What makes the Japanese character design more appealing than the Western one?
What makes the Japanese character design more appealing than the Western one?
japanese characters are modeled after japanese people
western characters are modeled after western people
lowest common denominator animu garbage
Yellow fever
You think that's what the average anime looks like?
Japs also make ugly characters too
such an original thread OP 10/10 subbed and followed ;^))
This is supposed to be ugly?
the game was marketed towards stupid newbie gaijins
It looks better.
honestly any girls made by capcom the last past years are just fucking uncanny looking to me,
they don't make jap face anymore
Western design is like some kid creating character in mmo and just added everything he could like scars, marks and other shit. No sense of balance.
What game is the Jap from again?
In media, Asian people want to see beautiful people who are better than them to have something to strive for. Western people want to see themselves.
>implying last of us is not also common denominator anal drippings
>implying Handler is not a qt
Japanese give their characters make up. Westerners go for the natural look. That's pretty much it.
Both look like garbage.
Go 2D or go home.
East: featureless idealistic faces
West: muh imperfections and features
>featureless idealistic faces
She's modeled after an actual person
yeah that eye liner is totally natural
One is made with realism in mind and the other for incel weebs who love anime to much.
But I thought Japanese people have literally yellow skin and buckteeth and tiny slits for eyes.
Incels are a leftist bogeyman and weebs are not a target audience for Japanese media.
Yea Forumsirgins just want to fuck ayyliens
Meanwhile in the real world, Japanese media is far more individualistic than American media.
That's not Western design, it's Jewish/mutt design.
She doesn't have ugly fucking moles all over her face
Sure, if they're cute
Facial scans.
It introduces uncanny valley and amplifies all the imperfections on an actress' face. This is then worsened even more because as a standard, western devs don't put makeup on their characters, or can't due to limitations.
Not to mention, the people they scan in are usually either the VAs themselves, who are in the VA business for obvious reasons, or cheap models who only look good with heavy photoshop.
Character design is dead.
Judaism vs. Aryanism
Yep than they remove eyebags and make cheeks even more non existing etc. Featureless
Fuck off Haim.
Because Japanese devs just make qt girls that end up being unrealistic but beautiful.
Western devs try to make realistic designs that end up unrealistic and ugly.
>he doesn't
one is realistic and the other is fantasy
If you look at the credits the first name to come up at the "Character Modelers" section is a gaijin
I think that strongly tells something
Handler is qt
Scanned from a wh*te roastie.
Besides the fact that just because the character looks ugly it's not automatically realistic the left one looks off putting as fuck. The left one also looks uglier than the average white woman from the ones that are not fat. In their quest to accommodate to fragile and vicious western women they created uglier versions of reality, very impressive. Who the fuck wants that shit, it's like making a COD where the main character can't even sprint for longer than 3 seconds because he is too fat.
cope more roastie
they don't even look similar, changed her bug eyes, pushed her eyebrows closer and removed the eye bags. to only thing kinda similar is the lip shape
Westerns have sex
The japanese don't
Western countries have low birth rates too, but thanks to media propaganda people only ever talk about Japan.
Epic response tranny!
Not implying if it's true shit taste
There's a reason nips made a mod to cover her face and marked it as essential
Not talking about birth rates here bud
Fuck off samefag
The handler needs to fucking die chomped by a jho
You are, and the fact is that Western countries have low rates as well.
weird cope but ok
Right is pretty and left is not
Nothing complicated
western vidya is having a long phase of "model things as realistic as possible to show off your engine" because we have a huge audience of people who seek impressive graphics most of all, while japs play it safe. All of their semirealistic models are exactly the same, just with different haircuts and clothes.
Using Okatsu is definitely cherry picking since she's absolutely gorgeous.
>All of their semirealistic models are exactly the same, just with different haircuts and clothes.
What you are claiming here is that they have some industry standard set of models that all companies use for their games.
You know you can have sex without having children, right?
>Virginity ratio of unmarried Japanese women
age 18-19 74.5%
age 20-24 64.5%
age 25-29 32.6%
age 30-34 31.3%
age 35-39 33.4%
- You can teach English in Japan if you have any degree. It doesn't have to be an English degree.
- The average salary for full-time English teachers in Japan is ~$86,000/year. The part-timers drag the overall average down.
Japanese have higher fertility rate than American and scandinavian whites, FYI.
>industry standard
that's a kind way to say they have remained stale for over a decade. A1 pictures also set the industry standard for anime with sword art online. It's not really a good thing
Japanese designs are decided by artistic vision.
Western character designs are decided by politics.
The Western obsession with Japanese people having sex is a result of media propaganda about their birth rates. Having sex is also completely useless if it doesn't result in children.
They haven't remained stale and I am saying that your idea is preposterous. No, they do not have an industry standard set of models that all developers share.
>A1 pictures also set the industry standard for anime with sword art online. It's not really a good thing
A1 and SAO are both memes and mean nothing.
Do nips find freckles unattractive?
Japs design for passion and profit instead of politics
nips think anyone who is tanned/dark/has freckles/isn't a pasty white ghost is gross. Shittiest taste
There's many tanned characters in anime.
Do you not know what gyaru is?
one looks Japanese, one looks caucasian. One is design by eastern designer, The other is designed by western designer.
Humans drawing from what they know. It's both a conscious effort, as well as subconscious.
>white male cafe
holy shit I had never thought of this
Do you know what gyaru is? It's a counterculture phenomenon that specifically challenges Japanese ideals of beauty and femininity. It's not mainstream Japanese culture you dumb fucking ironic weeaboo.
>self reported
they're lying. everyone is banging everyone. japanese women have a cultural bias to lie and claim to be virgins.
There are several popular gyaru manga running RIGHT NOW
nothing, nips are ugly
but murican trash is worse only because its made by women with selfesteem issues so they get butthurt over artistic depiction of beuty and by sjws who think men shouldnt be allowed to enjoy pretty characters
In general, most humans tribes are like this. But most of us can extend beyond the safety of the tribe to exchange with other humans. We have the capacity to empathize compare to other mammals.
Humans can potentially recognize attractive traits in all ethnic groups, as there are potential mates across all groups. The likelihood depends on the most desirable traits Mong a myriad of other factors, both cultural and natural.
Man I really hope this doesn't turn into a shitty /pol/ thread
gyaru is as counter-culture as being a goth girl is in the US you dumb unironic weeaboo
Nothing really. It's just people from Oregon are naturally ugly
i didn't get the pic, most of the are hot af
I think there is a practical explanation for this.
The West is obsessed with equality and virtually every medium/large company has female quotas. This makes the female presence in the work environment normal.
In an environment where 100% of employees are men, sexual shit and hot women becomes a common subject and we see this reflected in the end result of what they have produced. That's why even children's games have hot and sexy girls when the game was made by men only.
The Japanese probably still produce games the right way, that is, using men. If they start forcing women into the work environment, of course the girls in the games will get uglier, feminist, disgusting and despicable.
user you are dumber than a sack of bricks
There are many women working in the Japanese games industry and other industries. Neptunia's producer and character designer are both women.
