Pathologic 2

2019... I am forgotten...

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I'm at the part when I should help grace but after talking to her I can't talk to the corpse pile. I can talk to the rat and I told it to fuck off but that did not help either. Anyone else experienced this?

You don't talk to the corpse pile. I let the rat take care of it for me so idk

Did you tell the Grace off in the dialogue? Maybe that's why. I think it's the reason why train summoning didn't work for me

>pathologic 1
>have to talk to katerina saburova to complete the quest as haruspex
>she's sick
>no shmowder or panaceum, grief is sick too, so i can't buy it from him
What do? Do i just fail the quest now?

You can talk to people for one day if you give them an antibiotic

How about make a new game instead of rehashing old ones to cash in on nostalgia. Your childhood isn't coming back.


unfortunately this is the period of E3 shitposting, it will be impossible to have a thread which will not be archived in 30 seconds.
stay strong steppebros, see you next week

can't you just burn it?

So do you ever learn more about why Lara's dad was executed? I only remember it coming up for one side quest in the bachelors story and I'm only starting 2 right after. Also is there ever a point I can cut open a body without people being mad? I assume that happens when I become Menkhu?

People always hate you for it

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IPL had some great ideas for new games, but fans would rather give their money for a Patholgic remake.

I guess the real pathology was the friends we made along the way

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Great ideas like Cargo huh?

can't really tell whether you're memeing or not, that mission summarizes very well the essence of the game: it's totally useless to complete it, but still it changes the environment and that lamp is brought up often in the dialogues.
i wish i could have completed the invisible cat event

this nostalgiabait gave me the biggest pleasure after a long time. it's a really unique experience. if it was finished and polished it would be outright gem. now i just waiting for next episodes

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>Enter broken heart for the first time
>mfw the music

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This game runs my gpu to 85 instantly. It doesn't run poorly and when monitoring my gpu it isn't even running at full just around 90% capacity but at 85 degrees. What is going on here? And how to fix it and not destroy my card?

that remix blew me away the first time i heard it, what a fantastic ost. the redesign of the pub itself is amazing too

>music slows down after drinking twyrine

For example, there was the idea of rpg about the semantic apocalyses, where all languages "have lost their meaning", something like after the collapse of the Tower of Babel, but some people got a superficial knowledge of some words of the "True Language". Since society needs language, rare new words have become a valuable commodity; people are looking for those who know the true language, some blame them for the catastrophe, others want to use them for their own purposes, some more impersonate them.

The Void
Cargo! The Quest for Gravity

uhh 85C or 85F, because 85F is extremely okay.

F is degrees mind you. C isnt degrees.

>no hugs
can someone make an in-game example about the consequences?

85 Celsius.

What's the name of the track? Cant find it on jewtube?