Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread

Previous thread >Post character name/franchises and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: ef85c0c1672a0ea400568d77d4e06bd3adde7e59.jpg (625x702, 510K)

Other urls found in this thread:'s_Rapier,
is2.Yea touhou space_jin


Attached: 4f237fb7b69bc2761cda24aa40c27d4933d67dcd.png (675x664, 180K)

Requesting Ms. Millions version of Queen Ophiuca.

Attached: Queen Ophiuca Millions.jpg (1417x1341, 461K)

Requesting a gang of very Mexican Meta Knights

Attached: MetaKnightSmash.png (1682x1556, 2.4M)

Requesting Roll.EXE after being downgraded into a default navi.

Attached: Roll-NPC-Navi.jpg (1494x1397, 458K)

Requesting a Vine Stalker from DCSS, done up like a Choker from pathfinder

They're essentially anthropomorphic venus flytraps, with additional details you can hopefully glean from the little sprite on the right.

Thank you

Attached: 968f04d740d242025c914c933f1fe695.jpg (1255x815, 145K)

cute pony

Requesting this comic, with Miriam as Pharah, Aradia as Mercy, and Shanoa as Ana.

Attached: mommy.png (1581x2526, 3.47M)

Requesting Tamamo tickling an user with her tails.

Attached: image.jpg (800x600, 102K)

Requesting Honchkrow and his Corviknight bodyguard doing a drug deal with 2 Murkrow

Attached: 20190608_073843.png (500x313, 285K)

I don't like jeans so please accept half a delivery

Draw her so we can her butt

Attached: 7393BCF0-E9E0-410C-9C87-CBBEC5D6DCD5.jpg (1060x595, 458K)

Requesting gugugu Arle staining her clothes with food.

Attached: Img229006_l.png (325x461, 47K)

Requesting patchy crushed by a pile of books

Attached: Th105Patchouli.png (815x635, 375K)

Attached: wips.png (1366x685, 194K)

Requesting a sleepy Mii Brawler.

Attached: request.png (1750x950, 1.35M)

Requesting Giga Esna With ridiculously long ears.

Attached: EO_Esna02.jpg (807x240, 57K)

Taking thong requests.

It would help Chihaya feel so seductive.

Attached: fe1.jpg (600x835, 48K)

Ophelia wearing one that slightly sticks out of her shorts, possibly when bending over.

Attached: Ophelia.png (700x700, 310K)

Requesting some pirate booty.

Attached: Tetra.png (362x637, 253K)

Requesting pregnant Alice with even bigger breasts.

Attached: 1559915645208.png (369x601, 171K)

Misty crawling of a poolwith a wet ass.

Attached: 4MUcHfa.png (1043x656, 1.27M)

Lillie teasing the viewer with what they can't touch.

Attached: Lillie.(Pokémon).full.2092668.jpg (1000x1200, 487K)

Lime from Blue Reflection.

Attached: Limey.jpg (2730x2370, 802K)

Requesting giga mermaid typing her memoirs of her time held captive.

Attached: 1559833547867m.jpg (1024x724, 103K)

Including all the times she had to "satisfy herself"

Empress from Dragon Marked for Death trying to fit into her thong

Attached: empress ref.png (1792x2000, 2.88M)

Requesting Ying, from Paladins, as a female barbarian. Provided some typical female barbarians for reference.

Attached: barbarian ying.jpg (2100x2268, 1.75M)

Draco thong shown off during training

Attached: Character_Draco_PuyoPuyon.png (265x304, 43K)

Requesting Kurtis Stryker from Mortal Kombat getting his pecs groped. Preferably clothed.

Attached: hPL7PhXK.jpg (1337x1207, 193K)

Requesting Ilsa at her ideal wedding. If the scenery is too much I would be okay with just her in the wedding dress that she described

Down for Ilsa wearing Rosetta's "All Her Jazz" costume too

Attached: IlsaWedding.jpg (484x1632, 364K)

Doesn't have to be exact but as close as possible, with the sides of her torso exposed to stay in the Erune-style

Attached: Rosetta_All_Her_Jazz.png (960x800, 122K)

Draw cute, casual Jill.

Attached: Classic Jill - Alt.jpg (438x828, 175K)

Are all weekends this slow?

Requesting a pov like Pit would have, with Peach's fat ass about to smash into your face.

Attached: Peach Booty Bomb.jpg (1701x1362, 478K)

Yes. The hardiest and most cancerous of waifufags fuck off to Yea Forums for weekend waifu drawthread to get their requests drawn, leaving the lesser ones to stall out until they come back

That'sa good request

Requesting an update with Doom Guy ready for this year. Don't be a lazy smartass and do the obvious.

Attached: 1528651999195.png (640x412, 104K)

Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile

Attached: DemonGant.png (3026x1300, 3.52M)

Requesting a fusion between Ridley and Nicol Bolas

Attached: God.jpg (1000x1327, 474K)

Requesting this with a Palico from Monster Hunter.

Attached: 368E78D0-5B79-46E9-897B-DB4D8C44CE16.gif (500x400, 392K)

>Another thread made by Europoors in American Graveyard hours died
Do you wanna know the definition of insanity?

What happened to all of the Euro drawfags

Had some time to do another Rokkr + Dynamax drawing.

Attached: swordbuddies.jpg (781x702, 722K)

Requesting cute image of steve and banjo crying while orinstein from dark souls gets something in the mail.


so um, can you guys um, d-do you think that you guys could maybe, i don't know, just maybe, uh, draw me a picture?
thank you

Requesting R. Mika relaxing after a match similar to the pose on the right.

Attached: r-mikahe.jpg (1446x576, 326K)


Pretty neat.

Combination of slower weekend threads plus a swarm of E3 shitposting. Hope you're ready for this thread to die early multiple times over the next few days.