Their image of female beauty hasn't been fucked yet
I know it's hard for guys like you, but try to use your imagination.
Try to imagine creating a female character extremely sexy and somehow vulgar while you work with a team of empowered women and militant gays.
The culture of the team you work will dictate the end result of what you do.
FFXIV has a particularly good female writer thats being given the reigns to the next expansion. Also bayonettas entire character is designed by women. Which is hilarious when western liberals try to rip on it
The blame is not women, but jews.
And japan does not have that problem with female developers.
>while you work with a team of empowered women and militant gays
I can't imagine that because it never naturally happens
HOLY SHIT, STOP MAKING YELLOW FEVER THREADS AND STOP TRYING TO FORCE THEM! these are the stupidest off topic threads on Yea Forums.
>nowhere near as comfy as JAV threads
>cringier obsession with asian than JAV fans(and we're LITERALLY jacking off to asians in those threads)
>someone says something bad about having an asian fetish "OMG FUCK OFF ROASTIE HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA"
>literally nothing but race shitflinging
>shitflinging leads to no cute asians getting posted
>90% of the thread is repeated from the previous yellow fever thread so it's literally as if we're just copying the same thread but on a different day
for real, these threads are the biggest wastes of time on this entire board and you fuckers will never stop spamming these images. It's fucking annoying seeing these things and you guys will completely ignore this post and keep doing it anyway.
I sure do. I mean, not interested in banging a full-on gray man but I'd fuck the shit out of that bottom anime alien.
I don't know what game the right picture is from but The Last of Us' whole thing is gritty and realistic violence in the post-apocalypse. Her design fits the world and tone they're going for. The one on the right is more appealing because the character herself is just more beautiful, likely because it makes sense for the character since she looks like she's dressed as some handmaiden. The devs weren't concerned with realistic portrayals. Not that hard to understand.
the presence of art direction and hand crafted modeling being involved rather than just stopping after face scanning shits out the model.
Less detail overall means less detail put into flaws. Seeing every last pore and flemish isn't cute. The skin on the right basically has a texture that was filled in with the bucket tool, and everything else is done with lighting. It leaves "white space" between the important parts, that's let's your eye rest when looking over the character.
These are both ugly people, but at least tlou has the excuse of having to change the characters appearance to look slightly like the original character but not enough notellenpage to get them sued. The right is just a gook
They are only right leaning under the contemporary re-definition that is and has been going on, particularly surrounding the influence of the internet. The nazis probably would have thought of them as jewish influenced mutts or something, and also degenerates
Seethe harder, mutt.
congrats, you have exposed yourself as a clueless moron shooting in the dark. you have very little understanding or experience with game design.
>this style is more realistic that means it's artistically superior!!!
>la creatura
>el ayylmao
I don't give a shit what they look like.
The average white person is ugly. (Please do not get triggered, it's a fact. You're most likely very ugly)
Japanese characters are modelled to look like perfect dolls.
>birth rates
and you aren't contradicting anyone
Why is "anime characters are Asian/White" argument never settled?
I would say they are aesthetically an in-between of East Asian and European White though.
Think why they look like Eurasian when they are drawn with a semi-realistic artstyle in most cases.
>Why is "anime characters are Asian/White" argument never settled?
Because there are still whites with a racial inferiority complex posting here.
It's another "western developers can't make hot waifus", completely ignoring the fact that isn't what western developers are striving to do.
The only genuine example I can think of is that woman from Mass Effect.
Japan is still somewhat of a patriarchal and homogeneous society who appreciates the female form. Meanwhile (((western))) media always has to have some kind of agenda that they want to push.
That just looks Asian.
>most desired race
>inferiority complex
lol flatface detected
I'm white, but unlike you I don't have a racial inferiority complex.
You still want to fuck japanese women.
And like user said:
You really have a major racial inferiority complex.
that image perfectly illustrates the problem with a lot of western animation. Straight out of the cal arts institution
Anime stylized look, unrealistic, unatural, ugly whore
Realistic and natural beauty, untouched and pure
Left = Realism
Right = Idealism
Most Japanese women are ugly af
I want to fuck the 1/4 White looking ones
Promiscuity is nearly unheard of in anime.
Then what about Dexter, Grim Adventures, Powerpuff Girls, Simpsons, etc characters?
You guys are just triggered when you can't fap to 1 cartoon character.
No, Japanese characters are modelled after what they think westerners look like.
Yea Forums has done quite a lot of research into the topic.
It's the skin tone man, if they were asian they'd have a yellowish appearance but they're always coloured white
ok cringe weeb
these are all 90s early 2000s shit.
not sure why you are bringing masturbating into this. And the characters you are referencing were created literally decades ago before the cal arts problem started and places like San Francisco went to hell
Japanese understand that real people are fucking ugly and they need to take some artistic liberties.
Anime characters are not white. You have a racial inferiority complex.
I said nothing cringe and you have no evidence that I'm a weeb.
If whites are all desirable why are you an ugly autistic incel who browses /pol/ and gets into race arguments on Yea Forums?
I thought that it was well documented that manga characters used to look actually japanese, but mango artists started making their characters with more western characteristics to appeal to the international market.
They look pretty fucking Japanese. In fact, they look like the "Jomon" people. Yayoi is the version of Jap that looms super chinky and is much more common and definitely less attractive, but it explains why their ideal looks more "Eurasian", since they're aiming for that Jomon look.
Consider that only gaijin hunters who'd fuck the ugliest basement dweller (just because he's the trophy white guy) would fuck you. And gaijin hunters are often 100% ugly and not mixed.
The only place where this has been "documented" is Yea Forums, where people think everything the Japanese do must necessarily revolve around whites. Manga does very little if anything to appeal to international audiences, even today.
So you're a beta incel who brags that you're in a great race even though you're an autistic loser with a mediocre life. Got it.
All American media starts with the premise that we must cater to female insecurities. That means no Japanese women, no pretty women, no young women, no anime, no video games (video games threaten the amount of attention they may receive). Notice how Nioh is actually a good game, and a game that demands some degree of skill, but the other one is a walking simulator (without even knowing what it is, I know this).
You're still responding. You know what that means, sweetie? It means I win.
Bye now. :)
My point is western characters have always had a certain style. You're just virgin weebs who think anything must be fap material.
Bad attempt at damage control, roastie.
There are definitely women drawn to be white in anime but they tend to have more pronounced features like pic related.
No just in an on average better race.
And I guarantee you I look better than 80% of the people on this thread rn
if Japanese characters are modeled after white people the why do western characters look like shit?
>My point is western characters have always had a certain style.
western style animation has changed dramatically through the years though
Let the incels think they have at least one good thing going for them:
Their race.
The right one looks flat as fuck, left looks like someone you'd actually see in real life regardless if you think she's ugly or not.
Japanese models them after pretty whites.
