What's the most useless power and why is it Blood?
What's the most useless power and why is it Blood?
Other urls found in this thread:
>we will never get actual definitive lore for the classpects
fuck u huss
Are you retarded
Blood can be useful if you have certain classes at best, but useless at worst
Void and Doom can be useful if you have certain classes at best, but completely fucks over the team's progress at worst.
So no, it's not.
Also, before you say something: Breathchad, reporting in.
Blood bending is OP
Ripped a man's blood out of his body he didn't think it was useless
where are my rage boys at
Who /mind/ here?
Probably saving it for the inevitable Homestuck tabletop game
All players report in. Don't worry if people think your aspect is "weak", I'll carry you and push you from the below!
Mage players assemble!
Something was pouring from his mouth. He examined his sleeve. Blood? Blood. Crimson, copper-smelling blood. His blood. Blood. Blood. Blood. And bits of sick.
None of those are powers in Sburb, you fucking casual, except maybe Holy Beam with light.
No one's mentioned that blood is supposed to be relationships not literal blood
This. Our blood player was a mediocre fighter, but the dude was a charismatic motherfucker that kept us tight.
>"it's about le relationships"
>Friendless faggot is a Vriskafag
Who would've thought?
aradia is a nigger
Blood character managed to cut their sessions difficulty in half by making an alliance with an NPC that allowed them to jack the ring of their sessions black queen.
He also managed to keep the entire team of murderhobos together long enough to win, only getting fucked over at the last possible second due to bullshit outside of his influence entirely.
Windy boi reporting in.
Nature of sburb means it could be both.
Metaphorical, figurative and literal aspects of your... aspect, are taken into account, and it's the class that determines how the aspect is manifested.
Look at roxy as a rogue of void and equis as an heir of void vs nepeta as a rogue of heart and dirk as a prince of heart, same aspect but completely different utilisations with a few common themes.
Shit's pretty complex.
what is this and why am i interested
And still the best.
Andrew? Andrew Hussie? Is that you?
Andrew, I can't and won't make this any simpler for you.
You failed at life. You failed. When one thinks of what man is capable of, pushing himself to the limits physically, mentally and emotionally to achieve heights of success never before mentioned, your name will not be whispered in the same, reverent fashion that others have.
Nobody will remember Andrew Hussie. You aren't even a header or a footer in the career of someone else. You are nobody. Nothing. Nada. Zilch.
In short, you are an enormous failure.
Andrew, being that you're about 35 years old and your brain has probably hard-wired itself to accept such failures by now and write off such criticism by being "flippant", really suggests that you've passed beyond the proverbial breaking-point. There's no turning back. This is your career, this is what defines you and this is what you'll defend to the end.
The abhorrent failure that is MS Paint Comics, Andrew Hussie, that is your legacy.
Maybe I'm over-reaching, however. Who knows? People CAN change. Maybe you'll read this, Andrew, and think long and hard about what a wasteful life you've led. Maybe you'll think, "wow. It's incredible just how abysmal and pathetic I really AM!" Maybe you'll lift some weights in the morning. Maybe you'll take a self-help class.
Maybe in a couple of years, Andrew, you'll have learned from this failure. I doubt it, though.
I genuinely doubt it.
Now excuse me, I have to work on Undertale 2. My accountant estimates over sixty million dollars in sales.
>making an alliance
user, Jack was going to betray him anyway.
It has fuckall to do with Blood.
>tfw Rogue of Hope
Stealing Hope and giving it to my team is pretty fucking rad as a concept
Dabbing on Bloodfags.
>Turn the enemies into pessimistic quitters
>Turn your team into determined champions
Yeah, that's pretty fucking solid.
I know about Hope I guess? Not sure how useful that is. Maybe I can see positive outcomes?
>Homestuck tabletop.
Pretty much unworkable unless you heavily nerf time players or your group are god-like at roleplaying and you go the extra mile to record your sessions.
>Literally gets cut in the exact shape of his aspect symbol.
>Not symbolic or anything.
The fact the alliance existed in the first place is because of karkat and his aspect, otherwise it would have just been a fight until one of them died.
Whether he was going to betray them is irrelevant, since the alliance lasted until they got the job done.
You have to have both Space and Time to have a sburb session in the first place.
Isn't it POSSIBLE to do one with just a Space player? Just really really really really fucking hard?
Yeah. I figure ambushes or something like that would play well with that aspect (enemy realizes they're surrounded, team realizes we have the upper hand, etc). Makes sense. I typically am the strategist/shot caller in my friend group for games
A mage would be pretty dope with Hope too, though Sollux is the only really good example of what a Mage would do. You would probably actively create hopeful situations through sheer force of will like he did with Doom. Basically a version of Sollux that doesn't fuck everyone/yourself over and instead do the opposite
Let's send some prototypes to some kids and see what happens
[laughing vriska sounds]
Hussie is a hack, it's probably just a coincidence
I don't believe so, Calliope/Caliborn's session is said to be the most "bare-bones" because you need Space and Time players to work together to light the forge and complete the game. I suppose if there was another way to light the forge you could, but iirc the only way is through a Time player's denizen.
Well it is possible to do single player with supposedly either space or time but those two are the first aspects added to any game.
Technically yes, but the session's 'dead' and wont produce anything.
We got a look at caliborn's session, and dead calliope went through the same thing potentially.
Or if the dead sessions work on a custom level she got one tailor made for her "Muse of space" powers like caliborn got one for 'Lord of time' where he had to race the clock.
Professor layton, the puzzles got a bit easier in this one though.
>Pretty much unworkable
Besides, time players have to learn how to create stable time loops for them to be effective from what I vaguely remember, unless you're willing to complete skip over the dilemma of a kid seeing their own dead bodies beginning to pile up.
Blood can be useful if the rest of your team consists of bulge-biting assholes who'd rather die than work together.
If your teammates can actually function somewhat competently on their own, then yeah, there are better Aspects.
Wow, I completely misread your post, I thought it said "unless you don't have OP time players". Sorry!
How to be a good Light player:
1. Dab on Bloodtards
2. Land crits
3. Win
>Minesweeper fetch modus.
Absolute mad lad.
>"that's a nice session you got there"
>"it'd be a shame if someone accidentally opened up a giant black hole in the middle of it"
Weaponized luck is scary. That's some Xhorhasian Dunemancy shit.
Blood only exists if your Breath player is mentally and physically crippled
That's why Karkat should highfive Vriska for handicapping the Breathchad.
