>thousand-year-old loli
Is there any more cringy cliche?
Thousand-year-old loli
Other urls found in this thread:
Threads complaining about loli.
It's not cringy, but it is cliche.
It's fine, we all know loli's a body type. We all just want more cunny in our lives, you know? It's okay. It's fine. Cunny makes the world go 'round.
I want to licky-lick Nowi's cunny!
That's not cringey, that's endearing.
Pack it up Yea Forumsro’s we did it.
I don't know whether or not Lolifags or Shotafags are worse.
Threads like this one
Do we post cunny now?
It's cute when they play and interact with children while being thousands of years old themselves
What boards do cunny threads usually inhabit?
Being gay will always be worse than being straight.
someone post the vocaroo
Yea Forums, Yea Forums and Yea Forums
Nowi a shit even for her own trope.
Thousand year old shota
Yea Forums or the board you’re on.
>Is there any more cringy cliche?
a progressive character
There is. It's called "OP being a faggot" and it's overused.
Dweeb protag that has all female party members wanting to get his dick. No pic in particular because it can be any jrpg really.
idk about cringier but it's definitely the hottest cliche in the world
thank god it exists
>thousand year old gilf that has thousands of year of mental experience and development
>15 year old Lyn
>we all know loli's a body type
denial runs deep here
does Yea Forums like lolis?
Basically this. How the fuck else do you get away with saying you want to fuck a really young girl? Here's this 10 year old looking girl, don't worry she's dressed like prostitute because she's really a 1,000 year old dragon who wants to fuck you. It's fucking stupid and shameful, but it's either that or going full pedophile.
I prefer loli butts desuuu~
>character is 1000 years old
>they don't act like grumpy grandmas who are sick of life, yell at younger people alot, and can't even enjoy basic things anymore
>instead they're "uguu kawaii daddy ^_^"
Your corporate bullshit characters can't even make something that has the potential to be good.
imagine the smell
>thousand year old shota being sexually bullied by a much younger but much physically stronger onee-san
nobody really falls for that, you're just fooling yourself
Otona Game | Adult Game / おとなゲーム Cunny for this cunny thread with vidya in it
I agree. Real loli should have a real loli age, not "ha-ha can't sue us she's an ancient half-god". Pathetic.
uh user everyone knows you're a fucking pedo
3 year old titty monster
"and the furtive pygmy so easily forgotten...."
Risa is such a healthy girl
don't bully my wife
>make a loli
>make her dress like a slut
>literally expose as much of her body as possible
>"It's okay. She's 1000."
Why does Japan do this so much?
That's what makes it more retarded
People can't even follow their own stupid trope all the way
Lolis are for cute, hugs and headpats, you fucking degenerates.
Why not both
because Japan is based and redpilled
How about a character that is both
Is it the time?
diversity hires in any time period that isn't clown world
All 1000 year old lolis either act like immature children or teenagers unless they're from Touhou. You can blame japanese writing for that.
There are girls in their twenties who are 4 feet tall
You could easily make loli-bodied characters just have a-- cups and dress like regular people rather than child sex slaves if you wanted to appeal to the sort of people attracted to smaller women, but it's pure horseshit that is almost purposely ridiculous instead
So Yaia? Even if she's 6 years old
Yes, this is so lame, can't you just give your lolis a real age like 9
you left out hardcore mating press and prone bone
>its okay if I pamper you, I'm a 900 year old wolf
every time.
Nothing. You can enjoy lolis as art and cunnies as wifes.
except nowi is just acting like that for team morale deep down she's suffering