobo.

The best mount in the game, Whisper A-go-go. Though I may also once the Magitek Death Claw too.
Why didn't you farm it? It's clearly the best choice.

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bitch in JP means slut

Because the Scions are all being possessed by other people, don't know who's controlling Thancred's body yet, we just know Matoya is inside Y'shtola hence the job change and the not being in a coma.

tanxiety is such a fucking meme, plenty of people won't even pick up tanking because idk, randoms in a gook game might get impatient if they go too slow or something? tanking is an easy role, the idea of tanking is more daunting than actually tanking

That image fucking destroys my dick and I badly need a translated version because if the pose is anything to go by the rest of them are probably lewd too.

Gunbreakers use magitek. The entire point of magitek is that you don't need magic to use it.

Magic bullets if I had to guess.

My chocobo wearing the Ishard barding with the dragoon helm.

We're still missing:
>Main theme song trailer
>Gameplay/Cinematic trailer
>Tour trailer
>Dungeon trailer

So knowing SE, they'll just show us the 3.5 trailer.

Nobody says shit unless you're absolutely unsalvageable so I don't get what scares people so much.

Because normal and ex ravanas are actually fun unlike most of the trials in this shit.

I still cannot believe a sperm became a mount in this game.

>Because the Scions are all being possessed by other people
citation needed

I can't wait until 20 days from now when I can stop hearing this stupid bullshit. The Scions are on the First, where their souls got called to. They're in their own fucking bodies.

If it was true why Garleans are not using it?

The slider on the right says stinky/not stinky

As far as holding aggro goes, you can just spam Unleash 2-3 times and do whatever you want. Is that the issue you've been having?

well that was obvious, there's a no pets/monsters rule in the golden saucer.

Suck it, non-tank mains

Who Male dancer and digimon here

Attached: Yata_GU.png (569x966, 471K)

Garleans use magitek all the time. Are you high? They just use their own gunblades instead of Hrothgar ones.

Just the company chocobo.
Wouldn't feel right to go on an adventure without my first friend.

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I don't remember this guy from digimon


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Company lavender colored chocobo with ixion body and legs barding

>gold saucer
get a load of how hard this guy is trying

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My only wish is for a fan weapon

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>you couldn't run around like an autistic jumping bean

Every time. Every single fucking time some self-fellating cockshit like you steps up to defend HW bard it's literally the only thing that comes out of your mouths. "If you don't enjoy cast times you're just a hyperactive spastic!". FUCK YOU. In a game where you need to do mechanics in order to not fucking die, I like playing a job that can attack and do mechanics at the same fucking time.


Bard should not have cast times. It should NEVER have had cast times. Cast times go against the very fucking core concept behind Bard's entire being. A JOB WHOSE PRIME GIMMICK IS MOBILITY SHOULD NOT HAVE A MECHANIC THAT IMPAIRS ITS MOBILITY ON ITS MOST COMMONLY USED ACTIONS. If you want to pretend to be a turret then there are now six, count them SIX fucking jobs that fulfill your gay desires of pretending to be a fucking potted plant.

Go feed your dick to a woodchipper and leave bard the fuck alone, if you liked cast times on Bard then deep down you never fucking liked the job to begin with.

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>Gunbreakers use magitek

No they don't; it's a gunblade infused with legit magic; given to people by the Hrothgar. Look it up:

>The Hrothgar of northern Ilsabard have passed the art of the gunblade from one generation to the next. The weapon itself combines a sword with a firing mechanism, emitting a range of magical effects by utilizing aetherically imbued cartridges. Originally employed by Queen Gunnhildr's personal guard, they were once known as "Gunnhildr's Blades" and differ greatly from the similarly named weapons used in the Garlean Empire.


Attached: hrothgar.jpg (477x915, 77K)

Maybe I should prime all of the Stormblood side quests ready for the new jobs. Would give me something to do and I'd finally get clean maps.

So they don't have to play the game and so that FC chat is properly dead. I fucking hate discord.

>Nobody says shit unless you're absolutely unsalvageable
I expected the opposite, people bitching for every mistake but it turns out it's just as you say. So yeah, the easiest way to get over it is to just play one.