>How to be a good Light player
>Fuck with your teammates and actively hinder their success
My BBC will mount the universe
Prince of time here, I enjoy fucking up the session more than helping it
>it's another classpect larp thread
You're just killing time
Oh look, the Heir of Faggotry showed up
I haven't really bothered with HS since Act 6 or so.
Can someone quick dump the basics of what each class/aspect implies? This comic actually had some crazy interesting ideas.
>Bard of has joined the server
It's all bullshit. 90% of all the shit said here are fandom guesses.
Most of it is bullshit that the fandom guesses or infers, especially since we have so little data on what some aspects and classes even do.
Get reading nigga.
Light: Success and Fortune
Void: Secrets and Darkness
Blood: Relationships and Obligations
Breath: Freedom and Wind
Rage: Fury and Fear
Hope: Optimism and Harmony
Life: Growth and Healing
Doom: Death and Harming
Mind: Logic and Thoughts
Heart: Passion and Emotion
Space: What it says on the tin + Beginning
Time: What it says on the tin + End
Homestuck deserves a darksouls style minecraft like videogame
For the classes
luck is just a Vriska thing it has nothing to do with light
It's not "luck", it's fortune. Slightly different. It also has to do with the fact Vriska is an Active player while Rose is passive. Vriska can manipulate luck using her active light powers literally "stealing" the other person's good fortune, whereas Rose can guide others to fortuitous outcomes using her passive light powers.
The light aspect is about paths and success. Chance plays a large part in finding the right path or having it thrust onto you. Vriska's luck was a vehicle for fortune.
Each class has an active and passive counterpart.
Knight and Page. (Exploiters/Weaponizers)
Maid and Sylph. (Creators)
Mage and Seer. (Understanders)
Witch and Heir. (Manipulators)
Thief and Rogue. (Stealers)
Prince and Bard. (Destroyers)
Breath is the ultimate main character aspect.
Blood is the seething 2nd banana class who only exists as substitute for Breath. Literally fucking worthless otherwise.
Light is the best aspect and fortune always smiles on you.
Void is about irrelevancy and becoming invisible.
Time, Life, Hope and Space don't need to be explained.
Mind is about logic and deciding how heavy each decision you made.
Rage is about Disbelief and is perfect for people who were raised by religious people and going fucking crazy once their world is shattered.
Doom makes you a fucking emo and you can already guess when your session is doomed.
Thief steals [aspect] for their own benefit.
Meenah is a Thief of life for instance.
There is literally an entire pivotal moment in the comic where vriska manipulates a coin toss to her advantage.
Was there ever a good place to find out your class. Aspect was easy, but I never found a good place for Class
>Blood: Relationships and Obligations
A literal cuck aspect holy fuck
Nah. Blood is the ultimate bro class. I don't get why Vriskafags get so triggered over it. Probably since they don't have friends to speak of.
Potential to be the Cuck-er depending on the class
Why is Jake so hated?
Also the class of BREEDING
Karkat has a massive bulge
>Thief/Bard/Prince of Blood joins the server
>ultimate bro class
That's Breath, user.
I'm a Breathchad myself, user. It's why I always hope for the best out of my Blood bros. They can be extremely useful for keeping us tight. I can't do it alone since my aspect is about freedom and liberation and all that, so sharing the load is key.
>tfw page of doom
I'm basically just fucked
at least it might take a while before everything goes to shit
He's an idiot (but not in the fun or endearing way) that everyone wants to fuck
And that's pretty much all there is to his character
>Blood player hates you deep down
Page is the strongest class tho
I mean, you get to do this
What the fuck does a Knight of Heart do
He's a dumbass bimbo, which isnt 'entirely' his fault due to the circumstances of his upbringing and relationships, but he never grows from that.
Are all heart players gay?
>be heir of life
bros what does this even mean
do i just
not die? do i help others not die?
what exactly did he do that was stupid?
What game?
splatoon 2
They're horny. They'll fuck whoever.
Literally pic related.
A whole bunch of shit.
One thing that comes to mind is using jane as an emotional heat-sink for his gay relationship with dirk for around two years with full knowledge that she liked him.
did you even read the fucking comic?
>heir of heart
How useful am i
I was surprised they didnt go full poly, spending so much time with the trolls.
the Trolls were Poly, im not gonna indulge in that weird fucking looparound explanation because it doesnt matter if its formed out of love, hate, or friendship, theyre still fucking either way
He didn't know that!
You're the session's fuck toy. Good luck.
Hey if it worked for Vriska it'll work for me
soul fuckery is possible with heart, i believe. so not completely god awful, you could be good at buffing and debuffing, maybe even rip enemies souls out as an offensive option
It worked for Vriska because everyone in Homestuck is a retard. Any sane team would kill that bitch.
>when you fuck over Karkat and Vriska this badly
Based. Terezibros and Aradiachads rise up.
Oh fuck, wrong image
they are literally made for each other, holy shit
I would defend Vriska from the unwashed low b100d hoards
Then die with the rest, scrub. I've got raging storms.
the epilogues are noncanon fanfiction by the orange gaylord and the green alien with shit taste
hussie didn't even write them
Time is the least cool out of any power ranking ever but unfortunately is incredibly useful
Depends on if you're an active Time Player or not. You can speed up time, slow it down, stop it, reverse it, jump to points in timelines, summon time clones. Shit's busted, but only if it's active.
was this fight kino?
You're gonna carry that weight, the role.
>unironic homostuck thread on Yea Forums
what the fuck happened to this board
>being this new
>Start a session
>get to my land first
>it's dark as shit
>can't even see Skaia
>Land of Storms and Eclipses
>guess that's why
>next player gets in
>complains to me their land is dark as shit
>ask them if they can see Skaia
>third player has the same problem
>all players have this problem
>eventually acquire jetpack, just fucking fly up
>no Skaia
>it just isn't fucking there
??? what the fuck???
>Newfaggot doesn't know that Homestuck was old Yea Forumscore before it was tumblr
I'm Rogue of Breath.
Does this mean I can "take someone's breath away" and basically buff my own charisma infinitely
>Bard of time
What does it mean?
>Say word
>Other player gatehops and kills me
>Money stolen
Wow, guys
Fuck you
Do you know how I can tell you are under 18 years of age? It is more than just the Homesuck defense, of course... it is the "xxxx is Yea Forumscore" a.k.a. "I'm a deficient child who can't think for himself" defense
post the best homestuck music
>Jack flew back with bro's katana to continue their fight.
