>from Queen of Vidya to Queen of horses and dogs
What went wrong?
Lara Croft
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she was always the queen of horses and dogs thinking back
developers grew up beyond sexualising women :^)
...........and it's beautiful!
But nu lara is just as sexualised
Modern world.
You mean right? We only lost tits/waist/ass but it's an alright trade tbqh.
Of cource. Lara wasn't strong back then. But now is strong AND flat. And that is beautiful. ;)
that's not flat
that's perfect
If you're low test sweetie, sure.
Iconic for bestiality maybe. Badass? Fuck no.
She was never really sexualized in the first 4 games. Lara was just a rich asshole that raided tombs for the fuck of it. I can’t believe people think this. This makes me seethe. They torture new Lara with those death scenes. It’s torture porn. Fuck them.
What is happening in this webm?
3 games in and still no story where she evolves from girl to woman. The last boss fight of the first game where she dual wields for the first time was the only nudge in that direction.
She was ways an iconic badass, and she's still sexy. All the devs did was chop her tits off and basically say "this is the only thing that makes her sexy." Unironically backwards as all hell.
Seriously, how the fuck does it take three entire games to do an origin story? Even, worse even if they do another one they'll STILL keep the schizophrenic Lara Croft who gasps over evil mercenaries one minute and murders entire PMCs with her pickaxe the next.
Didn’t they say old Lara is gone, too? So what the fuck are they going to do next time? Keep the younger Lara? Have an older Lara except she’s not funny this time? I don’t understand what they’re thinking.
In all seriousness...these. Whatever they wanted to do with her origins, they sucked in depicting it in the trilogy.
She likes it rough.
Spoken like a true faggot.
D cup is not that big.
God I always hated her render in the old games.
Looks so fucking ugly.
They're terrified of nonexistent SJW boogeyman who they think would be up in arms if nu Lara went from a naive girl to a greedy badass even though it's what all their "fans" want, even the people who only played the newer games want her to be more edgy.
>he can't appreciate low-poly beauty
>no taste
If this wasn't one of your first vidya faps you need to get the fuck off this board
Anyone have that porno of those women dressed up as old and new Lara?
Lara looks ugly ugly even by low poly standards.
>Queen of horses and dogs
She fucks them? Is there a video?
>a video
I fapped to the ingame model. The render's godawful though, she's a fucking goblin.
How would you even fap to the render? I didn't have internet in '97.
Yes, please give me more!
Hard disagree there.
But these images were in every gaming mag at the time that's how i fapped
not that user, but gaming mags had good adverts or promos.
sjw's unironically ruined hot women in games, now instead of eyecandy all we get are bulldykes
>But these images were in every gaming mag at the time that's how i fapped
>not that user, but gaming mags had good adverts or promos.
I didn't have any of those in my country back then. I was lucky enough to get a Playstation and a few games ( TR included) from my uncle who moved to UK.
>What went wrong?
She went from British devs to US devs, and her design was changed accordingly. Britons think that sassy, fit, hard-to-get women with big tits are attractive, whereas Americans are more interested in simpering jailbait zoophiles. It's just a cultural difference.
First trilogy from US devs(they made legacy of Kain before) wasn't bad and Lara was portrayed well too.
All this bullshit was pushed from execs.
>not even Twitter let this slide without mockery
>First trilogy from US devs(they made legacy of Kain before) wasn't bad
Imagine having taste this bad. Apart from having a sexy Lara with a very good voice, the games were even worse than the nu Lara garbage.
>looks scared in the best picture they could find
so badass :^)
>Queen of horses and dogs
Speak for yourself
Have yet to play nu-Tomb Raider. Anyone care to explain about the bestiality meme?
I'm interested.
I won't lie, I do want to play through the new trilogy for how much I like all the SFM stuff.