Well yeah.
When they're walking around the saucer and interacting with NPCs they do lalafell emotes. eg. The one that patrols the lower floor of Wonder Square, around El Colloso, does the lalafell /kneel emote in front of the Elezen GATE Keeper.

He's from .hack//G.U., his character in the previous game series talked with you about digimon TCG and was a child genius

>The weapon itself combines a sword with a firing mechanism, emitting a range of magical effects by utilizing aetherically imbued cartridges
What exactly do you think this is? Do you just not understand what magitek is? Do you think you need to be able to cast magic to wield something that fires aetherial shells?

Gunbreaker isn't Magitek....

Why do all hrothgar look like they're about to kill themselves


>machine that creates magical effects
That's literally magitek you idiot. Apparently you have no idea how Garlean magitek functions.

what language is this? finnish?

You'd want to kill yourself as well if you had to buy a fantasia to change your hairstyle.

>Is that the issue you've been having?
My main issue was not knowing the monster spots and accidentally pulling more mobs, or not knowing the boss attacks, never had a problem holding aggro.


Are you retarded? It clearly says that Gunbreakers use aether.

I want to fuck this woman :c


>80% quality bar
>item turns out nq

Attached: raw dough.jpg (1275x549, 121K)

Rolled 9 on Scathach......

It says Gunbreakers use a machine that fires aetherially charged shells you moron. Just like Garlean magitek utilizes ceruleum (refined aether) to create magical effects. It's the same fucking thing. It requires no magic to wield it yourself because the magic is in the shells.

I have her for over 2 years already.

leomon coplayers

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You have to get to 100% or it might as well be 10%.

You niggers whining got MCH to where it is now, I'm glad you suffered.

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Attached: Capture2.png (529x471, 605K)

I'm half guessing but it looks like

>tit shape
>skin color
>hair color
>nipple shape
>nipple size
>nipple color
>ass type
>ass size
>mouth form
>lip color
>tongue length
>body odor (highlighted)
>voice type

And as other user said, the bar for odor is at 100% stinky

if you knew what you were doing, you could move and dps just fine with feint
I agree it never should have had cast times, but they weren't that bad, you are just a drama queen who is making a mountain out of an anthill
>if you liked cast times on Bard
I already said they were shit you illiterate waste of oxygen.

Some things never change.

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I'm excited for WARcucks to get mogged by my DPS

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Main Theme wont be revealed, they want to keep it for the game.

You're a fucking bitch/shitter, BRD's cast times were short enough so you could still move around just fine.
>Bard isn't about the fucking songs. It's not about the fucking party utility. It's not about fishing for procs. Those are all secondary.
Eat shit, nigger. BRD was the designated support DPS.

>He didn't got Butter Fly translated

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>MCH autist
Isn't author of this MCH guide UNIRONICALLY like SB MCH? I don't trust him.

Marble is best mount.

Attached: Transform.webm (1004x786, 1.23M)

Go back into the shed DRK.

>Shadowbringers is releasing on the same day as Mario Maker 2 AND Super Neptunia RPG
Who's bright idea was this?

>And as other user said, the bar for odor is at 100% stinky
Truly the Japanese are too good for this world.

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Until you tire of the braindead 123, hit edge move once a minute, use inner release once a minute rotation.
They gutted DRK even more and I don't understand why people aren't complaining.

>Au Ra with a tranny marble

I don't understand most of what you're saying, ESL. But I agree that anyone who likes SB MCH deserves to be lynched.

I love her

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Literally nobody whined about HW MCH though you dumb slut, it's almost like MCH and BRD are two different classes.

Are you? Fucking everything uses aether in xiv, it is elementary building block of the entire fucking universe. The difference is gunbreaker uses aether that is already imbued, you don't cast spells, you pull a trigger and spell happen. Think of it as munition that you discharge, except instead of gunpowder, lead and shit you have magic.

MCH guide author spreading panic about how fucked MCH in ShB will be

>people think MCH looks cool for ShB and want to play it
>some guy says its bad
>people are actively avoiding it again
no problem, more MCH for me, all the bad's can flock to DNC instead

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Fuck off Epperson

Even regular guns in XIV utilize ceruleum, because it's a component in the creation of firesand.

How hard is Deltascape Savage?
Can you faceroll it for glamours yet, or should I just wait for the post-ShB iLv bloat and content drought?