>Davesprite, Bro and Jack fighting while the fucking planet is on fire with atomic bonsai playing in the background.
>Jade enters and shit hits the fan as Jack receives his game breaking upgrade and it's shown he's the one that fucks up the trolls.
I think it qualifies.
>Doom timelines just by being alive
>Said by the faggot who goes into a Homestuck thread to shit on it because people told him to
Based retard
>Prince of Light
Can I use these powers to kill my party and take over the session as godking?
>because people told him to
No, because homestuck is fucking gay shit for faggots like you
*Bald Eagle noises*
Go ahead and explain why, then. Since you think for yourself.
This flash blew my fucking mind
I did the extended zodiac a long time ago, I got rage, and I think the heir of rage suits me perfectly, personality-wise
So please, someone tell me what are my powers and what is my maximal potential.
[/spoiler]also, what would be my potential If I were To become an ultimate self[/spoiler]
Because Problem Sleuth is the last good thing Hussie ever wrote
>co-op sessions
solo session chads rise up
Not really, that sounds more like a Thief/Knight thing.
A prince of light would fuck up everything, for everyone. I reckon a fully realized, godmode Prince of Light could just declare and entire session to be straight out of luck and make it crash and burn.
Alternatively, declare all of Derse straight out of luck and make the final fight a cakewalk.
Three bullets.
One gun.
Choose wisely.
What's the female counterpart to a Page? Pic unrelated
eridan three times
shoot vriska three times
The quality of one thing being higher doesn't make the quality of another lower. Homestuck is great for the first 3 acts, good for the next one and a half, and shit for the rest.
Vriska 3 times.
>Seer of Blood
Seems like a good mix
You're gonna carry that burden, that negativity. You'll be a nexus for angery and fear, so that others may clear their mind. You will be the Ultimate Bottom Bitch.
Why would I help my party when I could kill them? Not because I hate them, but because it seems fun.
Why would I kill my favorite characters???
>Good when handled well
>Can be fun at times
Why would I shoot anyone other than Vriska?
Vriska twice, shoot gamzee once but have him survive
Kill Gamzee
fuck Vriska
marry Karkat
kiss Eridan
>stuck up fish bitch has a literally one job in her society and it's to keep the loner in check
Anyways, three bullets for Vriska just because Hussie desecrated her so many fucking times.
hell yeah brothers
All three in Gamzee, and then beat the rest to death with my cold, dead hands
>rogue of time
do i provide the team with time or something?
>The quality of one thing being higher doesn't make the quality of another lower.
No, it just mean you have to be braindead to continue following it. See: this thread
Alt Calliope mentions her session was rigged against her by being designed specifically for a time player.
>Get Prince or Knight of Light every time
I wish I didn't get a shit role each and every time, I just want to be able to fight things good. Something that might help other people like luck isn't my thing.
Again. Feel free to tell me what's wrong with Homestuck acts 1-4 WITHOUT bringing up another piece of media as a cop-out answer.
fucking f8ggot
Vriska is directly responsible for ruining the comic, why wouldn't I shoot her?
seething clown fucker
Nah, that's Sylph/Maid business.
You're in charge of fucking up the enemy's timetables. I also think a pretty signature power would be stealing things from the past/future without going there yourself.
>Our session has a Thief of Hope
The dude's nice and all, but how do I make sure this fucker doesn't fly off the rails and fuck everything up?
>Prince of Life
>not one of the best combat classpects
nigga you got fucking deathtouch
Knight of Life would also be some good fighting, imagine having literally infinite HP
>Grabbing a god tiered teammate
>"You look okay, get in!"
>He's now helping your team
So i can make shit up, turn invisible and such
You're also a very, very good swimmer. Nothing's a better representation of void than the deep blue.
Do either let me be a Vegito tier cocky dickhead?
>ruining the comic
Because Karkat did it first
Thief of Time reporting in
I'd shoot three rounds into her if you know what I mean.
>long wavy hair
>energetic, bitchy attitude
She's perfect.
>not a dog pokemon
Technically John did that by retconning her death and taking away 3 years of character development from her
Prince would have to watch out, you'll be the glassest, cannonest glass cannon out there, and if you die while attemtping to deathtouch someone your death will surely be either heroic or just, depending on the target.
For Knight, infinite HP doesn't mean infinite DEF. You'll definitely get hurt, lost limbs, whatever. You just won't die from it, and probably grow them back at some point.
So they're shit is what you're saying.
Pretty fucking uninspired pokemon.
All of them just allude to a single aspect of the character.
People tend to pair up with/watch pokemon that they like, not pokemon that mimic what/part of what they are.
I would rather give Karkat a fucking Scizor. Now that's a cool as fuck Pokemon.
>Unzip codpiece
You misspelled rogue, cunt. I'll come to your house and cut you wide open, faggot.
Hi Dio
As a matter of fact, I did NOT misspell "Rouge".
It's wordplay
holy lmao
Not bad user.
more like Diavolo to me
How many sessions do you think would break if these two collided?
Wouldn't Diavolo be a Prince, since his ability "erases" time?
>optimism and harmony
It's optimism and FAITH (but harmony also kind of works)
It means you get forced into a relationship with a gay horseman until your Japanese schoolgirl ex snaps and paralyzes you from the neck down.
Congrats, Rufioh.
>guys we accidentally paradox space
yeah, it would be more accurate, in my head it was more like he stole the 10 next sec
But what the fuck do mages do
it's a gay tumblr webcomic that's longer than the bible and convoluted beyond any sense
Who /2xpistolkind/?
GENERAL REMINDER because people so often forget:
Damara Megido - WITCH of TIME
Rufioh Nitram - ROGUE of BREATH
Mituna Captor - HEIR of DOOM
Kankri Vantas - SEER of BLOOD
Meulin Leijon - MAGE of HEART
Porrim Maryam - MAID of SPACE
Latula Pyrope - KNIGHT of MIND
Aranea Serket - SYLPH of LIGHT
Horuss Zahhak - PAGE of VOID
Kurloz Makara - PRINCE of RAGE
Cronus Ampora - BARD of HOPE
Meenah Peixes - THIEF of LIFE
Be aware if you get a 'Canon Classpect' as to the behaviors of these peoples for as to hints as to what yours does. And also, beware.
you pass
Is there any vidya character who could possibly defeat him?
Yeah, Alt Calliope possessing a dead Jade corpse ate him.
