Bfags foreverially BTFO

I guess we can put a lid on it now.

Attached: Screenshot-2019-6-8 A or B.png (1545x959, 114K)

Other urls found in this thread:

fucking thank you

Why did anyone even choose b in the first place? It makes no sense


Hahahahaha get FUCKED B fags

Fucking finally.

Autism, contrarianism.
This is Yea Forums remember

Sticky when?

>Bfags confirmed as never moving out of their mom's basement

key word : "In the portal universe"
In our universe neither A nor B are possible

are you fucking retarded?

no shit

>In the portal universe, the answer is A
In the Stargate universe, assuming that both portals are now localized stargate connected to each other, wouldn't the answer be b?

Attached: 23415200.png (587x600, 116K)

Of course it's A. It's always been A.
The ending of Portal 2 where you go to the moon proves that it's A. If it was B, you should've been fucking liquefied when going through a portal that was tearing through space at such a relative velocity. But you weren't, because it's A.

Attached: 1559094660851.png (483x581, 341K)


sticky when?


>tfw too intelligent for B

based A posters

>he doesn't have a real portal gun

Attached: 1527988541847.png (341x358, 153K)

Fucking finally

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nigger you what

The problem involves portals, what kind of absolute imbecile would bring the real world into it?

>mfw i'm a physics brainlet and i was right all along

Attached: 1468533012369.gif (600x410, 439K)

Fucking told you.

>Video game designers don't understand general relativity
Who would have guessed. But yeah. In the PORTAL UNIVERSE physics do not represent physics as currently theorized in real life. They're a bad aproximation for a video game.

i still don't agree with him. if you use the orange portal as the observation point, it looks like the cube is coming at the portal with a huge speed.

while it would be affected by gravity when exiting the blue one, it would still conserve it's momentum and do a parabolic arc before falling, no?

am i mixing momentum and speed? and most importantly why nobody has done this in-engine?

>asks Gaben
>some literally who answers

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-15-12-24-45-1.png (527x610, 152K)



>faggot nerd with autism doesn't understand game design
who would have guessed

Reminder, Yea Forums has the lowest IQ on this site.

>Momentum is conserved
>it stops moving after going through the portal
The absolute state of physics brainlets.

If you thought B was ever an option you are a fucking retard.

I'm so fucking confused, help a retard out here
>Guy sends email to gaben
>Reponse comes from Jay who also signs the email but it was sent through gaben's email address but it was sent to jay and not even to the person who asked

>The cube has momentum because another object is moving towards it
inb4 you start stammering about from the other object's perspective bullshit.

Attached: drooling retard.png (534x588, 267K)

just google Jay Stelly, you dumb nigger
he's with valve since day one and he was a lead software engineer on Portal



Attached: literally me.png (470x469, 414K)

Attached: brainlet.jpg (1080x899, 97K)

>Open up outlook at your business
>See email from customer
>Press forward button to appropriate party
>Appropriate party now responds
t. work at a business

Have you dumb faggots never forwarded an email before? Jesus

>inb4 you start stammering about from the other object's perspective bullshit.
that's literally how speed works, if you were observing from the portal, then it would look like the cube is coming at you, so it would shoot out from the other one, if they are both in the same reference system

You actually went ahead and asked valve

Yea Forums - our autism knows no bounds

>basement dwellers need this explained to them
holy shit

How retarded can you get?


>in our universe
portals dont exist

>That's literally how speed works
You know, I'm really getting a perspective on why you dropped out of highschool. Your physics class was just too much for you.

>and most importantly why nobody has done this in-engine?
It has been done using the player instead of a cube. The answer is A because of course it's A. The portal is moving, the object is stationary excluding gravity's effect. The object doesn't travel, it simultaniously dematerialises and materialises, there is no movement therefore there can be no momentum.

Do you not have a job? Have you never used e-mail? Gaben forwarded it to someone who is actually relevant to the problem. Since Gaben didnt design the physics for the Portal games.

So he's just one of these talentless developers contaminating Valve.


what if everything else moves while the portal is fixed? that would make it shoot from the other one

and the result would be the same, since the 2 scenarios are indistinguibile

>job=email forwarding


Thats why portals fuck with reference frames, and why
is correct if you do want to go any farther than the game's physics engine.

Tell me B fags, if you slide a hula hoop over a ball, does the ball go flying?

>Gabe actually had to read this

Attached: B3E051E8-88D0-4288-8307-6CB436FEA7EB.gif (100x100, 23K)

>Anons don't understand Newtown's Laws of Motion
>And instead try to invalidate them through General Relativity which they understand even less of
I'm not even mad any more, I'm not even upset, I'm disappointed and sad that you can't even understand how shit works in your day to day life. Shit you interact with daily.

This must be a zoomer thing. I feel like even crusty old boomers that don't know how to use a computer at least know how to use email at the very minimum. This faggot probably made it through most of his life with instant messages.

Low IQ.
Yea Forums is the brainlet board.

>and the result would be the same, since the 2 scenarios are indistinguibile
That's where you're wrong, bucko. Leave the real world's rules out of it for a moment and think about the video game as if it were a video game. The cube doesn't travel, the game engine just says 'this much of the cube is over here now. Now THIS much of the cube is here and that much is there.' It probably just updates the materialisation status of the object each game tick, no movement happens (outside of gravity).

This has been asked for 15 years.
Where is the sticky

Hold up.
You faggots have been writing Gabe since 2008. Some of you even met the man and gave him a hat. In all this time, you never thought once to ask him this? You asked him the proper name for a chicken sandwich, but you fags never once thought to ask this?


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literal boomers (the children of the greatest generation) absolutely know how to use email. They love forwarding those email chains to everyone. Apple and Google need to be burned down for creating a generation that is growing up with technology all around them but is more tech illiterate than people who were born when only radios and basic color television was a thing.

