ITT Yea Forums tries to make better Cyberpunk 2077 cover

ITT Yea Forums tries to make better Cyberpunk 2077 cover.
There's template

Attached: template.jpg (716x981, 221K)

Other urls found in this thread:

who cares about the fucking box art, it's little more than a .jpg that does absolutely nothing

>add blue and purple gradient
>receive a standing ovation from the underaged zoomer crowd

Attached: cyberpunk.jpg (500x685, 88K)

I've put a lot of effort in this one

Attached: 1559992666821.jpg (716x981, 231K)



Attached: Soy+boy+grin_f35656_6529216.jpg (1200x1696, 548K)


Daammn thatnk you so much my beautiful prince. TTHIS IS WHAT WE NEEDED YES YES YES YE S A THOUSAND TIMES YES

Give me that purple neon goodness in my CYBERPUNK VIDEO GAME ahhhhhhhhhh CUMMING AGAAAAAAAAAIINNN

Actual kino.

Thanks Doc


Attached: cyberpunk.png (716x981, 318K)

thanks doc

Why did I move here? I guess it was the weather... that or... that thing... that magic.

Attached: cyberpunk2.jpg (1400x700, 56K)

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Attached: 1.jpg (800x988, 673K)

Unironically better

I think it's better with yellow title

Attached: cyberpunk2.jpg (500x685, 89K)

okay, now I unironically want this to be a cover

Nothing's wrong with it
He's hot

>here's your cyberpunk bruh

Attached: CBP.jpg (716x981, 217K)

Good cover.

why didn't they go with some official art?

Attached: 1528388446818.jpg (710x1000, 282K)


Because they want zoomers and normies to buy the game as well

10/10 would buy

This looks unironically high quality. Just needs some touch ups also it's controversial enough to generate more sales, I love it

I will now buy your game

If it came out 25 years ago that would be the cover. And it would be awesome.

Attached: triggering v.png (716x981, 961K)

Main issues? Sky high 40% suicide rate and more people living with STDs than anywhere else


Loool, trans people bad haha xD :P



at least you know, and knowing is half the battle

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This but unironically.

Fucking Bladerunner babies

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I know man, I don't know why these "people" we constantly attack and tell to kill themselves have a higher suicide rate; must be their fault for being so attack-able

>it has an 18+ rating
Never noticed that.

Attached: mite b cool.jpg (500x384, 60K)

Gracias Doc

Oh yeah? Then explain how straight white men, the most persecuted group on the planet, still have lower suicide rates than trans girls.

Attached: cyberpunk-bootleg.png (420x600, 492K)

You suck ass and you know it

>straight white men
>the most persecuted group on the planet

Attached: ZHmHih5.png (441x302, 58K)


>ass visible in cover

Attached: tenor.gif (220x211, 35K)


blue and orange.

Attached: epic color scheme.png (689x1034, 1.24M)

Attached: cp2077 bootleg cover.png (1000x1397, 1.17M)

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>tfw fanmade thing was better

Attached: JUST.jpg (740x1098, 93K)


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Btfo. The only argument you'll have is that most of the most powerful people in the world are straight white male. But that's only because we stfu and keep working towards our goals instead of playing victims and settling for mediocrity.

even if you're transphobic you would still have to concede that there are women to men trans people aswell. So the term would still be accurate

>I know man, I don't know why these "people" we constantly attack and tell to kill themselves have a higher suicide rate; must be their fault for being so attack-able

These '''''people'''' are so mentally ill that they mutilate their penises so let's not kid ourselves here.

Thats why he made it for xbox

>everyone who disagrees with me aren't white

you still haven't given an argument for whites being the most persecuted, go back to pol

But they are subhumans


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Attached: Cyberpunk2077.jpg (453x580, 222K)


looks way too busy.

T. ranny

Good ass cover


so if they are very mentally ill; you think the best idea is to constantly attack them and tell them to kill themselves? do you do this to people with bi-polar or schizophrenia?

I honestly want to know why you think this one mental illness deserves to be treated even worse if they clearly are already in a great deal of pain

>Oh yeah? Then explain how straight white men still have two to three times higher suicide rates than Blacks, Latinos and women.




