Well Yea Forums, which Snake do you prefer?

Well Yea Forums, which Snake do you prefer?
My vote goes to Old Snake.

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Low poly Solid Snake. The best one.

Metal Gear 2 Solid Snake

MGS2 Solid Snake > MGS1 Solid Snake > Old Snake > Big Boss = Big Boss > Raid, uh, I mean "Snake"

I prefer this guy, but only because he's hot and aesthetic as fuck compared to Big Boss.
Otherwise, he's just a mute Big Boss with some homosexual haircut but nonetheless the same.

Attached: Big Boss.png (650x806, 1.03M)

Just Snake, as in David. Everything else is retarded copycat bullshit.

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Old Snake kicked the most ass

Mgs2 Snake. A character so great you're not even allowed to play as him outside of the Tanker chapter, and would go on to be Snake's most iconic design.

>choose hoes and ignore the advice of his best buddy Miller
>Let the traitor free even though he is responsible for the death of MSF

Fake BB is giant retard if you asked me

The other guy clearly didn't like Venom for his characterization.


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I never said anything about characterization, dumb asshole. Big Boss does Big Boss stuff regardless if he sucks Ocelot's dick.

In fact, sucking Ocelot's dick makes him just like Big Boss. Big Boss "chose hoes" with Ocelot and his decisions, sucking Ocelot's dick and Big Boss fucked over Kaz by abandoning him, sucking Ocelot's dick.

the medic

>"fake BB" is a retard
>for disregarding Miller
Your "real BB" is also a retard for disregarding Miller and an asshole for abandoning Miller too.


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People rightfully shit on Mgs4 and Old Snake but I always liked his inception from Kojimbo's perspective.
He was like "The fanbase wants a MGS4 with playable Solid Snake to the point where some of them are sending me death threats?! Fine! Enjoy playing as an old decrypt shell of what the character used to be. Hope you like David Hayter's coughing noises!"

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He should have realized westerners aren't faggy twats like japs who want to play with fuckboys like Raiden but instead want rugged, masculine characters

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>catering to fucking women who don't even play videogames
what an absolute dork

The most handsome one

Big Boss with a mullet is sexy.

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GZ BB > Old Snake > MGS3 BB

The PW/GZ sneaking suit is so fucking aesthetic.

Shadow moses solid snake

It really felt like he just let Huey go to avoid GAME OVER TIME PARADOX.

MGS V snake is actually the strongest tho, regardless of which version you like the most

wtf I’m a man and I love Raiden*
*MGR Raiden

MGS 3 and MGS Peace Walker.
I just like snake in those olive drab military fatigues. Plus that CCCP sneaking suit looked cool but kinda clunky

I'm in the minority with MPO BB. That sneaking suit looked cool as fuck to me. Hooker boots and all.

Huey committing suicide by drowning in a pool was already established in the story before MGSV's existence so Bibo killing Huey wouldn't make sense.

If Kojima didn't write Huey committing suicide, Bibo would have definitely executed/pulled the trigger on Huey 100%.

MGS2 Snake. Bro-Ops with Otacon, a man awoken to justice by Gray Fox, he had it all with none of the drawbacks of Old Snake. Dave in general will always be the best.

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MGS1 sneaking suit is fucking /fa/ and practical because it's suited for arctic climates.

>V BiBo
>is actually the strongest
Also the most fattiest, just look at that smooth, gigantic arm of his. What a gluttony, monstrous beauty.

Attached: bibo.jpg (267x370, 28K)

wut? based on what? but we know 1 thing about BB and fake BB, they're both fucking stupid .

>I just woke up from a coma, should contact my buddy miller or follow this wierdo that I haven't seen in 20 years and his obviously stupid plan to create a body double
>Liquid been trying to kill me from day 1, surely there's nothing to bring him and his nigger crew to my base.
What should we do with this lady that was trying to kill since the day you woke up? I know, recruit her!!

Why does smash bros have big boss but calls him snake?

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It's a horrible combination of Snake and Big Boss to "please both fans" while actually not doing it for either. They should have just used Dave.