if you're not playing classic WoW as a Horde Warrior chad, you are a fucking retard.
Look at this mother fuckers gear. Look at his Rank 14 high warlords sword of fucking destroying alliance fucking noobs.
If you're not playing classic WoW as a Horde Warrior chad, you are a fucking retard
imagine unironically looking forward to playing classic whilst simultaneously calling any other person a retard
leave my video game board at once and go back to your tranny discord and your subreddit
>doesn't show shoes
coincidence? I think not, back to your mudhut, nigger
Pauldrons aren't big enough. I'm calling this out for being fake
another HK for me alliance scum
I will be playing a Tauren Warrior
>unironically choosing Alliance in vanilla
Betas detected
Troll Disc/Holy Priest here. Now go kill some elites and get me some blue loot.
stupid grind for brainlets
I know right?
Can't wait to roll horde just like based sodapoppin.
Why wouldn't you? They're objectively better. Better racials for pve, paladin has better spells for pve.
>le epic tryhard orc warrior player
hard pass
>Sword not axe
Very very subtle bait, but I bit.
imagine unironically having that image saved on your computer
who needs 5% crit when you can proc double white swings to kill the alliance faster?
Out of my fucking green fucking shits
I hope everyone picks warrior, will make them all easy to kill when they have no healer
On top of that E3 is right around the corner and this is what goes through OPs mind. Fucking vanilla WoW.
>frost novas your charge and proceeds to deadzone rank 1 frostbolt + wand you to death with slows
Nothing personell brainlet
big sword for little man.
But I've had enough of this.. charade.
*pops recklessness, death wish, blood fury, power trinket, rage potion*
even if I go Horde I will never play as a green nigger
If you're playing classic WoW you are a fucking retard.
What if i roll femorc warrior?
>frost novas your charg---
the mage starts to seethe in fear, spamming blink
Crit for 1500
Mage is literally shitting himself, spaghetti is all over the place.
Ice Block!
You retard.
Ice Block fades
Ice barrier will protec m----
Hits so hard it breaks the shield in one swing
3000 crit
You have Died, Release Spirit?
>frostbite procs
>you're deadzoned again
>dead zone
why bother? just blink the intercept and kite him with spells that do real damage instead.
>mage spams pollymor---
>its over mage, I have the HK
>no NOOO
>tries to PoM Pyro
>trinket activated, fire reflect
>tidal charm activated
its over, just give me the HK.
green mudhut hunchback niggers
Can't wait for all the brainlets to roll warrior and cry on the forums because the game is too hard when they get kited.
wew your 13 year old is showing
kill yourself wowfags
>hate niggers and immigrants
>want to rp as tribal immigrants
really makes you think
>not going alliance warlock so you can be a special snowflake and get anally raped by undead futa rogues on the daily
People who live i glass houses should not throw stones
>current year
>following E3
*bubble your target after you charge*
what now, green monkey?
Nah Im going caster,probably warlock.Orc or Troll most likely.
Human females prefer Orc cock.
Night Elven females prefer Orc cock.
Dwarf females prefer Orc cock.
Gnome females prefer Orc cock.
horde is a dindu faction and only nu-males who want to feel tough for once in the pathetic existence they call life play them
>abloobloo we were only evil because we were under demonic influence :(
>that's why we blindly followed genocidal maniacs such as Garrosh or Sylvanna even without any demonic mind control
>attack another planet and murder everything
>get BTFO'd
>abloblooo why are they imprisoning us in camps? :(
fuck horde
>auto shot
>auto shot
>auto shot
>stand in fire
>pet pulls adds and gets one shotted
>feign death
>serpent sting
>it removes sunder armour
>tank loses aggro
>boss kills 14 people
>tank gains aggro again
>revive pet
>heal pet
>send in pet
>gets 1 shotted
>serpent sting
>everyone dies
>feign death
>make food while everyone runs back
Best class reporting for duty
Who here playing Orc warlock?
