Early Banjo celebration thread

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Other urls found in this thread:


I know it's a bit early but fuck it

GET IN HERE! >we won, banjofriends


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Post this again on Tuesday at 11:59am EST, see if you can get more replies than the WoFF user.

t. stevefag in denial

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shhh, it's supposed to be a surprise

>mfw this actually worked for K Rool bros

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Early falseflagging setting up the subsequent "banjofags btfo lol!" threads.

What if it's neither but Master Chief instead?

That would be pretty [spoiler)bad_[/spoiler]

I know it's a little early, but fuck it this is also the Sylux celebration thread. We did it neutrinbros!

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um no. >we got this.

I genuinely think he has a chance. I’m not expecting anything but he has a lot more going for him than most characters

Name 10


He's in

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>celebrating before we have a 100% confirmation

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Ancient text leak from last November. I don't think it's been exactly debunked yet but being a text leak it's credibility is uncertain.

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peter griffens design is fucking disgusting 0 redeeming factors

> Edelgard

Who's still laughing at the pathetic little raid the Blockheads made last night? At least 2-3 threads had the same lies and falseflagging brats in them. Honestly it's getting way to easy to spot them.

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Banjo is not in. Grinch leak 2.0

God I hope so, I'm tired of FE reps. I don't even care if a new character uses a sword or whatever as long as they're interesting just no more FE reps for a while please.


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You really think Nintendo could do without at least one FE character. Hahahaha

(btw he mistook Sylux for Doomguy)

This is more like box theory in this case.

This may be hard to believe but Banjo and Steve are both in.

One of them just happens to be the most dynamic Mii Fighter skin you will ever see.

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This holds basically no value and it won't if this comes true, Joker could have been a lucky guess but Banjo being in was part of like 3/4 of fake leaks

>3d facial features
Why do people keep doing this shit? It looks hideous.

Good luck Banjo you earned it
How do you mistake Sylux for Doomguy? It doesn't add up.

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Would they remove hot grunt from the remakes and make her woke? Like Tooty is now morbidly obese but poses in magazines and is a proud black queer woman and Grunty wants to harness that courage

No, you delusional retard.

He mistook Sylux's chunky redesign for MP4 as DoomEternalguy. Trust me my uncle at Nintendo verified this.

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>Mii Brawler Banjo
>Neutral B shot put has Kazooie hack an Egg
>Or Mii Gunner Banjo has Kazooie as a weapon
Oh cool, thanks for the info nobody.

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Mario 64, Spyro and Rayman were always superior.


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>tfw it's a "hope you enjoy my good friend shulk :)" and somebody else is revealed at E3 instead

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If you're talking just Spyro 1, maybe. But Spyro 2 and 3 are a badly aped attempt at doing what Rareware did that moved Spyro away from all of it's strengths in 1.


Cereal Box Bear is never getting in, we don't need shitters like him in the game

Besides, if he got in, Isaacfags would be pissed off big time considering he didn't get in because his franchise was dead, so why the fuck would they choose Banjo who is both dead and a western third-party? Banjoke is FINISHED!

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Why is Incineroar wearing a scarf?

I think 1 has the best and most (fairly) challenging level in the trilogy (Tree Tops) but I do think 2 is better overall. There’s more variety, even if that variety doesn’t always pan out well. 1 felt too barebones in comparison.

because everybody at Nintendo hates Camelot

>Zoomers getting this triggered by characters looking cartoony
I bet you think the Looney Tunes are cereal mascots too, retard.

fuck off retard

Dumb and mad isaacfag

Banjo’s games are boring as hell but it’s cool that he’s in.

they're actually great you're just a faggot

Why do you fucks do this? Ashleyfags were so smug too, and look at them now. Banjo will never be revealed at E3, because it’s too expected. Can wait to see you all BTFO and wonder why everyone is laughing at you when you are saying unicorns are real


The absolute state of Banjoids

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I grew up with those games. Never found them fun. I don’t know why I hate him. Still happy to see him for some reason. Never been so conflicted

Just because there is no Steve doesn’t mean you’ll be in smash.
If we can’t get Steve, then we, the real Nintendo fans, will work tirelessly to make sure Sakurai hears us and doesn’t put your undeserving shovel ware in his game

This is a falseflagger at this point, isn't it.

Ripto's Rage has variety but it all sucks ass and is less fun to do than the basic gliding around levels from the first game
>Shitty ice hockey
>That awful trolley segment
>Boring sidequests that occasionally come down to "Kill X amount of enemies" MMO bullshit
>Less of the awesome flying courses IIRC
>Got rid of the sprawling free gliding level design in favor of cramped levels with platforms stacked on top of each other
>Added an extra input for gliding for literally no discernible benefit beyond putting platforms slightly further so you have to use it
>Grinding to get power ups instead of them being placed strategically in the levels
Meanwhile the formula they were trying to ape had obstacle courses, kickball, bumper cars, and shooting segments using the goldeneye engine and a bunch of other shit that wasn't lame as hell or ass controlling

As a Mii Sword main I'm okay with this.

