Days before the PC Gamer press conference sponsored by Epic Games

>Days before the PC Gamer press conference sponsored by Epic Games
>Shilling on the board comes back with force

Reminder that:
>Destiny coming to Steam
>Halo MCC coming to Steam and likely every Microsoft published game from now on
>Balder's Gate 3 coming to GOG and Steam, but not the Epic Games Store
>Epic managed to piss off publishers and developers from how they handled their big first sale
>Even hated by the games press now from how they work their employees to the bone to get out new Fortnite seasons
>Still doesn't have a shopping cart (6+ months away)

Attached: Epic Games Store.jpg (1280x720, 38K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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do they still have that problem where your account gets locked if you buy to many things in a short amount of time? it happened to pat boivin

Yeah? Well Satisfactory sold 500k on the EGS in THREE MONTHS.

What now steamdrone?

Yes lol

I always wondered, why The Pooh?

>What now steamdrone?
Risk of Rain 2 sold 1 million in a month
Mordhau sold 500k in a week

The OP's post is against Epic, why post the chinese killer?

People joke that the president looks like Winnie, and he fucking hates that.

To keep the thread clean from bugmen.

Attached: Anti Bug Man3.png (1200x179, 38K)

We literally had two days with zero shilling. You cannot convince me that Chinese aren't being paid to shill. Of course some of the posts are probably the retarded epic contrarian redditor Yea Forumsirgins.


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And the cherry on top is that both of those games are competing with thousands of other games. Unlike the Epic store which literally has 12 games in total.
literally irrefutable. You can try, but you will only look foolish.

Man if only I were 12 again so I would think Maddox were smart for being an edgy man

They would have sold more copies on steam

The court defined cuck is being a contrarian in order to save his dwindling fame after the lolsuit? In other news the sky is blue and chinese are insectiods in human suits.

ignoring the points, but personally attacking the brilliant person. This is a foolish move.

Who cares about your store wars you nigger?

Ironically, every single argument he posits is countered simply by pointing out he's an edgy asshole for no reason.

>Mutt calling anyone bugmen
You're literally insect people in blue

why dont you ask the kids at Tienanmen Square

>brilliant person
Maddox go home

Google translate failed you on that one PingPong, try again.

He's not even edgy anymore. He's just regurgitating the same shit opinions of the gaming "press". He use to be based, once.

>in 3 months
that doesn't sound as good as you think it does
especially after the mega sale padding those sales numbers thanks to extreme low prices in east eu and latin america

If he's so brilliant, why did he lose that lawsuit?

Because he tried to hinge his case on it being slander that he was called a cuck. The defence then proved he is the literal dictionary definition of a cuckold and the court agreed.

Maddox is a cuck in every legal sense.

Looks perfectly fine to me, Bill Jamal Rodriguez

Wait, really? L O L

>We literally had two days with zero shilling.
The shilling in general really died down for a few weeks after the Mega Sale blew up in their faces.
>The OP's post is against Epic, why post the chinese killer?
To deter the hordes coming into this thread to defend Epic, of course.

imagine shilling maddox the legally ceritfied cuck

>Was linked last night
>Was expecting him to just do a direct statement of "If you don't like it, show it by not buying but whining and review bombing makes you look like a little bitch."
>Instead he repeats all of Epic's talking points in the exact same way Epic shares them

He must be really, really hard pressed for cash.

Wow steamfags are really getting BTFO by epic games on a daily basis recently huh?

Doesn't matter what you say, Valvebrony. Epic Game Store is the true master race and you're not a real PC gamer if you use Steam in any way

Focus those bug eyes and try again.

I want this to be real, source?

and yet you can't address any of his "talking points"

Why does Yea Forums hate Epic Games?
Why does Yea Forums hate the Chinese?
Why does Yea Forums link Epic with China all the time?

Honest questions, as I don't pay attention to this shit. I tried making an account, and my mail address was already used by someone in Thailand, so I guess the security is shit, but I don't know anything else about the site

>my mail address was already used by someone in Thailand
that should be enough reason to hate them

Have sex, steamcels.

I remember the shilling being about how the competition would benefit customers. It hasn't so far.

Is that the legally defined cuck I've heard about?

>All these steamdrones
Epic is shit but at least the people defending that are doing it so they can buy bread with their social credit. Whats your excuse for defending a shitty storefront?

Attached: 1530227152527.png (356x352, 197K)

>defending a shitty storefront
I'm not defending Epic.

>Why does Yea Forums hate Epic Games?
Because their store is heavily anti-consumer; from charging the customer extra to trying to prevent other stores from competing with them.
>Why does Yea Forums hate the Chinese?
Because they regularly buy out good F2P developers and ruin their game, not to mention that they do not participate in global copyright laws, allowing them to put out bootleg games on the regular.
>Why does Yea Forums link Epic with China all the time?
Because Tencent, who is often refereed to as the EA of china, owns Epic Games.

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I'm batting for GOG you chink.

>Still doesn't have a shopping cart (6+ months away)

Good luck with that. We've been asking them for real time global illumination for 4 years now (something unity has and that cryengine had since last-gen) and we still have nothing.

Epic doesn't give a shit about anything.