>resists your kidney shot
>resists your charge
>resists your cheap shot
>resists your hoj
>resists your bash
nothin personnel...
ironically based
>>tank gains aggro again
Always knew it was retarded zoomers who were mainly interested in Classic.
for at least the first 2 years extreme autists will keep the top honor positions hyper inflated so only 0.1% of the population will ever have that set + weapon.
t. vanilla rank 14 autist
Too bad you can't do damage in raids though.
Alliance is objectively superior. Holy warriors fighting back an invading barbarian force. Horde is the child's choice.
What is taunt
>>that's why we blindly followed genocidal maniacs such as Garrosh or Sylvanna even without any demonic mind control
Fanfiction. This is vanilla.
It's even harder now. You think the 20 people win-trading in vanilla was bad but now there's organized PVP mafia of russians and chinks with deals like you wouldn't imagine. If you step out of line and get even one more honor point than you should you better kiss your family goodbye.
one of the initial things they will most likely patch out in the first wave of classic exclusive content patches.
>>mage spams pollymor---
>>its over mage, I have the HK
based and cunnypilled
You rp as the things you aren't, you silly bitch.
Half of the 76 guys who will play classic will roll orc warrior.
Sheeps are no chad
enjoy tanking
I can see you didnt know dabbing before it became a world wide trend
Got it twisted. Alliance is the teenage edgelord pick. Horde is for adults and their kids.
>Defending dabbing
I'm not that guy but Jesus kid, quit while you're behind.
I will say once I finished the grind it was the most fun I had in vidya. literally felt like a fucking god as a geared warrior and I had pve guilds lining up to pick me up.
I got to do every raid except naxx, but fuck classic I won't touch that shit I've been through all of it already and it was shit. I mostly miss the community and that will never come back.
Asmongold can play what he wants though
>skull of impending doom
So what you're saying is that you were hitting the mage with a single 1h weapon this whole time? I don't think your 1.5k crit is very accurate then.
You can swap weapons in combat, and obviously the warrior is in the process of running to the mage and not in melee range, else that poly would be kicked.
>Back then
>Found undead characters kinda spooky
>Want jawless undead females to lick my balls
Swapping in skull adds a 30s cooldown to it. Either the warrior had a stroke while sitting in the frostbite or something doesn't add up.
Same thing happened to me, but with female dwarves instead.
>no troll aesthetics
why even bother if you can't get the fashion right
>implying killing weebs is a honorable kill
>troll trying to wear herod's helmet
Not sure whether to laugh or cry
He head too big for he got damn helmet!
There is going to be a series of suicides after the disappointment of classic. I can feel it in my bones.
played a horde warrior from vanilla to cata so been there done that. also implying most horde won't be female orc trannies kek
>sword as orc warrior
>warlock flawless micros his demons
>hunter leaves his pet on auto pilot so he can focus on his intense one button rotation
>warlock dismissed pet before jumping off ledge without fail
>hunter thinks about it for a second
>jumps off ledge without dismissing pet
>pulls half the dungeon
why is it the dedicated pet class is the one that has the most trouble managing their pets?
why are warlocks such bros?
>hunter leaves his pet on auto pilot so he can focus on his intense one button rotation
Hey! It's two buttons! I follow up my aimed shots with a multi shot!
Warlocks don't have to dismiss though.
Imp has phase shift.
the true chad gives up 5% crit to kill you faster
I like pvp and I like hunters. I also like filthy knife eared male elves. Is not going orc a big mistake as hunter?
this story is funny and all but don't pretend a warrior stands a chance against a mage 1 on 1 unless the mage is braindead
most warlocks ive dungeoned with had voidwalker out
not sure what the dps difference is like never played a lock
then your character will look just like you, tranny
Voidwalker usage is a symptom of serious trust issues and your warlock is crying out for help and wipe prevention.
you are just retarded as fuck don't reply to me again
Orc is a faggot race, shadowmeld + cat stealth will be all you need
Hopefully it's anime posting faggots like yourself
just make sure you reserve legolas and go elf hunter
He's waiting for TBC classic so he can roll his vegeta haired blood elf Paladin and go Super Saiyan(Wings)
You feel it too don't you?