Is that Sue?

Cute stuff, nice work.

Anyone got some tiddie picture that needs coloring

Requesting Wolverine crush meme of Lyndis caressing photo of pixel sprite Mark/Tactician

Attached: lyn photo crush.jpg (1159x700, 458K)


Requesting Smogmella from Yo-kai Watch dressed up like a belly dancer, with an emphasis on hips, butt, and a cute smile to boot. Boobs or belly a plus too.

Attached: smogmella_belly_dancer_set.png (1960x1522, 2.32M)

how about this one

Attached: roll.jpg (1000x900, 105K)

>have a bunch of things I want to draw
>tired as fuck
Can one of you fucks who stares at blank canvas all day transfer some of your stamina over to me

Marisa from 2hu, while lifting her skirt

Attached: c6446495f1d23e39f005a55719042313.jpg (707x1000, 267K)

Any wips?

This, but with Mega Marisa

Attached: __invincible_marisa_and_kirisame_marisa_new_super_marisa_land_and_etc_drawn_by_regls__47ec7eb136fd1c (1066x800, 145K)

Requesting Detective Pikachu-style Pikaman

Attached: 180dcb862d7cf46e00420dfd5d0e41fb.jpg (600x800, 228K)

Embarrassed at wearing frilly girly clothes or working out in a sports bra and spats

Attached: Kanadeko_Idol.jpg (700x1100, 152K)

Yo 2D>3D guy. That Bloodborne piece was super sick and I just wanna to say you've got mad talent and I wish I could've seen the reaction to it dropping

Requesting door from Persona 3 as Ryan Gosling from the GOD DAMN IT scene of Blade Runner 2049

Attached: 1559336039990.png (684x890, 248K) video and picture reference of the scene

Attached: 1547056510189.jpg (600x350, 23K)

requesting instant loss pronebone or doggystyle with hair pulling and pillow grabbing/biting

Attached: 6735e9bfecf73428464292d32c0b5ed6.png (331x717, 201K)


Requesting an optimistic Etna holding her cunt open in front of a big black dick
>It's a bit of a stretch, but I'm sure it can fit!

Requesting Regina from Dino Crisis hiding from a JP3 Spinosaurus while holding the Walther WA2000 Rifle from the second Dino Crisis.

Attached: 6153adb391237563bb521bdceb58fa4b2.jpg (1863x945, 278K)

Requesting Tellah as a raper

Attached: Tellah.full.1436042.jpg (827x1169, 793K)

Requesting this villager being lazy on the couch with mountains of snacks around her

Attached: 357px-AC3DS_Girl.png (357x599, 187K)

I meant rapper

Think someone made a vague request for this bird some threads ago but I'm too lazy to dig it from the archive to quote it

Attached: its not a fashion statement its a fucking deathwish.png (1000x1000, 191K)

not OR but that's a real nice Momoka
which drawfriend are you?

well its a bit messy right now because its still a sketch but decided to give this a trygonna keep working on it till i get it done.

Attached: enraenra belly dancer wip.png (2000x2000, 481K)


Such as?

big sexy Pokemon or Pokemon ladies

Also not OR but nicely done.

Attached: 1551566434180.gif (100x100, 16K)

Oh. Thought you were talking about pokegirls.
for furshit.


Requesting Dark Dawk Issac dropping a brutal Megiddo

Attached: DDIsaac.png (215x462, 156K)

That's why I said pokemon ladies in spoilers
Dynamax May pls

Requesting Seraphina from Disgaea 5 as a sexy police officer

Attached: Seraphina.jpg (4040x3579, 1.92M)

bdf no

Requesting my MMO character from the game "Mabinogi", giving one of her gloves to the viewer as a duel declaration, doing an elegant rapier thrust attack, doing that "shaking the dust off the shoulders" gesture after winning a duel/next to the corpse of her opponent or anything else related to elegant fights/dueling you can think off.

>Character reference:
>Weapon reference:'s_Rapier
(any other rapier is fine to)

Alternatively, doing that "cheers!" gesture while holding a glass with a bubbly liquid similar to "Champagne", but with an small arrow pointing to the glass and a message that says "Soda", since i dont drink alcoholic stuff.

No lewd allowed, it will be ignored, instantly rejected and sealed away.

Please and thanks!

Attached: Gentleman's_Battle.png (349x488, 172K)

That's real kind of you to say. I don't draw(friend) as often as I'd like, but my Tumblr is

Request Aigis on the left making out with Android 21 on the right (21 can be in her human or majin form, whichever suits you)

Attached: aigis and 21.jpg (2396x1353, 500K)

don't use tumblr a whole lot these days but I'll give a follow all the same

Nice backboob

Requesting Sonia wearing Misty's outfit, showing some slight underboob and a wedgie.

Attached: Sonia Misty.jpg (1451x1171, 255K)

I'm still quietly holding on to Tumblr in the hopes that the Pornhub handover revitalises it

No, we need agressive amounts of it.

Requesting Rex praying to Pyra's butt similar to the reference images

Attached: RexPyra.png (1596x1296, 2.89M)

Requesting that you could take this delivery of your MMO character from the game "Mabinogi", into your awesome collection of your 162 drawings which you got of your character since 2012.

>Album link:
You can still update it, are you missing my messages every time?

Alternatively, you can stop requesting, or request something else since I and others already delivered. And that one other user was drawing something for you, have patience.

Thanks and please!

Attached: untitled (2).png (3225x3990, 1.48M)

Requesting Z1 from Kancolle dressed as Elizabeth from persona

Attached: 47640635_p0.png (508x1056, 144K)

Requesting Angela from Seiken Densetsu 3 teasing user with her Pink Typhoon.