Probably. Then if Banjo isn’t in Yea Forums will constantly shriek “HURRRR BANJOFAGS DELUSIONAL” all the fucking time, it’s the same thing that happened to Ashley and Geno. I hate this fucking place

You didn’t like the ice hockey? I’ll admit it was easy, but I thought it was inoffensive. The trolley was sort of trial and error. Nostalgia aside, I actually like that section still. The rollercoaster game at the end was pretty similar, but admittedly better. The parts I hated most were the escort missions. Truly god awful. Those speedways, too. I skip them every playthrough. My last critique would be those sections where you run fast on a track. The robot farms level is a prime example. I feel like everything else worked pretty well. As long as we can agree the Sgt Byrd levels were the worst the trilogy had to offer

I remember liking the underwater stuff they added in Ripto, most of the new features fell flat for me beyond that though.

>Not even bothering to respond to anything anyone actually said
Nice autism, user.

so you guys think hes getting announced at nintendos show, the international event, or microsoft's show

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Most likely before 2020 in general. E3 seems to obvious

Nintendo's show. I dont think Microsoft would announce hes in Smash at their conference.

Banjokes did the exact same thing when the grinchleak was still around

Microsoft event = banjo
Bethesda event = doomguy
Ubisoft event = rayman
Square event = erdrick

Theres your fighters pass bro

Stand down Banjokes.

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Rayman is already in the game in spirit. And frozen in ice apparently.

You guys realize that new Banjo merchandise doesn't correlate to a game right? Or Smash Bros?

>and they're all available for download... TODAY

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Post more humba wumbas
I need to make my tiny sausage happy

>Banjo is a cereal mascot
Oh nice! Just like Sonic, Incineroar, Pac-Man, Mega Man, Mario...OH WAIT

Mario was actually a cereal mascot for a short period of time!

Which means your insult is bs

Based Paddy

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Holy shit! Hella based!! Who would have guessed Ninty would partner with all of those companies and let them host their own Smash events? Based as fuck!

Banjokes GTFO

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Sakurai already said that the last character would be released a year after the game's release. It's too good to be true

Every leaker and insider says hello

Also, to all Banjofags. I believe entirely what everyone is saying BUT I am genuinely scared that they're wrong. It's too good to be true, if it happens that might be the most well spent 25 euros of my life honestly

Its just another steve defence mechanism but the worst one yet since smash is basically a home to cereal mascot characters.

...you're not dead yet?

No the box theory was a suppliment to actually prove the insider trannies. This shit is just the trannies now. This is more like Star Fox Grand Prix.

Nice to see an early celebration thread for the announcement of banjo threeie

Post the steve edit discordcuck.

Banjies...I don't feel so good...

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>This will never happen

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>jumping the gun
History repeats itself, it seems.

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Maybe you shouldn't have cut a hole in your taint, Steve.


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I am still wondering how Steveposting is still a thing after all leakers left him to rot

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Not to defend them
K. Rool and Ridley (and probably Megaman and Pacman too) were rosterfag material before Smash 4 soooooo who knows

Discord trannies, user. They don't know when to stop beating a dead horse.

Guess we should give them a lesson then

Those are noticeable gaming icons. What sort of new ground did Keebler Elf: the Car Game make

More like

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It would be incredibly based if they announced Banjo Kazooie Nuts and Bolts 2 at Microsoft's event, then his addition as a fighter at Nintendo's.

Imagine walking into a bathroom at E3 and then THIS is just staring at you.

Attached: Banjo but he's a toilet at E3.jpg (1200x900, 88K)

>That spoiler
Stop it

>this is the MS announcement

Inceneroar is a nu-Pokemon shill rep just like shitty shill reps like Corrin. I hate them both.

As for the rest, if I need to explain to you why PAC-man, Mega Man, and fucking SONIC need to be in smash, there is no hope for you. Banjo wishes he was even close to as relevant as those 3.

Is there a greater triumph?

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Nintendo's show. The longer they make the hype build the better. That's what they think

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Banjo's shit no cap Crash is more deserving

So was Geno and look what happened to him

Oh god where are his arms and legs

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First fully realized explorable 3D world

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I genuinely want Banjo to not get in just to see the absolute meltdown that will occur on this board if he doesn't get in.

I know. It's sad we'll never get a sequel :(

As a Mii-Sword main I'd be okay with this.

When is the official reveal?

Meh, it wouldn't be more devastating than the Geno deconfirm.

There is no official reveal

Too late Banjies! I already found the 7 chaos emeralds!

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I cannot fucking wait for the depression to hit in a couple of days when it turns out the DLC will be what no one guessed


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Nothing was worse than the Grinch debunked, absolutely nothing. Ridley getting in made every post on Yea Forums a picture of Ridley, and I suspect Banjo getting in would result in a Ridley situation whereas Steve getting in would result in a full meltdown mode

Super Steve when?

Let's see we have K. Rool, whose last appearance before Ultimate was a decade ago, and Ridley, who is notorious for the "too big" meme. If these two can get in, then even Banjo can.

Also, you don't need to explain to me why three gaming mascot deserve to be in. Banjo was also a mascot back in the N64 days so yeah. It's a game for gaming mascots, he deserves to be in as much as say, fucking Spyro or Crash, who had more appearances on Sony consoles

Dude for fuck's sake you don't want Nuts and Bolts 2 you all want Banjo-Threeie. I know its b8 but even hearing it is a pain, stop that


Explain how, then. Every single leaker is not on your side, but on Banjo's side. Every single dead rosterfag is on Banjo's side. EVERYONE IS. No mystical power, no goddamn space rock can save you now. Accept defeat and go home before I call the Endermen

Nimbus is gay my dude.