Nobody actually believed it was B. Bfags were just le pretending to be retarded trolls.

That answer was retarded, but yes, it was always A. As the cube itself is not moving, there is no fucking momentum to "preserve."

Attached: I am not a clever man.jpg (245x187, 9K)

Didn't another developer place his bet on B in a mail?


A hula hoop isn't a portal dumbass. The space on each end of the portal are unified. If you were watching from the output side you couldn't tell if the block was moving towards you, or the portal was moving towards the block. If the block was being propelled then you agree then it would go flying, but from the outsider's perspective the two possibilities are identical. You have to at least admit B as an equal contender.

why was this deleted?

That's literally irrelevant, the guy is clearly giving his opinion on what would happen in the portal game universe, and not the real world, the point of this retarded image is to guess what would happen in the real world, the portal references are there just to help you conect the dots on what's going on.

Also more importantly i believe the reason he chose a is because the box on b does not look like it's falling down as a result of gravity, and while that is technically an issue (not really, the cube could just be going really fast), it's not the point of the thought experiment, it's about the momentum of the box when going trough the portal, and lastly if you actually care about his opinion for some reason he clearly said the object's momentum is conserved, so b is the corect option both in-game and irl


someone post the gif recreating this on gmod that proves B is the right answer and Atards are retards

desu i only recently learned that gaben answers all his mail as long as it isn't a wall of text

>it looks like
I got bad news for you...

I have 100 IQ and only a high school diploma and how the fuck would anyone think it's B? Do they think something is going to suddenly launch the block?the block is fucking still the only thing you're doing to it is changing it's positions
No seriously what was their argument there?

Attached: 1559910181842.gif (500x600, 1.71M)

Yes and someone also post the video recreating this that proves A is the right answer and Btards are retards

Let this battle go on forever

>How the fuck would anyone think it's B
Shitposters, I would say there are a few legitimate low IQ posters that completely ignore conservation of momentum as if it doesn't exist because of general relativity.

>one literal who who happened to work on the game means he has a physics PhD
No you retards, the top of the box passes through, the test of the box has to force its way out pushing the tip of the box out of the way, it is in this way that the box gains momentum.
t. Physics PhD
Idiots. All of you. Stop posting anytime

It's still B.

The portal moving down quickly and the rest of the universe moving up quickly (launching the block) are identical phenomena.

>types like a retard

>What is their argument there
Perhaps if you took your time to peruse the posts, you would know.
Briefly explained: The cube evidently travels through the portal and ends up at the exit of the blue portal in either answer. So if it had to initially move through, how did it suddenly stop immediately and not continue moving?

Alright A-chads you win this time, BUT...!

Attached: 1559863866407.png (500x500, 40K)

as can be seen by you double linking him

Attached: Parad.png (1920x1080, 3.25M)

Both answer are the same thing, it just depends on the speed of orange portal.

>Me having a physics PhD makes me fucking care about English or typing when it's not for something worthwhile.
Also, not an argument

Reminder, according to B fags, a person standing still going through this wall should be propelled forward.

Attached: moving wall gameshow.gif (480x360, 1.85M)

Momentum is also relative.

Attached: Bretards.png (932x580, 10K)

Holy shit, finally.

Attached: 1482388013055.gif (200x189, 799K)

Attached: Logical Fallacy 15 - Appeal To Authority.png (867x609, 295K)

It's 20 m/s. If it was 10 m/s the train would never fucking pass through the portal

>You're only allowed to quote people once
Who made you king of little dick hill?

Attached: baby face glare.jpg (457x636, 68K)

It would, because orange is stationary

thanks for the double (you)

Attached: delivery.png (500x375, 233K)

The second the front tires make it through and have traction, some serious shit will happen.

>When the authority is the one who created the rules
>Appeal to authority

Attached: you retard.png (720x540, 751K)

Imisread the direction of the blue portal


How do you even get a degree without writing an insane amount of Abstracts?
>not an argument
Having a PhD is your only argument and you can't even sustain it.

Please stop embarrassing yourself.

git gud scrub

>No punctiation
Based hypocritical retard.

>had to
>it suddenly has momentum because I said so
Your issue is that you're basing your conclusion on your retarded assumptions.

But I didn't give you a "W"

Ok look at it this way. The wall hole is a portal that leads to a road. At the end of the road is a target. The wall is roaring towards you at 200mph. Before you jump you can see the target moving TOWARDS you at 200 mph. You somehow make the jump. Why would your velocity relative to the target suddenly change? You WOULD get flung out of the portal!

No. This isn't the first time the question has been asked, answered and posted on Yea Forums and the last response went into more detail about it. It wasn't even that long ago, ~2015?

this was recreated in gmod and b turned out to be the right answer

I'm no PhD user and I can do whatever I want so fuck you bitch


>When a falling apple is literally too difficult for you to understand

Attached: laughing rockets.jpg (640x480, 43K)


>gravity would affect it when it comes out of the blue side
This makes the answer sound really ambiguous, and the only thing I'm getting out of this is that the experiment was shit to begin with and blue portal should have been perfectly vertical instead.

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Last time they were asked, they said they would have programed it as B. That was years ago and it obviously didn't stop the debate. The only thing this confirms is that there is no answer.

>ok look at it this way
Nothing changes between 200 mph and 1 mph. That man going through that wall doesn't move. Checkmate atheist.

Attached: dab.png (488x303, 186K)

It's still fucking 20 m/s you stupid faggot. The train's engine isn't suddenly going to stop doing work because fucking magic

>I wrote the script to Star Wars, and I say Han didn't shoot first

OP is a trustworthy person who would never even think about making a post with fake response

what do you get out of
>the correct answer is A

>1/4th of Yea Forums is retarded
Well this explains why a quarter of the catalog is always filled with smash threads

Attached: svt.png (660x331, 23K)

They're not. The scenario in question cannot be tested on a normal Portal engine. It wasn't programmed to allow objects to move through moving portals. The rules you're talking about don't exist.