>all these people wanting to shoot Vriska
>she just deflects every bullet and leads them towards Karkat
where is that steve minecraft version of him
explain the vriskafag mindset to me, what kind of person still likes her
What purpose other than killing English did that even serve? I get that she's meant to represent a black hole and all but did it giver her a boost in power or something?
I'd only shoot post-retcon Vriska. (Vriska) for life.
Waifufags and non-waifufag autists.
She's got a good theme.
Blood Cultivators are some of the most dangerous in Chinese Xianxia.
Extract the blood from countless mortals and wield it like a sea.
Give the blood magical properties.
It's full of iron, plenty of uses.
It has more psychological impact than water ever could.
You can purify your own blood, or refine your own body at will using it.
You can make it sold or liquid without having to go through the temperature hassle of water.
You can control people's blood to flow out of their orifices without them even noticing it and make everyone shit themselves in the vicinity.
You can make someone's heart pump like mad until it explodes.
You can oxygenate your brain through blood manipulation to a degree which accelerates your thinking and improves it.
You can make blood clones.
You can use blood as an agent for spreading plagues, diseases, which you can't in the same sense as with water.
You can steal bloodline powers of other beings through blood magic.
You can increase lifespans.
Shit's gruesome in Chink Xianxia.
Devouring English did give her an incredible power boost, enabling her to wormhole her way out of the black hole, a feat not possible for anyone else. She needed to leave in order to chase Dirk to prevent his biased influence from corrupting more developing mortal life, as Calliope's own narrative opinion is to "transcribe events as they take place and only nudge people in subtle ways when they desire a hint", save for when other cherubic elements come into play.
People who fucking hate being cucked for liking Karkat and picking the 8etter character
>homosuck in the year of Our Lord 1950+60+9
Literally dilate you transgender abortions
>rogue of light
So I'm vriska but not a selfish bitch? Nice
I'm sorry for liking the version who got to keep her character development instead of turning into a bland attention whore.
>knight of breath
what are my powers, i don't understand this classpect shit
Vriska's baby's first femdom waifu.
Huh, guess I didn't pay enough attention to that last chapter. Is Hussie planning on making a sequel of homestuck or was this the end?
>keep her character development
What fucking character development?
do i just shoot anger beams at people or some shit
we don't know
i get a sense that it's the end, but ultimately that's just speculation
There is nothing currently planned IIRC, but that doesn't mean there never will be. The epilogues took 3 years to fully write, from what I remember.
That and pic related
My session has a bard of blood, how fucked is it?
I suppose it's for the best. People were really pissed about the epilogues right? I only finished them about a week ago so I didn't get to see the reaction in real time but from what I saw people hate it.
Rogue steals things to benefit others. You steal others charisma/windy shit to support betas.
>Time breaks/loops constantly but it's okay, this was supposed to happen
>My session has a bard
very fucked
>Meenvris was fucking awful and ruined Vriska
>Davekat happens in the relevant timeline
I am so sorry, Karkatchads. Now you will forever suck up on Dave and be their literal NPC suppporter.
What gaem?
Has he started a gang or a mob yet?
If not, you should be okay
Flagkind the strongest weapon
You destroy any chances of success for everyone including yourself. The only good combo would probably be Doom.
Heir of Rage right here boys.
The hate you describe is context-sensitive, as usual. Mostly it's because the epilogues aren't all sunshine and rainbows and some characters grew up to become despicable people or readers didn't realize what a "Heel" is, and blame the author for "making a piece of work that hates the fanbase."
Here due to Yea Forums's general lack of a filter you'll find people decrying Davekat and Roxy's transition, which lies in polar opposite to what readers on Tumblr might criticize instead. So it really depends on the person, how emotionally self-inserting they are with specific characters, and how much they understand the narrative concepts being presented in the epilogues and can look through and see buildup retroactively now that issues have come to light. So it all depends. I liked them, for the most part.
He would grab your gun, shoot himself three times in the head and then somehow show up later with a retard expression murdering you violently and hug your dad corpse.
Prince of Light would mean he would get stronger by killing everyone including his own teammates.
>dad corpse
Vriska got done so dirty in the epilogues and it was glorious
Get a Blood or Breath player to be his friend. Now he will steal the opponents life and become your BFF who is immortal.
How do you determine your class?
fuck jannies
Blood in Homestuck means you are good at talking to people.
Except for the based Light players who know you guys are fucking worthless
Bard anything is bad but all that means is he will fuck with everyone on a psychological level with the possibility that you will all die or work together to become stronger or perhaps both or maybe neither.
>four days until Homestuck updates and we get our Davekat wedding
Die you Marcelene clone.
Seriously tho why does everyone hate (Vriska)? She was more interesting than post-retcon Vriska, finally let her ambitions go, hooked up with Meenah for a little while, then got to hook up with game over Terezi.
Is it just because she stopped being an attention whoring huge bitch, bluh bluh?
Well that showcases how superficial and half-arsed Homestuck is as far as its concepts go.
Because while Vriska was always shitty, she at least had a personality. This version was about as bland and flat as she ever got in terms of characterization, probably the most boring character in the comic.
I just took the first classpect quiz I found online desu
I got breath for both that quiz and the EZ quiz
Do you want me to fucking praise Meat Karkat who now fully succumbs to Dave?
Go fuck yourself.
shoot you three times for not liking these characters
Don't listen I got Heir of rage by doing research made by other fans, there is a user called Dahni that explains every class and aspect's personality, I got mine by choosing what personality fits me better.
Also It's surprising how no one said anything about my zodiac yet.
Because she manages to be an objectively worse person, less likable person, and less likely and willing to improve person.
>Went to a local bookstore
>Find tons of Homestuck books in the graphic novel section
wtf hussie
>This version was about as bland and flat as she ever got in terms of characterization, probably the most boring character in the comic.
Are we talking about (Vriska) or Vriska here? Because that's exactly what I think about Vriska. She feels like a mary sue wannabe, especially when all of the issues in the timeline disappear as soon as she comes back.
Again, is this (Vriska) or Vriska we're talking about? Vriska only started improving after she got cucked out of seeing the juju and yeeted into the candy timeline. Whereas (Vriska) was finally happy and content even before she met Terezi again.
>Mind bolt
>Blood ball
>Void shard
>Hope Beam
You don't HAVE to take the quiz, I'm just telling what I did and found that breath suits me
Also hi mOtHeRfUcKeR
why were they called pies when they lacked crusts
>Blood is relationships and leadership.
How is it not OP? It's literally Shonen power of friendship + Shonen power to make anyone your ally.