Attached: 1559983053746.jpg (900x1200, 279K)

Read up gender dysphoria you fucking numb skull. People don't do it because they think it'll magically solve their problems, dysphoria is a disease the same way depression is. Calling it anything else is retarded but you're nothing but a heartless cunt if you genuinely think some of these aren't people suffering through problems they have no choice over.

More importantly, how have you supported Yellow today ?

Attached: cyber-yellow-color-paint-code-swatch-chart-rgb-html-hex.png (1055x500, 15K)

Watching to prepare myself for true Burgerpunk 2077 California experience.

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The other anons were the one disagreeing with the first statement. I gave my opinion, prove me wrong.

You can say water's not wet all you want, it's not for the person stating the obvious to prove his case.

That's not too bad actually

Traced akira art

interesting, red is pegi 18 after all

>i don't have to prove anything because it's obvious!!!
The burden of proof is always on you if you're presenting an argument/making a claim, so prove that whites are the most persecuted group on the planet. Can't take you too long to google some statistics can it?

>my opinion is so right that burder of proof doesn't apply to me

nobody likes the police

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I was going to get this game but apparently despite me doing everything to max out what my motherboard can handle, my computer can't play it.

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you're on the good way, keep up.

>Read up gender dysphoria
Yes and it's the main reason trannies kill themselves not because they are oppressed.

They look at themselves in the mirror and notice the broad shoulders, large hands, five o clock shadow and shallow hips. They realize that they will never truly be who they feel they are regardless of how society sees them.

It's sad. I only hate the aggressive ones who attack normal people who don't give them special attention.

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bland. could use more colors.

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I didn't present the claim though, only supported it. It's also useless to argue with someone like you moving the goal posts as it was never any mention that it was meant for the whole planet, it's an extensive argument to get into and you're also visibly salty as demonstrated by your passive aggressive response.

Just pretend you won an Internet argument and move on.

holy kino 10/10

One i made

Attached: cyber.png (464x600, 439K)

It wasn't my statement to begin with, I supported it though. Too bad we're not on tumblr.

>Yes and it's the main reason trannies kill themselves not because they are oppressed.
Treating them like freaks and "subhumans" is easily a contributor though. I don't agree with the trans movement because it's ridiculous to glorify a mental illness when these people should genuinely be seeking therapy.

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>Getting so BTFO you have to pretend you're a different person to try and save some face
Absolutely pathetic

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Just fuckoff back to resetera. You don't belong here.

captain incel over here distributing black pills while maintaining he's part of the world elite because he's a pasty babydick
>But that's only because we stfu
if only
> and keep working towards our goals
what goal are you working on, how many showers you can skip over before you physically fuse to your chair?
>instead of playing victims
b-but white people are the most prosecuted..
>settling for mediocrity.
remember to take some people down with you when you do finally snap you turbosperg

Attached: 1457278604864.jpg (448x498, 63K)

But it doesn't apply only to their specific groups yet they act like their jews in the holocaust for some reasons. Nerds, Dorks Neckbeards in fedoras are also treated like freaks and subhumans by normies. Everybody gets shit it's just that some people are too weak to endure and grow from it.

Why does he have to "go back" to resetera? That's a pretty rational argument

can you faggots stop arguing about tranny shit? OP says make better covers

Can't deny it's all truth ...

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Even though everyone does get shit on it doesn't mean it can't hurt. Especially considering people with dysphoria usually are already incredibly mentally vulnerable, it doesn't help at all. I wish people weren't pushing the trans movement as something to be "proud" of, these people need help, and help doesn't instantly come from you chopping your dick off.

Attached: sunpunk but good.png (550x700, 534K)

>running away this blatantly
Based oppressed user

Doing so much projecting must be some kind of super power at this point. Godspeed, user. You tell him.

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t. Dicklet

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Based Blamebro

Because he's an annoying faggot telling people not to insult others on a Tibetan cloud-watching post-it note bulletin board because it might hurt feelings. Like we give a fuck. He can go be limpwristed somewhere else

not punk enough

if you needed any more proof these trannies and sjw faggots are mentally ill

looks like a VN cyberpunk game made by some indie weeb developer

Thing most people preventing them from getting help are the very same lefties saying they shouldn't be persecuted.