Why would depression hit?
Are you a close minded individual?

Oh my God you sound like you have the tiniest peen

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Being a steveposter is a sign of weak and insignificant genetalia

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Pretty sure you're only stalling for time before you're gone.

It doesn't matter anymore if Banjo gets in, we know you will never. EVER. BE. A. FIGHTER.


Based and redpillled


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Why can't Steve and Banjo fans be friends?

Holy cringe
Banjo isn't in
Steve is
that simple

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Lust for glory can really change people

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Thread theme

based and wholesomepilled

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The second it became obvious that it was a one or the other situation it became an all out war

We seriously need some art of Old steve coming back to kill grotesque Steve and then the reveal should be gortesque Steve was Herobrine.

WoFF user?

that would be super interesting

This is why I don't really get annoyed by Steveposters. They're basically heels, playing the big bad villain for everybody and creating a lot of funny OC out of it. Grotesque Steve is the best shit this board has come up with in ages.

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Explain why is he in
And don't get me started on Grant Kirkhope. He knows jackshit. Hitagi abandoned you.
Give me reasons

I'd legit be mad and happy at the same time

They were, but then Grinch leak came
It's only a matter of which Microsoft character gets in first. Chief is silently waiting while these two are fighting it over, Banjo has particular support from Erdrickfags

Based! I am the real Steve! We're with you, Banjobros!

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God please let this come true

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Seconding this. Drawfags get on it

Is there something I’m missing here?

I can't believe how little art there is of sexy grunty. Her body shape and hair are exactly my type. I wish there was a game where she gets what she wants early and spends the whole game that way.

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Thank you brother
Also, do you still have that goatee? I thought they changed it to you in a patch

what we have right now is something akin to old steve being possessed

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>steve becomes a mii that's allowed on all three mii types
>wields diamond sword for swordfighter
>bow in hand for gunner

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I'm fine with literally every character that isn't another FE rep.

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Reminder that this is the best possible outcome
>No more Banjofag vs Stevefag threads flooding the catalog
>Weeblards and zoomers get BTFO'd 2 times in a row

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Baby bing bing wants toad

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imagine the immense amount of delusion one must conjure to think doomguy is even a possibility

>putting characters into a fighting game that haven't been in a game for decades
This shit is stupid. Especially for k rool who won't be in another platformer for years to come.

Actually best outcome for the whole pass is:
>Joker ofc
>Surprise rep, I'm betting on either Quote from Cave Story or Morrigan from Darkstalkers

Paddypoop the discord fag who likes fucking his sister, I don't know what thread it was but he basically said he enjoys fucking his sister.

This. I'd honestly be fine with Banjo or Steve. They'd both have great movesets. What's the problem. If Banjo gets in I'll be rooting for Steve to be next.

you better be happy

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Banjo is in and your shitty anime swordsman and autism puppet are not.

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>mfw Crash gets in instead of guh huh cereal box bear

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>Tuesday the 11th
>lawns can be heard being mowed from all over the world
>Monster 0 cans are opened in unison

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>but he's irrelevant
>last game was forever ago
>muh sales
How autistic do you have to be to give a fuck about this shit? People want Banjo because he was a major Nintendo character at one point. Why do people treat the smash roster like an autistic sacred pantheon? Especially after Sakurai made a goddamn plant playable specifically to fuck with you guys?

Fuck you! Nimbus is the type of chad who won't stop at fucking his cute little sister he'll get the WHOLE family involved.

Its honestly pretty based, keeping the bloodline pure.

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Nice mask blockhead.


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Best outcome.

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I bet banjo chokes kazooie for fun hahah

>Early celebration thread
Don't do this. I don't want to get my hopes up then shot down when it's confirmed not real.

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why not both?
crash's story is more similar than it is different to banjo's

Are you from the smash ultimate world discord?

is someone screenshotting all these

Been a banjofag since Smash 64, and I find it really odd how early some of you are going in on calling it a celebration before anythings happened.

Any real fan knows its been over a decade of disappointment and letdowns.

I really don't think this thread is in any way genuine, probably a falseflag. You guys should know better.

I was talking about E3 but yeah

Best timeline

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Why else would they make new Banjo merchandise. It's not as if he's even vaguely relevant anymore. The only reason they'd make something of him is if they were bringing him back in some capacity.

No I don't, its all bout roblox noob for me.

while some go for the low hanging fruit of using the same models many times and just saying cringe or cope, i can respect how much oc has come from this

As a banjofag I wouldn't even be that excited if he was in. Yeah great I can play banjo in smash cool for about 5 minutes I guess.
Give me Banjo 3 instead.

if banjo isn't revealed at E3 i'll upload pictures of the tree in front of my house

Banjokes won't be mad on tuesday.

Stop fighting us banjoke.

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That's because a lot of the new Banjo fans are zoomers, they don't understand how easy it is for their hopes to get crushed. I prefer Steve out of the two but I hope we get Banjo so they don't get suicidal, sounds ridiculous but as someone who basically has to babysit 800+ kids in a community, lemme tell you, that generation is insanely sensitive and gets depressed very quickly.

But I do want Nuts and Bolts 2. The first game was genuinely the most creative game I've ever played - the only other game that's vaguely like it is Besiege.


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>leakers hint at a shit character
I believe this unconditionally HE'S IN
>exact same leakers hint at a good character
that is impossible

Agreed, if we got a sequel that was worthwhile and had as much soul regardless of who develops it, thats a win for me.