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Fine lmao its X mph. I'm still right.

>He just presented me with a literal strawman

Attached: laughing scarecrow.jpg (655x545, 228K)


Wrong. Momentum is preserved. Therefore 20 m/s in, 20 m/s out. The "speed of the portal" is irrelevant. It only affects the rate at which the object enters the portal. Go be gay somewhere else

I'm not debating that, but the other half you're omitting makes it sound like that statement has little to do with what everyone is arguing over in these threads.

>Man goes through the wall without moving
>The only reason anyone on that show does move is because they are propelling themselves or the wall pushes them back

The obvious answer is C.

Yes because it’s not the same kind of portal. Momentum is conserved because it just spits out anything it deconstructed at the same speed it went in regardless of if it was it or the gate moving.

>Something that is literally shown in an image is a retarded assumption
How is the cube on top of the portal if it didn't move through? Did it just instantly teleport?

No, faggot. I'm basing my conclusions on basic fucking logic. Divide the box into 10 equal segments from top to bottom. Section one will pass through the portal moving at the speed of the orange portal. Section 2 passes through at the same speed and simultaneously counteracts any drag experienced by section 1 by pushing it at an equal amount to the drag (basically, if section 1 was slowed it would be forced back to the portal speed by the following section.) This all results in the final section leaving the portal at the speed of the orange portal as well, meaning the entire cube is now moving out of the blue portal at the original speed of the orange portal, and will therefore have momentum relative to its speed and weight. The reason this problem makes no physical sense is just that; portals defy the laws of physics in the first place.

No he only gets flung when the orange portal stops. The change in momentum of the orange portal is transferred to the man.

Some people are retarded

>front portion is traveling at 20 m/s
>back is traveling at effective 10 m/s
Good response, I like your reasoning. This example is no different than a person walking on a reverse motored path and then stepping off said path.

Attached: D5Q11MUU4AA8IPT.jpg (1200x675, 150K)

But the train is entertaining the portal at 10m/s.

>rent free

30 m/s
It will drop back to 20 m/s immediately once the train fully exits the orange portal

>In the Portal Universe
It makes sense that, to keep things simple in a videogame, they have to go with the route that violates the laws of physics, because modeling a more complex simulation would take away from the game's mechanics.

how would i even prove that it's legit, by giving you my password?
how would then the others know you aren't just me samefagging?

Cause it's correct?

Saving this to post whenever some idiot claims A, best explanation I've seen. Based

Attached: 1559945074628.webm (600x800, 144K)

Your mouth's momentum will get transferred to my dick, faggot.

The audience does not witness the man move, except to be pushed back slightly by air resistance after he goes through. Those watching from the target, with which his relative velocity is X mph, would see him shoot out at X mph.

WTF B fags said she would be launched forward?? What gives???

The train retains its original velocity. Why would it change?

>I'ts important to note that this fallacy should not be used to dismiss the claims of experts, or scientific consensus.
I think its fair to say that a games designer is an expert on a question about the in game lore logic dipshit

Regardless of how you describe it, it boils down to Bfags being insanely retarded. They basically have to ignore two things to argue that B is correct: how the game itself shows portals work AND the laws of physics.

meant for

>Yea Forums has the lowest IQ on the site

>Most of Yea Forums voted for Option A

Really makes me think...

What the fuck bros why don't any of them propel forward??

>driving at night
>suddenly a deer
>from my windshield it looks like the deer is coming at me at great speed
>hit deer
>he doesn’t deflect off the hood and continue traveling behind me in an arc at 60mph
wtf b bros!? we fucking solved this!

This. Retarded A posters posting for (you)s

show me your thesis on portals pls

The only winning move is not to play.

You are awful at this, go back to school.

Guys how the fuck are they not being propelled forward they're standing perfectly still when they go through the wall! They should be sent flying!

Attached: hole in the wall wtf.gif (480x346, 2.87M)

It can't be done in-engine because the cube doesn't go through

Stop posting the moving hole bait.

Attached: 1550790890470.png (1217x1080, 678K)

Wow u are so original SAGE

>He cannot argue against it and it proves him wrong, therefore it's bait

Attached: drove here to laugh at you.gif (371x209, 3.56M)

of course it's a
a portal is just a hole where the entrance and exit are delinked
if you drop a hula hoop over a cube, the cube's not going to suddenly accelerate out the top end. a portal's just a hula hoop where the top end goes to a different location. the force of gravity changes, but that's it, which is why the cube plops.
relative to the hula hoop itself, the cube does appear to be accelerating at approximately 9.8m/s/s (slight variance due to friction and possibly relativity), because that's the speed the hula hoop is accelerating toward the ground. but the force vectors in b are all wrong and don't match what the hula hoop would be seeing.

>Pointing out a fallacy implies dismissal of a claim

Attached: Logical Fallacy 04 - The Fallacy Fallacy.png (873x534, 263K)

It's 100% B this email is fake. In the eyes of the orange portal the cube is moving towards it that all that matters.

>door moves towards you fast
>you go flying into the other room

Attached: 1543465801208.jpg (629x504, 51K)

>Section one will pass through the portal moving at the speed of the orange portal

Attached: bottomless pit.jpg (500x500, 54K)

Attached: portals.png (814x414, 317K)

It would exit at 10 m/s you stupid niggers

The point of the fallacy is that their position is not what makes them right. There arguments in defense of their position is what makes them right. If I say I am a scientist and the answer is B, you can dismiss my opinion since me being a scientist doesn't do anything to prove it is B. Also, I actually am a scientist and I do say the answer is B.

