Hidetaka Miyazaki and George R.R. Martin are sitting in a room together with a notepad...

Hidetaka Miyazaki and George R.R. Martin are sitting in a room together with a notepad. The notepad is titled "IDEAS" and there's nothing underneath it. What's the first idea they came up with?

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1. rip off LotR

Big ol’ dragons

A tax system! (woe is us, we are in hock to the Iron Bank of Braavos! King Robert spent soooo much in his time! Oh, btw Littlefinger knows how to wrangle funds from his whorehouses! Economy saved!

1. Jump on the Nordic bandwagon

not-Gwyn's tax policy

ASOIAF is superior though.



something about celts
there are elves fairies, centaurs, wolves, antlers
huge castle in the distance
there is some sort of "corruption"
everything is surrounded in mist
there's a witch tree house somewhere

Which has nothing to with the topic "Elden Ring". Why are GoT fans so defensive?

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how to write a barefoot girl into the story

The Ring of Nibelung

dude berserk lmao

Why is your IQ so room temperature?

Demon named Damon


We all know what you were implying.

George RR Martin gives himself a self insert as a librarian character, complete with pink mast.

I could agree if the fat man had finished his story. A terrible story is always better than an unfinished story.

Shouldn't you be busy seething about your awful ending?

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i dont think whoever came up with this title knows what "elden" means

Viking + LOTR :)


Humanity vs Nature themes + beautiful decay

Assuming Elden Ring was the game GRRM consulted on, I doubt it was for anything significant. They probably just want to use his name.

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retard spotted

>enter dreary, misty, undead filled bog
>'Myrish Swamp' appears in big bold letters on the screen

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1. NEVER EVER on Switch.

George has a tantrum because there's no rapeincest yet nor diarrhea women.

Hopefully it was "let the players create their own characters again"

Fuck the forced MUH KATANA SAMURAI SUPERIOR NIPPON WARRIOR bullshit in Sekiro. No, I don't give a fuck how many "options" the game gives me, the main weapon was a fucking katana


make the main character like mad queen daenerys but with better build up

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It wasnt an RPG though, it was a singleplayer adventure game.

>but muh bloodborne 2



That wasnt the fat mans fault. D&D are just fucking hacks who have about a thimblefull of a brain between them. Just look at how Varys, Littlefinger and Tyrion went full retard after the book material ended and they were on their own

t. tranny

Good boss fights.

Attached: Dark Souls - Knight Artorias Fight.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

Tanimura is working on Bloodborne 2 right now

>You'll never get me pot of gold! Chase me for 10 minutes!
your reaction?

You completely missed the point of that passage.

Immortality is bad

Probably gave ideas for the world building. I feel itll have an even more fleshed out story and lore than any Soulsborne.

If its as memeable as AAAAAAAAH KOS then I'd be absolutely fine with it

heres your boss fight bro

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shitting in the grass mechanic

>implying that's not a great passage


>point of that passage
Please explain to us then Yea Forums. We're just dying to know.

1. Immortality Bad
2. Wyverns (but we'll call them dragons)
3. Tax policies

>The protagonist has to come up with a good tax policy for his village using excel


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the point was to IMAGINE THE SMELL

Why did George complain about tax policies when there are no tax policies in his own books? The economics don't even make any sense, how the hell do the Ironborn have so many ships? Where do they get all of their wood from?


It will be about how immortality is bad but ironically George will die before he finishes writing for it so it will get released with a disappointing and abrupt ending

>Where do they get all of their wood from?
The forest.

okay but he's right

hopefully this game deals with orkish tax policy

Tax policy

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>George will die

he's a healthy adult, why would he be dying anytime soon?

If I were the Ironborn and I was so pants on head retarded that I was actually considering another rebellion after I just got curbstomped instead of say, sending my ships to raid fucking Essos where nobody gives a fuck, I'd be stealing lumber from the north. The western shoreline is huge and empty, perfect place to slip some loggers in.

Gwyn's tax policy

Literally what did he rip from LotR

my switch collects dust, does that console have games?

pseuds who read LOTR think everything high fantasy is a rip off of it

That’s the TV show zoomie the books probably aren’t gonna get finished though. Who do you guys think is gonna write this shit if Martin croaks?

