Was he right?

Was he right?

Attached: Yandere Sim Framerate.jpg (963x397, 46K)

Other urls found in this thread:


How graphically intensive is this game, really?

Gotta say he's got balls for admitting to be a shit programmer

It's not, he's shit at coding.

In his case he's wrong, but he's right that laptops aren't gaming hardware related.

Mobile GPUs can do amazing things these days, boy. They're also expensive as all fuck.

No, he's just a moron who can't code for shit.

I can run every single 2018 release at 50-60fps with no real drops on this piece of shit "republic of gamers" laptop I bought years ago.
EvaxEphon is just a shitty coder who managed to strike gold on exploiting his fellow autists for profits

Attached: evaxephon4.png (1136x640, 198K)

The GPUs past (educated guess)2008 shouldn't have much of a problem. It shouldn't be graphically intensive from the looks of it. Same goes for the CPU. But still, if you want an accurate understanding, you'll have to bench a well made resource intensive game and compare the two.

This guy is basically Yea Forums personified. I wouldn't be surprised if he posts here.
Notice how he immediately accuses the reader of poorfagism to conceal his own incompetence and his game's lack of optimization.
inb4 assblasted stadia shills, don't (you) me

>Yandere Sim
>Graphic Intensive

Attached: 1555280471285.gif (300x173, 347K)

>you need a high end PC to compare strings millions of times at 30 fps

Attached: 1559928492461.png (225x255, 114K)

>he can't even run his shitty looky game at 60fps

Big words from a (((man))) who uses stolen assets.

Isn't this a case of poor coding hogging the CPU, and not the game being "graphically intense"?

How new are you?

>I wouldnt be surprised if he posted here
He DID post here. The idea for his game came from Yea Forums which is why its such a dumpster fire. That, and his extreme ego and lack of coding skills meaning his """game""' will never be complete.
Fuck, he's been working on the first rival for over 4 years now

>you need to get a job

balls on this kike

I don't know what kind of weeb shit Yandere sim is, but he's right about the people who complain about low FPS. I have a high end PC and I never get framerate drops at all, ever. Just build a proper PC you plebs

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new fucking faggot

He's got a point but he's just using it to defend his shitty, lazy, worse than spaghetti code.

>hire someone to fix your shitty code which is just a neverending if-else statement
>fire him because you're too stupid to understand the new code
>go back to the old code and make an even bigger mess out of it

get FUCKED zoomers
jump off a cliff with your "gayming laptops"

Poorfags gonna cope, let me guess 4k is a meme as well right?
Neck you'reselves retards.

Pretty sure someone once linked a piece of code that showed pathing and whatnot being recalculated on the update cycle, aka every possible frame, using the CPU. So yes, it's nothing to do with graphics, just shitty game logic management (also looking for variables every frame using whatever Unity has, wasn't it GetComponent()?)

It's a fucknig unity cell shaded game with prebaked models

now play yandere sim and say that again


>muh silky smooth 30 fps and lovecraftian code
how does this kike still get patreonbuxs wtf

his game is cpu bottlenecked.

Lol it's a unity game. Tencent morons can code the pubg ripoff just fine

yanderedev isn't even human at this point

Shut the hell xylophone. Your code is shit and the game looks like a ps2 game with shittier graphics and yet runs like ass. You just suck dick at coding and your game is garbage and will be forgotten in no time.

Yandere garbage is the definition of ironic weeb trash
Kill yourself either way

i think he is more of a left

imagine being at computers

Attached: 8e6.png (828x801, 149K)

The premade models are unoptimized with 20 billion triangles even though they're PSP tier. He has no idea how to model or do graphics whatsoever so he can't fix it.

>Visually unimpressive Unity game demands a high-end PC
No, he wasn't right.

Anyone read this in his voice?

>"if you want to play Yandere Sim at high FPS (...) played by adults"

holy shit this guy is annoying. Why do retards still pay him to talk trash them?

Go play fucking Natsuiro High School instead. Yandere Sim will never be finished

Every. Single. Time someone complains about a game being shit or "poorly optimized" it turns out their playing on mobile hardware designed to be throttled when hot, which is all the time because it's a fucking laptop.

does anyone have the screencaps where got butthurt and posted on Yea Forums about how they could've had the perfect game but were too mean?

Remember when people said the same shit about ARK? What a fucking hack

he's fallen into such irrelevancy that i forgot he existed

>Go play fucking Natsuiro High School instead.
We can't all read nip, you weeb shill.

what is wrong with that, i'm sorry for being bad at coding

People like this exist?

Attached: 2e0.jpg (593x796, 64K)

got to be glad that I was never stupid enough to make my teenage memoirs so easily viewable on the internet, if I actually made it big in the future I am going to use an alias that will never be traced back to my old internet identities.


