Is corruption the most based character arc?
Is corruption the most based character arc?
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Sylvanas wasn't corrupted at all.
>devote elven warrior
>literally soul-raped by Frostmourne
>not corrupted
Arthas' story was the best story to come out of a game.
I spent years thinking Sylvanas would have a cool story close to Arthas', but she's garrosh 2: elvish boogaloo whether I like it or not.
I only played Starcraft 2's first expansion, so I figured "oh, no more hivemind for her", which was not the case apparently.
She was currupted by her own anguish and hatred because of what was done to her and her people, compared to arthas and kerrigan who basically just caught Evil-Aids
>She was currupted by her own anguish and hatred
After she was killed by a soul eating magic sword from the Lich King himself. You dont just go halfdead banshee because your angry.
its the most phoned in and boring for sure
Not played BFA but the cutscenes i've seen make her seem more like Arthas 2.0 than anything which is just dumb shit as she despised him and what he did to her. Then she merrily does exactly the same thing to others.
Kerrigan's story went a bit meh. Raynor went through hell to get her back then she just willingly becomes even more Zergy, but it's ok in the end it was so she could become some big weird space goddess thing to kill Amon.
>could become some big weird space goddess thing to kill Amon.
...and become human again and marry Raynor, lol
Kerrigans story pre Sc2 was peak sci-fi horror.
The only good part of her storyline was the well deserved scene of Jim being fucking disgusted at her going back to being the queen of blades. The fact she got a happy ending out of it was bullshit after Raynor had to kill his best friend to save her the first time.
Only until they get redeemed e.g. SC2
If they don't get redeemed then it's kino
Arthas had a sort of evil seduction for him, he ran after mal'ganis doing throwing aside what was ethical to kill him even if it destroyed him. Sylvanas died fighting and was curse with undeath for being a hard bitch, then when she had her mind back made prep time to get revenge.
it was pretty good then, it warp-jumped the primordial ethereal shark though in 2
Kerrigan and Mengsk went from 4D Chess players to cackling cartoon villains you could see coming a mile away. Mengsk’s full circle revolution and Kerrigan’s betrayals were how you do subversion right.
>It’s okay, we’ll team up with this bad guy to fight the other bad guy.
>Lose friends and someone worse ends up in power each time because the first bad guy is facing your backside because you turned it to them.
>Good guy mind raped by ANCIENT EVIL. so he's bad guy now
Only Arhtas has something similar to the ark, but even he killed his father in the end, just cause voices told him so. All of them can be simple mind raped by ETERNAL GOOD, so be good people again.
>post lk suicide attempt
>see arthas in hell
>nope the fuck out with the soul you got back since frostmourne is in several pieces with all souls freed
Isnt the thing with forsaken that they come back different?Or did they retconned it?Because I swear I gave up trying to get warcraft lore after fucking Cataclysm.
>they completely missed the boat on Witche Queen Sylvannas.
Such hacks.
Frostmorne and arthas' "corruption" stopped when the scourge were forced to fuck off back to northrend and she, along with the rest of the undead, got their free will back.
And "corrupted by hate" is pre-ICC sylvanas anyway. After she commited suicide after Arthas was killed and was resurrected by the valkyrie, her entire motivation for everything she's done has to been to secure a future for her people - a race that can't procreate. Pre-warchief it was just via the valkyrie, and post war-chief it's been this keikaku she's not telling anyone about but seems to be along the lines of transcending death.
there's no point in keeping up with it, fun to talk about sometimes
I pray for the poor lost souls that go out of their way to read the books, since those get retconned later as much as all the other stuff
>All the zoomers in this thread memeing about CORRUPTION in the Arthas arc without even knowing that wouldn't become a thing until years later.
Arthas wasn't even corrupted he took up frostmourne willingly.
Would it have made sense if Sylvanas had kind of just literally ghosted away after LK's defeat?
>LK dies
>her soul is freed
>she gets her soul back
>banshee thingmajig gets deleted
>either immediately dies for real, or returns to a normal high elf
They hid the corruption story in wow in Arthas bedroom near goldshire.
Im not gonna pretend warcraft was the greatest fantasy world(especially for games),but im still sad they butchered their lore for the sake of WoW's expansions.It was interesting and the races were recognizable,so they had the possibility of doing more with them.(it will never happen but a singleplayer warcraft rpg could be fun)But now Blizzard lost its soul and writers and can only throw GOT season 8 shit at the writing board.
Your logic is dumb. He still corrupted even if it did it willingly.
No she should have taken up the crown.
No her body is dead, she's banshee possessing here (for some reason) immaculately preserved corpse to look corporeal she's still a banshee.
>Arthas wasn't even corrupted he took up frostmourne willingly.
Why do you think Arthas killed his dad, his mentor and ruined his kingdom? Fucking mind control.
Corruption is theoretically good but for the most part it's wasted due to terrible writing and pacing.
How long was this hidden in the game.
Is corruption the most based doujin arc?
not him, but it's not corruption if it's willingly.