I want that SAM armor.

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Looking for some lewd bunny pics

>spreading panic
>SHB launches
>MCH is actually shit and people drop it en masse
Like clockwork

>calling WARs cucks when you get their inner release
its okay, the superior jobs are happy to share their awesome abilities with the inferior jobs, you need a helping hand after all :)

>hating haymaker bard
just IMAGINE being this bad at the game

>kusai meter

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so PLD?


You probably meant Feint you dumb falseflagger

Who gives a shit, I played MCH in 3.x because I thought it was fun, I don't care what some raidtranny says, I'll play it as long as it's fun.

>I want that SAM armor.
Why not Deltascape normal? Some user said Deltascape v4 has lowest clear rates compared to other SB savages

At this point, the first two are almost the same, aren't they?

>log in to finish my HW relic for the job I want to take through SHB
>20 person queue to get in
I see the horde of redditors are taking a break from posting pictures of their catgirls to get ready for SHB

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Three of the skills you get are on the GCD when they should clearly be OGCDs. Also the nature of the cooldowbs leads you to naturally drift away from trick attack which is bad for damage. And if you want to be optimal, you're weaving during every single 1.5s GCD you get, which means clipping if your ping isn't great.
Other than that it's fine.

You'll like Susanoo near the beginning of Stormblood. Fighting primals who are just having fun is great.

I hate this shit so much
>everything can fly for retarded reasons

SB is almost never and I still never stepped foot in any Eureka.

Any queue below 100 people is fake. Just click cancel and click your character again.

Do you need to use the minion roulette every time you want to change your minion? Or can you set it to automatically be used when you log in?

People whined about the cast times in general. Some mentioned minuet specifically, but I guess not enough come SB since they both got axed.

>it's setting in just how fucked the servers are going to be
>know something stupid is going to happen to keep me from progressing
>my hype is slowly shifting over to hype for the massive chocolate bunny orgies that'll inevitably be going for weeks

Attached: Fuck_Yeah.gif (250x250, 942K)

Because it's impossible to get a queue for it.
I'm actually getting ahead of myself; I haven't even done O1N yet.

Well that's good to know, at least.

You must be glad that Eureka will be a thing in Shadbringers as well.

I actually did want to ask about it, how legit is this?

No buns


Interesting thought but sorry I don't know

1 oGCD per 1.5s GCD sounds pretty normal.

>think i'm going to be safe from Balmung fucking Aether again thanks to the new data center
>everyone just flees Crystal to come to Aether

Attached: 1557357988909.png (1055x365, 749K)

>no, they really weren't that bad, you could move just fine if you knew what you were doing
>posts spongebob meme of the month
an F for you my friend

my trick attack burst window....
my clipping of ogcds....
my estrogen.....

>one of the best MCH players in the world
>how legit is this?


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my plan is to just rush the early part of the story until after the first single player instance

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I remember around the time flying was announced and yoshi said they would make ground only mounts faster or something in order to compensate, but i guess that never happened

>one of the best MCH players in the world

because you're an actual retard acting like your argument is sound in any way, shape, or form
you want cast times, play any of the casters you stupid fucking cocksucker

Rapid fire lasted two GCDs in HW and SB once a minute. Now it's 5 GCDs twice a minute.

I can't wait for the instance servers to fucking break and cause a dozen rabbits to vent their frustrations on me.

>admit that cast times were shit, but not that bad
>you want cast times
please read my posts

It would be if it weren't for the retarded animation lock on everything.

>They weren't that bad

>no, they really weren't that bad
Just because you COULD move and attack at the same time using Feint doesn't mean it wasn't fucking awful, on top of being a dps loss to boot.

>balance discord tranny mafia

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You ever try pulling a bowstring with a 100 pound draw while running full tilt?

And most will quit during the 100 quest slog after ARR.

I can't believe this shit wasn't overhauled in 5.0.

how did Feint work with cast times?

Attached: cringe meme oof snap 2.jpg (492x842, 61K)

Yeah, it was pretty easy.

Don't even fucking try moving the goalposts. If we suddenly want to argue about realism in jobs then we have a dozen more cases that are far worse than Bard.