Attached: 151616146.jpg (482x272, 36K)

>I’ll spam the spammer with my own spam
>clearly I’m affecting him and it isn’t annoying to everyone else at all

Fellow drawfags, i need help... im getting triggered so fast over people using the word art in a serious way for their garbage skill. Is it normal? Am i getting old?

depends how garbage are they

art is not to be placed on a pedestal, snob
they’re shit but it’s still art

Like... ofensive to the eyes

I colored it cause fuck it.

Attached: [v] DynaSoniaFinalColor.png (2040x1543, 3.33M)

Explain art

This but they're fat

art is


Requesting a shlocky and sleazy pinup of stacked Bombshell in the style of a Duke game cover.

Attached: kick ass chew ass.jpg (1601x1584, 1.48M)

OR of the request! She's looking pretty good! I can't tell from the sketch, but do her arms have a veil to them or is that just motion lines?

Art is...a Blast!

this but with dreadnaw

Attached: 549E97BB-867B-4826-A829-DCED9F87AA33.jpg (500x492, 86K)

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)

Requesting Rayman crying while smiling and giving a thumbs up. Preferably with his hair covering his eyes like Ash's hat in the pic in the top left. I'd also be okay with an expression like the one in the bottom left.

Attached: 1551795596045.png (1280x805, 1.12M)

Well i wanted to give her some gold wrist bands kinda like shantae has and yeah sorry for the sketch being a bit messy but ill clean it up after im done with another drawing.

Requesting the paladin to the lower left begging to be let into the Classic World of Warcraft beta similar to Eric Andre.

Based Deidara

Attached: Wow classic beta.png (1500x1800, 3.35M)


Requesting ex-Princess Rosa Cossette D'Elise bending over and revealing her pantyline like the image above her.

Attached: Dumb Princess.jpg (1220x1712, 367K)

Requesting a pov above an exhausted Wii Fit Trainer on her back with her arms out, submitting to the viewer.

Attached: jackknife.jpg (1318x1364, 1006K)

whats the sauce on the top

>takes a few days but draw something I'm proud of
>japanese artist I follow already finished 4 drawings in the meanwhile and they all look better than mine
Drawing's true difficulty is withstanding your soul being crushed on a daily basis.

Attached: 1470274958040.gif (500x532, 904K)

there’s worse feelings in this business

Requesting summer Dengekiko from Neptunia having fun.
Better ref:

Attached: dengekiko bikini.png (1430x858, 534K)

Z-ton porn mange that was recently translated. Was he an assistant to Raita? Cause his women and male characters share hilarious amounts of similarities.

Requesting Ichihime from Mahjong Soul in BKUB style
Basically a mahjong Chen

Attached: mahjong_cat.jpg (919x974, 216K)

This but she's also on her knees in an implied blowjob

Draw you're waifu as a giantess

"Fun", I got you. How much cum are we talking here?

No, actual fun, like, at the beach.

>an ocean of cum
You're mad, MAD I tells ya.

Alright, I laughed.

I'd really like a confused Maiden in Black reaction image. It doesn't have to be this one specifically but I like that neutral, empty expression with question mark face. I find it funny.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1645x720, 142K)

I'll leave a WIP for Tamamo for now I'll go back working on her when my Pen Tablet's battery is fully charged.

Attached: Tamamo Tickle WIP.png (2000x2000, 578K)


OR here. That's a pretty darn impressive wip so far! Definitely looking forward to this!

>2 giantess OP in a row

I straight up didn't know they were giantess until you pointed them out. They just look like they have neat background scenery.

Here's a wip

Attached: 6-8-19_sonia.png (864x1266, 179K)

Requesting the main character from Katana Zero drawn in a similar format as the "WHY" meme (, with "You're fucking subhuman." as the caption.

Bonus points if you can make the caption vibrate like it does in game(

Attached: file.png (825x464, 498K)

requesting akuma in purgatory

requesting akuma but he is weak and scrawny

>game e ninja neptunia
Requesting Blanc, Noire, or Vert or their CPU versions White Heart, Black Heart, and Green Heart, as ninjas or Taimanin-style ninjas. Or either with Iris Heart.

Attached: D24rjHCUcAIRga0.jpg (1200x675, 131K)

Good god I hate pokemon and GF.

requesting akuma but he is bitchslapping a bad requester

Requesting Klonoa wearing a thong

Attached: 250.jpg (250x250, 58K)

seconding this

Requesting black P3MC getting it on with Yukari, because she has a great ass. Ideally both of them nude.

Got the idea after looking at the Yukari fig, and from looking at Kennycomix:

Attached: jamalkun wants to tap dat yukari.png (944x1824, 1.82M)

Requesting a pin-up of thicc Racing Queen Claire. With or without the umbrella, in a pose that nicely shows off her body.

Attached: Race Claire.png (1923x1842, 2.87M)

bro you just posted cringe, your going to loose subscriber!


its time to stop

Attached: 344.jpg (1218x661, 196K)

Melia with a womb tattoo based on the High Entia symbol and bashfully showing it off standing up or laying down

Attached: 57eaada3f10e9a589ec31e2b33b7349a.jpg (700x1230, 97K)

Attached: bakuhatsu.png (1920x1080, 3.89M)

Redpill me on Mishafag. What's so bad about him?

Nothing. He makes multiple requests and diesnt afraid anything. People are just jelly of his deliveries

Some guy who's been around the drawthreads for years, making dozens of requests each thread, vulturing artists constantly, pretending to have several waifus to request in the waifu drawthreads, sucks up to artists on twitter, tumblr and picarto to get them to draw his requests, and swamps artists that take requests with anonymous requests.