Nothing. I'm talking about "Elder Ring".

>Sunset found her squatting in the grass, groaning. Every stool was looser than the one before, and smelled fouler. By the time the moon came up, she was shitting brown water. The more she drank the more she shat, but the more she shat, the thirstier she grew.
Truly a master of the written word. As if Shakespeare and Tolkien had a spiritual child.

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Considering it was a pioneer of its field then yes, all high fantasy is a LotR rip off one way or the other. Of course theres nothing wrong with that, thats just what happens.

But what was Sunset's tax policy?

George R. R. Martin: I was thinking of a vast JRPG with options for dozens of potential storylines, based on faction and character selection. The will be enjoyable and entertaining.

Fromsoft: If it doesn't include frustrating, over-tuned enemies, and a lack of story, we don't know how to do it

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Giorgio Armartin really, really wants you to know about his diarrhea fetish.

Finish the BOOKS you fat FUCK

Player is taxed on death.

I thought Jorge said somewhere that he was completely focusing on ASOIAF now? What happened to that?

Some kind of liquid tithe apparently.

What's up vaatii, still can't get past Lady Butterfly?

The more you drink, the more you must shit.

Game of thrones x Dark Souls with different name

t. only played soulsborne games while ignoring From's other games

I hope they don't go for a Norse theme, they'll get BTFO by santa monica and GoW

that's not even a fucking word


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>GRRM: Also the player's three stats need to be Rape, Incest and Tax Policy

It's die Nibelungen you moron

How do people not yet understand that GoT is fucking historical fanfiction at this point?

HAHA you're joking right
why is he making story videos
i beat lady butterfly on my first try early game

Entire OST is a random Enya "Best Of" CD

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Doesn't seem to be a word at all

>Another Soulsbournekiro shit


first game to feature dick less men in character creation

Dark Souls + rape
>would play honestly

>Kojima hiring all those western actors and directors
>FromSoft working with GRRM
More jap studios will begin to do this in the next years


He's not going to finish. Even if he finishes Winds of Winter he needs to finish at LEAST one more book, and that's stretching it because there's no way in hell he can finish the entire series in 2 books, he needs at least 3. He takes longer and longer with each book, Dance with Dragons took him 6 years and Winds of Winter is currently taking him 9 years (will take him at least 10, since he claims August 2020 but he's always shit with dates). At that pace it'll take him easily 14 years to release Dream of Spring, and that's assuming he isn't going to release another book after that anyways.

in what way are the two alike?

it means growing older

Why do you automatically assume he's talking about Game of Thrones?

>santa monica and GoW
Yeah, I too remember how nuGoW was so faithful to the Norse lore.

>not going for SL1 eunuch runs


You know all the shit hinted in the books about Asshai? Just dump it all in the game and here you have a lore that most people won't even realise it's from asoiaf

>Jon Snow went from having a crazy plot armor to an indestructible one from the scene with the crow flying at the speed of light and the scene with the dragon was insanely predictable
>Varys sets his chain of information almost on the spot and literally everyone was expecting that to happen which is why he died like a moron
>Littlefinger was killed before his ultimate plan was revealed, the night king lore they've been hinting at since forever is abruptly interrupted in an hour and half of fighting
>HBO wanted them to have 10 seasons but they wanted to cut it short to work on star wars
>After 2 years of wait for the last season this rushed bullshit is what we got
It's actually sad seeing how badly they ruined a show that was very good

What's the problem with this?

Celts =/= Vikings

People tend to get diarrhea. He left nothing to the imagination. I would have preferred a passage where Cersei had constipation though

>this one post makes all the GoTrannies seethe

>What's the problem with this?
The gear is doing all the work and the player is playing fairly badly.
I think the complaint is that in Dark Souls you can just overlevel and let your stats do the work instead of playing better.

Sunset found her squatting in the swamp level, groaning.

GoT is tranny repellent.

>you can just overlevel and let your stats do the work instead of playing better
Doesn't this apply to all RPGs?

Elden means cock?