The 10sec CD on meld is so joocy
Gonna have some fun in stvietnam
nobody on this board will be rank 14 though
personally i'd like to not be hut dwelling nigger with no shoes
if theyre specced into improved void it probably does more damage than imp. especially if they're levelling and havent upgraded fireball ranks
How will OP ever recover?
*frostbolts u*
Wait what?
There’s no way it’s 10 sec, but for some reason I can’t find a database showing the timer. I would swear it’s 2 minutes
Why would the mage pop blink? CoC slows you to oblivion, or are you wearing full frost resistance gear?
2 minute is wrath and later. Shadowmeld in vanilla was 10 seconds, but you couldn't enter it in combat, so you first had to leave combat.
I just want to level mage because of the portals.
Warriors (and rogues) are for weak sissyboys.
Cant decide if I'm going to go full chad with troll or tauren as shaman.
its 10 sec but its literally just out of combat stationary stealth.
Wow, I’ve been playing pserver vanilla for a few months and haven’t noticed that yet. Now I’m conflicted between mage and hunter
If you're obsessed with being chad, you will never be chad.
That’s still really strong in bgs, especially AB
Imagine literally paying Blizzard to NOT work on and improve World of Warcraft
Succubus does better dps at all points of the game, without skills and talents.
Imp is commonly used for the stamina buff.
*cough* *cough*
very few people get succubus whilst levelling though.
so if you're doing levelling dungeons its either imp with unupgraded fireball and no talents
or void with improved voidwalker talents.
most warlocks dont waste gold on imp spellbooks past firebolt 2 and blood pact 1 until capped
Imagine being such a garbage dump of a company that you get paid by fans to reverse everything you've worked on for over a decade.
>bitch in the back who wears dresses and is the CC/healbot ever a chad
Seems like you still dont know what the dab originally was, thats your problem though
Brad post.
Why are you sad fucks projecting so hard ? You are aware people have been playing private servers for over 5 years now, right ? Everyone in my raid group have a decent job, have life partners and play on their free time. It's still just as fun and rewarding as it was in the days maybe even more. I really don't understand the hate because some fat neck beards are unable to succeed at life while still enjoying social games.
>b-but I choose if you live or die! Your lives are in my hands!
>History of the dab
>Some dumbass weeb shit turned pop culture reference thanks to Cam Newton
Yeah it's fucking stupid zoomer.
>waterboy and bolt spammers ever a chad
Warriors and Priests are the Chads, Paladin and Druids are definitely cringe. The rest are Ok.
>needing a crutch like a 85% stun resist, instant fear break, and aoe stun
I'mma dab all over h*rde niggers while having worse racials
Come on, now. You'll either complain on World chat and bring back a 60 or let yourself be killed and log out. Alliance can't pvp for shit unless they have some sort of advantage.
This. He's retarded, giving Blizzard money when he could be playing on Kronos instead.
>Alliance can't pvp for shit unless they have some sort of advantage.
>he says while having busted racials
>absolute bros
>cool guys
>dumb assholes
>retarded furries
>cuck king
>gotta min/max my leveling guys
>gotta get to endgame afap and complain there's no content in the game all the while ganking lowbies to feel I'm good at something.
fucking based first post
>wear fine noble clothes
>watch pawns get their ugly faces wrecked in melee combat
>still get equal amount of gold and loot even through the stupid pawns do all the work
>hook up the healsluts for private session in your own dungeon later
get dabbed on nigger haha lmao
*resists your stun*
fucking alliance trannies
*purges your fear*
cant even win
*immune to fear for plenty of time to kill you*
with an advantage
Sorry but the truth is that anyone who has ever played WoW is a fucking retard
>aka complaining on World chat.
