How hyped are we, Yea Forums?
Tales of Arise
Tales of games can vary wildly so no idea right now.
>Nu tales
Waiting to see more, but I'm glad the series isn't dead.
As long as it isn't a hallway simulator like everything past Xillia was, it's fine
dude what the fuck?
Typical tales fan
Tales lost its charm and the appeal long time ago. At this point they can only surprise me if they manage to make something semi-decent.
Will he have to deal with Sorey and Velvet as the Angel and Devil on his shoulder
Is that why he looks so upset? Caught between having to listen to a moralfag and the purest incarnation of edge
Series was dead for me after Abyss sorry.
It’s anime game but written by a westerner.
Isn’t that concerning?
Hopefully the battle system is closer to Vesperia/Hearts R/Xillia 2 than the shitty korean mmo ripoff stuff from Berseria
No, unless the writer is woke
>implying a western writer WON'T be woke
Who is the westerner in question? This is admittedly somewhat concerning since a lot of western writers are woke
Do we have the faggot's name? Then we can look up other stuff he or she did
Do you like Game of Throne?
Is Namco betraying us like From?
>more watercolor shit that looks like a PS3 game
>people saying it could have anything related to the two biggest pieces of shit in Tales: Zestiria and Berseria
>maybe it has more bullshit combo-tree combat
Not excited. If it has anything to do with Zestiria and Berseria, or it doesn't have 2.5D classic Tales combat, I am done with this series.
Please don't use TP. It doesn't have to be CC, but fuck TP
GRRM is working on Elden Ring, not Tales
No Velvet no buy
she'll be in the cameo battle
Kill yourself, you retarded waifufag. You and your ilk are the reason this series went to shit.
>tales of america
no thanks
Lmao. Tales were never good outside of waifus
Could end up being a CC+TP system like Hearts R.
Kill yourself, you retarded non waifufag.
Seething fujo, it went to shit because Baba couldn't keep it in his pants
The new MC looks great to me, but I'll miss her
Tales of Arse
I'm glad he appears to have some bulk on him, though that may just be the armor.
>it says when a fujo game was what nearly killed the franchise
Yeah I'm fine with him. It's the main girl I worry about, as I'm about 98% certain she'll be inferior to Velvet in every way.
Unsurprising you would think that when you have only played Zestiria and Berseria.
If you are a waifufag, you statistically have a much higher percentage of actually commiting suicide. Do the one good you can do in this life user, don't let anyone stop you. You want to live forever with Velvet, right? Just put your neck on the noose.
>disliking Velvet and waifufaggotry means you are a fujo
>in other words, "if you aren't a pathetic beta cuck like me that likes shitty characters you are a fujo"
At least have some taste. Chloe, all the Vesperia girls, Farah, Phillia, all the Symphonia girls, and Tear are all much, much better than Velvet, and those are all just off the top of my head.
How can you top an underboob demon whose hand can give you the suck?
If you're unironically saying this, you're indeed far worse than even a fujo.
>f you are a waifufag, you statistically have a much higher percentage of actually commiting suicide.
Says the tranny fag scared of women so hard he bitch about waifu on a waifu imageboard website
arise chicken arise
you can name quite a lot of girls for someone claiming to hate waifufags, based retard.
Convince me it isn't faggotry. Rise up, gamer. Defend your cause.
Oh wow, he's using the new buzzword! The default insult for when anyone disagrees with anyone on Yea Forums, he must be right! He's so funny! Wow fren, epic troll.
>Velvet makes fujos seethe