Subversions require base material to subvert. Without LotR and Tolkiens ideas ASOIAF wouldnt exist. Once again there is nothing wrong with this, its how a genre forms, everyone rips off LotR to some degree. Plus Numenor and Valyria are practically siblings.

this is why fromsoft is so much better at lore than other producers
>fromsoft: great bosses with their own story while also being mythological and literary references, not too on the nose
>god of war developers (literal who): hey you know that god? let's go kill him as our mary sue character!

Kratos isn't a Mary Sue in Norse GoW

You can make a far better case for that in the original GoW trilogy

>Acting like it wasn't

he's subverting basic story telling conventions none of them are specific to LotR

In lets say turn based RPGs the character building and set up is the entire gameplay really
In Souls there is also the action part
You can beat entire souls games with just your fist and all stats at the lowest if you know what you are doing.
In that webm the character building is used to "ruin" the action gameplay.

Shut the fuck up.
Don’t even joke about that.

Yeah, remember when Baldr was a fucking asshole to everyone in the mythology?
I don't.

He has said multiple times that he is subverting LotR mate. That this was 'his answer' to it

the only reason he isnt is because they made all the bosses low level jobbers because they want to setup another trilogy
though i do agree

>You can make a far better case for that in the original GoW trilogy
He is a straight up villain who should not succeed and isn't liked by fucking anyone.

First person FromSoftware is back baby, collaborating with George R.R. Martin means that you want the casual western crowd, souls faggots BTFO!

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Everything they have done has been gothic why would they do norse now, it doesn't fit dark fantasy?

Hm yeah true
But the only way to really make everything totally balanced would be to take out the entire leveling system
Or have enemies scale with the player, but that would be awful

Wasn't there some norse shit in one of the souls games?

>dark souls

There are so many norse references in DS are you kidding

Is George actually a bad writer or is this lit and tv trying to be edgy by hating on popular things? The show is pretty good when the writers have their hands held by the books.

The argument is that the combination in Dark Souls is badly balanced and you can't just say it has good gameplay overall.

He's a character from a greek tragedy. An asshole who's downfall was brought about by his own character flaws. Thats why he's so much better in the original game.


>there are people out there that unironically believe this

Its pretty alright, but George has his moments of utter retardation. Its not Dune, hell its not even Deltora Quest, but its still worth a read.

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asoiaf is low fantasy tho


he's pretty good, asoiaf is worth reading for jaime chapters alone.

I would say that means it's well balanced. The difficulty scales to whatever you want.

broke: new from action game with grrm story fuck yeah!
woke: fromsoft doing grandstrat managing tax policies

Its low fantasy sitting in the ruins of high fantasy while even more high fantasy is coming up on the horizon.

I want medieval nordic souls, not viking souls

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ASOIAF was historical fanfiction for only the first book

There could be limits in place to not have super terrible gameplay like shown in the webm

Like Bloodborne not having shields forces you to actually play the more enjoyable way.

Fucking Deltora Quest. I LOVED that shit as a kid, though i don't remember it barely at all now. Is it a Yea Forums meme or something?

We'll see. If he ever finishes the books.

No he isn't, he gets 99% of what he wants. He becomes the God of War, he kills Zeus and screws over the Greek gods, etc. If anything that fits Norse GoW more because he actually regrets everything he's done and his fear of his son knowing his past makes it difficult for them to bond, which is the only thing he actually wants in that game

he doesn't borrow much from Tolkien at all definitely not enough to be called a rip off

>he gets 99% of what he wants.
Doesn't the game end up with him killing himself because he doesn't get what the gods have promised him?

No idea, Yea Forums is for fags, but its definitely my meme. I still have the entire series somewhere.

This game was so kino

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>letting a fat old foreigner touch your game

Japs have made a huge mistake and they will regret

No he does that as a middle finger to Athena. He has the "hope" inside Pandora's box inside him and Athena asks for it, but he stabs himself to give it to humanity instead.

Fucker Kratos lost his entire god damn family because of his anger issues. Did you just forget that? He literally Hercules'd them

Cheese is always a thing, but you have a point. I feel like the limit of the terribleness often scales in proportion to the number of options/depth of the RPG mechanics though.

