EA coming up in a few hours
E3 2019 pre-game thread
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I know it'll be shit, I'm just watching it to laugh and because I have nothing better to do.
What's a good place to watch and bant?
your moms basement
ea you have one fucking shot of making it right and you'll fuck it up
>literally everything is getting leaked or announced earlier
Gimme the schedule, who is up today?
sports, shooters, and star wars. i'll pass.
This is what happens when you only hire people based on their social media "presence". They leak everything to gain those precious likes.
your mom
say that again to my face not online see what happens
Only EA, who posted their whole schedule. They are starting with their only relevant game, Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. 30 minutes for it.
I hope they have a good combat system for Fallen Order, because its literally the main thing they have to do right. Fuck the story, characters, music. Get the combat right
Only EA and in about four hours time.
>in a few hours
but when faggot?? give me an ETA
Give me your addres there.
Honestly? Nothing. I've still got a pile of games from this year I've yet to play including DMC5, I have some backlog rpgs I'm working on, and I still haven't gotten around to play BotW or Odyssey yet. That Platinum game for Switch is later this year as is Death Stranding and not to mention P5R, and while GRRM is a hack I'm sure any Miyazaki directed game will be fun to play.
I actually hope nothing interesting gets announced for a while so I have time to catch up.
25 bd your dad's pussy
I knew it you are a pussy.
Here is mine
232 Alton Drive, Miami
Come and get me
How long will it be? 1 hour? 2 hours?
>stayed up too late, the sun is rising
>want to sleep through EA because I know for sure there are no reveals this time
>but by doing so I will break my tradition of being with Yea Forums on every E3 showing
I hope everyone else is faring better
Can some post the dates for the various conferences.
I can't wait for the pc game show. I cant wait for the furor over the announcements of EGS exclusive games.
4 hours and 20 minutes.
Bannerlord, Cyberpunk and Vampire the masquerade stuff
Cringe, new Asscreed, new EA FPS, some Battle Royale and mobile games
Skate 4 fucking WHEN? Skate 3 was so fucking good, doing combos and tricks and setting up challenges for yourself was some great stuff. In every E3 EA stream you'll see in the Twitch chat people spamming "skate 4!".
type "E3 2019 planning" in your search engine of choice you lazy ass bum.
im just here for my twitch b bros
Cyberpunk shows great gunplay/choice and consequences
Ambitious Animal Crossing with tons of dialogue
That Retro has done anything in the past 4-5 years, last possible time to reveal anything
New IP from AAA developers that takes good ideas from indie games but expands on them
More focus on interactivity/destruction than graphics
Chips and beer
EA is missing
where is sony's stream?
Sony won't be at E3.
i never watched this shit live. is it on twitch?
EA & Sony aren't having a conference this year you little shit. Have you not been keeping up with this?
So FIFA, Madden, Jedi Fallen Order, Anthem, maybe Battlefront 2, maybe Battlefield, EA Originals game, maybe Command & Conquer Rivals
That should be it
The only thing that have been leaked is a Froms game, Ninja Theorys game, and a new Tales game.
Yeah everyone knows. but they surely do some kind of stream even without a booth?
EA Play stream in a few hours.
What? when is E3? I thought it was a couple weeks from now
is this a leak? it doesn't look like anything special
They have nothing to stream.
No one even made an official stream last year and WE DO IT EVERY YEAR
Heres the non-retarded schedule.
>i'm going to be wagecukng during half of e3
why did I decide to stop being a neet
It's NT, of course it's nothing special
They don’t have an actual conference this year, their just live-streaming some gameplay and announcements
It’s starts in around 4 hours I think
Wow thanks!
is that why we heard about stadia? was that actually E3? I thought it was just a random event where they were announcing it.
Madden on PC so us chads can go back to having sex and playing in glorious 1440p/144hz
DmC: Overwatch edition
that art looks like diarrhea
Anyone got any links for the show?
Will this ever get a remake or prequel?
None, I'm beyond done with EA.
For it to be boring and pointless.
I'm going to make a bowl of yoghurt, strawberries, banana and oatmeal.
Animations look straight up out of DmC, one of the characters even look like one of the enemies of DmC
Countdown to EA Play (9:15am PT)
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (9:30am PT)
Apex Legends (10:00am PT)
Battlefield (10:30am PT)
FIFA 20 (11:00am PT)
Madden NFL 20 (11:30am PT)
The Sims 4 (12:00pm PT)
No need to watch then. Thanks for the link!
wtf is NT?