Getting shit on is a social mechanism that existed in our species for tens of thousands of years. It's meant to nudge people that are falling out of the social construct back into being successful part of the group. The only way to prevent this "bullying" is by "bullying" the bullies. It's hypocritical and pointless.

Attached: Z.jpg (187x269, 14K)

If this was the cover I'd have a lot more faith in the game.

>Treating them like freaks and "subhumans" is easily a contributor though
This only happens online when trannies attention whore. In real life they likely rarely gets harassed.

And no, these people lie about harassment all the time. Or imagine it, see the second half of this:

It's not related to trannies but some of the ideas apply.

Attached: fascism.jpg (620x497, 85K)

>>Yea Forums
here's a board where you can derail threads by regurgitating whatever your alt-right e-celeb idols have to say you insufferable summerposting assfuck


yes videogames
tranny discussion isn't videogames
go complain to also learn how to direct to other boards you fucking newfag

>>Yea Forums
>tranny discussion isn't videogames
then quit discussing trannies you dumb cunt

This looks pretty damn good user

you haven't given any argument for trannies not being subhuman monstrosities. BTFO, bye sweaty.

No shit, that's the point.

Attached: 1502207075584.jpg (900x675, 181K)

Personally I'd still remove the characters from this and leave only the cityscape.

And? It looks good.

Thanks, When the game comes out i will make a higher res version for people to use as a cover

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Mentally ill retards that mutilate themselves and spend rest of their lives spewing shit on twitter so corps relying on big data think they are half of the world?
Not sure what kind of bad. Evil bad or just bad at life.
Enjoy your suicide.

are you even trying ?

Attached: bait.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

Why is the protagonist called V out of all things? Even for one letter names it's one of the lamest sounding.

>thread is about video games
>instantly devolves into tranny talk because Yea Forums is a bunch of hedonistic perverts that masturabte to traps and then feel guilty about it afterwards

Seek serious help

Attached: 2.jpg (600x536, 81K)

He doesn't know.

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maybe he hates the sun

Cool, could you reply to all the covers you've made in this thread? I wanna check out your work, since you're so persecuted as a group and totally not just slinging shit in this thread...

Attached: article-0-18BA455F000005DC-144_634x453.jpg (634x453, 86K)


Danke Herr Doktor

Fuck I want to know!

Information comes with a price kid

trannies and shitskins don't understand proportions or statistics

It is an artistic statement from CDPR. It is meant to be the face of their game. The fact they are proud of it despite it looking like shit should be supremely concerning.

Attached: 1549348728522.jpg (960x720, 160K)

>t. failed suicidal white male

shitskins be like "100% of suicides in japan are done by asians"

That white male suicide statistic includes the trannies.

Hopefully other people like it though

trannies make up less than 0.06% of the population. Are you retarded?

Fuck you. A good box art can do a lot.

Yeah and the polling group for the statistic was about 40% trannies.


you sure seem to be projecting pretty hard there, user. You want to talk about it?

citation required

>That white male suicide statistic includes the trannies.
Except it doesn't, since they identify as females and they literally make up a tiny fraction of the US population.
Swing and miss, wh*Tey.

>so corps relying on big data think they are half of the world

You are very smart if you think that corporations get their demographic statistics from individuals posting on Twitter.

i'm not the one so obsessed with trannies that they talk about them in every single video game thread user. They're living in your head rent free.

go to fucking Yea Forums or /pol/ if you want to talk about trannies. This is the VIDEO GAME board.

79.99 USD or 59.99 USD for standard

Cool but way too creative for modern box art

>Except it doesn't, since they identify as females
Nobody cares what they believe themselves to be, they're males who tried to kill themselves, that's all that was needed.

Can't wait for the hermaphrodite nude mod.

Not that kind of price ;)

not him but hes right. they are not counted among male suicide statistics and it doesnt matter how angry this makes you.