But since the likelihood of that happening seems far lesser, I'll take Smash as a pretty good homage to some games I loved.

Hello spy ;)

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This one's in the compilation.

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If a new Banjo game gets made, you fuckers better not let it sell any less than 3 million copies.

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That's pretty fucking weird even just knowing Banjo has zoomer fans now because of this Smash hype, and I believe it even less that kids are that hypersensitive to the slightest disappointment.

But then again I know very little of interacting with zoomers.

Falseflagging isn't going to change anything. Whoever it is has been set in stone for a while.

never ever

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What? I don't even play TF2 my comment was just a general statement, banjokes won't be getting mad, I've been posting steve for a long time, never joined that cult since I thought that was gay, I think Steveposting has had a good run and we've made some amazing OC, I say let Banjokes get their character, we will get our chance soon enough.

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Cool, you're on fire and look like Herobrine. Can you go home now

Nuts and Bolts IS a good game, but is NOT a good BANJO game. We want A NEW Banjo game. Understood?

but if I spam enough steve pictures that means he's definitely for sure in the game

Grant's word means jackshit, he's a bitter man.

No I want a Nuts and Bolts 2. They could call it Banjo Nuts & Bolts Tooie

Now that's something a spy would say
You ain't fooling me banjospy.

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There needs to be a sequel to this animation where, depending on Banjo getting in or not, Steve destroys Banjo or Banjo does something to destroy Steve

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Are you from the cult discord? Cool I guess, I don't want anything to do with it though, I'll just keep posting Steve when I can before the reveals.

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>includes the hot take of a guy that has absolutely nothing to do with banjo or smash anymore
>doesn't refute shinobi or any of the other insiders
solved and trashed

It'll be Shantae obviously

Oooh I get it now
You're a Steveposter in disguise

Kill yourself Shantaefag, Shovel Knight got better treatment than you.

Celebrate now, dear Banjofag.... I’ll let you have this for today. But, you will come to learn in just a few days that you should never count your chickens before they’re hatched. You’ll regret this decision.

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I updated my Civil War Image, Anything I should add Yea Forumsros?

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>*E1M1's in the distance*

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for Comparison:

Attached: SmashCivilV2.png (1200x1200, 2.69M)

Change those fonts IMMEDIATELY.

I know it's a bit early but fuck it
JC Denton celebration thread

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Steve... Sweetie, come home, ever since Smash Ultimate started you haven't been the same, Herobrine dissapeared and you.... got this new body *blushes while looking at crotch* I mean it does have its benefits but you're not the Steve I know anymore, Our dogs miss you, even the mobs have stopped attacking us out of boredom, you need to come home.

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Crash Bandicoot

Why is Doomguy fighting himself?

The Banjo/Steve rivalry is fun.

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Why? It's the fonts from the Ultimate CSS.

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Turbo based

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No I'm not

Which Side?

Classic vs Modern Doomguy.

based and wumpapilled

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I just realized something. I know this is a banjo thread, but if Erdrick is actually real then we may get the Smash roster drawn by Akira Toriyama.

We need a drawfriend in here asap to draw a version of this with Banjo as Austin, and Steve as Mr. McMahon for max shitposting.


The civil war has almost begun.

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considering he's in..
I'd recommend this

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Don't you guys think you're counting your chickens before they hatch?

>Smash Roster drawn by Toriyama
>tfw finally can shitpost in DBS thread with Smash characters with official material

Put Master Chief at the top with the neutral faction.


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also rayman

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To the left of Leon

>Not realizing the most blatant falseflag on Yea Forums

Steveposters just trying to create their own BTFO compilation

No sans, no value.

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it's heavy and chell
fuck banjo and steve

You forgot Shantae

Is Eggman neutral or on Banjo's side?


Reimufags BTFO, Digifags BTFO, AceAttorneyfags BTFO, Porkyfags BTFO, Halofags BTFO, Doomfags BTFO, Soulsfags BTFO, Nekufags BTFO, Sephirothfags BTFO and most importantly Stevefags absolutely and eternally Blown the fuck out.
It's finally our time, bros

Attached: Stevies on suicide watch.jpg (750x721, 34K)

And it won't even work because Banjo is IN

Nooo, but I don't want the forgotten character from the collectathon era which was neither fluid nor pretty enough to justify what basically amounts to looking for your keys all game! I want the unimportant placeholder of a character that's made from some cubes glued together in a vaguely mannish shape and who demonstrates that simplicity by itself is not enough to make a design memorable in any way!

Attached: funko-pop-steve-minecraft.jpg (458x458, 21K)

So what happens if Banjo and Steve both get in?

Hey! Doomfags are your side side (mostly), Porkyfags were never on Steve's side, AceAttorneyfags are neutral and Soulfags are most certainly on our side,obviously us DMCbros stand with you.

Attached: 1553787293119.jpg (1024x768, 507K)

not so fast eager mcbeaver

Attached: transparentbob.png (801x954, 655K)

Analyzing the complex and vast minds of the two sides of this godforsaken fanbase I can understand this:
>Most genuine Stevefags are either people who grew up with Minecraft
>Steveposters are stemming from Discord and may be, therefore, kids
>Banjo fans are usually people who grew up with the character in the N64 days or, in my case, just interested in the character and studied its story, moveset and everything to get more hyped and understand better the moveset choices

Attached: quint.png (472x699, 344K)

Crono should be in the Banjo side

>Banjo turning on Doomguy
Fuck off blockhead

Then we ALL look like assholes

I am pretty sure Grotesque Steve will shake hands with Banjo or Steveposters will still bully the character if it's better in competitive

Does he even draw anymore? I thought he just consults and writes these days.

