>"Enough talking about it! I'm trying to see it!"
This was so embarrassing that EA decided to not have E3 conferences anymore.
>"Enough talking about it! I'm trying to see it!"
This was so embarrassing that EA decided to not have E3 conferences anymore.
Other urls found in this thread:
I felt bad for Jesse, he seems like a genuinely chill guy
>extreme faggot hair
>chill guy
yeah nah. he's a sodomite
>I'm here with my friend nigger
How did he get away with it?
>I got mah boi Marcus here
>he’s an executive producer
>he produced the game
>thank you nigguh
>snorts a kilogram of cocain
>heats up a spoon with crack
>dumps a handfull of amphetamine pills into his mouth
How did Sessler get away with this?
It was just nerves
>EA decided to not have E3 conferences anymore
I fucking wish.
Yeah right, he's just a bit tired.
Tired from all the drugs sending conflicting infomration to this nerve system.
I partially believe his story but mostly it sounds like he fucked up. There's no goddamn way in hell they'd just light up the camera on him without and expect him to say lines he wasn't given.
EA is that incompetent, honestly
He was just trying to be the Hunter Thompson of videogame journalism.
EA being incompetent is something I can believe desu
I remember I legit closed the stream when he popped up because I could tell it was gonna be cringe-inducing already
hey nig thanks for having me
He clearly says "Nick" not nig, Nick is the guy they cut to 10 seconds later. Literally just a non-actor getting the timing of his lines wrong, not really a surprise.
How do you just introduce Marcus, point out that his name is Marcus, and then call him Nick? He clearly was saying "thank you nigga" and cut himself off
Because being broadcasted live in front of a camera with given lines, talking to people you don't know is not the same as having a regular conversation with someone you do know.
maybe he just needs to piss real bad
it's some online live stream for some iranian piston cleaning video game hosted by EA of all companies. in all likeliness, they aren't as professional or prepared as the oscars
yes but he clearly spilt his pasta and it came out sounding like a nickgh
>Be executive producer
>Biggest opportunity to promote your game so your stockholders are happy.
>Some incompetent youtube schmuk spills his spaghetti all over your big moment.
How mad do you think he was?
A step up from having to talk to a crackhead
>thank you nig. Uh...
How did he do it in front of so many?
Yeah, it's a great game.
thanks nig
What was the name of this video again? I know it was some kind of party game stream. I've been trying to find it for years.
This dude is not even black, how can he say the n word?
Why does this guy always have to deal these awkward situations? What do you think is going to happen to him next?
He literally bends the fucking table
interview by a tranny which insists being called ma'am
by only saying half of it
Who was in the wrong here?
When do you think the aderall epidemic in media will be exposed?
It can happen to anyone r-r-right bros?
oh wow
>Thanks N-
Thanks nig-
I'm a youtube creator
>Panicking so bad that he just leaves the stage
Fuck....That stings.
I've seen this gif so many fucking times laughing at it that I've never noticed the table, holy shit!
my actual nightmare
>have to talk to the entire class this monday
>room has at least 100+ people
a-a-any tips?
practice what you are going to say
that is the only way
take it from a guy who had to learn the hard way in college
Pick an empty seat towards the back of the room and talk to it.
If you need to pace back and forwards thats fine.
Be aware of how fast you may be talking and try not to speed talk.
Be prepared for what you're going to say not over produced and scripted but the bullet points should be memorised.
Know what your ending is instead of searching for it mid speech.
Just Imagine you're teaching oblivious five year olds.
don't look them in the eyes, look at their foreheads and they won't know the difference
As much as I hate the dude, that fucking sucks. I don't wish that for anyone.
Just bee yourself
>most people do nothing but use their phones
>some annoying cunt stars asking the most annoying questions
Think about taking a huge shit all over everyone as you walk up and look out at the crowd
Who is he anyway?Famous youtuber or streamer?
>mfw I've done this before
Had to quit university of applied sciences because I couldn't handle this shit with more than 2 people in the same room even with meds.
He used to have a youtube channel where he did pranks on his girlfriend. Not long after his E3 screw up she broke up with him and now he's living in a shitty apartment alone.
>Take a lyre player: he’s relaxed when he performs alone, but put him in front of an audience, and it’s a different story, no matter how beautiful his voice or how well he plays the instrument. Why? Because he not only wants to perform well, he wants to be well received—and the latter lies outside his control.
— Epictetus
Epictetus literally covers this. Check through the Discourses of Epictetus, and search for the section talking about a lyre player.
The short version is that you need to understand what you own vs what you don't own. You own only your own actions, and your own thoughts, the rest are not under your control. Thus the response of the crowd is outside your control. You could give the best performance ever, and everyone hate it. Crowds are arbitrary things.