Here's your FF7R Tifa.
FF7 Remake
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Fake news.
Tits need to be bigger
She's gonna catch a cold if she runs around in the rain like that
I’m 100% certain Shitfa will not look like this.
Holy shit that fucking face.
reminder that cloud + company were a terrorist group, and if Yea Forums truly loves america and hates degenerate scum that threaten our way of life, you will ignore this propaganda shit.
Yep looks like Tifa Lopez to me
Tifa tits will cause the biggest shitstorm one way or another
Just make an oppai slider. People get to make her tits any size they want. Everyone is happy.
good god what shitty chara design
I really hope we'll be able to make them wear different costumes or something
hell, it's running on UE4 isn't it?
give me the mods already
I seriously won't buy it if she doesn't have impressive breasts.
Tifa is White
Retard that didn't even play the game. People will lose their shit over the scene where Cloud beats up Aeris in order to kill her.
nice honey select model nigger
tifas tits wont be a problem because modders will fix her tits
Tifa is clearly hispanic.
Ironically its the degenerates who are now the status quo. Avalanche did nothing wrong.
nice nip
Of course we will be able to, when we pay for those sweet DLC costumes, $15 each.
well maybe you will, you do you