Damn dude what a cringe
it's literally made by Tameem and co, the same faggots behind DmC so why are you surprised?
So they're fully riding on star wars. It better something good
Ninja Theory
Sims 5 is essentially guaranteed but don't take my word for it.
Nintendo has 3 tournaments tonight. First Mario Maker, then Splatoon then Smash.
The only EA stream I'll bother with is the Jedi Fallen Order one. Don't give a single shit about fifa or madden or more vagina field.
A new Battlefield that isn't shit
Snacks are too good to waste on EA's garbage
Really want a new fighting game revealed.
it's some kind of pre-E3 I'm pretty sure
>few hours
>33 hours
>few hours
Nigger get out of here
these are missing stuff like the mario maker invitational where we'll certainly get news too
also the smash tournament
it was the pre E3 show user, google had too find a way too make itself relevant with the stadia somehow.even though it's literally the ouya 2.0.
You people are going to look real stupid when Sony does a surprise showcase of the PS5. I'm expecting them to "crash" Microsofts showcase, which is why its 2 hours long.
Last thing Nintendo I bought is a black DS lite, So I couldn't care less.
I'm really only going to watch the Bethesda presentation for some good laughs and new lies from the Toddster.
>4 hours and 20 minutes.
i wish man, i wish. sony isn't at e3 this year tho, and i think they forgot about this gem completely to begin with.
EA is today you jew
EA announcing bankruptcy
One giant cringe-ass shitshow as usual
Some chips and beer or dinner
EA isn't at E3, just like Sony.
Ninja Theory, the devs that brought us Donte
I wish, she died 2 years ago
watching the ea stream with my friends later this evening like last year. Hoping there'll be some cringe capable of topping the shitty mobile C&C we saw in 2018
Should I watch EA or just sleep?
It's like a day event right?
>being hyped for a soiboi corporate hypefest
>being optimistic about the state of AAA gaming
Add this to the fucking collage.
Wrong, thats made up. e3countdown.com is when e3 starts. EA is not showing anything, E3 starts with Microsoft in 30+ hours.
>some new generic fps but now with a battle royale mode
>"guys we're totally not evil i swear"
>sports games
>Esports cringe
>mobile games
Did i miss anything?
Go to sleep, EA shows are the most boring thing in existence. Besides it's not like everything has been leaked already
Retarded newnigger
>wasting time watching EA
Neither does Nintendo but Nintendo is on there.
For me it's Final Fantasy VII Remake
Take a shot every time they say "no lootboxes/premiumpass/microtransactions" as if it's some sort of crazy new breakthrough in the video game medium.
play granblue
>hurr durr everyone I not like is le tranny
Hello Quartering
so 3 hours until EA ?
Bruh you're so fucking wrong, I expect a full apology in a few hours when it's on
Fuck you idiot there is no EA this year literally the only people talking about it are the retards in this thread with the dumb faggot posting a fake EA lineup.
1 hour and 45 minutes.
33 hours.
35 minutes.
Shitty hangover.
Its not starting for 3 hours and 30 minutes.
Imagine being this wrong
In reality, the first big event of E3 2019 is the EA Play kick-off event that’s slated for Saturday, June 8 at the Hollywood Palladium.
>etween EA Play on Saturday and the opening of the show floor on Tuesday morning you can also expect a press event for Microsoft sometime on Sunday afternoon with Bethesda, Square Enix, Ubisoft and Nintendo's keynotes sandwiched in between.
Please post proof. An EA tweet or something like that. No the "totally real" scedule posting in this thread is not proof.
You can't. Can you? Fucking retard.
Stop arguing like retarded cucks.
Here's how it will go down.
EA is holding a Let's Play event later today to show some Jedi Fallen Order shit and some new content for BFV, Anthem etc.
TOMORROW Microsoft is kicking off with their conference intiating the start of E3.
EA are not doing a stream, they have a tent you can pay to go play their shitty games. Fucking retards.
fucking learn how to google, they are showcasing games via a stream. now fucking uninstall everything internet related before you ever post again you little fucking dumbshit.
When you’re not at the event, be sure to follow us online at EA.com where you’ll get deep insight into our games and be able to watch multiple live streams about your favorite games on June 8, 2019.