>mary sue wannabe
>fixed all of the issues
She only fixed Rosemary while everyone else are still fucked mentally.
Prince of Time reporting in.
How's it going Classpect BROTHER
Iirc this was me too. Based rogue of hope bro
>Light: Success and Fortune
You know the funny thing is due to a limited sample size people have to assume that "Light = Fortune/Luck", but that's not necessarily the case. Light as an aspect is actually more about "relevant information", strictly speaking. "Fortune" and "luck" are two aspects of "information", and depending on their personality each Lightbound player may interpret their aspect somewhat differently. Vriska, as the vainglorious spotlight hog, was obsessed with luck, and so chose to interpret her class as "One who steals luck". Rose, ever the seer determined to scry something tangible out of a network of chaos, interpreted her class as "One who foretells fortune". Aranea, the annoying helper who loves to talk peoples' ears off, interpreted her class as "One who helps others to see the truth".
Correspondingly a Prince of Light might choose to interpret it as "One who destroys luck", "One who destroys information", or even just a more literal interpretation of "One who destroys light." Light itself is multifaceted and reflects itself through the illusions and flesh holograms that make up the multicolored filters that animate our world. Skaia only shows enough Light through its Oracle Clouds for observers to make a relevant decision based on the fortunes it showcases. Likewise, both Doc Scratch and the Horrorterrors only impart enough "Light" to nudge players down paths that benefit themselves more.
Hey guys, it appears that my session is borked. Luckily our space player has initiated the scratch so we should be getting a second chance soon if what the first guardian says is corr
To understand Light as "information", one must understand the superfluous and irrelevant information that constantly parses through reality that might distract others from their goal. If you find a tablet in a deep temple that showcases how to reach the god tier and a book in a library that relays how to alchemize a new mattress, which set of information would be "fortuitous"? For a player seeking power or ability beyond that of their own, the tablet would be worth infinitely more than the useless book, but for a tired player only seeking a good night's rest (that might awaken their dreamself), the book would be of much higher value. Does one notice the pattern of bricklaying and support an ancient temple might provide? A casual adventurer might not, only being focused on the treasure or ancient wisdom found at the end. But an architect might, or an archaeologist, or merely a paranoid adventurer looking for traps and potential weakpoints where the building might collapse on him. This is Light, relevancy imparted from desire, manifesting through the proteins of information transcribed from the infinite DNA of possibility.
A Mage would understand the wealth of information presented to them and how to filter such a thing, a Seer look to the road ahead, a Witch know how to manipulate the information presented to their favor, an Heir find themself in narrative focus when the chips are down, and a Knight know how to wield it to their tactical advantage. Also, by nature due to the reflective focus of this aspect, all Lightbound innately love to talk, in their medium of choice, about the subjects that interest them the most. A Lightbound might be quiet and write a 500-page guide on GameFaqs in their spare time, or chat about (subjectively) narratively irrelevant things for hours on end like a valley girl with a cellphone and an unlimited talk plan. All of this is "Light", not just "luck" or "fortune" alone.
Karkat is a bro
Vriska fucking sucks fuck you Hussie and your fucking VriskBoner she deserved to stay dead
We convert movement speed into damage. Sanic speed, invisible air weapons, wind waves, all that anime bullshit.
>tfw Candy had heroic Karkat achieving his highest potential
God, I wish we got the most fucked up Karkat in that version.
>candy karkat got to (presumably) smash meenah
>karkat reduced to fujobait
we did
>knight AND breath
absolute beta bottom
>Maid of Heart
I demand an immediate reroll.
what the fuck does a maid of mind do
You can heal the mind
You have become the ultimate therapist.
Get that sofa ready
Homestuck has been garabage for far longer than it was good, anyone who has said they enjoyed it after like 2014 is terminally retarded and even that timeframe is being very generous.
glad to see we have all the worst parts of the fanbase in one thread
wouldn't that be more of a sylph thing though? Jane only healed because she was maid of life, Aradia did time shit so i guess a maid of mind would be like mind control maybe?
>thinking classpect autists are the worst parts of the fanbase
oh you sweet naive summer child
How do we stop the fujoshis?
Maids clean up after their aspect as stewards, and Mindbound deal with both literal minds, as well as the sea of possibility resulting from actions and reactions. A Maid of Mind might be a handyman, adopting any necessary role the alpha timeline employs in order to ensure repair, which might include time travel, assassination, genuine empathic bonding, and helping others at times to understand their own choices. More literally, a Maid of Mind might be able to live on as a psychological entity or guardian within others' subconsciousness, altering the Maid as to when cleanup is necessary. A Maid does not prevent, a Maid cures and repairs after something is already broken.
wow this takes me back to all the time I wasted in middle/high school on this tumblr garbage
Shame how it turned out
Keeping souls unbreakable and blasting niggas with ki blasts since 2009. Heartchads rise up
Based Kris
I wasn't talking about the classpect autists I was talking about the gamzee roleplayers. Hussie's dumb fucking "haha funny clown" joke is part of what ruined the comic and then he's also just retarded
>Classpect discussion is one of the worst parts of the fanbase
That's fucking retarded. You're fucking retarded.
>worst parts of the fanbase
found the page of blood
Thief of blood, what do I do?
Is there any fucking way to make the doom aspect not suck? I feel like getting anybody in the doom aspect just fucks over your party.
Lord or prince of doom maybe?
Sylph of Doom
Is there any worse classpect combo then Bard of Doom? I am genuinly struggling to find a combo that just fucks your party more then having one of those assholes on your team.
based canon ship
vriska three times
Maid isn't super well defined, but I can guess that a Maid of Mind would be a background player, using their powers to influence the course of events in a direction that ultimately best suits their goals (more so than other maids, considering mind is literally the aspect of consequence and causality), often by manipulating the choices made by other players.
Yea Forums, please take back your bastard child.
doom is legit a p good aspect though, high floor high ceiling
for fucking real? why haven't I read candy yet.
becaus eapart from that and a few other scenes it's utter garbage
What's up fuck heads, ready to destroy some friendships? or blood
because the epilogues are a massive garbage fire
I've only read Meat.
Gotta say it left a bad taste in my mouth.
Thieves steal their aspect for themselves, and Bloodbound are inspirational leaders. Enjoy pilfering your friends' bonds with each other, or enemies' bonds to acquire focus and allies where you might not have had any before.
Also you're likely a vampire, so stay away from the sunlight.