West models them after SJW bullshit.
white posters seem obsession with anime character's race...
Nobody care about anime character's race on Japanese internet.
OP's character was modeled after a real Japanese woman.
>70 Asian
yeah that shit's broken
>The denial.
Have a cola.
the only white thing about her is blonde hair, if you dyed it she would look asian.
the character in the op is literally modeled after a japanese woman
>untouched and pure
did anyone believe this?
>lets make characters more attractive and more appealing to boost sales
>does the opposite
>tries to appeal to social media fags instead of fan
>"why are we declining"
Sony moving to california will be one of the worst things to happen to gaming
>more cherrypic
Marie, abunai!
Reminder that even japanese people think the white race ages badly.
Anime keeps making jkes about western white people but it's ignored.
>Anime characters are not white.
Anime characters have no race.
They don't look 100% Japanese either
They look like hapas, 50% White 50% Asian
Asians want White genes, it's a well known fact
>Sony moving to california will be one of the worst things to happen to gaming
Just imagine hoards of fatass trigglypuff-style "women" outside of Sony HQ, twerking and gyrating any time they put something "offensive" in their games.
this, this and this
>hour glass figure is exclusive to white people
That blonde is white.
The last sentence is directed at white people.
If the character was hispanic you would've agreed that it's directed at hispanics.
>They look like hapas, 50% White 50% Asian
No they don't.
>Asians want White genes, it's a well known fact
Japan is not Asia, and you have a racial insecurity complex.
fictional characters have races brainlet
>tfw no cute Jap gf with insecurity for not being blonde
The only other people who have it are latinas. Asian women are flat and small, black women are almost all obese.
hot take
both are shit and you're all bunch of niggers
nevermind that you completely missed the point of your own picture, and i'ts just jealousy from plain DFCs.
>there are no hourglass figures in asia
>>there are no hourglass figures in asia
I've never seen it. Maybe someone should post proof.
>anime characters look white!
literally any j/k-pop idol group
East is designed to look like a dolled up model at all times.
West attempts to capture the everyday average. Freckles and all.
draw a featureless stick figure. if you're caucasian, it probably represents a white person in your mind even though it's featureless. if a japanese anime artist creates a character without specifying an ethnicity, where do you think they're designed to be from?
Blonde hair doesn't look bad on Asian girls though.
>any j/k-pop idol group
>all are flat and have all undergone some kind of plastic surgery
user I got bad news if you think asian women look like this 24/7...
Can’t wait for retards that think race is skin deep to come and say BUT THEIR HAIR IS YELLOW
Plastic surgery is a Korean meme, not a Japanese one.
The american cartoon there is modelled after Amerimutts though so their kids can relate. Only difference is potentially the blue eyes but, some mutts keep those I guess.
All beautiful or handsome anime characters are white, nigger.
>middle western woman
That's good looking to the one that made this I guess. Why? She has a fucking jewnose. Look at it, disgusting.
Coping Tyrone Gonzales. At least you realize you're not white.
You have a racial insecurity complex.
>Anime characters are not white
Yeah but they look white.
The absolute STATE of whitoids
They don't. You have a racial insecurity complex.
Meaning it's not the mainstream traditional ideal of beatuy, like he just said?
Reminder that roasties who hate asian women are also self-loathing white people who think whites are bad. We're just agreeing with you - You're bad.
Either you’ve never seen anime or you’ve never seen white people.
You have a racial insecurity complex.
Can you prove that? Because user has already substantiated his claim that anime characters are modeled after white people, but you've yet to substantiate yours.
You have a racial insecurity complex.
Asian women are usually more attractive than white women.
It's not a dude in drag.
White people are really insecure and genuinely wish that they were anime, but they know they never will be.
Whites with a racial insecurity complex try to reassure themselves by imagining that the Japanese have a racial insecurity complex and worship whites and make their characters white, thus granting legitimacy to the white race. Ironically this places whites below the Japanese, because whites' sense of racial security is dependent on Japanese approval.
Ahh shit, I forgot, white women don't wear makeup.
Excuse me.
Incredibly bluepilled
According to feminists, they don't.
No, you are the one projecting and you have no proof to the contrary.
>no u
No, you are the one projecting and you have no proof to the contrary.
I am right and you cannot argue against me. You have a racial insecurity complex. Anime characters do not look white. You cannot dispute this.
Why do white roasties try so hard to shit on asian women?
And what evidence do you have to support your claim that these two people
have a racial insecurity complex and are not simply making an observation?
Also, can you prove those two posters are white?
They realize that their time is running out.
shit taste
They shit on anything that's competition, and the most dangerous competition of them all is Asian women.
Japs are the only ones that can make women of all races look cute.
>I am right and you cannot argue against me. You have a racial insecurity complex. Anime characters do not look asian. You cannot dispute this.
>Lilly still best girl
All is as it should be.
Anime characters don't look white and the Japanese are not obsessed with whites, and thus people who claim otherwise are obviously suffering from a racial insecurity complex.
>Also, can you prove those two posters are white?
Why would non-whites be posting these things?
It doesn't matter how long you keep this up. I will always be right and you will always be wrong. Keep seething.
Not him, but those top two don't look similar at all
Asian women are everything they hate. Asian women represent fun, youth, purity, and adventure. White women come back from the gloryhole, they start smoking a big old cigar and demand that you give them a kiss. If you don't kiss her she'll say you're a racist. And we're supposed to like this or something.
I just did a bunch of googling and it looks like your right.
Can't believe people would just go on the internet and tell lies
So your proof is "because I said so."
I'm going to dab on you now. Prepare yourself.
Weebs have been tricked/ tricked themselves into thinking that the average Japanese woman looks like pic related. But they would know this isn’t the case if they’ve spent any time in Japan or have watched videos about Japan on the streets: youtu.be
White westerners have enormous egos and think that they're the center of the world, but what they don't realize is that the main audience for anime and manga outside of Japan is other Asian countries (ESPECIALLY SEA countries).
Now that you explain this, now I'm attracted to your fat feminist ass. (said no one ever)
What other proof were you expecting? Several peer-reviewed studies by the world's leading sociologists? You're just trying to run away from the argument.
It doesn't matter how long you keep this up. I will always be right and you will always be wrong. Keep seething.
Anime characters are Asian/White cross.
Does this exclusively look a single race, like just White or just Asian?
>Hover over video
>See cute mommygf Asian girl in the thumbnail
user, why did you lie to me?
Anime characters look white and the Japanese are obsessed with whites, and thus people who claim otherwise are obviously suffering from a racial insecurity complex.
I mean, come on. One of the most frequent tropes in anime is blue eyes and blonde hair.
Holy shit people a game doesn't have to be realistic to look good. The left picture is more realistic and represents what an average looking girl from america looks like, but to me it is deep in the uncanny valley so it doesn't look good. The right one although not realistic looks better because it is more stylized and does not have the same problem that the left one has although it's graphical fidelity is lesser.
