>"We appreciate the hard work of everyone who contributes to our releases, but it is and always has been company policy that only current members of our staff are credited. We have never credited staff for their individual roles, or if they have left the company."
Is this acceptable, Yea Forums?
"We appreciate the hard work of everyone who contributes to our releases...
Other urls found in this thread:
>Dumb cosplayer thot turned SJW and underqualified for her job gets fucked over by a based company during its redemption arc
Yes, but only this time and because I say so
Eat shit Thotsuu and do your fucking Anki reps, imagine being outdone by literal fucking malnourished NEETs at the border of homelessness that just want to read untranslated early 2000s porn lmao
Based xseed even took Granblue from you hahahahawww
We appreciate the hard work of everyone who contributes to our releases, but it is and always has been company policy that only current members of our staff are credited. We have never credited staff for their individual roles, or if they have left the company. We regret deeply any suggestion that current members of our team are working on their own projects, projects that are being worked on with their current teams, or projects which do not properly reflect their overall contribution to the release process on which it is based. To that end we appreciate feedback on these issues, but the current team leadership will continue to work with us to ensure we have a smooth delivery of what the community was expecting.
The team at Ubisoft would like to offer our apologies to all of those who were left disappointed by the cancellation of The Division. Our team, like this one, will continue to work with developers to bring exciting new content to The Division and to build amazing new multiplayer experiences for everyone that enjoys The Division content. While we can't reveal any more information about the new content in the game at this time, we do know that our teams across the platform are working feverishly to deliver the very best and most exciting experiences in the game so fans can build with us how we create on our platform.
What's so sjw about Hatsuu? I thought everyone here loved her.
I think it's dumb to not credit the people that worked on a game just because they left a company but at the same time I understand the logic
She literally thinks anime girls being gay is disgusting and male gaze-y, current American politics should be reflected in game localization and anime dudes being gay is the best thing ever and a celebration to life
Also ended up hating big tits so much after lashing out on Senran Kagura she literally had a reduction surgery of her own
People only love her for her cowtits.
>rewrites scripts
>claims to be queen of Kiseki but hasn't played Crossbell since she doesn't understand Japanese
>shits on Tom in public because he's anti-censorship
>shits on Senran Kagura and other male fanservice games but loves otome (Boys Love) games
>she/her pronouns in twitter bio
Some SK fans here got upset because she turned on the series post-EV, basically referring to it as overtly sleazy garbage. This marked a bit of a change from when she used to defend the series from SJWs on her old tumblr page and on NeoGAF, which she said she felt passionately about because she was bullied intensely at school right through her teenage years for having big breasts.
Also the /jrpgg/ stalker is mad she rejected his advances and still makes threads slagging her off like 5 years later.
>She literally thinks anime girls being gay is disgusting and male gaze-y
Uh isn't she a major fujoshi though?
>she literally had a reduction surgery of her own
Shame she had a nice rack. Hope she didn't take that decision lightly because there's no going back with that shit. Isn't there like special shirts to make women look less big?
The breast reduction thing is just /fg/ memers. She's not chubby anymore though, she's full-blown sticc thanks to her medication.
>Uh isn't she a major fujoshi though?
And a total hypocrite, yes.
Japanese Fujoshis are allies. American Fujoshis are enemies. What the fuck is wrong with America?
That's a shame.
Didn't Hatsuu hang out in Yea Forums before? What the hell made her into such a sjw?
She was a well-liked tripfag on /cgl/ circa 2008 and used to post on the JRPG general on /vg/ until that autist appeared at the XSNEED offices demanding to see her.
Always a fucking fag who ruins it. Who knows how she'd be if she never got scared off from here.
TB is a hell of an illness
Honestly he literally just fucking showed up on the parking lot with some flowers and Brit lost her shit really fucking hard and entered a state between panic and rage
I think that was the moment she realized her online actions have consequences too
I never really liked her because she never put any effort into actually learning jap, though, and always had stupid ideas and even worse rewrites that made work harder than it had any right to be
her smile and everything: gone
Why the fuck did he think that was a good idea?
Programming, directing, writing, proofreading: Jason the Janitor
it makes sense to me
She has completely transformed into a cat lady.
TL;RC me on this. The hell is being bitched about now?
He looked like your average fat manchild. I'm guessing he thought it was funny as shit and made for some good shitposting material for /jrpgg/ or some dumb shit like that
Much like the rest of XSEED, she became sick of only being known for ninja titties. It's still not as bad as the president, who proudly claimed XSEED was against censorship, before censoring everything.
>face piercings
long story shot, the PS4 versions of Trails of Cold Steel 1 & 2 cut out Brittany Avery, the head localizer of the games because she is no longer with the company despite being credited in the PS3/Vita versions
I'd protest...if I didn't already own every version.
Did she get paid for it or are they withholding paychecks? If she got paid, fuck it. Who cares about credits.
This is a good rundown.
Just like programmers don't get credited for every single piece of software that's a branch of something they worked on years ago? This shit is super common and actually done mostly due to legal issues
That's not very nice, user. I did always wonder about her/XSEED and otomes. Seems like every localization company releases them nowadays...and I keep buying them.
Not really, it's just Aksys now, even XSeed is dropping otome in favor of helping PQube publish yuri shit stateside for a profit
I think the only noteworthy game I can remember, where everyone and their pets were credited was Deus Ex: Mankind Divided.
>singlehandely translate, localize, edit, voice acts the entire games
>no credit
uuh guyys this is like martin scorsese being removed from credits george r.r martin being removed from book rereleases
It’s pretty funny though how big this story has gotten and all because it’s some female translator who can be used to push for unionization
>voice acts
How would that even work, since they use union voice actors? Sorry, Troy Baker isn't an employee, so we can't credit him for his work.
damn...so powerful
they can't keep putting us down like this /ss/isters it's time to rise up!!
She's an editor, not a translator. She doesn't know Japanese.
user, the poster you replied to made up all those lies.
You can confirm everything but the surgery if you just read her tweets
>ended up hating big tits so much after lashing out on Senran Kagura she literally had a reduction surgery of her own
How mentally ill can a person be that they can't disassociate fucking video games from real life?
Just went through the whole thing and only ONE person mentioned Tom.
I hate liberals.
If they don't hide it from the employee and they agree to work despite the policy I don't see an issue.
She doesnt know nihonese
>Some SK fans here got upset because she turned on the series post-EV, basically referring to it as overtly sleazy garbage
I mean, it always was though.
Yeah the 3DS games had an actual story compared to the Versus-series but anybody acting like the series wasn't just cheesecake with a story at best from day one is being dishonest with themselves. Even then you could argue EV still had some real moments in its filler-ass story. And either way the reason to play these games isn't even the fat tits its the gameplay. SK isn't a masterpiece but it's always been decently fun to some degree. Even PBS is an interesting TPS despite its flaws.
But user the employee who most likely didn't even read the fucking contract before signing is crying about it on Twitter and she has a vajeena!!! Go unionization!!!
Yes, but she did a complete 180 on her opinion of the series despite openly admitting she enjoyed the sleazy garbage and self inserted as the resident molestator in the game before. What pushed anons off wasn't an undeniable statement, it was the condescending tone it was said in.
And a lot of SJWs tend to say
>Hurr durr I used to be a 4channer but I grew up
>I was once an alt right nazi supremacist but I saw the light
Noticed that myself. Liberals are bigger assholes than any of us could ever hope to be.