>Bottles, Brentilda...
>My promise to Kazooie.
>My pride as a bear...
>I cast aside nothing!
>You used to create, now all you do is destroy!
>How can you expect to defeat me with such pitiful shitposts!
>I'll give you a reveal too big to deny!!


Attached: 1525654923691.jpg (819x460, 93K)

We set Yea Forums on fire.

Please do it
This website became worse year after year and there's no going back

How are there still banjo denialfags? These tranny insiders are the entire reason why the Steve meme took off. Are they suddenly not reliable anymore?

Sounds based. Discordchads are alright.

Attached: C5694CE5-2059-469F-BA01-09C327B3C008.png (705x898, 511K)

Let me in on this.

Attached: It's_Fat_Albert.png (397x557, 220K)

Reminder that if you see Banjofags against or Doomfags against Banjo its a very good chance that its a blockhead falseflagging, Doomfags, DMCfags, Erdrickfags, and Banjofags are in this together, to the end.

Attached: 1554319079780.png (1000x779, 582K)

you're in for a rough awakening, carebear

Attached: 1525655098642.png (1194x743, 112K)

>These tranny insiders are the entire reason why the Steve meme took off.
And if that ended up being false, then what reason is there to believe hey are right about Banjo?

Yea Forums should mine your computer for discord files and deep fry it if it finds them.

doomfags are worse than stevefags because they genuinely think he has a chance

Based as fuck, I heard this paddybro is a Louiefag now, maybe we can have a foursome and fuck each other's sisters?

>That number

I'm not part of this retarded ironic alliance. We don't need them, we're already in, You think an FPS that got cucked by Halo and Not-dragon ball were responsible for our current position? Fuck off.

>dragging the doomguy into rosterfag flamewars
no thanks

No, forced memes should stay out of this.

Seethe harder zoomzoom
Nice 7 you have there

Attached: comfy marine.png (197x190, 54K)

only verge and whatshisname were peddling steve, everyone latched onto it because verge hadn't been wrong yet at that point

What did we ever do to you guys?

Attached: 3784929488.gif (500x282, 363K)

Reminder that you're a retard if you actually think this alliance stuff is real.

eggman and rayman are on leon's side

Oh so Doomcucks are coattailing right after it looks like we're in huh?
Get fucked faggot

Attached: 1545366263747.png (698x824, 331K)

Not necessarily. Newcomer art died in Smash 4.

mumbo has to transform banjo into something that will be able to kill steve. what is it, Yea Forums?

Attached: ekom.png (302x318, 119K)

moon man and hagrid are on MY siide you fucking hacks

I haven't the faintest clue why you banjokes keep setting yourselves up for dissapointment, its beyond me why you keep trying, nothing is confirmed and I can gurantee you that when Tuesday comes and Nintendo's E3 starts you will all be feeling the disappointment wash over you as accept that Banjo is not in.

Attached: Steve wins!.png (1086x811, 1.16M)

Two western characters are too much to ask for from Sakurai and Crash is the superior choice.

a giant dildo

Take off the mask Steve

Oh it's this meme again

Haven't doomfags been in alliance with you for a long time? Like since before the google theory shit?

There's only one answer and
said it first.

Attached: doubleko.jpg (225x225, 7K)

fuck off

Where's Gruntyposter?

Still possible.
He still does, but not really full time or anything. One picture wouldn't be too crazy for him.

fuck off.

Dunno why you and the doomfags keep attacking each other when our enemy is the blockheads but in anycase, cheers to Banjo getting in and Vergil's playable reveal for DMC5.

Attached: 1554913964842.jpg (1024x600, 44K)

It's all a Stevefag falseflag.

Why is sora on steve’s side?

fuck off

only three more days of this forced memeshit, thank christ
the rosterfag meta is stagnant and smelly

I love memes hahah

fuck off.

The level of cum I will produce if steve gets in purely to watch the salt will be monumental.

It's irritating because doomfags continue to switch sides and coattail after the one that looks successful. I don't care about them but they sure as fuck shouldn't pretend we're allied or anything.

user, it's not over until 2020, new memes will rise.

Attached: 1559830492756.png (1492x908, 1.56M)

this is pretty based

fuck off

You know bait is bad when you can almost smell the falseflag on it.
Fuck off Steve.

Attached: 1559528340682.png (872x632, 216K)

fuck off

fuck off

fuck off.

fuck off

The weird Steve render isn't funny anymore. There comes a point where epic memeing turns into unironic autism and you guys crossed that line months ago.

fuck off.

>If you like Banjo you HAVE to support these other characters
okay, retard

lol, most doom posting is disengaged from your gay character wars


Attached: 1559925907519.png (420x412, 126K)

fuck off

This. Fuck rosterfags.

What, you want it to stop now? Now that the situation is getting fun?

>continue to switch sides
more like they were never on any side. they didnt like steve coattailing them from the 5ch leak and didnt want to be on any teams even during the google theory shit, doombros have for the most part been lone wolves through this whole thing

Attached: 1555263687204.png (793x489, 177K)

>Having a "side"
>Being in an alliance with another characterbase
Does anyone actually do this or is it some advanced meme?