Also the soul vs. souless thing is fuckin stupid and was originally supposed to be a defensive non-argument to support nostalgia because people are too retarded to explain why they love old stuff or too prideful and to shut down arguments of why the new stuff is better. Like holy shit just say you like one better instead of trying to make your opinion sound objective because it makes you sound more retarded.
Different priorities
Asian women at their best legit look like perfect dolls almost flawless and aim for this
Western women would rather glorify perceived flaws and frame them as beauty
>muh average Japanese woman
Funny how this always comes down to the mythical average Japanese woman, but it's ok to judge white women by their most attractive representatives and not think about the average woman at all.
So you admit you lost?
Keep seething.
They do not look white. You have a racial insecurity complex.
>I mean, come on. One of the most frequent tropes in anime is blue eyes and blonde hair.
>discrediting the exact claim that beautiful asians are carefully selected
Wow fortunate is Japan we nuked the fuck out of them and took over?
You're literally retarded if you think Japanese game dev isn't filled with women, especially in regards to art and character design.
Keep seething
These weeb stains would have no anime girls, futa's, furfags or Nintendo.
Keep seething.
The one on the right was modeled after a japanese model. Not only that but the game on the right has a fraction of a budget of the game on the left. LOL
Hmm, interesting.
You know what I don't see in that video.
I don't see a single hamplanet.
Meanwhile, in white countries...
> bug eyes
we're talking about fuckin centimeters man if you think that insignificant of a difference is big then you probably think your dick is huge too. Like holy shit how retarded are you?
Interesting, I never knew of this
Sheva from Resident Evil 5 is the only hood looking black woman I’ve seen
What's it like being retarded?
I don't think the problem is women, the problem is western (white) women.
The uncanny valley. The Japanese model isn't realistic enough to make anyone feel creeped out or uneasy. Tlou is trying to look as realistic as possible but isn't quite there
Liberals are the least funny people on Earth
Can't weebs just shut the fuck up about female characters for one minute?
The Japanese one is actually based on a real person though. They just straight up did it better.
They made a person look like a video game character instead of trying to make the video game character look like a person.
y'all need to have sex
hot damn
Because Japanese cares about aesthetics meanwhile the west disdains it
Thank you based Nukes for giving us modern Japan
Keep seething.
Is there something you want to talk about OP?
Keep seething.
I've had sex with white,hispanic, asian and black women.
I still have sex daily AND watch porn even though i get it in at least 14 times a week.
Appealing for incels
>hur dur le average jap looks
Who the fuck cares? The average white woman also looks horrible, games, movies, comics and cartoons are supposed to give idealism. The average medieval man was probably some skinny dumbass with a crooked back and skin burned by the sun from working the fields all day for years, yet art from the era is about handsome Knights in shiny armor and shit. Japs are right in portraying their best men and women, while we westerners have decided that portraying our ugly and average is somehow better.
Can we just accept that maybe anime characters are their own race?
Two words and a conjunction
This fuckin incel pops his head in every one of these threads
Have sex
>only incels like attractive women
Hmm, who could be behind this post...
Wallowing in filth and mediocrity is basically the modus operandi of modern Western art and entertainment.
Im aware it's based off a real person. I think a lot of it also has to do with the lighting of the scene. Both girls are attractive actresses, but you can get unflattering pics of anybody. Tlou implements realistic lighting whereas nioh is more stylistic and uses lighting to beautify the scene
Asuka is better.
Western women have a horrible mating strategy.
Keep seething.
A real life Rei would probably look a half Nordic Half Japanese.
La creatura
It is funny to me that you spend time hunting down all these images when 1) you already admitted to completely losing the argument, and 2) I have already seen every single image related to this topic.
The reality is that anime characters look like anime characters and don't actually resemble any race more than another. Everyone has a default human being on their mind and when presented by neutral traits, gravitates towards applying the most common race around them to it. Japanese see Japanese until a particular characteristic calling a race is applied to the character, which is why the cast in an anime can have a rainbow palette of hair colours but people only see white once the character has big lips and freckles.
Thinking anything else is a complete failure in critical thinking. They do not look white, they do not look Japanese, the concept of a default human being is already well known if you did any research, and even if you didn't you'd still realize the reality of the situation if you weren't an autist that's never talked to anybody outside of your social bubble.
What I'm trying to say. Is only incels needs to have sex injected in every form of entertainment they consume
You're just a seething roastie.
I want to hug Hanako and snuggle with her in a warm bed when it's raining outside
Both trash girls, choose a real girl.
Japan is just another part of America though
no delete this. anime characters WUZ WHITE N SHEEIT.
I'm sure you wish it was.
>- You can teach English in Japan if you have any degree. It doesn't have to be an English degree.
Through Interac, and it isn't that simple. It's still competitive, though they are the easiest to get in with.
>- The average salary for full-time English teachers in Japan is ~$86,000/year. The part-timers drag the overall average down.
You won't be a full time English teacher, especially if you're going through Interac which is the company that'll take you for only having a bachelors as a minimum requirement. You're looking at somewhere around 20,000USD a year.
If you want to teach English in Japan through Interac you have a chance with only a bachelors degree and being a Native English speaker but you should also:
>Know Japanese
>Have a driver's license, but NOT an International one. Those are limited time and they'll tell you when to get one.
>Have a teaching certificate, like a TEFL
>Experience teaching in an ESL environment
>international travel experience
>experience working with youth
>don't want to work in Tokyo or another big city
>have 5,000$ startup cash as you have to pay your own way (not including plane ticket)
You could get hired without these things, but it'll be a pain and unlikely.
Western feminists hate the idea that straight men enjoy looking at attractive virtual women
It's an American navel and Army base dip shit. Anytime we need to deploy troops we do as we please over there while your police men make sure you civilians don't get out of line.
I never admitted to any such thing. Also, how would you expect me to know what images you have or have not seen? Could it be possible that you are projecting?
>half Nordic
Only in colors, Rei has very soft features there while nordics usually have very strong ones.
Dafuq is this?
I love nioh they really captured the camp and fun action of a modern day samurai movie.
why do weebs ride and die so hard for japan when being an otaku is literally seen as having the plague, especially if you're a western one. unless you're handsome which doesn't apply to 92.4% of this board
Japan is a separate nation that has existed far longer than America has. Read a book.
>while your police men make sure you civilians don't get out of line.
Uh, I'm pretty sure my country has no particular involvement with either Japan or America.
wow, how many times are you going to keep misusing the term "racial insecurity complex"? You have no idea what that even means. You sound like a fucking 10 year old who is googling terms they don't understand and trying to sound smart.
I'm sure your dream of teaching english in japan will come true one day ken-sama
I was twice younger than her and called her oldhag when I watched the show the first time but now she looks like a cute girl super fuckable to me.
Am I in a space-time anomaly or something?
Yeah ok
Keep playing your video games
The fact you're huge weeb
You did admit to such a thing. Try seething a little harder, maybe that will magically turn things around.
>Also, how would you expect me to know what images you have or have not seen?