I didnt like granblue. They want you to play footsie based combat but the movement doesnt compliment what they want.
Literally just putting up trailers. Its not an EA showcase, fucking retard. EA isn't till 33 hours.
>Moving the goal posts
Admit you've lost cuck, now go bring me my snacks
Anyone got a online timer?
There is no EA stream fucking dumb shitter.
Can't wait for the Switch to blow out the Cuckbox, Nintenbro.
can someone aware me on what the fuck EA is doing this E3. I've heard they're just showing livestreams of already announced games or are they having a proper announcement conference as well?
It's kind of a good thing I'm missing the EA conference. I don't want to sit through that cringe fest
EA are uploading some trailers of games we've already seen, thats all. No streams, no showcase, nothing new either.
why would they? Big boi Sony is separating itself from the beta event that is E3. They get the same publicity with a mere announcement trailer like Death Stranding, why spend millions to showcase teasers and trailers on some cali shit show with nothing to gain
Realized that there's not really much this year, it seems.
They already said what they'd be talking about ahead of time and it's a pathetically small list.
Does anyone have a bingo card? I can't watch this snoozefest without bingo.
Nintendo doesn't have an E3 press conference.
It's in an Xcuck's head rent-free.
I hope Battletoads has internet co-op and not only couch like Cuphead did.
About to play darkest dungeon for the first time. Any tips? And should I hold off on the dlc?
How will Sony ever recover?
All I want is a new FIFA STREET but it won't happen
>6 pack of Monster, bottle of captain Morgan
>24 extra large hotdogs to munch on
>Various chocolates and other sweets
I'm ready for the big weekend
Sony doesn't need e3
They have a special long livestream. It's functionally the same thing.
Top tier snack
>Sunflower seeds
Shit tier snack
>Everything else
T. a bird
What's something that you DON'T want to be announced?
i'm just here for sims
Nintendo's invitational stuff starts towards the end of EA's thing.
Will John Fucking Numbers 40% another victim?
My pumpkin seeds shit all over your crappy sunflower seeds
The only thing that matters are the news for C&C remastered
the rest can eat a sack of dicks
I don't care about EA so these are for the E3 in general
we get to hear about Cyberpunk, Desperados 3 and Silksong
a bunch of generic AAA teasers
"features" that are just more ways to spend money
lot of buzzwords aimed at investors
sports shit.
or atleast "serious" sports shit.
I want EA and the industry to go back to the PS2 era when we had sports games that were actually fun and light-hearted enough for non Yea Forums dweebs to enjoy.
same, just hoping for a reason to pirate it already
Can somebody please post a blank report card?
great cover
They don't have an E3 press conference and therefore don't belong on the report card. Fuck them.
thanks mate
Your whale cum
Sony not showing up at E3 is not a good thing, no matter how you wanna twist it around
best game on PS1 IMO, would love to see HD release or remake
>Banjo in Smash
>Xbox 4
>New Halo that's actually good
>slew of other multiplats
Why will everyone else even try?
Microsoft/PC have already won.
I think FF7 might have actually made someone there realize it's probably not a good strat to announce games a decade before they're ready. And that's all sony's been doing barring a few exclusives from companies that actually deliver on time.
r8 and h8 i guess
>>Banjo in Smash
>>Xbox 4
>>New Halo
These would all be fucking trash
it says its coming up in 24 hours, what the fuck are you on about
Anyone actually got a good place to watch and shitpost in real time?
Scarlet is probably just going to be a slight hardware bump to preempt for PS5.
more franchises mutiliated and put on show like child drag queens, another indie game that catches the eye of monster girlfags or just general waifufags but never actually gets talked about again, new cowadooty and respawn wars gameplay
pineapples and strawberries I just finished some cheesy grits with bacon, potatoes and pepper/onions
Hoe's mad Sony isn't in and thus you have to resort into anti-Nintendo shitposting, aren't ya?
find a new hobby, mang.
Thankfully the only thing I care about is Battlefronf 2’s future content so I can skip it and get some damn sleep instead. I’d say maybe Dragon Age 4 but BioWare deserves to go under for what they did to Mass Effect
I can upload a template if you want to add your own.
Bethesda is going to win
>Elder scrolls 6
Plus other surprises, Todd always wins baby
How many hours precisely until EA's starts???
snack box is ready
Honestly can't tell if you're ironic shitposting, or an actual Beth shill.