What's good about it? It's fucking boring.
>Arthas catching evil-aids
>what is metaphor
Arthas' corruption was more earned than that. By the time Frostmourne took his soul, his job was done for him. His character and all he cherished had been beaten into the ground to the point he got tired of sacrificing for it.
Sylvanas, in comparison, has self-serving cunning, but WoW writing lets her down so much in comparison
I know that's the case, but it's fucking weird how she can be killed like a normal dude in universe.
She impales herself and dies, then she gets shot and dies. Did the banshee thing change?
What did that voice tell him, though? "You no longer need to sacrifice for your people".
Arthas kept trying to do what was right, what was necessary of a leader, at every turn, and only ever lost out for it. He lost people, he lost friends, he lost his values. Until the point where he couldn't keep pushing himself any harder for nothing. Rather than be burdened by the weight of his crown, it was time to enjoy it. That's how you do a corruption arc. You take something the character cherishes and twist their value of it, until it's something they hate. In doing so, they become a mirror darkly of themselves
They "come back different" in the sense that their emotions are dampened to the point that they only care about themselves, loose most - if not all - attachment to their previous life, and are more susceptible do doing things that the living would find repulsive. It varies from undead to undead, though: Zelling in BFA still cared about his family, where as a lot of Lordaeron UD were fully willing to take up arms against people they used to care about.
There was a quest in Cata's revamped Silverpine Forest that saw you break down a magical barrier around Ambermill that the human mages were hiding in. When you do, they all get killed and rezzed as undead and instantly start fighting for sylvanas against the gilnean's they were trying to protect. This made a lot of people theorize that the undead - especially those rezzed via valkyrie - are all under some sort of mind control from sylvanas and only think they have free will. However, this has been either forgotted or retconned and it's now more strictly implied that the undead experience some kind of enlightenment after coming back in which they realise life - their old life and everything that was in it - is meaningless and they are better off sticking with their own kind. Lilian voss is a good example of this.
Most likely reason is blizzard forgot she's a banshee possessing her own corpse.
That said beating ghosts to death works as a method of killing them in the Warcraft universe so maybe it was that.
that's just a spooky easter egg
Yea, he took frostmourne willingly and it corrupted him. Do you think he willingly decided to just side with the demons, and then willingly kill his father and everyone in lordaeron?
It's been in the game since vanilla. It's a reference to the movie "Children of the corn". Nothing to do with Arthas.
You don't know if this dialogue was meant for his father or for him.
Regardless of theat the game tells you that he is the slave of frostmourne's will anyway and that's why Malganis gets killed : Because Ner'zhul betrayed him.
Is this bait?
You guys know the CORRUPTION meme in wow is where someone does a complete heel turn and becomes a raid boss for no logical reason and when taken to task on it blizzard just says 'lol they were corrupted'. That's like the compete opposite of the Arthas' arc.
Fucking neo/v/
>"You no longer need to sacrifice for your people".
What are talking about? Arthas didn't sacriface anything in his story. He was a man who willing to make a hard choices for "the right thing". It was right thing for him to kill infected civilians, before they turn and be dangerous for his people. It was right thing to follow the evil demon guy in the north to kill him, he was so sure about it, he even prevented his people from leaving him.
Then he takes the Evil Sword and basically dies and being replaced by evil maniac Arthas.
>Rather than be burdened by the weight of his crown, it was time to enjoy it.
I dont remember evil Arthas enjoying anything.
>That's like the compete opposite of the Arthas' arc.
What's logical reason for Arthas starting to murder everything in the sight, besides "evil sword made him stoopid"?
Got any more examples of them doing that? Because it sounds to me like you're just too much of a retard to understand he did everything under supposed free will (when it was actually Mal'ganis having him dance like a puppet) until he picked up the sword and was corrupted by it to the extent he was almost completely mind controlled.
>it was the right thing to steal a fleet instead of waiting for reinforcements, burn ships, lie to your men, kill your men and take up a cursed sword.
Never change Yea Forums
>le magical corruption with redemption arc in the end haha i'm so original! t: mezgen
This is beyond shit tier
But you know, i'm quite fond of the stories where a person gets into some system which corrupts them. Like, say, a young lawful good man, who dreamed of becoming a cop since he was a little kid, he finishes a police academy and gets assigned to a department where he realises how different the police work is from movies and how pretty much every cop abuses their power on a daily basis. He gets tempted by money, by power, his colleagues encourage him to actually be a corrupted piece of shit and his life when he's not wearing the badge gets so shit his mental state erodes, influencing him and his job, and he becomes the thing that he actually despised his entire life.
These kinds of stories are incredibly fascinating to be honest.
That and the hentai plots about "i will never lose to cock" are pretty good
>Malganis: Alive; reforms
>Muradin: Alive; frostmourne gave him anmesia
>Arthas: Dead-dead
>Ner'zhul: ?????