I didn't say I was expecting anything, I was just saying it's funny that you're wasting all this effort.
>Could it be possible that you are projecting?
Could it be possible that you're a brainlet who has no idea what projection even is, and is just apinng my (correct) usage of it?
not him but this one is a bad fit
>It's an American navel and Army base dip shit
>the entire nation of japan is a seppo belly button
>Cook the rice; have nice life!
It’s called growing up and developing taste.
Not him but i actually taught English in china and it was fun asian women really like taking foreigner dick and pay was great.
So you're a spic that wishes he was a
>being an otaku is literally seen as having the plague
This is an outdated idea, at best.
I didn't misuse anything. Racial insecurity complex is precisely the correct term to use here.
>You sound like a fucking 10 year old who is googling terms they don't understand and trying to sound smart.
I didn't google anything.
>I'm sure your dream of teaching english in japan will come true one day ken-sama
I have no intention of ever going to Japan, and you have no proof that I'm a weeaboo.
realism vs aesthetics
I never said or implied anything to suggest either of those things. Are you hallucinating?
No male wishes they were asian just to fuck asian women which is a simple matter.
Assuming somebody understands something that you do, without considering whether or not they could actually possess that knowledge, is technically projection, but it's different from the commonly shit flung use of projection with regards to personal insecurities that I am assuming you mean be "real definition."
I wasn't assuming anything. It's almost like you are illiterate or something.
Keep wasting your time finding and posting these meaningless images that I've already seen countless times.
Let's not frame it as a western vs. eastern biology discussion for the 50th thread.
The core of the argument is visual appeal with realism vs. stylization.
Many argue that the right in deeper into the uncanny valley and that's why it looks worse compared to the left because the left is more stylized so it does not face the same problem.
Others argue that they don't like the 'weeb shit' because that style is not visually appealing to them and they prefer high fidelity realism.
People argue that the left is actually modeled after a real asian model and the right is modeled after a real european/american model and that the core of the argument is based in eastern vs. western biology and there is an objective 'winner' instead of realizing they have different tastes.
Like can was have threads with this retention rate that don't revolve around this stupid shit.
we do have proof you are a complete autistic retard because you keep replying to every little thing. no one even cares what you are rambling on about, you are being trolling and gobbling it up like a cockboy.
American character design is more degenerate
>Nioh boss
>Bloodborne boss
>we do have proof you are a complete autistic retard
You don't have any such proof.
>because you keep replying to every little thing
You are now reduced to arguing that I'm not allowed to reply to your posts because you can't argue against them.
>I was just pretending to be retarded
Sure thing, kid. Seethe harder.
you never having sex
the way Yea Forums works is that you find a thread archetype that works, and use it as a flyswatter to catch the constant swarm of newfags into an argument they see as new that is rather extremely old. for anyone that browses here regularly, it's tiring, but not for everyone
the entire place is groundhog day every day, it's maddening
And that's supposed to be a bad thing? If the left is pushing this hard for everyone to have sex, then having sex can't be good.
t. Seething roastie upset people realize you’re a goblino
>shitting on Ada
You use the fact that you have seen every image that I have posted as a tool to discredit my efforts. I'm simply saying that it is impossible for me to know what exactly you have seen, and thus your repeated stating of that fact does not reinforce or derail either side of the argument. You have yet to actually present a counter argument to any of the ideas proposed with each of these images, only stating that you have already seen them, which, as we have established, is not an argument and contributes nothing of relevancy to the discussion.
>This is an outdated idea, at best.
lmao calling yourself an otaku for ___ was trendy at one point, mostly in an ironic way.
the prejudice of anime/manga/vidyta otaku being creepy, disgusting, and ugly didn't just magically go away within the past 2 decades, and a stroll through akihabara anytime will reinforce those.
>H-H-HAVE SEX *uses inhaler*
>You use the fact that you have seen every image that I have posted as a tool to discredit my efforts.
No, I was just saying that it's funny to me that you're wasting time looking for these images. Your efforts were discredited before they even begun, as you admitted to losing the argument. It's incredibly pathetic that you're still posting.
Again it's an outdated idea at best. At worst it's projection. Westerners hate "otaku" far more than the Japanese ever have.
>2% of Americans are Jews
>0.0002% of Japanese are Jews.
Dunning Kreuger-kun? You're still around?
have sex with asian women
>as you admitted to losing the argument
I still don't know where you got this.
I have no idea who that is, but I do know that you're a redditor who should go back.
Not much wrong with second wave feminism
Are you a jew trying to self-promote?
Maybe you'll remember if you seethe just a little bit harder.
The average person doesn't even know what an otaku is? the fuck you on about. if you wanna equate that to the western equivalent of "nerd" then have fun with that, but it's a completely different conversation.
I'm sorry the motherland thinks you're a disgusting degenerate sweetie
Holy shit it is you. Your retarded ass is still around acting like an anime expert? When you're some dumb weeb hahahaha
Japanese girls are sluts.
Westerners are constantly seething about "otaku" to a psychotic extent.
>I'm sorry the motherland thinks you're a disgusting degenerate sweetie
I have no idea what you are babbling about.
Why do you redditors keep coming here?
>Your retarded ass is still around acting like an anime expert?
I'm not retarded and you have no proof the contrary, and I am an anime expert.
Where's your proof?
The dab guy wasn't me, you silly willy. This is an anonymous image board.
This hasn't been true since the 2000s. Dunning Kreuger-kun is right about this one.
Because the japanese one looks like a sex doll and you know that's the only thing you'll ever have any hope to fuck?
All women are whores.
>attractive women are sex dolls
why not find a Jap with same or similar nose then? Not all white have that nose irl, so it's sort of funny to use such an arbitrary limitation when that limitation is not so evident in reality. since we're referencing reality.
>people really think anime characters are white
No, this is what you look like, when Japan draws you.
Here comes your autism about reddit. You're not an anime expert therefore you're just a weeb. A dumb weeb arguing clueless casuals on anime.
How white characters are drawn in anime depends on the context.
you’ve been found out, redditor
>White anime character
>Japanese anime character
It's time to let this meme die.
Autism doesn't exist, and one of the hallmarks of redditors is identity simulation. They cannot stand anonymity.
>You're not an anime expert therefore you're just a weeb.
I am an anime expert, and this is a false dichotomy.
learn to reason with each other ffs
I can't cope with the fact that you're a big weeb who thinks he's an otaku hahaha.
Both of those omages suck because neither are at all representative of an average. Also, a simple difference is that those two peeople look considerably different in age. Nobody would disagree that the Japanese are infatuated with infantilism, and anime reflects that ideal to some extent. The biggest sign supporting the western model, in my opinion, is the way the nose is drawn basically universally. The upward facing point is distinctly european, no asian face has thin, pointy, upward facing noses, yet this is apparent in almost every single modern anime style.
