So kojima is just an idea guy? can he code or sonething?

so kojima is just an idea guy? can he code or sonething?

Attached: hideo-kojima-tribeca-games-festival.jpg (1000x563, 107K)

Other urls found in this thread:,50433/

Man I can't wait for his implementation of the abstract dynamic entity interaction system making use of the cutting edge neural analysis model for NPCs and procedural content generation in his games.

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Does an architect do construction work?

do south african niggers shit in elevator shafts?

Yeah he can code. There was some old Japanese dev quotes pic that used to go around Yea Forums and his was something like He told people what to put in the game but they always did it slightly different and their way so he learned to code and did it himself.

Leave the coding to the code monkeys

I'm sure he did at some point, but he probably hasn't typed a line of code in decades.

He's an idea guy who steals all his ideas.
>Snake from Escape from New York
>Baby from Eraserhead
>Memes from Dawkins
>Scenario from Tom Clancy

What did he mean by this?

Attached: cesar.jpg (350x481, 20K)

SSS stands for Social Strand System, not Solid Snake Simulation or Selection for Societal Sanity).

It has to be something where the accumulated progress of everyone playing around the world unlocks more of it.

Shut the fuck up. It says "A game by Hideo Kojima" from the company "Kojima Productions". He's a one man army.

He made some kind of penguin game so he has some kind of coding experience.

He’s an “auteur”, which really means he hires a bunch of people to delegate work to then sticks his nose into every step of what they’re working on.

That’s literally how it is for any form of media.

You have the creative guy who is in charge of directing his vision through all the processes.

You retards would know if you actually had a job.

I had hoped the sarcasm in that post would've been obvious. His level of narcissism over the years has really made me start to hate the guy

You say "sticks his nose in" like he shouldn't get any credit for directing the whole process.

he did a lot of programming for mg msx ver, mg2 msx2 ver, snatcher and policenauts. hes been an idea guy director since mgs.

This, you might not like it but being technically skilled does not mean you’re creative, programmers are usually bitter assholes too so all their games are terrible and come off more as their “revenge” against the player. You might argue they’re overpaid, but you at least need someone who is in control of the project and controlling it if you want something genuinely entertaining, too many cooks etc etc, code monkeys should try getting a bigger paycheck instead of clamoring for creative control

Stupid bigot, don’t you know the artists and programmers should be left alone to dilate and jack off in their own corners with complete control of their slice of the pie! It’s like you don’t even think Fallout 4 is the greatest game ever made ever

>so kojima is just an idea guy? can he code or sonething?
Creative writing and marketing are his skills. Coding is for socially inept people.

You realize that isn't an insult, right?

What are you talking about he is a 1 man indie studio developing Death Stranding all by himself?


This. Pic related sums up a decent example of how a director vs programmer work on a game.

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I think Kojima does that because he's the only one out of that bunch of people whose ideas are proven to be worth millions of dollars.

>behold a pale horse
>protocols for the learned elders of zion

don't forget

>he did a lot of programming
I doubt that. He never was credited as a programmer aside from a penguin game.

It's the Japanese way. They make it like a single person is a genious behind a game as a marketing tool. Suda, Mikami, Kojima, Inafune...

>raiden's vr mission was being plugged into a strand

Nope. Sony is behind that. Also, he pays someone to write his tweets according to what he wants to convey. Remember? He does not speak english very well.

He's a creative person but he needs a good team to reel all his ideas in and string them together.,50433/

by learning to code he probably meant changing values or shit like that

It's called being a director you braindead stem neckbeards

PT was a marketing stunt that was his idea. Not Sony's. You could argue that it was a Konami idea because he was vice-president at the time.

>He does not speak english very well.
Writing is not speaking. You have time to think what you want to say and how to say it.
I doubt he's a friend of Del Toro and Reedus without being able to speak and having always a translator involved.

does a garden blossom overnight?
was rome built in one day?


>Metal Gear Solid (1998)
>(Items/Enemy route setting)
What the fuck does that mean? He draw the fucking maps? He is well known to do that (lego shadow moses for MGS). That's not coding.

>Policenauts (1996)
>(Script Creation & Composition)
Wtf. That's not coding dude.

>Snatcher (1988)
>(Conversation-Data input)
Wow, a true code master. Sure he used his skills to put some numbers and strings inside a .json or word-kind of system.
Yeah, Kojima knows a lot about coding.

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why would a creator and director need to know how to codecuck? he's got employees for that

>You have time to think what you want to say and how to say it.
Do you really believe he have more than 5 minutes to spend writing some retarded tweets on his own? Com'on man, give me a break. You pay a fucking monkey to do that.

Also, Kojima is NEVER trully alone around western people...BECAUSE HE SPEAKS FLUENTLY ONLY JAPANESE.
Really dudes, use your brain once in a while.

Are you a frustrated member of his team or something?

He can play with legos

>What the fuck does that mean?
He told the AI guards how long should they walk.
More data imput basically.

In the 80's and 90's? Yes. Not now.

>the day Yea Forums discovered division of labour

The truth hurt you in your sensitive areas ?
Prove he knows how to code or piss off.

why are coders so obnoxious and salty all of the time
nobody gives a fuck about your job

I wasn't a part of the conversation until that post, just wondering why you care so much if he can code or not.