>Bfags suddenly get very quiet when there's a real world example proving them wrong

Attached: Hey tone.jpg (900x900, 186K)

i used to be a vehement A-fag but someone once managed to convince me that B actally made sense too. unfortunately i don't remember the arguments anymore so now i again can't see it as anything other than A.
but i think it the conclusion i drew was that in the end it comes down to how portals operate in terms of physics. but they don't, so the question is pointless.
so basically this some interesting examples you can use:
>what happens if the orange portal platform stops halfway down the cube?
>what happens if the cube was floating in space and the orange portal went through it?

Attached: 1537821398466.jpg (680x558, 72K)

Use the blue portal as a frame of reference. The train enters at 10 m/s, so it leaves at 10 m/s. If the train left at 20 m/s, that means it would exist in two places at once.
Once the front part of the train exits the orange portal, it will gain speed due to the torque of the wheels, eventually bringing the front part to 20 m/s and the back part to 30 m/s.
Assuming, of course, the train's motion comes from its wheels and it's not moving on a frictionless surface.

holy shit legit retards are on Yea Forums

>this hypothesis has not been peer reviewed

I guess you have big portal instead of brain in your head

Attached: 1519472011844.jpg (1129x1200, 118K)

>what happens if the orange portal platform stops halfway down the cube
If enough of it is through the portal it will probably get pulled down due to gravity because the heavier side is now hanging in the air. You know, like how it happens in Portal when you go through a portal halfway that's on the ceiling and you suddenly fall because you were halfway through and gravity took over.

Attached: 1530032867746.gif (478x718, 3.83M)

Straw man of whom? You? It's an analogy, not a straw man.

If the other side of the room was moving towards you fast as well as the door...

Since software "engineers" aren't engineers, or even intelligent, then the answer is automatically incorrect.

the cube does not fucking move
the portal moves
imagine it as slamming a cup over a die
except the cup is magical and inside it gravitional pool is shifted 90 degrees because magic
the die would not shoot to the bottom of the cup, it would just get affected by the changed gravitational pull and would fall to the wall of the cup

Nice avatar, represents you Bfags perfectly.

No one ever asked about what would happen in the portal universe, people tested it we knew all along that A was right for the Game. The whole discussion was what would happen in our world and that's "more likely B, but can't be proven".
The absolute state of A tags I swear.

Further proof that portal is a game for brainlets and "cake is a lie" girl-gamers that has nothing to do with physics.


Yeah, I wonder why they decided to model Portal's physics to classical newtonian physics, that are easy to model and calculate, as opposed to GR, which is our current best model on how the universe functions.

Attached: woj.jpg (1420x946, 57K)

Except the cup also contains the rest of the fucking universe, which is flying towards the die along with the cup.

>Literally no responses from Bfags to hole in the wall
>Which is the equivalent of a portal moving toward you

Attached: spongebob really makes you think.jpg (720x540, 101K)

then the other side of the room would smash into a stationary me I wouldn't smash into it

I was always a A fag
Suck it B tards


>Also, I actually am a scientist and I do say the answer is B.
Lol appeal to authority right there! Bfags proven wrong!!111

>>Which is the equivalent of a portal moving toward you
this is why you are getting no responses, retard. Not even going to give you a (You)

Nice bait, but please explain the difference anyway.

>Newtown's laws don't exist any more
>if I throw an apple up in the air it won't come back to me

Attached: retard juice.png (374x535, 177K)

>redditor uses reddit image to defend reddit argument

The answer is: there would be a train wreck.
Assuming the source of force of the train is to the front, when the train exits the portal, the front will try to continue its velocity by pulling on the track at 20ms-1, which will either have enough strength to pull the rest of the train and acellerate, or be pulled back and deccellerate. Either way, after exiting the portal, the train will have alot of strain between the area where it crosses the portal. So itll either not break thus equalizing the relative velocity of the 2 train parts to the portals, or completely break off due to the sudden strain applied to one small part of the train.

It will exit at 20, but the back end will seeming be forced to speed up to 30 to compensate according to the way we know it works in game

>Not even reading my post
Actually use your brain and read that again user


>what happens if the orange portal platform stops halfway down the cube?
a portal is just a hole
since it is just a hole, the only difference between one side and the other is the force of gravity
the cube would be pulled by gravity in two directions. let's arbitrarily say they're directions 9 and 5 on a clock. if you pull an object in those directions with the same amount of force as gravity, it's going to move a bit until something balances out. nothing super interesting will happen.

>what happens if the cube was floating in space and the orange portal went through it?
again, nothing super interesting. the most interesting thing that would happen would be decompression as the air in the room exits into space.

how is it different

Notice how bfags exclusively use wojacks?

Attached: really makes you think.png (1366x768, 1.13M)

I already responded if you would scroll up to the last time someone posted that shit retard. Same as the door or the die cup.

>Portals don't exist in real life
Yes they do, they're called wormholes and are a readily accepted possiblity by all scientists, as they do not violate any laws of our current model.

Attached: 8d6.jpg (645x729, 48K)


>.1 seconds into brick leaving the portal
>edge of brick furthest from portal travelling at a constant speed
>however many seconds it takes for the brick to finish going through the portal

Afags, fucking die already. The only reason the guy went with A in the OP image is because he was confused, talking about how gravity would affect it - because B was poorly illustrated showing the cube going in a straight line instead of a curve.

B will always be right.

>our planet is the entire Universe

Attached: 1520280525712.png (485x443, 27K)

GR and inertial frames overrides pure newtonian mechanics, tranny

The cube doesn't go through the portal at all in game since it wasn't coded to be able to do so. The in game answer is that the cube gets crushed, which is just as reasonable as A or B.

>If the wall was moving faster they would definitely propelled through!

