Whats better

whats better
pc or console?

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PC Engine

my dog has learnt to drink his own piss directly by licking his dick hole
its quite impressive really

PC. Consoles greatest strenght was plug and play and they changed that.
Only handhelds are better because you can use them on the bus or bed.

Consoles are still better
I can still plug in my 30 year old Famicom carts and they run just fine
I can’t play my old PC games because my PC doesn’t even include the necessary hardware to run the game and when I download the digital file from steam it’s not even compatible with a modern OS

>playing old games
Dude they look like fucking shit

I'm not sure which one of you is more retarded

Your argument is stupid and it would only make sense if you could put the cartridges into the Switch. Otherwise you could just use an old PC to play the old games that don't work otherwise.

Yeah but a switch isn’t a Famicom
A PC is a PC I can install windows 8 on a PC from 1999 if I wanted to but that same PC wouldn’t be able to play any of the good exclusives anymore

That means the PC is superior.

depends what console you're talking about. ps4 if you want pandering hollywood-lite garbage, nintendo if you want constantly recycled trash with big names slapped on them, xbox if you enjoy staring at brick walls

It’s superior because I can make it so that all my games on it are unplayable? You literally can never upgrade your PC if you want to play all the best exclusives

PC because it can play PC and the vast majority of console games.

Take your shitty b8 and go fuck yourself op!

But you can't play the best SNES games on the Switch or the best PS1 games on the PS4.

>being an emunigger
A Famicom game costs literally a toonie complete in the box
Are you too poor to afford a toonie? That’s literally the price of a pack of Timbits

I don’t want to play the SNES lame ass dubs, ugly box art and censored shit
I have my original Super Famicom and all my boxed Super Famicom games.
I don’t need a PC to play them

Why would I buy something I can get for free?
I'm even getting a better experience emulating as I can use whatever controller I want and don't have to set up any additional hardware.

>plying Famicom games with an Xbox 360 controller
Woah so this is the power of being a zoomer

But you still can't play your original Famicom games on a Switch


I actually play them with my steering wheel.