>LichKing: now Bolvar Foredragon and now categorized as a natural disaster
it was right thing for Arthas who wanted to punish the criminal, who killed a lot of his people.
> steal a fleet instead of waiting for reinforcements
What reinforcements? Nobody wanted to help him.
>burn ships, lie
He can't punish asshole himself.
>Kill your men
He didn't do that until he took the sword.
Half the bosses in Mop
The entire emerald nightmare raid
Illidan (retconned)
The red dragon in BWL
The dragon in magisters terrace
2 bosses in firelands
The elemental in serpent shrine
There are too many the even bother writing down, maybe you would know this if you'd played wow. But then you would have got the reference and we wouldn't be here.
He kill the mercs before he found frostmourne... Also the entire expidition was pointless killing mal'ganis did less then noting to stop the plague.
Arthas is the only based one here
Honestly, its a really difficult thing to ask since corruption in character development is tricky to define.
The question becomes whether they could naturally be corrupted, or if there's an external force causing it. Arthas' corruption is the most based, b/c he was already predispositioned to become corrupted on his own terms; Frostmourne only hastened that.
Sylvannas is the least based, because she was affected externally, being a devout elven ranger when she was initially "corrupted" by getting fucking killed. When she broke free, she was "still Sylvannas," up until she tried taking her life after Arthas died, in which case she saw some messed up shit, and had a desire to suddenly not only to never want to die again, but to also kill the living.
Kerrigan is also kinda shit, but hers was through her psionic powers drawing the attention of her corrupters.
>Kill your men
>Kill the mercs
> less then noting to stop the plague.
they stopped it when they killed kel'thuzad, Malaganiz was the fall guy, who "organized" the plague, so Arthas wanted to punish him for that.
When evil Arthas dig up his horse, they need to restart the whole thing again.
You missed the entire human campaign? The events cut him from his people, his friends.
He was eager to be King, yet he was scared about it, was pissed at Uther not obeying him, after all he's just the prince but he's not "his King yet", etc.
There's a reason for Arthas turning evil outside of the fact that Ner'zhul was mind controlling him.
For people like Kael, there's 0 reason for corruption except the fact that the gooks wanted to play pretty race in Horde.
>Arthas didn't sacriface anything in his story
What do you think the people of Lordaeron meant to him?
>everyone who i respected and loved, left me, while i'm trying to protect them
>so it will be justified for me just to murder all of them and restart fucking undead rising i wanted to stop in the first place
Great Arc, amazing character development.
Arthas did push the boundaries, but in the end it was a sword, what brainwashed him into being a fucking maniac.
>arthas became an interdimensional supreme entity that commands the undead
>kerrigan became an interdimensional supreme being that commands the sun zergs (???)
>You no longer need to sacrifice for your people
>Arthas didn't sacriface anything in his story
>What do you think the people of Lordaeron meant to him?
>you no longer need to sacrifice your people for your people
And anyway poor bastards were already dead Arthas just prevented their dead bodies from attacking his people.
Yea that's why it's great : he ended doing the opposite of his original objective. That's the classic fallen hero trope.
Corrupted Arthas realized that his people was weak and in the end the best was to create a new order with him as the King.
>reddit spacing
Ok you were blatantly not paying attention or you never played the game
>Arthas established as a passionate, devoted servant royalty
>Gives up on a relationship to focus on his duties
>Gets wrathful, heartbroken when things happen to the people HE is responsible for
>Has to fight the undead for it
>Has to condemn his mentor for it
>Loses Jaina
>The only one willing to do what needs to be done, and is scorned for it
>Gets obsessed with the idea of doing what's necessary, to the point of harming his own mental health and risking/lying to/betraying his own men
>Gets revenge after all of that, doesn't feel better
>You know what? Maybe the part he was doing wrong was trying to sacrifice for other people
>Death Knight Arthas is more selfish, arrogant, snarky and crass
>As if his character were
Go play WC3, see for yourself. Brain turned on.
You're right, we don't know if Ner'zhul was talking to Arthas.
Oh wait. We do. He was.
>any decent writing in modern warcraft
She will be worse than Arthas and Kerrigan in terms of writing.The current writing team even said they love season 8 of GoT.
that's great if you like shitty corruption stories like "he was nice, pleasant guy, until he touched cursed dildo and now he's pure evil!" I don't like that kind of stuff, cause that lazy and cheap.
>Corrupted Arthas realized that his people was weak and in the end the best was to create a new order
Unfortunately, story never was this complex in W3.
This is Arthas talking in the cinematic idiot.
Corruption is my fetish. So yes.
Top brainlet in charge of discussion, what the fuck is this shit?
so it turns them into Papa Bones, makes sense.
>Half the bosses in Mop
Corrupted by the sha
Never corrupted. Just became an asshole hellbent on making his race supreme
>The entire emerald nightmare raid
The emerald nightmare is literally a source of corruption. What did you expect to find in there?