3 hours
2hr 37min 30sec
Thanks mateys. Dunno if I'll be free when it starts, might have other shit to sort through irl in 2 hours.
i'd like to take a moment to complain about ign's horrible website. never before have i seen a site so polluted by advertisements, so much so that pages take up to a minute to load, and when they're loaded, more adverts appear. there are also adverts at the side that prevent you from reading whatever shitty articles they come up with to fill the front page.
>links some literally who tier channel instead the official one
posting in Yea Forums about how much i hate videogames IS my hobby, user.
and it'll happen to you, too
Nah, because i actually know how to deal with my problems, and don't blame them on a hobby. Or cry because i'm not leading a generic normie life.
Just do the world a favor and off yourself m8.
Using my rudimentary paint skills I have distilled my E3 autism into a .png for your viewing displeasure.
I'm more excited to watch Kung Pow again then I am for any of the shows at this point
>watching EA conference
just die
being cynical about an industry that has done nothing but show contempt for its customer base means i blame my unresolved issues on a hobby and cry about being a normie. okay. totally reasonable leaps of logic there user. couldn't at all be projection, nosireebob
>here's your DmC 2 bro
I'm eating meat patties.
do you have the template?
And some shills from the audience clapping.
based and healthpilled
was the google thing worth watching
laugh at this post
This is where I scooped it from, there's a few to choose from
Doesn't matter because we'll literally forget all of it within an hour of the keynote
New console reveal
Halo and Gears
Please play Fallout 76
Please play Blades
We have Wolfenstein too
Dishonored 3 would be hype as hell but it ain't happening
>PC Gaming Show
New AssCreed of course
Watch_Dogs 3
Maybe a new game
BG&E2 is supposedly absent but I don't believe it
>Square Enix
KHIII ReMIND if they don't show the trailer for that at the LA Orchestra tonight
World of Final Fantasy 2
New NieR game
Avengers Project
Parasite Eve Remake
>Devolver Digital
Uh, I dunno
Advertising indie games that are already out?
They usually do that
Pokémon just had a Direct but I don't doubt it'll be involved
Smash Bros DLC
Bayonette 3 still exists promise
Metroid Prime 4 still exists promise
Luigi's Mansion 3
New Switch models confirmed, release window
Overall this E3's gonna feel pretty ordinary
Microsoft's the only one that might have a big reveal but with the new console on the horizon I imagine they'll be focused on that
It kinda is special though. The last time we got a game like this was 2012.
It isn't.
Tameem made Hellblade and is doing something else.
This is by another team and the woman who made DmC combat.
fuck off bird
Can I get a link to their livestream or whatever?
I thought E3 was yesterday, wtf
not him but can you link me the official one on youtube?
I thought EA wasn't doing a show this year?
fat fuck
God I hope there's Sims 5 so we can finally move past the disaster of sims 4
I don't know if my age is showing, but seeing generic, whacky, action shit like this bores me to tears. I want more R18+, serious games.
nlg those berries and nuts look good though
All they need to do is fix the shitty artstyle and add in better features from the start, removing being able to walk around your whole neighbourhood freely was retarded.
Thanks mate.
Salted or no?
Something good that follows Unravel's success
Ways to steal money without giving content
Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order
play DmC then, the only note-worthy action game Ninja Theory has ever made :^)
Monster Energy Ultra of course
are you retarded
Skate 3 didnt meet EAs demand of like 5 million units sold, which was around twice of what skate 2 sold. Its the same fate that Dead Space suffered.
>dev makes A or AA tier game
>game is well regarded for a niche but passionate audience
>general gamers accept that its probably good, some may buy it preowned. Kinda like how even people who never played it generally believe that Super Mario bros 3 is a good platformer, just by word of mouth
>EA buys them
>sequel sells better, in part due to increased financial backing via adverts and good will from 1
>EA demands that a formerly niche product sell ridiculous amounts of units
>to do so the game must feature-creep to hell and back to appeal to a larger audience and add microtransactions, alienating the passionate community that loved (and bought) 1&2. Or they dont change much, despite the increased sales pressure of owing EA with its now AAA budget.
>game doesnt meet 5-10 million copies or whatever
>EA kills franchise
Its an endless cycle of poisoned money. AA --> AAA rarely works unless theres a real hook or unique innovation.
That's honestly the best proof any company needs to stay AA and independent. It forces them to also stay in scope.
Here's my report card so far.