Attached: Magonerd.jpg (1133x1107, 184K)


you vastly underestimate the autism of meleefags


Someone please draw this

Pure meme and people's opinions on who is with who differs wildly.

I guarantee you there are people in this thread that actually do this. I come to this board to feel better about myself.

DOOM is one of my favorite games of all time, but I don't want him to be in SSB, and I'm not entirely sure how people have come to the conclusion that they think he should be in either. You might as well just start putting any popular title in.

It's just memes. I'm a Doomfag and don't care about Banjo.

Steve is shit but the bear aint that much of a step up

Why would Sora be on the Leaker side?


Attached: 676155FC-7602-4075-91D7-176594D32C72.png (132x115, 26K)

>character alliances

Attached: youserious.gif (400x260, 1.83M)

Neither banjo or steve are from japanese franchises none of them will be in the game because nintendo is japanese and they don't need tl appeal to the west also why is a game for a cobsole that runs the wii u games that people complained about but at $60 no birtual machine or internet aside feom youtube and netflix pls just stop

Where are you getting these renders

because Doom is a milestone in vidya and it would be rad

Forget this alliance bullcrap. Post the characters you ACTUALLY want

Attached: 1542848877523.jpg (281x301, 21K)

no problem bro

Attached: sa2.png (1531x1080, 1.42M)

Sakurai made them

Been my most wanted since Melee

Attached: 60cb2ee7ff4da9c6453b827de2e2e5f9.jpg (564x828, 100K)

Heres my never ever wishlist

Attached: B69A9816-6238-49E4-BAE2-F3229C932955.jpg (960x539, 135K)

Attached: 1541624522137.gif (600x298, 672K)

I hope so. It seems like the most missed opportunity in the world to not have Akira Toriyama draw some Smash Bros. characters in his style.

Actually. Now that I think about it, during the Smash Countdown to release, Konami had one of their artists draw Simon and Richter, while Atlus had the Persona artist draw Joker.
So technically...guest character newcomer art didn't die.

where the drawfags at

Attached: 1559929321162.png (992x1556, 392K)

I hope that once Banjo wins in this comic, Steve transforms back into his normal model. I always hated that shitposting steve model and hope that Steve can stop being associated with it.

>People who believe spamming posts on the internet will increase a character's chances
Literally magic believing niggers

Attached: 1473544472268.jpg (872x964, 255K)


Attached: shhh.gif (310x262, 260K)

Because when you have a list of popular feasible characters people actually want, someone just has to be that different guy. Doomguy is basically wojak but actually vidya.

Attached: 1559866613137.png (800x600, 183K)

What will all you shitposters do when neither banjo nor steve are announced

anyone who's actually been a fan since their release would not be celebrating fucking early. Being a BK fan has been a life of suffering since 2000, you cannot get me to celebrate until I see he is actually in with my own eyes. I still remember the N&B trailer, damn it.

Attached: 1530297532138.png (272x358, 90K)

my pipe dream of 5 fighter passes

Attached: all the packs.jpg (1280x2265, 2.05M)

Sora, Banjo, and Phoenix Wright.
If even ONE gets in, I'll be happy.

you're getting banjo remakes, that's something to celebrate.

lol smash

Attached: phoenix_wrave.gif (256x192, 179K)

Doom's an objectively great choice for a crossover with vidya hall of fame elements.

How about bringing back my favorite dead platformer character Sakurai?

Attached: Klonoa.full.144290.jpg (1024x768, 123K)

Who's baiting here? I just like Minecraft and hate how people kept shitposting this awful model

>*blushes while looking at crotch*

Attached: steve.png (588x534, 280K)

The Persona 5 artist* but yeah. It happened.

Attached: SSBU Countdown Art-Joker.jpg (1250x1250, 193K)

>Not a cereal mascot

Attached: manuel-castanon-the-hopeful-knight-final.jpg (1920x3291, 764K)

Klonoa is my most never ever
Metal Sonic follows close
Then we have Geno, Banjo and Bomberman

The one day these 5 will all get in Smash, AND in the same game I will be complete and won't ask or buy for anymore Smash Bros. games if not for an Ultimate 2 that has a second "Everyone is Here!"

I don't get why everyone wants Doom. In theory it might be cool, but Nintendo is not going to let you rip Mario in half, they won't let you rip Pikachu's tail off and shove it in his mouth along with an explosive, he's never going to be allowed to curbstomp Link until his brains splatter, etc. tl;dr it'll be watered down cartoon violence shit and not worth it

Sorry for taking so long, I updated the Civil War image once again. I'll also upload the finished version (Whenever that is) On Imgur or some other site since I already got to the 4mb Limit.

Attached: SmashCivilV4.jpg (1200x1900, 1.64M)


Come on Banjo and Roto! You can do it! Rescue Steve from the discord spirit that's possessed him!