>unga me big mathematics
>this study here... durrr.. tranny 40% suicide rate i saw it in dat pic wid da frog
>dis mean dat despite being 0.6% of le population da trannies are the ones bloating these wh*te male bunga rates

it's good

but trannies literally insert themselves into everything videogame related....?

It's Judge Dredd, retards. Keep trying.

shitskin trannies on suicide watch ITT

I think this is pretty good

Attached: Cyberpunk Cover 1.jpg (720x981, 159K)

user, this will be an option from the start.

Attached: Illustration2.png (723x718, 70K)

>too stupid to realise i'm making a point of how utterly useless and inaccurate polls are

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show me a single thread on Yea Forums where trannies are injecting themselves into video games. Its you fuckers, every single time. You are obsessed with them. Its fucking sad and you probably dont even realize just how sad it is that you think about them so often.

>doesn't understand that 1.6% is still a chance

Attached: 1559992666821.jpg (715x981, 381K)

>poltiical propaganda
>polled and verified statistic
>your only argument is literally that trannies are driving up the white male suicide rates despite being less than 1% of the total US population
you are a mouthbreathing 80 IQ ape with air between his ears.


Nice reading comprehension, bud.

>Nerds, Dorks Neckbeards in fedoras are also treated like freaks and subhumans by normies
So gamers are the real oppressed ones? Unironically?
Trannies are killed at many times the rate that normal people are, so it's pretty obvious they are more persecuted than dorks.

>make characters with only one personality trait: being trans
>gee I wonder why people don't like them, probably they're just transphobic

Attached: Krem.png (352x417, 287K)

شكراً Dr.

God damn, can't even make one joke without someone demanding statistics

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And they break the lore of a race



fixed it

Attached: yellow.jpg (702x948, 179K)

>1 video game from 4 years ago
>Yea Forums is still obsessed

It actually kek.

Attached: vxSV49l.jpg (900x1111, 464K)

It's pegi 18 NA user

it's only one example to prove my point, I could keep showing other examples of forced diversity
it's not about trans people bad straight males good, it's about forcing bland one-dimensional characters because someone on twitter will cry if you won't put any trannies in your game/movie


Only good one

so despite being less than 0.06% of the population, they make up over 50% of the janitors?



Covers are a form of marketing, you should never want a shit cover

Because the actual game looks nothing like that and is a soulless GTA clone.

woah, so deep dude

but CDPR will still stay with "man with a gun" cover design just becase they want to make money
if I recall correctly, bioshock infinite's first cover design looked entirely different and they still went for man with a gun
because it attracts larger audience and they're aiming for larger audience, not a bunch of autists from Yea Forums

what do you mean? they still haven't shown the original boxart


I think its decent and aesthetic cover, not too much shit on it. Covers are designed for the biggest casuals and mainstream viewers possible, who don't even following video games on social media, who are buying video games for their kid or as a gift etc... cover like this will stand out on story shelves, and thats what matters for the marketing team.

Because its a GTA V clone. Hence the V.

That looks like pure generic garbage

there are 0 similarites between CP2077 and GTA V, not even TPP, not the same genre, gameplay completely different, mission structure completely different.

Thanks doc

holy crap! it's a reference to Other Cyberpunk Thing! that's so EPIC!

Attached: soy.png (323x570, 214K)

Fucking based. user doing a better job than the CDPRtrannies.

Attached: 4133_xbox-one-prev.jpg (436x566, 91K)

Keep baiting me bitch
Witcher 3 was goty etc.


Where's Rockstar's logo?

Reminder, they didn't demo straight male V.

They can't get a simple box art right, imagine how the full game will be...

Wish I could go back

Attached: punk.jpg (2560x1600, 570K)

>t. buttblasted CDPRdrone

Attached: pokemon-yellow-version.jpg (898x890, 284K)

>it's not bladerunner guys
>this cover
Holy yikes

Attached: 58.jpg (350x452, 66K)

>They scrapped the real game and left us with this sunny shit heap instead
Just another reminder to never get excited for anything.

Attached: 1525298283662.jpg (1556x811, 293K)

>seething shill

show more examples then


Attached: Untitled.jpg (470x598, 122K)

based smooth brain.