Well he was technically "tricked by Ares"
But then again that trick probably wouldn't have worked on someone who is not a retarded rage monster.

is it viking norse shit? so fucking bored of that

If those niggers rip off Ring of Nibelung and call it Elden ring I'm never buying a From game ever again. Jesus Christ how hacky can one studio be.

Is deltora's quest still worth reading? I feel bad for missing out on it.

>What it'll be
Medieval euro setting
>What it should be
Bronze age hellenic setting

You could have bosses scale with your gear and level. but then again if the players know about that they'll find a way to abuse it and it becomes an unintended part of the gameplay and gives them control over the universe to a bigger degree

Personally I also prefer if games err on just accepting that it can be broken like that webm
I don't ever have to chose to play as bad as that and I can have the full experience.

celtic most likely

>make a game out of established myths and stories
how is this a bad thing? do you want more games like life is strange?

Shit like that webm is the exception, not the rule. As funny as it may sound, the guy in the webm knows what he's doing and you won't ruin your experience like him unless you want to. A fresh player doesn't know the most optimal gear setups, or that the game will allow you to get away with the stupidest shit if you have enough poise

This user over here asking the real questions.

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Yeah, but him getting angry doesn't actually bite him in the ass in any of the games except Norse GoW. There is no moment where Kratos repeats his mistake with his family, for example, and kills Pandora or someone else he cares about out of blind rage. It just fuels and drives him. It doesn't come back to bite him in the ass until Norse GoW. The original GoW trilogy was not a tragedy, it was just a revenge plot

From what I remember it would probably be entertaining for a nostalgia trip if nothing else. Without that it depends on how much you can enjoy kids fiction.

what viking shit is:
>everything is brown, grey and white/blue
>everyone is a macho retard who only cares about fighting and honor
what it should be:
>fat assed valkyries with hair of gold and those curly golden bracelets
>divine bards who sing warriors into existence
>magic items everywhere
>everyone wears bright/expensive colours
>seers and immortals
THEN you can have the macho retards

Immortal humans transformed into abominations, but they also have huge dongs

Agreed. Breaking the game can be part of the fun.

>Bronze age

>Yeah, but him getting angry doesn't actually bite him in the ass in any of the games except Norse GoW.
First game is entirely about that though.

Haven't played the entirety of the Norse GoW because it was such a boring walk and talk movie to me.

>gather the chaos emeralds and socket them into your belt
>better than asoyaf

Based deltards

"We need to make King Arthur A GIRL"

that sounds amazing


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But female warriors aren't realistic. SJW PROPAGANDA

Except one guy who doesn't have a dong and it's a major plot point

This is now a Deltora Quest thread. Did you know there was a shitty anime?

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kys tranny


In the books little finger was basically running a ponzy scheme. He would borrow money shuffle it around and make it look like income.

Ahoy, reddit!

At least Deltora Quest had its good, rightful king actually win. I shudder to think what George will do to Stannis.

Dongs are important


Asoiaf is one of the best works of genre fiction of all time. Its absurdly deep on multiole levels with hints and throwaway lines that paint the picture of a much larger world than what we see in the main story, while the story itself is filled with vibrant characters with interesting internal conflicts and motivations.
Its honestly incredible, but will likely never be finished




I hope it has plenty of rapw

>more fantasyshit
can't wait for more dragons, generic knights with HUGE swords and spooky skellies in the obligatory notcatacombs area. Bloodborne is still FromSoft's most original and interesting game because it tried something new.

What's original about Bloodborne?

so you dont like slave knight gael's design or lore?

If it's a combination of nordic and gaelic mythology then you've got a fuck load of female warrior-types to go off of.
Pretty sure story tellers back then had major mommy fetishes.

the rape soilare, the rape, it was beautiful


Victorian warewolves into blue tentacle laser dreams is more creative than the souls series

We really need sci fi souls

Hello, reddit.

star trek / dark souls would be the ultimate crossover

The eldritch horrors inability and desperate desire to have kids was pretty fucking interesting.

Reddit loves fantasoi

reddit loves star wars

fuck off with your soi fi souls

No, we don't.