>forgot spongechad

Attached: SSBU Countdown Art-Richter and Simon.jpg (1280x720, 302K)

Attached: SSBU Countdown Art-Link, Cloud, Mario, and Kirby by Tetsuya Nomura.jpg (839x1259, 167K)

Attached: SSBU Countdown Art-Mega Man.jpg (800x1088, 207K)

Aren't we forgetting someone here?
anyway nice pic

Attached: it.jpg (728x433, 55K)

Attached: SSBU Countdown Art-Sonic.jpg (2000x2000, 558K)

Atm Banjobros are being paired up with those who want Erdrick, mostly because Banjo is pretty much confirmed and Erdrick is likely. And Erdrick's counter in these rosterfag threads is Sora. Just be glad that Sora is on the same side as Doomguy

Been waiting for YEARS and I could not be happier than this.

Actual, legitimate Sorabro here, not a falseflagger like 90% of people who claim they're Sorabros.
I'm 100% okay with Erdrick

>Kirby as the meteor
10/10 Nomura art

Attached: SSBU Countdown Art-Mario vs Rathalos.jpg (2048x1536, 560K)

Attached: B30D851C-16FC-410E-8C18-B491E3C74867.jpg (794x1123, 147K)

Attached: SSBU Countdown Art-Isabelle leaving with Villager.jpg (960x800, 230K)

you know exactly where they come from go die

If 8, the next DLC reveal is a Bravery Default character and not Banjo.

You know Doomguy doesn't even do that shit in the first games yeah?

It was there. People just didn't realize it or how they went about doing newcomer and guest art on Ultimate.


Attached: SSBU Countdown Art-Bayonetta (and Rodin) by Yusuke Hashimoto.jpg (2048x1447, 428K)

Sora is already deconfirmed, so anything I say about Erdrick doesn't matter. I already know he's the most likely SE rep. I never even outright insulted Erdrick, I was just explaining why Banjo and Erdrick are on the same side of the collage.

Give me 1 good reason you guys are putting so much stock into what all these leakers are saying.

Didn't these same leakers claim there was a Star Fox Racing game being made by Retro Studios? And then it turns out to be some faggy extra content in Starlink instead? Seriously why the fuck should you believe these clowns? What if Banjo isn't playable? Then what?

I loved the Zelda one a whole lot that they did for it too.

Attached: SSBU Countdown Art-Zelda Characters-Get The Tri4ce.jpg (2048x1536, 698K)

No matter who loses, Marthchads win.

These are the same leakers who said the grinch was fake and the majority here didn't believe them, its happening.

Was that the BotW artist or the OoT, MM, and TP artist?

Wait...is he the same artist? Serious question. lol

Attached: dlc wishlist.png (1920x1080, 1.48M)

Yeah and these same "leakers" said there would be a Retro Studios Star Fox racer at E3 2018. Meaning they are not reliable whatsoever. They are not right 100% of the time. There is such a thing as red herrings and information getting twisted through repeated hearsay. Looks like there will be Banjo content at E3 regardless, but him in Smash? Debatable. I love Banjo Kazooie as much as the next guy but I'm tired of being disappointed, so I'm not some underage shitposting Refusteve.

Not all the leakers said that about that irrelevant star fox thing, but this time around we have ALOT of leakers saying Banjo.

Attached: 9CA00739-31B1-481F-8243-077960369592.jpg (1024x397, 128K)

Shinobi is just about never wrong, and is risking admin privileges/rights on trannyera for leaking Banjo (also made a post on 6/4 when the original post was made on 6/1, even more evidence)

Sabi, another reliable leaker, was sent a picture of a witch puzzle by their NOA leaker.

VRPlant, the only leaker with 100% accuracy so far, thinks Banjo and Erdrick are in

Imran, another person in the know, thinks Banjo is likely based on rumors he finds legitimate

Banjo is being heavily marketed recently, and for a "dead" franchise he's getting a lot of new things

There's a boatload of smoke, we'll see if there's actual fire.

Enjoy your "Minecraft content" Stevie

Attached: 1543011027942.png (212x252, 82K)

For some reason, all I can think about is this scene from Batman Arkham Knight at 14:00. Where The Joker represents Steve and Batman represents Banjo?

Rip and tear, blood and guts has been a part of Doom for decades


Holy shit! You're right! Represents rival rosterfagging in a nutshell.

Damn! Good work user!

Imran also believes Erdrick is unlikely and he probably has the most to lose if he's wrong so take that as you will.

Attached: bald dude.jpg (222x227, 5K)

Doomguy originally just punched, chainsawed and shot enemies, you can have him attack without over the top glory kills. Not having Mario turn into a pile of goo is fine.

Attached: 8E8EDCEB-7327-403D-BD3E-2ED337BAC0D0.png (220x263, 64K)

I've wanted Banjo in since Smash 64 but I'm heavily tempering my expectations. If something sounds too good to be true, it probably (almost always) is. Better to believe in nothing and be excited than to put all my faith in and be disappointed.

Attached: 1535778602494.jpg (345x278, 36K)

Attached: dlcwishlist.png (1920x1920, 3.48M)

I'm glad you said smoke does not mean fire. I may be celebrating early, but my hype is for E3.

Attached: RaymanGun.jpg (586x582, 44K)

Bear and Block over theroster, at each other's throats... buta lightfromE3?
Ball spinning on the wheel,more than two at the table. Placing bets. All lose in different ways.
Threads of shitposters,postsofseething anons, scattered across the catalog.
But whose in what shares? Even the leakers don't know. Forecast: Arain of rosterfaggotrywill flood the board and not purify it.