That is something I don't get. Why change WF to take weaponskills only, make almost all the new shit trigger GCD, make the best looking use of it spamming 1 skill (with round/ricochet), and still not make the turret count towards its damage?
I like that you can end it early though, that's fucking nice.

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That doesn't really hold up in a world where people can jump a mile in the air or elderly men can hold up the roof of a castle after being shot several times

Damage control by WARcucks lmao. Enjoy being a healslut.

It's really not that bad. Ramuh and Shiva are kickass fights too.

It was basically the scathe for brd/mch

And Castrum Meridianum/Praetorium should have been converted to solo instances a long time ago.
Thing is, there's no way to fix it without dedicating a significant number of development hours to doing so. And they just don't have the time to spare, because SE are cheap bastards afraid to upscale development and keeps the exhausted and chronically overworked dev team constantly running on fumes.

I never said they should have been there to begin with, in fact, I was pretty happy to see them gone on bard, the point I was trying to make is that people were convinced Bard was completely unplayable in HW because of the cast times, I myself wasn't a fan of them, but you could perform perfectly fine, I still found it fun.
did I like cast times? no, was I happy when they were removed? yes, did I think they ruined BRD on a fundamental level? not really.
>don't even fucking try move the goalposts
that's not me genius, stop being an angry baby

It was a cross-class skill from LNC so it wasn't effected by WM/GB.

And? It's the fault of the community for thinking the Balance's meta is required when it's just meant to be slightly faster for the majority of content.

>It's not MagiTek it's technology infused with magic!

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reminder to get your gamer fuel on this saturday

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It's 95% filler dog shit.

>only three other NA servers have a higher clear rate than Balmung

Prease buy boosuto, arigato

Lmao turns out they're just a random padder with a ton of attempts yet a single 100 on a door fight and swaps to smn for ultimates

No need to get upset bro.

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>AOE balance is padding
Found the fridge raider

fuck you, elbst is cool

Attached: cavalry-elbst-icon.jpg (200x200, 11K)

Fuck off tranny Epperson

>It's the fault of the community for thinking the Balance's meta is required when it's just meant to be slightly faster for the majority of content.
This is big problem.
Balance discord owns "meta".
BA discord owns BA
Hunt discord owns S hunts

>gets an army of mhiggers killed at Baelsars Wall
>summons Shinryu in the process
>sets in motion the gears that lead to Ala Mhigo getting liberated
gets what he wants and even clears Eorzea of undesirables, mad lad

God, I wish the servers break so I can level GNB to 70 and do the MSQ.

I want a bun so badly.

Isn't Master Matoya a WoL too? Like Ysayle?

What moogle items are actually exclusive and not obtainable from say, beast tribes etc?

>roll 4 times

Seems I'm a tank main now.

Oh fuck off, you autist. Nobody uses ANYTHING but flying mounts in post-ARR zones once they get the aether currents. Making everything fly ensures all of my mounts get a fair shake in the roulette, so none except those 3 who can't fly for some reason are ever completely left out.
I don't earn mounts to not look at them.

No, she just had a crystal of light from a previous era in her collection of cool magical shit. Unless she was lying to keep her past a secret.

>the full SO trailer is lip synced to the JP audio
Another "ENGLISH IS THE INTENDED AUDIO" argument destroyed.

the most based post in the last hour

>Unless she was lying to keep her past a secret.


the only truly 100% exclusive thing is the namazu earring

It was retarded argument since beginning.

>Hunt discord owns S hunts
what shithole data center are you on

>Matoya is so bitter and antisocial because she's been through the same shit as us

Attached: 1535868991841.jpg (250x250, 18K)

you try getting 54 people to do pick up raiding in this day and ages. BA discord was fine

>TFW wanna play Monk but can't get into greased lightning autism.

It's not fair,

Appreciated. I'll get that and maybe the pegasus then.

most large servers are like this
discord ensures a free, easy way to set up communities and share information
that's great in theory, but in practice it means big cliques form in MMOs via discord and they run nearly all big public efforts and you have to do things their way or get blacklisted

I've pretty much given up on S ranks when the linkshell announces them unless I'm really close since each time I make my way there, announcing in the shell chat "omw", it's dead before I get there. This only got worse with cross realm players.