This. Dark Souls are genre shifting games whereas Bloodbum is trash and a cash cow rip off of dark souls in all but very minor ways.

"What if we had to use the game engine to draw the world?" George R.R. Martin is sitting to Miyazaki's right.

"What if we had to edit them?" George R.R. Martin looks at his notebook and says, "They can't be anything but a very strange, very abstract thing."

"What about the characters?" George R.R. Martin says to himself. "What about the world? The game?"

"How come, that's too strange — what's wrong with that?" George R.R. Martin goes to his pencil.

"Let's go back to the beginning. Let's have a world from scratch, but draw it with the engine of the Game of Thrones. I said earlier what if we had to write the characters by hand, but we didn't want to know which character we were supposed to draw."

"Okay," says George R.R. Martin.

The game developers are walking up the main stairs and are taking a seat at a table.

"We want to have the world," points out George R.

it's basically just what real legends and romanticism was, not the hollywoodization of the vikings

Stannis game
I can't believe the leaks confirmed his return!

Attached: Stannis_S05E09.png (472x752, 498K)

But what was Lord Gwyn's tax policy?

No we need Conquistador dark souls. Aztec blood sacrifices, monstrous gods, native genocides and uncontrollable disease. Its perfect for From.

>victorian themed setting
>victorian themed characters
>large scale hitsponge bosses
>swords, axes, maces
>offhand weapon used for parrying
>parrying and backstabs
>one hand/two hand mechanic
>weapon infusing
>weapon leveling with a collected materiel
>health stat, energy stat, weapon scaling stats, magic stat
>rolling to dodge
>entire game can be R1 spammed
>has notcatacombs area
VERY original.
I love bloodborne but it's the exact same as every other souls game, they just tweaked a few things to make it fresher.


I actually wonder how they got GRRM on board. Does the fat fuck even play video games?

you need to be 18 to post on 4channel


finally, a souls game with a story worth a god damn

Is that girl retarded?

do you have more shit opinions to get rid off?

She's my king.

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He gets a lot of shit for the following reasons:
>the show became a fiasco
>he's struggling to finish his story
>he's a big fat nerd who insists on writing sex scenes
>he has a very cynical approach to storytelling, where nothing should be black/white, and expectations are sometimes cruelly subverted
>leftists think he's racist for not having more diversity
>rightists think he's self-loathing for making blondes bad guys
>he likes football enough to blog about it

Yea Forums hates everything that has to do with fantasy beyond Tolkien, it's not a specific thing.

only a little

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Why don't we have Hindu Souls? At least there souls coming back actually makes sense

Oh and Gene Wolfe and Le Guin of course

>>rightists think he's self-loathing for making blondes bad guys
nobody has ever said this

a shura is just the japanese name for an asura

There's been extensive discussion on forums, to which you are obviously not privy.

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>based on norse mythology

In to the trash it goes

no there hasn't

its fucking celtic

It's celtic based, I heard they were going to make it Norse, but seeing how good God of war 2018 was they backed off and went for Celtic mythology

Source lmao

>but seeing how good God of war 2018

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based and truthpilled

>"Hey big boy, wana make a fuck load of money with even less effort required than you already put in?"
>"Haha, sure! Anything to prevent me finishing these books"

>all the fanboys seething at this post

the picture?
have you ever seen celtic imagery sperg

>God of war 2018

Attached: lel.jpg (150x150, 4K)


why does Yea Forums miss jokes

there are a lot of people on Yea Forums who genuinely believe what you posted desu

If you're saying that looks like a triquetra it could equally be a valknut lul

Umm sweetie excuse me do I need to remind you of who won GOTY 2018?

you should stop laughing and suck my nut

>What about catgirls?

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>nu-GoW is one of the worst games eve-

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Tax policy the game

I dunno about you, but I love doing dumb cheese shit like this. DaS3 will always be my least favourite Souls game because of the lack of cheese builds.

Some RPGs like Divinity OS2 have finite encounters and therefore EXP.

But macho retards are still the core and the heroes of the myth.
Thor is unironically a macho retard more than they ever depict him.

