You may not like it, but this is what peak game design looks like

You may not like it, but this is what peak game design looks like.

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I want to fuck the gap in those mountains


Have you recovered from BotW yet Yea Forums?

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How long until we can criticize BoTW without autistic Zeldaniggers losing their shit? Not even OoT was this bad.

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Calling the game shit because you don't like open world games isn't a criticism.

honestly should have been delayed another year, fuck the wii U
its a good base but needs more variety
even just having a a few more enemy types to flesh out the open world could have made it much better

it is if you're a ndrone, until the next big nintendo titles comes out.

because of cemu this game was outed from the first day. Ninendo retards couldn't use their standard meme argument "hurr durr you need to play it". Everyone could play botw and see just what it was, a ubisoft clone with nintendo tropes, a solid 7/10

what are you talking about?
I played it on cemu and the game is phenomenal, a solid 9/10

Attached: CEMU Screenshot 2017.09.30 - (2560x1440, 412K)

It was barely playable on cemu until a few months and even now if you don't have a gyro enabled controller for the bow aiming it plays like gimped shite.

>b-b-b-but muh 4K!

Here's the truth for all of you newfags, a timeline of botw and cemu

My PC has a gtx 970 (more than enough for 1080p upscale) and an i5 6600

>Botw launches, boots 1 week later
PC dumbasses: it'll run great in a month

>4 months later
Game finally renders grass and shit properly. with shader caches it barely pulls 25 fps in most areas (it drops to about 10 in towns). it also crashes around every hour (I timed it). I beat the entire game like this, and it is definitely not a good experience whatsoever.
PC fats on Yea Forums at this time claim it's running great apart from " a crash every few hours"

>The December the dlc comes out (about 8 months after launch)
Crashes are finally fucking fixed but the fps still drops below 30 fps all the time. Also, even when it runs at full speed it still experiences "jitter" where the game speeds up slows down constantly. it's hard to explain what this is until you play it, but it is ass. it's "playable" but still worse then the console apart from the resolution
PC fats: "supperior to console!"

>A few weeks ago (nearly 2 years after launch)
Finally fucking holds 30fps, BUT STILL CAN'T DO A SOLID 60. the 60 fps patch has improved but you'll rarely hit 60 fps. infact in a lot of areas you'll drop below that
oh and by the way if you use 60 fps it still has jitter out the ass.
PC lardshits: runs at 8k 120 fps on my rig (it doesn't, I actually saw someone claim this shit in a thread one time)

So 2 years later and still DOES NOT RUN AT 60 FPS ON 99% OF RIGS. In mid end hardware IT WILL RUN POORLY

But PC players are obsessed with making their platform look as good as possible so they constantly exaggerate how good emulation is.

PCbros will deny this to hilt. They always do. Most shitters played a gimped copy WANTING to hate it.

lol just from the graphics I'd give it a 6/10

Peak design is sub Spyro 1 tier LOD scaling?

graphics is the part I care least about when it comes to games, although it could've been a 10/10 if the graphics were actually good.

>muh open world = bad
>lol shrines and koroks (ignores any rebuttal demonstrating more content in the game beyond this)
This is not criticism and will never be, no matter how many times you try to make it so and then cry about people not taking you seriously.

What other content is there beyond shrines and koroks?

>PCbros will deny this to hilt.
actually the people that post about emulators the most on Yea Forums are the people that never actually use them: shitposters.

Cemu is great now, but I agree it was pretty bad around launch of the game and in most situations you'd be better off playing it a year later. I ended up just buying the actual game and, despite the fact cemu runs really well now, I find that I prefer playing it on the actual hardware as cemu still has weird inconsistencies with the physics/AI and missing particle effects that bug the shit outta me.

>main quest
>side quests

Those are the other big categories, but there’s a lot of variation in what you’re doing within each. you can play the entire game with only ever going into shrines the required 4 times and not collecting a single Korok seed.

>What other content is there beyond shrines and koroks?

Oh please fuck. For a start, stop saying "shrines" as if its one singular thing rather than 1/100 completely unique subterranean challenges or puzzles or assault courses. You might as well say all Super Mario World has is "levels".

Then go ahead and deny the 4 main beast quests, all the towns and villages, the Yiga Hideout, the 3 huge labyrinths, the spooky forest, all the overworld mini-boss battles, Eventide Island, all the side-quests, the snowboarding run,Hyrule Castle, the sandseal racing, unlocking all towers, and the fact the fucking landscape itself is playable content which doesn't exist in other games.

I'm not even scratching the surface. BotW has far more content than most open world games and you have no argument beyond "d-doesn't count!"

I was almost recovered but then I watched the Death Stranding trailer.

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>and the fact the fucking landscape itself is playable content
Fucking this. This alone makes it all above other similar games.

>reddit spacing
>if you don't have a gyro enabled controller for the bow aiming it plays like gimped shite.
Or you just use the analog stick like every other shooter

The game doesn’t have an aim assist, so the analog mode isn’t very good compared to gyro.

>i have a pc
ok nintendonigger

For as much shit as people give BOTW for being open world but empty, the game is super comfy. Really good score.

>Nintendie only plays his child shit games
>i-it's bad because i am!!11!

>main quest
Okay so fight ganon and shrines not much
>side quests
Fetch quests and go to this location, right not much there either
archery, physics puzzles, and paragliding, minutes of fun.

I think I'll stick with my 7/10

Grow up you baby.

probably going to play all saturday. really enjoying myself

Attached: CEMU Screenshot 2019.06.07 - (1920x1080, 2.27M)

>not realizing that nearly every console shooter using analog has aim assist
Thanks for revealing that you don’t understand what you’re talking about.