Attached: 7F6B124C-6498-43F2-8B23-D6F59D836AC6.png (412x519, 247K)

I've gotten more harassed by the guy that hates mishafag than the mishafag himself. But maybe that's just me.

Requesting May bullying someone with her tig ol' biddies

Attached: 0Q5fucr.png (800x800, 355K)

looks good so far

autistic spammer almost everyone hates

that's singapore though, who is the only person who likes and regularly defends mishafag. probably because he's also an autistic spammer

Sounds based. He knows what he's comig for here

I remember that a Malaysian was making shitty /pol/ requests and kept shilling the /pol/ thread back during the /vint/ thread in 2017. Wouldnt surprise me if he was Nazifag

Singapore just seemed like a guy who had one or two requests at most.

Nah it's happened to me too.

might've been maldraw

It most likely is

>Maldraw keeps trying to make a drawthread a thinh on Yea Forums lately
>however, almost every thread starts with his non-Yea Forums OC, and features no other art

This is really fucking sad.

Best Yea Forums drawthread was "draw a scene you saw"

Sports Peach

Attached: athletic.jpg (1579x2579, 791K)

Ive seen a proper drawthread on Yea Forums before. A shame not many artists beowse there. Then again, there is so much more faggotry on that board that may explain why it lacks creativity.

I’m going to monkey paw this request and you’re going to like it

Requesting Filia getting her fat tits groped

Attached: 1558046456478.png (600x818, 486K)

Also, because it's dumb to draw fanart of real life actors.

Requesting Zelda (preferably her SSBU version holding the faggot bat

Attached: 1550433555751.png (1457x1080, 729K)


why do you post in the third person like this as if no one can tell its you

Sounds based

Why are you so obvious? We know its you

Yours too huh. He does the same here when no one wants to make a drawthread on Yea Forums for a long period of time

Because you're a psychopath. You're the Sons of Kojima to Mishafag's DSP.

Requesting Sirius as a smug drill-haired Bombergirl calling (you) a chump

Attached: Sirius ref II.jpg (1778x1000, 286K)

Man, the E3 buzz is real.

This is going to be a long weekend.

Requesting Maho Hiyajo from Steins Gate in a butler's outfit, or a tuxedo.

Attached: Hiyajomaho.png (238x633, 253K)

>it's E3
fuck, there goes my fucks

Attached: 1556548554663.jpg (821x821, 56K)

male corrin as a cuntboy and fem corrin as a dickgirl

More giant waifu requests, alright? good.

Requesting Kay Faraday from Ace Attorney (left) dressed as Franziska von Karma from the same game (right), or vice versa.

Attached: Kay and Franziska.png (1074x1119, 789K)

Attached: BASED.jpg (580x435, 25K)


Requesting Yuri trying to look cool wielding an Energy Sword from Halo.

Attached: Yuri and Energy Sword.png (1163x1045, 575K)

Requesting Makoto Nijima from Persona 5 (left) dressed as Eleanor Hume from Tales of Berseria (right), or vice versa.

Attached: Makoto and Eleanor.jpg (1923x1962, 337K)

We're not gonna make it

>will get to watch all of it since I have most of this week off work

Attached: 1530192435855.jpg (850x1228, 170K)

Draw Laetitia

Attached: 071a0e0b83c5e6d4f5150aaf3b5a89bb.jpg (750x909, 57K)

Requesting a mini edit to pic related with the text replaced with her saying something racist like "Don't be a nigger" or whatever.

Attached: 1447211011200.png (500x500, 139K)


Attached: 6-8-19_sonia.png (864x1267, 434K)

He is a spic, retard

That's the joke.

requesting supra mayro kratt

Good shit

E3 giving no rest

My request is for Raffine to be drawn in the depicted pose, cigar included.

Attached: raffine draw request.png (1200x600, 518K)

Yeah, we're on Page 10 now

Galar region really is best region.

Requesting these
with Lili and Asuka from Tekken

Attached: fighting lesbians.jpg (3000x3424, 2.17M)


Delivery for that user that wanted Crypto from Destroy All Humans wearing a Rammstein shirt. Its a rough wip and I may work on it a bit more when I get the chance. Hope you like it and thanks for making me aware that there was a remake in the works.

Attached: Ich Will.png (1200x1950, 654K)

Should I just wait for E3 to be over to post deliveries? I feel like these threads are just going to die and OR won't see it.

Requesting Alia as a NetNavi

Attached: Alia EXE.jpg (757x727, 112K)

I'll take some requests for Ado

Attached: I'm not going to do anything lewd, so don't bother asking.png (367x970, 24K)

Dressed as Ribbon or the fairy queen.

Requesting Rozalin showing off this swimsuit to Adell with like half of her face switched over to her Zenon side with a Yandere smile.

Attached: x69mik.png (928x1723, 727K)

Giving her big fat tits is lewd?

OR here and thanks for the WIP user.
I hope you can finish this but if not thanks regardless.

Curse your non-lewdness. The perfect thing for her would be to be wearing nothing but painted-on clothes in public with a worried expression but people not sure if she's dressed or not because the painted clothes are that well-done.





>dying early
Fuck you, and fuck your mother.

E3 shitposting

Not an excuse


silly little lass


Fuck off, newfag.

>tfw an artist you liked deletes their Twitter for no reason

You're not the first to do this, you won't be the last. But the mods allow these threads and no amount of spamming or reporting will get rid of them.
Though I'd personally prefer if all the drawthreads were just collected on /i/ so the board wouldn't be dead.

Scylla Ado wielding many paintbrushes.

/i/ is good the way it is

What the fuck is /i/ even supposed to be?

her posing like a pin-up on a giant plate of curry, like it was a bed and not real curry

Attached: D5_Usaria.png (514x602, 237K)

Taking oppailoli requests

Requesting Compa cosplaying as a kunoichi, similar color scheme

Attached: Super-Neptunia-RPG_2018_7-18-18_002.jpg (600x1567, 148K)

art sample

Ado waking up with a big paont blotch on her face.

