there're really people who have played with englidh sub?
do you have a brain problem?
Why play with dub ?
yes and yes!
Are you really one to talk, ESL-kun?
>there're really people who have played with englidh sub?
>do you have a brain problem?
do you have a brain problem?
it shouldn't be this easy, and yet it is
they watched dubbed anime on toonami so they think dubs are normal and not an accessibility option for children/retards
stop nonsense please
A lot of content doesn't have subtitles such as all the battle quotes
I like to understand whatever they say in the middle of battle. If they had subtitles for that too, then i wouldnt even think about using it.
dont mind them, they're just braindead americans who can't hear how awful their voice """""actors"""" are
Why play with english subs?
You should get a better grasp on English before you criticize other people, faggot.
I'm doing my best
xenoblade 2 dub is one of the worst ever, don't know how it's possible when xenoblade 1 was good
They forced in shitty american voice actors on half the cast and the rex was shit compared to shulk
dub tends to lend itself for more memorable moments such as "think you can take me" or "I am gyobu masataka oniwa" whereas if you play those subbed they'll just be another incomprehensible line on top of a thousand others
conversely, it's easier to criticise dubs due to being able to understand the tone and words
personally I play with both, changing from one to other at random
not everyone speaks your shitty language you dumb nigger, id like to see you try speaking perfect french/spanish/german
not my fucking language moron
Well, it wouldn't matter to you, because you evidently don't know Japanese or English.
and yet here you remain
speaking english like the bitch you are
vous êtes tous une bande de gros suceurs de chibres sous race que vous êtes
not the OP you fucking inbred, i learned your trash language in a couple months its so fucking easy
im just saying not everyone has to conform to your rules, learning a language is hard for some people and i bet itd be hard for your bitch nigger ass
>mention you're playing a game with japanese voices
>dubfags tell you you're making a mistake and to play it dubbed because it's better
I don't have to learn another language. everybody just learns english. stay seething
Your best is shit and you should just kill yourself faggot.
Both English and Japanese are foreign languages to me that I know so I damn well can choose which one I prefer to listen to.
Honestly the dub is the only way to enjoy this game since it at least makes it funny in unintended sort of fashion
Calme toi mon khey
Subs for anything from Japan that isn't geared towards young teens or children because the plot will get lost in translation.
Dub for anything that is geared towards young teens and children because the plot is usually ass anyway and you can see the translators try and insert as many sexual innuendos without getting fired.
ils me rendent fou ces américains
>Subs for anything from Japan that isn't geared towards young teens or children because the plot will get lost in translation.
>dub lip syncing is non existent
>the main characters sound bored and worse, all have obnoxious british accents
im usually a dubfag for vidya and I switched to sub nearly immediately
Burgers are like french, but worse. They can't even fathom listening to something that isn't their shit language, everything must be dubbed or burst
Japanese VAs are professionally trained but overact everything. Western VAs can't act for shit and are all fat asian and white women. Cant win them all can ya?
Why do you think i missed on XCX? Apparently, a best entry in the trilogy.
The english dub is full of soul and a goldmine of meme, the original voice is generic and forgettable
Because the voices english voices were either cool or funny while the original ones are generic
>A hour into this thread, and still no Mingeposting
I'm disappointed in all of you
I know english way better than japanese, and even then it's easy to see how adaptation can end up bulldozing dialogue and how much shit is lost in translation.
I dont want to read my video games lmao weebs
dumb homuraposter