I'm not good at coding either but i saw some image that you could fit all those ifs into 3-4 lines of coding instead of the thousands he has.

>I wouldn't be surprised if he posts here.
>probably doesn't know why he got popular on Yea Forums outside of his shit game in the first place

all tourists should be fucking shot

That's a nice convenient excuse you found for all games out there that need more dev work.

He isnt though. Hes sub 3k, hes making 2.3k per month, not even counting what Patreon takes away.

This is YS though, which tanks in framerate if you so much as talk to one NPC. It isnt even that visually impressive either or should be so graphically demanding.

Looks fucking fine, retard.

As someone who experiments with low-end Windows PCs I know that's bullshit.
You can play Soul Calibur VI and Dragonball Fighterz on a 7020U/7Y30 PC with Intel HD 620 graphics with some tweaking.

A coder wouldn't be so stupid to not to use event-listeners right? I mean noone would be so dumb to use if else chains every frame right? Lol Someone post the code

There is nothing graphically intensive about yandere sim, It looks like a second life minigame.
Imagine being this big of a newfag.

this is the equivalent of youtube using excel for a database

basically, he has one object for all his characters, so everytime something happens, he needs to check if the character is a teacher, student or whatever, then instead of having an enum or something for his witnessing states, he has fucking strings, wich mean that if he renames a state, he has to ctrl+f his whole fucking app.

also if else if else if is really bad for performance, he should use switch case wich skips everything once it got the right path

Shit dude, if I could sit on my ass and do literally nothing for more than half a decade and still get 2.3k a month, I'd take it.

Be careful, you'll have autists desperately trying to figure out who you once were, one slip-up and they'll nail your old identity.

Fucking newfags, lurk before you post.

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this one ?

>Excessive computation by comparing strings instead of booleans
>Nested if-else means that code is harder to maintain
You might be thinking of pic.

Attached: Code_2019-06-08_15-21-05.png (678x313, 21K)

Where have you been for like 5 years?

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t. spaghetti coder

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Yes, but look at the endgame. His funds are dwindling, even the morons that still pay his patreon are beginning to realise they've been scammed. Once that dries up he has no income, most likely no long-term savings because he's an idiot, and there's no fucking way anyone's gonna give him a programming job.

The dude's gonna be forced to suck cock on the streets just to survive by 2025.

badly optimized shaders is probably why it's laggy on shit laptops

it reminds me of the very first game i made once i learned about if and else statements. was a text novel game lol

The game isn't graphically impressive desu. On my shit laptop, I've had games that looked better and ran better.

But TO BE FAIR, Yandev being a shit coder or not has the right to choose their target specs. What's lacking is his way of expressing it, however.


The nested checks are pretty much not checked at all if the parent conditional gets a false. Since when did a bunch of boolean checking get so expensive? That shit is literally micro optimization, no?

I was referring to the game's performance.

All those Elifs add up, You don't need a whole 8.5x11 double-spaced 12 point Times New Roman MLA format paper to do what is essentially checking if a player has met one or more failure conditions and executing the relevant loop, while showing the highest priority cause of failure.

Uh huh, sure bud.

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All the checks run every frame.

what the fuck OP he won't stop fucking crying in his discord over this thread

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In the case of the worst case scenario is this.Witnessed == "Weapon".
In this case, the if-else block will check 3 times for the string "Weapon" (18 ops) + 1 comparison for "Blood and Insanity".
It doesn't look like much, but clever (or rather, not stupid) usage of booleans makes the piece of code run 19 times faster.

His game is shit but he's right about Yea Forums not being worth soliciting.

Normally when you demand higher specs is because the game's visuals or mechanics justify it. Dwarf Fortress doesn't have "graphics" per se but the simulation is so complex it can melt your CPU with enough dwarves (and toady also can't into multithreading). I don't see anything in this that would require the specs it demands, other than lack of optimization.

Well you can't definitively say that, right? How many conditionals have you seen?
Still, it should be nothing though. Then again, you can bench it if you want to know for sure.

Imagine falling for this shit.

He's right about that, but his reasoning for it it is completely retarded. He hates Yea Forums because Yea Forums didn't constantly tell him his game is perfect and great and basically act as a hugbox to feed his ego.

Just look at his conversation with the Skullgirls dev. He literally doesn't want any actual criticism, he just wants people kissing his ass and telling him how great he is.

w-what is it

>work a job
Says the faggot who doesn't have an actual job and instead relies on scamming retarded kids out of their parents money.

huh, yeah, that's some overhead alright. Though I'm still not convinced that the overhead because of the checks is THAT bad, you'd need a lot of those. I'll probably have to bench.