Attached: Forecaster.jpg (800x571, 143K)

>the Kirby loli
Bro, you just posted cringe

>you can have him attack without over the top glory kills
Sure you could, but that's what I mean when I say "watered down violence", it wouldn't be as fun to have a Doom guy that doesn't rip and tear. You might as well replace him with Master Chief.

>Sam and Max
>Bub and Bob
>Viewtiful Joe

Attached: Culture.png (680x378, 389K)

Banjo-Kazooie is my favorite game of all time, I've wanted Ridley, K. Rool, and Banjo-Kazooie in since I was about 10 years old. I'm 26 now. This has been one of the best years of my life where I now have a great paying job, a sweet girlfriend, friends that I shoot pool with every other night, and I got Ridley and K. Rool in. Getting Banjo in actually finally feels like it could happen, but I'm tempering expectations. I'd be happy with just a Banjo remaster, and I think SOMETHING banjo related will happen at E3. I just don't know what.

Man those threads were fun! Have them archived!

>Banjo-Kazooie is my favorite game of all time
I'm so sorry.

This is the entire fighters pass:
Ryu Hayabusa
Doom Slayer

Epic, bro. You totally outed how fucking cringe that söyboy is, how fucking bluepilled. You're so based.
Dab on him some more. BTFO! XD

That great! A lot of info... but great! I may be 18 (yeah, yeah, call me a zoomer) but you know, I've played Banjo since I was 4 (and Conker since I was... 3) and they connected to me ever since, with Sm4sh being the first game I actually had hope for. Sure, pre release ultimate was fun, but I always expected him to be DLC not a base roster character.

Thats not
Knight Soliare



What's wrong with B-K?

My favorite are all games I grew up with playing with my cousin, the best memories I have.

2.Paper Mario 64
5.F-Zero X

People only have fun being contrarians on Yea Forums nowadays.

Are you 5 or just stupid? Is that the first time you heard of the term btfo? Also, XD proves you to be a zoom zoom little cunt

Eh it's not awful but I feel like it's a little mediocre to be a favorite game of all time, it also didn't age so well, then again, it's all subjective anyways. I was just half memeing.

No, but you're a fucking dumbass.

You have good taste. But I beg you, please do not take your life for granted, enjoy what you have! Because the grass is always greener and you don't know what you have until it's... gone.

Smash remix of this would be based tho


Attached: n_plus_ninja.gif (540x304, 698K)

>it didn't age well
Why the fuck do people say this?

Bitch please. I know more about Equilibrium and Organic Chemistry then you probably do.

It is subjective, I also love Half-Life 2, Brutal Legend, Super Mario Land 6 Golden Coins, Halo 3, Odyssey, Windwaker, Star Fox 64, Dr. Mario, Galaga, Dead Space, so many good games out there that I'm sure half of this board loves to shit on

Hey Guys, my insider contacted me.
We will only get one character reveal at e3.
Banjo confiremd. (not available after presentation)

Why not both?

I hope Kazooie's redesign is cute
the classic mohawk feathers aren't great and I actually like her Nuts&Bolts design


Attached: 382225CF-234E-4C70-80B2-7429CC373920.jpg (1242x1256, 102K)

Unironically 64 Mario (as in Mario in Super Mario 64), Popeye, Mike Tyson, and a Dart Monkey

Why is bandana dee there? He was deconfirmed months ago.

Nigga Stole My Bike from Punch Out
Powerglove representation, be it a character, item, or assist trophy

Friendly reminder Mario was a cereal mascot twice.

Attached: large.jpg (329x460, 76K)


Attached: Break down.gif (500x281, 1.16M)

I’m not gonna pull the trigger to celebrate just yet, here’s some words of motivation though

This is the game that brought back every single character in the series, this is the game that brought “2 fucking Bigley” and the fat kroc, I have hope for banjo’s time to shine

Attached: E1046BF4-D262-452D-B0AD-EC74E609A42F.jpg (285x285, 25K)

put in based Meenposter somewhere

Attached: meeen.png (549x421, 251K)

Of course the Golden Crisp bear isn't getting in, but Banjo from the Banjo-Kazooie video game series that originated on the Nintendo 64 is definitely IN.

Attached: golden crisp.jpg (1500x1500, 298K)

No we aren't putting your relentless spam of dead memes in there.

Attached: dream smash dlc.png (1280x720, 881K)

>banjokesters cannot debunk this image

the tears will be delicious next week

Doomguy could still move fast, shoot and trash people about with bone crunching sound effects and 'violent' animations. I don't know about others but the fun in Doom isn't just that the demon sprites turn into gore. His tunes would be great too.

Attached: cute.png (888x888, 974K)

Can't debunk what isn't there, retard.
Banjchads win again, baby!

Why is it that everyone wants Leon now instead of Chris/Jill/Wesker?

Attached: albert-wesker.jpg (600x500, 58K)

I keep forgetting that Rathalos is a boss in Ultimate, seems like a clue. MH for slowest attack speed in the game

Does MH getting in preclude Phoenix Wright?

Banjotards' tears are going to be so sweet

I'm not a smashfag and rarely come in these threads (I just enjoy the game with bros a few times a month) but for him to get Joker correct was pretty good fucking luck I'd say, but I will concede with all the fucking leaks it could have been dumb luck. However, if he gets another one of his predicted characters correct, then I'll believe the rest. You dont just get two random ass characters correct in one post.

Not necessarily. I could see Sakurai thinking "people play monster hunter for the monsters". The guy's shown that kind of autism before.