Doom is just a reflection of Light or Life, depending on your perspectives. It helps just as much to know where to fail as where to succeed, so as to avoid such outcomes or entrap your enemies within them. And "doom" itself is vague. Is death "doom", or is death merely a transitional state to acquire something beyond your mortal coil, recoverable or ignorable? Is "doom" when one finds themself unwilling to continue? These are questions the Doombound would be able to answer.
I feel like half the classes combined with doom just fuck you over?
literally become doom. this guy is just going to ruin everything
creates doom. aka is going to create whatever ruins your day
it´s fucking page
some dude dedicated to dooming things
this one actually doesnt seem TOO horrible
seems really similar to seer
only decent one
might work out
this one is the only one that seems genuinly useful
just fuck my session up.
Maids don't create
the wiki describes maid as "One speculation for the class is "one who creates [aspect]" or "one who creates through [aspect]" for the betterment of others.". I´m not an expert on classpects, what would maid of doom more accurately be?
Seer of Doom could be useful.
think of doom less literally and more like hardship and suffering
you can either focus your aspect outwards towards enemies or use the wisdom youget from it to help yourself or your team, or some combination of the two depending on your class
but the difficulty is not to swallow the blackpill and become a crestfallen deadweight who WILL fuck everything up
as i said: high floor, high ceiling
I never actually thought about it like that, that´s rather interesting. Thanks for explaining it more indepth to me user.
The most useless power is unironically Time, because if you don't follow some arbtirary pre-established timeline you know nothing about you create a doomed timeline and kill yourself and everyone in it
Please understand that the wiki is written by biased individuals and should not be taken as regimental divinations from god, just as my words are also biased towards my own interpretations.
From my observations and from the Maids that exist in the comic, a Maid of Doom would clean up after desolate situations and scenarios, putting things back in order. Maids do not construct, if they were they wouldn't be "maids". A Maid's role is to tidy up the elements of their aspect. For a Maid of Time, this means closing time loops and causal errors created by herself and others. For a Maid of Life, this means restoring life and growth to those who have lost it, as well as situations where life is extinguished.
Reminder that Bards can also be the greatest asset a team has, e.g. Gamzee fucking blowing up the Black King's head.
boss of wheels reporting in
Fuck off, Holmes
I always thought that a bard of rage should cause other people to just get buttfuck mad because. Why isnt that how that classpects works.
Yes, that is what an insufferable clown does.
but he DOES get other buttfuck mad, just look at people's reaction to gamzee
Gamzee did nothing wrong.
What actually happens to Gamzee in the epilogue though?
He literally did
How about a Maid of Rage?
He got stuffed in the fridge.
I tend to get that or Hope on the test with occasional Time based on a tweak of an answer
based and rustpilled
Ok Tumblr
why hello, fellow timechads
Rage is both literal and figurative as an aspect. Ragebound despise lies and false entities, and so expect a Maid of Rage to both destroy the very thing they despise, and then clean up after it, fixing it into a state that is more true to its actual nature.
based canwcposter
How did Hussie get away with it?
He is just stupid all around the story and never got out of that, kinda sad but his only accomplishments were being used by other people to fulfill thier purposes and him being too stupid to realize nobody cares about "him" but everything his person has (power, influence, a good looking ass)
The epilogues treat him like shit in which he becomes a sobbing wreck because he was mentally manipulated to fall in love again over Dirk and in the other he was forced to become a literal cuck and have a loveless marriage and a miserable son.
Nice, thanks for the info!
>keeping her character development
imagine actually believing this
>Here due to Yea Forums's general lack of a filter you'll find people decrying Davekat
And I still drcry that because that even being a thing was retarded rushed shit over a 3 year timeskip.
Of which was saw 0 of for this Dave and Karkat.
Also I am genuinely confused why Jade keeps getting fucked over at every god damn turn for this entire comic.
Roxy's thing is "Well okay I guess" in my mind.
What the FUCK is Hussie's problem with Jade? Why does she spend the epilogue getting bimbofied and then bodyjacked?
imagine actually believing vriska is a better character than (vriska)
She is lmao
At the cost of your sanity at constantly seeing everyone dying.
Pretty sure Heir of Hope is OP
>Why does she spend the epilogue getting bimbofied
Because she's both a Space player and filled with raging dog hormones, in perpetual heat. Space players all are strongly linked to fertility and childbirth, so much that I might even claim that Space is an exclusively female aspect.
>and then bodyjacked?
Partially because she has a weak will and so anyone with a stronger mind can hijack her (as always), and because she just happened to be the most in tune with her aspect, and so was the perfect vessel for Alt-Calliope to incarnate into the physical world again through.
Jesus christ I thought it was a meme but watching this argument unfold is showing me that vriskafags really are the worst
Blessed comic.
So far this has made up for how dissapointing Homestuck was.
Seething Karkuckfag!
Exhausted from agonizing over what my “actual” most authentic sign is. I’ve taken the quiz like 20 times out of skepticism and uncertainty but this was my first and most unbiased result.
what comic is it?
Cool and New Webcomic.
Only read it if you can stand an enitre fucking fancomic spoken in broken SbaHJ tier english.
And before you write it off get past act 1
>I might even claim that Space is an exclusively female aspect.
Kinda sure it was explicitedly stated that all Time players are male and all Space players are female, and if they werent there was at least a clear gender dominance of one over the other.
Reminder that we never found out what the deal with Jade's frog was
Reminder that Alpha DD just disappeared from the story with no resolution
Reminder that Spades Slick did nothing wrong
>Taking it 20 times to make sure
That is such a fucking libra thing
I want to go back bros
>Kinda sure it was explicitedly stated that all Time players are male
Damara, Aradia
i believe aspects powers are completly dependent on class.
a thief rouge of light would be luck based and a seen would be information based and maybe a witch or heir would just be lazers.
>>all Time players are male
>a full half of all shown time players are female
based retard
i mean it's not about who i like it's just the fact that people will go to such lengths to bash each other for thinking one version is superior to another
>most useless
>most powerful
Well her being written into this pigeonholed role is of itself worth criticizing
Don't you girls have tumblr blogs about My Chemical Romance to be attending to?
alright, im a retard, but wasnt there a place or moment in the comic where its explicitedly stated that Space was all-female?
I'm not gonna deny that. I would've liked to see Jade realize that she's being used as a tool and try to fix that, but perhaps it isn't in her nature to be mentally resilient like that.
You're probably thinking of the classes, Muse was female only and Lord was male only
It was getting stupid, dude. I basically got every result at one point or another out of sheer indecisive flip-flopping.