Trying to understand what he's doing just fucks with my head. Not because of the shitty wall of if else, but because I have to try to understand how he designed this system, and I can't come up with anything that is even remotely decent.

Either he stores what they witnessed in a string every frame and then runs pic, or he sets the string value when the appropriate event fires and then runs pic, in either case that's fucking retarded.

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>Yea Forums "graduated" from posting twitter posts to posting discord posts
i'm just about done with this godforsaken board

Attached: lm.png (307x53, 4K)

Oh right he chimped out because MikeZ (That was him right?) called out his spaghetti code

These things are super easy to forget

Why would you play games on a laptop when you are not traveling around?

>shit display
>shit mouse+keyboard
>heat, noise, low performance
>shit audio
>caveman ergonomics

>just plug in monitor, mouse keyboard and external speakers + docking bay lmao

>be scammer faggot turboloser scamming retards out of their money
>look like a massive fucking eyesore to top it off
>go to safe space
>scammed retards with emotional attachment to their purchase are nice to you
>go to not safe space
>get treated as you should
He's as dumb as he is ugly.

>3 years in early access for a unity game that nips can shit out in a few weeks for a porn game
>spaghetti code that is never fixed or refined
>fires coder for fixing his code but was too much of a brainlet to understand it
>any comment that isn't complete dicksucking is considered trolling
>Just sits around all day lurking his hugbox
>"No, it was Yea Forums that was wrong!"

Attached: 1507241809723.gif (528x292, 1.77M)

>somewhat above 30 FPS is all he can get for his own game
>tries to preach to others about getting a job and buying a decent rig to play his game

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I think the point is that that's just one example of poorly optimized code. I get your point, but to say the game is optimized and the problem falls on the player's machine is just flat out wrong

Reading comprehension nigger

There's no point pandering to Yea Forums. do you think anybody here is going to play his game? no, it's all his underrage fans.

>the creator of the game doesn't havs a PC good enough to run his own game at 60fps
lmao what a fucking retard.

No, we don't play games here but that's besides the point.

Someone post his face.

I remember when he had like $5K+ a month for this shit.

Attached: file.png (289x418, 80K)

Like anyone with his shittier coding would think this place would love him

still more than you make

I remember when his twitch was *slightly* popular too. Now he gets like, I think 60 viewers, maybe a bit more per stream

Sure YandereDev

Pic looks like it sets it's entity as student/player/teacher. 'Witnessed' is probably looking for some sort of 'PlayerState' string from the player's component, then gets compared to the hardcoded strings. That's what it looks like to me at least. Your former guess of what he did sounds too careless, but who knows.

seething and obsessed

Why would you bother posting that? Either you're yanderedev or you think he actually deserves that money.
Either way I feel bad for you


imagine your magnum opus being a shitty unity game for teenagers

>Yandare sim
>graphically intense
more like spaghetti code and zero optimization

I suppose its a step up from being a gaiafag

I spent my teenage years here, despite the rules, so I'm in the clear.

Imagine being YandereDev. By now, he's surely realised that no matter what happens to his game or the state it releases in, it will never justify the years he's spent toiling away at it. It'll release with no fanfare at all and will be forgotten about immediately, if anyone even remembers it by the time it comes out.

>Tfw you make more than Yan dev out of college.
Feels good man

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>tfw make less than him and still feel good
Either way, it is just better to not be him

>years he's spent toiling away at it

lmao, he spends most of his time reading emails.

there have been several Yea Forums games, and there is even a fucking general on /vg/ for game dev too.
some of them are successful as fuck, Eva is just a fucking faggot that can't take criticism or ignore the shitposters

You know it's bad when even fucking reddit had similar issues that he bitched about in that image

Yeah, it was MikeZ. The best part is that he was being super polite about it, at least until Eva showed his true colors of being an unlikable whiny bastard and everyone started taking turns to shit on him to make him go away.

Just not being YandereDev is good enough for me.

>thread reminds me of this game's existence
>check YandereDev's YT channel to see how it has progressed in the 6 months since I last saw any footage (making sure to watch at 1.25x speed)
>same copypasted Unity models, same unfinished UI, same clunky animations
>2.5 million subscribers and over a million views on each progress report


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Even minimum wage cucks are much better off than Eva. Once he runs out of supporters, he's fucking boned because Yandere Sim is the absolute worst thing that can happen to your resume, it's safer to just have a big ol' resume gap than curse your career with a 5+ year project that just screams I AM EXCEPTIONALLY BAD AT PROGRAMMING AND GAME DESIGN PLUS MY WORK ETHIC MAKES YOU PUKE, PLEASE DO NOT HIRE ME. Looking at his past achievements does not look much better either, it's just low level QA monkey shit.

He's basically destined to a future of burger flipping or worse, at least wagies have a functional resume to build off of for a better career.