What about full metal alchemist or attack on titan, or any other anime where the characters are explicity white. They look just like any other anime
Theres logically only two options
Anime is white
Japan has nationwide body dysmorphia
Yeah, but the point is, all anime characters aren't white, unless they are literally outside of Japan. Like Ladd Russo or Saber.
One has cute feet, the other probably doesn't.
they did trishy so dirty in 5
You can't do anonymity because you're such a faggot I csn spot you everytime you post. You're like a bot but gayer.
Autism doesn't exsist? Hahaha
Neither of those options is correct.
The point is that Japanese characters in anime don't look Japanese.
Both of those options are correct.
>What about two anime that are not traditionally based in Japan
Your argument falls flat there. Hey, did you know, that there are anime that isn't based in Japan? Shocking!
If you weren't such a redditor then you'd know that this is an anonymous site where you are supposed to address people's posts, not their real or imagined identities.
Even if they don't, so what? The Simpsons don't look white.
You have a racial insecurity complex.
>Even if they don't, so what? The Simpsons don't look white.
Is this bait?
You have a racial insecurity complex. And you're also projecting.
>posts one that looks japanese
what did you mean by this?
Are you seriously claiming the Simpsons look white?
what makes you think the entire country is magically gonna change their mind in under a decade
there's different levels, any hardcore otaku will always be persecuted
They don't look like anything! They're fucking cartoons! When have you seen a Japanese woman do a stupid cat, curl face? when have you seen a Japanese woman have giant buggy eyes or a giant stupid hair strand in the middle of their head? Are you seriously seeking realism in your cartoons? I haven't seen anyone look like Betty Boop, shouldn't they look American? Where's Popeye in real life? Homer Simpson?
The point is that they're characters drawn, acted, and voiced as Japanese characters made in Japan.
Right looks like a shitty doll from a ps2 game.
You weebs are seriously pathetic.
So, imagined that you broke anonymity to call me a redditor because you know you've been outed. Okay.
This board is anonymous period. The only way I could find you is by reading your gay ass post. So, be less gay and you'll be more anonymous.
No, you are the one who is projecting. I haven't said a single thing that would imply a racial insecurity complex.
So according to you this guy is white even though he is Japanese?
Most anime characters are unrealistic looking and if you want to determine what they actually are, is by reading their names.
He doesn't know what he's talking about and IIRC had to publish a follow-up to this article because he butchered it so badly.
>For those who don't know, its original meaning is "your house," giving it a connotation of "shut-in."
Yeah, no. That's completely wrong.
I'm not ascribing an identity to you, and I'm calling you a redditor based on your posts. You haven't "outed" anyone.
>This board is anonymous period.
Now if only you managed to actually internalize that fact.
>The only way I could find you is by reading your gay ass post. So, be less gay and you'll be more anonymous.
You are expecting me to self-censor so that my posts better blend in with everyone else's. That's a very redditor attitude.
Maybe because they already? You clearly don't know about otaku-chic and niwaka ota. Just drop the topic if you don't anything about it because it's not my job yo educate you or that idiot dunning kreuger-kun.
Why do americans want anime to be considered white so badly? I don't see any other country doing this or even caring about it.
Oh wait, it says so right at the top that he had to revise the article:
>Editor's note: this answer has been rewritten. Please check out the revised version here.
>The original answer we posted for this question last week got plenty of pushback, as my information on this was pretty out of date. I'll totally cop to this: I manage to keep a toe in the Western fan world as a professional, but keeping track of general societal issues for fans in another country isn't in my direct wheelhouse - and I should've done a lot more research instead of relying on old information. I don't intend on making that mistake again.
No agenda beyond making your peepee happy so you buy the game and the seuqel, too.
Sorry, but anime characters in particular have no race, because the anime artstyle can't be nailed down to a race. The closest thing is when people paint a character black.
That's dumb. Just because the artist identifies the character as "Japanese" doesn't mean the character is verifiably "Japanese" when it comes to its race.
Pic related is a literal "Argentine" character and he looks like your average Saint Seiya character. Which is funny because the cast is compromised of characters from different countries... yet they all look the same with the exception of hair color and a skin tone change here and there.
Blending in so you don't stand out is what anonymity is about you cocksucker. Might as well get a trip at this point.
Are you seriously claiming that this is definitive proof against the thousands of anime that exist that don't particularly look asian?
Neither have I, considering I've been quoting you word for word.
Read my statement again. For some reason, EVERYONE thinks anime is modeled after a white person. I don't know if they're conflating it with Disney-Tezuka situation, but that belief is ridiculous, since Japan can ACTUALLY draw a character modeled after foreigners.
They recognize the superiority of Japan and anime but can't admit that a non-white is not only better than them, but creates things that are better than them.
That's not what anonymity means in this context. It means that there are no user accounts and that every post is by Anonymous. It does not mean that we all have to conform to groupthink. Since you are such a hardcore redditor, why don't you just stay on reddit?
What are you trying to say?
Why does she have a scar below her belly?
Because you have no arguments and so you must resort to this childish imitation tactic.
l m a o that's like claiming gyaru fashion is popular again just because "egg" magazine recently came back.
I've found it bros. a IRL anime girl.
Post a single asian that looks like Yukino
Because they can't really create their own cartoons, except CGI shit.
Why would you assert imitation as evidence for a racial inferiority complex?
Her face looks like a fucked up boiled egg
I wasn't:
Blending in isn't group think. God you're fucking dumb. You're post are so distinguishable that I can spot your dumb ass in an anonymous mesage board. So, hoow is thst my fault? You have anonymity and yet it's foiled everytime cause your gay lol. Now you're blaming me for that. God you're stupid.
Sure, just find an Asian, and let's take them to the 2D Realm to compare.
How deep are we talking though. Is it okay to like anime, manga, vidya, sure obviously. Yea Forums level deep though? No, better keep your power level to yourself
Saying that the Simpsons don't look white is not a fair counter argument to the claim that the entirety of anime as an art style doesn't have particularly asian face anatomy
You are expecting me to self-censor myself so that my posts don't stand out from the crowd, and you are expecting everyone else to do the same. Because that's how you do things on reddit.
>So, hoow is thst my fault?
Again, this is an anonymous site where you are supposed to respond to posts, not posters. If you can't handle that then go back. You aren't even here to argue about anything, you're just whining because I exist.
lmao cope
>mfw none of this shit matters to my gay ass and there are lots of sexy vidya men from both regions
feels good bro
Again, what are you trying to say? What does it matter even if anime characters don't look Japanese ?
Oh yea, I guess you're probably right then.
No, it's like claiming mainstream markerters won't shit on Kogsl fashion because they buy shot same with niwaka ota. Otaku at one point was such a bad wird that it was censored on NHK after the miyazaki killings. Things change
Fuck off.
>bringing up the "jomon" meme from /int/
jesus christ user how autistic can you be... fyi that bottom pic is not even "jomon" shes half white. and full blown jomon people are close to sea nigger/sand nigger mix.
I can't think of a single white girl that can be this cute.