A. The cube is stationary, meaning it will have no momentum the moment the portal connects with it, causing it to gently plop out the other portal.

You have to be really bad at physics to not understand this.

How the fuck would it pass through slower user? Implode on itself? There's physically no space for the next section to occupy if it exits slower than the speed of the orange portal.

Attached: 1554197700402.png (261x330, 33K)

Say a portal is moving at like 2000 mph on a platform moving horizontally, like a deadly fly swatter coming at you. You jump up from a standing position, being "swatted" by this giant fly swatter with a portal attached.

Somewhere else the other portal is on a wall, stationary.

Say the moment you're swatted you have ZERO momentum. You're at the climax of your jump.

By conservation of momentum, you exit the second portal with no momentum, right?

Right. You had no momentum going in, you have none coming out.


What the fuck made you exit the other portal though? You're not moving, so as the first few inches of your body goes into the fly swatter portal, it's "motionless" in the new portal because you're not continuing to leave the second portal with any movement.

So the fly swatter, as it moves, is smushing your body into the one from the other side.

Basically- as you enter the fly swatter, WHAT on earth is pulling you further into the "room" coming from the 2nd portal?

I know it's bait, but yes, Newton's model is incomplete. It wouldn't be able to deal with Portals which is where GR comes in to solve the issue.

>Said the Afag while using an image from his redit meme show

>general relativity
>believing some shit made up by a literal kike

Attached: 1544763265387.png (406x452, 21K)

I'll take A for that glitchy mess posted yesterday as "C"

the universe does not move
the cube does not move
think about it you dumb nigger
claiming the cube retains momentum is LITERALLY the same as claiming the rest of the fucking universe retains momentum
you’re just imagining simplifying the issue to only the cube moving because you’re a brainlet operating on the wrong model and attempting to handwave physics away

>overrides it
>Calling other people trannies when they're literally mentally ill and pretending real life stopped existing and working

Attached: laughing jar of greed.jpg (600x477, 349K)

the cube has momentum relative to the orange portal

Programmers aren't physicists. Programmers and engineers don't know anything about physics besides freshman year crap. Even implementing physics in a game doesn't mean you know that much about physics.

There are no absolute reference frames. The cube is moving relative to the piston. Thus the cube has momentum. If momentum is conserved through portals then B is the only possible outcome or else that momentum would be lost instantaneously which makes absolutely no sense.

Shut the fuck up about physics Yea Forums. You don't know anything. Taking calc-based physics 101 for your le epic cs/engineering degree and thinking you know anything is laughable.

people assume the portal's movement has volatility transfered to the cube, but clearly a moving hole has no mass. hah! I see now. I am a B fag no more.

well, speaking in in-game terms, nothing happens actually, there is a test map that proves it

>it wouldn't be able to deal with Portals
Ah yes, that is why objects that go through portals conserve momentum. Can you imagine you're so retarded that you don't understand how baby's first platformer works? This is your brain on Yea Forums!

Attached: laughing gundams.jpg (630x472, 59K)

It doesnt work that way, because the portals dont fucking teleport stuff, you massive idiot. It creates a pathway between the two places. Thats why you can have objects that connect inbetween the portal at once. Your cube doesnt magically gets cut off in half when you put half in and pull out.

>Taking calc-based physics 101 for your le epic cs/engineering degree
You're giving Yea Forums way too much credit.

What, on the other hand, is reducing your velocity relative to the stuff opposite the wall? You are seeing it come towards you at 2000 mph, and suddenly it stops? Neither is more correct, because portals can't exist.

if the back of the room was an empty space as it is in the portal explanation I would remain unmoved as I was never moving in the first place just the room

>mfw Yea Forums turns into full-on /sci/ over every time a debate over vidya physics/math/ect. pops up

I'm unsure if I should be impressed or shaking my head over this shit. I wouldn't be surprised if years down the road, actual scientists use Yea Forums to solve the biggest mysteries in the disguise of vidya debates that get everyone to figure out the answer whilst at each other's throats.

>Momentum of a stationary object is conserved ergo that stationary object is now moving

Attached: Hole_in_the_Wall_US.jpg (303x233, 11K)

This Bfag cope

Attached: 1559273487212.png (290x369, 143K)

you just KNOW he deleted the post, closed the thread and then set it to hidden so he would not have to witness his embarassment ever again

i want you to remember this thread every time you get into an argument on Yea Forums. this is who you're arguing with

>durr the cube has speed relative to the portal


Absolutely seething.

it's 10. and for the same reason it's b and not a

How is the fuck is that what that's implying. It's divided into 10 sections so instead of needing 150iq to understand you need 15.

It's like passing a hula hoop over a basket ball, not throwing a basket ball through a hula hoop.

if you place a camera fixed on the wall, it will look like the person is propelled forward

Because the entire universe isn't going through the portal you fucking triplenigger

Reminder, according to Yea Forumsfags
>If Hole in the Wall was moving faster the people would suddenly fly into the air

Attached: Gwen laugh.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

>>Momentum of a stationary object is conserved

It's not stationary, retard. It has momentum relative to the piston. That's all that matters.

Except one half the hula hoop is a different inertial frame, which makes no sense

unless if the portal edges interacted with the cube would the cube budge. but absolutely spot on.

So now that A-utists are claiming that the game's physics is the only decider on the issue, can we also start claiming that all bugs and glitches that occur in Portal must also happen in real life?

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You repeated this stupid shit few times already.
Universe doesn't enter the portal, brainlet.

And how can you tell the difference between being stationary and having a constant velocity in empty space? If there was air then it would feel (and be) the same if you or everything else was moving. This is literally the basics of relativity. Read a book.

>Momentum relative to the piston
Oh yeah? is that why they don't move when the wall passes over them?