Wait, so what happens if he wants to add another Witnessed variable?

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>you could have had a developer at your beck and call
i don't know about here but the other place sorta kinda does have that

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Ironic Facebook weebs and SEAniggers

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>tfw my 9yo niece somehow loves this game and plays a mobile clone that runs better
I just don' t get the appeal to kids aside from ultraviolence

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>his game was featured in a music video with over 8 million views
Hows it feel to know you'll never be this relevant Yea Forums?

Attached: 12.png (193x185, 59K)

He and most indie developers are straight up bad at making games. Sometimes your code might sacrifice performance or stability to just work. No one expects every piece of code to be perfect as long as it works and doesn't negatively effect the game, but when a game as graphically simple as this one struggles to run at 30 FPS on any machine, it's the developers fault entirely.

Realistically, if you are making a 3D game then your coding should never effect performance. We are at the point where processors are powerful enough to do more or less anything you could want.
We're at a point where you can have 40,000+ AIs running at once with no lag. Where you can have colossal worlds generated and run without any issue at all.
If you want to make a game, there is honestly no system at all that should be causing any kind of performance issues unless it is badly made.

Really, performance mostly goes on rendering graphics in games these days and that is mostly post processing effects which are trying to do crazy shit.

Attached: im a forest now.jpg (1811x964, 698K)

>Realistically, if you are making a 3D game then your coding should never effect performance.
This REALLY depends on your game, take something like stress or fluid simulation for example.
>We're at a point where you can have 40,000+ AIs running at once with no lag.
Incredibly simple AI, yes.

He steals all his ideas from Yea Forums and cries when he doesn't get money or respect. Figures.

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>everyone afraid to call out his shit game to his face cause he will go columbine on your ass potential
>a place with anonymity can give honest feedback and does so on this garbage game

it's a real fucking mystery i tell ya, we're gonna need the scooby gang for this one.

He is using unity right? There is a video of some demo running in Unity where it has I think 50,000 AIs in some kind of war zone.
Can only find this but there is another full video somewhere and you can even download and run this demo yourself. It's obviously not the smartest AI ever but for it's purpose it's more than adequate.

You are probably right about things like fluid simulation. But you know what? When is a game ever going to need high quality, realistic fluid simulation? In most cases it's never going to.

This is how the first step in game optimisation works. You don't do what you don't need to do, you use simple systems unless you specifically need something complex like fluid simulation.

I'll say it again. If a game runs like ass, it's because of bad developers. We are at the point where if you know what you are doing you can make almost anything run well.

YanSim AI SHOULD be extremely simple. It isn't fucking Dwarf Fortress, all he realistically needs is some simple routine to move the NPCs between select locations at select times and switch over to a more sophisticated one once they're visibly interacting with the player. Hell, you don't even need to actually load the models until they cross paths with the player.

just some user's circlejerk discord he wants Yea Forums anons to join because he wants to make friends but he's a stupid faggot that uses discord

if you think we were making fun of him for not making more money, you're an underage idiot. practice lurking before speaking not just here, but in real life.

My laptop can run all 2019 games on higher settings just fine with my current gaming laptop.
It was a fucking expensive laptop, sure, but I travel a lot so I have no choice.

Gaming laptops nowadays are pretty capable compared to 5 years ago.

Like he said, simple AIs.

And it's not like this yandere game should have complex AIs. The AIs in that video I posted are probably much more complex than anything needed in what looks like a simple stealth game.

And after looking at this guys code some more, yeah he is just that bad at making games. I'm seeing him doing a lot of stuff that Unity explicitly tells you don't do.
If an engine explicitly says don't do this because it'll tank your games performance, but you do it anyway, then your game running like ass is entirely your own fault.

Friendly reminder that a publisher, TinyBuild, reached out to him to help him publish and develop the game and sent over a good programmer to fix the code.
When said programmer saw how actually fucked up YandereDev's code was, he asked if he could just redo the whole coding.
YandereDev got butthurt that an actual good programmer the publisher sent told him that his code sucked, ranted about it online (of course he did) then broke off with TinyBuild because the programmer's code was very efficient and above his level by a mile and he didn't understand any of it because he actually can't code beyond what the 5 - 10 first YouTube tutorials online teach.

I don't want defend eva, but, his game is more a school sim than just a stealth game.

it isn't graphically impressive, visually it's like any other generic slice-of-life anime.

Yan dev's code is incredibly inefficient and thus causes the game move in an incredibly sluggish fashion


Attached: screenshot-graphtreon.com-2019.06.08-17-22-13.png (1096x508, 50K)

Id rather be a janny before I turn into him

If you don't render that map in small chunks, or with some LOD, you are stupid dev.