Not that I remember. I do remember that Maids are always female and Princes always male.
I think it's because they can't bear the thought of seeing Vriska happy ever. Or Vriskafags not being able to bear the sight of her being sad/vulnerable.
Once you finally stop being autistic and just make your own choice it’ll probably be a decent one.
Oof. I just flipflopped between Derse Light and Prospit Light.
More like people fucking hate Vriska doing fucking nothing other than sitting around with Meenah all day.
who /derse dreamer/ here
reporting in
You know what I feel actually woulda made equal sense.
Her possessing roxy.
She was in/became a fucking black hole, the embodiment of Void, and fuck if they really wanted gender confusion stuff still, Jade apparently has a dogdick I guess.
Roxy's role is even stealing void for others, so stealing an alt of her friend out of the void so she can borrow her body even makes sense, on top of those two already having their big bond thing going on.
(Vriska) was a mistake, as was almost everything involving Vriska after her death in act 5.
ESPECIALLY her being revived and us just time skipping to a timeline where her existence just fucking fixes everything I guess and she's everyones best friend and everyone sucks her off.
you're gonna die a lot, and be revived.
>her death
Also a big mistake for killing off an entertaining main character.
Why did Calliope become a shut in and refused any sort of interaction the moment she caught a glimpse of Alt!Calliope in Jade's body? I thought they liked each other? Alt!Calliope does seem to be fond of Calliope.
(Vriska) herself wasn't a mistake per se, I thought seeing her lose her ambition and mellow out was interesting. The timeline changes due to her presence are what piss me off. I think what would have made everybody happy would have been a memory merger, like what happened with Rose. That way she's brought into the story again without huge bitch being her only quality.
Probably saw it as a bad sign. 'oh fuck doomed me is here somethings wrong'
Alt Calliope is the person Calliope would have become without any human interaction. She's good, per se, but she's vengeful and severe. Calliope was scared of her.
While that would be interesting, the epilogues make emphasis that the black hole is the embodiment of Space, not Void. The entire Candy universe, itself being borne from a paradox, can only survive within the womb of its guardian mother, shielded from the harsh pillar of Truth that permeates everything else. Also if Jade isn't neutralized by Calliope then Dirk can't escape because she can just warp him back.
I want to go back to when I first read acts 2-5
Specifically to this point
Shit was fucking magical dude
>every character gets their memory back
>Karkat goes fucking insane
There is fucking NOTHING like early Homestuck. Not even Problem Sleuth.
And if you actually read it live? Holy shit, it was so much fun. There was constant speculation everywhere. I miss it so much, bros
Knight of Life reporting in, how much of an absolute chad am i
>That way she's brought into the story again without huge bitch being her only quality.
But being a huge bitch is her primary quality and always was. She can only stop being a huge bitch when there's no more spotlight to hog.
>The divine and immortal bodies of Godtiers cant possibly handle the sum of information that is the Ultimate Self despite being the logical extreme of being a god tier
>Some robots made by some dude with normal technology can
You can still speculate.
Only four days until Karkat's wriggling day and the epic fucking Davekat wedding.
Hi, Giorno
Even archive reading is magical, the constant twists and turns and big fucking impact moments where shit goes down.
It honestly makes act 5 a lot more bearable archive reading.
Yes, because the sheer information overload kills demigod brain matter, unless you're used to it. The robots are more physical vessels for their ultimate souls than anything else.
I still look back at my time reading Homestuck positively, mainly because half of the fun for me was speculating on the mechanics of Sburb, and although the comic barely delved deep into those mechanics post act 5, there were still moments that made me intrigued (Caliborn's Dead Session chapters spring to mind. I still want to see what the fight against the black queen was like). Even if as time went on Hussie fucked up more and more, I was still having a good time, even when certain Vriska related plot choices made me fucking livid. Collide was a fun animation, and left me feeling content, even though there are 234565 things that I wanted to be expanded upon and 32435564 things that should have left unexpanded.
Which is exactly why she should have stayed dead, anyone who thinks there was any narrative value in bringing her back outside of a plot device to somehow auto fix everything is an idiot.
Her apex moment post death was right before john cucked her out of the treasure, thats where things should have stopped.
How do we fix Hussie?
>Page of Breath
Am I mistaken or do I start completely worthless and end OP?
>not time
Fix those lips, and make him make nothing but more SBaHJ and the occasional Alchemy binge.
I miss alchemy binges
>papyrus not a page
>undyne not a knight
>alphys not a prince
it's shit
>Some of the traits from many good characters (but also, potentially the worst).
You’re either ultra uplifting and helpful or hilariously bitchy and self-destructive.
No, that's pretty accurate.
Tavros could've been ultimate power if Vriska didn't fuck him up 8^y times over the course of his life.
If you can channel your inner Rufioh you might become worth something but otherwise you're dead weight
What class am I boys? How do I pick a class?
Wouldn't it make better sense if they were moirails?
I think her coming back served one good purpose only - to give Terezi her desired utopia so she could reflect on it and see what was truly wrong with herself without any more distractions. Otherwise Terezi would still live conflicted, wishing Vriska was alive again and not understanding why. Through this realization, Terezi was able to let go of Vriska and move on to become a better person.
well, could be worse.
at least i aint a bloodcuck or a doomfag
You're Prince
Have fun with absolutely no sex life you incel
youre a prince
Is it time to destroy the angels?
My favorite characters are Karkat and Vriska, so probably the latter.
Am I supposed to take a hint from this?
Okay, I'll gladly agree the Terezi development post game due to this was great.
But I definitely feel those developments could have been done differently.
How about Terezi finding Vriska in dream bubbles either pre or post treasure cucking, and removing the entire (Vriska) thing.
I dig the punky nautical look, would she still get that or would she not get to hang with meenah?
how are you supposed to determine classes from this
Hell if I know, I didnt fucking write an entire fanfiction on this.
This is just base what ifs, and could have beens.
You're not. Hussie never bothered to give too much thought on what decides what classes.
So, you saying a blood-bound can literally start the cult of the fanatic zealots and maintain their high morale over time?
I'm not sure it would've worked because Terezi blamed herself for so much bad stuff happening that she never would've been able to move past it had it all not been erased. She'd be dependent on Vriska again without knowing why, and it'd still make her miserable being forced to do things she hated, but accepted she had to.
No, people get inspired when you fuck up like a joke character and not repeat the same dumb mistake like you did.
It was just a base concept for an alternate route, point is, when you literally have the narrative at your fingertips, there's always alternatives.
