Did anyone else get the retarded shit class?

did anyone else get the retarded shit class?

>charisma: 0
>strength: 2
>intellect: 3
>luck: -3
>stamina: 1
>looks: 3

what do i do? no matter what i do i dont level up. im stuck at a lvl 1 retard that has the wrong stats for my class. wheres the option to start over? do i email the mods?

Attached: Wojak.png (645x773, 9K)

Did you kill a bunch of rats? Because if not, try that.

What's your class?

like a merchant from ragnarok online or something. or like a mage with strength or something

they kill me im too stupid

>he only has a -3 in luck
>he didn't minmax too have a 10 in int and -10 in luck
user you are playing on casualmode.

post your irl stats
>CHR: 5
>STR: 4
>INT: 7
>LCK: 6
>STA: 3
>LOK: 5

will you give me gp and power level me?

>STR: 5
>INT: 7
>LCK: 4
>STA: 2
>LOK: 6

Just play video games until you die


Chr 0
Int 9
Str 5
Stam 5
Luck 0

The kino Yea Forums build

The admin abandoned the game so you're fucked

>INT above 4
>Posting on Yea Forums
Pick one

Assuming 10 is the maximum
>Charisma: 10
>Strength: 10
>Intellect: 10
>luck: 10
>Stamina: 10
>Looks: 10
Excuse me fellas

>CHR: -5
>STR: 3
>LCK: -2
>STA: 4
>LOK: 2

Attached: 1553721046951.png (633x758, 16K)

Strength: 6
Intellect: 3

>CHR: 6
>STR: 3
>INT: 4
>LCK: 4
>STA: 3
>LOK: 4
Could be worse

STR: 6
PER: 9
END: 4
CHA: 3
INT: 6
AGI: 7
LCK: 4

Whats the stat for when people tend to inexplicably end up telling you massive secrets that could fuck them over if they came to light?

low int and charisma

>autographed randy savage poster: 1
Its the only stat that matters


>the incel class has cha cap at 2
>cant pass speech checks so no xp
>no xp means no class upgrade
what the fuck bros

Grind your combat and mercantile skills so you can afford the surgeon and spec into Stoic Chad

thats a premium subscription service only

>he dumped all his points into int like a retard
>he doesnt know willpower stat gives you flat xp bonus unlike int % based which is extremely crucial early game

>CHR: 10
>STR: 20
>INT: 10
>LCK: 10
>STA: 10
>LOK: 10

Attached: 1559762957291.jpg (859x960, 224K)

Reminder that getting less than 7 hours (you should aim for 8) of uninterrupted sleep each night puts a major debuff on your stats. If you want to change class from NEET, you probably need to get your sleep in order if you want to meet minimum requirements.

grind nigga

Attached: 1557141654044.gif (1000x730, 826K)

S 1
P 1
E 1
C 1
I 1
A 1
L 10

Just go outside and have sex dude