>barely passed Physics in high school and I fucking knew this
You guys have no excuse

Attached: laughing-like-a-king-homer-simpson.gif (375x375, 179K)

no matter how hard you drop a hole around an object, the object is not going to accelerate out the other end. if the hole keeps moving, the object will continue to "accelerate" relative to the hole just as it was before, if the hole suddenly decelerates (e.g. stops), the cube will suddenly decelerate as well.
while it might be interesting to ask what would happen if the orange end of the portal in the op pic was allowed to keep accelerating after it enclosed the cube, it doesn't, it comes to an abrupt stop, and the other end was stopped all along. the cube will "decelerate" relative to the portal as both ends are stopped upon exit.


>tfw I really want to participate in arguments like this but my english is too bad to correctly formulate my thoughts or understand some posts that use more difficult words

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Except both ends of the hula hoop are moving in constant speed with each other whereas in a portal only one end is moving

Jesus christ Afags get it together

thanks for proving me wrong, einstein

general relativity has nothing to do with op, it's something that can only be observed at extremely high relative velocities
at the speed things are traveling in op, its impact is small enough that it can be ignored

Attached: fallacy.jpg (1172x688, 100K)

Moving a portal is moving the universe. Driving your car is moving the universe relative to you. Why do you not understand that those things are the same?

>Both ends are moving in constant speed with each other

buddy run through a door facing backwards does the room fly away from you

And the guy who invented GIF's say it's pronounced "Jiff"
Doesn't mean it's right.

You can't forgo the very real thing of language or physics just because you made a thing

>if the hole suddenly decelerates (e.g. stops), the cube will suddenly decelerate as well.


i think i remember the argument now. or at least part of it.
basically what said.

>from the perspective of the blue portal, the cube is coming out at a certain velocity.
>you can say that in truth it is the orange portal that is moving, but from the viewpoint of the blue portal, the cube itself is clearly moving while it's coming out.
>you can say that the portal is just a hole, but that's is just a random assumption.
>because you can also say that the portal is disintegrating the cube and creating it on the other side. and in that case the cube would have a real momentum when leaving the blue portal.
that's why i said, the answer depends on how the portal actually works, and portals aren't real. of course in-game the answer is A.

Hole in the wall has the same speed on both sides: it acts as a standard hole.
The problem is what happens if there was a hole in the wall but one wall is moving and one is stopped and the hole is a portal, you retarded monkey.


just start arguing in your first language dude

So what happens.
A fags proport that the part hanging out of the orange side won't move at all.

Attached: portal smush.png (907x688, 22K)

It's special relativity that we're talking about moron.
>the laws of physics are invariant (i.e. identical) in all inertial systems (i.e. non-accelerating frames of reference)

Not really but it's low

Attached: 1559371483981.jpg (2000x2000, 410K)

>A hole is moving
>Therefore speed is added onto a stationary object

Attached: im retarded.gif (240x180, 2M)

>crash your car into a house
>"Your honour I swear I'm innocent I was standing still on a highway when this house accellerated into my car at 100 mph"

Yeah that's exactly what a portal isn't thanks for backing me up. fag

Great to see posts that help us ascend the pyramid, good job.

Attached: 707px-Graham's_Hierarchy_of_Disagreement.svg.png (707x530, 103K)

that was a really good sentence, though. you'll get there eventually, dont beat yourself up over it.

The door is not a portal. The portal is bringing its side of the universe along with it at the speed it comes towards me, which is the same as me moving that speed relative to that part of the universe.

Too bad all practical experiments have shown B is the right answer

Just post that X-fags are brainlets.

Attached: feinmann.jpg (698x412, 132K)

Delet this

Attached: 1556650315333.jpg (540x398, 41K)

No, the problem is that one side of the hole is at a different frame than the other, which is impossible with a real hole
Please learn how to read

that's also why i brought up the space example.
it kinda shows how absurd it is for the cube to come out at X-speed but stop moving once it fully came out.

relative to the cube, the blue end of the portal was never moving. relative to each other, the blue end of the portal and the cube are both at rest. the orange end is the only end that could maybe have something interesting going on (and that's a stretch), but it comes to a rest as it hits the cube.
as all forces at the time of entry are at rest with respect to each other other than gravity, gravity is the only force at work, and gravity is a pretty weak force. the cube originally is accelerating at the speed of gravity downward (and is repulsed by the force of the platform it rests on, zeroing out), and at time of entry, the force of gravity changes its vector to another position, which the cube follows and "plops"

>Perspective of the blue portal
So why does OUR perspective no longer exist?

but he is propelled forward if you use the wall as the reference frame

it's basic physics, not even GR

Now that I look at the explanation, I think the dev might have misunderstood the pic and assumed that the platform below the cube is moving, not the one with the orange portal.
He says that the object's momentum is conserved across transition, not that it gains momentum from the transition.

>All A-fags are bragging about knowing the answer when they have low IQ, or haven't gone to Uni, or only having taken a Physics course during High School.
>All B-fags have a PhD in Physics and have taken actual advanced Physics courses and thought the only answer that made sense was B

What does this tell us?
I'm sure there's an explanation for all of this...

About fucking time

Let me put all of you in a better perspective.
Let's instead put Orange portal as the point of reference, which means that the cube and blue portal are now moving and orange portal is stationary. This means, that when the sube passes through, it would be moving relative to the orange portal, but will be moving at the same speed/velocity as the blue portal. This means, that the cube will not be moving away or any different than the blue portal, therefor it has to be A.

Or the point of reference can be blue portal, and after orange portal has passed through, the cube would be not moving relative to the blue portal, thus will not fly away.

Both are still moving relative to the orange portal, but not to each other.

a door is not meaningfully different from a portal for this example, that's the whole point retard.