So you spend 10 minutes talking to a monkey instead of thinking for five minutes?

And then you pay a translator to go to bars with you and Del Toro.

who cares if he can code or not, that's not even his job

It's amazing how little Yea Forums understands about game development.

Because every one wants to be the idea guy like Kojima, buy they are stuck into low effort indie studios or as code monkeys in big huge evil corporations.

As a producer he needs to know how hard is something to code. I'm sure he has some notions.

Because somene said Kojima knows about coding. He does not.


That's retarded.

He is a good director, look at his trailers

I always love reading Igataki's quotes. Are there any translated interviews from published magazines with him? I could spend all day on that.

>In the 80's and 90's? Yes. Not now.
Uh, other way around. Back then the teams were much smaller and it was FAR likelier he would have had to do a bulk of coding himself, even as "director" (a title that barely even existed in gaming at that point). Kojima Productions is a full crew and Death Stranding is being funded by Sony.

It's not just japanese. Same stuff with sid miere. There's even an interview where they (firaxis) admit they put the word "sid meiere" for brand recognition.

If it fits on a budget you can do all the retarded thinks you want

Being an idea guy has qualifications just like any other position. To think everyone can be an idea guy is preposterous and a projection of your own arrogance.

Even if he could, why would you waste director's time on coding? Do chefs wash dishes in restaurants?

"Idea guy" is meant to refer to a talentless person who has nothing but ideas but believes they can make a game anyway. The qualified version of an idea guy is just a director. Yet another term that's lost all meaning on this retarded board.

>Yet another term that's lost all meaning on this retarded board.
It's the other way around. The term "idea guy" came into negative connotation around here (i.e., lost its meaning) out of resentment towards such people. There were always "idea guys" and the concept existed before the "director" title became used more commonly in gaming, and they always LEAD THE TEAMS. The initial conception of such a person indicated the most valued person on the team.

If a term is in popular use on Yea Forums you can almost guarantee that the definition of it, as it's being used here, is a subversion and an inversion of what the term / concept means everywhere else.

Like the other guy in the thread said about Sid Meier, it's about brand recognition. His name is on the box art to make you buy the game, he's a famous celebrity. He could have worked on MGS and never have been know like the rest of the staff and nothing would change. But you need celebrities to sell games nowadays. This game is a perfect example, everyone knows the name of one of the staff, no one knows the gameplay .

No dude. Usually the "Dirctor" is also one of the producers of the game. Aka. The same guys who put a big ammount of money into the budget.
Kojima is more like an investor than an "idea guy".

Del Toro splits that, he doesn't speak the best English either

hideo is the coder
kojima is the idea guy

Most successful game director never had any programming skills

>Yoko Taro

>Usually the "Dirctor" is also one of the producers of the game
I don't think this is as often the case as you're making it seem. Certainly not anymore, at least. I also don't see how any of this refutes what I said either.

>Nope. Sony is behind that
No fucking way. Californication it's shit marketing now. We love the game because of Kojima.

>just an idea guy
Well that's a loose way of saying 'full creative control' over a project. Yes.

Same with movie directors, composers, etc..

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and you assume this because?...

>Let's remake Mario 64 ground game gameplay in the Unreal Engine 4 Kite Demo landscape
what a fucking idea. it seriously looks like mario punching a couple of big goombas

Can we seriously commend Kojima for his social media hype game? the man does it like nobody else.

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Educate yourself on the importance of idea guys by reading up on how Miyazaki salvaged the demons souls project, retard.

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Does a company CEO knows how to clean the office toilet? Probably but he has other lesser people do it because he's a CEO.

>a rocket ship emoji

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writing and designing a game isn't "an idea guy". An idea guy is someone who jerks off to their non-concrete ideas and can't even make a game design document.

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I am pretty sure he had to learn how to code while working on either Snatcher or policenaut because his team got tired of his perfectionist autism.

yes, kojima himself is just an idea. he doesn't actually exist.

>some people on Yea Forums think a bunch of code monkeys are capable of making anything other then a simple mario game.

Where find good ideaguy

I have zero doubt in my mind I could kick the fucking shit out of Kojima. The man looks like a fucking pansy.

Like he wouldn't even put up a fight, he'd just be sat in his office one day ching chonging away contentedly to himself and i'd just boot the fucking door right off the hinges. He'd give out a little startled shriek like a frightened bird and try to run for it but I'm too quick and I grab him by his scrawny little neck and just start punching him as hard as I can in the kidneys while tears stream down his face.

It stands to reason that there would be security, but because it's Japan, it would just be a bunch of child sized gnomes in comically oversized security uniforms, blowing their whistles at me trying to grab hold of my legs while I grab Kojima by the ankles and turn him upside down to shake his Milk money out of his pockets.

Then I'd give his pathetic security a noogie and a wedgie apiece then turn back to that skinny little runt Kojima the final humiliating blow...a double wet Willy.

Kojima if you're reading this I'm fucking coming for you.

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does the pope shit in the woods?

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He's based

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the fuck does this emoji spam mean
>2 crabs
so it's double canser?

i blame everyone here for convincing this man that he's a visionary director