I can't think of a worse combination than souls and GRRM

we've reached levels of normalfaggotry I didn't think were possible

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How would you rate new God of war? What are your main complaints?

If I play a female character, will
I be forced to shit in a field and present feet at some point?

>annoying companion
>bad puzzles

Cock Ring would definitely subvert my expectations

you are forced to take big dothraki cock repeatedly

Let GRRM make the world but not the dialogue.

using this reaction image should result in a perma ban.

why did george write cuck porn

It's not fantasy in a media where literally every other fucking game is fantasy shit, for a starter.

It's not just a victorian setting which by itself is already more original than fantasy shit, BB it's THE gothic game, they managed to cram in a single work werewolves, vampires and most importantly Lovecraft's cosmic horror combined with Frankeinstein's fear of man playing god given by the rise of science during the industrial revolution. BB is fucking kino dude.

Say what you will about Tom Bombadillo-fillo-fee-fye-fellow but at least it fucking ended in THREE BOOKS without going on and on following side characters like an autistic child in a toyshop


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>shit FoV and camera
>slow and dumbed down movement/combat
>cutscenes out the ass
>everything consists of corridors, no grand set pieces
>no huge fuck-off enemies/locations that make you feel tiny
>annoying kid

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>tfw no dark souls sexlab mod

Asoiaf is good and Yea Forums is contrarian

At least 80% of the feel of souls writing is Frognation (the localization company). They're probably writing for this game too.

hours and hours of unskippable cutscenes disguised as gameplay

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>GoW makes you kill the only immortal god of Norse lore, whose death is supposed to be the literal death flag of the world, in the first game
I have lost all hope of a good Norse game a long time ago.

>setting is entirely based on some of the oldest and well used themes of classical/modern literature

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And you still WILL buy it.

its not fucking norse

Kratos lust for battle brings him to lose all his powers at the start of the gow2

You're thinking of JRPGs.


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Trannies getting vored

Style without big anime swords

Oh I forgot that a videogame has to exclusively utilize themes which have never been conceived of by the human mind in order to be considered original.

Fuck the show went cheap with the wardrobe department

Martin is one of the few fantasy writers to not have ripped off Tolkien.

Yeah it is?

no it isnt?

I’m still mad about this
Fucked up thing is I was playing the Japanese version of the game so I thought I was just fighting Gwyndolin with like some big dark corruption shit going on until I got the trophy

Is the announcement for this game coming today?

Should be tomorrow at the Microsoft conference.


asoiaf was literally made to rip off and "deconstruct" LotR

YEP but boy did they find the right Arthur Dayne and young Ned

>tfw too brainlet to read
Well, I can read but my comprehension is awful. I read a chapter of a book and when I finish I have no idea what I just read. I wish I could read LotR or ASOIAF or any other fantasy novels to get lost in but I just can't

absolute madmen

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Will Elden have any Lovecraft references?

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>new trilogy is obviously about a twisted version of the events of Ragnarok due to Kratos's meddling
>first game ends with Baldur dying, and Ragnarok beginning
I don't see what the problem is here.

it's gonna be 1st person? based

can't unsee it

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It's Fromsoft so probably Sony

Arthurian confirmed?

Sony isn't at e3 this year user


Do you think the game world will be mysterious and weird like Soul games?
Or do you think that this one might go for a more realistic tone?

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sony isn't at e3, sekiro was in microsoft, this is a multiplat

Both From and Martin have made prior references to it, so its possible

>the western earth
>the eastern earth
So this is world building..

What if just because of being associated with GRRM, this game reached development hell like The Winds of Winter?

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Nice strawman you retard. No one is saying they needed to pull a new theme out of their ass that has never existed before, they just didn't have to use the ones that are so done to death that just by saying it's "gothic and lovecraftian" means you will know everything about it before even playing.

A setting around 16th-17th century Not-France in which the monarchy and ruling class are possed and controlled by some ancient power that the Not-Gauls created to combat the Not-Romans hundreds of years ago, which has since turned malevolent and has plunged the kingdom into an era of tyranny and occultism, leading you to rise up in revolt against them WOULD have been original.