Just bubble hearth out of this thread princess.
>there are people on this fucking board who are ready to pay blizzard a monthly fee to play 15 years old game
>in 2019
Yeah and Gnomes can't remove snares, and NE can't just hide like bitches and jump you at half HP and dwarfs can't fear ward.
Cry some more.
NE cant jump anyone unless you walk near them and the gnome racial has a longer cast time than it takes to reapply the snare.
You are a special magical kind of user, are you ?
Godspeed, you genius you.
>people have been playing private servers for over 5 years now
People have been playing private servers since Vanilla itself. They were just pretty shit compared to the quality you get today.
you might be retarded if your think shadowmeld and escape artist are anywhere near the level of wotf and hardiness
horde also did their fair share of whining about not having pallies
because Im going to play enhancement chadman instead
woyers are for basedboys
im not gonna play with chinkshits no thanks. I'll take blizzard over that shit any day.
what are you even talking about lmao
most people dont get succubus, thats a fact. i didn't say i wasnt going too. but you use your voidwalker for 100% of levelling so obviously most people prioritise that
projection and strawman the post
>stupid people whine
No shit. And they are, you're just so stuck in your min/maxing comparing apples and bananas from a perspective of a cellphone game that you forget was Vanillla truly was.
What are range attacks out of Shadowmeld ? What is Charge out of Shadowmeld ? Do you know how powerful being able to pick your battles is in PvP ?
Removing CC along with potions is absolutely brutal, having a Gnome Rogue or Warrior on your ass and ignoring one of your root is lethal.
Pull your head out of your ass.
Female dwarves in WoW are qts, anyone who doesn't see this is delusional.
Hardiness and wotf are universally more useful than shadowmeld and escape artist
Thats wrong, why do you listen to bad music?
>being able to pick your battles is in PvP ?
NIGGA YOU CANNOT MOVE. You don't get to pick battles for shit, you are stuck standing still hoping someone walks near you but not so close to you that they see you because the stealth of shadowmeld is worse than untalented stealth. It's worse than situational aggressive pvp plays, it's literally just useful for when you need to go afk.
I've been working on my new PVP video...
wanna see it?
Dude. Imagine having a PASSIVE that immunes BOTH cheap shot AND kidney shot from that rogue.
You must be an absolute terrible vanilla player if you can't make use of Shadowmeld agressively. And I'm absolutely serious too. You really need to get your shit together, user.
>All these people rolling these shit classes for PVP
>I will be playing an undead Shadowpriest
Ooooh boy, are you people in for some rude awakenings when you hit 60
You must be an absolute terrible vanilla player if you cannot figure out how to use a passive fucking stun immune and a 5 second fear immune that can be used while feared, better than fucking shadowmeld. Were you fucking dropped as a child?
Other than in the really fringe circumstance of eating in a duel, shadowmeld is extremely situational at best and only gives you at max 4 extra ticks of food
>hunter viper stings you
>you're oom before you even get into range to cast spells
nothin' personnel kid
30% chance is quite the gamble. 1/3 of a chance of having minor inconvenience to your stun lock versus 100% chance of him succeeding his stun lock after escaping a frost nova or just any slow/root is absolutely worth it.
yes, I'm sure you will drain so much mana in those 10 seconds which it takes me to kill you
*single shadow word pain does 80% of your health*
What is it about the horde that still makes grown adults act like cringey teenagers.
Yeah but you’re comparing apples to oranges, the stun resist is more comparable to the gnomes 5% int, Orcs still get blood fury
>minor inconvenience to your stun lock
It literally makes or breaks a match up. A warlock, who you are supposed to be countering, will beat you with ease if he immunes either of the stuns.
Can't shadow word pain from 40 yards away kid.