Never corrupted - Literally the point of his character post-legion. Did bad things for what he thought were the right reasons and then escaped prison to outland so he could continue to do so
>The red dragon in BWL
Vaelastrasz literally tells you he's been corrupted by Nefarius
Again, the emerald nightmare. A corrupted elven artifact that lodged in her chest
>The dragon in magisters terrace
I'm assuming you mean Felmyst from SP, who is zombie version of Madrigosa that you see die and get reanimated right infront of you
>2 bosses in firelands
Staghelms betrayal is the only one so far you could call a heelturn, but the idea it's "illogical" it stupid. He lost his son in a war he never wanted to be part of and then spent thousands of years trying to lead a people who's actual "leader" was too busy staring at the moon and crying over her sleeping husband. Them revealing he was the one keeping Malfurion in the dream was the "betrayal", but he felt justified because he felt he was the better leader. Him siding with ragnaros was because they punished him. Alysrazor was forced, but she was alone with him for some time so who knows what he did to her.
>The elemental in serpent shrine
Hydross the Unstable attacks you like nearly every single other elemental in the game attacks you.
None of these are illogical. I think you just don't like the idea of "corruption" as a narrative divice.
That's fucking Arthas talking to Terenas. He even cuts off Terenas when he starts speaking and the king goes silent. He's just saying that after everything they lost during the second war and the start of the plague, it doesn't matter anymore. Their sacrifices were meaningless.
>This kingdom shall fall
>arthas naturally became evil
>arthas was corrupted
Do you understand those are contradicting statements? Corruptions happens against the will of the character. Arthas had a reason to hate his mentors and friends for abandoning him, but not to kill them and definitely not to start another undead rising, especially while taking orders from dude who looks like Malganis. It's was just another bs corruption, just like with Kerrigan and not an character arc.
>Gets revenge after all of that, doesn't feel better
Arthas killed Malganis to punish him and to prevent such events in the future, not to make himself feel better.
>You know what? Maybe the part he was doing wrong was trying to sacrifice for other people
And what is that, lol? "Maybe it was a mistake to make this sacrifice for all those people, who told me not to make this sacrifice in the first place, fucking asshole, I HATE THEM!"
He's maybe a might hero, but he's not a fucking imbecile.
guys, i think he's trying to say something
There are no bad arcs, only bad writing.
> i think
Good job. Guys probably are very proud of you.
Redemption arcs are much cooler
It's not fucking Arthas talking to Terenas, you can hear Terenas prattling on in the background while Frostmourne is talking to Arthas.
>burns his own ships, lies to his men, and betrays the mercenaries who fought for him
It was for vengeance mainly, it's explictly stated in the game. Malganis forced him to kill his own people. Of course he wanted to kill him regardless of the rest.
>He's maybe a might hero, but he's not a fucking imbecile.
He's not an imbecile. Just someone who went mad. Listening to frostmourne made sense for him and decided that becoming the King was a fitting reward for what he did.
you fixed
>Arthas had a reason to be hate
but not
>He's maybe a might hero, but he's not a fucking imbecile.
i thought it was kinda funny
>you no longer need to bear the weight of your crown
Its the same voice as Arthas. You can hear frostmourne talking to him but its Arthas who says the line. He's already gone by that point he killed his entire army and raised them into undeath. They slaughtered northern villages on the way home. The undead are outside the city waiting to siege it when he's walking in. It is Arthas saying the line whether he is being influenced by the sword at the time or not.
imagine fucking kerrigan's wet zerg pussy while sylvanas dances her undead tongue inside your mouth
>Brood War campaigns
>First you play the Protoss and rebuild your shattered empire
>Then you play Terran and build yourself back up from the ashes
>Then you play Zerg and undo all the hard work of the previous two campaigns by backstabbing and slaughtering the rebuilt Protoss/Terran forces
Good shit.
>Just someone who went mad. Listening to frostmourne made sense
yes, again, it wasn't a character development, it was "evil thing turning guy into maniac", another lazy corruption, like with kerrigan
lol, yeah, thank you.
>Mal'ganis reforms
>Lich King tells Arthas to kill Mal'ganis
>Mal'ganis' physical form is destroyed and he is sent back to the Twisting Nether
>doesn't immediately inform his superiors Lich King is scheming against them
It was character development since it still does make sense and picking frostmourne was just the final step of his road to madness.
wasn't he killed for good with magic sword?
Let's pretend WoW never happened.
Also the whole "Demons never die" retcon was just here to make Illidan's comeback like it was something normal.
I wonder what could be worse;
>Sylvanas becomes the Aspect of Undeath
>Sylvanas takes on the power of the Old Gods and becomes the 'Jailor of the Void'
>Sylvanas gets a last second redemption before hypervoid ramming N'Zoth and we all learn a lesson about doubting female leadership
I miss Cata Sylvanas so much bros.
Not because it was his decision, as character, but because sword affected him and turned him into a monster. Arthas has no reason for starting undead rising.
Only in hentai.
Not when it's complete nonsense like that.
>Touch an evil sword
>Murder everyone
Hell of a story, for sure.