Like I said, it all comes down to names and setting since anime characters are unrealistic looking. Pic related, a pseudo-"German" guy by the same studio.
I am arguing though. I'm arguing your existence as a fag who can't do anonymity because he thinks he's unique. While all your doing is crying over reddit.
its simple really. the japanese market knows if they make attractive and likable characters, both male and female, people are more likely to play the game and more likely to create fanart (free advertising) for the game, on top of the occasional merchandise made of the characters. If you make a game full of ugly unlikable characters japanese consumers are less likely to buy it
Now westerns studios all have a massive fucking stick up their ass, lots of western directors hate the fact they make video games and are DESPERATE to appear mature, but their only concept of maturity comes from movies. The misunderstand "immersion" as "over animate every single action and makes things ugly". They're also slaves to metacritic and many journalists also hate the fact they work with video games, so they praise boring non-games to high heaven because it makes them feel more mature for saying games are "too gamey"
tl;dr the western market is full of manchildren trying to act like adults
God I hate her so fucking much.
You are projecting. You are the one who can't handle anonymity. You have to simulate user accounts. You can't address posts, you have to address posters. Because you're a redditor and you don't belong here.
I was disagreeing with the idea that somehow anime art styles were a reflection of eastern women as compared to western. Anime clearly does not base their facial anatomy of the asian model, or any model for that matter. I don't mean anything beyond this other than to debase the baka gaijin ideal of the intensely photoshopped japanese magazine model.
obliviously being a casual is accepted now. key word being casual. big fan of whatever series, buy some merchandise and attend events okay cool.
going beyond that is questionable territory and you will be judged, no matter the country.
the occasional outlier doesn't make a point for it either, but pic related can't be used anymore since she cheated on her husband with someone she met through MH oop
>Anime clearly does not base their facial anatomy of the asian model
They do, but most Americans think that Japanese women have literally yellow skin, buckteeth and tiny slit eyes and generally ugly features.
The japanese V chin is so fucking uncommon, I don't know how the fuck you guys think this is a distinct asian feature.
Oh, its a "every single girl should want to have sex with me" yet "every single girl should remain a virgin".
To be fair, anyone wanting to bang incels will stay virgin, like it or not.
Kill yourself
If the postets are gay like you the content is gay as well. You have nothing of substance to say anyway. So, who cares? You're just a loser weeb who thinks he's some kind of ecpert. Drunk bleach you faggot. Once I find your ip. Imma rape your ass like I promised.
actually casual probably isn't the right word, more like fan
Why do yellow fever faggots ITT have such high regards to japanese women? If I were to post a really deceptive pictures of asian woman, could you faggots actually tell they are japanese?
Why do you redditors keep doing this? You aren't even going anywhere with this. It's always just "I know you, you're that guy!" and that's it. What difference does it make that you know or think you know who someone is?
Still waiting for that proof.
By the way, I reported you for making a violent threat against me.
weabooism is a frigthening mental disorder
I can tell the difference between Chinese, Korean and Japanese women fairly well.
>By the way, I reported you for making a violent threat against me.
What a fucking loser.
>Still waiting for that proof.
Well, you're not an Otaku. What else can you be?
Says the literal faggot who threatened to rape me because... well, why? You have given no reason for your redditor temper tantrum.
>Well, you're not an Otaku. What else can you be?
I am an otaku, and this is a false dilemma.
I bet you love Clare in the resident evil 2 remake and the girl from Mass Effect andromeda.
*false dichotomy
at model/insta level, it's impossible to identify. except for chinese/
>Says the literal faggot who threatened to rape me because
I'm not the one getting fucked in the ass here.
>I am an otaku, and this is a false dilemma.
hahahahaha no you're not. You can't even spell otaku in japanese
I mostly see pictures of celebrities, and I can distinguish them. At least between Korean and Japanese.
>I'm not the one getting fucked in the ass here.
Neither am I, so what are you talking about?
>hahahahaha no you're not.
Ok, prove that I'm not.
>You can't even spell otaku in japanese
But that's the best taste nigger. Fair, porcelain white skin instead of sunburnt peasant looking whore.
That's right, how could you tell?
You're almost there, just a minor adjustment here:
Japanese characters are designed BY Japanese people, to look pleasant
Western characters are designed by Jews, to normalize ugliness
The Last of Us is a game made by Jews (Neil Druckmann for example).
>Neither am I, so what are you talking about?
Not yet.
>Ok, prove that I'm not.
Can't prove a negative. Spell it in Japanese and you will prove that you are.
asianfag here
why are westerners buttholes so hurtful
our superiority really hurts you so much
>obliviously being a casual is accepted now. key word being casual. big fan of whatever series, buy some merchandise and attend events okay cool.
I don't agree with that entirely because you have to tell me where the line is drawn. What is hardcore vs casual for you?
>Can't prove a negative.
So you admit you can't prove your accusation.
>Spell it in Japanese and you will prove that you are.
How does the ability to render a simple word in hiragana or katakana prove that someone is an otaku? And how long have you been seething over this anyway? Jesus, I mentioned in some thread a year or two ago that I'm an otaku and this guy is STILL mad about it.
>So you admit you can't prove your accusation.
Burden of proof is on the one affirming the claim. You claim you're an otaku so you have to prove.it. logic 101
>How does the ability to render a simple word in hiragana or katakana prove that someone is an otaku?
>Spelling Otaku in Hiragana
That's strike one proving you're a poseur. Keep em coming.
Developers will never appease you interminable self-hating cucks who always praise grorious Nippon over muh disgusting jew'd west. Do the honourable thing and choke to death on your waifu figurines.
You made the claim first, thus you have the burden of proof.
>That's strike one proving you're a poseur.
Do you even know what hiragana is?
Samefag, look at the delay
You make this thread multiple times a day, you fucking autistic amerimutt
>muh disgusting jew'd west
Your words
>You made the claim first, thus you have the burden of proof.
Made a negative claim retard. I said you're NOT. You affirmed you were and so it's on you to prove it
>Do you even know what hiragana is?
Nice subject change. You didn't know whether Otaku is written in Hiragana or Katakana lol.
>being so salty to edit the original
oh nonono
You claimed I'm not, so you have to prove I'm not. And you admitted you can't prove it.
>Nice subject change.
Huh? It's literally what we were talking about.
>You didn't know whether Otaku is written in Hiragana or Katakana lol.
It can be written either way.
It's just Yea Forums being retarded, anime V chins are fucking ugly in real life.
>You claimed I'm not, so you have to prove I'm not. And you admitted you can't prove it.
Yeah, because you can't prove a negative retard. You said you are so the burden of proof is on you
>It can be written either way.
That's all I needed to hear. You can't spell it looooool
But it looks fine. Not amazing but not awful either. Certainly beats boulder shattering jaws.
The only one with an obsession is you. You have an obsession with spreading propaganda because you're a tiny dicked slant-eyed goblin. You make hundreds of these threads EVERY DAY because you want people to believe your autistic lie that "Asians are anime characters".
