ITT: games that did sound right

ITT: games that did sound right

I'll start:
>thief 1+2

Attached: wojak large ears.png (645x773, 21K)

Other urls found in this thread:


system shock 2

red dead redemption 2


Tarkov: Escape from Pripyat


ac rogue had this cool sound cue for when you’re about to be attacked by an assassin

Nioh had satisfying sounds

>Sound done right
>Takes a single step 4 floors above you >sounds right next to you
>Someone breathing down your neck while wearing sordins
>Dead silent

Say what you will about bloodborne, it has amazing sound design.

Any Bungie game

what you will about bloodborne, it has amazing sound design.

Attached: 2C0B1961-2DAB-4D86-B3AC-92F7FC72337A.jpg (924x499, 37K)

Dead Space, Battlefield
Visceral and DICE do good work.

>tfw born too late to experience A3D soundcards with thief
fuck Creative, what fucking scumbags

Attached: 1508356495787.png (1084x1164, 1.23M)

Hunt Showdown

escape from tarkov

Silent Hill series

>fuck Creative
Also fuck them for killing EAX too.

you literally can hear someone shooting above you on Interchange when you are in the basement and it sounds like they are on your level. And there is literally a thick concrete floor that shouldn't allow any sound to get through.


alien isolation has godtier sound design

Titanfall 2
Jesus this sounds really good. Why do most modern games suck in comparison to this in terms of space?

Battlefield Bad Company 2
The fucking sniper sound + hit confirmation felt like a hit of cocaine

Quake 2 and 3 had such good directional sound that really good duelers were pretty much indistinguishable from wallers.
For sound design it's this for making monkeys and fucking C3POs scary.

Ghost Recon Wildlands

just fixed my mouse broken scroll wheel after 6 hrs of gluing it waiting for it to dry, then filing it down til it fit perfectly to work. im a god.

(this is the 2nd time ive had to fix it will prob break again in a few months but im broke af D: )

Alright, I'm mad now.

Was gonna post that silent hill 2-3 have some of the best sound design I’ve ever heard