How can you possibly like something so fucking shallow?
>Do not worry, my daughter, I've taken care of everything
I actually liked the parallels between King Rastakhan and Arthas in BfA.
Y'know, before we had yet another raid where Alliance sacks a horde city, and kills the leader so his daughter can go full yass queen.
Because he was twelve when he played it and it was his first ever videogame fantasy story.
Blizzdrones unironically think Blizzard had a 'golden period' when really their games have always been poorly written casual fiestas.
It's like capeshit, you put a pretty enough cinematic in front of a retard and he'll call it high art.
He had a reason for wanting to become the King. However not only he had to kill his father but he had to force his people to obey him as well.
Arthas was/felt betrayed by Jaina, Uther, his father. And his men would have left him if it wasn't for the ships getting destroyed. He also stopped caring about his soldiers.
He got major PTSD as well with Straholme, the scourge and the slaughter of his people by the Orcs.
All of this things make a great character development.
yes, those were good things. Until they threw it all away by using magic sword to turn him into evil monster, who hates everyone.
He was well on his way to start murdering everyone even before the sword. It didn't do much.
ya seethe
I meant Mal'ganis reforms physically in the nether after being "killed" and comes back to lead the Scarlet Onslaught in WotLK
I guess without that explanation it makes it sound silly.
He didn't necessarly hate everyone. He just couldn't wait to be the King. You know like Simba.
Why did Arthas listen to the Lich King?
It was cool for Arthas, Kerrigan was not corrupted, and Sylv is trash.
Doubt they would give a shit. Legion invasion plans seem to follow the logic of going all out attack mode and then completely retreating after a single hitch.
>Sargeras didn't make it through the well of eternity? Abandon mission
>Orcs got their free will back? Abandon mission
>Archimonde jobbed and Arthas turned against them? Abondon mission
>Kil'jaeden didn't make it through the sunwell? Abandon mission
>Archimonde jobbed in AU? Abandon mission
>Fallen Avatar got destroyed? Abandon mission
>uh oh they killed Kil'Jaeden while he was abandoning the mission
>uh oh they're on argus now
>uh oh they killed argus
>uh oh they imprisoned Sargeras
>demons can't come back from twisting nether now
>abandon mission
no, he wasn't. He never step over that line without sword. Maybe if he would kill dwarf guy, you would have point, but he didn't.
Also, >not only he had to kill his father
When did Arthas need to kill his father?
It was mind control + this
Yes but Arthas is the only Blizz char who pulled it off correctly. Sylv's and Kerrigan's arcs sucked ass.
He wanted to become the King. It's told in the game, play it.
>It was cool for Arthas
Faggot opinions don't matter.
>culling strat
>burning ships
>betraying mercenaries
>sacrificing dwarf
the culling of stratholme is debatable, but if magic doohickeys control him than he would have listened to Medhiv like Jaina did
Even Uther didn't kill the peasants in stratholme for good reason
He murdered a village to spare them and the countryside the effects of the plague.
The moral ambiguity is a brilliant display, no matter whose side you're on, Arthas or Uther's.
Murdering everyone because a voice told you to isn't exactly storytelling at its finest.
How about Arthas retrieves Frostmourne, the sword is indeed capable of an immense power, but instead of getting mindfucked by some ambiguous spirit dude, he continues to bear witness to his own failures despite the power he's received, and the story flows from there?
Instead he just becomes an agent of chaosh and rapes everybody in his path with ease, until you pay $15.99/mo + TBC + WotLK + Tip.
Blizzard is an asscancer and couldn't write or program a decent vidya game if they tried. Starcraft is as close as they came, everything else is bottom barrel strategy.
Arthas' arc is literally the worst one.
Just the opposite.
Only for shitty mmo plots that need some global evil "invasion"
No. Redemption is.
>Even Uther didn't kill the peasants in stratholme for good reason
What reason was that?
He did abandon Muradin to die without regret.
>oversimplify a character's story
>"haha, pretty shallow :^) Blizzard was actually poopoo from day 1 and only I could see it"
People who retro-actively hate pre-activision blizzard to seem superior are worse than people that defend post-activision blizzard
That's a yikes from me dog. Arthas is best because of his motivations and how he started and how he ended up. His arc has multiple peaks and downfalls where as the other two here just have one downfall from their peak and then they stay down. Which is lame tbhqwyfml.
>>He didn't necessarly hate everyone.
Yeah, he just felt but for them, cause they were still alive and miserable.
>He just couldn't wait to be the King.
more like Anakin.
>He wanted to become the King.
well, killing his dad didn't help him at all.
>>sacrificing dwarf
he didn't
After grabbing the sword
well, he sad he was sorry, didn't he. And then sword brainwashed him into different character.
Only if it involves little boys being corrupted by big titty mommies.
Corruption of morals is good, corruption through pure MAGIC is kind of lame.
Muradin was insta killed in wc3.
>well, killing his dad didn't help him at all.