I miss the early-mid 00s not out of blind nostalgia but because we werent collectively restricted to a few massive pubs.
There was way more room for midbudget games that explored niche features and mechanics while still being full, satisfying games. You think modern Ubi or EA would have green-lit FEAR, hitman, max payne, Mercenaries, Dead Space or Timesplitters in their original form, without the moderate success of those games under their original teams? Absolutely not.
Isn't that's why there are so many remakes coming out? New shit ain't working so might as well go back to the classics and put a new coat of paint on em to squeeze money our of everyone?
These days a game like Katamari Damacy simply doesn't happen
Even the indie scene is dominated by trends and sustainability.
Indies and AA kickstarter games my dude
Eh we still get games like Baba Is You, which i honestly can't think of an earlier game with the same gimmick.
>Thought microsoft was today
>Realize only a few hours ago it's tomorrow
ah... man
Stopped caring about EA entirely ever since they added Visceral to their graveyard collection and i'll never get another Dead Space.
Seems to be. THQ seems to want to move in the mid-tier direction as a pub.
There are some good indie games, cuphead and shovel knight being famous, and im a fan of Ravenfield for that early battlefield feel, but they cant always fill that hole cuz sometimes the indie dev progress stalls or they blow up in some other way.
kek bravo
I already got what I wanted
Here's to Hit and Run bros
More classic IPs they'll rape like they did to C&C.
I'll probably grab some fruit and chocolate almonds in the next bit.
It's pretty hard to call Cuphead "indie" when they took a fair bit of funding from MS for a timed-exclusive deal.
>"we have a special announcement. When purchasing cards in FIFA 2020, you will notice "premium ship +$9,999.99" in the corner. Buy using premium ship on a card, that player will be shipped DIRECTLY to your home. We have purchased the entire pakistani, afghani, brazillian, nigerian, and nicaraguan football clubs, and now you yourself can own a football star"
consoletard 15 years late with the ea hate
You are going to die of cardiovascular disease
Wonder if Blizzard it's going to show something or just wait blizzcon, fucking jews hope they go bankrupt
Titanfall 3 and/or any other Titanfall project announcement
More Star Wars
Why is bread dipped in salt + olive oil + balsamic vinegar so good, bros?
Bros it's not a presentation with surprises, they've already sent out the list of games theyll show
Countdown to EA Play (9:15am PT)
Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order (9:30am PT)
Apex Legends (10:00am PT)
Battlefield (10:30am PT)
FIFA 20 (11:00am PT)
Madden NFL 20 (11:30am PT)
The Sims 4 (12:00pm PT)
don't do this is creates mustard gas
>thing that was confirmed to not exist
I swear to god Nintendo if you pretend Metroid Prime 4 doesn't exist again
Well that's lame
I can only hope they'll sneak in an easter egg or some after-credits shit
It's ok if you walk
My man~
I could go for some of that right now.
Based EA shill. Can't wait to enjoy all presentations, E3 is fucking amazing.
I think it's plausible they would have started working on TF3 after how hard Apex nosedived but again that's why it's in my hopes section
However, they HAVE talked about a Titanfall project in the works being set to release this year so E3 would be the perfect place to tease it
i aint looking forward to shit execpt maybe shitting on bethesda and laughing at the todd howard memes
Do you lack reading comprehension? He wrote Titanfall under hopes not expectations.
I thought it was today fuck this gay shit desu
They went from making Hellblade to this?
1 hour 20 to go
Do you?
Why hope for something that you know will not show up as they already fucking revealed what they're going to show you idiot.
Why not? Let people dream
Dude go blow your brains out youre fucking ruining my E3 experience
Could do that at gamescom too.
>tfw have to miss Microsoft’s biggest e3 because I have to be at marriage prep classes
Should I just call off the wedding lads
Looks like a westernized max anarchy sequel
Are the Rockstar rumors true?
Do it user. Ruin the marriage, it's getting in the way of your bideo games
Go take a shit and watch it on your phone
I am fucking ready.
I've got all snacks, memes and reaction images at the tip of my fingers.
Enough to last me for 4 days straight.
Let's go boys.
Maybe V4C, if they’re restreaming it.