Requesting Vivian from Paladins tied up like in the reference.

Attached: 155747645745745.jpg (1718x646, 225K)

The board where you draw stuff but without /ic/'s crabs.

Cocona with big coconuts

Attached: Cocona_at3.png (961x2074, 2.18M)

Lady Rayfa from spirit of justice.

Attached: Rayfaconcept3.png (583x857, 492K)

Requesting Misha from Katawa Shoujo wielding a power drill like a weapon.

Attached: Char_misha.png (180x300, 70K)


Attached: WarioWare Gold - Ashley.jpg (1280x720, 115K)

Requesting Hifumi Togo from Persona 5 dressed as a samurai, possibly wielding a katana.

Attached: Hifumi_Togo.png (380x1750, 520K)

Banned from /vg/ for not being focused on one Vidya game actually

Smug vaporwave oppais.

Attached: peace_and_tranquility__a_hat_in_time__by_artyjoyful_dcwpbbk-pre.jpg (1131x707, 123K)

Requesting Ibuki Mioda from Danganronpa pointing, possibly with her guitar, and saying "No, that's wrong!".

Attached: Ibuki.png (684x632, 629K)

requesting but with thea

Attached: 1551922625468.jpg (464x895, 55K)

Requesting Eirika getting forcibly Dynamaxed by Feh the Owl & struggling to keep her clothes on, while the latter is begging the player (viewer) not to abandon FEH for the new Pokemon games & gacha.

Attached: DD00052B-AB0F-443E-9D61-EE25921BA70D.png (1600x1920, 553K)

Requesting Krila from 100% Orange Juice getting double penetrated by 2 of her Leo plushies with strap-on dildoes.

Attached: 210px-Krila_(unit).png (420x588, 174K)


We're not gonna make it bros...

A porn dump board for better boards.

Fat milf Soldier with the body type of the right ref.

Attached: PAWG Soldier DQ3.jpg (1550x1222, 1.28M)

Not OR, but there's any chance that you draw Etna from "Disgaea D2: A Brighter Darkness" or any girl from this game posing and wearing a bikini as any girl from the references(top)? I really like your art style.

Attached: summer.jpg (984x3302, 1.07M)

Requesting the Puppeteer, tied and with an apple in her mouth, fucked by the Dandy, with him saying "bon appetit". They are both from Assassin's Creed IV: Black Flag.

Attached: 1488305191580.png (1668x2000, 2.93M)

Barry fishing and catching a COD

Attached: Barry.jpg (587x476, 52K)

Well I don't mind it if it's something like that.
It might look like she's just wearing normal clothes and not body paint, but that's just because she's a really good artist.
She doesn't look embarrassed at all because she's very confident in her artistic abilities, and rightfully so.

Attached: yes, even the hat is paint.png (354x676, 11K)

Neptune fishing from a pier and catching godzilla.

Attached: 38.jpg (1679x2382, 545K)

Requesting a cute as fuck drawing of Claire wearing Chris' oversized air force jacket.

Attached: chris nii-san.jpg (1458x1833, 1.06M)

Kill yourself

t. nazifag

>Posted soon after nazifag posts his vulture request
>broken english
uh huh

requesting livestreamed gangbang

Attached: 1550529366051.png (700x1370, 813K)

Attached: 1548708385744.jpg (442x460, 46K)

Are nazifag & abusefag the same guy? I am sensing a pattern here...

This is what I'm talking about when I speak how sad it is the shitposters ruins the threads with lies.
Nazifag isn't even that bad, you can just ignore him if you don't like what he posts instaed of making a big deal. Not all his requests are nazis stuff, there's sabbath requests and bikini requests which are not in any way anti semitic.



t. nazifag AGAIN

ok nazifag

Go away. We don't want you around.

Bridget reminding you to always update the booru. we need more meta requests

Attached: Bridget.png (761x899, 671K)

Requesting Bayonetta wearing the Chernobog umbran elegance using space pirate rush on Jeanne wearing the galactic bounty hunter costume.

Attached: Bayonetta Request.png (1920x1080, 2.81M)

You are so fucking transparent it hurts and you don't even realize it.

Cute girl
Meta would be fine but not of the shitpost kind (which most meta requests here are)

That explains everything. Never seen anybody gaslight as much, or as hard, as nazifag, abusefag. Why hasn't he been banned yet? He got banned off of Yea Forums 3 days ago or so!

How do I draw straight lines? Mine are all squiggly? Should I try adobe illustrator, or make my canvas 5000x5000?

>Nazifag isn't even that bad

Attached: 1456618642423.gif (346x261, 1.49M)

bruh, don't reply to him. That troll already did a good job ruining that someone wants draw any persona 5 request.

He is done with Etna, and now he is going for Shantae. This guy is just ruining these threads with his autsitic war.

We still having a few weapons against him:
He is spamming and posting off-topic shit. You already know what do.

he gets banned all the time but evades

post art sample.

Are you using your drawing buttplug?

>replying to yourself
You are actually pathetic.

You know that you replied to HIM right?

I lurk Yea Forums the most, I know all too well his habit of ban evasion. Looks like my prayers have been answered though. He got a mint condition copy of DAS BOOT once again!

Requesting Elizabeth from Persona 3 as Rhodesian soldier.

Attached: White genocide.jpg (3556x1248, 1010K)

Not doing yourself any favors.

Why did they remove the "Ban Evasion" reason on report forms?
It's not like anyone else posts this shit.