Fucking kill yourself, insectoid.
Here's your anime waifu bro.
no one of any note buys into le evil jewish conspiracy because its been shown to be bullshit time and again. it's the equivalent to flat earth.
>being so autistis and salty to spam "anime characters are asians" every day because you're a tiny dicked gook
You can prove claims like "you're not a licensed physician" or "you weren't at X location at Y time."
You said I'm not an otaku and you admitted to having no proof.
>That's all I needed to hear. You can't spell it looooool
Do you understand what hiragana and katakana are? I don't think you do. What exactly do you think they are?
man she's hot before and after
Jesus christ why are Asians so fucking hideous and insecure?
Seeing this pic always makes me sad
It's whites with a racial inferiority complex guilty of constantly pushing propaganda to affirm their delsuions.
The male Mortal Kombat 11 character look pretty hot, so I guess the westerns have at least that going for them.
>spreading propaganda
>posts an updated version of a classic bait image
i have no stake, but your antics amuse me.
Why do you keep posting these images and what are they meant to argue?
Avergae jap is ugly a shit. Cope more, faggot.
>hot before
This is the kind of cringy weebcell with asian fever posting in these threads, everybody. Look at this subhuman and laugh
>another thread of yellow fever fags vs seething wh*itoids
Delete this shit already you stupid jannies
But you're not white. You're a tiny dicked yellow goblin with an autistic vendetta against whites because you weren't born as one, so you regularly spam discredit propaganda images because you think anyone will believe your autistic lies of "anime characters are asians".
You are literally coping and projecting because you are an insecure shitskin. I wouldn't be surprised if you're a viet or chink.
Tekken doesn't count since the players are distinctly meant to be of that race.
There's black fighters, arab fighters, spanish fighters, french fighters, who speak their native language and look their race.
nigger/irrelevant shitskin cope kek
>le average meme
Post skin color
there were some cute girls in that vid user. please make more
>cherrypicking this hard
hell yeah he/she win win in my book. Stay mad virgin
Please have sex. PLEASE
Average insectoid is far uglier than average white person.
I am white. You must be projecting.
>you regularly spam discredit propaganda images
That's something that I originally said and which you are now lazily co-opting and using against me. It is your images that are discredited propaganda. I haven't spammed anything.
>You are literally coping and projecting because you are an insecure shitskin.
Projection. You are the one that's insecure.
>You can prove claims like "you're not a licensed physician" or "you weren't at X location at Y time."
No, you can't you fucking retard. All claims are negative unless proof of the positive is affirmed. If you aid you're not a doctor then you're not until positive proof is offered. You can't prove something isn't like "Prove unicorns don't exist" for example. God you're dumb
>Do you understand what hiragana and katakana are? I don't think you do. What exactly do you think they are?
Do you know what collocation is? Do you know that you can't spell words randomly in either kana and have the same connotation? Do you think OTaku in Kanji, for example, is the same is it in Katakana (How it's normally written)?
Why would there be seething whites?
If anyone is seething, it's you because you're a tiny dicked goblin.
That's literally any fighting game. I'm just counterpointing the idiots that think all anime is white for some reason.
Is the Western trend of animating cripples and goblinas in high definition gonna stop anytime soon?
You couldve fucked most of these, but instead chose to impress the meme crowd. retard
fucking ruined herself
>I am white
So, you're not an Otaku Dunning Kreuger-kun.
>tranny downie on top of that
That's why your opinion will forever stay irrelevant. Kys, trash.
That Korean chick had good jaw aesthetics and now she looks like an ayyy with that stupid fake fucking pointy face.
Kys retard.
According to you. I find Japanese women far more attractive than white women. What are you going to do about it?
Those claims can be proven and you are the retard if you think they can't.
You claimed I'm not an otaku and by your own admission have no proof to back up your accusation.
>Do you know what collocation is? Do you know that you can't spell words randomly in either kana and have the same connotation? Do you think OTaku in Kanji, for example, is the same is it in Katakana (How it's normally written)?
What are you trying to say?
>I am white, me eat dog, pls believe me, im white
Fuck off you chink, you make these threads every day because you're an abomination and even when you self-insert, you make your characters look like white people because you wish you were one of them
Keep projecting, chink.
Cute jap girls are fake. They take some plastic surgery to get bigger eyes, cutter nose, chin and teeth.
Japanese women are already starting their shift into feminism anyway so this will all be irrelevant.
Holy autism
Why do I keep seeing this thread every day?
Your perception of reality is fucked up and you are a minority. Move to Japan, faggot.
Have sex sweetie
Not for Yea Forumstards
>that guy who defends japanese here and Yea Forums all day every day
imagine being this pathetic lmao
I am an otaku, and you already admitted that you can't prove that I'm not.
Prove that I'm not white, then. Show me the evidence.
>you make these threads every day
I did not make this thread, and if you are going to claim I did then provide evidence.
>Keep projecting, chink.
Projection. You're the one that's projecting.
You are a narcissist.
Because a certain hapa/chink/weebcel is severely autistic and insecure.
>chink telling anyone to have sex
you're a virgin and your women wants to fuck every foreigner they can meet
not me here but see here
I think it is yellow fever fat spics who are making these threads instead of actual asians.
>Those claims can be proven and you are the retard if you think they can't.
Only by posting affirmative contrary proof. They aren't inherently provable
>You claimed I'm not an otaku and by your own admission have no proof to back up your accusation.
The burden of proof is on the one making the affirmative claim. You claim you are therefore you have to prove it
>What are you trying to say?
So, are you telling me that if I write Otaku in Kanji it means the same as if I write it in Katakana. THINK CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU ANSWER. Is this: お宅 the same as this オタク and this おたく
lol gay cunt
The OP of this thread and that poster is the same person.
He alternates between BBC shitlosting and "Asians are beautiful, seething roasties!" shitposting
>I am an otaku, and you already admitted that you can't prove that I'm not.
You just proved you aren't, you can't speak japanese and you're white. What else is there to add?
So where's your proof that I'm not an otaku? By your own admission, nowhere.
>The burden of proof is on the one making the affirmative claim.
You made the claim, now prove it. Oh wait, you can't. You admitted it yourself.
>So, are you telling me that if I write Otaku in Kanji it means the same as if I write it in Katakana.
I never told you anything like that.
How do you tell Asian women apart from Asian men?
>I never told you anything like that.
You:>"It can be written either way"
>Japanese women are already starting their shift into feminism anyway so this will all be irrelevant.
Feminism is the number 1 culprit of birth rates dropping like a rock in the western world, and men being disillusioned, disinterested and withdrawing from society. Japan's is already in the gutter, even without so much rampant feminism - so are they trying to top the charts in nation shrinking speed? The men already don't wanna deal with them, what do they need feminism for?
I never proved that anywhere. Not being fluent in Japanese and not being Japanese does not preclude someone from being an otaku.
By the way, you admitted that you have no proof for your claim that I'm not an otaku.