So I will be playing these 3 things in Vanilla
- Undead shadowpriest (What I played in Vanilla)
- Orc Warrior (Never played a warrior in Vanilla)
- Human Paladin (Never played a Paladin in Vanilla)
Please rate
>in Vanilla
Warrior a shit, but rest is cool
>memespec that's max 1 per raid
>class that's as deep as a puddle while also horrifyingly overpopulated
>the only healer who doesn't need to worry about mana as a mechanic
Very, very surface level shit user
I did UD spriest first time around. Gonna try orc ele shammy this time.
yeah right xD ofcourse were going alliance where you at ASMONGANG
I prefer my BC Horde Warrior chad.
Don't orcs have axe specialization? Why would you use a sword? Double attack better than crit?
hardiness is the only legit broken racial ingame desu, people calling ally racials bad though clearly haven't played vanilla much, EA and stoneform are extremely strong
This is about the only art I've seen that made properly appreicate the horde is supposed to be a fearsome mob of frightening monsters. They all look the same because of the armor but you can look at each one indiviudally to see what kind of monster they are. All that sticks out is the elf at the front, but he has a kind of grim look about him which I think is deliberate.
>playing shadow in pvp
>not disc
you can't be serious kid
>Wanting chipped swords and purple/brown poop sets
I love me some horde, but our PvP gear looked like straight ass
>not disc
This is Classic, user, not WOTLK
>with axe specialization
I'm playing Alliance because as well as never having played Vanilla before, I've never played Alliance before either, and I want this to be as unique an experience as possible. Do I be a female dwarf hunter with big bouncing breasts and red pigtails or a balding, gray haired male human priest?
>both factions
uh oh
please don't say you're playing a pve realm
fem dwarf hunter all the way mate!
you're still in 2004 friend, people didn't really know the value of sustain back then. Shadow is definitely strong but disc will be one of the best world and bg pvp classes
Guys. I really want to level as a hunter. But raiding as one seems almost pointless. My second choice would be mage or rogue. But theres too many of them to even bother rolling
Just do whatever the fuck you want, someone will take you in to fill their raid group at some point. Fuck min maxing and fuck tier lists.
>dinky little sword
>not massive axe with a fucking skull on it and +5% crit to delete noobs
come on
>not playing rogue and giving clothies nightmares and being invisible to counter ganks
Must be a good game
>not undead rogue and picking your fights
Tell you what lad I'm gonna have a nice wank, and if I still want to make a big booby dwarf hunter after that then it must be a pure and wholesome decision. Otherwise I'll make the priest.
>love the look, animations, and lore of Orcs
>will still most likely play Troll because it’s better for tanking
End my suffering
Think deeper on it and realize that min-maxing is truly gay. I can't explain it to you even if I did so perfectly, it's a realization you have to come to and understand yourself.
just go orc if you wanna do any pvp, unless you're purely gonna be raiding you'll regret it
For the Alliance!
who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :
- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city
>cone of cold
>Rank 14
Oh boy, time to play PvP all day, every day to maintain the rank!
There's nothing impressive about PvP rank 14, it literally only requires poopsocking battlegrounds until your eyes bleed.
you're a retard if you want to get above rank 11, unless one of the rank 12/13 pieces is actually BiS for you (I think hunter wants the gloves??)
I wonder if that's only for the first few phases. I remember being able to get the full epic set on my Knight Lieutenant because they changed how the armor system worked
There is absolutely zero reason to maintain rank 14, you just get it and buy the shit you want and then quit wow.
99% of the warrior players will literally never step into a dungeon to even begin their journey to actually finish the class
>but he has a kind of grim look about him which I think is deliberate.
It's because everybody else in that image smells.
God i wish that was me...
I don't know if something in my diet changed and I suddenly started ingesting large quantities of soi but I have a very strong irresistible urge to play as a priest healer without playing with any type of healer literally not even once in my 14 years of WoW. In fact I literally can't stop thinking about how epic it would be to nonstop heal in AV for 5 hours every single day and keep all my bros up