Dude seriously, how old are you, being a fucking kid must be the only way to explain why are you this stupid

Why do drawthread always turn to shit eventually

Requesting a draw of Bea as a big-butt wide-hipped loli with nice thighs

Attached: Bea.png (480x400, 234K)

I feel like I recognise you from somewhere

because faggots idolize shitty porn

What's the deal with Rhodesia again? Never looked into it.

Its not the requests or the drawings. I'll give ya a hint

Attached: meta shit.png (999x976, 341K)

Look at the filename

Africans killing whites?


What do you mean?

Any drawing of Elizabeth wearing short shorts it's a good drawing.

Are you implying that white people can't be africans?
Have you ever hear about Afrikaners?


Attached: 1496357382592.jpg (1125x850, 610K)

Requesting Magilou from Tales of Berseria scaring random kids, perhaps during Halloween or something.

Attached: Magilou_Artwork.png (416x643, 234K)

The mayor for life Pink does not believe that the state is the supreme institution of a nation, but the executive is.

Attached: 1505415561815.png (977x862, 332K)

Requesting Miu Iruma from Danganronpa riding a motorcycle, possibly wearing a biker's outfit. Robot arms not necessary.

Attached: Miu_Iruma.png (900x900, 693K)

Requesting a hairstyle chart of Lana.

Attached: Lana chart.png (1372x906, 255K)

No I'm using a mouse. I have an ipad pro on the way, though. That might be fun to draw on.

Attached: Untitled-7.png (646x627, 148K)

>What do you mean?
What's Rhodesia's history, the tl;dr
>Are you implying that white people can't be africans?
sub saharan Africans sure can't.

Requesting Pearl after fusing with a demon in her quest for power and chaos.

Jiminez, Akira, and Demi-fiend on the bottom as general references for half-demons.

Attached: WORLD OF STR.jpg (907x1498, 348K)


>Ctrl + F
>Search: nazifag
>1 of 11 results

Guys, if this shit isn't spamming/flooding, then I have no idea what the fuck is this shit.

Calling people with that nickname can be considered as avatarfagging?

>using a mouse

There's you problem son.
You can use vectors, or a special brush to emulate a drawing on tablet.

Attached: 1559758995949.jpg (482x500, 53K)

Woah son, are you retarded?

Requesting Himiko Yumeno from Danganronpa wearing sunglasses and doing finger guns.

Attached: Himiko_Yumeno_Illustration.png (1200x1200, 1.59M)

Requesting Manfred von Karma from Ace Attorney dressed as a soldier/general, or as a scientist, preferably with his cane in either case.

Attached: Manfred.png (648x1539, 1.02M)

Lancelot wearing nothing but a fundoshi(loincloth)

Attached: Npc_zoom_3040023000_01.png (960x800, 106K)

Miriam cooking food and wearing an apron too because of the cooking system in Bloodstained.

Attached: Miriam Bloodstained.png (700x394, 608K)

You’re doing FE x Pokemon crossovers? Nice! Can you do Minerva riding on Charizard?


You called nigga?

Attached: 600px-384Rayquaza.png (600x600, 218K)

Was the Majima dressed as Dhurke sketch/piece ever finished? I only see the first rough sketch or something on the booru.

Drew this last night

Attached: SoniaRSZ (2).jpg (989x1319, 361K)

I'm sure the OR will love it!


I'm tired of meme character requests and meme characters posts.

Requesting pic related in a black strapless bikini

Attached: E4C37FFE-E0E4-4BE7-A02E-39D5A8C8319B.png (623x1285, 359K)

Requesting the poster to "Brother Where Art Thou" redrawn to say "Mark Where Art Thou" and different Lyns in place of the characters

Attached: mark where art thou.jpg (700x445, 302K)

Mephistopheles doing cocaine or meth and either shouting from a hard but good hit or seriously tweeking out, think of

Attached: Mephistopheles .png (605x749, 554K)

Requesting this tank commander Elizabeth(Persona 3)sitting on the cannon of a tank in this lewd way please(more details into the picture)

Here you can see a 3D model of this tank in case you need more references:

If you don't want draw the whole tank, then just draw a 88 mm PzGr. 39 round instead the cannon. I just want see her rubbing something on her crotch.

Please and thanks!

Attached: puffy vulva.jpg (2548x1832, 1.05M)

This dude.

Attached: 1558499554169.jpg (800x776, 283K)

Hope you like this user

Attached: enraenra belly dancer.png (2000x2000, 653K)

the ass was fat

A quick update to the "Official Delivery Album"!

So nice to see so many different styles together, thank you.


Requesting Futaba Sakura from Persona 5 as a boxer, with the traditional punching gloves, and possibly some sort of hoodie.

Attached: P5_Futaba_Sakura.png (320x816, 252K)

This is off topic my fellow niggeroach!

requestign any persona 5 twin dressed up as this semen demon

Attached: 1493720253885.jpg (2000x3385, 1.04M)

Seeing this drawing fills me up with
Her hair came out especially nice and wavy. Makes me wish I got a lap dance from her. Thank you!


Attached: 590991289482.png (2244x1235, 2.59M)


Attached: 1518323058679.jpg (2480x2453, 2.05M)

FUCK chaosfags
If they win they’ll send us back years

Well glad you like it user!
Damn striaght



You can't beat the Japanese. They have a focused autism no other demographic can hope to match.

imagine siding with anarchy

Attached: lyn_photo_crush_1.jpg (1240x1753, 288K)

>still relying on gods and demons instead of embracing neutrality

Attached: 61715175_p2.png (1000x1000, 1.42M)

>Not wanting total freedom
>Not being a complete chad and doing whatever you want

Attached: 1436086619866.png (500x375, 198K)

We don't have a neutral option in this splatfest, unfortunately



Attached: Neutral.jpg (480x360, 11K)

Attached: KatanaZero_MP.png (600x600, 34K)

Go away, Abusefag

Requesting Whatshername bored and filing her nails, with a focus on the booty.