Stop being dumb, you know how royalty works? "I'M SUCEEDING YOU FATHER". Jesus christ play the game. He's KING Arthas after that.
>Stop being dumb, you know how royalty works? "I'M SUCEEDING YOU FATHER". Jesus christ play the game. He's KING Arthas after that.
Yeah, i remember how everybody accepted him as the king after he killed his dad, kek
Exactly. The undead calls him "my King". The first mission of the ud campaign in TFT is "KING ARTHAS".
See you know understand why he wanted everyone undead. You answer to your own question. Congrats retard.
No, you fucking idiots, the sword didn't immediately brainwash him into a new character. And he also left him to die to pick up the sword in the first place.
You're welcome to expand on the purported over-simplification.
or just keep raw dogging your projection of other people to compensate for your brain's inability to discuss vidya.
>The undead calls him "my King"
>See you know understand why he wanted everyone undead.
Greatest character ever. Fucking masterpiece.
>only I could see it
Everyone saw it you frothing retard. Everyone I know was rolling their eyes when Blizzjews tried to port Diablo to playstation for extra shekels or the way they fucking shut down B.North just because they wouldn't give Blizz all the credit for the Diablo franchise (when really Blizzard barely had any input on D1 and D2, for a 'Diablo' game made by Blizzard see D3...).
Blind fanboys who desperately prop up the 'golden age' and 'pre-activsion' myths in the naive hopes that Blizzard will somehow miraculously redeem themselves are the cancer killing the entire industry, unironically kys you stupid fucking gacha-loving whale.
>he didn't
>Every leader in BfA is female
>move the goalpost again
Stop being mad and play wc3 WoWbaby, you will see it aged pretty good.
well, it was weird cutscene, as i remember, dwarf sad about sword being cursed and then just died, right? And then Arthas was just like "Whatever, i need help of this sword or we all will just die here"
Still not the same.
>MC someone as a priest in game and walk them off a cliff
>"hahaha this is GREAT!"
>A lore character in the same game gets MC'd and also does things they wouldn't normally do
>"WHAT THE FUCK! This is so DUMB! This is BAD WRITING"
It was better in Warcraft III, but like everything else post-WoW, it was ruined by pic related and her complete inability to write anything that's not dogshit.
If you'd just look at his story from the human campaign you'd have point. However if you look at WC3 and TFT as a whole it's fucking retarded.
Arthas his plight during the human campaign is never brought up again after he turns into a death knight. The two women at least are constantly struggling with the events of their past lives.
>It was better in Warcraft III
It wasn't.
>I will pay any price
>dwarf dies
>oh wow, what a weird coincidence that my dwarf friend happened to die after saying I would pay any price for the sword
>The two women at least are constantly struggling with the events of their past lives.
Also UD Arthas is best Arthas. Jesus so much shit taste.
>man, Arthas his arc is really cool
>no, I don't care about anything that happened before he turned evil
Christ ,you're retarded.
but dwarf was dead before he sad that
I didn't play WoW.
I just don't see how guy who did everything who avenge his people, while everybody else left him, turned into "lol, i want to be king, let's turn everybody undead, so they would call me king :)" naturally, without help of evil magical brainwash machine.
>Wojak poster calling someone else brainless
Oh the irony of that picture.
alright, you got me
this whole time
you're very good at this
Once again I have to disagree. Even though Arthas should've sometimes shown that there was still a human part of him (something like Jaina's locket in WoW or him caring about Lordaeron's independence and their (now undead) people from the Burning Legion and Ner'Zhul). I do feel like in the UD and TFT he seems more of a lapdog, which was sad. I would've liked to see more of Arthas 'I intend to live forever' scheming to overthrow the Burning Legion and Ner'Zhul like he did his father. I did like how he only saw darkness before him in the end though, shows that there is no redemption or heaven for traitors. But all in all I still think Arthas is the better of them. But you do kind of need to read up on all the lore surrounding him to get the complete picture cause it was never given fully in the games which is sad.
Ay sorry he was a dick to you bro that wasn't me,
This is me :)
It's literally fucking Arthas saying the words
>You're welcome to type out a character's entire story arc
>If you can't then you were just projecting
How about you just go play Warcraft 3?
I can tell you from years of experience it's shit
ok, maybe i'm wrong or don't understand something here. What is your problem with my position again?
That lore bit was introduced long before Illidan came back
yeah, Griffith's story was much better example of becoming evil overlord than Arthas.
>in the UD and TFT he seems more of a lapdog
Unfortunately that's how I mostly remember Arthas and it's probably why paladin Arthas is the character that has stuck the most with people. His character development simply stops once the UD campaign rolls out.
Because you haven't played the game or you are too much retarded to not understand how people can be easily twisted, deluded, etc.
You forget how Arthas was humilated, how he felt powerless, how his dream of becoming a rightful King was broken, how he was alone in his quest for vengeance, how he felt like he was the only one being right all along.
At this point frostmourne only gave a little push for Arthas to become an evil dictator.