How the fuck could you pick B
For all intents and purposes the orange portal is literally just a hole, the fact that platform it is on is moving is absolutely irrelevant.

post more my fellow spic.

the more retarded shit you say, the more people will point it out and the more you will learn

Afags believe that you can have a hole of constant thickness where one side is moving at a different speed than the other

The stationary object doesn't give a shit if one side of the hole is moving or not. If that hole int he wall suddenly sped up when you were halfway through you would not propel out the other end because no forces acted on you.
>B-but the portal thinks he's moving therefore he will be flying forward from our perspective too
I feel my IQ lowering just talking to you later homos.

I see not many people understand physics to have the need to ask that question.

Relative to the blue end of the portal, the cube that is emerging from it is not still. It is moving, hence it is emerging from the portal.

You havn't heard of the special relativity defense? Its a legal loophole that works every time. That's why they never got Einstein for a single parking ticket.

What about portal 2 ending?

if you drop a hula hoop around a weight, the weight is accelerating toward the hula hoop at approximately the speed of gravity
if the hula hoop is allowed to continue downward after it passes the weight, the weight will accelerate away from (upwards) the hula hoop at the speed of gravity
if the hula hoop is obstructed after it reaches the weight (the weight is on the ground), the weight will suddenly stop accelerating relative to the hoop (because the hoop itself decelerates relative to the ground)

i am eastern yuro not spic

>G-guys blue portal's perspective!
>Also ignore the viewer's perspective
>Also ignore the platform's perspective
>Also ignore the world's perspective

Attached: Goku Snake Trail Think.gif (500x599, 1.12M)

I have a PhD in image board culture and I can tell that the Bfags claiming to be astrophysicists are in a 78% likelihood full of shit.

his half will move with the portal while the other is stationary, it's not that hard

It is different, and I've already explained why. Unless you have a counterargument please stop.

assuming both portals are in the same room and the only thing that's moving originally is the piston, the blue end of the portal and the cube are at the same relative velocity (0)
the orange one is moving, but it stops when it smacks into the platform the cube is on

Portals act like doorways, nothing more.

How do you not get this? The portal ceases to be a simple hole in the wall as soon as one end has a different inertial frame. Using the hole in the wall argument is not a defense.

If anything he will fall forward, it's like having one foot in a car and one on the ground

I wonder why they decided to go for the simpler, "makes sense" physics model instead of the harder to grasp, real world model.

Attached: lab.jpg (1200x628, 118K)


that led to 22%not being full of shit which is way more than enough.

>simultaneously dematerialises and materialises
portals connect 2 points in space, teleportation. is this the intellectual state of Afags?

This. How much of a brainlet do you have to be to not realize that. It doesn't matter that the platform with orange portal is moving - the cube never comes into a contact with that platform.


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>Afags systematically ignoring

interesting question. That would mean that if the portal does not have any space inbetween them, it would mean that either you will be squished into literally nothingness, or your cells' elasticity will push each other out of the portal, and you'll probably be hurting like hell when you exit.

Yes the point is that portals break special relativity. That's all little ol' Bfag me is trying to get at. The Afags who act like their solution is bulletproof physics-wise are wrong.

The real world is based around physics, dipshit


>You are "stationary" on earth
>You get sucked in and are now on the moon
>You are now moving insanely fast with the moon's orbit
What about it?

>22% likelihood means 22% are astrophysicists
user pls
i haven't so much as held a calculator since my high school graduation but even i undestrand it doesn't work that way

Because as the cube enters the new room, the red portal is forcing more of the cube to exit out into the blue room.
Think about it- an inch enters the blue room with zero momentum. It is "staying put" in the blue room. But more of the cube is fed through, and it pushes the previous inch further out.
What determines with how much force that first inch is pushed out?

This all has to do with the relative velocities of each portal. This isn't simple, and has more to do with the exact mechanics of forces acting on objects existing between portals.
Like such:

>m-m-muh huler hoop!

Is there a greater sign of autism?

Wrong. The end of the cube that emerges from the blue portal has a positive velocity relative to the blue portal while it is emerging from the blue portal. Otherwise it would not be able to emerge. The question is, why would this velocity (which again HAS TO BE GREATER THAN 0) suddenly change to 0 when the cube is all the way through?

I didn't play it, but seen mentions about it, just asking.

>If that hole int he wall suddenly sped up when you were halfway through you would not propel out the other end because no forces acted on you.
if you place a camera on the wall, and speed up the wall, it will look like the guy is speeding up halfway through

Does Gaben actually read mail from plebs? Damn

Can we all agree that the intuitive result is different depending on your reference frame, and that therefore there is no physically correct result?

>brainletfags systematically ignoring the moon in the game

It looks more interesting.

>The whole discussion was what would happen in our world
Nothing at all because portals don’t exist, you fucking retard.

So it's finally over.

Attached: 1549073548424.jpg (960x1620, 557K)

>This means, that when the sube passes through, it would be moving relative to the orange portal, but will be moving at the same speed/velocity as the blue portal.
this is unironically the missing link

t. former b fag

Its literally a meme.

Its another "Yea Forums will argue about anything" thing

user, the most intelligent scientist doesn't use calculator. They operate in the abstract. You not using a calculator is not a good indicator of you being retard.

if his foot isnt touching the ground or affected by any resistance/friction from the air, his blue half will literally be stretched out, and he wont be affected at all.
If he is affected, he'll either trip forwards throught the blue portal, or be pushed back by the air rushing through.

I think we're just getting started.