Attached: jim.png (1350x1644, 1.3M)

good shit

I want to play Sue's game now.

I highly doubt it, unless you mean you recognize me from these threads.
The only other place I post stuff is twitter, but no one follows me there

Attached: These can be painted on too.png (542x819, 21K)

>Roy's game
It's fun, don't let people tell you otherwise.

Requestan cute Paula

Attached: Polestar.png (514x477, 113K)



Attached: 1525982237625.png (382x382, 128K)

Requesting Cirno delivering THE FINAL BLOW

Attached: request #9.png (602x596, 296K)

Attached: Veronia Defense Up.png (1770x1250, 875K)

Cute fairy


>no pants

Not OR but Good shit

Attached: C240A886-0EC0-4309-BA93-EA797C7A2472.jpg (536x481, 76K)

Fuck off avatarfag



Smiling at the viewer without her glasses on.

Attached: Witch.png (1227x720, 1.21M)

>without her glasses on.
You lost me.

Attached: 1492157109189[1].png (500x281, 92K)

OR here. Thanks, you did great job!

Back to work on The Wonderful 102, you

I was gonna just post this exact image. Thank you blessed user.

I'd like to request this with Eldridge and South Dakota

Attached: vanillachocolate.png (948x2576, 2.27M)

No, too gaY

Requesting poor little hylian

Attached: new pet.jpg (2424x1676, 2.08M)

this looks like Asian Karl Pilkington

(a) Stop blogposting
(b) stop spamming your imgur album
(c) stop shilling your OC character by spamming your imgur album

Draw naughty face Lightning flashing her belly piercing

Attached: Eclair.png (311x416, 269K)

Any request for a girl with a big butt?

Attached: filia big boobers sfw edit.png (2000x2000, 601K)

Attached: 73725731_p0.png (540x780, 126K)

Not gay at all


Her getting her bare ass massaged

Attached: Skyla.jpg (500x647, 30K)

Requesting Beastmaster Raha kidnapping a human for mating purposes.

Attached: beast-master-raha.jpg (1000x1159, 177K)

No pants, like this

Attached: 5Volt(WWG)0.png (505x1335, 404K)


I have been delivering for these threads for nearly 9 months and I still don't know what qualifies as a "mishafag". There's only constant screeching of policefaga. Heck, most of the requests listed in his imgur are not even posted any more.

>if i reply to a 7 hour old post to defend mishafag and cry about policefags it won't look obvious at all

t. singapore

I want to draw something cute with touhous. Can I get some ideas? I know nothing about them.

Fug it I'll draw something with the witch

If Filia got the tits give Fukua the ass

Attached: sprite-fukua-skullgirls-03.jpg (630x750, 88K)

Requesting a back view of Hinoka with a big butt that's hanging out from her outfit like in the reference

Attached: FEHinoka.png (2048x1300, 2.63M)

Marisa is best Touhou. Please draw something with her. She is a thief and lies a lot, but is also a hard worker and straightforward (despite lying a lot). She also likes mushrooms and is kinda short.

Attached: Th17Marisa.png (1038x1061, 632K)

Kyrie bending over looking for a book or something, with the implication that Nero's leering at her ass

Attached: kyrie.jpg (1920x2624, 811K)

>if I push a bogeyman hard enough people will believe me


If every thing you have been doing is a very elaborated plan at reverse-psychology to drive drawfags into actually delivering for the "spammers", then let me tell you that you're succeeding.

Request from a prompt a few threads ago.

Also, please give me requests, I need to keep myself busy since these threads are probably going to vanish during E3.

Attached: Thumb.png (250x250, 61K)

Honestly I don't even understand why he does it. It's never even subtle it's always "YEAH WELL MISHAFAG ISNT EVEN A BAD GUY I CANT EVEN TELL WHO HE IS (even after he's been banned like a dozen times) ALSO FUCK POLICEFAG"

Same outfit on Seraphina?

edna disgusted panty flash

Attached: edna.jpg (579x943, 128K)

What kind of requests?

Requesting some coloring.

Character reference:

Please and thanks!

Tharja, but without her bodysuit

Attached: file.png (411x891, 303K)

Io from Code Vein wearing gothic lolita lingerie

Requesting a black mask Akechi with a Corviknight

Attached: akechi w corviknight.png (279x181, 61K)

nice etna

Cute and funny requests.

This is all you need to know.

Attached: __alice_margatroid_cirno_daiyousei_flandre_scarlet_fujiwara_no_mokou_and_others_touhou_drawn_by_spac (850x850, 137K)

even the last two digits are the same

Requesting Rosemon's boobs being groped and played with by user, possibly exposing a nip too in the process

Attached: Rosemon.png (1427x792, 1.47M)

Wakasagihime caught in a net of tuna.

Attached: Th14Wakasagihime.png (372x471, 123K)

Cirno as a gangster

That's pretty cool

Wriggle nightbug crushing a billiard ball like a rock

Attached: __wriggle_nightbug_touhou_drawn_by_space_jin__89ac02f8fd5a99aa10228d41e3f0c440.jpg (439x800, 48K)

You're not subtle either. Its telling when you speak in the third person.

I do not like the implications of this request

That is a really nicely done Etna, great work on it.. Probably won't get it done but requesting Carrie from Castlevania in just the shawl and leggings, or just white undershirt and leggings.

Attached: Carrie.Fernandez.full.236049[1].jpg (767x1031, 161K)

Hope they get in the PS4 game

I do not like the implications of your post

But her ranking is low.

Do you even know what is that chart about?

Mokou using aerosol cans to start fires.