Hi Lynn, I'm sorry about echo coming a bit early before you could set a respectable record.

>Balance discord owns "meta".
How much of a salty fucking retard shitter do you have to believe that meta isn't just a natural product of the game design and that people would push for it elsewhere anyway?

Rejoice then because MNK in SHB is completely retard proof and it consists of 123 456.

I'm in these threads for choco buns only.

I just started the game a few days ago and I started playing as Marauder
I've completed like 3 raids so far and being tank is really interesting, and kinds easier than I thought it would be
One dungeon though I had a DPS that was somehow pulling the enmity away constantly though I could get it right back before it did any damage to him
Is there any reason specifically he was pulling it when I haven't has that issue with any other DPS I've had in my parties?

>not 426 153

Attached: 1542089511971.png (399x322, 42K)

>I've completed like 3 raids

Attached: ast.gif (256x218, 74K)

Just come to DRG's based flowchart instead:
123 45
678 54
And filled with lots of buffs and jumps in between!

You overestimate retards

Yeah. I did it the same time I did a few handsigns, and shot fire from my mouth.

Which class was he? Red Mages tend to cause enmity issues early because their potencies are really high compared to everyone else.

Nah. It's a casual filter.

Thanks god TK is dead. MCH is new MLGpro real skill job

no job is retard proof
retards will always find a way to disappoint everyone around them

>raiding as Marauder
Holy shit, the ultimate power plays by user

On ultros you just have to ask for a hunter linkshell and get told when we start trains and stuff

>MCH is new MLGpro real skill job
haha what? Nu MCH can be played by an 8 year old.

And still DRG is more fun to play

He might have been red mage, but he was wearing a suit so I couldn't tell. He kept casting a spell that would make a bunch of crystals appears in the air and explode as some sort of AOE attack
They're just the first 3 raids in the story line. Am I wrong in calling them raids? Never played an MMO like this before so maybe I'm calling it the wrong name and raids are later game
Is Marauder terrible or something?

Crystal and Aether just... spawn S ranks and kill them, what's the problem? Unless it's guaranteed weather spawns they usually don't even get pulled so fast from the initial call that you can't get there with cross worlding.
You have to be active and watch the tracker to know when they're going to spawn.

This is almost accurate. I'd put HRT in the Balmung section as well, but not prideful trannies, just the crazy evil kind.


what ventures are the best for making money?

Your skill at the job being 1:1 with how close you live to your DC isn't really mlgpro

>Red mage
>Roll again
>Roll again
>Black Mage
I think this image is telling me something.


Yes that shit is legit, every MCH player who's played the class and understands it sees it's utter shit now. Same goes for MNKs.

1st> Probably was a red mage, as their attacks are super flashy and Scatter is a red crystal blowing up with lightning around it.

2nd>Raids are typically 8 man boss fights. What you did are called duties or dungeons. The pirate cave, the graveyard dungeon and the big mine?

3rd> Marauder is the unpromoted Warrior, and as of now they're widely considered the best tank. May change when Shadowbringers hits, but for now you done good. Keep up the good work

>Giving a fuck what raidtrannies think
SB MCH is ass to play but works somehow. ShB's only real problem is that there's no way to have Queen attacking automatically and you have to waste 6 seconds for her to attack unless you would just use her as a free 800 pot attack.

Attached: haida.jpg (210x240, 14K)

sounds like scatter so probably a red mage, I dunno what to do about them, red mages always pull enmity

so why aren't you selling an RP event?

Attached: smartbusinessplan.png (618x360, 63K)

>Same goes for MNKs.
Wrong. No TK = good. Go play MCH instead

People will still run the roulette to level.

>no alternate version with the JK attire option ticked

>He kept casting a spell that would make a bunch of crystals appears in the air and explode as some sort of AOE attack
Sounds like Scatter, so it probably was a Red Mage. In that case, there isn't much you can do until you level higher.

Fleece, various beast skins, etc

Anyone who pays for this shit deserves to be taken advantage of

I ran out of classes before I ran out of quests.

>4 Germans join the Tsuku pf thinking they can just cruise through it without knowing a single fucking mechanic.

Attached: 1513981313071.gif (230x230, 1.54M)

Isn't that how maid cafes work in general?