>Arthas' story was the best story to come out of a game.
I hope you live long enough to grow up.
>did they retconned
I'm so fucking sick of this. You fucking Brazilian shitstains need to FUCKING PAY ATTENTION to what you read, and not GUESS shit. English is a different language. We don't double up past tense like that.
did they retcon*
You should fucking KNOW this. You MUST have seen and heard it before. Why ignore that and just do whatever you do in a DIFFERENT LANGUAGE? God you're all so fucking blind and stupid.
>blizzards literal only story is corruption
don't forget adria and leah in diablo
>Then you play Terran and build yourself back up from the ashes
The Terran Campaign in Brood War was you being the space communist earth fleet trying to conquer the sector, not rebuilding your empire
t. retard who can barely speak his own language.
Poor Arthas felt so betrayed, humiliated and powerless by the loyal men who followed him throughout his whole ordeal he left them all to die.
>the cutscenes i've seen make her seem more like Arthas 2.0
the problem was that arthas was portrayed as a tragic character, but sylvanas is played straight. your opinion of her is either "she is evil and i dont like that" or "she is evil and i like that"
Subhuman deliberately reductive philistine.
nothing to the contrary?
just some seethe?
What makes you say that?
And the Wander, and Tal Rasha, and King Leoric, and Prince Albrecht, and Bishop Lazarus, and the Summoner, and Blood Raven...
Sarcasm is the province of geniuses
>understand how people can be easily twisted, deluded,
Do you understand you're talking about guy easily being twisted into genocide of people he loved and wanted to protect for his whole life, cause he wanted them to kill him a king?
>how his dream of becoming a rightful King was broken
Why? Who else would be a king? He didn't have siblings. King was just a bit angry about him leaving without asking, but he didn't lost anything like that.
>a little push
I feel like you need more than a little push to make person turning his people into undead. He hated them more than he ever hated people who left him.
His Spic American pride.
It only works when the character was very principled to begin with.
That's why Arthas stands out from that pic. He was a paladin and for the most part embodied everything about paladins in pop culture. He also was completely selfless, doing whatever he could to save his people.
Kerrigan wasnt a character imo until she was the queen of blades. And Slyvanas is an undead hellspawn and has always been. Her high elf persona is present for a minority of her characterization.
It's crazy that a studio that uses this plot point so often only gets it right once.
>Is corruption the most based character arc?
When you think about it, things not working the way they are supposed to be is the only thing than can go wrong in the world.
This series only got popular because of WoW.
They are not dead as undead.
He just slaughtered every civilian of the second city in the Kingdom. At this point he's a monster. His father doesn't trust him anymore.
Everyone knows that Sylvanas is going to sacrifice herself to save Alleria when she gets full VOIDED by N'zoth. Then Baine will be Warchief and he'll be gay with Anduin and we'll have another expansion where we team up against the AU Lightforged Army, then another expansion where it's Horde vs Alliance leading into final expansion with Void Lords
The entire human campaign is about Arthas making choices that slowly unhinges him. The culling of Stratholme being the biggest influence. The fact that his lover and mentor left him in the wake of this decision is also a huge factor. After this, it turned into a quest for vengeance - his people were pushed further back in his mind
lets be honest, there's a really high chance of him being a burger
>He just slaughtered every civilian of the second city in the Kingdom. At this point he's a monster.
no. It was a hard decision, but the right one. There was no way to save those people, only thing they could to is to prevent more harm.
>They are not dead as undead.
They are not themselves either.
Americans are retarded and try to type what they hear
That's how we end up with shit like "Would of"
>He was a paladin and for the most part embodied everything about paladins in pop culture
Did you even play WC3? As early from the second mission you can see Arthas calling out for blood and vengeance, so much so Uther needed to remind him what being a paladin is all about. It's pretty clear Arthas was a rotten egg from the start.
>this series
starcraft or WC3?
yes, but none of this is enough to turn him into Arthas from undead campaign.
>no. It was a hard decision, but the right one.
Stop moving the goalpost retard. Of course it was the right decision but people didn't see this. For the average subject, he was a monster, even fucking Jaina is disgusted by him.
>They are not themselves either.
Arthas doesn't give a fuck at this point. He is a king, with a kingdom and his subjects obeying him, that's all what he needs.
It sure is. Before Arthas picks up the sword, the foundation is already there. May I remind you that he destroys his men's ships to that they can't sail home, just so Arthas can make sure he gets his revenge? Frostmourne stealing his soul is the seal that binds his fate, turning him into the monster we see in the undead campaign. You can clearly see the change in character from the first human mission to the last moments of the final human mission, and the change is justified
that's like saying vampires aren't corrupted
Glory to Sylvanas kek
I wish there was a single player game with her as the MC, I'd actually buy that
You mean like TFT UD campaign?
>zoomers who claim Arthas arc is simplistic and shallow
It may not be a classic literary fantasy epic, but tell me, what do you think of current-day Blizzard writing then?
cock corruption
i'd rather a single player rpg where you can fuck her and whitemane
I already played that. Her campaign is short as fuck
Nobody here is defending Activision Blizzard, you hack.