It is just a fucking hole. No the universe doesn't move with it. If it does, the other side of the hole would also be affected. For all intents and purposes, any object on the other side of the hole will follow the logic of that side until they are on the other side.

autism is not letting go when you are presented with a satisfactory conclusion

This is the correct answer- or rather theory of mind.
We're to look into the behaviour of the "fine line" between 2 relative spaces acting at different velocities.
As in such:



All those perspectives are equally valid, and have to produce the same result, is the thing. If you look at it as a stationary cube and moving portal, the portal is transferring its momentum and kinetic energy to the cube. If you look at it from the portal's perspective, the cube is moving in (and also exiting) at a given speed. The platform is the same as the cube, except it never goes through the portal so it doesn't really tell you anything. The world's perspective? The planet is seeing the same thing as the room, which is a portal (with a whole universe inside it) rocketing toward a box. If you mean the universe's perspective, there isn't one. There are no absolute reference frames, which means portals don't make any sense in the first place.

please continue humiliating yourself

It's not a hole. A hole cannot have two speeds simultaneously. Please think before posting.

>the cube would be not moving relative to the blue portal

But why would it not? It's been moving through the entire process of emerging from the blue portal, so why would it stop moving before going through its full trajectory?

/int/ doesnt apply anymore. That place is now 50% a shit pol and the other 50 are flatfags and/or trolls

I always said it was A because of the hula hoop argument. Glad we can finally put this to rest and B fags can rest easy knowing they were forever wrong.

i don't know, maybe report it so the mods take notice

Both A and B outcomes are possible.
The real frame of reference is the exit portal and your speed relative to it decides whether you get launched out of it or just "plop" to the ground.

Attached: brainfuckery.jpg (1200x800, 290K)

Doesn't matter how anyone tries to rationalize it with "real-world" physics that no one would be able to test. "In the Portal universe" means "this is how it works in our fictional setting no matter what." There is no further argument.

Attached: 1534873277329.gif (350x180, 1.69M)

There is no "real reference frame". If there is one contradictory reference frame (ie. the one of the viewer on the side of the exit portal), it is equally valid.

basically the issue is is A retards dont understand that if portals cannot exist with our physics then why the fuck would you ever attempt to quantify them with those physics, you would have to be pretty stupid to not see the oxymoron in that.


>our perspective
what the hell is that supposed to be?
the point is that once the cube on the blue portals side clearly has a momentum to it. its atoms are moving in space. and Afags argument against this is that
>it isn't actually moving because the portal works that way
and that's a weak argument.

not sure what your point is.
what if the cube is floating in space, and the portal
>C: stops right after the cube passes
>D: keeps going after gobbling up the cube
you're telling me the results would be different in both cases?

Attached: 1550928685591.jpg (400x323, 51K)

The moment a millimeter of the cube breaches the blue portal, the stationary platform is now also exerting force, once it suddenly stops, the cube would be propelled.

Attached: awdawdawd.gif (670x360, 84K)

Bfags were the one that started the whole argument.

So we can get an answer out of gabe on this shit but we can't get a straight statment from him about what sexual content is and isn't allowed.


A fags think that if there are more reference frames in their favor that they are right like it's some kind of vote.

The portal is not a teleporting device that ejects objects out of itself. Its a doorway that connects 2 places in space, therefore it is literally moving through the portal like through a door way, and not ejected when it travels through.
I hate to use the door example, but its the best one.
Imagine you running through a door. Youre now moving relative to the door, and go through using your momentum
Now imagine the door faling on you. The door is now moving relative to you, so you get through the door without momentum on your part. Or you could look it as the door is stationary and you+the ground is moving towards the door. When it passes through, the ground and you will still be moving relative to the door, but both will still be moving at the same speed/velocity to each other, so you don't suddenly fly away from the ground.

there is no real frame of reference, but is right. looks like everyone forgets that the cube and the blue portal are both not moving, so even if you consider the orange portal as the reference frame, then not only the cube will have momentum, but also the blue portal, making it A in any case

Attached: ez physics.png (954x458, 10K)


Attached: portal.png (1714x788, 203K)

But if the it was the portal that moves there. Why isn't the blue portal that moves towards the box?


Gee, it must be A!

Again, a door falling on you does not bring the universe along for a ride.


You only think this because you’re too low IQ to understand even half the concepts being talked about

if you add a fixed blue portal in the left pic, then it has to be moving in the second, along with the cube, making it plop, aka A

"not moving?" The distance between a viewer of the blue portal and the cube is changing. That is fucking movement.

You haven't explained shit, because you're still thinking like a caveman that portals or teleportation functions as "really really quick movement" instead of actual teleportation. You stepping through a door doesn't mean you shoot forward. Now imagine the front-side of the door and the back-side are separated, like some sort of I dunno portal, that statement doesn't change.

Awaiting the next post.

Now it's B
t. 700 IQ AChad

>the die would not shoot to the bottom of the cup,
because the cup decelerates relative to the cube lol

That'd be weird. The guy would technically stay in the same position as the platform is moving, but he'd be feeling the wind blowing in from his left side, not to mention a lot of friction with his left foot. I imagine he'd eventually tumble out of the orange side dizzy. It'd be hard to stay stationary in that situation.

Case in point.

>There is no "right" answer
Bfag BTFO out by their own image. How can they possibly ever recover form this humiliation that will no doubt bring even more shame upon thief families for generations to come.

> The moment a millimeter of the cube breaches the blue portal, the stationary platform is now also exerting force

Nope. It's a hole, not a surface.

Case in point of you still being a fucking idiot.

Please choke on semen and die

Afags are like flat earthers

In that case both portals are moving. In the question at hand, only one portal is moving (or, the displacement between the portals (ends of the door) is not time-constant). That makes all the difference.

The other stationary platform dingus

why did it take so long?

Both A and B are wrong the cube would not fly or plop. It would gently slide down the slope.

In this case it's actually like talking to god and asking him how it works, considering the guy made the physics in that game and that the world only exists and functions because of his rules.

I hate calls to authority, but at least this will cancel out OPs fake and gay email.