*destroys the rpg genre*

nothing personell kid

>inb4 its not the engine
physics is tied to framerate
they cant even implement climbable ladders
no occlusion culling (thats why they need loading screen for wardrobe)
and many more
if they want to fix those they need to rewrite whole engine, which is same as changing engine, but they wont

dont buy bethesda games, send them into oblivion

Attached: gamebryo.jpg (320x175, 3K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Literally none of those things have to do with the engine
You don't know what an engine is

They never said they CAN’T add ladders, they said adding ladders fucked up the AI and they couldn’t be bothered to unfuck it.

sure thing bethesda shill, it absolutely is tied to the engine, only retards would deny. also you didnt provide any counterpoints

>Implement working ladders

Reminder that Gamebryo wasn't made by Bethesda

Yes they are you absolute brainlet

Of course not, even something as shitty as gamebryo is too competent for Bethesda

what op said isn't exactly true, but as a modder, engine definetly shows and it is difficult to implement any novel things with it.

many other modders absolutely hate it and bethesda definetly needs to either change it or rewrite some core stuff. but no, they will use it well into 2020s at least.

Attached: Skyrim-mods-Bear-Musician.jpg (1280x720, 351K)

>esl shitposters

Attached: 18119095_1145569818903983_457063140475487719_n (1).jpg (960x539, 54K)

bethesda isnt gamedev company, its modding company. they just mod the morrowing a bit

only a poor craftsman blames his tools, even if the tools are shit; a good craftsman could still manage to make something that is not obviously crap.

>tfw bethesda is poor craftsman with even poorer tools

Tell us more about how occlusion culling isn't related to the engine.

They could totally add ladders to their games. If they can do power armour entry that should be easy.

All of those are lies, and I will keep buying Bethesda games just to spite you.

your loss mate not mine. but if you just keep buying shit games, they will keep producing shit games.

>it's a dumb gamers think they understand what a game engine is or even how to make real games thread episode

Attached: 1530203084459.gif (440x247, 2.96M)

It's fine because I don't think they're shit.

>nobody knows how to make real games
>but i do, thats how i know that they dont
yeah sure thing retard

Many people know how to make real games. But not you or any of the retards itt.