I really hope they'll announce C&C:Rivals 2
>tfw only care about C&C remake from EA
>tfw C&C is not scheduled to be in the livestream
>A shitty conference full of miltiplats that you can watch afterwards on YouTube
>The love of your life
Don't be an idiot user
i dunno lol
Go have marriage prep class, come home and watch with your fiancé
>the only chance to watch a presentation live and experience it first-hand
>a prep session for an event happening on some other day
Why ya gotta prep for a wedding anyway
Just walk down the aisle, say "I do", everyone claps the end
It ain't that hard
It's more for the other people, because positioning and all that bullshit.
Volta Football just anounced looks pretty similar
>Cuckrosoft thinking anyone gives a fuck about them
>you have to be taught how to be present at a wedding
Nigga just watch a couple get wed in holy matrimony it ain't that hard
What games are you really hoping for this e3 lads?
>New Splinter cell
>new Jojo fighting game
>and Garden warfare 3
with an emphasis on "going back to its roots"
>Garden warfare 3
There was a Garden Warfare 2?
yes it was terrible
I really liked 1 so im hoping for another one
I just want a few games.
>Dishonored spin-off that'll be in Pandyssia, could be an adventure game this time instead of stealth
>Skate game or Skate-like game, Session looked interesting, wanting more information on that
>Project Gotham Racing. Bring it back XBOX
Vota looks like a small game mode, I wanted a real game.
Also no switch version, can't revive my middle school days of playing the PSP FIFA STREET 2 on the bed.
really really hope Arkane studios have something to announce during the bethesda conference. don't give a shit about any of their inhouse games anymore
I like halo a lot tho
I’m probably gonna go to my dads to eat ribs, watch the recap of MS, then hopefully catch Bethesda’s live with my brother there
Take a picture, pussy.
It’s catholic stuff. Her dads super religious. So this is even more painful cause it’s nothing we haven’t been told before while growing up
E3 coming around made me realise how little I care about most games. The only big western game I kind of care about is new Doom, even that I feel like it is a get it on sale type of deal. Don't care about modern SE and Ubisoft. Maybe Capcom, Nintendo or an indie will do something cool? But it would have to be a big deal , like a new Rival Schools. That tiny possibility of something like that and/or a new GBVS trailer are the only things pushing me to watch the MS conference. Seeing Banjo come back would be nice, but I'm not personally invested in the series.
Destroy All Humans remake has got me more hype than nearly anything that could be announced at the conferences.
Chilling at home right now
People don't announce consoles at E3 anymore. They haven't since the Wii U. There's way too much noise. It's better to have your own little independent presentation far away from E3. They did it for Xbone, PS4 and Switch.
If you're like Namco, or THQ or some other publisher that doesn't have a dedicated conference, you're either dependent on somoene like Microsoft or Nintendo to give you screentime.
It's the same fucking thing with these "leaks." There's too much going on during conference time and those publishers will often be focused on their own stuff. Especially considering there's functionally only two console manufacturers having a presentation this year(inb4 Epic Game Store show). Might as well just get it out in the open so people know what to look for before the giant media deluge starts.
At least Nintendo just drops the fucking pretense and gave Mario and Pokemon their own directs weeks before E3.
I just want Skate 4 but ea is doodoo
too bad
Where's this stupid EA stream anyway
Why release a schedule like this? Everyone is going to watch Star Wars then turn off.
>30mins of apex
Better be some incredible update, that game is fucking dying
I feel like they've been quiet way too long.
If they don't come out with something on the hype level of the Superman game they were rumored to be doing, but later said they weren't, there's no way to really come back from it painlessly.
Suicide Squad loot shooter
just read that warner bros will skip E3
vgas are when the real announcements come out.
Wait, it doesn't start at 9:00 AM?
Juri from Street Fighter 4 and 5
god this GaMeRgIrL is fucking annoying.
this is a very good card, good job
What is agent
>Touch yourself up too
Whoa there cowboy.
I want that slag
>My first E3 with more than 1 monitor
This is nice.
They really took the Star Wars license to make Uncharted.
>wahhh games everyone can play? TRASH!
This is why capeshit is so trash.
Superman and The Flash are undoubtedly the two most powerful characters. Nothing beats speed on the level they have.
But if Superman is now evil, why isn't he just moving at Flash speeds from the start?
Why aren't the people he's fighting disintigrating immediately as he throws them about effortlessly? The speed he should be moving at in that exact moment would be more than enough to annihilate them.
Fuck capeshit.
Their show is getting shittier each year.
>blue eyed
>makes electric walls
New main.
>who cares