Warewolves, vampires, and lovecraftian beings in ye olde not-london is not original at all, right down to the ideas around diseases that run rampant amongst a lower class despite the percieved higher-living and safety of a city, and scholarship going against established religion. The DLC is even set in a fishing hamlet where something washed up on shore and now theres fish people everywhere.

An ancient land
With forbidden magics
And dragons
Everyone is a cunt
Turn based combat
Open World
Survival game
Everyone plays the single player in the same server, turning it into battle royale
Randomised loot
Mandatory dlc, you can't join server if you don't update
RNG based mandatory Crafting

Wieners wieners
Wieners wieners

His dialogue is one of the stronger elements of his writing. But it makes no sense anyways, because the story will be written in Japanese and then translated. They're not going to add another step to that process.

A deconstruction is different than a rip off. After all, if it was an LoTR ripoff, it probably wouldn't be shit.

And I'm the president of Zimbabwe

>A deconstruction is different than a rip off
only if it's a genre deconstruction, asoiaf was literally made for one specific material

look another fromsoftware game which is basically a re-skin
cant wait...

if writing is meant to communicate clearly and concisely an image or idea, uniformly to a wide audience it kind of defeats your whole argument.

dysentery is pretty ugly, and grrm does a good job of conveying that ugliness.
>in case you don't understand
>buy a thesaurus!
>writing about ugly things is bad!
gatsby is a unique and sensitive guy who was surrounded by shitty people
>in case you dont understand
>i'll repeat that fitz is skilled over and over again
>he has a thesaurus!

make a better fucking image. i didn't even have to resort to pointing out how you're cherry picking. you could have made a simple argument that grrm writes in a gritty postmodern way that presents reality in all its disgusting base natures compared to the romantic and flamboyant writing often present in bygone eras. then again even though i've presented that fact, it's up to you to decide if you like one or the other, and you obviously dont like allowing anyone else the option to perhaps have their own opinion on something you've settled your opinion on.

Wait, I thought E3 will be on the 11th? Why will there be an announcement tomorrow?

Is that Jamie? why the fuck does he have black hair?

I don't think it will this time, it's why I think GRRM was invited to Fromsoft so the team don't end up recycling old ideas, they got a fresh mind on the game.

That post is a quentin image. How fucking new are you?

That's Arthur Dayne

Same UI



I hope the final boss is a young woman drinking and shitting at the same time

literally an unstoppable force vs immovable object

Why would anyone hate this? From has never made a bad game.

Fromsoft's A-Team has never made a bad game.
"Fromstoft" technically made DaS2

Random Celt archer girl who wears almost nothing and weighs 100 pounds but can still pull a great bow somehow.

Tolkien is to creative literary genius what Martin is to hack pulp idiocy. They both so far surpass anyone else in their field that they will be remembered 1,000 years from now as a kind of yin and yang of fantasy, a Manichaean duality of speculative letters. For every sublime, luminous beauty that Tolkien has gifted the world, Martin has cursed us with a tedious, banal ugliness. It is unfair to compare the two directly on any one point, because Martin is in every way the anti-Tolkien, patently sterile, parasitical, and inferior, but so much so that he becomes a monument in his own right, and counterbalances Tolkien. Could one exist without the other? Tolkien obviously could. But it is only by the contrast that Martin offers that we can truly appreciate the full depths and heights of Tolkien. Our understanding of Tolkien would be incomplete if Martin had never set pen to page. It is through only the abject failure and futility of Martin that we can approach an apprehension of the true scope and scale of Tolkien's hitherto inconceivable greatness. Perhaps this is what Tolkien had in mind when he wrote about the Music of the Ainur. If Tolkien is a subcreator in the image of Eru, truly Martin is like unto Melkor. It is only reflected in the awfulness of the one that we can fully see the goodness of the other.

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DaS2 is good though, most of the hate comes from it not being AS GOOD as DaS1

b b based

The entire playable world is set on a giant living cosmic beast

Easy mode

You just know it WILL happen this time if GRRM’s name is attached to it, they do not want to piss off all the GoT fanboys who will buy this game just because he’s involved


PLEASE don't let the world be a lifeless dying one like Souls. Make it alive with lots of NPC interactions.

