What games make you feel the most comfy?

What games make you feel the most comfy?

Attached: cozy pep.png (1334x750, 899K)

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Stronghold and Knights of the Old Republic

botw, just exploring shit is peak comfyness



Wind waker
really comfy for me

Darkwood and S.T.A.L.K.E.R

I liked Origins. Riding a camel through the desert was very comfy


Zelda games in general are /comfy/
For me it's Ocarina of Time just riding around Hyrule Field on epona
the only exception is Majoras Mask, its definitely a good game but I can never chill while playing it bc
>pic related

Attached: Moon.png (362x366, 147K)

SimCity 4
C&C Generals
Darkest Dungeon
Casually levelling in vanilla WoW

Mightve missed something. I'm so happy vidya is my hobby.

Max Payne 3.

Attached: mp3_.jpg (1200x800, 132K)

I cant believe with how fucking popular John Wick and shit like that is, that there are not more games based on semi-realistic gunplay, with gunporn galore, and sick physics/AI engines like in MP3

my man

Attached: icicle_inn.png (512x448, 233K)

fo4 for me at the moment. slapping together a shoddy wood hut and sitting by a fire pit listening to a thunderstorm makes me feel all kinds of cozy

Mafia 1, I replay it every 1-2 years.

Custom Robo
Timesplitters 2
Mortal Kombat 3

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More like because impending doom and constant time ticking.

I bought it on the Switch to replay it again and playing it handheld is great, especially with the 3x speed option.

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MP3 is not comfy at all, unless you are a br or something
MP1 and MP2 a lot better in this regard

s p y r o

Attached: Haunted_Towers_PS1.png (1920x1080, 1.49M)

The last game that made me feel this way was Dragon quest builders, oddly enough.

It's probably because i'm older now, but I just can't find any games with that special kind of charm.

For me, it's Ground Control 2

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Harvest Moon: A Wonderful Life

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Stick of truth


Attached: The village.jpg (1400x8215, 1.98M)

All 3 Witcher games.
Lord of the Rings Online.
Knights of the Old Republic.

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Heroes of Might and Magic III

MHW is pretty comfy

This picture goes better with the sound.


Animal Crossing
Fable 2
Battlefield 2
Lego Battles
Pokemon Platinum

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No. I would post it but this site is too scared of webms with sound.

Trails in the Sky FC.

Attached: 292.jpg (1205x731, 578K)


well yeah thats what i meant
im always stressed whenever i replay it because the moon is about to fuck shit up in 3 days time