Can someone explain why the Lich King didn't reassert his control over the Forsaken after he fused with Arthas and restored his powerlevel?
>Is corruption the most based character arc?
It stopped being after it was overused. Will wait for a WC character that touches something corruptive and resists it with sheer force of will. Just like Castellan Crowe.
>that spoiler
You're lucky you didn't bring up Draigo.
Might not be the best arc but it'll always be best fetish
WoW "story" is garbage.
>For the average subject, he was a monster, even fucking Jaina is disgusted by him.
Nobody gave a fuck. People greet him in the streets as the champion, when he come back. He would be a king, without any problem, if he didn't decide to murder his dad.
>It sure is.
>Frostmourne stealing his soul is the seal that binds his fate, turning him into the monster
Yeah, there are changes, i agree, but none of them matter, cause sword affected him more than anything else. Without magic corruption of evil sword, Arthas wouldn't even think about killing his dad and turning his people into zombies. It's not like sword just helped Arthas to do what he wanted, he made him to do it.
I have no idea. Sylvanas is a Banshee which is just her soul being twisted by spooky magic. So, if a soul breaks free it says free?
Because "haha I can just re-ensalve you now from half way across the world" is dumber than him not atleast considering the option of re-enslaving them
>Nobody gave a fuck about the complete slaughter of the second city in the Kingdom.
Uther, Jaina, and half of his troops disavowed him even before the culling btw.
Maybe only a part of the population still supported him, maybe it was just formalities but the damage was done anyway and his decision taken.
>I can just re-ensalve you now from half way across the world
He had no fucking problem doing that before Illidan kicked him in his icy balls.
Arthas's character arc turns him into the kind of guy that would actually risk picking up the sword. You are, of course, right that the loss of his soul is the biggest change
funny you use that word since that is literally how a banshee can be made.
What can he do?
Literally left cause random birdman told her.
>half of his troops disavowed
I thought it was Uther troops
>Maybe only a part of the population still supported him
they do support him, judging by that cutscene. Even his father seems to be ok with his actions.
Also, >Nobody gave a fuck about the complete slaughter of the second city in the Kingdom.
Who knows about that? There was plague, even if somebody escaped from Arthas' troops, they are dead anyway, cause they sick. People thinks Arthas not only save them, but went into distant lands to punish guilty, he's hero.
Arthas don't need to kill his dad to be a king, he only ruined everything by doing that.
I gave you examples of people being openly against it. Arthas saying "those who want to save this kingdom, follow me" and then half of them leaving implies that they don't belong to anyone in particular and have the choice.
His father followed Uther's advices and disavowed Arthas by ordering the troops to come back. He didn't even want to quarantine the cities. You think he would be fine with the culling? Keep in mind that in WoW, the culling of Stratholme is saw as an evil act.
Arthas did nothing wrong either as a paladin or as an undead.
I don’t think it’s ever actually fully explained but here’s my fanboy bullshit excuse.
The helm of domination/Ner’zhul was able to enslave the living minds of nearby ice trolls and such but had to kill the nerubians to gain control of them. It seems feasible to me that it comes down to a matter of willpower and how much control the Lich King could exert at a distance. After the forsaken regained control they effectively had a “living” willpower that could resist the Lich King at such a distance. That would also explain why forsaken death knight players had to die again before be re-risen/controlled by the Lich King.
But man I dunno. It does beg the question why didn’t he mind control rank and file of the argent crusaders when they were so close to Icecrown
On one hand I'm h appy for Jimmy getting the pussy. He went through hell and back and deserves a nice ending.
On the other hand it really should have ended with him killing Kerrigan.
If every king or prince is going to be a little bitch every time someone disagrees with him there'd be no fucking kingdom in the first place. Did he really think running a kingdom is only about people blindly following you?
No, but seriously did George Lucas steal Arthas's arc to use it on Anakin?
I can't help but see star wars everytime i play warcraft 3
>Keep in mind that in WoW, the culling of Stratholme is saw as an evil act
don't people hate story in wow? They probably see it as evil, only cause Arthas did it.
Anyway, seems like devs failed to show what people are angry at Arthas for that in w3.
> He didn't even want to quarantine the cities.
Yeah, he seems like an idiot, who would still make Arthas a king.
Arthas has flaws and threw the campaign you can see him being angry at Uther/Jaina/Muradin because they question his acts . Also in the manual : "Though headstrong and somewhat arrogant, none could dispute Arthas’ bravery and tenacity".
And again it's just one part of the explanation on why he turned that way. His soul eaten by frostmourne explains why he has no remorse for killing his dad and his people.
WoW writers are retards. When Jaina is about to nuke Orgrimmar for the only sake of vengeance they compare that with the culling of Stratholme iirc.
>Yeah, he seems like an idiot, who would still make Arthas a king.
Still, he was a hero of the second war.
Too soon