Fromsoft can make allowances for bad players without an easy mode.

Why isn't Elden Ring PS4 exclusive when From made Bloodborne and Demon's Souls exclusive?

Martin is writing for a VERY different generation. Escapism always evolves over time. It's inevitable. And what Tolkien ACHIEVED (note: not necessarily the content of his work explicitly) was original. What Martin has achieved so far and what he remains to achieve in the future can't be compared to what Tolkien achieved. Martin can't inspire - the way Tolkien inspired - an exploration of a genre that hadn't been much delved into. Tolkien's work sparked an interest in the fantasy genre that was unprecedented. What Martin is doing naturally has precedence - in fact you are comparing him to the very original precedent.

Better to compare Tolkien with someone who inspires another new exploration of escapism.

You're comparing apples and apple trees, my friend.

Bases & redpilled

The exclusive PS4 game was Deracine VR. Sony put the money in the wrong game.

>"I heard you guys made a game called 'Eternal Ring'.
>"Let's make that game again, but with incest."
>"Yes... YES, YESSSS!!!"

Attached: 250px-EternalRing_front-1-.jpg (250x355, 22K)

But incest between who? Father and Daughter is god tier. Everything else is trash.

What Sekiro lost to Souls in terms of rpg mechanics and replayability, it made up for in character writing and extra doses of kino story beats. GoT is a little bit smelly but if a collab means From is doing more character story shit I'm down.

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>Father and Daughter is god tier
Fuck off you disgusting heathen.

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what said
(young) son and mother is obviously best

You are both retarded. Is all about loli moms and adult sons.

pick one nigger

Will you just give it up already, you're getting stale.

Scifi has infinitely more soul than gay ass boring knights and dragons. Fuck you.

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You think the movie is going to be worth a watch?
Also, I fucking love the concept of music/song as a form of power.

with the whole LGBT thing going on, how long do you reckon will it take for incest to become legal?

>Warewolves, vampires, and lovecraftian beings in ye olde not-london is not original at all
it's not original in its themes, it's original in the way it manages to link them all and create a world which perfectly captures gothic horror from the exaggerated visuals to the symbolism. It's the ultimate gothic game, now imagine if fromsoft did this thing for other periods of time and cultures instead of going again for the overused fucking fantasy setting when literally every game does that.
Btw your idea is lame as fuck dude.

>implying star wars isnt just knights and wizards but with spaceships

I love SW but you're doing no one a favor by posting TLJ



bad example mate.

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>Fromsoft's A-Team has never made a bad game.

Attached: 328136-dark-souls-iii-playstation-4-front-cover.jpg (800x984, 132K)

Dark Souls III isn't bad

Attached: Ignorant Fool.jpg (639x621, 33K)

majority of people that have played souls like DS3 the most since it has the most polish. Only oldfags like us like DS1 over 2 and 3.

t. poorfag with no PS4

Imagine having this opinion

Attached: goy.jpg (343x394, 27K)

I want a game like this. Also you forgot the gay star.


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I see replayability

LoTR is mostly a derivative of Norse mythology mixed with Tolkein's personal philosophy, most modern fantasy more closely resembles the pulp novels that were the inspirations for the likes of Dungeons & Dragons

Stannis wanted a tax on whores

based, you've posted wisely

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so we can expect Dark Souls 2 gutter kino again?
moron, high fantasy almost always ends with scifi stuff

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What happens when people get sick user

Thats Science Fantasy

Twincest and Brother sister is only acceptable incest


>Martinhaters can only find a few bad lines among hundreds of thousands
Truly based

one true king

If it was a heavy metal / Mobius souls hell yeah

It's looking like the celtic leaks were true user

Norsefags BTFO

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I always pictured it that they stole most of their ships, sometimes many at a time as they grew larger. I mean isn't that their whole thing? the iron price?

He's a good writer it's just an edgy meme or people butthurt about how badly the show ended

Make her the main character.

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someone give me the rundown on celtic mythology
what world are we looking to see

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Nice pic

Maybe some sort of souls game based on Arthurian mythology?
Didn't Miyazaki even say that dark souls was inspired by his terrible misunderstanding of king Arthur or something?