And I'm sure there's a way to resolve that without reviving Vriska and actually having her fucking fix everything, while still remaining true to what the characters were.
You’re hard to get rid of and very expansive/nurturing. Whatever your little babies/creations are, they’re going to grow, multiply and take over. For better or worse. Reminds me a little bit of Pikmin.
Vriska once, Gamzee twice just to make sure
>actually wanting to continue the pre-retcon timeline
Have fun with Karkat being obsessed for Terezi, because she hugged him.
All the polite friendliness of Tavros with only half the stupidity. Stealth based.
What the fuck is homestuck anyway?
interesting webcomic that gets bad at act 6
a gay ass webcomic that used to be a radical ass webcomic
You get people to relax and stop worrying about who they are/romantic bullshit...which may or may not lead to an even bigger mess as people start completely disregarding these things and falling apart. Might be based, might be cancer.
A 12 year old clusterfuck comic starring 7 main characters (John, Rose, Dave, Jade, Terezi, Karkat and Vriska) and tons of wacky NPCs.
A webcomic that ran from 2009 to 2016. Loosely speaking, it's about a game that perpetuates reality and the people who play it. Started out fairly Yea Forumscore, but Tumblr got into it around 2011-2012.
>main character
Don’t underestimate the value of your own, conscious choices. What class do you WANT?
Is it worth reading? Or is it some "you had to be there" thing?
100% worth reading
Obscure reference but I got it. Nice.
you kinda had to be there, back in its heyday there was absolutely nothing like it. still kind of isn't.
the first half of it might still be worth checking out
How fucked is Terezi
It’s just so fucking long at this point, dude. And it expands and branches the farther in you get. There’s even a fairly long alternate timeline branching epilogue and side-game. If you’re gonna do it, take it slow and steady. But also maybe just dive in wherever and skip around until you find something that grabs you, then explore from there.
It’s a unique love-letter to Internet denizens who made their friends on AIM and MSN messenger. Gamers too
>Terezi not law hero
I get that she’s conflicted about things but wtf
I took a test when Homestuck was big and got Seer of Space aka probably the most useless fucker in everything but their specific role in the session.
It’s worth at least checking out. A lot of people don’t make it past the first two acts cause those can be pretty dry and slow.
Just know that until act 5(?) all the character commands were actually submitted by readers.
I’d say abandoning that mechanic was the biggest mistake, might bother me even more than the vriska retcon.
Get to WV ascend from the start, if you arent sold, you'll not like it.
The later involves a lot of character drama so if you dont like the characters you also wont like it.
could someone link one of these quizzes people keep mentioning? I want to see if I'd job here as hard as I job irl
Unless you have something better to do read it
>he unironically thinks Mage is a good class
act 4
this was the last reader suggested panel
>got page of hope
This unnerves me greatly cause it’s the same classpect as Jake, but on the other hand the potential is off the charts.
Now that I think about it the points where Jake excels are when he’s actually hopeful and self respecting. When he’s a hopeless sad selfpitying ninny he’s shit.
Long as I respect myself and keep a positive attitude I think I can go far.
I don’t remember what my fake trollsign is because why would I give a shit about that.
>Your power is not being blind
L m a o
You’re so obsessed with your beliefs, and specifically being important, that you’ll be a complete shithead in the name of them. At least make sure your faith and convictions aren’t based in something completely retarded.
I think it would be more than that, like an intuitive understading of spacial relationships
i made a land generator for you all
I think what you meant to say is the he'll be absolutely based.
I figure at least I might make a good strategist, able to direct everyone during battles so they don't die.
Oooh look at the fancy seer of space with his telescope and star charts and lack of discernable skills.
>can understand complex physics completely intuitively
yeah sounds useless to me
>dude like
>i can tell you how far the moon is and shit
Where the GODDAMN hell are my Rage boys at, get out of the shell you delusional faggots.
T. Heir of Rage
>light/void = where the plot is focused (spotlight)
>hope/rage = plot coherence/contrivance (how much the plot "makes sense")
>mind/heart = audience interaction (speculation/interpretation)
>blood/breath = narrative priority (character driven/plot driven)
>time/space = the "stage" (the sequence of events/the setting) you can't have a story without the place the story happens and the things that happen
>life/doom = narrative arcs (high points/low points)
sylph of light checking in, FUCK aranea
cute ship
>prince of time
>land of war and decay
pretty metal
Most people can already do that on some level. People understand the fundamentals of laws like gravity and force before they learn about them, formally, in school.
Seers are garbage get over it bucko
*wwalks into thread**
Remember that part of HS where jade gets those goggles that can see anywhere in the medium? You can do that without the goggles, among other cool things.
>FUCK aranea
man i wish
shit ship
>Karkat Law
>Terezi Neutral
What the fuck?
me too, buddy
just to clarify these are not the only things that the aspects are because each aspect is a bunch of things, but if you look at it from a very high level, meta-narratively this is what they represent.
What's up bros?
>mfw rogue of blood
it's tought being a bloodchad
>prince of hope
>blades and gospel
hello fellow bloodchad, prince of blood here.
Huh. Been a bit since I've taken one of these, mostly the same but my aspect has changed from Space to Light. Neat.
keep dreaming weenie
>Land of Tin and Sunlight
>Thief of Hope.
Kinda epic.
forgot pic fuck
i just wish it was an actual game, overseer is fucking dead and no other attempt seem legit
The real Chad version would be Thief of Blood. Your role is literally to cuck people
anyway i'm here to answer the occasional classpect superpower question you have, so hit me with your best shot and i will pick and choose more or less at a whim
>Mage of Heart
I just want everyone to be happy.
Knight of Light
Just don’t try to control them. If you MAKE somebody happy by force, are they really happy?
the easiest way to think of knights and pages is as the anti-thief and rogue - a thief/rogue removes [aspect quality] from something that already has it to move it somewhere else, wheras knights and pages put [aspect quality] from themselves or other things into something that lacks it. what are some ideas associated with light? metanarratively, light is about what the story is currently focusing on, so a knight of light is capable of thrusting themselves or objects they own into the spotlight (like "this is the ancient artifact sword of King user"), which might? bestow upon those objects powers befitting of their importance, but this is aranea/Meat Dirk tier.
on a lower, more video gamey level you're capable of imbuing objects with luck, fortune, and information, like having a book from the prospitan library suddenly turn out to be full of secret codes to the black queen's vault, or having a sword that can somehow only deal critical hits.