Patchouli knowledge having an asthma attack as she tries to work off her pudge

Ball busting skil and enjoyment. She is alright but clearly dislikes it.

The boogeymen are still gonna be drawn, so your whining is empty

Not him, but I have no idea. Do enlighten me.


Attached: 51deWQPjN+L.jpg (465x500, 33K)


I think I remember seeing someone request this outfit...
Very nice Etna user, not OR, but fucking saved.

Politely requesting this flat loli Clavat (left) wearing the outfit of the Selkie (right).

Attached: Clavat-Selkie.png (776x513, 373K)

Well if there's anyone posting in the third person it's definitely you.

And I'm fine with your delusions. Still need to take your meds you psychopath.

Requesting any WoW character imitating Uncle Ruckus and singing "Don't trust them new nagas over there!" :

Alternatively, requesting Illidan asking why he can't use the word "Naga", like in this video:

Attached: MTS_XionsHeart-1619270-Naga_female_and_male.jpg (719x581, 34K)

I dunno why you dumbasses post it in Japanese when it's translated.

Attached: 1552313436597.png (2000x2000, 1.08M) touhou space_jin

Alright, I'll see what I can do.I was expecting more people to request cirno or the one that looks like a shrine maiden. They have neat designs

>forgot he was quoting his own post in the middle of agreeing with himself and ends up arguing with himself instead
>says other people have brain problems

Attached: 1346482758587.jpg (114x180, 7K)

Someone request something cute for me to draw to help me with crippling depression

Post art

You win this round police-chan. I'm still gonna spam to my hearts content

Attached: 0F4C46C5-41D8-419C-9041-1557F7959188.png (1799x1888, 2.5M)


Attached: i drew.jpg (1668x2048, 180K)

No way nerd.
get dunked on

Attached: __jougasaki_rika_ninomiya_asuka_and_shirasaka_koume_idolmaster_cinderella_girls_starlight_stage_and_ (1280x824, 1.34M)

A wooloo grazing

Attached: pokemon-wooloo.jpg (521x514, 28K)

I like your art, Mellie! Cheer up!
I'm not really a requester, though.

Nia as a Nekomancer please.

Attached: nia ref.png (1600x1200, 1.37M)

Cute best girl (that’s not asuka)

Zakuro learning french. DO IT

Attached: 1544353272366.jpg (349x380, 58K)

Draw Koishi. She was able to escape her depression.

Attached: 03e7ee9ac8eaa6aae99362e96179404e.jpg (960x720, 121K)


She also became autism incarnate

Is she, dare I say it, our 2hu?

Hot damn, thank you so much! I love the conveniently placed suspenders and her pose!

Requesting Marina as an Octo-Supremacist fringe leader.

Attached: Octavio will play again.jpg (1980x1650, 1.26M)

inb4 nazifag shit

did you have an outfit you wanted fukua in or are you fine with her just in her underwear?

Her in underwear is fine if she gets to keep the skirt that would be cool

please no. I just want cute marina in armor looking looking cool and tough.

Threads are dying, looks like we'll have to resort to "that"

Not b#### Aigis again?

You mean "that"!?

No, you don't mean "that", right?

Attached: 1554929685699.png (506x487, 217K)

You're right user I'll go get the funnel

mayo time?

I knew the twist to Detective Pikachu, but I still wasn't expecting THAT since they played fast and loose with the flashbacks.


because it works

Attached: HeartGold_SoulSilver_Lyra.png (610x1280, 473K)

Requesting Boomer Dante and Boomer Simon Belmont drinking some monster energy drink.

Of course

Attached: pikachu.jpg (850x657, 162K)

Requesting plump 春丽

Attached: ChunAlpha.png (1479x1488, 2.45M)

I'm gonna say the A word.
Art trade.

I actually haven't seen the movie so I have no idea what THAT is.

It's a good movie. Catch a matinee if you can.

Dammit, I was interested until I read mayo. Different guy.

Lyra's into lots of weird stuff. She calls you at 3 AM to tell you her marrill smells like a dust mop. So draw her as an S

Attached: s or m.jpg (197x247, 22K)

She's one of my favorite pokegirls, who does she get so little attention?

Attached: 1558033948111.gif (314x176, 2.23M)

BDF’s wife?

Requesting Mileena at a slut walk

Attached: 1508286226072.png (1920x2080, 1.54M)

>Lyra's into lots of weird stuff.
I guess expecting moderate request with her would be rare then. Oh wells.

Requesting Eizen from Tales of Berseria trying to jackhammer through a dungeon floor.

Attached: Eizen_Artwork.jpg (1080x1573, 200K)

Attached: 8BC9C021-69F0-4DEC-B62F-29C117077C6A.png (1569x2004, 1.17M)

requesting eizen jackhamering his sister's butt



Attached: gnh221.jpg (477x587, 150K)

Requesting Tina eating BIG burger

Attached: DOA Tina.png (1716x966, 1.63M)

Requesting Glowworm doing a rocket headbutt like Luigi in Smash Bros, ie could be hitting the "Commander" from the back

Attached: Glowworm.png (971x1024, 730K)



Ado in a Jambastion Mage outfit.

Hey buddy I think you got the wrong door, the leather club's two blocks down.

New thread

Imagine -that- Aigis dancing like this?

Justice sucks.

Favorite Deliveries Time!

Attached: 1525592759405.jpg (1339x1522, 600K)

I dreamt of Lunatic

Attached: Yukatan titties.png (1474x2400, 1.4M)

Shantae is cute and I want to hold hands with her.

Attached: 1541392106641.png (574x798, 9K)

Attached: 84858892a6ffbd4afcb17a5de9552402d8ca5b3a.jpg (1082x1788, 585K)

Attached: Drooling.png (350x334, 76K)