Lmao CDPR wishes they could make iconic artwork like that

What exactly is a "human feces incident"

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>Yea Forums actually did it

Fucking hell

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B A S E D and neonpilled

jesus if they realy need a >MC holding a sword/gun and facing the camera they could at least give a cool background showing the world a bit and not this blank shit like with witcher 3 again


Attached: 66.jpg (1119x1484, 645K)

Aeon flux game when?


Attached: CyberBoxart.png (716x981, 636K)

Damn that's good. Logo should be yellow though.

Shitting in the streets

"We don't want to make a grimy sci-fi action shooter with vehicles, a cyberpunk veneer, and an aesthetic that doesn’t actually translate into anything especially interesting in-game besides the odd augment. We're not going to fall back on the term Cyberpunk and create something completely different, this is the original Cyberpunk." -CDPR IGN 2013

using complementary colors is not a new concept and is basic design theory shit
nothing wrong with that



You can't beat the masterpiece.

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Reminds me of pic related

Attached: 45435.jpg (220x305, 23K)

I would play the fuck out of this

wtf he's a cyclops in the thumbnail

Attached: Capture.jpg (244x266, 12K)

that's actually better

Attached: Cover.jpg (900x1400, 446K)

>absolutely disgusting 80's "art" you would see on an eastern european theme park ride

based would buy

Only good one ITT

Best one itt


I like the perspective this one is from

This ones pretty good too

good one

I've probably overdone it now. But yeah, anything is better than the real cover, if that turns out to be the case.

I REALLY like this one's sideways logo and red thingies below it

Attached: Cover.png (791x1142, 3.45M)

This could take off as the "real" cover to gain attention of the outragers.

k, last one.

Attached: Cover2.png (791x1142, 3.45M)

Fucking yikes my dudes

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Attached: temp.jpg (716x981, 552K)


I know right?

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Post your estimated speedrun time.

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>Why did i came here? I guess it was the bowling

Gay AND Soulful?

It wasnt anything resembling a game at that point, you idiot

where is the template

Attached: 1543115175206.jpg (564x580, 83K)

Fucking nice.

cyberpunk looks like a shit gta with a 'future' filter put on. I'm sure some SJW nigger will ask you to punch a nazi in it or some in your face commie bullshit too.


there are literally commies getting killed in the trailer. how fucking dumb are you people?

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This thread proves that all of you are just idiots, complaining about "boring" cover art but can't even come up with a better version.
Congratz, you played yourself Yea Forums.

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Attached: cb2077.png (876x561, 890K)

>Ass-impacted sony fanfaggots choking on corporate dick and dying of AIDS in this very moment.

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trannies have more rights in the western world than men

omg i love it it's perfect fucking awesome i love it

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which book is this art from?

I hope you're joking.
This one is actually kino though.

Fucking hell it's perfect.

>all these newfags not getting the daily dose

Cyberpunk is a shit genre and that includes cuckrunner, kill yourselves trannies.

Arigato Doctor-San!

I bet you think steampunk is remotely decent.

That was fast.


>camera pans out
>puts on dress

Kino kurde.

Díky doktore

now this is epic

>white men, the most persecuted group on the planet
PWHAHAHAHAHAAHAH. Thanks for the laughs, amerimutt.

Attached: water12.jpg (332x408, 152K)

I'm amazed that a bunch of random internet people are able to turn out boxart that's so much better than the official stuff

>Other Cyberpunk Thing!
Retard falseflag.

Looks kinda crummy

Good eyes, I took the inspiration for the sideways logo from SS1's cover.

Attached: 15551704734.jpg (1080x1080, 273K)

Attached: Cyberpunk.jpg (1382x1360, 368K)

more polish cyberpunk

Attached: cp2077.jpg (1200x675, 389K)

Why the fuck did they put the CUSTOMIZABLE MAIN CHARACTER on the cover?

Who the fuck decided that PC releases needs to copy that retarded upper banner from console covers? Fucking stupid, old PC boxes were infinitely better.

Attached: 418-fallout-windows-front-cover.jpg (640x520, 62K)

Oh boy, you haven't seen what some hungarian publishers do to their pc game covers

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