Say whatever you want about this game, but the expedition missions are kino.
Say whatever you want about this game, but the expedition missions are kino
expound on the expedition missions, what goes on in them?
It's like assaulting an outpost except it's much bigger and you gotta retrieve some shit and escape. The locations are unique and pretty good. There's an aircraft carrier, a desolated theme park and other shit.
there's that word again
if i can run fc5 on high, can i run this?
Same engine and same assets.
I watched reviews. Ubishit has gotten so fucking lazy, that you're playing every mission, again, 3 times. But you're using a gold gun instead of a purple one this time.
I really liked New Dawn. Even though its only been a year since FC5, the game has a very nostalgic feeling to it as you revisit old run down areas that you used to frequent. Plus it was nice to finally resolve 5's plot by killing that fucker Joseph
Remember to turn off the damage numbers and health bars, its much more enjoyable without autistic number sims and just using what you like.
replaying missions is optional, you don't have to do that shit if you don't want to. its just for crafting materials
Far cry is a good game series (for now)
>Say whatever you want
It can be pretty based.
My personal problem with these games is that I have some sort of OCD to do every side mission and collect every collectable before progressing on any story missions.
this game is a swindle
Literally one of the biggest design complaints about older Far Cry games is a lack of incentive to clear outposts multiple times. So they designed the outposts so that you can clear them multiple times and they become more difficult each time. You start out fighting people with shotguns, and by the end you're fighting people with rocket launchers and full body armour.
I used to have this before the sandbox boom happened ~10 years ago and most of new single player games became sandboxes filled with absolutely ridiculous amount of collectible shit that does nothing. It all made me realize that I’m just pointlessly burning myself out with games before I get to even finish their story, so it’s better to just skip all of the run of the mill collectibles or generic sidequests, focusing on actual unique content.
What swindle? It was a $40 standalone expansion with a good 10-20 hours of content and some nice mechanical refinements in response to Far Cry 5. It's basically going to be the AC: Syndicate of Far Cry games. The next Far Cry will be a massive AC: Origins-esque revamp, and people will immediately start crying about how they miss the old design formula.
I was planning to use that money on pot
How much sjw special snowflake tier are the new far cry games? Last one I played was FC4 on the ps4, it was an ok game but it was drenched in ubisoft laziness.
Not sjw snowflake at all. 5 is as American as you can get, and the farthest New Dawn goes is having Carmina from 5 be in charge of the survivor outpost.
What exactly was "lazy" about Far Cry 4?
Can you only disable the visuals? Is there a way to remove/mod out all the RPG elements and just make it a regular shooter?
>pirate the new ass creed
>want to do this
>game cockblocks you and gives higher level enemies ridiculous scaling so you pretty much have to do all the mundane shit you come across to level up or be locked out of the actual game
They're onto us.
Yes you have total control over every UI element and can turn all the numbers off. Its all built in and you don't need to mod it. This is the only gameplay I have recorded of my UI, but I hope it helps
Shit I misread, no you can't turn off the RPG elements just the UI. Some enemies will take more damage than others and thats always determined by the body armor they're wearing. Bosses especially take alot of damage. However it does feel like a normal shooter if you turn those elements off.